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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1956)
Papre 2 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SUPPORTS ()F. UIG Car A ids Landing Of 1-Wheel Plane NORFOLK, Va. i After it was distance. On the fourth pass, he over, weekend pilot Manning set the plane's left wheels on the Rooks could "hardly believe it runway and the rieht wing on happened." And no wonder. top ol the car. While Hornbaker Caught aloft in a lisht plane drove, Ihe car's other two occu- with a damased landing Rear, Panls held "'rats of the plane Rooks had just brnusht his craft ' wouldn't slip olf. Gently, safely to earlh by landing it with Hnrnhaker applied the brakes and one wine alon a movin? auto- stopped. nc s some guy, saia hooks nt Hornbaker . . . ."I'm just clad he Russian Tanks in Budapest thought of it.' Kilu l I.. Hrositj Kites S Vdiirsdav SII.VKRTOV when the airport (or M,s Klnc L- Brosig, M. will be held Wednesday mobile. It wasn't a lucky accident. It was planned that way, not by Rooks hut by veteran flier Kd K'Hnbaker, from whose company Rooks had rented the plane. Rooks, who has h0 hours of f'yin lime, had taken off from Municipal Airport for a routine spin yes'.erday control tower radioed that his r.jni landing gear was nangling ,.- lr ,h vimrial ,l,n useless under Ihe plane." ,)H of'Kkman Funeral home. The crash crew at the airport Mrs. Rrosig was the widow of was alerted and Rooks, ISO feel Frank Rrosig. She died Sunday in abeve, inured things "looked an Oreitun Citv hospital alter two had." He'd never made a crash weeks illness following a heart at lano'inj ti,t-k. On the ground. Hornbaker had Kinal rites will be at Maple an idra. Climbing into a hard lop Grove cenielerv at Sculls .Mills and sedan with two other men, he uv. I. M. Nelson, will officiate, drove out on the field. ,rs. nrosig was born Aug. II. The CAA told Rooks that Horn- ti)i j tlc scntls Mills area and baker would try to make Ihe car had lived all of her life in Ibis act as wheels for Ihe plane if ar,.a. Hrr home in Silverlon was Rooks could land with one wing al m Sou(h 2nd St. She was a life on top of the auto. member of Ihe Christian! Rooks made several passes at church and a member of the Royal uic iuudv iu guHxe specu anu .ciglibors lodge. I Survivors arc daughters, Mrs. I Lslella Kay, Mill City; Mrs. Nol- ma Moberg, Claredale, Calif.; Mrs. i Twila Parker. Bend: sons, 0. R. j Rrosig, llealdsherg, Calif.; Orville, Silverlon; Joe Rrosig, Detroit, Ore.; 13 Rrandcllildren and three great grandchildren. Two sisters are Berlha Vedder, Sandy, Ore.; and Annie Ferguson, Scotts Mills. -! -14 lm Nvw - ... : jlir I -4iM-A 1a t W rl I J-t- J . fi1 d j Russian tnnlti and armored cam line itreet near Ihe Petcofi r 1 Russ Acts in Hungary Hit By Italy Red Heads N.A.M. Salem, Oreeon, MoffflS, Efentlw 10, Waft G tin ..!) .H"ViIMll ) s.Oriff's oflicers r Pr rlvi $ yesterday, port. FURNACES Complete Installations Free Survey & L'stimate 34 Months to Pay hi. 4 8790 or 4 8821 Eve. 4 8790 cr 4-882 OIL OR GAS Comfort Clean Thrifly Salem Healing & Sheet Melal Co. MRS Rrnarinav Russian tanks and armored cars line street near the Pclcefi slalue In Rudnpest as Soviet armor opposed Hungarian women who staged demonstrations against the Russians and puppet gov ernment set up by them. The women were attempting to honor their dead those killed In Ihe October uprising. (AP Wirrphoto) Yoliiiir Democrats AoiiilSctTi'lary second lime in a row at the La bish Meadows Harden cluh C'urisl-' mas show at Hazel tin-en held ROSKRURG Ml The executive over the weekend board of Ihe Young Democrats of M A , (-ard;n cIb , Oregon, meeting here Sunday, ,, , lh ,.,., ..,, nH sln Little Garden Club Winner At Hazel Green Yule Show HAZKL GRKEN (Special' Top i of pine cones and dusted with honors were won hy the Little Gar- 'frost' was the Mt. Angel motive. uen ciud oi haiem neifints lor the j individual cones formed the dec orative note on individual cards on the Mt. Angel table. South Hills used white candles ROME W Open criticism of Soviet intervention in Hungary) broke out Monday at the National Congress of the Italian Commu- j nist Party, the biggest in the West ern world. j The verbal attack came despite endorsement of the Soviet line by ; Palmiiu" ToUiiaiii, the lough parly i secretary who has bossed Italy's 1 two million Communist Party members for years. Antonio Giotitti, a Communist member of the Chamber of Depu ties, spoke out for the critics. He said Soviet intervention in Hun gary "cannot be reconciled with the principles of socialism." i "In Hungary and in Poland," he said, "the party was not de fended by the comrades who kept silent, but by those who have creased democracy and freedom of expression, (which are! essen- (y pi Woli of tial conditions for the tiresome I I Oil! odltrlH HI process of renewal inside our party. If it is impossible to cor reel men, one must change them.' Two Sajem residents are among This last phrase was taken as 13i000 students enrolled in Wash- a suggestion that present party ington university, St. Louis. Mo.. leaders he changed. for ,he 1956.57 year chancellor Giohtti s speech was heard in Ethan A H shepcy has an. silence by the several hundred pounced Communist delegates, carefully Roberi P Vjckon, son of Mr. picked from all over Italy by the and MrS- R R wilcken, 375 Faulk Dartv Kxecutive Committee. Thrti n.j tu- with a hand-woven pink cloth, cen- several rose to congratulate him. Echoo, of arts and scioces; Hill tered with pink vigil lights in ! " man William Fischer, son of Mr. wroughl-iron holders, at which! SHOTGUN IN TOWN LOADED "'illi?m Fh"' ?'5 . . , ... fcouth 14th St., is enrolled in the coffee and hot spiced tea with ( CASI'KR, Wyo ifl - Johnny graduate school of arts and Christmas cookies, was a popular Shotgun was in town Ihe other sciences, philosophy division. spot during the two day's o( the j h'sht and he was loaded, I show police said. Shotgun is an Arapa- SKIN DtVKR DROWNS mt; ,... nn! Indian arrested on a com-! LOS AN'GKLES ifl A l.i-year- Christmas music was played , piain, he WM inxicatrd and n,d sk djvor Richard during show hours by Mrs. Ralph ' erealing a disturbance at an auto became tangled in his oxygen ap Gilbert and Mrs. Curtis Wright. Icourt. 1 paratus and drowned in the ocean 'jrjtfffi-. ulkc knows iliat a NKW YOKK Ernest G. Swl gert. shown In New York City today, is president-elect of Ihe National Association of Manu facturers. He Is from Portland. Ore. (AP Wirephoto) St. Louis School r cJai FURNACE juosorrs Can "make ny Kouse COMFORTABLE PHONE NOW Foa. A FREE ESTIMATE ON ROSSOt OAS HEAT brjovrkom 1 f "V m-ncr I ( y 1 approved the appointment of Phil Hill club of Salem placed third. f-'rn;t nf PnrllnnH nz pxernlii'P secretary. Tables in Gold Green He succeeds Al Hoffard. also of! The Salem Heights club entry Portland, who resigned to become was a table in gold and green. press secretary to Sen. Wayne I'""'" 2old candles in a bed of Morse. greenery, decked with gold balls. The board announced plans for' centered the green cloth-covered a regional Young Democrats' eon- table. ference in mid-January at Boise. A font-high Christmas tree built in a pine swag with a tew sprigs of gold leaves to accentuate the exhibit. Gum Dropi Used John Gilbert, 9, using a big sugar-pine cone decorated with small colored gum drops to rep resent a Christmas tree won the blue ribbon in the junior division. Mary Lowery was second and Lar ry VanCleave, third. An attractive tea table covered 9 jr. . i fi J ,V ' unit-- ' . What's it Got that Everyone's After? X TF. figured folks would ro for the '57 Buick ' i and liig. But we sure didn't figure litis the most musing reception we've ever seen in all our years of selling new Buicks. NNe're celling 1111110 enthusiastic talk along with the signed (udcis-llian ever before. And, neighbor, if you want to know itit listen: This '57 Buick has that sleek low-sweep styling that today's moderns want and it's here iu extra-long measure, in the lowest Buick yet. It has the room they want -for Buick's new wide-frame chassis permits a sports-car silhou ette with more interior roominess than ev en last year's spacious Buicks. It has newiw's everywhere, and newness that's w anted . . . A smart new rmnotmuic windshield. The surety of a new nrfteci rule. A brilliant new handling unci levelied Waking tlwt come of an ingenious new balUjoiiif S(rjijiitrt, U even has a new Safety-Minder ' that vti'hrs otr yer hour for yon. Rut even more important, this rakish sweep of automobile has a new kind of instant response and that's the biggest reason for the soaring popularity of the newest Buick yet. For here is performance smooth as spun silk unleashed by a totally new Y8 engine 364 cubic inches big. and with the highest compression, torque and horsepower in Buick annals. And here, to deliver that might, is the power pitch action of an advanced new Variable Bitch Dynallow. A Dynaflow of such instan taneous obedience, such smooth and versatile control in "Drive" the need for "Low," is virtually ended. In all truth, v ott'v e never bossed a car so keenlv alive, so smooth in motion, so solid in feel. It's ahead of its time, ahead of the industry even ahead of your great expectations. Come check up 011 all this. Come drive tlvii shoulder-high sweetheart today. 'V,-,, .,( ,in( rti ' Vwfl.m- j tht DwiBorv fl-H.i Inu'ih fi-,.J.i(v. It it rt,irn,ir, on flivlimil.-fi . Sti- and ( i-Mfiir- (-i-fi ti,j at tn,-,,V-f rtf,i rrt on tht Si-r. i.,'. Stfnfto Get tie washing action tias way ahead m 11? roMpis rTZM - 'r. I westinghouseI st000 I "'S enough I with each purchase of I a washer or dryer. I Lbor?tory ttMa prove I 7 f ""trolled ,uds- ret, I clothes cl.n.. L " I III weighs the load to tell where to set the rinwo,,, .n ' morr d,rt I 11.11 Soap'Wa,crSver. I '''y I I "ndrom.t by the Vestln " I I hou Home Economic Inst.tutl I AS LITTLE AS PER WEEK To own ft Laundromat Slightly more par weak tor Twins NEW REVOLVING AGITATOR. Eliminates the old renter post with its jerk-jerk motion. Clothes are placed inside the aiit-ator. which revolves constantly. Lifts, turns, plunces clothes 50 times a minute. It's the New Way to Wash and years ahead. SOAP 'N WATER SAVER. Measures water to the last drop, shuts off automatically when there's enough for the load. WEIGH-TO-SAVE DOOR. Arts like a scale weighs the load to tell where to set the Soap 'n Water Saver. DRYER HAS: DIRECT AIR-FLOW DRYING. Fastest, cleanest, thriftiest the only system that blows fresh, warmed air directly on the clothes, not through machinery. Plugs in anywhere. No need for special wiring. BOTH TWINS HAVE: , COLOR GLANCE CONTROLS. Built-in. light-up Laundroguides flexibility of operation that no other pair can match at any price. SLANT-FRONT CONSTRUCTION. Saves stooping and bending. Newest Bisickvket - WHIN HT7U AUTOMOSIIH AM BUIlt lOK Vl OfflO flflt) rUt-' fftf D. MSDsotj(S. o NO DOWN PAYMENT (On Apprcnrd Credit) FREE PARKING-FREE DF' !VERY Open Nires 'Til 9 'Til Christmas rrfpt SidrrtM i"l " itmai Eve 96QStath- -.J9148 WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE & HOME FURN2SHKS SALEM -- OREGON CITY . WATCH EGjmGHOUSE WHERE BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING FO VOU o O 388 N. Commercial Sr. Saltan, o o