Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 8, 1956
Section 2 Page 8
0 ForGrareh
To facilitate the cost of under
writing a proposed new church,
members of the First Evangelical
U.B. church will engage in a rally
service Sunday morning at 10:50.
Rev. A. G. Jamieson, pastor, will
preach on the sifbject "The Most
Important Thing."
Members of the First EUB con
gregation recently voted by a 3 to
1 margin to purchase four lots on
South Liberty street, between
Kearney and Mission. A new
ckurch will be built there when
tha present location at Summer.
mi Marion streets has to be
turned over to the state in con
ctioa with the Capitol Mall ex
ptiVMDn program.
Sevsrol sires were selected be
fore roe Sourk Liberty street prop
erty wns purchased.
Varied Giurcli
Events Slated
For Lebanon
LEBANON (SoeciaD-Universal
Bible Sunday will be observed by
local churches, with the Church of
the Nazarene holding young peo
ples' services at 6.45 p.m. Sunday
on the topic "The Bible Speaks
The Church of the Nazarene and
the First Christian church are each
making displays of unusual Bibles.
About 30 have been placed in the
showcase of the First Christian
. church, ranging from one inch in
size to largo Bibles. One is dated
1846, one crossed the plains to Ore
gon, one is written in the original
Greek, and several different trans
lations are in the display.
LEBANON (Special) A program
on the Holy Land, with pictures
and talks, will be given by Leba
non members of the First Chris
tian church at the First Christian
church in Silverton Dec. 13, at 6.30
p.m. Mrs. Orville Soule, the Rev.
and Mrs. L. 0. White, Judy and
Ann Morse, Elizabeth Bennett and
Tony Hayden will tell about their
recent trip. The Rev. Gerald Saw
yer will sing.
On Friday, Dec. 14, Mrs. White,
Judy and Ann Morse and Mrs.
Blcwford Osburn will give a simi
lar program at the McMinnville
Christian church.
LEBANON (Special) Christmas
boxes have been mailed to former
Lebanon residents Derold Billings,
missionary, and Mack Wilcox, sol
dier on Guam, by the MIA of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints.
LEBANON (Special) Kinder
garten PTA of St. Martins Episco
pal church will hear the Rev.
Louis B. Kciter, rector of All
Saints church in Portland, at their
meeting Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 8
p.m. in the parish hall. Mr. Kciter
is chairman of the Department of
Christian Education of the Diocese
of Oregon, and will talk on "Re
ligion and the Five Year Old" and
answer parents questions.
CROWFOOT (Special) Special
meetings started Tuesday at Crow
foot Weslcyan Methodist church
and will continue through Dec. 17
at 7.30 p.m. each night except Sat
urdays. The Rev. E. H. Baker of
Salamanca, N.Y., is in charge.
LEBANON (Special) As presi
dent of the Oregon Christian Mis
sionary society and a member of
the national Home and State Mis
sions Planning council, the Rev.
L. 0. White was in St. Louis, Mo.,
during the past week, taking part
in planning sessions.
LEBANON (Special) The Leba
non Ministerial Association and
their families will observe t h c
annual family night Monday, with
a turkey dinner at Harden Hall at
5.30 p.m. The arrangements com
mittee includes Mrs. Harvey J.
Schmidt, Mrs. Charles II. Rcep
and Mrs. William Elder.
LEBANON (Special) Junior
church services will start Sunday
at 11 a.m. in the intermediate
room of the First Methodist
church. Youth Leader Richard
Hazlett will be in charge, assisted
bv Mrs. Robert Wells and Mrs.
Joe Hilderbrand. Pianist is Mrs.
Luther Taber.
Advent Devotions
Christ Lutheran
The Candlelight Advent De
votions will be conducted by the
-Senior and Junior Leagues of
Christ Lutheran church Sunday
maht at 7:30. Leading in the
service will be Robert Bock. High
- . . , i i f :
r C,v-JA : ...i"
larolvn Anne-rsun, juuiii luuiisu-
tnr Wrial mn:c will feature
1 V "P. .... t
SOIOS ny .Mrs. nuueit
..,,. tr. Horhert Hamann. con.
talto. and James Hays, tenor.! The Rev. H. Hartwig will be
Siring music will be played by i the assisting pastor for the com
Marv Klein accompanied by .loan1 munion service.
Pich'a at the piano. Mrs. William ; The Sunday School children will
"F,2?JZrM tcSmas pr.
or uie i-aiui-iamiici.....
Unitarians to
Hear Dr. Janzer
Dr. Norman Janzer will speak
on "The Art of Being Selfish" at
the Unitarian service this Sunday
morning at 10:30 at tne iwla,
r ... nnw a nrncrinnp
nsvch'iatrist in Portland who also
V u;. i.m. in the Portland
rmm!,nitv Child Guidance Center,
was formerly at the Oregon Stale
Hosoital. He also has neen me
child psychiatrist for the Portland
Dr. James Stewart will conduct
iiiiwA if
Church Members Should Aid
Christ in Carrying the Cross
Here is a Salem minister who
feels that too many church mem
bers are "letting Christ carry the
cross instead of shouldering the
burden themselves."
He is the Rev. Ernest P Goulder
(P. for Preston), who is currently
in his fifth year as pastor of Jason
Lee Methodist church. North Win
Summit Church
Will Dedicate
Organ Sunday
will mark another step forward for
the Summit Methodist church on
Orchard Heights, when the new
sanctuary organ is dedicated in a
3:00 p.m. service. The new church
organ was installed last weekend
and has already added much to
the atmosphere of worship in the
church. The Sunday afternoon Ded
ication Service will feature a short
message by student pastor Glen
Murray and an organ recital by
Allen Simmons, church organist.
Members of the church put on a
hard, sacrificial drive to contact
friends and members for contribu
tions to the organ fund. Due to the
concentrated effort, the new instru
ment is completely paid for. Work
ing especially hard to raise the
necessary funds were John W.
Simmons, James Best, and Lester
Summit Methodist church was
erected on its present sight in 1903,
and only a few years ago cele
brated its 50th Anniversary. For
a number of years it was a mem
ber of a circuit with West Salem
and Oak Grove. Last year was the
first time for many years that a
student pastor from Willamette
University served the church. Mur
ray is now in his second year at
Summit church, located just be
hind Popcorn school.
The addition of the new organ
is just one of the many improve
ments made in the church in the
past year. Only a few weeks ago.
volunteer laborers completed
painting the Sunday fchool rooms
and adding some cupboards. New
altar furniture had been added in
the sanctuary earlier this year.
Bible Sunday
Universal Bible Sunday will be
observed at First Presbyterian
church at the 9:45 and 11 a.m.
services Sunday with the sermon
by Dr. Paul Poling answering j
Prophet Jeremiah s question Any
Word From the Lord?".
Dr. Dean K. Brooks, superintend
ent of the Oregon State hospi.?.l,
will speak before the Men's club
at the church Tuesday night fol
lowing a 6:30 dinner in the social
Connminioii at
St. John's Sunday
rnmmnninn will be celebrated
at St. John's Lutheran church this
VunHv civc I hn Mnv u niipr I.
Z t r, i to,
j.......... ..... . .. .
the second Sundav m Advent will
K -Th. r.lnrv l the fnminc of
;L . .
the Lord . Psalm 24 is the text.
gram practice.
Bible Questions
Five more Bible questions are
asked today by the Rev. D. J.
' Ferguson, as follows:
What woman swore Dccause sne
I lost money?
What woman lived in a co.iege
in inp nor.
: What woman was the first to be
buned in a cemetery'
i Who was the scarlet woman?
oman whose
Who was the first
ae i
sneMers tft last week's Questions
will be found in Esth. 5-2. Dan.
1 11
Esth. 1-6, Acts 16-26, 2 Mugs
P. Goulder
ter and Jefferson streets.
The Rev. Mr. Goulder is not
cynical about the situation but be
ing a man who doesn't dodge the
issue, made the statement in a
manner-of-fact way as he con
sented to an interview concerning
his life as a preacher.
Mr. Goulder welcomes the up
turn in church attendance, but be
lieves there "isn't too much depth
to the religion" being professed by
some folk. "Many seek God in
times of distress and uncertainty.
only to lose sight of Him when
difficulties have disappeared," re
marked the pastor.
Born in Crescent City, Calif., the
son of a Southern Methodist
preacher. Rev. Goulder grew up
in the Puget Sound country where
he received his public school edu
cation. He graduated from the
College of Puget Sound, Tacoma,
and then went to the Boston Uni
versity School of Theology. He
spent six years in Boston as a stu
dent and as a pastor.
Returning to the west he became
minister of a Spokane, Wash.,
church in 1934 and then moved to
Tacoma. He served a hitch as
chaplain with the U. S. navy dur
ing World War II and after re
ceiving his discharge accepted a
pastorate at Moscow, Idaho. After
six yars in that college commu
nity he was assigned to Jason Lee.
Rev. Goulder believes that no
minister can faithfully serve a
membership of more than 600 with
out having to rely on assistance
from subordinates. He has a Wil
lamette university under graduate
helping him with the youth of his
Jason Lee has managed to hold
its own in the matter of member
ship in spite of the fact that numer
ous persons have shifted to Trin
ity and Morningside Methodist
churches since their establishment
in recent years.
The Jason Lee church plant has
been repaired and added to since
Rev. Goulder took over the assign
ment. He has managed to keep his
program moving in spite of physi
cal handicaps that beset him dur
ing recent months. First he had
to have a severe back operation.
Then he became a victim of in
fectious jaundice, believed to have
resulted from a blood transfusion.
Just the other day he "fell over
his feet" while going out to wash
his car and broke a couple of ribs.
Rev. and Mrs. Goulder have
three children, a son, Preston,
studying voice at C.P.S.. and two
married daughters. His wife, the
former Ellena Hart, is a graduate
musician and like most minister's
wives, proves a valuable assistant
as he endeavors to keep the
church functioning smoothly.
Rev. Goulder is a member of the
Salem Kiwanis cfib. Marion Post
of the American Legion and chair
man of the Migrant Committw of
the Council of Churches,
Officers Elected
WILL CITY (Special) . Mrs
Herbert Schroeder entertained
members of the Presbyterian
Women's association at her home
this week.
Mrs. Lester Hathaway was
elected president and Mrs. Rob-
ert Roach. Mrs. John Swan, treas-
urer, and Mrs. James Swan aid
w w ahp in ch
of the proeram with Mrs. Robert
n.,rh iMufinir the devotions. Mrs.
' . j j , u
Schroeder served refreshments.
Hev. bf-n uwen, assistant pasior.
will speak at both the worship and
the evening gospel service, on Sun
idav at the First B;
e First Baptist Church.'""'- " Bible school. 11 a.m.
clock the theme will be:irSSlV
At 11:00 0'
"Hours Ol Decision , and he Will
-AA-m U nl,,n,o ! tha 7 10
i evening hour
"The Forgotten
Story of David"
universal niuie ounuay win hd
observed at the West talem Metho -
dist church Sunday. Members of
the Gideon orgnni7.ation will con-1
duct the Adult Bible Class at 9 45.
and brine the message of Bible
distribution done by their organi
zation at me ociock service.
I There are an esumatea i,wu .u"v
.gasoline pumps in tnuea Biaies
service stations.
Saiem (Lurched
Summit Methodist Church Orchard
Height Road. Glen Murray, student
pastor. 10:00 a.:a., church school.
11 :w a.m., worsnip. men murrai
preaching on, "Getting Ready for
Christmas." 3:QQ p.m.. special service
for the dedication of the new church
organ. 7;G0 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel-
towsnip. luesuay. uecemocr n, o.ju
p.m., in Popcorn School basement.
Church Lovalty dinner; Saturday. De
cember IS, Christmas Choir practice.
St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church
Columbia at Myrtle. Rev. John
Reedy, pastor.- Sunday masses, o. 7.
8, 9:15. 10:30. 11:45 am. Confessions.
Saturday 4:30 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8
T'rif Baptist Church Marion and
Liberty. Dr. LAod T. AniWison. pus.
tnr. Rev. Ben Owen, assistant pastor.
Frv. tanfpn Irvine, director ol edu
cation. Sundav school. a
Morning worship, 11:00 o'clock, "The
Hours of Decision". Rev. Ken Owen,
Youth meetings, 6:15 p.m. Evening
Gospel service, "The Forgotten Story
of David". Rev. Owen. Mid-week
prayer service, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
The Salvation Army 241 State St.
Major Earl West, corps officer. 11:00
a.m. service topic, "God's Plan In
Division". 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic serv
ice topic, "The Living Word".
First Methodist Church Church and
State. Brooks H. Moore. D.D.. min
ister. Morning worship. 9:30 ann 11: 00
"The Bible Speaks to Us at Worship"
Dr. Norman A. Huffman.
First Church of the Nazarene 13th
at Center. Rev. Duane E. Muth. pas
tor; Wesley Rogers, minister of music
and youth. Sunday morning worship
service iu:au. aunciav senooi v:ta a.m.
Youth services 6:30 p. in. Evening
service, 7:30. Wednesday night prayer
service, t.w p.m.
Jason Lee Methodist Church Cor
ner of Jefferson & Winter sis. Ernest
Preston Goulder. minister. 9:45 a.m.
church school. 11:00 a.m. Worship
service, sermon "Thy World Shall Not
Pass Away". 4:30 p.m. Jr. Hi Fellow-
snip, o.w p.m. sr. hi reuowsmp.
First Church of God 3030 N. Lan
caster Dr. H. J. Mclntire, minister.
"Christian Brotherhood Hour". Sun-
dnv mornines 9:00-U:30. Morning wor
ship 11. Young people's meeting 6:45
p.m. evening service
First Church of Christ. Scientist
Libertv and Chcmekela streets, bun
day morning service at 11. Sunday
evening at u. subject of lesson-scr-mon
: "God the Preserve of Man",
Sunday school at 11. Wednesday eve'
ning testimony meeting at 8.
John's Lutheran Church (Mo.
Svnodl Court at 14th. Pastor W. G.
Boss. 10:30 a.m.. services with Holy
communion, ana. sunaay scnooi. v.w,
Bible classes.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church Che
meketa & Winter. Rev. Joseph E.
Vanderbeck, pastor. Sunday masses.
6. 7. 8. 9:15. 10:30 and 11:45 a.m.
Saturday confessions, 3:30-5:30 and
7:30-9:00 p.m.
Labtsh Villa re Communltv Church
B. M. Books, B.D., pastor. Sunday
morning: Sunday school at 10. preach
ing At 11, "Isaiah Cleansed". Evening
services: Prayer moment 7, B:!le
study at 8:00, scriptural symposium
at 8:40. Wednesday at 8 p.m., prayer
and word.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints (Mormon) 5th and Madi
son Sts. Wm. T. Geurts, Bishop.
Priesthood meeting 9:00 a.m., Sun
day school 10:30 a.m. Sacrament serv
ice 6:30 p.m.
First Spiritualist Church-
-1320 Mad-
on St. Soe;
Rev. Mary Gerken
Circle 6:30 p.m. Regular service, 7:30
p.m. Christmas party and dinner Dec.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Rev.
John L. Cauble. d as tor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Two divine worship services
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.. sermon bv
the pastor. Pastor's Information class
for Dersons Interested in membership
in the church 4 p.m. Sr. HI Luther
League meeti at 6:30 p.m. in me
social roon s.
Free Methodist Church Market at
Winter streets. M. C. MlUer. pastor.
0-45 a m.. Sundav school. 11:00 a
morning worship. Rev. Wesley Graves minister. o:a p.m. lamny nour.
7:30 p.m. evening service, Rev. E. N.
Long, guest speaker.
First Congregational Church 700
Marlon street. Minister ur. Julian J.
Keiser. 9:30 a.m. Church school. 11
a.m. worship service, sermon "On
Getting God Out of a Book", 6:30
i. Pilgrim fellowship.
Unitarian Fellowshli
Ip and Churci
WCA. Dr. No.
on "The Art cf
Srhool 10:30 a.m.
man Janzer speaks
Being Selfish.'
Grace Lutheran Church fELC)
Sunnyview and Lansing Avenues. w:
a.m., Sunday school. Jl:0n a.m., di
vine worship, Universal Bible .Sunday.
6:30 p.m., Luther League. 6:00 p.m..
Christmas concert by Junior and
Senior choirs. Organ dedication serv
ice. December 11, B:00 p.m., Women's
Missionary Federation Christmas pro
gram ana party.
Court Street Christian Church 17th
and Court Street. W. Harold Lyman.
G. Philip Hurd, ministers. Bihle
school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship and
communion. 8:30 and 10:55 a.m. Spe
cial music by Northwest Christian
Co eee auartct. Guest sneaker Prof
Ross Griffith, N.C.C. president. Youth
fellowship hour 6 :30 p.m. Worship
hour 7:30 p.m. "Jubilee" directed by
l. rmup nura.
Kin ) wood Bible Church 1125 Elm
Street. Frank Wlens, pastor. Sundaj
services: 9:45 a.m., Sunday school
10:45 morning worship service, mes
sage, ine unchanging
p.m.. youth services. 7
nchanging Christ". 6:15
: jo p.m. gos-
ei service, message ' What lime is
Calvary Baptist Churrh S. Liberty
at Miller St. w. Berkeley Ormond,
pastor. 9:45 a.m. Bible school. 11:1(0.
''On Proving Our Faith", broadcast
over Station K-GAY. 1430 Kc. 4 no.
Linfield College a cannelta Choir. 6:15.
Baptist Ynuth Fellowship. 7:30, "Out
of Experiences". Miss Marion Beebe,
missionary to Hurma, nursery pro
vides for all services.
Knight Memorial Con-gragahinaJ
unurcii 19th and r erry Ms. Louis fc.
While, minister. 9:45 a.m., Sunday
sinooi, miss mary tyre, supenmen
dent. 11 :00 a.m.. morning worshi,
Sermon by the minister. "Wntei
Word and Living Spirit", Spoclnl
guests will be members of Jolt's
Hethe 48. of which Trisha Ferrm
Honor Queen. 5:30 p.m., PilrWw
xuuin reiiowsnip.
Christ Lutheran Church State
at 18th. Rev. T. M. Gebhard. pastor.
Advent services : 8 30 and 11 a m..
sermon by the pastor. Sunday-church
srnooi, v is a.m. aunaav evening
vent Vespers. 7:30 p.m. by the Youth
of the Church.
. ' '"!:-. ..
, anfJ u 3ls nKV cvereu a. liarner,
itnr. Sunday rhnoi m a m . M-.rn
! !" wwMitp ft with iitrmon by pai
Tht? ExocvieA Gift " TO
Junior and Snirr Youth Croups. Eve
r.:ns sotrel iervie 7:.10 vilh itrmon
" Trie Imperishable word. Prayer
meeting k Bible itudy m I John Wed -
b,rt M,mrB,pllll 42w)
Portland Rd. Elmer O. Paulion. pas-
Peace." 6:30 p.m. junior hiih and
senior hlffh Baolist VOUth STOUT'S .
M, '-Why the Lord Jesus Christ
f.ame.' Wednesday, 7:30 pm . m:
wei It service of prayer mS 'BCSr re
hearsal. ThurFdav. 7 to Si a)Js), .UntOt
hlfh iacqpjUrs.
VMtpi !Sjia) rs
ieriy a,,. tm iitv
- ' I lt
r:.r 8
ft ,sei.lni.
'". pastor; Pey. w
nv. I. M. Kaxler. M. F'.'l I
mission assistant. The second Sur 'v
In Advert. Dec 9 Holy t or: u.i
7 30 am: family service ar.d lOurrh
v hool. B 30 a m : orni:tja '." eav!
sermon. II a :.i : nurT. II
am. M'-Aeo "lv (-'
. v. vd r oO a o ( rates
& tar.te-h ,rO , as l t(OT
, mi pww ttx v
i Th, a 8tvTOnTi!I5craf
m.4. .mmi
r iii'-mii: -rs? r-.--i':
Pafaled by Ptot. Cwf KtMeson, flits gcolip tft SO yomf peopla
from LinUehl college, will be pwswiK'd In corrcest at Catva?
Baptist church Sunouy afternoon at 4 o'ahmk We onreat WU
have a prv-Chrlsfermis tuvme and P, W. Bvakelty OrnncnA Etta
tor, invites aMendunee on tire pjpvt trf ttfe gerreaal nuMhi.
Christ Theme Prevails in
Sermons Listed at Woodburn
WOODBURM'tSpcciall-In keep
ing with National Bible Sunday,
sponsored by the American Bible
society, Rev. Robert E. Va, pas
tor of the Woodbwn ami BeUicl
Presbyterian churches, has chesen
as his sermeH topic for Sunday
morning "The Bihle Speaks T
day.' Church services at the
Bethel church begin at 9:45 a.m.
and Sunday school follows at 11
o'clock. Services at the Woodburn
church begin with Sunday school
at 9:45 a.m. and the worship serv
ice at 11 o'clock. The junior high
young people meet at 6 p.m. with
Bonnie Rosburg in charge of the
program and Carol Ramage serv
ing refreshments. At the Westmin
ster Fellowship, which meets at 7
p.m. Bessie Bacon will present the
program and Patty Martin .will
serve refreshments. Practice for
the Christmas program was held
Saturday afternoon. The program,
directed by Mrs. Robert E. Van,
will be held Sunday, Dec. 23, at
4:30 p.m. The theme will be "0
Come Let Us Adore Him. Don
Vettcr of Sheridan, music director,
will be in charge of the music,
The service of holy communion
will be held at 9 a.m. at the Wood-
burn Methodist church Sunday, the
second Sunday In Advent. Univer
sal Bible Sunday will be observed
at the 11 o'clock worship service
when Hev. Orms B. Trick will have
as his sermon topic "The Imperish
able Message." Sunday school
meets at 9:45 a.m. and the MYF
at 7 p.m.
A sung litany, morning prayer
and sermon is planned for the 11
a.m. Sunday service at St. Mary's
Kpiscopal church in Woodburn.
Holy communion will be celebrated
at the 8 a.m. service and the 9:30
a.m. family service. The YPF will
meet at the vicarage at 5 p.m.
and then go to Salem for a joint
meeting at St. Paul's church with
the YPF. Thursday night Dec. 6,
Kt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwcll,
Bishop of the Oregon diocese, con
ducted a confirmation class of 12
people. Holy communion will be
Tuesday at 10 a.m. and Thursday
at 7 p.m. St. Mary s Guild will
meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
The Bible Baptist church will
resume the regular schedule Sun
day) including Sunday school at
9:45 a.m., morning worship at 11
a.m., Youth Fellowship at 6:45
p.m. and evening gospel hour at
7:35 oclock. The subject of Hev,
Paul . Boomer at the 11 a.m.
service will be "A Great Work."
Plans for the annual Christmas
program have been made and
parts were assigned last Sunday
during the Sunday school hour.
Three new members have been re
ceived by transfer from churches
in the east and two more have
indicated tnW dvsire for baptism.
TSo war f ttw American Mis
sionary sseretr will be explained
at the Sumlar morning masses at
S. Luke's ehurcto in Woodburn by
am f Ore Moryksoll Fathers. He
tH als amnt at the Feast of
Inunaettlata Conception. Masses
Swift, Villi. M. nntrn-
thai, curate: Swr. T. M. Haxtrr. St.
Paul's mission wvwtfant. Second Sun
day In AeveM: Parnly service, reorn
ing prayer, t:Us e?lclatlnl tsargy
Fr. Baxter.
Weileyafl noMiB-15th and Mill
strircti. Lorin I'. Miller, pastor. Sun
day school, 8 5: Dudley Wells, sup
erintendent. WnWilp. 11:00; sermon
by the pastor. fVesleyan youth. 6 15.
Eveninf service, 7 s5. Marlon Coun
ty Holiness association meets st our
rhurrh Tuesday, with lervtrei
1 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer aerv'
..f"";:''?1 rJ.VSlZ:
i come you to our: Sundav athool. fl 45
am.; mo
' ft 'rfm'
ornint; ervi-ei!. l ; Sunday
services, 7.45. Midweek services,
Ijftwn Town
tht Tall White Spire
98B and 1 1:00 a. m.
ruaei'BiE speaks to us
Dr. Norman A. Huffman
g-oadcasl KM.M11J0 . 12:00
Brooks II. Moore
Linfield A Cappella
UUts Wr .
are at 8 p.m. on Saturday, 7, 9 and
11 a.m. on Sunday. Friday masses
were at 6:39 and 8:30 a.m.
Service Sunday mernntg at the
Wsotrhurn ImmanHel Lutheran
chtK-ch will be confirmation class
at 9 a.m., Stintray school at 9:45
a.m. and morning service at 11
o'clock with Pastor Heins speak
ing. The Christms program is
planned for Sunday, Dec. 30 at
7:30 p.m. which will be the first
Sunday the new pastor, Rev. Ed
win Sandvig, will be here. He will
be formally Installed Jan. 6 by Dr.
Foss, president of the district. Mrs.
Clifford Driver is director of the
Christmas program, entitled "The
Christmas Message." Practice will
be held Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m.
The Ladies Aid will meet Thurs
day, Dec. 13, at 2 p.m. with Mrs.
1. Bjugan and Mrs. kd Koskt as
hostesses. New officers will be in
stalled, with Mrs. Glen Ahre to be
installed as the new president.
Rev. Ward Woods o( Albany will
be guest speaker at the 11 a.m.
service bunday at the Woodburn
Assembly of God church. Rev.
Woods is a missionary to Africa,
now home on furlough. Sunday
school is at 9:45 a.m. and Junior
church at 11 a.m. Rev. William
Rose, the pastor, will speak at the
7:45 p.m. service.
"The Unsearchable Riches of
Christ" will be the sermon topic
of Rev. George W. Springer, pas
tor, at the 11 a.m. service Sunday
at the Woodburn Christian church.
Sunday school is at 10 a.m., junior
church and nursery for pre-school
children in the basement at 11 a.
Christian Endeavor meets at
6:30 p.m. and evening worship at
8 o'clock when Rev. Springer will ;
speak on The Vine and the
Regular services will he held
Sunday at the Woodburn Church of
God with Sunday school at 10 a.m.
worship services at 11 a.m. and
8 p.m. and young people's meeting
at 7 p.m.
Regular services will be resumed
Sunday at the Woodburn Four.
square church beginning with Sun
day school at 9:45 a.m. The pastor,
Rev. Paul Gray, will deliver the
sermon at 11 a.m. Rev. Edwin
Gurney is expected to be the
speaker at the 7:45 p.m. service.
Rev. and Mrs. Gurney and small
Apostolic Faith
Portland Minister
Sunday, 4 P.M.
"Any Word From
the Lord?"
By Pr. Pollnl
Twa Services: 9:45 and 11 s.m.
KOCO 10:00 a. m.
Marion and Cottage Streets
Wsyne Greene Don Ross
Two Morning Hour of
Worjhip and Communion
8:30 and 10:45
In charge of Christian Women's Fellowship
O Women's Day Message,
By Mrs. Cecil Youngstrom snd Mrs. C. ('. (Ola) Smith
Evening Worship and Communion - 7:30
Sermon, "WE HAVE AN ADVOCATEI" By Den Ross
Cettimr God
Out of a Booh
Che 11 o'clock service in the
First Congregational church, 700
Marion St., Hits Sunday, Dr. Keiser
will preach on the subject "On
Getting God Out of a Book".
At 6:30 p.m., the Pilgrim Fellow
ship will hold their regular meet
ing at the parsonage, the execu
tive committee meeting one hour
earlier. At 8 p.m., those planning
te ttnite with the church on Decem
ber 16, wHl meet for the second
inst-ruetion period at the parson
age, 795 b. Church M.
On Wednesday, December 12, at
6:30, the annual Men's Club Ladies
Night dinner will feature a Christ
mas program following a theme of
"World Understanding". Special
guests will be foreign exchange
The general public is invited to
take part in the evangelistic serv
ices which will be held at the
Keizer Grange hall at 3:30 p.m.
Sunday and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
The evangelists are Miss M. Erlck
son and Miss A. Patterson.
son were to arrive here Thursday
from Honduras where they have
been missionaries for the past five
yeas. Both are former Woodburn
residents. A special welcoming
service for them will be held at
11 o'clock.
A guest speaker will be present
for both the 11 a.m. service and
the combined Inspirational service
at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Free
Methodist church. Sunday school
will be at 9:45 a.m. Rev. George
H. Norsworthy, the pastor, will
conduct a three day evangelical
meeting at the Free Methodist
church in Falls City Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Rev. Ben Owen
specking at both ttrvictl
1 1 a.m. "The Hours of
7:30 p.m. "The Forgotten
Story of David"
Midon I Llbarty ill.
Dc. 18-7:30 P. M.
Sunday School Program
Dee. 23-7:30 P. M.
Visualized Musical Cantata
N. 5th and Gaines
S. Liberty A High st Myers
7:30 Holy Communion
9:30 Family Service
11:00 Prayer Service and
7:30 P. M., Youth Vespe't
Rev. (ieo. II. Swift, Rrctor
Mission of St. Paul
630 Hood St.
9:30 Family Service
1st Christian Women in
Charge of
The Christian Women's Fellow
ship at First Christian church will
be in charge of the two morning
worship services, 8:30 and 10:45
Sunday in observance of Women's
Day. Mrs. Millard Pekar is in
charge of arranging the program.
"Immortal Tidings in Mortal
Hands" will be the sermon theme
at both services. The speaker at
the early service will be Mrs.
Cecil Youngstrom, state president
of the Christian Women's Fellow
ship, and active member of the
First Christian church in Portland.
Grace Church
Will Dedicate
The annual Christmas concert of
the Grace Lutheran church choirs
will be presented Sunday evening
at 8:00 p.m. Director of the senior
choir is Thomas Mommsen; of the
junior choir, Mrs. Arnie Larson.
The accompanists are Mrs. Irving
Nelson, Mrs. George Crowe, and
Julie Mommsen.
The dedication service for the
recently acquired organ will be
held in connection with the choir
concert. The Rev Lowell Holte,
pastor of the church, will lead the
service of dedication for the organ
which has been given in memory
of members and friends of Grace
Lutheran church.
Holiness Group to
Marion County Holiness Associ
ation announces Its December
meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec.
11, at the Weslcyan Methodist
church, 15th and Mill streets.
Speaker for the morning service
will be Major Earl West of the
Salvation Army. The song service
will start at 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Wm. Deal, president of the
Oregon State Holiness Association,
will speak in the evening service,
with the song service beginning at
7:30. Wesley Rogers, music direc
tor of the First Church of the
Nazarene, will bring special mu
sic. The Rev. Lorin Miller is presi
dent of the Marion County Asso
ciation, and the Rev. Don Hall is
1149 COURT
MiUphytical LkcturM
Youth ftunday School
Study Dltcuttlon CUtiot
Prtyor rivaling Clinic
Motiphytlcal Library
Book Shop
Phono 2-6010
N. Cottage and D Sts.
Rev. Everett A. Barker
9:45 A.M.-Sunday School
11:00 A.M.-'The Expected
6:30 P.M. Youth Groups
7:30 P.M.-'7he Imp.rilh
able Word"
What do you hold most dear?
The values of an enduring na
ture are of greatest north . . .
Spiritual life abides for all
9:45 a.m. Church School
10:50 1, m. Morning Worship
Memge: "Tht Four Soils"
6:10 p.m. Youth Strvlct
7:30 p. m. "IhYs Full Meaning"
Duano I. Mwth, Pattor
WotUy Rogon,
Miniittr of Mutit
of the
at 13th
1 i
At life's Ending, flit Spirlf
Reaps Its Rewarding Harvest
Richly rewarding it the spiritual
harvest of a life, well lived. All
the solace and Inspiration of this
truth Is expressed in funerals we
Observant of f very Wish,
Needful of Every Need
,205 S. Church at Ferry
Worship Hours
At the later service (10:45) the
message will be given by Mrs.
C. C. Smith, who has brought
honor to the Christian churches of
Oregon by being elected to the of.
fice of second vice-president of the
International Convention of Chris
tian Churches, which convened re
cently in Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. Smith is a member of the
Mallory Avenue Christian church
of Portland.
Women participating In the lead
ership of worship for the early
service will be Mesdames Paul
Hollowny, William Craycroft, Jo
seph Cracroft, W. A. Barkus and
Sidney Van Dyke.
For the later service the worship
will be lead by Mesdames Ben
Gilford, Wayne Greene, Ival Utter
back, Don Ross, and Sidney Van
Dyke. A women's trio arrangement
of "Star of Bethlehem" by Glarum,
will be sung at the later service
by Mesdames Lester Hagen, Hiram
Amick, and Joseph Cracroft.
Tit tnpM of Joir Spll
Hear him on The Seven Won
ders of the Holy Ghost. Max
Wyatt speaks Sunday, 11 a. m.
A spiritual Sunday school,
9:42 a. m.
1305 NORTH 5th
The Lutheran
Churches of Salem
ST. MARK'S (V. L. C.)
343 North Church
Services 8:S0 a.m. and 11:00
Sunday School 8.45 a.m. .
John L Cauble, Pastor
ST. JOHN'S (L. C-Mo. Syn.)
14th and Court Sts.
Service 10:34 a. m.
Sunday School 9:15 a. m.
Walter C. Boss, Pastor
GRACE (E. L. C.)
3300 Sunnyview Avenue
Sunday School at 9:45 I. m.
Service 11:00 a. m.
Lowell nolle, Pastor
GOOD sriEPIlERD (U. L. C.)
3720 South Commercial .
Service 11 a, m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
O. W. Ebrlght, D. D, Pastor
FAITH (U. L. C.)
4505 North River Road
Service t:30 a. rs. and
11 a. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Warren W. Pechmu, Pastor
Stile at 18th Street
Services 8:30 11:00 a. m.
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.
T. M. Gebhard, Pastor
North Capitol at Gslnes
Services 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Harald Grindal, Pastor
i 3 4
I 24-Hr. Phonei J-9U9
is morning worship.