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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1956)
..Section :! Page 7; Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 8, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL jjacal Paragraphs trwffit rtfsw ttUmd F. 4tKtw, vU WW Kara Sam el) ., Haxu rmdii' ia cto ict conr s 9 etarsk T , vwiu OGwxcunX Vnjd o te 1 a oumt it. fcjA . tjrra 4po &taat& Wt1 sVutu nap Ixtaa sittraj ttr n jnan. IF Blsasteesi !rlet nftSSBfii f lh berod if dnS?bt A F Stttaa Hats Seams' ua 3? ftrt Tbsmuj- t t po Cu b quarters, B. K. tesTtut, tsvffifirtft, wim 111. Siy rmaftv snot im4 Mi ffls etennD pxc. Portland Men Trio Receive Air Reserve Medals JMumoI Hbaaiag) Vat mot Auiuwtt &llDs ttUBaaX Vtao ttoaodB&s UnA Jr. . 9W tain tenlttft r- Sttoft, BtnK . at vxTOteJ Itftrt Knar Otttt ft in. Unnwr M joxar in&a fetKartira it Id KDrk naJ Ojotert twn C- &&xn .Tlunmnti toMpOad- Haa-a nAi a., ra arva Twwiiur. 1 b b tmi VrtDn fltnahsass for, tab lUntacj Tifl ifAnn A 1 rAw fmimj ; to tint, Rui tfc r!fc to itK MM ctajai lowmtjft 0. n tt etooovAts stool i luaf tarMt w nunai -j-,. crest sicmnnai par i s a ."sots rriy j . h n Ob Bowl fevtasr. .' vA tie te- Jt., VirnJWn, liiaiiiiMj ha mm tniuiu Mmmillm ui&ti Du- CiekI C3 Wratar i monirqad J ui-v ta 8 orB of aVrraaj tut cbwtor. ciuo'5 of min ile iBTAvrjucd. unKB lJtt iisni9 BxatntrK, Mi bm II olntiflu fore conrfc ox opprai ci Qir United, """ ' " ' I. -. . L .-4 ft riet&ans m fl liar Df., tb Bands of Hungarian Guerrillas CoiitiiniG Fighting Russians 4S Sittstom SejmSPUVXB tko last still holdine out. XflBt'tWT ra pnftatK wm ta iadifatpd the Russians wn Woklo. krft.v iwt b-cKtte ' tarn ntn'ccrdrd In wiping out wHA fKvrrSo:i !Mi wi:i W-lsoa 2,00 college students that i wvkw M kawH KAK I land l)ca wfjlinB guerrilla raids jlutfk lit iKValim Htni (s Sfjoraljahly region, ., , , I Pees is M..siwri! earian Foreland cumpouaa vnxobo I tiff BrcAen Krt miMej1, MJ md woJI o tt1iy hjsnk "B turtrr lam. m rvaaneJ m mnA Keotitaw,' iftd ton Ooi srtoftu Hin IAclHred-E E. Just 81 1 8ffiy al Sale M j K f Si JTTLl "ST J m . a ta, W taken Fnday after slipping i the Pf? f M m snow at ois mailboji end breaking " ijr his bip. He was believed to havo,Iir5t " lain in the snow (or 6ome time be- ' lore neighbors beard bis calls, Hospital Lcroy Dowlcr, SU Willamette ambulance attendants , , emi con. said. jditioa at Salem Uemorial hospital barurday vnere be onderwent shoulder upcralion Friday. The shoulder was broken Wednesday, hospital authorities said. fftid-ValBey Births Pair Turn Phone To Portable Job PEDEE (Special) Someone made ft portable phone out of a pay phone here early Saturday 1 mwir, to rewire their full al from the wall of the phone booth and made off with it. The inci dent occurred about :3t a.m., they said. SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SHUB1N To Mr. and Jlri. Mike Shubin, Rt. 1, Box 72-B, Brooks, a girl, Dec. ?. SCOTT To Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott, 549 N. Cottage St., a boy, Dec. 7. PATTERSON To Mr. and Mrs. tloyd A. Tatterson, 507 Oregon St., boy, Dec. 7. WOELKE-To Mr. and Mrs Raymond Woelke, Rt. 1. Box 229, Woodhurn. a boy. Dec. 7. SAI.EM GENERAL HOSPITAL PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin V. Peterson, 1468 N. Fourth St.. a girl, Dec. 7. LANG To Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lang, 3230 Garden Rd., a girl, Dec. 7. MANKE To Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold A. Manke, 1403 MacArthur Ct.. a girl. Dec. 7. CLELAND To Mr. and Mrs. Burton A. Cleland, 4950 Jones Dr., a bov. Dec. 7. SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SCHUMACHER To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schumacher, Rt. 1, Aumsville. a girl, Dec. 3. WILSON To. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle H. Wilson, Detroit, a girl, Dec. 4. BASL To Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald U (Jerry) Basl, Rt. 1, Stay ton, a boy. Dec. 5. RICHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Richter, Rt. 1, Stayton, a boy, Dec. 8. DALLAS HOSPITAL DICKASON-To Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Dickason, Kings Valley, t. and Mr,. I nounccs management k ownership, Claude E. Hurley, Falls City, a girl. Dec. S. SCHMIDT To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schmidt, Dallas, a boy, Dec. "The ar to tenure snratt 1 surb 4 campaign is to hnotann 'iie base, get more persons to fir, Turnrr ftaid Adding thai the vay to do this is to- make each ohb (eel that il ts- a treat cornmanirr vide undertaking in vhirh he or she must play 0 creditable part. The tact that 71 agencies were re ceiving b e 1 p was repeatedly stressed, he showed. Chris Regan, the campaign di rector, said "the United Fund nerer fails, it la thB people who do not suppnrt it vho fail when the goal is not reached." Arthur Bates, VP. treasurer. said there is a chance for the ... " ' s V - ; . i t ! i i i '.v 6 V. J 5 , 1) soinhem Hiinan-, These have M-n nusfVwtw ports of enntinued fighting asosnt I the mining center of Pecs, but U, until nv thov were impossible 3 to confirm. Communication with 1 Pecs is cut off. an unimpeachable Hun garian source disclosed that at least 1.500 rebels are harassing the Soviet occupfion forces from the Mecsek Mountains, near Pecs and not far (om the Yugoslav frontier. But the informant said be lieved the Mecsek rebel forces r ef Mtttoln, on til at least V) -05 cOV. "It is true the revolution Erics in Pecs killed the Russian comai.-rs'ant about two weeks ago." the Hungarian informant said. "This is true although our Budapest newspapers and radio were forced to deny it. The Russians can't wipe out these freedom lighters because they can't find them. "They hide in the forests and they are supported by a rebellious local population. Around Pecs, the Russians are getting a taste of Bitter Cold Follows Snow in Rockv Mountain, Plains States mnrninj-at least they took it with ic,tion, during the coming year them, it was reported to state po-, jf an js made , ti 1)p arj llc'- . .. .. , ,. new workers in plants with chap Otlicers said witnesses told them ir SI ,!, (Uo two men ripped the pay phone I ayroli. and to enlist the support linnn luwlh . .. . ' '. ot all newcomers to Salem im Mrs. W. C. Winslow's patrons: Call Mrs. Herbert Ostlind for Christmas gift renewals. Ph. 3-4281. (Adv.) Versatile That's Classified Advertising, the smart way to sell. rent, hire, find, give notice. Dial 4-6811. (Adv.) THOMAS ORGAN The First Fine Electric Organ Without a Luxury Price! Easy for want of hard, faithful work." mediately. Reason for this hope is that $2822.88 was carried over from the past fiscal year this time and that $7500 has been collected on old pledges since October 1, a much better position than the U.K. start ed the past fiscal year in. The sum of $1116.48 was earned in in terest during the past year, to swell the amount available. Bill Hammond, manager of the recent campaign, thanked - his co workers who numbered about 1500, and said that "while the goal wasn't reached it certainly wasn't See to Playl Easier to Own! I it! Hear it! Buy it! Only $725 Complete Wiltsey Weathers Music Capitol Shopping Center (Adv.) Roy "Red" Chumbley now as sociated with Thriftway Cleaners. 956 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5911. (Adv.) Former owner & manager for 13 yrs., MARY CHEASY, again an- GOKORTH To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Goforth. Salem, a girl. Dec. 7. SII.VERTON HOSPITAL COMPTON-To Mr. and Mrs. LaVefn Compton, Aurora, a boy, Dec. 5. REILING-To Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reiling. Woodburn, a girl, Dec. 6. FRANKE To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Franke. a boy. Dec. 6. Bl'RROUGHS-To Mr. ana .Mrs. after 3 vrs. absence, of THRIFT WAY CLEANERS. 956 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5911. Pickup 4 delivery service for city t rural routes. (Adv.) CAN'T THINK what to give? The scads of suggestions in The Gift- Spotter in Classified are grand solutions. Small holly trees with bright red berries. Make your selection early. Iuler Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. i adv.) For the one on your list who Herb Barker, president of the U.F. for the past year, was pre sented a handsome plaque for out standing service by Mayor Robert White. 14 Directors Named Invocation was by the Rev. Jos eph Vanderbeck, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church. Bill Ross led the group in singing "Amer ica. Richard West played a trum pet solo and the Salvation Army quartet played instrumental music during the luncheon. Harry Hoi loway introduced the speaker. The closing prayer of dedication was given by the Rev. Gerald Emer son of the First , Presbyterian church. The following were elected U.F. directors for the coming year: Dr. Robert T. Boals, Alfred F. Chiv ers, Mrs. William C. Crothers, Richard D. Denton, Jos. A. II. Dodd, F. Wayne Ferris, Gerry W. Frank, William H. Hammond, Karl Heinlein, John E. Horner. Bernard William H. Hammond, Karl Hein lein, John E. Horner, Rernard Gifts Sought For Mentally 111 Patients The Mental Health assocKition of Oregon is again attempting to se cure Christmas lifts for the ap proximately 7,000 patients at the three institutions for the mentally or retarded in Oregon. Only about half of the patients have relatives or friends who will remember to send gilts. All kinds ol gifts arc needed, officials say. Gifts for adults may include cosmetics, tobacco, games, ties, candy, soap, playing cards, etc. Money is also needed. Checks should be made out to Mrs. Thomas T. Dcnison, chairman. Christmas project, and sent to the Mental Health association in fort land. Gifts should be sent or delivered to Mrs. Ida Boehmer. Oregon state hospital, Salem; Dr. Donald Wair, Eastern Oregon state hos pital. Pendleton: Dr. lrvin Hill, Fairview Home, Salem, or to the Mental Health association of Ore gon Christmas headquarters, 735 S.W. 20th Place, Portland. ra o us leroomd wmatOem it iiAMr's sto im Ituwn swaie tOBUHan if ttm anad Khmi aaaM Km yam ewiltnt MHOrvn earvtt. Tra freruft. rev nxnowt l Of mutt ot ! otfuuftttfi tuaiitfe jm t'e. Tvvtu TV VaruiuvBfai hiA. tA. Oil unoa ft fruonnx. eewtar. nf? ZhoV AiTm . auiw, i7uf rtura. Xiffiinii 9 (srwaattafttn to Costotul feemrp); 0. tsswdk mtftH ansa. Hunt. itaubratffc n JTa (BHUV Xtv pwaoa em u nem cmour, fittntvfl o 1101 CiotUV i ottuwarviid ., fc Q jnasnnninj ftt ttovut i (t olf iry vturuon (BnwUtfuji Ultl 4tei own frnwp to 1D4U. Armed Forces Reserve Medal Aintrded to 22 Area Officers The armed force rcswre medal receiving Hie awai d nre anvm I'he has been received by 22 Salem air I original irroup of World War II force reservists for Id years ac live reserve participation, accord ing to Colonel George R. Powell, commander of the 9414th Air Re serve equadron in Salem. Seven other reservists from Cor- army air corps veterans who form ed a chapter of the air force asso ciation in Salem immediately fol lowing the end of the war. The present 9414th Air Reserve Squad ron followed from that unit. The vallis, McMinnville and Amity whs squadron is now located at 1051 are members of the 9414th receiv ed the medal. Many of the Salem air resvrvists Leslie PTA Meet Planned DENVEE t Wiew sifted Wn tnstiy kalf a dozen Rcky Meuafaia mi Great Plains 4. 'I os fr a siM-Btving storm. fcavw; Wxt teld in its wttie. a rewoq; et-uKK frets the same witttor srystppt W! sarts of tnK, 7tH-i mi Oklahoma. 5ssv extesevd frees soutlrera (vmiu tlrtwib Colsrade te WHters IknonnR nfd wesson Ne Wiia nad tm tgirtkirt Kew Uouliimi Hisrered oi sub-wve wottavr tbiit tionu Mtta ctno I'orvmMvro exwnura thtt Ktono to nwwe out of eoui-kei-e WyeioinR by mldilnr and tarre Coloritdo bv State Throws Out Tire Bids Senate Choice (Continued horn Pile 1) South Commercial St., where training sessions are held each Tuesday night Salem air reservists receiving thd medal include: Col. George R. Powell, Lt. Col. Charles W. Terry, U. Col. Albert T. Larson, Lt. Col. Frank C. McKinney, Lt. Col. Chester L. Fritz. Lt. Col. Emerson B. Pnge.-Lt. Col. John C. Paulus, Lt. Col. Robert N. Phillips. Mai. Christmas music by 9th grade John F. Show, Mnj. Gerald K. lnrinnl will he foalilrrrf nt the Kubin. Mai. Roger G. Hitcney, meeting of the Leslie Parent- Maj. Harold B. Fox, Mat. Mar- Teacher association meeting next garei unmmi'ii, mj. . Thursday at 8 p.m. in the school's Dyke, Capt. Donovan F. Mnnsky, lapi. V inya v.. neiiiiL-n, vciu. umi- ald M. Townsenn. tapt. wiuam s. Bartholomew, Copt. Perle D. Van Ausdcll, Capt. Linriley C. Keeney, Capt. Robert O. Reeves ana u, Elwood E. Obert. Those living outside Salem re ceiving the medal include: LI. t.oi John M. Swarlhout, Cnrvallis, Maj. Homer F. Rohse. McMinnville: Maj. I.eland M. Perry. McMinn ville: Capt. Lerny W. Bnnnickson, Cnrvallis: Cant. James W. Good- 1,1 V'-. 1 nnrrfonc a oifl rertifirate in at Harold Burroushs, Molalla, a girl, ac(jve chstmas wdcr from . I Infer Landsrane Co. Ph. 2-2061. I (adv.) msjw nil il'LUJ Will care for elderly lady in my home, 1st fir. bdrm. Ph. 2-8672. ladv.) By WALTER MORSE G. L. (mac) McCloud formerly with Roberts Bros, is now in charge of the Home Appliance room after the talks. All Candidates Appear The nine appearing before the committee, in the order they talked, included Rep. E d d ic Alircns, Mayor Harry Carson of Silverton, Rep. W. W. Chadwick, R. F. Conk of Silverton, Rep. Rob ert L. Klfstrom, Schlesingcr, John Steelhammer, Mayor Robert F. White of Salem and Otto J. Wilson. As a member of the committee, Mainwaring, Mrs. Robert M. Need-: Sdilosincer sat through the entire ham. R. L. Rolow and Willis- executive session and balloting, the "Bill" Ross, I cause they were not members of the committee little theatre. lrin Wedel, program chairman, has announced that Philip Mcllar- ness. director of vocal music at T .li ...III n-aeflnt iht Oth ararlo decided to submit one name only cnoir 'f m vojccs in a program of to the county court. Christmas choral music. Marian The executive committee as- !, j i... r:i,n. .;n fc sembled at 10 a.m. Saturday in the chrjstmas reading and caroling by benator noici. jonn n. tain.... ()c auri(,nce wjU be lc( by Ihe 9th chairman, announced all candi- r!l(je chnrus dates lor the appointment would be A mcctjng'f ,hc executive corn called upon to give talks, and hc,mmce was hdd mcMy nt ,h(, asked that all who were not mcm-imc of he mrelm Mr5i Usic bers ol inc commuiee to icavc uiu n . .-,,. h.jrH anrf iifiv.,w Controverscy betweea two bid ders resulted Friday i rejection of all bids submitted far tires to be purchased for statc-swsed vesicles during 1957. The bids were opened by tne state purchasing department. Peck Brothers of Portland entered a pro test that the bid submitted by Mike DcCicco of Portland was not sufficient, and DcCicco then pro tested that the Peck bid was not properly certilied. Attorney General ttonen i. Thornton was informed ot the dis pute and ordered all bids serit to his oltice for examination. Thornton held that the bids were not properly certified and suggest ed that all be rejected. He said the bids should be accompanied by a proper statement of the contents of the bid, and a certliicate Hear ing an imprint of the tire manu facturer s corporate seal. The seal, he said, is the manu facturer's warranty of quality and also that of the tire dealer. nightfall. There may ec brief zero weather in the two states before a chinook wareis ireas east of the Rockies. Western Colorade on the Pa cific side ef the Continental Di- ie is due fer bitter cold, possihle 20 below tonight, the Weather Bureau saia. Early teday temperatures In Jlnttisa included 21 below at Glasgow, 20 below at Havre and 11 above at Cut Bank, where a 'ok was blowing. K M Cheyenne it. lac same time Evanston, Tfve.. reported 10 below nnd Rock trpria 6 belnv. It was 16 above ia Cla'veese. Unit ssiwfntl, less Mian an ao ra slaces, was reported the s-nrchcil plains of eastern Colorado. It was a little heavier in the northeast corner. A four-inch fall at Fort Collins in northern Colorado was the heaviest reported on the eastern slope of the Rockies in that state. Colorado Springs reccivea two inches in the first few hours of the storm. Heavier amounts in the Colo rado mountains included 10 inches at Eagle. Grand Junction on the western slope had thtec inches. the same kind of partisan war fare they waged against the oer mans in World War II." There was tan air of tension in Budapest. The government ig nored a demand by the capital's Central Workers Council to quit jailing workers' leaders or face) another outburst of violence. The council had accused the puppet regioienof dragging officers and members of councils from their homes "without investiga tion." and warned that if 'his con tinues "the end will be a general strike, biooe"heij nnda new na tional tragedy." There were more strikes and street fights yesterday. The strikes disrupted work in several factories. Yugoslavia meanwhile called its ambassador home from Budapest amidst signs IWat relations with Ihe current Hungarian regime arc growing more chilly. There was no hint, however, o( a hroakoK ol diplomatic relation. President Tito's government'' is irate because former Hungarian Premier lmre Nagy was arrested and apparently deported after leaving the sanctuary o fthe Yu goslav Embassy in Budapest. Radio Belgrade reported last leaving the sanctuary of the Yu goslavia s ambassaaor in uuaa pest, has paid a farewell visit to Premier Janos Kadar the first annoucnement that Soldatic whs about to leave his post. Soma quarters thought his recall was .7 move to show full disapproval of the Hungarian action. Deatks Trrrlne Athli Gnnd At the ri-stdence. 1330 Vista Ave., Decfmbrr (1. Survived by parent, Mr. nnd Mrt. cawin uoon, naiem. Brother. Michael Euflene Good, sto len., grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Good, Snlem and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ueltzen. Salem. Services will be held Monday, Dec. 10 at ,1 i m. In the virRll l . tinmen tnapei. Interment. Belcicit Memorial Park. Charlei Nordstrom At a local hospital uec. i. resident of Seattle. Wash. Survived by brother John Nordstrom. Seattla, and several broineri in bweaen. An nouncement oi services later by Vir gil T. Golden Funeral Home. members have horn enrolled this I year, according lo Walter Guidin- ger, president. Four Kcccivc ROTC Rank Promotions for members of the ROTC detachment at Willamette university were received and op- other eight leaving the room be-; liona, cadets new' ,ssi(,nmCnts as win, McMinnville. tapt. v.nesier E. Hudson. McMinnville. and Capt. Kenneth T. Wcslon, Amity. Police Find 3 In Back Seal, Front Empty Mrs. MlUlda Craig Late resident 01 370i Hood St., at a local nursing home Dec. 8. Sur vived by daughter, Mrs. R. N. Payne, Highways were tHckcd by the inter by Clough-Barrlck Funeral storm but no major route was re- Home. ported closed. Mountain passes wtl(( -,... Roh.,., werc clofiRCd With snow and traf-l in this city. December . Late rei- Mnlhar nf Mrs. Nttthnn I Reulah W. Stelnhock) ol Salem and Robert Barker ni 'racomn, wMninnimi. tie was moving slowly A variety ol wenther conditoins prevailed in other parts ol the country. Rain. ana ior were re ported In wide areas from Okla- ''Sex9 Trial Due Monday News off Record A 2.1-year-nld Silverton man will go on trial Monday on rape charges developing from a recent grand jury investigation into Silverlon area parties involving leen - age drinking nnd sexual activities. h I lnl.r.,n fnnne I ,u n BALTIMOHK tl A car with', , , ,, three men m the back seat and!. s H(, js ,ho (jrRt nohody up front crashed into a -four am,td , trla, police cruiser -nday. nnJ Trial is to start at 9:30 a.m. in Patrolmen William Ennd and ...... , . ..!,, ,,, Leltov Mauton testified that when i ".. j' "' . "" squaa icaocrs. l-eltoy n.auion . n..l i Th(. Krnnd jIIry prhc into the Attending the meeting was the '.,. Tn,m,. , r-i-id.u ih. rfri.w 7.-t.vear-nld PaI"ties began in September after full executive group of 25 , Pcerson?' Beaverton. Four stu- j Wintield W. Beatly. climbed into " "'"""Z liZZr '.lad During the period of talking and d sergeant , the back seat with the other two lhrf Z V tlo Questioning the candidates, a call ,. ni i.i, c,im- heen involved in some unwhnle- rating are Rill Joseph, Salem; CIRCUIT COURT I Dortcd he did not wish to he Rose Marie Carrlzales vs. Stoney , considered a candidate and Ihere- r.arria ('arrlalps: Comnlaint lor i rn,n AiA nnt ottonrl Ihn mp.tin tlent at T.nnH Hollsekeenine Inc.. i A minlnn-,nn ,l,c cue . . . . ... -,, . .:,,! "-' -- , , arpcioic iiinumiiai, cv. n. WS WnCSIIOnS rtMU'H A lot oi you wm 467 Court St. (arn.i jtody of chlid and M0 a month sup- B(.fnr(. ,nc candidates left the pictures of C hristmas - decora ,ons I , Married at Yazoo1 rnnm f-,rkin ntmml lhn meMM I City. Miss.. Oct. 23. 1954. !for nuestions. Only two were West Coast Quiet-Heel. Inc. vs. ; . k.d h. candidates. at night, including civic, business SANTA TIMHSalutations! Open and residential disn avs. Here box For R aresomc tips on tak ing ou door , distinctive floral ar- 7-pic ure '-'",. ..,. ,h.. row.. First, because; ana laeas tor making juui- tmii- long k.'iir Ernest R. Patterson: Order dis misses action with prejudice. Kelly Owens Co. vs. Homer C. exposures ! mas 1956 the very merriest ever I stilller and Janet E. Stlfller. Com- will be neces- ... your Christmas snopping ana plaint seeKs juajment oi ji.mi.i ior ljs answtr The other question sary, your cam-1 decorating easier than you could alleged failure to meet terms of askc(1 was 'snouid the one named rid mi u w . M icve POSSIOIC, vimi oui ui"-" contracts. ... arj : ihe hnnu nf renre. was mane to nerncri carKer. men-; .a, , .., pr,i.,ni- lames tioned as a candidate, and be re- Mnor( Bcal(,rl'on. and R0'h Fudge. Berkeley. Cal. Douglas Anderson of Issaquah received his promotion to staff sergeant. Additional promotions to airman class, plus the shift in orders two weeks ago, increased the number of promotions in the KOTC depart ment this year to M. Kiwanianft (Jive 1(KM for Y.M's 'I'liritKiilic I'ool The Kiwanis ciub's hoard of di rectors has voted to give $1,000 nf club funds to the Y.M.C.A. to help defray the costs of ils therapeu tic pool in the new building. Sev- completely stca-1 nousc. we'll be seeing you De-: Vera H. Holford vs. Itoyal C. 5cnlativ'eSi woud the others be r' Has blast is expected to cral local organizations have made One asked if all the candidates would be willing to run for re election in two years. Eight an swered yes, the ninth qualifying Taxi Fare fCrtntintipd from Pukp 1) men. ,.,.,, ., .rtl.. i. l. All three denied driving Ihe car, 1 "" " ' "'. ,' " . u .i. ,ii- Aii'verton. Some 25 persons from "'Z n ha f7 .rand iMrvi Silverton. Salem. Ml. Angel. Ore lurvlved by lour grandchildren. Mrmhcr of dauRhters ot th. Nile, White Clover Chapter No. 31. OLS. nd Lincoln Court No. 2, Order ot Amaranth, services win ne neia homa and northeast Texas to the Monday, Dec. to at It a.m. In the North Atlantic Coast, lt was warm for the season In the South east and many Eastern sections but sharp temperature drops oc curred during the nignt Irom northern Texas northeastward to northern Vermont A 30-degree drop was reported to 67 yesterday morning. In Tex as. Dalhart. in (he extreme north, reported 24 above while nt Lare do, in the south, it was 72. Readings were mostly in the 50s and 60s in tho Southeast with a few 70s in southern Florida. New York reported a mild so after a high of 66.S yesterday, a record for Dec. 7. action. gon City, Woodburn and Mnlalla testified in the investigation. Others arrested include Dnnnie Itae French of Silverton and Oak land. Calif., Robert Keith Dial, 27, Itriring, nnd a 17-yenr-old youth. Char-Ira W. Arthur MILL CITY (Special I Funeral riles for Charles William Arthur, 90, former resident of Mill City, will be in the First Christian church of Mill Cily at 2 p.m. Sat urday. The Rev. Hugh Jull will officiate. Mr. Arthur died Thursday at Corvallis, where he lived since moving from Mill Cily in 1954. He was a former employee of the Hammond Lumber Co. Mr. Arthur was horn at llallelsville, Tex., April 3. IRfiB. He married Julia Ragsdalc at Lakey, Tex.. Jan. 3, IR95, nnd they moved to Mill Cily in 1925. Surviving are the widow: a daughter, Mrs. M. D. Konklin, Corvallis, and two sons, Chester E. and Earl R. Arthur, Eugene. Chnpet ot the W. T. BlRdon Co. Rev. Joseph HardlnK will oHtelate. In terment Belcrest Memorial Park. I , fra KEEPSAKE EXCLUSIVE IN SALEM y, Jewelers Since ISO gmmiun -JU-ii! " The committee investijiatine the IfiV . . . SO a . -I f.L. -.i. 1 OIK T In O II-lf I. - , , rrmncr Din. nil. nu nun in m. good strong tripod is aaMsanic, , op Sundayi December 9th, : charges cruel - Z S til , . ..i,V. if ' 1 to S p.m. Flower Box, 1210 South ; ment, seeks custody ol minor, suio camera with your body. " a( p, 193J An evnnnire meter with a boos-' .,,,.. rn.,rl ante Pb 3-7440 I Stale vs. Robert F. Goodwl ier ceii or low ngnt scaie iu prove its worth in shooting rieco rativ ("iTUtmai lights. A small pocxet flashlight will be s vslu able aid so you can read your Complaint for divorce . .yjj (o' bc considered for the mallc recommendations lor rcj-1 contributions to this project ucl and inhuman treat-, . c0..4,n .,. ih ular paid inspection of gas instil-i The pool is now used tw Aice a The CARD OF THANHS charge of receiving stolen property; judgment of cir- I isb to thsnk sll the ood:cuu coun reversra vy ou- K 'nno't "h. .uroni I people ot tie SJ Cemmua.ty court. If you have an exposure meter tor their fcnd or of sympathy .t,t vara from 10 to n and the btaul iul ftoraJ Ml vt( rTAL COIKT ernnd Joe utrondv lighted scene I offenngj for my dear loved am. jamn iexlaon CoH-sxni, to five minutes for a dimly light-j Mrs. C. F. Hrn j Oar Mar Dr.. fouls' juilty el riv-, KC,,tc() ea scene. 1 - - mtiM anowtcoiwi imo natn .u .... ;f..;rt nn.-nr. in lations. permits lor insianatwm wn-k lor oom-poiio paui-iu.s. saying no ian qualification for iaslallcrs to water is heated to the needed Court Must Appoint brace the safety code. i warm temperature and the pool is -ru nnn u-. n An ordinance bill on second I sneciallv eouioni'd to serve them. nt vuiiins wiiii iiivi I muscle rebuilding rx- Its present boundaries are On- ing like it in this locality and it er street, Wmamctle river, rerry ercises in waur. mere is noin- ,40. I Stale vs. Robert I-. Goodwin , . ; making its recom- r,adin wm"d enlarge fire .one and accide adv.) Order sets aside judgment of con- mnda'lj(in (or an fljtc, thc a. No. 1. need special thority by law being in the hands l U n,nll fnlie-t Ul Ull- (.IfUIIIJ VWUI I. - - " .. , , A ... m,l f And the county court is not bound anu uinasc Hrcn. . win no in-niniuu.. ... to accent the recommendation, al-! An amendment to thc w prn-jgood." I "Y" officer said posed street numbering system - The pool it also available for use recommendation marie from the :wil1 Provide for suffixes instead of b boys and lirls. Many girls : central committee usually has beeo Prenxea ii cWsignsting cilj UILIS Don't te upset If someone or something moves through the camera rango in the middle I a iong exposure--the Christmas lights are -what rou're after, and dthcvie what yonll tret in the fin ished print But if vou hear a car approaching, don't let its Acadiishts atrcalc through the hot-4impTy covet lens withl'our -F . , V-m f.i,f.tia, uir tina- ! V , .... f " o" , Gmtoti?, ' 4n0r you with ttlpsrjj G hood ... all the filrt and equipment you'll reed formore successful Christ mas shots. So give yourself an earlv start, and bring those first films in trryi for last, expert photo finishing . KLASIC FHOTO. two locations. 54fi State St. in Capitnl Thejlre P'dg. and 1146 Center. Cenier Si store open Monday and Fn dav 'twil 9pm Free parking. r &f tiny; Sofiotan hearing aid oatt bring you the ;oys of life at Christmas and all year round. Speeiol Chrlttmcn Gift Plon SONOTON B W r. DODGi 1 iSSOCIaHS loo t....i.r !. 'h- '"' S.lem. Oresea S250. gave notice of appeal, rriu.ioc ( Boit n STAYTON 'Speculi-Thc faml MMtni'ir.F. LICENSE i50-me ai .si ili cnoir ol I.iKf s-W ATPUCMIONS coilege. M Mmoville. sill uuip Gerald Lee May. 22, TO South at the Si8iai 8pin: ceurrh av rommeroai St . Jtock flerlc and i! a m on Sunria. Tie. oiAhe Shirley Muter. V) ttk South Com- aet"oriij in pastor, merciai St.. waircss. tho Re. ClyO Vandf. iis- eie uung tl. tho Kiwaois bosrd i was informed I AUFRANC'S t I CHRISTMAS GIFT ACKS I 1 FOR CHRISTMAS MAILING f 2 All Loial Products ... let your friends know about Salem MANY FINE ASSORTMENTS g FRUITS, PRESERVES, WALNUTS f AND DRY PRUNES gj Phone 3 8487 3707 Slot S. :twwtanHWiBiaiaiai!tiia(iBts(n.' 1 SHOP & SAVE The ."Green Stomp Way at SlerrT$ Only Exclusive Msn'l Store Giving 4C Green Stimpi Capitol Shopping Center . . . and Brand Name Drugs OiM heaMW demands th best ti car oricj h proper fir'jng of preicipfion demand; the prop.) er atfenlion,, lhal'l yvHy- you lincf .so, jnanyJiamei you) recog-. Tiizo on; our? jfieTyes f r esfij, po-j lent iclrygi) (incl Jrorript; jerVic" ,arg) 'yoyj(iuresT) Juar anteeV, eO Pi J ,0 (3) 405 Slate S. 617 Chemeketa We Give SS'r Green Stamps oo "7 ...,Ms-down WV:iirnh.od on end 0W Keeps you Wo 1 I SURROUND few home with o sstm of warmth! BfeBi btt ini wall to wall. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEAT SO tD ANO imTAUID SYt RICHES ELECTRIC CO. Z36 Still SI. Phoni 2 41 56