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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL" Section 1 Page 9 Future Forest Trees Readied Here ? W W w &LJit 8LJ& John nursery nut. W for use B. Woods, Jr., proprietor o( the only private forest tree In (he Pacldc Northwest: shows his crew where to ffllpj oods Is now growinK 750,000 two year old seedlings ready In reforestation by large lumber and pulp companies, gov- 30,000,000 Seedlings Goal Of Salem Area Nurseryman crnment agenclca and Christmas tree farmers. He hopes to expand his nursery to a 30,000,000 tree farm on 90 Irrigated aerei. Shown from Jc(l: R. Liable, . D. Monette, )). Vryt and Woods. (Capital Journal Photo) ticeship committee in another state. Hogan will also present a tenta tive plan developed with industrial arts instructors for determining high school subjects particularly valuable to students intending to cmer ine iraoes. The labor commissioner, who is also chairman of the council, said the latest summary of on-the-job ' apprentice training for. 30 areas lists 252 new enrouees during Oc , tober and November. Another favorable' trend in the I program. Nilsen pointea out. is the steadily decreasing number of apprentices who drop out because of dissatisfaction with their job ; situations. I The latest report of RT. Car I ver, Onwum supervisor toy the fed ; eral bureau of apprediceship, notes there are more boilermaker ap- prentices registered in Oregon ! than in any other stale. Law Professor's Bar Sinister Seen Al DAW if : 1 i rr Writings Vllte I accused of bein fatne" of illegiti- main. phiMron tafo nrncnpnlinn here in j&rict court. The one, Louis Junior Florke, Albany, is at liberty under $!000 bond for later hearing. The other, Joe R. Staley, .'ll, Sweet Home, has been sched uled for arraignment Monday. More Register For Training As Apprentices Registration for apprenticeship training in 1956 showed a 12 per cent increase according to Norman 0. Nilsen, state labor commission er. Further increases during the coming year are anticipated, NO fen said. A. C. Hogan, state apprentice ship director, will submit a report Monday to the State Apprentice ship Council, which will include a proposed reciprocal agreement be tween Oregon and -Idaho for co dinating training of apprentices who are employed in one state end utiyr direction of an appren- The supreme court of New Jer sey extensively quoted a textbook on administrative law recently, i written by Dr. Reginald Parker of i Willamette university's law school. Although courts lean heavily for decisions on the opinions of other courts and judges, it is seldom that a book is cited. In Parker's case, the New Jersey court not only referred to his book but also included into its opinion a full ' paragraph of the treatise. I The case was brought to Parker's i attention when he read the Novenv ( ber issue of the Atlantic Reporter, '( publication which reviews cases decided in the State supreme courU. The case under question wasltde v. City of Clifton, which was argued and decided in Sep tember and Octoher. TRICKY K! A, POUAND SINIIAL IIICIIUC COMPANY 1 Our Christmas Gift to You W o o J iMALLORI g. $10.95 to $12.95 By BEN MAXWELL Capital Journal Writer John B. Woods and Son, local ed on Mildred lane about three miles southwest of Salem, conducts the only private forest tree nursery in the Pacific Northwest. This year the firm is growing 730.000 Douglas fir seedlings, next year they expect to market 6.000, 000 two year old seedlings and ulti mately 30.000.000 trees grown yearly on 90 irrigated acres. The Woods family lives up to its name. They are a family of forest ers. John R. Woods, now retired: was long in forestry service. His son. John B. Woods. Jr., had a significant role in reforestation of the Tillamook burn. Now a third generation member of the family is a student o forestry. Business Started In HM8 Wood seed business has been a Salem enterprise since 1948, te nursery was started during April of 1955. Woodseed collects and pro cesses seed of coniferous forest trees. About one third of their an nual harvest is sold in Germany where forestry is1 concerned with producing a crop. When a tree is removed another is soon planted in its place. There lumber trees are harvested at the close of their interval of greatest growth, not upon maturity. Clear lumber from old growth trees Is not a significant consideration with Cerman foresters. At Woods nursery forest tree seed are planted in beds by a spe cialized machine. All beds are irri gated by an overhead system the first year and by ground applica tions during their second growing season. Growth of a commercial seedling requires 18 months from seed. Then the plant is dug and distributed as a two year old. In Woods packing sheds girls tie freshly pulled trees into carefully wrapped bundles of about 2,000 each, the bundles weighing 40 pounds. Woods forest tree nursery sup plies seedlings to large lumber and nuln mmnanins tho human of hand mnnflpemenr. forestry He. partments and Christmas tree farmers. Besides Douglas fir the firm grows Noble, Silver; Grand and White fir and a limited num ber of Sequoia gigantea. Woods ex plains that the Douglas fir is really not a fir at all. Rotannically it is pseudotsuga taxifolia, literally a false hemlock with foliage like a yew. During the present planting sea son the firm will reforest between 5.OO0 and 6.000 acres with approxi mately 3,000,000 trees hand planted. Seeds Forestt by Contract Besides growing coniferous for est trees and collecting seed, the firm does forest seeding by con tract, using a helicopter for the purpose. Approximately 30,000 seed are sown to the acre with expec tation that 3,000 will strike root and grow. About 70 persons are on Woods payroll, now near the height of seasonal employment. There are four planting crew of 12 men each and two graduate foresters on the staff. Scout Troop Picks Leaders New senior Datrol leader of Bov Scnut Troop 9 is Bruce Bornej i who was picked at a court of honor held Tuesday at Highland schuol. I Charles Blcwett was named a pa itrol leader and Steve Blewett an assistant patrol leader. Charles and Steve Blewett, Rob ert Meeks asd Skippy Wcesner received Tenderfoot badges and were initiated into the troop and , Bruce Barnes was presented with I rowing and canoeing merit badges, Miisr.if KfUGH '"prn pain I 100 TABLETS SILVERTONE GIVES YOU s w m MI W o l 285 COATS TO CHOOSE FROM 101$ PLU2? il 'v;;'? Additional Shetland tS0 A A t? - l ' i' 7 c $pTA00 pig sts Worsted Oll AuNp h Donegal Tweed J? 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The big 24-inch (overall diagonal) screen offers B3 1 square inches of perfect TV picture reception even in the most dis tant fringer areas (0)88, 10.00 DOWN 10 DOWN OX THESE TELEVISION SET3 o AMitloftal Down Payment Required for the Cost of: Two-Year Service in the Home Two-Year Picture Tube Warranty Two-Year Receiving Tube, Varranty Two-Year Parts Warranty B SILVERTONE METROPOLITAN 21" TV 88 199 GIFT PRICED All Channel Tuning Easy viewing for you from any angle with this hijj clear picture set with a swivel bae. Aluminircd (Jiackinc reflects the picture back to you giving ! clearer, sharper pictures. Side control panel. CT261 Sq. In. of Viewing j Compare Our Price & Quality ALL-CHAfelflO. mai Tflbk Model TV 17-in. Portable TV Tp TSoies fni)3tr nd Strain! Ideal for Quality Viewing, Anywhere! SILVERTONE . RADIO-PHONO Top tuning is ff ynu and you get it with Silvertnne! 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Enjoy Thrilling Hi-Fi Silvertone Radio-Phono Hi-Fi Sound with Compact Table Radio-Phono Combo Gift Priced 154' , GIVE THE BEST GIVE SILVERTONE! Priced 103 Silvertone proves that Hi-Fi dors nt r,"'in high cost, Knjny the beauty of rich, living sound with this dual speaker, 4 speed automatic phono graph, powerful 6 lube AM radio. AUhogany finish. Itosigned for small Apartments, bedrooms, dens, dual fiinch speakers give full, rich, living sound. Ceramic cartridge has dual sapphire needlt. Towerful 6 tube radio mahogany finish. Shopping Center STARTING MONDAY, DECEMBER 10TH OPEN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY cS3& 550 N. Capitol 3-9191