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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1956)
Page 10 Section 2 Indian Summer Ends at Load Links I. 11 ; I V T-i 4 , if' h I 1 fi - U ;ti u ;v . i ' ... rt Hevnen of (he on In the (no Dirlure Ink on laxL wrrk 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 . Cooperation of YMCA-Cliurcli Urccd at Meet Closer ennperatinn between the YMCA and I lie church in Ihc mat ter of Christian emphasis was stressed during a meeting held Thursday noon at the, V. Principal speaker was Paul Moritz, ot the National Council of the Y, who said tiiere is a country wide concern over the impact ttie YMCA was making on the roh gious life of the country. .The as sociation, he said, is inc one ot its period of self-evaluation concern- tag Its program. Morilz laid that back In (ho l!20'j the theory was advanced that Christian emphasis was Ihc business of every memlier of the Y staff. In recent years there has been a change of sentiment in this connection and the feeling is grow ing that more emphasis should he focused on this phase of YMCA work. Touching upon the relationship between the Y and the church. Moriti emphasized that the Y could not exist in a community wnere mere -was no church life. Use of the Paul Wallace Memor ial chapel, which was incorporated In the new youth wing was dis cussed. The chapel, not yet dedi cated, has a capacity of 48 adults or 60 boys. It will pronably be dedicated late in January. Scenes typical of (he one in the top picture taken last week at .Salem Golf chili are no more after Wednesday's snow. Dirk Taggesell (pulling) and Hill Oskn finished on the ninth green against a selling sun Friday. Wednesday there wasn't a soul In the area. .Same green was snowbound Thursday morning. (Capital Journal I'hotns) Richmond School I'TA Plans Yule Program Monday The Iticlm-.ond PTA will present a Christmas program in the school auditorium at 7:30 Monday night based on the theme "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear . In charge of the program will be Mr. and Mrs. William Iteed. while Itcv. and .Mrs. Philip llurd of the Court Street Christian church will act as directors. Students of three 6th grade classes will participate under Ihc direction of Iheir teachers, Mrs. Wilmn Oshorn. John Pimiti and Miss Kayrene Muller. There will he no business ses sion and the general public is in vited to attend. i i M 4 Kit. NKtlGKIIAUKR ILL SIIHI.IMITY (Speciali -Last report slated Itev. Hobert S. Neu- gebnuer is recovering satisfactorily from major surgery at Providence hospilnl in Partlnnd last Friday. Illness Stops Visit of King Illness prevented Max King, rep resentative of Southwest Airlines from meeting wbh Salem cily ot ficials as scheduled Thursday aft ernoon. King, who bad planned to ex plain why his firm seeks to es tablish service here, became ill while in Bend earlier in the d II- 1 l..r, ...rmrl.ilnri In mnnt 111- llflil mill nuniiumi ixr immi ,p Wlin mayor nciurri r. mini-, inj.'r's chamber of commerce and state f f air DnniiNA. i TF.KNF.ItS GET POI.IO SflOTS PIIOIONIX, Ariz, uv Thousands of Phoenix teen-agers arc lining up voluntarily to get Ihc needle in Ihe nation's first mass immu nization program to protect high school students from polio. Any student who want the shots caO get them free. OTFratScls Record Drive Any old books and records Itores away In your closet, attic, or cellar? If so, Sigma Alpha Kp don fraternity at Willamette uni versity would like to have them. The reason? A Christmas charity drive for patients at the state hos pital. Salem radio stations will broad cast the appeal on Dec. 13 and 14. living directions on how citi leni tan contribute their books and records to the drive. Chairman Kevin Kincnid of Salem stated that interested people can either leave books and records at the fire or police stations or call the SAE house, giving their addresses. The morning of Dec. 15. Ihe fraternity men will travel throughout the city picking up boxes. The Christmas drive is part of a larger program undertaken by the local fraternitv to aid the patients at the date hospital. Salem Doctor !o Atlend Congress Dr. F. A. Whestley. Salem op tometrist, will attend the north west congress of optometry in Portland Dec. 10-11. This year's aessions will be de voted almost entirely to the study of advance methods of handling school children, many of whom have a high degree of intelligence yet experience difficulty In learn ing. Dr. Wheatley said. Thli congress is attended by vision specialists and educators from all sections of the Pacific Northwest. Only 21, 15nt Already Upse About Morals of Tewto-gewti Ity DOItOTIIY DIX WAR noROTIIY DIX: This is not my problem aloOc, buoef.M shared by earh and every fellow and girl in my generation. 1 am 21 l J and happily married (for five months). F.very one seems afraid to ft' lace tins prooiem Dill ncrc ii is. What is wrong with teen-agers? 1 do t mroe the weird fad for clothes, music or F.lvd Presk'y, because just a few years ago iy (n cliipfb ffes the same way. But sex .oems to ba dostropiqo, the innocence of youth. Evcryooffl" I to' to egrd with me. WSen I was in my teeOs 1 fflspitO it WiOK K older pcrm wotis say, "In my day We WKr did that." Well, "my day" V,ns l rt)c0ctD ami I've Keen repeatiijP t( 6)'lf6PQ10 ptt dSO to co-self. I'm looking forward to rnisir.Q a Ujipo fQinilo atu) fvs(U?9, I fija afraid. Is good tiphringuo:. educating 63)1 rb'igaelS beamrg) CWJUjOl to combat outside evils? The immediate cause of my QisturltiQj is a r&'AJl atA&aba2 article. "Venereal Disease New Thntf. to Yioob." l oo vUtoAMgii my name ana nuurcss, Move i nun i n,n n poiviubi ivur. i iuuwit.j mnnv nlhfir nennlp wotllll bn interested it- O.Oir rtOfPtlfllfii. too. B. A.D. lliA DFAH K.A I).: Artics. syh as ttB oioj you no9Sin. 0 io fS tended to alert us to danger, not shock ietn o,-oSb. Voir hJi'aO is iM, evidence you are aware of poeOtial Sf rils 6(W IdKhfl to 00 dtOJlft ;M K n,,...,i ,,,,. ii Whatever you do, keep this tlitir9 rnio t tfl 0 6b rf HCi U crusading spirit in youth, that 4MiOJe iO'o orjoio? Wito IflB yow. W e desperately need men and SonirO. yOogogl coj. fe'OB fcMI Pgot for a good cause. liaise your children wiln a sound ense io 'nlifl! id oioal values. We are told in Proerhs. Train up a child in ii should go: and when he is Jd he will not vnur large family, raise them without apprr' ever you can to promote the same teflhi for (fJS1 KotiCS'9 y SUflg sters. Ec. 7:7 the heart. -Surely oppression moketh a wise man mad; ond o gift destroyeth I ) tH tlIM l, f f !' ? I fff A p 6 child in lee eav he in depayt fr O" it " 0 e ti reO'iiSiO. c(j (!o Apriculltire Hnilditip; Open Hotisr St'liriliilrd Open house is planned at the newly remodeled State Agriculture budding December IB from 1pm until I and from 7 until 9 The renovated structure Is !o tated on 12th street between State and Court atreeti. DKAR DOROTHY DIX: I am attracted to a ftprQiimft 6fl is very shy. We see each othrr in the cafeteria and r-e'e-. tOM just smile. Mv girl friend says 1 should start the i'onvrro!i,o. 1 agree. I tninK ne snouiniahr uir hiuh-iu.i1iw DKAK YVOXNK: IH you want mm. or qyi. tr vrn.9 CP right; It's up to you to speak first. Q Di:AK DOIIOTHV DIX I bought my boy friend ft J'ndd ya Savings llond for his birthday as he was going lino ar.e 01 1 couldn't think of anything else, we arc pianningMo gel nup-rir Qien he comes out. so I made myself beneficiary instand of 01 ro of is i linrenls. W hen 1 gave him the bond, he joked about it. I d t lOup he reallv cared, but I've been wondering if 1 was right Rulhie. DKAR III Till!'.: It would have been gracious to name a pare&t 1 as heneliciary. but 1 doubt if it really makes any difference to Ihe boy friend or anyone else. After all, the amount involved a relatively small. : DKATt DortOTIIY DIX: The boy I like lives next door In me i We've been friends for many years, but now I feel a bit mere serious toward him. He doesn't seem to show any extra affection for me. though Pujled I'KAR P17.ZI.KD: The lad ha-n t gotten around to regarding you as anthing but the kid next door. Ciie him time; he will. 8rnd your problem to llnrnthr Ills. Or write for her free leaflet P IS, "Ten Commandments For Happiness." In alt rate, b lure Iflj enclose a stamped, aelf-addreisfd envelope, and teed request I" her, I care el this newspaper. J WHEN I GROW U? .. .. W', 0, M I .', y II Magical words these, "when I grow, up" full of promise, replete with confidence. What youngster hasn't uttered them? This lad is no different. He looks into the fu ture that will be his when he grows up, and the , world is his oyster, intact with pearls. This month he wants to be a flier. Next month he'll want to be an engineer, spanning bridgei across great rivers and wide chasms. The month after that he'll see himself as a surgeon, scalpel poised between skilled fingers. And the month after that who knows? For youth is ever changing, ever restless. That's why it is so important that youth's naturally impulsive nature be held fast by an anchor that is good, firm and permanent. They need a faith that will sustain them whether they become doctors, fliers, or engineers.. The Church provides this faith, this anchor, o i 7 t I vi THE CHUBCff ros Z1L TT J run THE CXU&CK The Churrri t. , . . Without a It is a storehouse of .niriii Irona Church n.iih.rj wiMout can su,v. Thh: .dLm,.C"C1' ? ci'''l ore lour J . ry person should "a"" 'f (2) Tor hi. children'. i Z ak. ,h. Church IfcelfVh'eh nli I (Snd maleriol imm,r' . ' n his d larly rd Teod youf BlbJ . ' Siindnj. Mondiy. ft Tue,dy .. ...." Vtfintsd.Q' Friday...'.; Saturday,., " Csyin Umwaiiiat j Mirk . Lnl, J 2 Corinlhlfflkp 3 1 P.t.r J 1 reeo- 21-J3 29412 : 14-70 1J-2S 11-22 1-7 c 1 p pohx mo 13T N, Hlgtt fb. 3384V Hts mix o CCAJfltOX, cm SlftAniSFER; Oytqvcbjc PfojftteS 6tOHj!, 0 co Exoen tvUvox Anoat faf flavfiower 'Nnt)'roifttbf Qroituoi 41oVer Crhoh.a-?rf $30 , from o 0pS;.3E,:15 Aits ft tphi(flar?j- O o ;R.t. EtvOTtoM ca 5 0SwbLilQity o tfiljlftlg 0)ADS IS BF(fS)G PUBLISHFrf" gfiNRV'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic (49$Ute St. Ph. 2-W03 O SOWELL-EDWARDS Fl'NERA' HOME Across from Sean 845 North Capitol o SlTCHEON PAiNT STORE Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Pta 3 6687 162 N. Commercial M'MRER DmSION tKeO.N PI U" PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service fefcia and Ferry Ph. 2-2421 MITCHELL'S RjOllO AND TELEVISION Completejelevisn-n and Radio Sales and Service We Give Green Stamps Phonj,3-7577 1880 State MAYFLOWER MILK Thone 3-9205 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store LES NEWJIAV8 Men's Wear and Shoei 179 North Comra-cial MASTER RREAS Brought to You Fresh Daily by Ydur Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co, L UgL'G flJUrt 1 "Pay &9 Hg .erything" 484 State SL Phone 2 S) DICK MEYER LIMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload Lana Ave. Ph. 3-4939 W. jRIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N; Cote Phone 3-3173 SEARS, KOEBt'CS 4 Ca cwr SHoir (SVtlia DIt?NRJ5 UNTIL I m. Couwi Xi(b e7 .aleia; J4oh4W!5J. , "Oil to tura" tb, 4i 1174 Bdxewateri CcmplShoppioRCwt5) VMTEB TflC.4TPBi!Clffifi Elsinore Capitol . Grajkl) Cve-to? OTJO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buick Sales. Service (S8 N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. 4-2237 wg.FK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY ID IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM CHURCHES, ANO IS SPONSORED BY e THE PUBLIC-SPIRITED, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS i m R E A J