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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1956)
j&aiem, .Oregon, inonuay, jjaewnoer, 0, Jaob Don 't Forget Hungary, Ike rs Theme, Human Rights Day . .1. k 1 . ;l.. "Tk. (mnnryl linnn Unn. By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH AUGUSTA, Ga. IB- President Eisenhower called on free people everywhere today Human Rights Day to take fresh note of Russian ruthlcssness and never forcet "what tyranny has done to our fellow man in Hungary." Soviet brutality there is cause for "worldwide mourning," for re actions of "horror and revulsion." the President said. He added that it almost completely repudiates the United Nations human rights declaration. Noting this is the eichlli anni versary of the declaration's adop tion by the U.N. General Assem bly, Eisenhower said in a state ment put out at his vacation hcad- ouarters at Augusta last night: "This year the free world has the most compelling reasons for observing human rights day with renewed awareness and resolu tion, but it has little cause to 'celebrate' that day. "The recent outbreak of brutali ty in Hungary has moved free peo ples everywhere to reactions of horror and revulsion. Our hearts are filled with sorrow. Our deep est sympathy goes out to the courageous, liberty-loving people of Hungary." In observance of the day, there were plans for midday tolling of church bells all over America and for prayers for the victims of Soviet oppression. Nice Big Tip The terror Imposed upon Hun gary," Kisenhower said in his statement, "repudiates and ne gates almost every article in the declaration of human rights." The President said of the Rus sian terrorism: It denies that men are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and that all should act in the spirit of brotherhood. 'It denies the right to life, lib erty and security of person. 'It denies the principle that no one shall be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. It denies that no person shall be arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled. 'It denies that all are equal be fore the law and entitled to its qual protection. It denies the right to fair and public hearings by an independent and impartial tribunal. 'It denies the right to freedom of thought, conscience and relig ion. 'It denies the right to freedom of opinion and expression. It denies the rignt to freedom of peaceful assembly. It denies that the individual may not be held in slavery or servitude. "It denies that the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government." ; ;;-; :"Tr)'' 1 -M?B ' SAN DIKGO, Calif. Mrs. Gerdn, Olson displays $1,000 she said she was given as tip for serving cafe customer a 10-cent cup of coffee. "I was never so surprised," said Mrs. Olson, waitress at her own colfee shop. She said sho knew the customer as "Mr. , Johnson." (AP Wlrepholo) Funeral Pending I ForJiifaiillttirned! WILLAMINA (Special) Funer.; al services are pending for Debra Ann Rainier, scven-m out h-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baintcr, who died Friday in a fire which destroyed the Baintcr home, 10 miles northwest on Willamina creek. The baby was in her crib on the second floor of the house, while her mother and two sisters were across the road visiting neighbors. Joe Klauck, who lives with the Baintcrs, was in the house at the time, and discovered the fire, but did not know the baby was in the house. Baintcr, a mill workers, was at his job at the time of the fire. Cause of the fire Is unknown, and by the time two fire trucks from the Willamina volunteer fire department could reach the home, it had burned to the ground. Aclor, Wife SciitiriiU HOLLYWOOD Iflu-Aclor David Brian snys he and his wife, Adrian Booth, agreed on a trial separa tion more than a month ago. i "I am not living at home Brian said yesterday. "Adrian and I reached a point were we thought the best thing to do was to be npnrt for a while. . i ." NEW LOW PRICE ONLY $339.95 J SAVE $50.00, REGULAR PRICE $389.95 a Don't Keep Looking f At What's Cooking... ! 8 I 1 'M' ELECTRIC V I j V OT WEAT THERMOMETER J I . f AUTOMATIC .. iTf-Ssi I OVEN-MINUTE i' V TIMER J i , -irc::: cairod surface ) i . '" ,rri Nrw Aiiti'tiiutu' g New Automatic Vw Aulouutii- Own ( ultoit N' 1l'tric g Sperd (irill Minnlr 'limrr Siirfiirr 1 nil Meal TlH'rummf Irr W Siaasstsowsa -,jf ir . . .' iMO UltiW j Money A & Ilk St f-J Down W i tffiUJyia,; Green 2 $rt Stamps ? i M 13( . V'.TV t'M t'M 1 1 IN. LUV(Vltm-lAL STORE HOURS: OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SATURDAY Kids! Santa Will Visit Our Store Monday Evening From 7 to 9 PM. With Free Candy.... New Penney Shirt Features 7-Point Contour lanoring! 2.98 I Penney's joins luxury Pima eot ton with exclusive new design f in an all-new Towncraft built ( for perpetual comfort and good grooming ... a. dress shirt built the way you arc! ' i MAIN FLOOK Sites I 14i to 17 FOR A FAVORITE FELLA WORSTED-LIKE PLAID3! ! You saw them In Life magazine . . . Towncraft rayon 'n ace tate plaids, woven 2-ply for a rich worsted-like feel. "Custom shop" tailored to the last de tail. Machine wash. MAIN FLOOR .98 sizes small, metl., large, extra large TTlWiY rftri STORE HOURS: Uny 1! ' FOR GIFTS WONDERFUL WAY BEYOND THEIR PRICE TAG! MM i lotDttcraft v ar- jar i i Now! & ) : m&WiM MI towncraft kyl s$L ' 5v PT A R&J.r;, .UV Ti'-y-M Tmui mm 1H m& J I Wmf Mr imsm S 1 I I II A r in i in riifi' C-fcsSMfc-- F1 . . . RICHLY TAILORED: q K1C11 WUUL rLiAIMMLiLo c-ia Be Resilient, soft-draping all wools .a s, ... an unusually line comoina lAa lion of fabric and Penney aua- 3 litv t.iilnrini? ... at a PenneV price which consistently defies comparison. In 3 shades of gray. other wanted colors. 9 .95 Sizes 29 to 42 M MAIN FLOOR Sizes W lo 1i & Sx 5 &.A&iSbL33aaS "Pin- i JfJ. RICH IALACE) RLEM) SILK-AND-KAYON TIES Prartirul luxury! Penney's silk rayon woven jacquards ctm hme rich lustre, full body, .smoolh easy knollinp. Now in a wide ranL-e of neal, tasteful "lui-kof-the-crop" gift patterns for evervhodv. MAIN FLOOR .50 r- i !-.!? Colton Nylon Stretcliablc Arjjvlc Socks 69c M, L Men's ttrrtrhable argyles of soft, absorbent combed cot ton blended with durable elasticized nylon. Get 2. perfect-fit sizes by Penney's Towncraft! MAIN FLOOR AiLslralian Lamhs Wool Sweaters 6.90 - Sizes S. M, L A dash of contrasting trims make Penney's Orlonl slip overs a great fashion gift! Fine gauge interlock knit. They wash in a jiffy, need no blocking. Many colors. MAIN FLOOR rai'-f 4 ! fi RKiHT WEKiHT WARMTH COTTON FLANNEL ROBES Styled and tailored for Penney's TowncraffR, these smart San forizedf flannelette robes are a practical gift for modern living . . . perfect for cool mornings or lazy evenings. .Machine wash able buffalo plaids and argyle prints. MAIN FLOOR fi1 4-93 fi sizes small, med., ll large, extra large If M iiv's fim: h:tiier KOMEO CU T SLIPPERS: LZ Perfect for 100'V relaxation . . . in the houe. out in the .iici: Penney quality built with side leather uppers, rutted stitch ilown construction, rub ber heels, composition soles. S.tnilicfl k . IH1W .NSTAIRS SIOKK 4 .98 Sites 6 to 11 C, r. F-LE Nvlou Pile Lined leather Cift Slippers Q.98 Peoney warnv, nylon pit girt stirpers tut me' row vm'iif, eH tjtntei tptit tovr tcttstt, tvHixr bwiit, hr& sole Wife j Cushion Crepe Suede Fabrie Moeeasins 9-98 llcrMiwUto ftorrtuh ami tush diO fp wmfart feature his ftnatwr cveninps in this Ten wey slipper. Fine' imitation suede uppers with shearlings lamb colors, t DOWNSTAIRS STORE MACHINK W ASHABLE CO'ITOX FLAEL l'J S! These warm printed cotton flan nel pajamas make a distinctive gift: Cut over Penney's own patterns for comfort . . . Town craft tailored for value. Sanfor iredr. machine washahle. tWon't shrink more than l'f. MAIN FLOOR 3-49 Sizes A. B. C, D )QR' GiftS MloTwAfOND WEI PRKl Sg!!E.t - - PRICE TAG rtllllLI J 10 JHniMmj. OPEN MON. THRU FRI-, 'Til 9 P. H. 'TIL CHRISTMAS