Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 8, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section" I Page 3 5 Public Hearings Slated On City Council Agenda Monday Five public hearings are on the afienda for the Salem 0ty council Monday night. They are: On a chasaj at 201a tnm Sl sidtiai for property iiirtk at Stortz avestft and Nirthsiaa am nio) te ntooa it avaikJoie tar aau ?. wx&i. K k HtnnitM a? tar ocry nfcraoaaj rnrmiimn. Oi a ckaagu tf mis aa a at aiA of tuitk Ctnmmcki aj&vawa Vavaiagats iui fcsnarise. trav Youths Tfy to Sell Stolen Auto Ilufeaps Two youths who attempted to sell four hubcaps at a Salem serv ice station Friday night are be lieved to be the ones who stole complete sets of hubcaps from two part TtnrraA in a Mnln,. A store parking lot earlier in the i day, city police reported. I riifinn nun in? sha,u. told officers four ig.M nifkmnhiill huh,, wr iw (rm w. between 7 and 9 p.m. William Locke, Newberg, an employe at the store, said four "full moon" hubcaps were taken from his car between noon and 9 p.m. The cars were parked near each oth er, officers said. Ron Ross, operator of a service station at 17th and Center Sts., said tw young men came into his station about 9:50 p.m. and at tempted to sell him a set of Olds, mobile bubcaps. California to Get Salem Man BOISE (UP) Boon police yes terday decided to turn Morris Bjorusen, 22, of Salem, Ore., over to Nevada authorities on an armed robbery charge in connection with a holdup earlier this week At Car lin, Nov. He was being held by local of ficers oh kn accessory in the rob bery of a Safeway supermarket in downtown Boise Wednesday. He was arrested the same day along with John Hoffman, 11, Lebanon, Ore.: Ronald Davis. 14, who was released Monday from the No votia state prison, and ft 17-year-old girl. Hoffman and Davis have been charged with the actual robbery of the Boise market, Bjorusen waived extradition aft er he was identified by Fred Pa cini, operator of the Carlin night club which was robbed, as one of the men involved in the incident. He was returned to Nevada by officers from Elko and Carlin. County Prosecutor Eugene Thomas said it was decided to defer prosecution to Nevada be cause Bjorusen would be faced with a much more serious crime than if prosecuted in Idaho. Hitchcock Gives Views Concerning Republicanism PORTLAND W Former state senator Phil Hitchcock outlined his views on "modern Republican ism" at a meeting of Oregon Republican Women here Friday. He said GOP kisses in the last election were thp result of what he descrihed as the "natural ero sion of a nnrtv ton lone in imwer" and a "failure to communicate. N Hitchcock, who lost the U.S. senatorial nomination to ftmuzlas McKay last May, went on to. say: "If there was anything wrong with the party, it was that it was being controlled from the top. But that was not the fault of those In control. The party wasn't send ing anything up from the bottom." Hitchcock is now a member of the Lewis aud Clark College staff. Let Su one A help you make your' a Musical Christmas t . . . 1Tt5lD r a)u fintr fltfill t' Io euwnah pianos 8 VX"' ' Mcft a liietime Invesfmofit In faMiiy- pleasure. - I iin'iiaaD m W mm.. R-l roadential to C-2 business, whertj Oregon Farm Bureau pro posts to construct a new Aq ordinance bm pro viding nsr tbo cbzosra wH be oo tbo qgeodli b SjMood resdrjau) tend mi in I Km. . Mn BjagiSfjasSii Ok Ou art.iirti lira tffy 0) ta04 a aaiy va )n in I IVrit avwMtt, .fcu and K;t Pjsak aveeua, ,kwn street ad lHjJrftar avail, mi a re si'ijian wit ke karidaiad diseet iOo that toe wirk im'r. On tee ejtentiM if lie citay tt) built a .nitary sewer line in Glen Creek Road from Sing wood Terrace 443.95 feet west, and Parkway drive, from Glen Creek road southward 400 feet. A reso lution will be introduced directing the construction. On the intention of the city to lay a water main six inches in diameter aloft' Hammcl street from Losing avenue to the east city limits, and Marcia drive from Hammel to the north end of Mar- - iS." JdireCJting roce- " V Zoning Mfclers otn;r ..matts Pertaining I zonJn8 will include: Report from the planning com mission recommending a change of zone from R-2 residential to C-3 busins for a small strip ot land at 694 North Church St An ordinance bill will be intro duced. A request from the planning commission that a Drooosed change of zone from R-2 resident ial to C-2 business for aorcage on the east side of North Church south of Mill Creek be returned to the commission for further study. Several items will pertain to streets and traffic. A letter will Be read from R. F. Millett, prss ident of the Richmond Parent- icacncr association requesting a survey relative to the need of sidewalks from the seuth end of Richmond school on South 24th street to Lee street, and also alone Lee to ford. The letter wiU also he a reminder of unsanitary con ditions in the area. CrosmvnJRs Chuanre Auked A letter from W. C. Williams. state highway engineer, will re quest the closing of the crosswalk the north side of the inter section of Capitol and Center. Resolutions will be introduced for the construction of sidewalks along the west side of South 22nd from Mission to Oxford, and along me east side ol South 22nd be tween Klectric and Hoyt, between Rural and f.lcctric, and between Cotford and Rural. Another resolution will approve plans for a sewer between B Street and Center west of 19th. An ordinance bill for second reading and final action will ini tiate proceedings for the annex ation of territory between Moody avenue and Tess street, abutting the east side of Park aveue, and fixing December 10 as time for a public hearing. An amendatory bill will be in troduced to include Tile road be tween Capitol street and the South ern Pacific mainline among ar terial streets having fixed setback lines. O Warm Weather Clearing Some Roads in State Bat Motorists Advised to Carry Chains in Most Areas WaTotfer weather was breaking up some of the slush packs on Onacon highways today but snow and ice still made driving haanrd tus in some spots. The State Highway DepHrtmen". said in its morning road and weather report that chains were still required at Troutdale, Sun set summit and Austin. Motorists were advised to carry chains at Wilson River summit, Portland, Salmon river, Prospect and Bly. Most new snow was reported In mountain passes, but Portland and Eugene both recorded two inches of new fall. Four inches of new snow fell at Warm Springs junction. 2 1-2 at Sunset summit, three at Santiai ; two at Willamette pass. A light freezing rati was tail ing on Oregon Highway 26 at Grosham and spots of ice were reported at The Dalles and Bend. The Highway Department said all major routes were open through Oregon, but drivers were advised in general that chains were required over U. S. 30 and u. s. 26. Motorists were also ad vised to carry chains over U. S. 97, 99, 199, 395 and Oregon 58. Temperatures around the state included: Government Camp, 30: Warm Springs junction, 16; Portland, 30; Sunset summit, 28; Astoria, 44; Salen, 4; Corvallis, 39; Eugene, 36; Roseburg, 33; Grants Pass, 32; Medford, 2S; Siskiyou, 20; floid River 2; The Dalles. 23; Beid, 26; Snatiam pass, 26; Ocho co summit, 8; Willamette pass, 19; Klamath Falls, 11; Pendleton, 20: La Grande, 24: Baker, 14 Ontario, 15 and Burns, 14. District Attorney Post Favored as Non-Partisan Job PORTLAND im The conven tion of the District Attorneys Assn. of Oregon adopted a resolu tion here Friday favoring legisla tion to make the office of district attorney non-partisan. The association elected Kenneth Abraham of Hood River president and Thomas Brownhill, Astoria, vice president. Re-elected secretary-troosurer was William L. Langicy, mun nomah Count! district attorney under indictment on charges of conspiracy to permit gambling in Portland. Winston Bradshaw, Clackamas County, and Warren Albright, Jef ferson County, were named to the executive committee. Washington County Sheriff R H. Busch was elected president of the Oregon State Sheriff s Assn., also in convention here. The Shor ; iff's association named John Elf ; ring, Malheur County, vice presi : dent: and Forrest C. Sholes, Lane I County, secretary-treasurer. more to spend later Because of tte liber ol djvidcBiJj your Mtnpi earn here cvrice estrb yetuc AJifOi bootuso taijng nsb rescr- tttsti op 4aan j-on etui ttu advanufc of bargainsw-svoia carry 0:5 rhwt n hfr ttoj ?w Aad urait tab aot oToiy prnficartiie, tut wlrctncly Jaft, coo A- ,rt uxb to-, wai ur3 ruf-e heca. irrwbjD'i4 juvtejs cOTttariorj. nutay 5wtr il expcvtcm tnd proicwional iroibOEf oorar bow vr pwreert wr vin(f. Saic. vnxq( ov rJmatt more " ttpctxt ater, two ui CtKis it sucJ) no pwfiwfeie plc o Mt? M"& IWlW W (open iour necotJit? foo Logger r v&- i 'J 4"i.:,',l nil I .' in,' ,i, I .. W , .,!" ' I' 'I. ..jh.,. mimM-k!ti. j Armed Man Arrested in Wrong Home A Salem man found in some one else's home Friday night was arraigned Saturday in Dallas jus tice court on a charge if burglary. Salem police said Kenneth Ern est Davis, 1156 Seventh St., was ar rested about 9:39 p.m. after he was found in the bedroom of her home by Mrs. Louise Smith, 226 Gerth St., when she returned home. Mrs. Smith said she screamed ami ran to a neighbor's horn to phoiw for aid after seeing the man in her room. A friend vrho nd accompanied her home, Don Creasey, 14J5 North Liberty St., stayed at the scene and talked to Davis until efficers arrived, po lice officials said. Davis was holding a gun in a holster at the time of his discover:- but made no attempt to use it, police said. The gun did not belong to him, Doris said, but was found in the house. Officers said Davis lore a hole in a screen, unlatched H and then broke a hole In a window to un lock it to gain entry. Tracks led from Davis' car parked on tlie street nearby to the scene of the entry. O O Held for Kidnaping DALLAS, Arc. William K. Vnmrctvoaa, 38. IooIh at imiuia ot himself that led to his awest 'FhuiMinis' nljttft on ehafffj 01 amm Mhbery nnd kidnaping of Rvnry Datnrz fcmflb. DatnVar una fnroed to accompany a aunmm an atotnitan More wftvie hr MTOtrit it of $1300. Lnft Is Polk County 9terrV torn HnuSWfe A WW photo) Malone Bond Set at $1,000 PORTLAND Ifl Kenneth Y. Malone, 41, Safcni, appeared be fore U.S. Coimmsetotu Claire Mmrdorff here Trmay oa a dmrtfe of embwadinc from tte U.S. moil. Makwre, a substitute moll carrier in SaKim, and a beurbrg an the charge was aft far nvxt Friday. Tbe ctargB was based on i complaint signed by Postal In-1 specter C. A. Hnyw, whttrh ac cuied Mai one o Rioaling (JS.tiS from a hMter entrusted to him in pecformanoe of his dttttes. THESE STORES ARE 0PEM SUNMV! SAFEWAY OPEN 1165 Ji20 257S Centet Fairgrounds (Id. S. CamX 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW fBICCi ALWAYS Wiles Drug Store Corner Court & High Sts. Phone 3-8792 Open A.M. t 1 P.M. ond J P.M. 10 P.M, PrBicript'.ans Fi!m 'Cantrat U-Orive' Truck Sfafwiee IV3 rwMrsmlsl YHMK fDlAlA Hi, roi) ur.rt vMnt.tiirT 'U-Driva' Sarvko l'ltthwhtiad Ripmwm Ordeal jar Gtyutpbi OLYMPIA, Wash. HI Btm ing a father lhi wetfh was a rig orous erdeot for Ma. Btutry Arenirs. He snHervw turn tmtftia tttfiSk ami required ehht stlli&ws W Mb face. Altt an ell-mOM vlult t Out hnspltut, he restart up t tas Iris wile ofi stre van wtnvlvd tana ttae dehvery nan. At (he wharf irS UV enow, m pzweva am ram am hnnhvd an ms tecc en ttm cojst3B ftanr Throuds, swollen Uns lutnr hp e maraed: "You can't tamfflws tj9t a fathor goes through. SUNDAYS QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT ISO SOUTH MBBBTt IS OP0I SUNDAYS 17 Noon to J PJVU-Q CM. to 9 PJW, Wankttaysv-9 AJU ft) tt PM. (Other Hours, Cft 9-91 3S ot 44376) 1 272 Stats Btvmt We Feature lligb Ulitr U)M Br StKrratas V2 Gallon, 8Sc Ztoat6$ Al Flavors for Your Fivor Also Diabetics P,rgJ$ )f besserl Special Orderil-or All Occasi'JJ M Educators Ask More State Aid PORTLAND (UP) Oregon ed ucators, members of the repre sentative council of the Oregon Education Association, yesterday approved a resolution calling for state school support at the rate of $120 per school census child instead of the present $80. An accompanying resolution ucficd that basic school support money be distributed to schools accordance with recognized principles providing for a basic program in each school district underwritten by the state govern ment, provided that any such pro j, will inrure ttmt each srhool district gets at least as much in state funds as it now receives." The increase in state support would give Oregon schools some $117-million dollars in state funds ana wouia mean tnai me state would support about one-half of public school expenses. The council nominated eight members for the OEA vice presi dency: Robert M. Foster, Albany; Ralph Farrlow, Jr., Monmouth: Clarence nines, fcugene, timer R. Johnson, Coos Bay; Clifford Norris, Roseburg: Tom Powers, Bethel; Donald K. Shclton, New port, and Wendel Van Loan, Cor vallis. Arson Thought In Church Fire CAMBRIDGE, MbA. Ml A roaring fine, wlfinh rt)lUe bclicn-e may have hpen tt vwrit of anU arsonist, aeswikW" w smwiy yciir-otd St. .hihn tire Evangelist ftOK CatitvTv Ckwdli enrlir t-1 4iy, Dfpwii? wok p4wtmKd at -I nreve moH tVM aLusniii rflrtkirs. At Ore bvioW vf (he weeknukir rtw no. nil ir 41 (( Ajti waaf nnrl I woirs f iue nKHRe Caibve col- I hosspo) in as mesin m sfatns mi Wtnav. iVu feHishaeK wese sxvo)t fmm hofttvre by flic foewrg. wait. Tki woe iiSMkn, tlostvautfd' m Oo; eluwrh, ve- pjiyaVd as a s4iwiuf(h7io tff Aie I Carhtfue .inAn&ooost' wf BssMn, wene pwwpress reBnH idqVsts and stoonnl cOaw uenaaxs aiai a t'oftlund Sfnfw fttn'ftwt Ftttm.iXD m Vrrv tami an esUmOmi nJ60t tkuwiw to a "tapy Haw nrwwy !re w sautftevS pxrtJipnt eaVty Sntw dinr. Csn, HienAal tMHi 4iJUfltta aflA the Bro flKsatrCnMSt Bft W I a waiter. r GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN It Nana TB i:$0 SUNDAY stmDAt DtiwOTmg OUft PfiUALf t Nnrlh LlhrrrTy rbnrte 38733 Howser Bros. Equipment Sole & Refitof Sanies o 1185 So. 12th Phono 3 364o Solom, Ore.) 0 Q o U.J O , ,1 o o.-: o""'0 Cfr, ' -J!. o Portland State Expects 12,000 PORTLAND U! Portland State College is expected to have an enrollment of 12,000 by 1970, Pres ident John F. Cramer said here Friday. He told the Portland City Club that statistical studies indicate the downtown college will have 5,400 students by 19(H) and about 8,000 by 1965. Present enrollment is 3,000. The school ultimately will occu py a seven-block area, with build ings four and five stories high. QUAKE SHAKES BASE MANILA iflA light earthquake shook the U. S. naval installation at Olongapo in Subic Bay west of Manila last night, Xo'&ustan, wa reported. '18 T',e Green Stnmp nt Hn ' & . Hylfl Salem's Only Eifcluilve Men's $tor HMffi Giving H'fCQmn Stamps B1tolShoppin8 Center tT'lltf - i WeiA Moster Amozing 1 Yr. CosrsDlre oa sit etuis es4 i I ifariiijJ I I $29995 I I I Only Pm WoA W NO MONET DOWH1 aaaaa.aJaaaaajaS5 aai i imh pi. I I " iTS1 aW IM"mt1r - 365 N. OPEN MON. AlbanyLawyer Holmes Aide PORTLAND (UP) Governor elect Robert Holmes laid today he has appointed Orval Thompson, 42-year-old Albany attorney, to be his legal counsel in the governor's office. Thompson has been associated with the law firm of Weathford and Thompson since 1938. He is a former state legislator and a Democrat. He. is a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon law school and is immediate past president of the University of Oregon Alumni As sociation. He is married and the father ot two children. TPmpns GE rnd'stisJeti movie stnjben Vop.-.&iaTfttjfo5lrr. Itai&oWeCTuUiig - CirkStHiftd'sfttety . i .ejeftloxi- V etrjaraWrWl' j jVolnine Contrbi . Pnih-pii'll pover Lls-btedjtiomberi iwtndiw treew.tuniojf- dial Po-McrdKtMl' thjnel Sslitfjpjr atite'osjt-or Wnr e 1 Yr. CBiAraiftte Has the New OH aJQnsre inches of vresrXK(t tea Modal SO00L weighs less thtm 13 pounds l A tyfiAtti arayaHUtljn egBfgaf! niB WJIaaT tin vdmuAttp flSfml tafcn sHSBf s$nttr.1 ii r.nrj mi. 17-WBV.H I B I k" II, IBI I lI1... - ..rr..i,. - i . COMMERCIAL & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. 560 State St. Salem, Ore. -