11 fins 4 SECTIONS 28 PnjjM CmtVERV. PERIODS of parti clearing tonight and Tuesday. Slightly cooler. Low tonight, K; high Tuesday, 53. AM jail 68th Year, No. 29 1 Salem, OregeOtiB, Swhfv, DeceojlH-r 10, 1956 CapitalAjJo tntr itaitrA Arab Guerrilla SnipersAttack British Patrol Tuesday or Wednesday lo evacu- LATE FLASHES PORTLAND (I P) Edgar R. Err ion, GO, today pleaded inno cent lo mail fraud charges aris ing out of the sale of plywood cooperative memberships in which the government claims in vestors Inst large sums of money. Two co ' detenoants, Glenn R. Munkers, 65, and Archie L. Rones, 69, both of Sa lem, also pleaded innocent to-it Icy Wave Dispelled By Winds Rain Soaks Coa&t; Canada Airliner s With 62 In W ild .,, WW- ,g -CT . Capital AJournal DECEMBER fl, 1956 SALEM, OtCOON, SATURDAY, vnMcrj,TTHrA0N )fl LW SAW WALT STOVER Ffffj r DON'T WANT TO hl i7 DID MR. MILUONiTURM' II Y0U ILHCES5m! J CRAWL 0UT LIKE A KICKED n I SEE HIM CLARA U OUT TO BE A DIFFICULT TOASKS, COCKERSPANIELMlSSKILEyj V EVER AGAIN i " V CLIENT? HE TURNED OUT TO BE A C RUDE THEN---BUYING A HOUSE AND I I IN AW B0OK,iT'S BAD! """V . fr C AS A NO VA 1 CAL M LV INFORMED hiring you WAS JUST AN EXCUSE HERE! DESTROY THESE SWATCH- Uf ME THAT HIS "FIANCEE DOE5NV EXIST! TO 5EE YOU?---60SH !l5 THAT BOARDS! LOOKING AT THEM - :nxwsW IT SEEMS RICH BACHELORS NEED A BAD5 - MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL! 7 PROTECTION AGAINST. V IfiV" IWhrj.y G0 rl PITY! YOU DID SOME OF " FILE THEM IN THE ) ffl I I NV - ' irvvpDcijnDtMti' J WASTE BASKET! J ! l T r i jr ' ' ' ... Fit iViJi Blaine LITTLE ROCK. Ark. HT) -Stare and screen star Vivian Blaine was granted a divorce to- About Party in Rape Trial A slim 13-vear-old Oregon City I At one stage of the quizzing. J the girl told of a party tsf aeveral day from her manager-husband Sir! with taffy-colored hair today wncn the oisinci attorney .js pryn n, i . Manny G. Frank, and her maiden i timidlv related in a halting man-1 trying to get her to relate just of Silverton. She said she hid had name. Vivian Stapleton was re- ner what transpired on the night of i what happened in an automobile two or three bottles of beer and sept. 5. during a party neia in a aooui a nine Hum .jh,.i i-m i:-- a,.,,,,.- ...v . residence about two miles from turned to Jt;dse Duncan and said parted with Jackson i an suto I Silverton. as well as along ai"I would rather answer yes or mobile. They eventually parked ! county road. i no " ; along the road, she said. Her StorV involved 23-year-OlQ 1 ine situation pimeu a puitr mi j 111 ins upt-iuii); swnmiH Vanishes ith Omtm Defendants -1 Or i Mr in. Lawyers Thomas Gore, Nashville, (right) Memphis, (with hat), talk after 16 persons Integration rase pleaded Innocent at arrnign lUge Robert Taylor. Among defendants, from on, W. II. Till, J. L. Colcy. AP Wircpliolo) 11 Group Seeks e Law Changes Costs Urge LSOV Writer ! in Jaws re promise to be the most controver sial of 54 proposals contained in a report of the legislative interim committee on elections made pub lic Monday. These three proposed changes in the regulation of campaign fin ances arc: j 1. "AH money collected and spent for a candidate must go through expenditures ; one agent. 2. "The financial reports of that agent must be filed before as well as afler the election. 3. "More vigorous and more cer tain enforcement of the new regu lations coupled with adequate pen alties." In its report the committee de clared that present laws on expen ditures and contributions limits "have proved unsatisfactory." The committee, chairmanned by Senator Pat Lonergan, included Senator Mark Hatfield who was elected secretary of state Nov. 6. Hatfield will be charged with the responsibility of enforcing any laws resulting from the recom mendations. A partial list of other recommen dations by the committee include simplification of absentee registra tion and voting; raising nay of personnel from a eks ates Iroup s probably areful study spring. Oiite is cx ity council ority to ap is commit not for the 5ut for re- Clinton Opens Mixed School Withoutllitcli CLINTON, Tenn. Ul grntea Clinton High School re opened without a hitch Monday, with eight Negro students four boys and four girls walking to gether back to classes. One stu dent planned to move away with Iter family. Three police cars cruised the area briefly and then returned to their normal duties in this little east Tennessee city of 4,000. There was no indication of racial dis turbances which caused authorit ies to close the school last Tuesday. .Students of both races appeared in jovial mood. Authorities said about the nor mal number of white students also reported for the reopening, with approximately 800 students enrolled. A few minutes after classes were resumed, trial date was set for Jan. 28 in nearby Knoxvillc for 16 white men and women ac cused of racial violence which closed the integrated school. The date was set by Federal Judge Robert I,. Taylor. Four Corners Bedroom Fire In in res Girl A young Four Corners girl suf- hc rates be water bond jased when election board ted $3.7'0.-! maximum of 75 cents an hour to rtion of a a minimum of $10 a clay; changing fered a burned left foot when her ti Stayton the law requiring voters to signaled caught on fire Monday morn r bonds aro i two poll books; giving the secre-iing. f the water tary of state responsibility for see-1 Linda Veneman, 10, daughter of ing that election lawji are uniform- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Veneman, y removed ly administered in every county j 140 Kenwood Dr., suffered first rate, and and eliminating trivial detail In the and second degree burns whn m '.cd an in- law such as specifications that j electric wall heater caught her bed resulted in 'fish glue' must be used on certain ion lire, Four Corners firemen ftitd r bills for envelopes. Salem first aidmen reported, e summer Legislative measures to give ef- Firemen sakl the twin hods In jme strong feet lo the recommendations are the room were ruiwd and the floor n will be being drafted by the legislative i was badly burned by the flames, to be made counsel and are not expected to he j There was a! considerable srrwJtB ce, if such completed until shortly before the i damage in Ih room. Most of the A. I9.'i7 legislature opens its sessions, riainagp was confined to ttw ream, a study of In addition to Hatfield and ton- they sakl. tructure be ergan, other committee members j The girl was taken ta a ffcy si were Stale. Representative Kayciw, who said-the burn uvi ml iveny, ii. .Mann awl itonvft 1 serious .Jensen and Mrs. Frederic W. wanJrd croc from hit Lm mi,fr,Mi'r a UPS I by rl A. Waiuiv Search Planes Find No Sign Of Craft VANCOUVER. B.C. iM A Trans-Canada Airlines plane with 62 persons aboard disappeared Sunday night in a violent wind storm over the forbidding Chilli wack area of southwestern Brit ish Columhja. Search leaders feared the worst commercial aviation disaster in Canadian history. Twelve Royal Canadian A I T Force craft and six other planes took off at daybreak to search the area extending in all direc tions' from Hope, 125 miles east of Vancouver. Clouds Hamper Search In mid-forenoon, RCAF search headquarters said heavy clouds . had set in above 3.000 feet in the search area, in which some peaks run up to 8.000 feet. Extreme rough air below that altitude also threatened to force some of the smaller search craft back to Van couver. Squadron leader G. L. Sheahan, RCAP searchmastcr, said two radar stations had reported "fix es on an aircraft at 7:10 p.m., a minute after the last message from the four-engined Trans Can ada North Mar said It had passed Hope on its return towaid Van couver with one of its four en gines gone. It had taken off an hour earlier on an eastward flight. Within 30 Miles of Hope . The searchmastcr said the ra dar "fixes" showed the plane could be anywhere within 30 miles of Hope. Hope is at the . western, end of the Kraser Canyon in an i area carved by canyons and Intc-l gorges and with numerous lakes. An early report that a flashing light had been seen on a moun-' tain 45 miles east of here turned ' out to be from a microwave re lay tower. In addition to the aerial search, a ground party was set to start out from Chilliwack, 65 miles east of Vancouver. Four RCAF planes criss-crossed the North Star's route during the night without sighting a trace of the missing plane, a Canadian version of the DC4. It carried 59 passengers and a crew of three. Four Grlddera Aboard Among the passengers were four members of the Saskatche wan team of the Western Inter provincial Football Union who were here for Saturday's East West Shrine game. The four players were Mol Beck- . el, Cordy Sturtridge, Mario De Marco and Ray Syrnyk. Sturt ridgc was accompanied- by his wife, Mildred. Becket came to Saskatchewan from Indiana University. DeMar co played pro football with the Detroit Lions of the National Foot- hall League before moving to Canada. TCA's Montreal office listed four other Americans among the pas sengers. They were Mrs. A. A. Kalour, Portland, Ore: Mrs. U C. Burt, San Francisco: Anthony Folger, Dallas, Tex., and M. L. Bright, Fort Worth, Tex. Turned Rack The missing airliner left Van couver at p.m. Sunday night on a flight te Kastern Canada but turned hack at Hope, when ent engine failed. At afcout 7 p.m. the pilot, Capt. Alia Clarke, 35, of Montreal, a-sk-vd the air traffic control center hero for permission to descend from ,' feet to a lower altl tinte. That was the last radio contact with the plane. NATIONAL Another casualty of the fira w.-w .Canadian. Airliner With News in Brief Vnr Monday. Dec. 10, 195 Young, who w-os anpninled to Ih fireman Mel ScrJt. wh wrftered eommitlee by toe late Gov. Paul a sprained ankle while furbtin-t tto I'attcrsiua. Iblair, -men said. idwrtiiiCTi bj him u Orvon Slate! ti.ym tnr hM WwkI-t for a J.w. I'niwsity. i, iv brwfca-t br comiwrtaof Priority grtwps Kfudnita and fittan Lewis Jr. in which Lawis lbir pnrents. aJurrab asd farunv membvrs git all of the W. allocation of some 4&.tm tUt.ls. stored. Frank did not contest the di- vorce. granted by Chancellor Guy E. Williams on grounds of mental cruelty. Miss Blaine established resi dence here last June. She said Norval Jackson. Silverton. who is on- trial for statutory rape in Mar- 10 Night to Shop Remain flkwly identified her with com munism. She said she also planned to sue Lewis and .V) or W) other radio stations which carried the broad rast. seeking damages totaling hc- tween $12.!ioaai $15,000,00. Courl Grants Union Right to See Rooks Salem uarratr oniy 13 today 5he planned to continue to ion county court before Judge live in Little Rock. j George R. Duncan. "If I had wanted a quick or' Seven women and five men com eay divorce. I would have gone prise the jury, to Reno or Las Vegas," she told i Answers Low WASHINGTON i IT) The Su preme Court today upheld an or der requiring the F. W. Wool worlh Co., San Bernardino, Calif., to furnish individual wage rates and hours to a union as an aid to collective bargaining. Monday's suit filed in Superior' ' ,"a1'"" '' 'a"r "eiaiwns Court ninixd 1h Purt Sound "oa ' ., . , , ,r,"n . rc,l''e5 Broadcnstii.1 Co. owrnfor of "! h i"13 '.cl"k5 .-"m- ,Bu :um fcTI. &eite eatlvi of ! Ihe -Vntn L s- Llm"t toml M'peais cium-u in kdiottv iiw ol der. It said emoaiyt ami as Mcaual flrnaoxaoiusK o aidcd ttjQ 000 traff'sjft-n and Mrs the court Miss Blaine, the star ot the Broadway hit " Guys and Dolls", said the divorce will not affect her buiness relationship with Frank. Her contract with him to manage her professional affairs has more than 15 years to run. & The girl's answers to questions propounded by District Attorney Brown, who was hard pressed tojtrict attorney aaid the Side's wo Dhrase Questions that wo i'd not re i nesscs wohM lochia at fcwe ;uj objected to by the defense or j other to aged gut as wtii 0 more iaa end 19 VJ)(htB to hop which the reluctant witness wntaLd police dlire. a. for CVaimas. . give replv. i T detue attorney said le That as Uie f crrutvlcf by Elltra Dvtrnt'r eaid thu erauld ,""al 9 '' mum The eirl. dancing repeatedly at wocjd mm nm twee (trie came mtttiumls, who w J) oe kxb ugh)- 'he same amount or Imib urui tnowo ' rtawnaMfc wed" he defendant as if seeking assn- to hinerton wuo some men 4aw in i irom turn vnui inrisimaj uni ' nine) t anor.t i tance in the ordeal, said she had t ie aWooDB ol me lii'H iJier 91 p.fa egcept en aaturoaj'f m) had intercourse with .Jackson But they e QiUn but W Ortgon Chr4trri8I etc Kenneth Brown were so low that! she was reluctant to go into detank) City in .Vl'-'ffl S Cat Irbeff, ny osoj tmt Sa)'i''dlf Ife): members of the jury had difticulty in understanding her. The replies were long in coming and in sjrne instances one or two minutes would elapse. ol what transpired. However, she rrlinef. to get t. bee 14 and i? )lrw 5 Wprn. in nH mv ihrp was no Itrtv io i Thev 'all fe:n'net xri Sifienort motjt 'tuest. Il(a;nirft)i;ints r4.nrt olved in the act. ;1 eventually shies) fa) 19 4) tnol dj) 1j same hours will beWof- season I Tells of Parly- .lac kson,nsidence, bullJO'asotyisl.Pi ,erl most places on Christmas and , j,tf I Earlier in her stay on Ore stand. , ly went e?4c.liere. " Ncw Year's eve. I 1 $Mur.t j ' it- , "ol ei id) 1 1 o ltireri)0; Ote Bialli Vcut to err has WpnlJtfi WiVMlV ! ?. tlB r 'K) tuoat Maximum T.sl.rfla Indav. V. Ts4.il i-hnc ff, fl o ttl MfaaaraMia. Aiiihui a ffBArifli thai ow(h- niV.i,i(iiir,i,w1 'no rirciimsi.-ue es 01 tnis pr.cipMjUnn, (f: otmrf.'i ra IQ) X) 1 1 Sri to (ii'(rf, lut wage ". "1 " '""' information constirSlc6yaV unfair .1 labor practice.' The order w. "by tae court," with no writtna eeiniof! by any Individual Justice. The court cites! a recent deci sion in which it held that a com pany which pleads inability to grant a wage Increase may in sooie circumstances he compelled to erne'iir financial data to back t:0 Us stvsitlon. WASHINGTON U'P)-The Su oreni Court ruled 9-0 today that i tied jivernmcnl may not deny fed- erol e.ieiiis lo a union wnose oin- filed a false non-commu- Joath. opinion written by Justice William O. Douglas, the court said HHyonly remedy for filing a false allidavit is the criminal penalty to which the union officer himself is subject. H AJawird Vanishes Sec. 1, P. 1 Oiirfi-ai Scunl Opens wirtwit lacident ....Sec. 1, P. X LOCAL Salem Mad School Segregation Problem in IS71 ... Sec. 3, P. I Burns Claim Lile Of Salem Woman ..Sec. 1, P. 1 st Ate Kidnap Suspect Confesses Sec. 1, P. I Two Killed In Halsey Crash Sec. 1, P. 1 FOREIGN Arab Snipers Ambush British Troops Sec. 1, P. 1 Hungary Reds Outlaw Worker's Councils ..Sec. 1, P. 1 SPORTS Senator Stockholder Annual Meeting Wednesday Sec. 4. P. 1 Giants Must Win or Tie Eagles to Nail Title Sec. 4, P. 1 REGt'LAR FEATURES Amusements Editorials Iicals ... Society ., Comics . Television Want Ads. Markets Personal Problems Crossword Puzzle Sec. 1, P. 1 Sec. 1, P. 4 Sec. 1, P. S .Sec. 3.P. l-J-J-4 Sec. 3. P. 6 Sec. 4. P. J ....Sec. 4, P. 4-S Sec. 4. P. S .Sec. 4, P. 3 Sec. 1, P. f Christmas Story ......Sec. I, P. I