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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 - rrTTTl r A TiTT A T' 7rtTTT5XT A T' Page 8 Section 1 irlCj vmm jumh . . SSTORTLAND CA 7-4411 fS SALEM 3-2211 j AF Dissolving - Its Northeast Air Command WASHINGTON Wi The present Norlheast Air Command, bcinfi dissolved alter Jan. 1. will oper ate thereafter under the Air De fense Command and Ihc Strategic . Air Command. " The big command covers cast 'frn and northeastern Canada and Greenland. The Delensc Depart ment announced last Juk that po ' vas to be abolished, and disclosed today details ol luture operations il its facilities. The department said that "thi. chaise is a part of the Defense JJcnarlment's effort to ;,implifv end strcnRihcn its entire defensi structure by orrierly and ec'inom- Jeal realisnintiit of assigne., de f"nse tasks." Shifts ':: cnimund Include brinfiin:1 "mc Far Kal Air Korce hoMquartt-is back to Ha waii. The new plan lor the Northeast Command, the department said, "wdl make air dclense and sup porting forces more responsive to the needs of continental air de fense and also will provide SAC with more efficient control of the facilities which it uses." Guided Missile Slips Traces WASHINGTON W - A guided missile that refused In be Rinded has disappeared somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. The Defense Department Rave no details in announcing last night that a test missile "did esc.ipc from control at the scheduled turn-around point and proceeded on to a destination yet unknown." The missile was fired Wednes day from the Patrick Air Force Base on the cast coast of Florida, along an established test range which extends southeastward into the Atlantic. The announcement said it was "on a routine flight." There was no indication the missile carried any warhead or explosives. Excited Tot Wedges Foot In Saxophone LOS ANGKLES Ml Two-year-old Randy Koral. watching a tele vision program, cot so excited that he jammed his foot in his father's alto saxophone. His mother tried melted butter and warm naiad oil, but Randy's foot was really wedged. She called firemen. They removed some of Iho keys and, with pressure from (be other end, worked the boy s foot out of the bell of the instru ment. One of the firemen then asked Bandy what he'd Jike or Christ mas. "A saxophone." he replied ftriRhtJy. His father would like a new one Coo. Army Develops 'Alomic-IYoof Photo Proeess . WASHINGTON iff -The Army .announced today development of fi new heat process In print photo graphs on plnstie which will lie ipsislant to the foRRinfi ctfect ol Momic radiation. .-The Army Signal Corps labor atories at Ft. MomnoWh. N. .1., developed the process from n dis covery made by the Ferro Chem ical Co.. ol liedlord. Ohio, the Army said the technique would re ol particular military alue in 'hot" areas where alomie attack liai left lin-icnm; radiation. In producing the print, an alum inum plate coated with n vmvl is placed under a negative, then ex posed to ultraviolet light lor liv seconds. The light rays burn into the plastic an image whieh Is brought out by baking at 3it) to 350 degrees. Keefe Urasselles Quietly Divorced I.OS ANGF.LF.S i.V-The Keefe TinisM'tles have become divorced, and without Itrcwoiks. Their complicated dome, tie wrangle, promising to produce charges and countercharges in court, came to an end yesterday when the 32-year old actor dropped his fight against the in terlocutory decree obtained last March by his estranged wile Nor ma. 29. ..Brassclle will p;y HMi monthly to support her and their daulit.T fcrin, 12. HAl.L TO i:i DIANA LYNN ' HOLLYWOOD K.r - Hall says that he ami ait Diana Lynn. M. will hi' mat net! today in Tijuana, .Mexico. Hall. 52, owns a Los Angles radio sta tion. He divorced actress Ruth Roman last Octoher. LEGALS NOTK'K TO CHf lHTOHS NOTICE IS HKHKHY (.IVrN ' Ihr Circuit Court of Marion l oti OroRon, l'iolii1f IVpni ti'H-nt. tis niinli (I llic iiTul rMiet'.t'(t to.-s if tV ol Clair ('..! I .-("I All . I lllll of IT M.t .S ,11.1 'it 1 ' 1 1 1t1 duel In- 1 t, en!' ii t 1 f .1 t ..t 1 "1 V- 1-: Am A . fl-c -o i. or t Cohh V.-itu t 1 'Of! C'tni'mny. Ji-.lir-otv (Him ittun n moniiii Mom av Iui 1lMl pri'inr ouiiit. DATED and fn-t puhli-hril tClli day ot Swrmhrr, li."i CI KN ( ('MI! HX COlWi Admtiiitrjitrirt UT.ATHERFOnD Ac THOMPSON Albany. Oregon Attorneys lor Administrator Nov "!l tV- " t OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M ORDER NOW BY MAIL OR PHONE MEIER & FRANK'S . . .YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware Seronrf flow SEAL-TITE STORM WINDOW KITS Sturdy p'astic applies with inpt. CotH only 39Vic per averege window. Incluaes Itpe. 5-window kit $198 SNOW SHOVEL All aluminum, "D" hand; 1 E "x 1 5 ' s re ...$4.25 SNOW PUSHERS All-sleel with straight handle, 18"xl0' size $2.95 24"xl2" size with straight handle $3.29 Zephyr weight aluminum, 20"x9" blade, long handle $3.95 ROLON TIRE CHAINS Full-circle chains with no inside fasteners. No jacking up wheels. For tire sizes 5.50x15, 8.20 Xl5. Values to $28.60. Now $9.95 PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE Gallon $3.25 Quart . 85c Girls' Shop Street floor GIRL'S 2-PIECE PLAYSUITS Water-repellent poplin, warmly interlined jacket; two-lone color combinations. Sizes 3 to 6'j $16.98 KNIT HEADWEAR Dip pony-tails and snuggle caps. Stripes, solid colors. Harlequin plaids. For all ages, 2 to 14 $1.98 OUTING FLANNEL PAJAMAS Two-piece style in pink and white or blue and while checks. Sizes 4 to 14 $2.98 NITEY-NITE SLEEPERS Warm, plastic-sole sleepers, Perryizod for shrink resistance. Red, blue, yellow. Sizes 4, 6, 8 $2.98 KNEE-HIGH-HOSE "Trimfit" Knee-Hi's in cable knit stretch nylon and cotton. Beige, navy, white, red. Small, sizes 6-8; medium, sizes 8-9'? 79c GLOVES AND MITTENS Wool knits in solid white, red, navy, jewel or embroidery trims; jacquard designs. For ages 4 to 14 $L$1.25 Drugs Street floor BAYER ASPIRIN 100's . . . 53c BUFFERIN TABLETS 36 53c COLDINE COUGH SYRUP . . 98c BtN-GAY BALM .... 79c EMPIRIN COMPOUND TABLETS, 25 . 45c VICK'S OINTMENT . . . 79c DEVILBISS STEAM VAPORIZER . $6.95 CASCO AUTOMATIC HEAT PAD Two spced Braille switch. 2-year guaiantee $8.95 HOT WATER BOTTLE $3.50 Noirns Sfrect floor RAIN JACKETS Reg. $1.98 Capctcx vinyl plastic S, M, L . $1.69 RAIN SHOES Reg. 98c children's rubber ram shoes 29c RAIN DEARS CltMr, tough p!asfc footwev, small, medium, larci, evfia l.vge . . $1.98 RAINCOATS AND JACKETS Women s e'en, 1 cavy vinyl plastic, S, M, I - $2.98-$4.95 Men's Clothings Street floor CLAYBROOKE TOPCOATS . . $50 MEN'S ANTI-FREEZE JACKETS Reversible nylon, fleece lined, zipper front; washable; navy, blown, gray. Sizes 38 to 46 $25 AAEN'S CAR COATS All vvorl t rt A, ;rovn, cj'rty, M h.ini hricd. Jp dfj) $24.95 Men's Shoes Street floor MEN'S FUR-LINED SLIPPERS Opera and zipper styles, black or brown $6 95 $7 95 MEN'S 8" ZIPPER GALOSHES . . $7.45 W laZlU Ui Li LJ I JLJ -i U U L-J U-3 Wtr t s Men's furnishings Street floor MEN'S PENDLETON SHIRTS Fine quality wool, colorful plaids. Small, med ium, large, extra large sizes $11.95, $12.95, $13.95, $17.50 MEN'S WOOL SCARVES Famous Pendleton plaids in many color combinations $3.95 MEN'S WOOL-BLEND GLOVES Raccoon fur and nylon, leather palm; tan or gray. Small, medium, large sizes $4 MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR Insulated underwear, developed by the U. S. Navy for Arctic use. Lightweight, soft, easy washing. Drawers, small, medium, large, extra large -$5 Short-sleeve shirts, small, medium, large, extra large $5 Long-sleeve shirts, Small, medium, large $6 MEN'S WOOL HOSE Byford 6x3 rib, washable wool, imported from England. Maroon, brown, gray, light b'ue, navy, white, blue heather, medium gray, black. Sizes 10'j-13 - $1.50 Boys' Shop Street Floor BOYS' PACIFIC TRAIL JACKETS Cotton shell, nylon quilted lining; flannel-lined tuck-away hood. Sizes 6 to 16 $11.95 BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS Simlex wash-and-wear shirts, Sanforized cot ton, wrinkle-resistant. Sizes 6 to 1-8 $2.98 BOYS' FLANNEL PAJAMAS Weldon slipover and button-down styles, ex pertly tailored. Sizes 6 to 20 $2.98-$3.98 BOYS' KAYNEE SWEATERS Ski-Tow 100 Orion bulky knit sweaters with the softness of cashmere. Sizes 6-12, 36-38 $8.95 BOYS' MUNSINGWEAR UNDERWEAR Cotton "longies," junior and prep sizes, 6 to 18 $1.75-$1.95 Hosiery Street floor WOOL BLEND HOSE Full fashioned wool and rayon. Sizes 9-1 1 Med. $1.95 pr. Full fashioned wool and silk. Sizes 9-11 Med. $2.25 pr. ALL-WOOL BED SOCKS White, pink, blue, M, L $1.35, $1.95, $2.15 KNEE-HI HOSE Argyle, cable stitch and stretch. Sizes 9-11 ...89c-$1.95 Gloves Street floor WOMEN'S WOOL GLOVES Casual and jeweled trim. White, navy, beige, pink, light blue, gray, black. Toddlers' 2, 3, 4; misses' 5, 6, 7; women's, S, M, L 79c-$3.95 Women's Shoes Street floor WOMEN'S STADIUM BOOTS White Stag. White only. 4-11 $6.95 WOMEN'S POLAR BOOTS White, red, gray, black. Sizes 4-9. S, M $9.95 WOMEN'S SHEARLINGS Natural, red, blue, pink. Sizes 4-10 $5.95 lingerie Sfreef Foor WOMEN'S 20 WOOL SNUGGIES Above-the-knee style, elastic waistband. Pink or white. Sizes S, M, L $1-00 Extra large $1-25 Over-the-knee length; M, L $1.75 Extra large $2.00 50 wool, above-the-knee, pink only; S, M, L $2.00 Extra large $2-35 WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS Built-up shoulder style; pink, white; S, M, L $1 Extra large $1-25 20 wool, S, M, L $1-35 Extra large $1-50 50 wool, pink only; S, M, L $2.00 Extra large $2.35 WOMEN'S COTTON UNIONSUITS Drawn neck, elbow length sleeves, tight legs. White. Sizes 4, 5, 6 $3.50 Sizes 7, 8, 9 -- .$4.00 29.5 wool, cream color. Sizes 4, 5, 6 $5.50 Sizes 7, 8, 9 $6.50 WOMEN'S FLANNEL SLEEPWEAR Long sleeves; floral prints on white or pastels. Gowns, sizes 34-42; pajamas, sizes 34-40 $3(98 WOMEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS Rose prints on pink or blue, piped trim. 32 to 40 ... $3.98-$6.98 WOMEN'S WOOL HEAD STOLES Wool jersey, clan plaids, crocheted wools; also cuddle caps in 100 angora or wool jersey . $l-$4.98 WOMEN'S JERSEY TURBAN Fits all head sizes $1.98 Infants Street floor INFANTS' OUTDOOR WEAR Infants' and toddlers' snow suits, pram bags bootikins in nylon and Guard-Well fabrics. Pastels, darks $9.98-$21.98 INFANTS' TRUNDLE BUNDLE Zipper closing; pastel shades; Extron-nylon fleece. S, M, L and toddlers' M, L sizes $7.95 Acrilon, M, L sizes $9.95 INFANTS' NITEY-NITE SLEEPERS Boolee foot with double sole. Pink, blue, maize, mint. Sizes 0 to 4 $2.50 lecfricas Second floor G-E ELECTRIC BLANKETS Reg. 24.95 twin size with Sleep-Guard control. Pink only PB 98 A4 $19.95 Reg. $29.95, full size, single control PB 98 Al $22.95 G-E WARMING PAD Reg. $4.95, small, convenient size, 3-heat. Dresden blue. Removable cover $3.95 ELECTRIC HEATER Reg. $18.95 fan type, 1650 watts, automatic thermostat $14.95 O famous Make Sleds .... Second floor Enjoy the snow on these fast, sturdy sleds. 41" Champion $4.98 45 "Yankee Clipper $6.95 46" Champion $5.95 52" Yankee Clipper $8.95 51" FLEXIBLE FLYER SLED $12.98 Deluxe quality in straight grained white ash, bright red steel runners. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 11,000 'i'itii jniping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. GQ I Sports Shop Sfreef Floor , WOMEN'S JOAN MARIE SWEATERS Long-sleeve tlipon .. '. $4.98 Cardigan $5.95 WOMEN'S CAR COATS All-wool, striped lining. Oxford with patch pocket $'9.98 BULKY KNIT SWEATERS Pendleton, turtle neck style. Sizes 36 to 40 $1 1 .95 Shaker knit coat sweaters, black or white, S, M, L $25.98 WOOL SLACKS Pendleton plaids or solid color gabardine 10-18 - 1 $17.95-$19.98 CAR COATS Knit convertible, white, red, camel, platinum. 10-18 - $17.95 LOUNGING PANTS Phil Rose's corduroys, lovely colors. 8 to 16 $6.98 Children's Shop ?freef f If CHILDREN'S SNOMOCS Fur tops, zipper front; white only. Sizes 4 to 1 1 $6.9JS CHILDREN'S SOU'WESTERN Two buckles; light blue, yellow, white. Child's sizes, 8 to 12 ..$3.45 Sizes 13 to - ....$3.75 Teen sizes, 4 to 11 $3.95 CHILDREN'S SNO-SUIT BOOTS Red, brown or white. Child's sizes, 7 to 12 $3.95 Sizes 13 to 3 a. $4.45 Bedding Secgfd floor FIELDCREST ELECTRIC BLANKETS Twin size, 6 colors; year guarantee $24.95 Full size, single control, 80"x84" $29.95 King size, dual control, U4"x84" $69.95 PENDLETON WOOL BLANKETS Size 72"x90". Choice of six solid colors ... $18.50 ACRILAN BLANKETS Size 72"x90". Blue, yellow, moss green, lilac $15.95 TAFFETA COMFORTERS Size 72"x84" Acrilan-filled, completely wash- able. Wine and rose, wine and chartreuse, light green $12.95 FIELDCREST BLANKETS o. Rayon, cotton, nylon blend. Size 72"x90" $95 COTTON SHEET BLANKETS Size 81"xl08" $3.Q Sports Headquarters Second floor U. S. INSULAIR OUTDOOR WEAR Jacket $34.50 Pan,s - - $24.95 Vest - - 0.95 Hood $3.95 POLAR WEAR JACKETS, P&NTS New DacronS insulated underwear. Men's and women's sizes, small to extra large each $12.50 INSULAIR BOOT PACS By U. S Royal. Plastic insulation for lightweight comfort and foot warmth; good for below zero. 6 ,0 13 $16.50 RIPON BOOT SOCKS All-wool Klondike socks jj jj PART-WTOOL MITTENS Heavy quality for extra wear and warmth 85e LEATHER MITTENS All tough horsehide mittens, extra sturdy $3 25 HAND WARMERS Jon-E-Handwarmers, self starting, heat without flame. Carry in pocket, mittens or bag. 24 hours of hear with one filling $3 95 ALLEN-A THERMAL UNDERWEAR Mens, cream; women's, red. Small to extra large. Men's short-sleeve shirt jj Mens long-sleeve shirt Men's ankle-length drawe s j Women's long-sleeve shirt 53 Woi-f 's ankle-length drawe-s $6 50 O V