Page 4 Section 2 -Q- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem,' Oregon, Saturday, December 8, 1956 RADIO PROGRAMS HLM mt KOCO MM. BOAT HJS. KOIN Me, lot tie, KKX UN SATURDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 5 6 KSLM UK O (UN KF.X KKI.M KOI O KOIN Ik f ; i KEX ksi.m" kim ri KOIN KSI.M MM O KOIN Kf. H KPX KSI.M KO( O ;K()IN Kf.W KKX KSI.M knro )KOIN kc;w KF.X , KSI.M Knro KOIN I Rr.w I KFX News C ounlry Slyls JarK Kl.ziah Jack Klzlah Sports Pop Tunes Top Tunes Wally's Sport sal Hit! Sign Off , I News-Weather U N flecord Harmon Snts. Frank f.nss Sports Sports I Monti Ballon , Montr lUltmi Sports Boh Blackburn Bob niarkburniBob Blarkburn Hawn Calla Hi wall Calls Western Srr. Itt'estern Srr. "s por funr Khythmaires llhvthmnires Kntrrtatnment iFntertninmrnt INoinancr lnrnair fO Hcvue o.ii kcvuc 60 fivu- n.uln St. Ja Bor KUikhurn Roh Blacknurn Bob lilackhurn tio.. bi.Kh. ,.m Word of Life West Srrrnatle West Sric'rindc West. St-rcnm-l. Rhythmairei hancr f'nrty I )mu e Party VM flasket hall IB.isketball Ifin Brvne ISiand Ul Oprv (.rand Ol Onrv .n nooln . noin i V. mi Vt'cikci'id V.'iui. V.'i kf i.rl West.Srrenade West. Serenade Wtv-t. SercnarieiWest Serenade" Vcs-sr,..rik Darn-f i'hM Damt trty ti,,nr-e ,'rt Baskelbal) H,iskethnll B .ketball IHaskcttialt Heck H.i r per Heck J,;ti per fiv.-k per Hi t k Hm per Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend News lirivthmHiiet TBI fiio Revue IMllsir Nevs Sports n.! nee P;irty B;.r ratlin 11 innskrtlial R20 Revue fi2(l Revue Wna JVei kend Wnd. We. kend Ctiltti Brvond I News n.mee Party B;)sketb;tll Tn Music D.tnre jMasketli.ill Dance Tlrnr Child Bi inrl News Dance Party Dance Party Dance Party Newn-Sports 'Jaiif Party ivu-t I'-ny D-mce Party Ba.'-kelball (Basketball Rnsketbali iH-T-ketball Dnnce Tims 0;iiur Iirns Dance Tuns Dance limt News IDanceland De.pre1i.rid DancrlanrJ Dance Party Dines Party Din re Party Daiirepnrty News-Sports Darjre Party Danes Party Danes Party Basketball Basketball jMui Midnight Mm MldnijCbV Oanre Tims Q.-ineeiiind D..nre Time Danre Tims Danceland Danreldnd Dan re Time O.mrrlars) HOUR 00:00 SUNDAY 00:15 0C:30 0D:4S K(W: JO Church llm JOIN -Jl i.'hurrh of the Air n KKI.M Melody Journ'v Mrlndv Journ'v'Muilc Churrft Bells" f KOIN f. Power Hikss E. Power Hicjs Churcb of Air ( htin n of Air KtiW ttadio Piilpn Canio Pulmi Clinn ti Hymns Anolher Cbaiire sjnt-A itame loiii. joiii .-avy lirre h to vela , Inquiry 8 KSI.M Cons'v Bantlii Salem Acsd. B.irk lo flod Brk tor;od" KOCO Never Know 4-H Club Naarene Ser M m for Sun KOAY Wmife Club Wallfe Club Wflfe Clui KfJAV News KOIN Inv. to 1-arn Inv to Learn Salt Lake Tab. Salt Lake Tab Kf;W Voics Prophecy Voue Prophecy Dr B.iinhouic Dr Bamnous Kf.X Faith In ourT Faith in our TFailb jn our 1 Faith in our T 9 KKI.M Blbls Claia Bible Clais Votes of Proph Voles of Proph KOCO Hut fnr Sun. Mm lor Sun. Mm for Sun. Mus lot Sun KOAY Roberts Orcan Roberts Organ Hit Review K(;AY News KOIN Jewish Faith St. Francis Foreign Affaln Sunday News KUW Srsnritnav Hr i( ndina Hr csrinjv Hr Srand'nsv Mr KFX Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits m KSI.M News Chrlitlsn Sri. F-ark A Fm it Mmc " I KOCO i're.ivter?n Preh un lit.inli Mel nns if Hm. hui j nn Heview nil ic-virw rut Keve a iiiilN Storv Master Art Mtieum Sr".de II KC.W Muic for Sun. Mujic for S-n. IVui lJxt KFX News-Weekend Vvreker.d VVeeTtd KflAY News i-'ark Sterlin F'rrai t ight Wrrkerid I KSI.M Join Navy Concert M:- tr f it Jif ? 1 it T rst Metosl! KOCO First Baptist First Bar it r -,t ,Urt:s W rst Baptut KCAY Calvary Baptist Cahar Rjr::r!Ci:vi:v pjtt Calvarv Biptlst KOIN Sympbonette Sympr-f S Y 'rm N Y Inlharm. ROW Phurrh Servics Thurch SerirK'S C- jri." Srs. Cturrrt Servs. KFX News-Weekend Weekerd UwXfrrt Weekend I KSI.M rtrws Music Vemo-Hes Xlennomtes KOCO World Newi Sun Ma tine S :n Matin Sun Matins KG AY KG AY News Serenade Serenads k'(;Y -a I KIHN N Y. Phiiharm N. Y. PMIharm N Y. Philhsrm. N. Y. Philhsrro. r rv news-Mnniinr Monitor Monitor 'Monitor KFX Newi-Weekend Weekend Weekend (Weekend I KSI.M Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenndu" KOCO Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun Milwrw KGAY Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Srrenao KCAV N I KOIN Percy Faith Hr. (Percy Faith Hr.jPerry Faith Hr. (Percy Faiib H. i Kiitv Monitor Monitor Moniloi Monitor KKX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Werkend 2 I 4 Sua. Snremtde AiiiFTiutai KSLM Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun Matinee KGAY Sun Serenade Sun Srrf-oide Sun Srrrnaau KCAY Ne ill IN Phils. Orch. P i a. Orch. Phi a Orch. O vmniea n.i v nionnnr won nor Monitor KFX News-Weekend (Weekend Weekend Monitor Weekend KSI.M Sun. Serenndc Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Wrrennrie KOCO Teenage I'unes Trenans 1 unei Teenare t unes riwmn lunWft KGAY Stanley Butler Slnnlev Butler Stanley Butler Stanley B"iler nvir news Univ. Fxp. Hounrl n Roiindinntind rt Bnuud KliW Monitor (lull CuiiMilm 1 on vei n lion ConvrrMttlou KfX Newi-Weekend .Weekend Weekend Weekend Ksl.M Sun. Serenade Sun SMennrle isunday Con. Snmlnv Cm KOCO TeenaRS Tunes TeenaRS Tunes Teennrm TurwH Tirmnim TuneaH KGAY G t'wn Forum G'l wu Torum Autime Air Time KFX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend 5 6 KSI.M News Milr Lutheran Knur lnlhTRiTftata KOCO Teenass Tunss Teenss;e Tunes rreenajo) Turt HI. Ttiere KGAY KCAY News Sign Off T-enu(r Vnnm kimm Music 1 1 a ) l iMumc Mall CBS NewsrecmvCns Newsroom KGW Newi-Monltnr Mnmim 111. Then 111. There KBX News. Weekend (Weekend Weekend Weekend KHl.M Walt Wlnchell FrontPase Newi ijwm KOCO Teensse Tunes Teenare Tunti Teenmm Tmhm Wium Titimk KOIN Indirtinent JIndlrtnient Ja k Itennv I Jack flrnnv KGW Old DustV Old Dimtv 711(100 Oiildrtm Hni Rn... KF.X Drew Pearson Jimmv P idler Her sen Evans Home lmag, 7 8 9 KSI.M Guy LombnrdolfJiiv LombardolDrew Pearson iMumo KOTO . I'eenSBe lone leeiintre rune 1'reniltn' I HBns lerna0 Timrtsl KOIN Johnny Dollar Uohnnv Dollar IGunsiimtus r;nnnioJte KGW Meel the Pre. Mppi the I'tev Ynulli lv,.n, KFX Hrnwlnir Pains rowhiK Pains Greatrst filor CJreate! 8nrr KSI.M Music Music iMitsic iMultoe KOIN Suspense Suspense Miteli Mltb-r slili h UiDvr KGW Music Festival Mikh- Krvtlvnl,-.l i. KFX Ammnt. in Ore. Arnmnt. in Ore Uuik lo Sky SpurtR KSI.M News IDave Ho Valley j Musis KOIN Mitch Miller (Mitch Miller Trens. Show Tri. Show KGW Music Kesliyi) Music Festival Music trstival Ndu-tti- Fi,liv.d KFX Hi-Fi Time Hi-Fi Tune Hi-Fi Time . Hi-Fi Tiiim KSI.M Hr. of Decision iir. of Derision Music 'Music KOIN .sun Nile Fin. Mus Memo-. Face thr Nal'o V.w the ttri'a KC.W Rirh Reporter Vet Nrtvs II' of IJUiiutU Hi r.f Uticuuoa KFX News-Sports Music Mooo Uusio KSI.M itid.N News-Music KGW latnolic iir. KFX Music I Mntfe iCathotie (le. Mus: I IMmsIo ' i nv counrO fJltlOO MONDAY HOUR 0D.QD 00.1$ 00-30 00:43 KSI.M Val Far meat! Vel farnic.irt KGAY Farm News Mom. Mai; KOIN Nrv.s America KnlN Kln;k KGW Farm Tin;e 9,"d Npui KFX Nrm-Kp flmf Keep inu KSI.M Hrrniniway Bk'f'st Oaiist KOIN KOIN Kio'J KGW Listen KkX News Val I'ArnietM Morn Vg: KtrlN nun-4 NrW Kl.AS News KnlN KoiH il i-ten Kerp Tims Newi t7ih U rt Juhih e ht.AY News ,P iblutt 8mi Monunr Hep I Bon htep Mm 7" ,,r, I, iiHua; f ki ii ttnst koto Nrus esl Jutul.e rvt Juluba KG W Morn. Ms. ,Morn M. M.,in Whb KOIN KOIN K1o.J( Hr,.dlin MrMiiGoss N,w KGW Listen Poiitur Keep 1 :mfi Keep ftm V,"" El0tUt '"atnllT Attar Bible Inst " p,Me Inst Vi-v fjV ., I?.,,n" ,lm TP Times 4 Tims JSLAVi, i1" 1 Tls Show llerhi Show hi. AN News 11 .o 'nn,,lim' NfWI Xsilf Siellev S.-inn Sheile tfrt .KEX. KfP Tlrpa Kerp Ttm- Keep Time 'Keep Tim 9V; Sr" NWS U'astm'sOH .nanjiiin t'.uVnTer ,Vv w V- ( lanne CalliflK i laii ir (Mllius; I'l.inue Callin v.V.'i.Y L,.rrh ' Show lvrU ' Show Herb . Sh. tt KGAY News KOIN ttenctv Wsrmft Howar Viiitfl Helen Trent Mid-Mntn wt M'v n i.'. , , w r,'r - M M McMiidr K.mnie Worth hf X Breakfirjt club Hrr.U drtl chiQ Hreakfasl Club llieaktasl CluO I KSI.M .uvs nelln'lest U inifmf Smi w. , ,w c.,,,- Hyaline Calliil; ri.nine t'alliur ( l.irine Calliti (' I'.'fi mi" .--uow KtiA I KOt o New KGAY Heib' Show KolN N,ra Duke m:u k-m n ...--.I ' . nr ,,I"M KFX Ci(!ifJimi Hob Gant'd iul Jtfariirs U Ii: BnVn 17 iJuern fm pav Queen for llv Queen for t.)av Vv 'W' ,.. 11 CUume Cs.lluf Cl.inne Clll-tf KGAY Dinner WinnO Dinner Wiimrr I u S; ", I u. k 7 !V 2iV,T,,.ir" SI nkr It R It r,t lluttrsm . .""otismo iiu Mm jt rut iu n.iiuto at: n,- im tit ni lrue Slo.- Paul Warttfv Jack Parr iNewt ., V-.-v Sh-. V. H'lliei i n ih..lsr r.i'-jr iioie r.i KFX True Slo , KSI.M Ne, 'kOCW Wond News KGAY KGAY Nl ttS i KOIN News Weather ' fGW Mil. -hell lipls. ' KFX Geo MoGowmi Bniiitttat d 'i UiK Sts. ,'SBt w NrWS 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 ( aLitf cumi i ; m e fc-, t -i ,IU Mus .-: ot rad 0) Mat. U il .i w V. Mi-An'ltv Musi )l ( .-nrart M.itn ll'ate I Geo MrGow ft iGeo MrG,ir.n lr,, KSI.M Wills m Mat. "w'ni,. i" )ft,t 'i.-oe- Mi"vV- KIMO Nftt, K.,-v Show I S.,.w Y, KG Y Hollies Records Ho'i-e H. ,-ordv Holies Itrcords Ki KOIN Go,lfiev 'limf (...,iim I uitr 1 ...... .. v 1 KGW Hilllop HoiMe lYi Pt i KIX Nm'-I'iinmn H k. Conrad KSVM W!irm-tte'"MaV'Wiirm te lt sin ( news - poru KG Y Nf s KOIN Godtrrv litre (,...i(rr KGW News-Mr A "My M, Am. I KFX News-Conrad B Co Vsi "MW 1 artT M at W . . .7jT KOCO News f'j.v KGV Rollie's Records U -iliei I KOIN Packstace Wife -'.il S KGW McAnuttv Mus McAnullv M::s Mt-Anu ftrwi-i nm0 t onrad K.i- Coniau h KSI.M Fulton Lewis Hrfinw Mr rr "Answer KOCO News liu tt is Hoo-n H. ( i; KGAY Rollie's ReeorLis U.-lhe Uen.ids H. 'l.e s Itr.or.u: ., KOIN Art Kirkham Novelet's ;Ne sparer Nr KfiW News-Mi AmiMy McAa'iliv Mus McAnuttv Mus M. KFX News-BUckhn Bctj HLimhrn H.n HI .-(--i :, life sNW e l ll.lflf ',,: c IllfPl S-'-.t F, S-ov, A'lMfl .New -We Jyr .i'.i MS McAdiilM tus H isCorB r Mat. Tell.i ' Sat Sd"w IVot S ,,.w U. cords K. Ne'M "0 Ms Mus KSI.M Bob It Hay KOCO News KG AT KGAY News KOIN Ed Murrow Bob At Pav Boh Ar Hav F.imp is Room Rumpus Roo-ti Sisn Off News-Weather Tom Hsrrron 1 Mus ROW MrAnultr Mut McAnultv Mus Mi n. KF Newi-Biackbn Bob Blarkhurn Bob B! Fra-ili Gosa B. r 1 kti.itr p..rt H at nourn KSI.M News Bill Prundid; News Ssm Have KOt O ewt Sonrs-Sund'n S. -ics-Sund n s-rs.Sund n KOIN Sports-Newi lxiwell Thorns Amoi ri Aruly A i . t n Andy KOff Elmer Petersen New s-MusIc M,n:c Mime KFX Ness s-Plsrkh'n Bob Plarxburn Boh Blarkburn niwr.pirs KSI.M Gabriel Hester Serenade Radio Rosary "concert KOro News Rumpus Room R imrus Room Rumpus Roe-m KOIN Melodr (Melody IBlrii Crosby Almanac KGW R MrCnrmlck Mu-lr Musir Mumc KFX Mel An ll.lftinl Sbsdose' Adkmi Show Adkins Show KSI.M Day Dreams Day Dreams Rep. Reundup Rep. Rourdup KOCO News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room KOIN Rbl Q Lewis Roht. Q. l!Wis W'orid Tonne jNews KGW V.'rld ffesvs 1 Mans Fam. Henry Tavior People'i Prblms KKX Adkins Snow lAdkins Show Vce. Firestone Vre Firestone 9 0 - KSI.M True Detective True Detective Mealies KIM II KSI.M News KOCO News KOIN Tune Tahle KGW Telephone Hr. KF.X 4b' kins Show KSI.M Fulton Lewis KOCO News KOIN S-St.-Q) Final KGW Richfield A-. KEX News Music (Rumpus Room iTtine Table (Telephone Hr. Adkins Show Ore. Resources Rumpus Room Cap. Cloakrm. nance Time -J A. IJimmy Fidlsr Sweet Af Swinf Rumpus Room Crfp. Cloakrm. ;tnce Time P. Morgan Music (News Music Rumpus Room 'Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Sports Desk Dance Time Jess Mason IChanWr Forum Chamber Forum iDsnce Tims :Danee Mmt StlttM 1 KGW News-Musie Dante Tims KFX Dancelarsj Aus Mtdmsjljt 'Mus ftidnlt H it WidniAl f)ance Time Dance Tims Dance Tims IDanreland IDanceland 'Danrelana TWISPAt A.M. S0:T KSI.M Vsll. Farm it Vail. Farmcast Veil, rarmcast Nes hliAY Farm News Morn. Man Morn Mat; KG A V .JiOIN News America KOIN Kiorit (KOIN Kiock jKOIN KlacA HtiW Farm Time News R'dgp (Listen Listen News-Hp Time iKcrp Time IKeep Tims iKV.-p Tims KSI.M Hemingwsy Pkoco News I MG A Y Morn. Ma, f KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Listen KKX News KSI.M Cliff Engt liOCO News f i f i A Y Herb's Show Break. Can .Break. Ga:1f. iNews West. Jutile West. Jubilee Wesl JuhilM Morn Ma Morn Ma. (KGAY News (Headline Ifmvi'Goss News Babbit Show 1 Lis I en Listen Fisher Rpt. IKeep Tl.sse IKeep Time top ftpen "iFamlly Altar Havpi of Ri-st Raven ot Titli ITugrs & 'ilntli ITuees A: T10U1 Tunes A- Time Herbs -now Herbs Show KGAY rvi JWielley nwt IShelley fcW-re. I.IStea. iLltteo IKeep Time Keep Tlrur (UN Consum N'wiiVaile ttlrx KGW Listen jl.lstel KFX News-Kp Tli.iefKeep flaji Ksl.M News. IKraft rowi 'Pa, uor's Cafl iB;Qila 9KOCP News (Clarina Calllrc .Cluririe Callug; iClanue Calllo ItfiAY Herb's Mow llerh's Show' osa 3bos KGAY News KsN Wendy Warrep ftowarst Mller -Helen 1 rent IMidmorn Nevip KGW Listen JListen ,.J M.McRnpe iKonnie Worth KKX Breakfast Club iHriiakfast Chip Breakfast Uub'Brcakfaat Club Ikm.p rxews ieno-isi isvintn or &ar, winRs or onft KOCO News - iciartne CaMlrij; K'larine Calling Clanne Calling KGAY Herb's Show llterb's Show (Herb's Show (KG AY News a. KlOiV Nora Drake tMa Perkins Dr Malnne 'Aunt Mary Qkcw NBC 0 nflsl'pP; 'NBT R'ndtt'od NBC B ndst'ad NBC B'ndst'od ' KFX Kav WtM News Rob Gar 1 id Girl 'darnen WhisprnnsJ Sis. im.i news iwneen isy iiwn tor oay isr-en ror uar 1 KIM O News Clnrine Callinc iflarine Callini' Clanne Callm Ki.AY Dinner Winnerl Dinner Wiener Bollie's Records Rollie's Records 1KOIN Happiness Mrs Burton 1 Strike It Rub P..I Riittratn KGW NBC B'ndst'od ,NRC R'ndst'ed NRC R'ndst'nd NBC B'ndst'nd KFX My True Story My True Story Paul Harvey JackPaar KSI.M-L"hron.of-Alr News ,TopTrades VnIl. Farmcast KOCO News Kasv Shovs F.asv Sho 'Fav Show KtAY Itollie's Records Rallies Brnrdl'TnwP Crier 1 KGAY Nesvs 2 KOIN News-Weatprr Cooib Gt It llnii' Pailv Mou-e Party KGW BobFraakhn Cafe Lnunio Cafe l.oimsre I Women in Bisj. KFX Geo. McGowan Gen Mi tinwus (Joo. McGowaBlFarm Nsf Ksrvf-WHlweiii WtUunCHnV iftill.wi-Uiit. iWiHnm. Mut. a4KO( A News 'Fjisv Show 'F-.tsv Show Fiv Show IKCAV Hollies stiMtardi. Roliif-a Rmorrti Rallies Rvi'Ordt KGAY News I (KOIN r;odfrey Tinir Gopfrev 'Imir Godfrey Time Godfrey Time KGW Hilltop Ron- 'I'epper Younj; McAnurtV Mas McAnultv MJS. KFX News-Conr;td Buss Conrad B is Conrad Buss Conrnd HENRY By Curl Andenon -, rj fyyiai i I 1 1 I ftlJL4 Kite II , V ...;.'.. I Wlfm 1 . . -Jl I WISHING WELL S8S5-2T4 921 15? r T W P . T T A r E O O R o V "5 " B " 4 ' i 5T t i I 4 i R K K I I W It E E M T C C ri s ry s t t i i i i h e tr l i r n I e t r t 3 S i J i i1 4 2 J V B R Tt II V O K M E E M D V ft- i 5 i 5 1 I I i 4 S f T I E MO H W W P I B t E "5 8 3 f ( 5 5 I 5 I i i f PAHEYPAVEQ1.0I. ' " 'It'"" ' '"" S S i f I I 5 1 1 ff WABTKERUHHLTR Writer's Wife Tries Mamie's Favorite Fudge XforsTGnocI (innilv Than Tfcrrc Persons Could Eft I'roducci:! 9iv gttlM W. NICHOLS t'nHrd Prpss Staff Corrpsponrirnt WASHINGTON IT The ladii-s in my house love Mamie. So'iliuy thoucU thry would try out the formula Mrs. Ike calls million dollar fudge."" I was an unwilling witness. The first lady of our house first saw the reci for the brown goodie in the National Women's Press Club col book. That fin litiii! periodical ran a dizzy eamut from apple pan rifAidy to Missis sippi river catfish. Sn rny first lorty end her assis tant, our 17 - year - old relative. ran arotiml the neighborhood stores fathering the wherewithal. Some of the stuff they had. Some they didn't the German sweet chocolate, for one, and we were resh out ef nutmeats. Veronica, the first lady, figured that if Mamie could sweeten the future for Ike with a pan full of fudge 40 years ago when he was a shavetail, maybe she could make me sit up and fly right. Bev. the 17-year-old, agreed. So the two gals went to work. di'spile my advice to abandon the project. Thr Rvcipe The recipe went something like I this, with arguments all iilong the lin hrtween Mom and daughter: First. 4'j cups of sugar. "Isn't that an awful Jot of mg or" Krv said. "If Mamie likes that much sugar," Mom said, "we'd better go along. Want 11s to get thrown out of the party?' So 4li cups of sugar went into the howl. A pinch of sail. Then two tablespoons of butter. Also one tall can of condensed milk. Things were boiled fnr iir min utes. Things then were put into a mixing howl. Twelve ounces of semi - sweet chocolate bits? That's a bit too much," Rev said. "And what about this? It says here 12 ounces of German sweet chocolate?" She lost. It all went into the ' hopper. Plus a pint of marshmallow cream and two cups of nutmeats. Something Colossal "Mom," Rev said, "I think this will simmer into something colossal." Oh no," said our first lady, "III will simmer down." Plain (acts are it didn't simmer any place but up. And when well, we'd better give you the end of the receipe. According to Mrs. Eisenhower: After you have done all of the above you are supposed to pour hoiling syrup over the stuff in the bowl. Beat until chocolate is all melted and then pot"" in the pan. Let it stand a few hours before cutting. Store m a tin box. My two ladies did all of that. The result was fine. But by following Mrs. Eisen hower's formula we wound up with more than three people cnurd handle. We have been passing ,it around the neighbors. It sure is good. SA.V icc77 T2 T..& rcee cto i m it. acme 111 KT"4T aiN T TWE ! , W3 ENJCTEPIT KC' T1 r7 , TVv.t'S. Lwp-L I S HEARD VASCTK NAAE4 NO - VS'C6VEB ft WITH N iy I 4AW IT.SUTANE ij that oin . .c .... . j Bur IT 14 CAU.EO VCTIK3 J I ou mi c nipo . 'Vr," .rA.-TUVAr.ENT WANTS kTjf I OX ' - , TT ' -' "- v. wn n ...,ncLLo:..HtL:.. vaV . ms&mmsa&tm. mwj i gni.- - -- . . .. . ii rTT5!73 ,.r,.,f i T AND RIGHT OV US HEELS ISTHi my wcf- ktosr tt , Hu m i &w.J --i v rat 1?:.. 5: n?iVe 8ICBl!!( J yi".OL... .11 ' - " - . w. BLW A3CJNO Mt,Sia. frJ'AIV ' j ' I-'i SA f5 O I-1 JUST SPOTTED F""- fS 0JE Of THE BOVS FROM MV O.0 SUT. OAB'- WE MAVEKTT )A BUSINE5S PSOSPECi; PUT HER IN A CAB I; MOB JUST CAME IN HES COT HIS -,r.l finished pinner, Phoney take her . and come back ;i ( trigger-boys with him and i dont) " lr.i,.;,.frm3--tk rP'-.J'0'1, MKEAmzxr rjpfll FASTJ-r !l VSJHWK THEYRE HERE FOR DINNER y ipP ' 1 v iVe SA'B SOT THf J065 THISVINS 0PH.THi TIME SOWS ONTO ON UP, AtAKTHA, AN TELL A BOLT TugMETMB. ,A- x weaoTvvLXV 1MB B ir enc u KHiucu AWBTHA, My H0U51: WEPEB.I SENTS". $M VA$ TWi? WM6N TW!5 Me'COk K-UNKSU INTO Mr BEfECT0R'"ftlf5AT'(S $ubvvob Jap eye- SMS 19.' HCTE ploont liltl gomt lhal will iv you misac every da. It it numerical puzzle defianert to spill out your fortune. Count the letters in your nrit name. If the number of letters is ( or more, subtract 4. If the number Is less than t, add 3. The result is your key number. Start sit the upper left-hand corner of the rec tangle and chech every one of your key numbers, left to rufht. Then rend the maiaagB the letters under the checked figures give you. C UAf. fay WiOuim J. Millar. DHjitfliuted tor Kiu". SM,rii.. In.. I 8 ACROSS 1. Chatter 4. adult erated 9. Youns rury 12. Troubisj 1. Apart 14. Hivrr: Sp. 16 StirVemrul inoiliti'l 1? fYntlier 10 Rtond It. l.i'in!:;y l! Fi-tra'o n-l.itive !.!. Woik. over 2'. Squi'ivi- 39 IVtici- .10 lflllMC prclix 8! . II, 2 So'.f H Footlike part 3!v Indium symbol 36 Non-pro- f-ional V.SK.a M filiiieied 41 f lesh o ra.vrs 43. l.yrn-s 44. CiKidess of disi-oid 46 Monk 4. Hivmint M. Sn.iKfl ne lish SI Asiatic countrv SVtlldjokeJ .'. Had rw'iiiz 7. l'oilrndto 58. 1'nit of work 3 5 1 i foH ofv E. rTsm m aJn upIv "eIrJUd ajw DE?SpBpDHL U RIF. ClillglClMJJ lyBATcjE R lcjR;F-DlTnrHot u! rJeJs R ElL AIXsnBlU.N'GBSUTel rlRlAiy lUIR'E'S M' 6". 1 T M-l AlT . E ' R He AIR, 1R.F L;NTn,J !adi 'Tnu.y.u;L.A LISm A T.t. R E S Sj Dolutlen ef YeAttcrday't Puole ODffN 1 Acnloritt fluid 2 Hiver tflatid 3. Cajolery 4 M.ti01 !t Shew to n 6 Smallest s'ate: ahbr. Tj )s; 7 f It "M fl iTpjT " 1ZZZ zhf I lM3!I .'i j 3 Ii ,.- U, 5fe "fc Tri a"' PAI tlAAl it tun 7. Past tense ending S Paid asaia . Vrractly 10. Line of sighting 1 1. Female (Mcr It IVuvs 1R. Maidee, 20 Clad ilh shOCS 21. Sprnn month 22. Arroie poison 24. l'e-rre 25. Propsv Koi6fh :8 cm of pork 3.1. Cr onaRiidi .). Mother of lle'e.i of Tiov .' I'orrupt l I4V-0 41. U rd 4)i. I'erm ri ojn 7. Turn nc It l-)v:rf suhs-e tre fcrt -'0 laa e-oC ivvini'l. cm MEfEOI? WAS A SHOT" V )? ( ,11" feAi R( SSI? 1 1' DH- 1 J PI AND IN THE POCKETS, POOO, AS I E V IN A 4VAP -TPAP - M'. Ik DESelO"TCH TCH-MA LICIOUS. I JSSirrI V (-'FOLKS WHICH fir l tl folks iw nor pat7 TRn'P JT "WcM STARVSO TO DEATH IS JJil " -y C5Xm, r.5 sv r--24SJM W r.WJj2 H THE FRUSTRATE UWCX V-ffPl f'Trk, aJi-W I THATS JEFF AGAIN.' ls?UIBjf JerT; THE MSM w,TH Tt AA A aaam I f THEM HOW "1 euer 1- 1VM-TOAiWV AMD THE DOCTOR rT8? REGULAR HABITS UVC MJI COME VOU'RE SH?.S 0NE 0 ViV' MiE'Klli WARMED HIW TO TTT1CX THF L0MS"T-', 71 St wTtH A ' $ MV T fGy. ilu-2ie TAKE iTEASy.' 7 ) 'VJT SHOULD SUHTS tt- giRLAT WWLAR VV ' is h ' "SJtTjC bi ' " " - ' ' " THAT S 1KE, ( SHTMEK ) 1 f TLL SE HOME T PLEA5E, MARTHA.' B I'VE MEN SPENCiNc. sSwvSjwSi sV (iSSrJ" 1 -J V coctob ; y -Sl later ; r. iSOiN6 psnd the gev evemn home SftJi XV-ieT j' H tL MACTHA Y -E4.' fU. -r I 57S 10 C1-L '" 1 EVENIN& HOME WITH YO0, FJTHE ' . . I HA.." PE ALL I A.T TO tttCW 1 V j eiLTWI HAVE HI.M PICK WITH ME.' TDNIHT, I VMNT TO IN0 .SH . LIP- 13 y cicnn.recTce' the slti.ces j t I ' f?-w, ve up if . x . V it with mal; rl0f from; I s. . emw S ..l'Ml SB I W&SXf-H E4S&fi 1118.11 sU&LA f . - I !.L .FvCjrELT-4T he... 1 I TMAJIC VOu! l'OAiAv( Vv " I K VSvS' - 'VTirr.rV. V.S.fyOuPA-(THAV5NVfCS - e)..i-CJ tc-so-i.-t vcjAiA w JT , - k , !l I, fV'lfi ir! w. Xk. &fc J. r !i I Aui2r PfiSJII IIP SlMi; e $ cafe 89gg0&& VN'efe; O'i 0ret t ( Jneni, TI,ck) are eon. tor workers for to lowi-esc-v V.iic tnjoi diM;i.:t'ly Mis' lie; !( QJ !: iM Ju wor g Its: oUOOfi 'ro""; 3$ tmuo 0r. I'a' ero St: tr.ijV.. of ! owt - 11 5 1 5 on ira c i com i.o this rS'--cia1 ctvs la ej.h eattee it r'sx I t Stt 10 CSOsiea) .,!) H-i;Wir r tsei. It) h. its tuo tlMttt bwaa e u. ! f T. AVO Carre Bo ra8S T iTte n cat - or eo a) cw I'S 8&ai85 ttn ere.1 tnre) - o'lmnioj) (tctgtr ertjsy to. SB C ifl oca r-jr.! 0 vWB SBSJglW rs b3ca o ' o o t