Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 2 Section 2
It's on to Eugene
Giants Favored
To Cinch Title
only encounter, Green Bay will
7VT V rA ! be at San Krancisco. This one
il9 J M. Ill II I'M- If J
() Points to
The New York Giants are 10 '
point favorites to defeat the
Cleveland Browns Sunday and
clinch their first t.astern Confer-
encc crown m tne National oot-,
ball I.ea2ue since IMS. ,
ine i.iaeis-nruwns came in
New Wk. the Bears Cards meet.
ing in ( hxasn and the Pitt shiir;h.
.Lions cet-toBether in Detroit Inch-
;licht the circuits six-same week-,
tend program.
-' Other Sunday cames pit Haiti-:
C more at Los Angeles and Phila-
jdclphia at Washington. In today's
South PCC
'Californians Like
: Round-Robin
I For Cynis
Associated Prr Spnrtm Writer
Tcif'ir Coast Conference which
tossed nut thc round-robin football
schedule in great disgust hns
1 t 1 n .. ...1 l.n,.,A
L' . ".u.H Z i ',,
'STfthW Horner!
- In case this hits you as incon-
-r,uu mfmh'! ; Tne balls arc
'?!', , 1. 1. . ..
J r H , , in l7, he'l
:sidered puny in football partly be-1
Society Item:
llaih'Y Marries
- SYDNEY, Australia MB .Iiinet
Snmers, 211. of Eugene. Ore., be-
came Ihe hnde ol distance runner
'Jim Bailey, 27. in n ceremony nt
St. Dedans Church in Ihe Sydney:
suburb of Penshurst here Satur-
. day.
William J. Rnwerman. track
' foach al the University of OreRnn
-where lhe hride and yroom met
while attending school, yave away
the bride. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Somers
of Eocene.
Radey, a member of the Auslra
lian Olympics team, was to have
competed in Ihe I.50fl meter evenl.
He was unable to do so. however,
because of a hay fever attack.
Bailey said he and his wife will
relurn In the United Stales alter
Christmas and that he will re-,
; sume his studies in business ad
ministration at the university.
' Syracuse Hft
IVain in Mat
VL-ur vnirk- m c..r-.n...n r..P
mallv will be prese'a'eil Su-xiav :
wilh the Lamherl Trnnhv n,IJ.. I
malic of lhe Kastern col'i-. lam-
ball championship.
Loser ol only one regular
. on game Mo rutsburgh', liyr
ih v..... iv,'v f..H.., n.i
game in Dallas. i
Anepling the trophv Lo the ,
Orange at a party here till he ;
Dr. William Tolley, the l'sir-j
Mty cllancellnr. Head I oo n Ren
in ill V
Itrown. the team's hacklild star.
also are expected to attend.
Mt'MINNVILI.K t Pi - I M to
pic Junior ("ollrse hanunerd nu
a 75-7(1 victory oer Linheld tn'i
last night in a non - cnntert'Are
basket hall g.ime. I.mlicld s .UtL
niley, a S - font - inch fret;n;io
Irom Portland, was high scorer
with 22 pomls.
nitt'NSWU'K. Miuv - The
Stale Department denied a;)iimal
of nl;tns (or tin ton I K um:n i-
hfti-kiv nl.iv.r In .-mm in
international lournanani n R .s
In I lir Allocs
v. C M'TIOl. AM M S
- Minnrrltp I rcur
Tm rru!' CiMiitiirt, nl Ordit
ni Rritfrrn. 4.'H, Clurtt Krin-.u
TVInliiHUC. 4. CI til 1.n ,- i 1 j
Kinill 41 li-ii l( tnH l.. s.m
l e (.It P irv ,l4 At.lrn K.i! mi i 4
.I.riiiMHMi, 4rtV. M;.slf! SriM-T St.ihn
0i A riMinil-. :r.- Hmmht SnnUi ln
twrnniT Mi S,mv -4 Iti. (Iwr S.mis
liuinrr i.l. A !U u. 4111
'- H'Cli nifl! irliinl K,iinr Hittti run
Mimshjtni lAnlth F-tiniM. 117
.' HiRh ln.ltv if1:n I win v t rh n t .(II)
" fTlon 'Atdrn fuii' H'i
His'i trmii ki'p Ar.l.-r Fitr
HijU ir-m crif. Atdrn ffi:u
- . 4 HI ItltV 1 I I All MS
Mrrinnlr N. 1 lrcup
Tram resuil; Phili(jji M,.tnr t
Shroi k s Mfi,. W par ,, H .ir .ft).
4 Jmw!.ttav NUikrt n. r.v.k
1 SalplI! SflU'kf (ir 2 Jl'iiP 1 ,kP
Pat krr 3, Sanlum Htrdair 1: WHi-
ramntl'i Trxai n n I nin - A - I.uin
umber 4: Pariln- p.mrr ft 1.
Hucf im Insurant r ( o .1
Hih tram -rlr Hrnp'i Ppvpt-
te, 29"2
HiKh tram (imt Rnicp' ftppr-
er- inn
Hih InrlU'Idtial irnpt Mill W'-hr.
Sar.tiam Harris arr. .Wl.
Hi(tH lixlividiial tamp .t.p Stmkv,
Mf n
OihPr hiilt tifirp- r-i. M4v- I'.J
Hjt. Jite Sluckv r.V '2 Mi-n
S14-M1. Huh K'p. h l'4-M'. P-t- Vr.
fm m-ixi riav rn.t i
- Jim Hollln 302-527. Bty CoU nail 2 14.
will be nationally televised via
The (iiants need either a vic
tory or a tie to wrap up the title.
New York whipped the Browns
21-9 in Cleveland Oct. H and has
shown steady improvement since,
"" losin8 onc wlUl onc
nal,. the Gianls have a 7-2-1
d c dj ,
, , , d' acc )tcd.
k arp ,.
Tn(. Brars- ,,, the paces.
. nn5 bv ha f a came in heli.i ..;,.i, ( .!, ta
Western Illusion, have been in-1
slaMcd nim, pjnl t0 beat
n(,lr jntracily opponents. j
Thc .,rms. who will meet the '
Bears in the linal regular season
game for both clubs next Sunday,
are rated 12 points belter than
Pittsburgh. i
Hoop Gate
taue their crowds are small and
income ditto, in hasKoinaii inry jn,nn nRajn Wi1s Jt Oklahoma
ouldraw Ihe Cahformans by thnus-: AXrM; Washington Stale enter
amis and are acceptable as full (ainld lMah S.ltp. ,fjnlm pavpd
members of Ihe I'CC family. j ,msl ,0 M,,n;m,r and Oregon and
Those Itriiullliil Gyms ' Oregon State traded opponents.
All Ihe heaiiliful. nig and well-'wilh the doubleheader moving to
'slutted gymnasia in Ihe north are
equipped wilh heautiful. over-1
stuffed turnsliles into which Ihe :
members of the PLC
love lo dunk their hands. !
Last year Ihe circuit set up a
round robin which eliminated the
North-Soulh split and had each
!" . a
- n, 0 ,r fo.W
stance, played both its games with Only five Washington players
Stanford at Palo Alto. :hit the scoring column, including
Beginning in 1M each confer-1 sophomore Doug Smart with 20,
nrphnlmh ulll ,,,, n.y n,.a5 lhe uskj(,s sank ()ny o
er PCC team once at home and
once away. Hut Ibis season 1!."7 1
Ihe loop will wind up Ihe second
hall ol the bnbt.nled I'M program. :
So once tiaain the schedule will '
pny an important part in the run-1
crence finish. The good Irani
which mods its toughest coinnoli-1
lion away from home is in Iron-,
ble before it plavs. UCLA, which ,
swept to the title Inst vear with n
lfi-0 record, hns to hit the skv -
wnvit this sniin fur iu tdnhn nnd
Wiishinpton nssinnmenls.
OSC Looks Ton
Those are a totinh two. They are
tough enough to earn a 1-2-3 rank
ing with Oregon Stale in lhe pre
season prognostications. Many so-
Iftrlutnc nrii nitintT U'lichinclnn I It a
call for Ihe No. I spot hut Ihe rv';n '1I m w ,nl Period,
Oregon Stale Heavers look like the!;""1 '""'r Uw S1'"rp w;ls llrd Mn
class of lhe circuit from here. I flv' u'"es ln"s ,""k 5""'7 '''
fhnv Innk nnlnnl onnnoh In 'ltl) loiir llliniltes to gO. TIlC Visil-
come even the schedule handicap;"" """ ""' om' hnid "P-
Hint pills them on lour against
Washington, Idaho and UCLA.
Slats Gill has lhe tvpe n( learn he
loves ian4 what coach doesn't? i-
big m nwged. And ke has the
A.Klh 1,1 ti,l,dil,iln r..nnl t.ilko.rf
a worry idmut lessening le;uii ef-
ficieBcy. II would be a sweet
ntlwn lw iW I. rit Ihu !,
crow. t. its fortUII titte. - ,
Bld (.d. T
ashiast .ill bv ro"d. hul lhe
I lu.'ik lfti tpTimi-e and stiu
ped hh in th guaid tints. Thev-
II n real slrnna at Ihe fimkh hul
ii.i. .i ,i ' .
TW. Dvo , he the slaie Ihnl
brims nun Ifiahn. OS.' and I'CLA
on his honw IU.r
The Idaho Vandals will give ev-
ef h"rrv tronKle and likr the ore-
firoio mot srnrts (
I VI. to Mst-ow
f'odforota is Ukety to he lhe
etas ni Ihe sonincm grrtnr hul
probabiv will .. . scan wh
t ( i.i lor toiirth plat-e ( al has
mi e'.nei icnit and droth. hut
.lnhnny rie al WIA has a
hanii 01 iwi'p oi: up with ooi.iond
He lust heavilv hv
itr.iduatirn hut hod a Rood hum h
of luoiois ami sttnli. ami bites tn
Inn II... i.m.... n ,..,.,.,..,
wlKO he iie,.k In h.
ISC. Rrtiedule Cnvoinble .
Southern l-alitnraia is nunc lo
truiii! but has a f,nnhle . hrt.
OHll alltNlM fltnitnil
iTas'cis on oiaic reuu ns wnn rtll
lVstcr larry P,.-k. a g.MKl nu. le
nt of ni'icr 'l;nn and help from
t'lf I96 ,Ia,k l-'nel could
finish higher lh,i:i tl.e sivcith soot
he liolih on i r check chart
I M"vc it. ik.i al Or.-g.'n h;ts htlie
i noi" n hu-h to build ihi sett sun
tnii m. i rili'c nut Si.mi.'id m thc
b.itllr t.t tlu luisnmvit 'fhc iwo
mrvl ihrt rar .il I mlmiic-
W.ivlimsi. rn, ,ui,i 1 $t',
ini; in tiio ,'in(,'-,'Ti,:r (li.'jh,u.9,r.
nml.ln l hr , llamas l,y tmlimjr
InM fsi'i,- of tlie three um:l, I he.
ehiiihle In lepie.srnl 1(1,. IH't' in
the NCAA i'liainpi,insvis p!a.
1i&k vm7-j. iism-A'. Pfflft AL .
fm f&tffcifr-1 MM
r pi j S S,0,,
Texas, Portland
Get Victories
Washtnston's Huskies, early fa
vorites in (he Pacific Coast Con
ference basketball chase, Satur
day were still looking for their
Th(1 us,j wf trounced by
,,, un,eaten Oklahoma ASBies,
70.4.1 at Stillwater Okla . Friday
nj!nl' in an evening which saw
Northern Division teams lose
three of five outings,
()njy Washington State and
Idaho hit the win column. The
Cougars romped past .Montana, 81
Tx't, and Idaho tripped Montana
State, BO-71.
Oregon and Oregon State, play
ing host to Portland V and Texas
at Corvallis, both came out on
the short end of the scores. The
Ducks were humiliated by Port
land. 79-411. and OSC was nipped
k,, ln,i.ln 1 nnl,,.,nF i:.t.i:i
, K;imps saturdav nisht. Wash-
Defense Too Much
Washington found Oklahoma
A&M's vaunted defense even more
elfective than I hey expected as
Ihe Aggies held hook-shooting
Bruno Boin, the Huskies' top
scorer last season, scoreless. Boin
aU tJ'SX
their 4.1 Held goal tries,
The Aggies were behind only in
the opening minutes when Tippy
Dye's boys built up a 10-fi margin.
; Oklahoma led at the half, .14-21.
Veteran forward Larry Beck
1''"" .10 points to lead Washing
Ion Stale In Us easy win over
Molilalia. Berk had 11 from the
field and added eight charily
,,lilhn recovered in time to build
1 "P n 2-pnint lend midway in the
' prnod and was never threatened
aain. Vandal Center (lary Mc-
Kwen topped the scoring with 2M
Texas overrame a 3.V1I OSC
halflime lead lo hand the Beavers
their .second loss in four games.
John .MiaMer put the l.nnjjhorns
(.omiiee Stores 34
I, ' V"" "' ",,'li"n n,'"r
! '""k '"nng honors with 24 points,
h1'" ( l,"'a"' ", Haymond
0iH'h Mvi ls f' Tx-
Portland's ajsaresv Pilots
forced (treinn lo uuhe many
mi.Htiikes and the IMx-ks were
"'r i,W' dnv
Uierwj.v. The I orllandrrs rnl
'-!.'"."?' '."'" '""
Wretched tn 21 -JO at halllime and
kT the pressure on alter the in-
terniiiwon. .lark Snven led the
Winn. mi vKh 17 point i and was
hl6h scoi-er of the tame.
J' w"n' 'h" ('"( "mr a.h
,who 10
,rom ldah" " rlwr this year.
rontsnd ttsi iu orv.on
; F P T c; V P T
! i i a t l
l -t f 10 3 1
15 1 THittv,.' 1 4 ft
si,, g 7 .i i r, Htnf)ji oo-io
I ft 4 l 14 VlnttH j) t 1 0
1 t J 0 n I Kr.iklin.f I I 1 9
( 6 A 1 li Kvk.tll 0 1 t t
77' ? !tS S I J
n,,!,,,, a a n Ar,-hrdta o e a
Jv-'f"""' " ! 0114 0 0
' . !
r';nik 23 11 n T9 Tniiii ision
p,,r,i,-rt ..
on.-u . . te -
T.-i .III ilrri,.!! stitr
i, , 'I . K ,1 i ? 'I.?;
u. 1 f s it tin ,.n,....i .i s h
j ! " J ',:;;!;!V f 5 i"
i ; 2 2 :r, .u . n n .1 .1
ti,i-n n noon
K 0 0 0 0 M,.
n ( il l n n'i
K 4 1 2 10 N.wiM
i) o (i ii
: '2 i
T't.iti 2.S 14 I5ft( Tt,U 3 17 n .i
.15 X
lot kkv Riht.s urn ri e
.N.W MATKO. Calif 1 1 t'
.lofk.-y P.uil Krry of SiH .'nr-
rrnl. S.iyk . xoounli'il for hnlh
I'nd ni a H.iMTL'o ilailv ilraililo
I'a'olf al H.iv Mra,l,n,s Knilay
ihr Icchest of flic cunenl ini't't inc.
lie Miiiid on t'orn Stalk 'SltnlW
111 loo Inst anil'iitv 'Sit fvli'
m the Mr, mil Tvieniv si $2 tuk
el- wee sold on the eoiiihiiiatioii !
iy" v 1 1 .. w.. w rjr-.r - . , H h Tho Jl Green Slamn Wnv nt
Tonight for Hoop Doubleheader
IPI pzq FrSffe'i F rFP
The phnlo above tells the story, with lhe final score In the back
ground and with Id seconds left at GiM Coliseum lant niqht, Lee
armall, Oregnn Male sophomore guard, here sends a free throw
on Its way to the basket as the Beavers tried to overcowe a on
point deHelt against Tcxnfl. larmai misssd and Ihtit w;n Uhi
Gill the Worry Wart
Oregon Stale's 20-yetu vetrnn rooeh, Mats GUI, was his usual
worrMri, Jrmvning svlf aa tb Beavers opened at home Friday.
Ha tutu bK ehib blow a fHitr-PMint halftlme lead lo lose Us second
gams in loin slort this seniuin. But alt-eoofiter lave Gamhee
wttrvA 21 t eiute the pnin. (CapiUil JonriuiJ Photo)
15 Hungarians Stay
Behind in Australia
Sonic Intciul lo
(Ionic to US
To I Aye
1 Bt mu ton Mnuort
MKIJttH'nNp:. Austnlia ifl -
Fwty-fivff immihns ot the Mvin-
.eian Olymrnc team tooV Tlum
in Aiisiiana iuin kiwi nn ir-
to their Russun-nccuptrd
Sime intend to to to tlie I'nited
States. Others plan to settle hor.
Their l:HI t.uimules hcMtrd
But tlirre were sicns
hju-fc honw
at Wist of the ild drop
o o o oroif at Milan. Italy. K-fore tleir;
two chartered t reach airhnws
Jto t to Budapest.
4 Jnrt MihrT Brtaum
Those who stayed behind in-;
chide some of Hungary's most""'.
noted athletes among them ptt1' .
(our miimte miler l.aslo T.tbon: Hungry finhert fifth m the
world champion iatlies toil tencer
1 ,.1.
i,'.r ,,,,1,1 tmin. rhanipion of llic
jiisl-i'tiiu'lmlrd lf'f Olympii's
Tlie assislanl chief of the llun-
Kalian Olynipir Coinmittee and
scleral noted coaehes and man-
aters also remained here.
Many of the athletes loiiaht in
Set for Last
the eirly days of the rebellion
and proudly wore the emblem of
the revolt on their hreast pockets.
They departed for Australia at
the end of October when it
looked tn most persons in Buda
pest as if thc rebels had won their
demands for an independent gov
ernment. On Nov.- 4 while the
rebels were ncRotiatins for with-
1 11f ir mmrv thp !(,d
struck hack without warnin? to
crash th rrii-Cooimonist revolu
tion. Ctuusip Rvtnnu
Cme tem iwmbtr laid nosi
i of tll0St' Ri"" back lo Kunjary
-lT J',7,-IM ' ,k",r
" inillMm Jl mmir'
Anwof murwni w
( I.js?Io l'pp. winner of t w hex-
l'nS Kold lftl11 " ,nr( Olympics
; tuil l'.- anH IS His -if
WH. "2 and His wife
, " ' ' 'n , Rl jL
and ll-m(ith-nl(l fin art in Ruda-
; '".''"i" t "
" 3 .
annor nonQi. noiuer oi uie
world rri'ord fur lhe 3.000 meters
slceplei'liase. is one of those like-
ly to drop oil at Milan. He re-
oeived a eahle just before depar-
tnre sayms his wife and child arc
safe in Austria.
jfi : - iff I 'mti irf . v 1
sn.A I ; ,1 rkT
Chance for Beavers
hall gome. Visible Texas players are Brentotl Hughes (33), Joiui
Miakr (32) and taynmnd DownK (.11). Beaver Dave Garohoc is
between Blighes and Hfailfcr on thc IrK while Don Pino is on tlie
rig1i(. In Ine buekcround are OfiC's Ken Nanson and Jim Ander
son. (Cpiiid Joio'nnJ PhtUs by Jerry Clnumvn)
Duck Overcomes Resistance
Oregon's Charley Franklin here went high over the head of
Portland university defenders John Weslermann to score two
points tn (he first game of the Corvallis dnuhleheader. Franklin
bt also snrr aunded by PitoU Art Chapman 2.1. Frank Rector
(15) and Larry Larsen (31) Portland won easily, 79-tfi. (Capital
Journal Pholn)
Bill Russell Returns With
Kind Words for Russian Team
SAX FRANCISCO (.P Bill Rus- ! day and spun her around Hol
' wll cajiie back to San Francisco lywood style. Then he kissed her
Friday night with a kiss and a
mfCjui foe hi hride-to-bo and a
huiii word for Russian bawkftball
Th 9 f.W 1A All America
cpnter fT(tn Cmversity of San
Franciv.0 lmi first thinps first
. a"" lanamg on a return trip
which started tn Melbourne, aus-
: traha. after Russell helped the
i nited States team win the Olym-
pic names cnampimiMiip.
i He crabbed his fiance Rose
Swisher they'll he married Sun-
. "
, ' j
' f 1
for photographers and was still
kissine when they were through
; How were the Russians, the
team the C.S. beat for the title?
' Thev don't look so good, but
thev plav better than thev look."
misscii answered.
..Tnat big EUV (jan Kr0ll.
mjnch. the 7-4. XW-nound Rus-
Man dWsn"t hop around much
nul wncn ne ni0ves. l m tell-
ins you everythins moves. It's like
a tornado."
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 8, 1956
Russia Wins First
Olympic Team Title
Reds Close With
Soccer Match
Mil nnun'R (J1 Russia
carted' home its first unofficial,
team and eohl medal Ojjjjijj -f
garnes'endcd wUh" solemn cere ! llOUStOH SlltS
monies on a chill, damp after
noon following another Russian
victory in the soccer finals
As the Olympic scoreboard
flashed, "farewell and bon voy-
ior r.nnrt luck. Rome 10,
American officials already were 1
lr mrta'tntntt UOrlfl
maKiDK jichi.- -
supremacy in Italy four .years
nencc. . university at Houston will be in
The final totals showed Kussta for mcn,bership. a place it has
a clear cut winner in points, 7.2 bccn sccking for eight years. Bay
to 593 for the United States and or js due (0 prcs(,nt the bjg H(s.
also in gold medals 37 to 32. The , (on scn00i but indications were
Russians also amassed more total tnat jt would fajI to g(,t lne ncccs.
medals, gold, silver and bronze, Mrv ,ivs votcs (or a pIace jn ,he
with 99 to the Americans 74. ro'cal;uc.
matter how it was scored. Amcr-; Texa6 aiready on proba-
I lean point system or turopcan, 11
1 Was a RUSSian Victory.
1 i I'.S. Ilest in Track
Although the U.S. showed a against it that which involves
marked superiority in track and Jackie Moretand. the schoolboy
field, bettering its 1952 Helsinki , basketball star from Louisiana
showing with 15 gold medals in ' who signed a letter of intent at
men's track and field and one in : a&M but went lo North Carolina
women's. Russia piled up huge ; stale.
chunks of points in 11 gold medals The NCAA has charged thai an
and Ml points in gymnastics and Aggie alumnus made an illegal
six gold medals in wrestling. ; offer to Moreland but Ihe alum
Eleven world records were set nus denies il and has taken a lit
and 31 Olympic mnrKs were orr
en in Ihe sports carnival that
started Nov. 22 and finally was
concluded this dull day when the
flame in the bronza Olympic torch
was extinguished.
American athletes set six of the
world records witn its mens wo.
meter relay team in track. Mil- Olympic athletes who have re
dred McDaniol of Atlanta in woti- fus(,d t0 relur t0 their norncland
en s high jump, George Brcen of have bcen o(fcrcd a chancc ,
Duuaiu in a uiai nun 01 uie i.j.- ;
me!",.,swlmm,'n!, cve".t .and,1
weighthfters Charley Vinci of
ork. Pa Isaac Be-rger of Rrook-j
lyn and Tommy Kono of Sacra-,
im-llio. villi.
Strong In Gymnastics
Summing up, the Russians who
made their first Olympic appear
ance at Helsinki in ltr2 and lost
to thc U.S. fil4-5.i3'2. showed re
markable all-around improve
ment. Their great scoring strength
lay in the Gymnastic events,
wrestling, boxing and shooting.
The United States again dom
inated track and field with Rohhy
Morrow winning three gold med
als by taking the 1M and 200
meters and running on the win -
ning 400-meter relay team.
Americans won all thc field
events except the javelin and hop.
step and jump. Thc basketball I
team, as expected, won easily,
whipping Russia twice.
Australia's swimmers abruptly
ended an era of American rule
taking every free style event.
Mrs. Pat McCormick. the Lake
wood. Calif, housewife, finished
her career in a blaze of glory j
by completing an unprecedented;
"double double" in diving, re-!
pearing her Helsinki victories in
the springboard and platform
dive. 1
Few Yanks at Closing
Murray Rose. Australia's new !
swim sensation, took three gold
medals, beating Breen in thc 1.500
meter final after the American j
had broken the world's record in
a heat. Betty Cuthbert, Australian i
sprinter, also took three firsts in
women's track. j
There were few. if any, Amer-I
Residence and Land Sale
The State Highway Commission
will sell at public auction
on the property described below
together with the buildings thereon
at 1:00 p.m. on December 20, 1956
A parcel of land lying in the John P. Poujade Donation Land
Claim 45. Township 5 South, Range 2 West, Willamette
Meridian, Marion County. Oregon, and being a portion of that
property described in that deed to the State of Oregon, by and
through its State Highway Commission, recorded in Book 460.
Page 606. of Marion County Records of Deeds; the said parcel
being that portion of said' property lying Southeasterly of a
line which is parallel to and 100 feet Southeasterly of the cen
ter line of the Portland-Salem Expressway as said highway
has bcen located, which center line is described as follows:
Beginning at Engineer's center line Station ME 137000, said
Station being 2267.24 feet North and 1934.44 feet East of the
Southwest corner of said Poujade Donation Land Claim 45;
thence South 37' 28' West 3000 feet to Station 1400-f00( the
Northwesterly line of said parcel crossing the East line of said
property approximately opposite center line Station 1385 40.
Except that portion of said parcel lying within the following
described tract:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of County
Road 524 with the center line of the Portland-Salem Express
wav. as described above, at Siation 13A9-M8 39: thence South
72' 51' 15" East along said County Road center line 600 feet;
thence north 17' OR' 45" East at right ancles 75 feet; thence
North 72' 51' 15" West 575 feet: more or less, to the center
line of said Portland-Salem Expressway: thence South 37
28' West along said center line to the point of beginning.
Bearings used herein are based upon the Oregon Coordinate
System, North zone.
The parcel of land to which this description applies contains
9 05 acres.
The former Stafek property located on the east side of the
Sslem-Portland Expressway at the Keene Road overcrossme.
This property is on Route 1. Box 13. Gervais. also known as
County Road 524. Improvements include house, barn and
garage. The property is No. 20852.
The minimum price which will be accepted is S3.000.00.
Conveyance will be by Bargain and Sale deed and the State
will furnish title insurance. Access is by wav of the Countr
Road. rThi5 property will be sold with complete restriction
of access to the Portland-Salem Expressway.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash. The right is reserved to accept or
reject any or all bids.
INFORM TION: W H llaV.n. Fmpcrtv Manager. Oreznn
State Highway Commission. Srate Hichwav Building. Salem.
ican athletes in the final parade
of athletes at the closing cere
monies. Some already had left for
Avery Brundase of Chicaeo,
president of the International
Olympic Committee, look the sa
lute of the athletes at thc e.iae
of the track and then formally
declared thc games closed.
111 O W LiH!?llC
A" " "vi,MV
DALLAS W1 The Soulhwert
r-M j - : A . c(..-j..
tt.hothcr jt W!lnS (, a( its inn
. .J :rn. .... .
memDcr aan 11 icxas wc.h saotinl
bc pcnaiized for illegal recruiting.
tion for violating the recruiting
rnlnc hnc atlferi that fho
ence investigate a new case
nVtector test to back up his state
Hungarians Gel
Oregonian's Bid
pnnTT.Avn in iti,...FiI.
start ow Hve, jn Oregon.
Paul Ousley. chairman of the
0regnn Committee for Hungarian
rjefugees. cabled University of
0regon track coach Bill Bower-
,, . Mplhmirne Aiislr.-ilia
1 wilh Ihe U. S. Olympic team, that
som 1.1(1 Hungarians could be
taken care of here.
"Please advise any members of
the Hungarian Olympic team who
do not wish to return tn Commu
nist suppression they will be wel
comed in Oregon." the cable said.
HAVANA Al Besselin. Gros-
sinCPrS. X.Y.. hnt a 5-iinHfr.nai
R7 for a total of 136 to take a
'one stroke lead over Dave Doug,
! las of St. Louis at the halfway
mark of the Havana Invitation.
Tide Table
(Compiled hv V. S. Coast & Oeodetlfl
Survey, Portland, Or.)
Dee. Time Hpipht Time Heipht
9 5. Warn. 5 7 1l:.18a.m. 2 7
4 .in p.m. 4 a 11:2 p.m. 1 ft
10 fiSlA.m. 5.! 12:4fip.m. 23
fi-fll p.m. 4 n
11 7 on a.m. fi.2 12:09 a.m. 14
7:lfi p.m. 4 4 1 :.-)l p.m. 18
12 7:42 a.m. 5 12:57 a.m. 1
fl:3flp.m. 4 4 2:4fip.m. 12
13 8:2na.m. fiR l:4fla.m. 21
fl 4R p.m. 4 S 3 .19 p.m. 0 !l
14 9:04 am. 7 2 2 39 a.m. 2 4
10:50p.m. 4.7 4:26p.m. -0 2
15 9 47 a.m. 7 5 3 29 a.m. 2
11 :14 p.m. S 0 5 :1ft p.m. -0 ft
16 10:31a.m. 7.8 4:2ft a.m. 2 7
5.54 p.m. -1 3
17 12:32a.m. 52 5:lfla.m. 27
11:17 a.m. 6 0 6:37 p.m. -1 fl
18 1:17a.m. 5 5 6 02 a.m. 27
12:03 p.m. fl 0 7:?n p.m. -1.7
19 2 :01 a.m. 5.7 fi '5fi a.m. 2 6
12 50 p m. 7.9 8 04 p.m. -1 6
20 2:1fia.m. 6ft 7:53a.m. 25
1:42 p.m. 7.5 8.48 p.m. -13