f. 9 r-1 i... '3, l Junior Symphony a Working Group Came inlidnya, tai'aUons sod oha not, mcmAerit of Sslcoi's Junior Svmntmny o on npbamtnii, vpi7 Tficsdnji aight (allftunja e am lo o (lirtNlmas night), and, ttsalt, are building a floe tnatiirat armip el Iiirh the ranitat tan be pruno. ITiere are "S futmt people, moinlv wnjor ana Junior high school liirti'nls, In the orrheKtra. Willinin Svciuian. ttlio hendv the ffltuir orlt In Ihe public ahnHl ( Snlrai disirirt, djrertx the group. Tub onceru are planned this year, one eft January 23, the ether an April 24, The four nirtures of the orchestra on the page are candids taken at thi oeeft'a rehearsal. The one en the left page is of the line of violin players. Peter JepMon. being in the fere around. In the picture, center above, Mr. StyetlmaB Is ebotvn viUt o flnte plovers, Barbara Lee end Jim Wright. In the far right picture ere Laura San 'r at right, and Band! Donglas, bard at word with the bass fiddles; Vtrtnr Pnlimwnd, orrfaentra director for Leslie Junior high and Smith Salem high shewn with Larry Prepp in left of pirtnre. In the large picture at right below, the hard Working group Is shown procticiug full steam ahead. A large group ol parents end interested ritixeni) Is orgunireu Into a group to encour age and support the young symphony and Its program. Prunplta Ma noli m, Portland soprano, will ap pnr in Salem on January IS, as soloist with the Portland Symphony orchestra, under the direction of TVodore Bkwwnfield. Major work of the evening will br Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G Major and Miss Masczolini will he heard also singing "Exsul tatc Juhilat" by Mozart. The balance of the program will be Moussorg sky'a pretudB to "Khovantchina" end dances from "Calanta" by Kodaly. AJ1 scats for these Portland Symphony concerts af reserved and the new Willamette university V any there were in the groups who lackrd the Christmas spirit, certainly they wore imbued with said emotion following the two large eolfee parties marking the early week. . . . Mrs. John H. Kola. Mrs. Oscar II. Spprht and Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton entertained on Tuesday fnr one of the sala parties at the Koth home on fandalaria Heights, friends being invrtrd to call hetwrcn 10 and 2 o'clock ... A large Christmas k'?sing hall filled with ornaments and gilded Ira'.es grwtr-d the guests at the front steps VntMial Christmas decor was featured . . . Across the mantel of the fireplace was a wide garland of pohle fir houghs sprayed in mauve and pink s'lodrs. ami on either side of the mantel stood an aiTansrmcnl of the same houshs ... On the coffee taWe was a low arrantrment of violets andjiny riek rosohuds to say spring is hot too far away fallowing the winter chill . . . The tea table was ol with a-pink metallic cloth . . . The centerpiece a of the same mauve and pink hnuphs with dc?p red carnations tucked in here and there ... In the rtuvnstairs party room the coffee fable was set with a brown cloth and an arrangemcnl with gilded hrds for the centerpiece srith gold ancel candle 'irk. holdins pink topers . . . The tea service was n pnlishod hr8ss Greeted during mir nraf noontime call were Mrs. Flayd Sroll. Mrs. ftirfcard Chase, Mrs. Hob ft M. BixvupU. Mrs. Iel Milne. Mrs. Poll Drovn f'l. Mrs. Char n. Itettn-I. Mrs. (iron-e P. floff na. Mrs. Robert V. Mrs. Ralph F. Porrtne. trs. Fard O. RtviHrr. Jr.. Mrv. (. J. IlamiPnn. Mrs. Tl irU M. (Mingrv. Mm. Woltrr I. Teore, Mrs. Vorn W. Miner, Mre. John J. Crlflilh. Mrs. " eve Tidawefii. Mrs. t Perry. Mrs. A. C . Cer I'nger. Mrs. A. W. lnrts. Mn. Lawrence Browa, Mm. E. T. Butternut. Mrs. Birhari) Lsnkow. Mrs. firrtuir lennmg. Mr. Men Frarel. Mrs. Poberl "bite. Jim W. Wd Blum. Mrs. Vernon Drye. Mrs. p. . MrEttlimr. Mrs. Hugh W. Hceiblsn. Mrs. rurlra Bwn. Mrs. Jane faf. Mrs. vrtlUam B Sbfua, 2I abo.larte Berlw. Mrs. VParren "Hie, Mr. Ted Munrts. M. R"be W. Oormten, Mrs, Brryanmal UMdck. Mrs. Wchrrd Spr'aser, Mrs, Genrge C. VteprDa. Jr.. Mrs. Vieeeet Fle'cb MtK Jiune TJi.nn. Mr. Bagh fele. Irs. M. tt Snffnift, Hru. Kenrwtlt foil, Mrs. rrrrs Sodmer. Mm. ADwrt C. Gnure end her dauglnrr. ls Jam l.warUire: Mrs Oeeald Lilawninwa. Mrs. Mi" frarr. Mrs. IT. f. Saidftl. Tr. "HI4 Btraur4sm. Mrs. Joseph I. lervrs, Mrs. ,viUbun B VvmmouA, K. far! Sieenjsmmer. Jesrnit . e!lKm. r. Crerge W. Vevtr. 'P.. &. nieri- Hhb. Mrs Peter H Ceiser, "frfc fnJhBT) tiriojbmtfawt. .Ir, Tttchard Orabea Mm Elinors rvU-fc. Mr, Ihemas Beberls, Jr.K)tr, ettrgt 9, ArhxrWe. . . e "ft vaSart rnaa epsttrartd" '0 male 'he party rtAiso-afJ' (iiasy Wctsaaia. when Mrs. Verrb . SDOkx. GSra (rUHr EncKsoa er.d Mrs". tiO. jpja, aMr:a aaJ a) e cofra 0 ba ST cr fiannj itp FairwisiMl Bfl . . ffa imr Cno i'tttSifiw n s tegiOdWto 80 itcd , eb ijad tm pi fnai tea & S pictui e the'J.vins ro-O 08 6009 msz tfinit panorama of tie valley and h'lls in !S8est. all mailed in .-now. Framinc the fenr!$ 'e snow-sprinkled houshs from the lir trees .iust o'Jtside . . . Gav holiday dcations featured the Mrty . . . The coffee tahle as set w.th a dark Ereen cloth, the centerpiece a small, natural fir Christmas tree hn:h! ith (B)-mature nrnamer's ....In the downstairs party room where guests " ' pi nrnrn ttnti 1h vTi J,v :J -. : , i. . .... &V music auditorium will he used. Tickets are now available at Stevens it Sons Jewelers. Dabblers club is to be entertained at the homo of Mrs. Everett Booster, 1610 Rnnvelt street Thursday, at I p.m. Mrs. Johnnie Shaft? vitl ba co-hostess. Kathryn Cummins and Marie FJwood will entertain the group with musical selections. Members are to take their parrels for the nevdf family to he assisted at Christmas time, also the gifts for an exchange among members. By M.L.F. adjourned for therr seconds the coffee tahle fea tured a colorful Santa Claus train, complete even to the smoke ttufts of angel hairi . . . Over the mantel was a picture of a beaming Santa Claus encircled with a wreath of greens Among those greeted during our call. Mra. Chandler Brown, Mrs. A. C. ferlinger, Mrs. Ches ter A. Towns. Mrs. Jerald S. Barkstraod, Mrs. Russell Bonetseelr, Mrs. Firl C. Latoarette, Mrs. Waller I.. Tooze, Mrs. Chester m, Mrs. Robert T. Boals. Mrs. I,ee Ohmart, Mrs. Robert Sprngae, Mrs. loa Perry, Mrs. James II. Allenby, Mrs. Cornelias ).ofgrrn, Mrs. E. A. Linden. Sr., Mrs. F. A. Linden, Jr., Mrs. G. . Chambers, Mrs. Richard Chambers. Mrs. E. E. Batiermnn, Mrs. Oaode II. Post. Mrs. Carl .Stelbammrr, Mrs. John SleeUjnmmer, Mrs. Robert M. Nrrdham, Mrs. Joseph B. Fetlon. Mrs. Manrire neater. 10 from Sublimity. Mrs. Ivaa Marble from Independ ence. Mrs. Chester FriUs. Mrs. Roderick Lrres ley. Mrs. Conrad W. Psolos. Mrs. KronH.b IVikion, Mrs. Mollis W. llaotiairtOB, Mrs. Morris Crolbers, Mrs. Harold Bosirb, Mrs. Panl II. Ilendrirks, Mrs. Una C. Smith. Mrs. Edgar T. Pirrre, Mrs. Merrill D. ftblivg. Mrs. Kenneth Fhimnnn, Mrs. Jobs n. Kelh. Mrs. ftsrar II. Kperhf. Mrs. Rirbard Sprinrer. Mrs. Brermaa Boine. Mrs. (George (J. Kvi1. Mrs. A. D. Woedmansee, Mrs. Sydney Kramer. Mrs. Fdvnrd A. LeboUt. Mrs. Bartm A. Mrers. Mrs. Riebnrd A. RiwIinynH, Mrs. Harare Mctiee. Mrs. Robert D. ;resg. Mrs. Elmer O. Berg. Mrs. Jasaa Lee. Mrs. Brare WiUinrav Mrs. 'Charles ampbrll. Mrs. Harris UrU. Mrs. C. lister Newmaa. Mrs. fieort Alesander, Mrs. Ross Home. Mrs. Harold Hank. Mrs. Edwin Kerch. Mrs. Brace I'randall. Mrs. Res Adotph. Mrs. R. PIcKrll, Mrs. CUytna Forvmaa. Mrs. Vernon Perry. Mrs. (.artee U Sjnpwi. Mrs. Jane SlUI. Mrs. Fran Ward. Mr. rsirtra A. Barrtay. Mrs. Harold M. OUnger. Mra. sTuItam L. Phillips, Mrs. EstUI L. Bmnt. Mrs. r.'urnard A. Meyer. Mrs. Melvta B. lieirt, Mrs. WMlam 1. 8rann. Mr nenry A. Simmons, Mrs. Rnssel Beoiler, Mrs. Donrtas flar. . . . A sideloc on tolh paii'es: A ohoio-raphcr would have had a fie'd nav wa'ehiog guests going IB erd nut of the parries, neth dor' eg the rain (or the Tuesday event aal the srw lor the Wednrs. d3v narty . . . There was q"jie an array of boots, galoshes, bright un orellos. ar.d plaitte ram head toverinsj. etc . and it was qui'e a protect, espe c.aD Wcdsesday. 10 take off the gear and enter Ihe heme, then put on all 'he tTi'rmcr.t nJ'er leavinj ihe cet te . . T.A all luJ a wcnOcrfuI I me visiip-.g and chat'ir.3 wntie tri.-s rut the timnrcUaj and galwhcs ar.d aorient; 10 cmer the heads besore ea!ur-s cut en ht S'.rect, . . . . . In tnaJtuij Ike rouci ef CaTi each utti. one ge'g ir.e rtfih.TS bilj wtta cSsMrtn- iswtt the ieicofwre ... rig one of our caSj I6t ayecic a lii'ie w ear.g cut with VuI Uf sd p:cared ig gh (E We so &ir e aev batf ar our bemo " 8.10 wcn ehattcv ivj orj anno tba osr srneai be fo-9 rst oou esft ! ooraajrj) . . SJuhCT (Soto O phOW o ore 8un,o8 tH'O 9 0S9 arrival-i0 ,ot'r r1 B cS59 & me hospital an hour ! !) rll. . . . In Wahinston. DC. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rrrrm and Miss Alene iPefi Phillips lived four blocks apart . . . Las' .sprinz the Rro-rons n,oed to Salem . . Th:s past month. M:;t T'hilhps re turned to Salem ard th s week moved mm the !,rr. apartments . . And now she and 'he Brennans he a block apart I V m .r-ifer tra. , axw .... '.. OWNTOWN T jons club auxiliary has iary has eett earty, the home planned its Hecrmher event o mretinR next Thursduy nifihl at the home of Mrs. Waiter K. Martin, IOjO Safliravv. Mrs. Milan Bonifaie is rhairmen of the hnsiesa eom mitte?. assisted by Mrs. Hovarrl .lenk, Mrs. Wayne fiordnn. Mrs. Bran iimidenough, Mrs Loren Mort, Mrs. Richard Von OsiJnl. The prnfiram is tn he presented hv Charles Seavy M the Tacide Telephone and Trlegrapb company. Another feature of the evrninp will he a toy shower for children at the Oregon b.ote School for the Deaf. During the week -he ousdiary has presented Christmas rhn ks to the Haven school huildicg fund in t he omnunt of imo, and lo the f iregon Sfate hchnol fftr the fJI:nd in the omnunt of $23 io be usrd in purchasing articles ol clothing (or some of the students. Annual hanging of 'he greens ecrernoiv at the Y.Vs'A w-.ll be Monday, or 7 30 pro. in the gym ttas um Miss Joanne Moron, a member oi the VW Live Vers club, wiil he the narratir and readers arc M.fs Jolcne tf.amnns and Mi s Path Tiof Jan xor and senior High V Teens wJl ajig rty -Tfias carols. Mrs Donald Glrckicr is tn cnarge of the muse Hon Fnescn and S cac Olcchlcr, trjmpcters, U'sll summon tlie OJdcnce to the gn:nas.um. Mcmtc;s of 51 'ss Mar. p Tie ilwrcha modero dance class w l) present dances, and cnTPhcra of .Mrs. James W ics rm fiflss w.ll prescnr "clk dances, refreshments will be served following Ihe pro gram. Christmas -piirly ft r Salem Busineys and Iro- fcssionat .Vomcns (tub be nex Tu?siay evei n:r; a 1 i't t cicek. st Ihe (.apital Uusiness college,, 117 ortt Liberty Irs Ivcttto Card's?, who V'SS ''cuhMe) vtcner in togustf istt tcaf . vD ipcafc o OrtH mtLt m f"sttfd o tit coecsf Mrs tUargero auXx'd is ta rftarc of inujc vaioni Rro 'o ise g Cor rte tecoas1 w ell are iidreq and paier.ti at, tht 5ara ospiuu. ftifl) f4 Srileni .lunmr club Mf;ndaOee- Q'Q at the Salem fiman c!uh hmi?c. Mrs Mrl vinLicn and Mrs. Howard Price are co-chairmen. Other; on the commi!t(e)aro Mrs. William Hjrks.Q Mrs. Richard Ba1lantne. Mrs. .Inik Tilton, Mrs. Donald Richardson. Mr. Clarence Tinimons. The 2;rK at HillcreO ,h;ukI vi;1I prrnt a pro Erain. Karh member of th'' club is avkrd tn hnnz two wrapped f'hri5tir.a 2if to the rneednz. orie for the Hillcre&t school, and one for Haen schwl, Inc. pi J)( Jr rr. xaargsagcaasai?8aw O . .. . jjg a , M " r,lv f r- IiniSTM. fl Internal Lv nifibi. I IiniSTMAS party for Salem club of Zonta tonal is arranged tor 'Xt Thursday ifibl, Iecrmber 13, ot the home ct Miss Gcnev ic e Murgao. Ifc.i art will be at 7 30 0 clock with Mrs Kverett roe. Miu I Loir I rtorft'eke. Mrs. B. 0- Schuckmg on the rnmnnittee A 'u'lnemi session will follow the difisrrt, the Rmup tn made p'ons tor d; 'hr:stmos philanthropy and other activities for the midwinter. Nohost dinner fnr ' secret' dads will precede the recvia meifr; flo1 eiecttn nt C-cer for bethel 13. Job s Ooushtcfs. Monday evening at Ihe Scottish Rite temple. Chairmen for the annual Spini'crs club Christ mas chanty rati are he up onrnunrcd The (nrmal a'foT will he a' the Snra"er hote. Dcemher 22, danritis 'o ort nt 9 30 oc'ock with Don Millers urchestro piayteff. Tickets will he on sale next week wilh all mer. hcrs parti"ipa: ng Mjw AUce Irf'niTun Is general chairman and headtnjj e-'er cir.rr:tce9 orl'in" w i ic ire Mis Oorba'O Frnrwa. M-aa Joan Scamper, M.&s Jaow ller-he, Mr Howard Maticr, Miss Mar jone Bccko, Miss Fliim Brown, Fete Mrs. Reay A rccrption Itonorins TMrs J Iiljar Kray is, plannttr b members of Amswotth rh-'ptei1 Order' of f asttrn Star. nfx l'f"'a. at ft p m Ihe' Scot's!) (H'c wmrlo Mrs licny is semi's nit (hf israr! fiiwt tomnt'lte p Ihe gt&ni th.ipltf vnf Vts TToJhtC SiufaiiMC fait lualroAi ijl Sins-) or'l cSssicif. is ac'ins as fliwan for (res ocmnw zi a hf ag assis e n Sirs Ttm Ilorif.j ?frg W nomtxi r UUf'S -t S'foarJ sirai H S SroMlrs lira I anranuj ijjinrmao Mrsi C W ra lr rfnlln f.ocKt fr Cost YH Clmt ar.4 Wr Cnotha Pcrrai 0 w ,ha 19 I. $HMrr & es.'t nt ti. Tfdo-tis ess 9 it cai 8 fry, .Mrs. Howard JV-nk? Mi Ira 0'jS) (Jnd) Mr1. Anna Kirkpa'.r' k will d'fnratp. DurLrg tho evrniPE. Mrs ftoy Hunt uill play, and Mis. Morse S'ruart will present a prosrain. Past palrrin of thr chapter and Kred Knken, worthy patron, will Sr hosts and ushers r'nuri.og will be Mrs. Paul II, Hnusfr and Mrs. Paul lt"h:n son. Additional Society an Page 8 !l " :. 2v; Tfi rrvrrrltT A panel of 8 pc altera, to diirusa past election Views under the cneral topic ol "What llapprnrd to the ftrpuhiicao Party in Orvjan." wiU appear on the proarom for the meeting of Salem chin flf the Oregon f ederation ot Republican Women, Mon day. Takmg part on the panel will be Conrad Paul son. James llatirid and Man on Iawry Fischer, ell frnm the Marion county Republican central committee. o The Holiday Month Calendor lifcrmbfr I Hrtiuj ChriKtind Mtfiill U obtinf home, v Y -lvtr ' tmir anntb tft 1WU CJUtJt CiDaV Mftjrjc fioitfbti o atorofta. ttaU- ' rbnuAdi pvitjr fat Msnon Poiit Bi-flici tacitly mtmtur n lnfia" fcotrt) Coilce party of Mis. Helen Ifwu 11 It to 12 3 oclotk. a Uerer tti!tn Mfdvn Ciutt Chrltmf crini ihow. rk tViir-n (mi Of ttu9 liOin ifl fn)c, Colf! iaay ol Mr, I,. V. IKnjon and 5lr fl. WcCl10rk, to t jO- (Jftwiy) i ii .m. 10 3 p w Prcrmbcf 1 "Holiday o(f r Mrs. Steven Hfoion at I V Scoion bomr riardm nob 4jjmtraa seen ow. (latk eo i-ot Clu? hn9 IM0' VWC i roofttook tcttn. :9 to 0 am Inzonva. coxree ptariocit tiy Mrs frank S HfAty, at fir hcm, lircrmkfe il o u Wuwrj lob djnea KmgMi r coitnituf bin . O Anttvtt eptrn tfoctistoa oi wmamni (' X'annviiVftie lt.ilon)totflJ Coirce prty pfunafit by Mrs mo 8 Utair. t. fttr bP , iniri.- p Tf piflttned hs Mrs :rPI W Kay J imara ii croft fnnr Corner Commuflite iu Jhiiif.j f-N . Vtl ?tie. MMn tirt " w 3tCU1f tnltff) ff Mf? LHa't1 J'; ;jnkff!on) q llrrrntlifo f " C llT t)itf$'&tn$ 'hH'Mtit C!?r;s?nl jCTOliit J-X? cia4Ti6a ... ,...r IT, e.BJIr h(itiTiJ)(chrui) (ban,, (Kfnai(hotfl.j (bVfrmfen a " , . -. Oettcit OiK4fl.ant Vs colli ewi n moihrr,mr .f Mtift rAtthuJcQxS3flo iEeoroon D?rt?Jt Won Mi Hi ci4rQMr(KnsV&A0J9u r-i. r rfltnoTaKD8s on OP fiMmmi fiftjiffi formal) . . Hl' rVrnl (tSujpf ffiemntclfydne Mr,. Garlen L. Simpson. w i,.(f, . e tr Mitli'- Mfjl-irnul i. r. r -ftJjT'M il nl.s) riprtn Ti'H M-tmn hnlfl. n 'fif'.V.ua ..( liHi.iiM' ditL-'rm'r v Wf. Antttr nf litul f'ult ( ftiif rl'itt ; Uir (!.-. ..ilr htfl (o) f.nnu!. opto b' ut it Buh bu.c. ftjlrni Art Mu.ra (All pictures by Jerry Clausscn, Capital Journal) C3C3.c-""i rt 'A , . , !. r- tba tnrclicg Kill be At J tVcbr& 9 Co SOftl Slot nnJrl Kw eirtrcrt wifl he Uatta0c4. Ufa C(0 Van nn Vule ca bjb prra&tft. Mrs S$rtd B Inamarr and ifm tsla ba icl are lo (xntf t (tat r In raarat oj ts, tm are Sirs Stanlrs Kauoa tuurnc: vtit I sna, alas Braittl. Mr. ndtiairs f . lar, W . Mcrsyn Stcvctaclt, ottSitro fcoir Cf1i. 0 0 o o o