Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 'Section 2 Page 7 o Advertising Slatrsnian-Journal Nfwspapen 280 N. Church St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mtn. I lines) V7eekdays Sun. per line 1 time .35 .25 per lme 3 times .90 .80 per line It timet l-0 $ 20 per line 1 mo. ..-$5.00 Unci. Sun.) Classified ads will be run tn h !. psner to. Hive advr?!-rs 1 advantages ol tne tremen tous combined circulations. When an ad li ordered three nr six times And a Sunday irsue M included ifor example Friday, Saturday. Sunriayl the lower F-rdv rates applv because only The Statesman publishes un- Classified ads wilt start In the H-nrning Oregon Statesman, c.m c; ide in the evening Capital jirnal but ads will he ac fmipri for Sundav Statesman n'v. The deadline for classified ads J, 100 p.m. the day before pub- :.atinn except for Sunday when deadline is 5:30 p.m. Friday. Emerpency ads and small line Bri! received after 1:00 p.m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the "Too Late to Class ify" column. Ads for Monday papers must he in by 8 p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News pipers reserve the right to re ject questionable advertising; it further reserves the richt to place all advertising under the p.oper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility ior errors which mav appear in advertisements published in Its columns and In rases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress la for the protection of t ie advertisers and must there fore be answered by letter. The Statesman - Journal Newspapers a-e not at liberty to divulge in- I formation ar- to the identity of I in adevrtlser using a ' BlMd ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud, deception, or injuries. Readers are cautiorfed to make NO PAYMENTS to get a PO' tition advertised In the help warned columns. sn neip wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE TODRK. Sales help wanted ads must eta te if the pay is in the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or include fftrn name. Bona fide offers of em- fi!nyment with pay belong to he "Help Wanted" columns. Ads in ofcier columns which re quire investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly in vestigateit be Dire paying out any momv. Advertisers re quiring a cQi investment for samples or merc(?indlKe, sales aids, etc., Must to gytcify in their AO. (Jbodl? rflflftt ay tetlfQa to this ntOt tfr tifr cDUudUJt 4- O Toolafetb Classify )C.A. hAsUtlful c5sole AM-FM 3 sneetT nltrr worth twice the pWce of '$179,95 HEIDKK'9 363 . S'" H'h- OLYMPIC "TV. radio phono graph, beautiful mahogany tjM? ol by one of Oregon's Sifia sn ! HEIDER'S 363 N. High. rnpn m- t r 9.jtt ORD wheel 15" $6. Ph. 24515 Make Lite Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! .crorxTiNo skrvice An DING MACHINES E'Jy as you'rent. All makes "en-Typwntera. 456 Court ro..1-S773. APPLIANCES WESTINSrlOt'SE Woodrv Furniturr Co. . " So. Com'l. Ph. 4-1111 H Gas Conviftnon Burner: Repair (as controls. Ph. 4-4US . . "LiiniNG CAPiTOL"S"iedding Mattress re-' novators N'ew mattresses 34063 BRICK and" block. Work "guar anteed. Ph. 4-6435. f ABINETS Kitchen remodeling, cabinets. foy daisies, formica top 4-4233 ,4PENTEK-COSTK ACTOR H-. Butldlnir Re-modellni Will Build, or help vnu build. Raloh M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-o:'U. f KMENT COVTItACTOn C-tractor 10 vti. exp Pmn Service. E. brake 4-M31. CORSETTIERF THARIS COBSETTIKRE 3J) Unsln 'ANB WORK Ph. j-:s '-n Loratn moto crane Pa-1 aim Cand it Gravel Co. 3-341. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify Linwood Court fit for cood inc . 925 So. 13th TOY TERRIERS Ph.2-7989aftcrnoons. BUR BANK POTATOES Ph. 4-2349.LTorresdal. 32 PONTIAC dlx.f all'metal'sta. Wason. 4 dr., radio, heater, hydra., all extras, excel, cond. Pli.3-2738.1945E.Nob Hill. BOYS A- Cirls 20", 24 26" e conditioned bikes. Ph. 3-9078. NEW boy's S-hwir.n 'bike'-Sp.- i lire or girl's English racing J.with i speed t,ears $42. 2 GERMAN Shepherd puppies 3 mo. old. Ph. 3-97B6. 2 .?nD"Kn"awds7hoat. m. 233 No. 24th. If interested Ph. ShcridanThornwall 3-6159. PARTLY furn. 3" rin. apiliehts & water iur;a5.Ph. 3-55.14. NEW 2 bdr", car port.TV ant., garbage it water. 1435 N. Summer. rl RM. At kitchencte $23. 1st fir., .Ef!v 23. , 34 HENS $1.25 take all your choice, $1.50 Ph. 4-6282. 48" FOLD-A-WAY bed. inner spring, mattress, good cond 20. Ph. 4-9398, 3805 Thorndale Rd. R EPOSS ESSED Washer used barely 45 days. Reliable partv to assume contract. Low dn. payment. $2.33 . wk. BAT DORF'S HOME & AUTO, 1420 State St. Ph. 3-9532. S&H FOR SALE: New Golf bag'ti Ph. 2-1255. urcen aiamps. GAS ranae like new Jon. GIRL singer wanted to work lo cally no experience necesjarv . will train. G-ood salary. Box 441 Statesman-Journal. FOR SALE: '52 G M C 2 T. truck, valves just ground, new king pine A- batt. red bed with 39" box. 2 speed rear axle. 3222 Mayfield Place N. Salcm. LA RG E well furn. 2 rr.i. apt, 2nd fir., gas stoves. S30 mo. Washing facilities. No pels, adults pfd. Refs. required. 2164 Maple Ave. Ph. 3-7117. CLEAN, warm 2 rm. apt., close in. lady 645 Ferry Ph. 3-4527. SPINET piano looks like new 'i the new price. H EIDER'S 363 N. Hiph. KENMORE wringer washer like new 139.50. H EIDER S 363 N. High. 1.935 FORO Ranch Wagon, cus tom fordr.. radio, heater, low miles. J1.875. Ph. 4-2525. G.E. Mangle like new Only 49.50 HEJD ER S 363 N. Hi g n . T.V. lamps Reg. 92 M ChristmTs Special 98c H EIDER'S 363 N. High. R.C.A. T.V. set nnlv one rear old 'i price. HEIDER S 363 N. High. USED T.V. sets as low as $35. HEIDER'S 363 N. High. ZEVITH radio phonograph fine console guaranteed like new $103. HEIDER'S 363 N-Hlgh. POOL table 34,,x60". Eastman movie projector & screen. Rotolite with 4 lights, Ph. 4-02.1R. GOOD clover hay. potatoes, $2 per 100, apples & oniono. No Olei Fri. after A & Sat. 4-1153. 194 CHEV. 4 d. sedan. heateT. seat covers, Very gflod condi tion, good rubber, $225. Ph. . 2-7258. 1 BDRM. furnacrx wired for dryec $ft. Sorensl. 4-2293. RUFFLED curtains plaunderedCj 4 OIL barrels, good cond.. w. cement am. launarv tun. TirVery good cpnd. Ph.(J-72. ONO whito rnl!ft C'Qt, Ad ttlger. very fflYtl0WPh02-Y.e8 j Z1Z t,tfrt) uti Foutit1 LOOT betw4Vl Salem Coquill Wmn women's ,.-! clothes, badly na-ded. Ifbur4 MPd or write 5u N. AOfms Coquille. Or& Reward. LOOT: Briro'e row in8ja)p 3M woKtii 3QOna people) hup O'orld VorS: Lp an my otrsr wcjciwoqiAJ tfeiy? Bi. 246a2. ?S are) not resplr.ft Gi fcilgt OOQ- nan ur own. Harold C. finx Jr. MPina u. y.-; 31 tf FflrronoT) few Og blowers for all :cfJrir JARY FLORIST. PH. 4-.l5gX. CapittSlJ Shopping CpC. OADAM Hazd- Psychic rJr advisv on Oil affair. Porlland Rd. Ph. 4W FOR F ACTS abnut" the Gethnffe Church, write P O. Bo-cfri.1. Indianar(lis. Indiana. Infnrrr tion lent under plain cover. No personaifUW;UI ai rnHOLirs Anonymous. W) S Commercial Z-gWB il cOrOMOS Am.pvm.HJi cri m i t -ilfi Save tine -Save money For the Bcjt Prolessionsi Strviccs FACAVATIVCJ EXCAVATING & Grading". Ditch nig. Karth Moving a special tv Ren O'.ien & Son. operated hv Mrs. Ben Otjen it Emil Ot!en 818 E. Rural Ave. Ph. 3-.VM. FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKF.R Paint Cv Floor-covermg Division Quali- llv installations Llnolrum. As-' phalt A- Runh& Tile Wall tile Free Estates : iA GRADING A DOZING BULLDOZING. Srad;rn & land ij.rinir r.trrr, L'H'icer. .vner it operator. Ph. 2-461.1 Bl.LLiicl7.lNU $3 30 per nt fcx cavatlne. trencninc. tne lav Ina. septics. elc. hnoeh 1 Maera. Ph. 4-3317 alter 9am Bulldozing, leve -ng. land clear ing. Dl Robtnson2-8797. dozing" leveling Ph. 2-0952 a pANTOVICH BULLDOZING clearing roads. pond. D-4 D-8 rarrjsll. V. Huskcy. Ph. 2-314S. PLIMBINO .irVi,nn he. olumher 2 LW6 I Ip-iv.vr. : RECORDING STUDIOS AIL tvres of music or speech r rerorded by Connelly. I-7K1. rerorded by Con: 1 rtOTO-VATING prt'o-Vstor -rorlt vir.t-rj. Vincent Kremer 2-3180 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales 4840 Center St. SirttMntii FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION ON SAT., DEC. 8-10 A.M. & 7 P.M. MAX FINE PIECES OP HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS GOING OVER THE BLOCK TO YOU AT GREAT SAVINGS. WRINGER WASHERS. 3 AUTOMATIC WASHERS. 2 ELEC RANGES. 1 WOOD CIRCULATOR. 1 REFRIGERATOR. 1 SEA MIST 5 PC. SET. MR. it MRS. BEDROOM SET. MATCH ING BOX SPRING AND MATT. 5 PC. DINETTE SET. 1 SET FULL 39 IN. TWIN BUNK BED SET, NFW MATTRESS, f PC. BLONDE DINING ROOM SET. 1 6 YEAR CRIB MAT TRESS. 1 FULL SIZE GAS RANGE. I MEDIUM SIZE GAS HEATER. 1 1953 21-IN. RATHEON IN ROCK MAPLE CON- f.r.LE. ALL NT!'.. TV5TS LAN" C PD R cMF;'r' V X. CHEST DRAWERS. MAPLE DESK, MAPLE STOOL. MAPLE CHAIRS. NW DEL RAY MOTO MOWER SWING ROCK ERS. STEP TABLES, COCKTAIL TABLES. FLOOR Ar TABLE LAMPS. DAVENOS. MIRRORS, LATF MODEL MAYTAG WASHER, KENMORE WASHER. TOYS. LOADS OF TOOLS, SHRUBS, APPLES, ONIONS, & POTATOES. LIVESTOCK SELL 2 P.M. BEEF FEEDERS. DAIRY COWS. VEAl.S. BAF.Y CALVES, HOC.S, vtLrtr.K Ml Kt GOATS. CHICKENS Si RAB BITS. BIO CROWDS. LOTS OF GOOD MERCHANDISE. FREE PARKING. HEATED BUILDING. HOT GOOD ruuu, wttl iUUR DLU rHIENDS & NEIGHBORS. AUCTIONEER COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT PH. 4-6433 a.tCM'J 4DOVKOVBUETAOI SHRDL. HM RF HM HF HM RFH I 400 Agriculture ! ; AD? 1 !waaAL Cl KID pnny black with white snx behind St strip in face. Ph. 4-0706 eve. 26 nice ewes. I buck, good sheep $J00. Ph. Mayfair 3-2784. Rt. 1. Box 59, Monmouth, Cooper Hallow Rd. Q U ARTER HOR'sE. care for feed, would sell. 4-H359 after 6. Leo Cowan. 240 W. Rural. SALEM Meat Co.. locker beeT. 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping. Bacon sliced free A trailer loaned. HUBBARD squash for stock feed $5 per ton :n field. $7 banked out. Ph. 2-2047. SELL or trade: 2 matched Shet lands. 3 & 5 yrs. Black: white Kid Pony, black mare, would let right party use for feed bill. 3376 Silverton Rd. FOR SALE : Polled Hereford Bull, 18 mo. ftd. Not reg. but out of reg. stock. CALL EVE NINGS 2-7133. GRAIN fed lean type hogs, de livered. Ph. 4-7182. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed- wards. Tit. 3. Box 899E. 4-U13. CATTLE " buyers 42f)7 State. I. I. it H. Snethen 2-1345. 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlish. Rt. 2, 3-6189. CATTLE buyer. "A. F. Sommor. 121 HnrmonyJpr.Ph.4-)067. TOP cash" prices at your place. Ray Cozel PhO 4-3168 Collect. 405' Pre BEAUTIFUL gray kittens to give awny. Persian. Also 1 ' altese. -C'JL2-3-? . BLOND Cocker pups for sale. Ph. 3-4232. AinBDALE TERR0ER quality purebreyl reg. puppies (Or pets. show, hunting. CHAMPION stud (ffrvice. (Irlmming and feoardinx, A. onry. Hilltop Aire dale, ft. 1 Box 184 Corvallis PL. 3-7562. yggVD CWkers 7 wks "Btrieve- Spaniel Pup C4TV'89Y SISGfiOS" I'll S-51. O WCffiRH FK1S fo;.trS- Tnv Fox Onrj c . r't'9 ,,T y, ' n ,H Un 9.i$ hrrdi ' Or es. (tfS Ste St. Ph. RClfflB hourO por chtfjBt). Ph.3124. IBU rrtt .(ftfts, Jr fQii. Olj Living. ton. 2-Ifi4J q Ifcr, 0ro rtT-rier pOripis. jfcjoip s(sH ifcer.o. rj) n-e Eaf)) PK. :i523. YfQG'ltStWets, cksts, feeds. KfcVs A Com!. 2-2755. ""weitS's eu?rY arm ritrr Ph. 2-7fS9 Dtippmt (m)l kinds. Buff) & sell Aft'nooh & fcs) No Sun. calls. 4U fuOAirm Produce T09 qualit plants for at dd: Cirov. Nurtrry 420 SHv Fid W Give MH Green Stamt) XT Larcc Frarfibette wal nuts, n:c. in.rn. 4-jr.:j. HAY (or I." Ph Salem 4-2437. r. I BlKH IVt; 1 " PAY-LKSS HOOFING ' NKVKH K''ni3i'. underbid. ) Hepirs. I'i. 4-2l.V SANn GRAVEL IsAI.KM SAND At GRAVEL CO. Rdv rmx concrete crushed I ? rourd gravel sand and top I4H5 N. Front St. 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL McGih-hriM cru sreo ouarrv rocks ara grave I. All me for rc-i1. dr.Twiys ar.d parking lot j. HEADY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, bull-doii: g shrivel (fed dragline work. 3-3249. V A L L E YSAN D & G RAV E LC 0 Crushed &c round gravel sand At con. mix. 2-4f02. SEPTICERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned. line serice. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 or 3-M72. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sowers, septic tanks clcir.ed 3-532'. MIKE'S- Pent!? vrvirf. TsrV- rr.d. D'roTrr r!'ns sewers dralrs. Prone 3-5 lTKliviSIO - 4 Service. 13 50 xy ca'l at hotre No fix. no erg 2f'17 tt.KMIT. Sa'e - n's iiidesi home H""-'. "f A n--1 ned O ree-ences free inspection. P?i. 2-07l TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH, 4-6811 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales Salerr 400 Agriculture 410 Fruit & Farm Produce GOOD eating potatoes $2 per hundred. Ed Mueller. Rt. 1 Box 2H7A. Indep. a ml. South Y Cafe. Ph. 2 -4379. Bring s acks WASHED carrots. You can't beat these carrots for all live stock feed. Good production A healthful. Cheaper by ton than feeding hay & keeps well. Phil hps Bros., Rt. 5, Box 860, Sa lem. Ph. 4-3081. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal. Homocenlied. 79c, i gal. for 40s. Cleary Dairy 2-3035. 414 Poultry & Rabbits LIVE fryers Farm Store. 25c. lb. Valley CUSTOM Dress Buyers of Hem Plant 5310 Center. Ph. 3-7360. Dillon Jones Co. 4323 Market. WILD DUCKS & (&ESE Dressed at Wing Poultry & Rabbits. 3985 State. Ph. 4-3918. BABY Chirks hatftiea yr round vainy 1 arm stqirc. 4-4C4. BABY Chicks lor meat or eggs. Send for free folder Wilson's ' Hatchery. Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick S-2533. . 422 Fertilizer ROTTED sawdust or rotted ma ffure. 4-3081. Philips Bros. POULTRY fertilizer, egxtfa good Ph. 4-2513, Lee's Hatchery. PEAT Moss from chick travs, 75c sack. Valley Farm Store. 420 Snt& PI a mi EXHIBITION mumi in bloom. bee at Linerty Gardens', Ph. 4-2693 after g. 424 Farm fauipment 53 ALLIS Chalmers W D tractor with spring shank, used very nine. i-n. jvinnmouin v-i-v "54 S.C. Case Tractor, 3 point, eagle hitch: Edwards 2 bottom roll over plow; '54 Case heavy Oity 7 ft. mower; Single unit L)CL,avni miiKing macn. com- ffi. ucte. gooa cona. 3j17 hamei 2-9510O r &0 Mewiiandiee SINGER PORTABLE) , Demonstrator Reduced ONE cDNLY SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. NEW SINGER CABINET SPECIAL XMAS PRICE 1139.95 RP. BOBBIN REVERSE STITCH. DIAL TENSION. ALL NEWEST KQl'IP MF.NT. LI.M1TKD QUANTI TY. RESKB.VE YOl'BS NOW! SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. JlJlJu Rotarv Console S29.50 COMPLETE with button hiler. Easy terms, liberal trade-in SALE.M MORSP SEWING CENTKR ;i N. CapMol N'fxt n Cipi'r.l $ Centfr 451 Household Goods -Ah Df-n Uaf I Dm e. ! 2 efit ea-.e-.i LOVELY 7 p- ir 1 ia: -'- 5-'.; 3 rn D in ca-i Pr.vfe t'j. -thr d n.rr if: a- - 9" Gien Wov) i'S N umn-er. DAVENO.""Chajr. Swing Rocker. 3 6912 UED bd pirgS 35"HOGG BROS. 34 Statt St. W Trtts t Trimmings TREES for sale, wholesale, re tail. 245 N, 18th or 1445 B St CHRISTMAS trees, all sires at no. capitoi tt Norway, igle heart & Mitchell. FOR SALE: 500 lbs. excellent berried Hollv "Everireen Nur sery" Falls City, Ore. SUnset 7-JMS. HOLLY for decorating At gifts. casii .ten. ki. i, uox ee.'. ur- cnard Hgts. Rd. Ph. 4-1087. HOLLY & Oregon greens mailed anywhere. Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants. Reb's Garden Center, 4004PnrtlandRd. Ph. 4-7857. STEINERS NURSERY - Rose bushes. Dwarf trees, plants, Xmas Holly. Slurdi-built greeA houses. 3160 Market. 2-1946. FLOWERS Wreaths - Gifts J AH Y FLORIST. Ph. 4-3391. Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE At Cut Christmas Trees. Eld red Caster, Scotts Aims. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, alt s)7es, 26.3 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-66IUX HOLLY Wreaths $1.50 up. Sprays mis oi Derrics. upen eves, lew N. Summer. 3-9314. Gifts (or Her NEW G.E. PORTABLE DISHWASHER Take, table service for 8 people. io piumoinit. &n uhum STAMPS. EASY TERMS. MASTER SERVICE STATION 368 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4183 ADMIRAL radlo-comb(nation's33 used ntdse. Mart. 210 s. L.1D. erly. Ph. 4-6371. LADIES Sunbeam Shavemaster. UKe new. a'n. Independence 1S2R. COSMETICS (Non Allergic! ivinney eacK guarantee, rn. 3.6216. Aofo Gifts 3 Hollywood Tvpe Mufflers, lond, Douglas, Smitty. Be- EXHAUST Specialties & Parts 1395 State St. Ph. 4-0097 Z7 n s-it a.T. A ,l V (users -1 t t-u" u u Genuine Candle Glow Waiol Wicks, glitter At bonks. Farmers Union Co-opi 3615 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-37& TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 430 Merchandise 451 PamorlOttJ GtHrtft tlfiarKI n NFW modern 9 pc. living room uriup. lmkwiv o soia. noio T VChair. 2 end lablcs, 2 table lamps, coffee tahle, 2 sofa pil Ioft Terms. Glen Woodry. I(Od N. Summer. pOI.ID Maple Bunk Boii-i with p?ing;, manress uien Woodry,160S N. Summer. USEb5-pleceQ3iri7ttQetrLTke new. sih.o. usert nse. Man s. L.iDeny. in. i-oj n . NKW DINETTES 5-pc. wrought Iron. r So; round S-pc, $401; Tivic. sets. 173 SO jhereV a t for you at Glen'Soodrys, 1605 N. Summer. OPEN TONITE M0. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer "OPfiK TONIT MON. Glrti JrVoodry, J605 N. Summer NKW king size Simmons mat tress sets complete, $fl0 1W Glen Woodry. 16oS N. Summer Quitting Business Mattresses, inner coll 12 up Box springs $10 up Cotton mattresses I 7 Must clo:-e out by Di. 24th. Fisher -Bi It Maltreises S. Commercial Ph. 3-4023 DON'T waiOo-buy thai-new chair for Christmas. Glen Woodry has the selection at the lowest prire ever. New swing rockers Irom 19.50; Re diners JS& M. foam ruhber cluh roto-rockers $fifi AO. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. APT. ow ners new Simmons Studio Couches tw in hed t 177 fl Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Sumntcr 1 niahnttiinv tir Ir tmrti china i-ahitift " $M!t. HOGG WEST1NGHOUSE eUv r.t-ige 38 tn.. d-cp well. Ph. 2.BK7. Daveno A cltih chair FOu?MS2Li:,n,:VhSSter mwl'Tn W 0'ihFiNChnM'as 'sealon''''UVNf Daveno Sets $3M to $12!t 5ft: Ne.v Rill w ell 2 pr. set t ion a Is 91.19 Vi. new smaller size Hide a -bed with free swing rocker $149 50: new 2 pc fr.m rub ber Sectionals $19 50; and closenut on Simmons Hide. beds $16 fA. Glen Woodry. 1605 N- Summer. USED modern light finish5 niece bertrm. set with Seaiy &Pg it matt. Ph. 4-6021 YES New Brass Firescreens 112 95; 916 95. Oversized S reens Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer HOOVER vac. cleaner. S19 95. 1321 N. Capitol. 3-7067. Dlr ). UNFINISHED furniture. H L Stiff Furniture, 175 N. High USED bunk beds with sp $24.HOGG BROS. 248Sta u.r.u Hoover tann veUum cleaner $19. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. i NEW "Bahv Hi -chairs 17 95: -r Crib wtih mattrejf' $15 95- Lare vr. enhs vi'h ! mgitres.ei $.1.1 7S: f.'ed r. "f:h v:th rratiress $12 r;ien Wood-v, Ji5 N Sumrrer , Sacrifice Sale :Ro.:rd ,y table. rhairi 9 jEav v-ing -vachme 9 Pine coffee 9 ? iwtimjt vani'v At mirmr .v jHifr.boy orester saw), iM -mmm vox. r ar mm- arsr m . .1 Lin aw r m mm e a arasw mm wt mw mm ma v. mrri-ti i rnaii Mil mi- mwzv mm jn MirrzeirA. 'kaii Mil in , lily fir : r-,-4: Gifts for Mom ii ssi ss 1 a," f y K1TCHF.N fancy aprons it to NEW G E. Steam Irons. $14 95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. -Lib-erty. Ph.4-6.l7l. New Hotpofnt Automatic Regularlv $199.93 $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit THE PHILLIPS CO. 855 Center St. Ph. 3-313 Home Gifts if CROCHET bedspread, white fil let large size. See at 935 Wil bur. Wedgewood Tvpe Porcelain The unusual gift, & ceramic glits. DeSarts Ceramics. 2-7140 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PcdiRrce Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-789 ANTIQUES, round front china cioseis, marnie top tables, chests, loveseats. hanging lamps, desks, coo-coo clocks, ortri chairs. Terms? Pav a little "Goose down" and ho morifl -tioce until next year. LAMBERT'S, 235 Sc. Com'l. Treasured Keepsakes for the nomt. annp aaiem s .any American Store; Tnveti, Brass Ac Copper Novelties. Spoon raoks. wall shelves, Splee Cabi nets, Radios, Mllk Glass, Pic tures, lamps galore. Ermel'tv Cnlnnlal rni-nlli OpA M5m. At Frt. Nights til 9 .43 a. commercial. OIL PAINTINGS Christmas gifts Ph. 3-4218. BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY . PH. 3-4MW. Gilts, Bibles, Xmas Cards. Kfts hp Git k , WHITE roller skatlns ahoei size 6.i. Aike new $15. Ph. 4-05D6, 3TO Thorndale Rd. FOR THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only. 'J.Hi. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N, com'l. Ph. 3-3312 4.tD HeprhcandiKft 451 RpwWlniljl Qp4fo USKD daPonport good condition H. HUlili HHUS. Z4H Mate SI Owner moirpig, must sell. t-ngi USKD daveno bed 929. HOGG BHOS. 248 State St. PnKOJG and prices are easy at Glen Woodry's nt floor lamps f ti.Rfl; tcp end Tahles and mffee Tables $6 p, He member! liffcS N. Stammer. ariftoftKn'rii 7 x 12 cood ronri:- USlD InnersnnJIfi mtrkfl I HOGG BR0S.XtS State ft. MAPLE! I MAPLE! Now Glrn Woodrv has a com pile line of SOLID MAPLE furniture, you buy with ennfi dence when you buy at Glen Woodry 'b 1605 N. Summer. USED 4 piece bedroom set St). HOGGBROS.248j5tale St. LAftGE Kenmore oil heater with fan. Ph. 2-70ft. oBE THRIFTY BUY "GOOD TIRED FURNITURE $30 rbi. will buy a complete household of furniture in cluding appliances. Limed oak step end table $6.95 Club rrcligirjg; chair used very little $49,50 3 piece sectional foam rubber ? . $79.50 Chest of drawers walnut finish $12.5 fityiPCP HinPl',f) S"t blonde 4 WVVP waInut vanity fUite. iiitiuuPH vannv witn mir ror, vanity bench, chest, & bed $69 50 Sec our sr-lection of recondi tioned it .guaranteed appli ances. 515 S. COM'L. PH. 4-3319 USED Ziegler oil heater $.19. HOGG EROS. 24 State St NOW'S the time to s-el that re Mattress Set' New Solid roam Rulti)cr Mattreti and V"7 Uutv Box Spring 9 V; "tner new et from Tern.s - Trao. Glen w',w'rv- " 9 x 12 I-OOPED wool rug, like new. $15 Ph 3 7t72 5 PIECE bedroom et Walnut tNed .M-re Mrt. 270 S. Lib ern Ph 4 37l. Bedroom P -nr Mr. A Mrs Dreiser, framed Mirror. , jMf Jn Hvikr-, vth f(Vt( A , tl2 S Gieo Woodry, 160S N. Summer i wjoojpmg MAM YOUR CHRISMS MOPPING til Latest " Family Gifts W a t ttii Rvi-nnn r ivvn $31 US RCA-Victor 45 and $24.95 i ii rnn an irr Ainum ALL FOR $36.95 S&H Stamp! Marr Kadio & T.V. 2140 So. Com'l. Ph. 3-9201 "ANTIQUES" CUT GI.ASS. rolored ilau plates, Xmas Items; special on niyrijctvoou ants, w( oil. Badean's Aeate tt Antlqtie Shop. 3S0S Portland Bd.. Ph. 2-2635. HCA' victor TV Console. Mano; 21 In. New picture tube, Rea sonable. Ph. 4-71162. A NEW James Dishwasher mav be purchased for $12.14 per mo. No carrying charges. Open eves. Modern Appliance Centr. 1141S. Conrl Ph,4 353 CHRISTMAS PIANO'SALEI All pianos go regardless of price. New spinets from $3R9. Huge stock, all styles. EZ terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957, Tallman Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. WAKE UP TO A WARM HOUSR Choose "Chronotherm" auto, time clock for your heating system. Now only $42.25. j erms. 'S 27 N. Com'l. GIVE'A SUBSCRIPTION A SUBSCRIPTION to the Statesman-Journal Newspapers! A f;lft that really keeps on glv ng. Every day of the year, the person to whom you give the Statesman-Journal Newspapers will thank you all over again. Ph. 4-811, ask for Circulation Dept. PORTABLETV RCA VICTOR. 14" alumln iz.ed tube, carrying handle, lightweight. 1,13.50 Down, $6.04 per Month S&H Stamps MAMl RADIO and T.V. 2140 So. Com'l. Ph. 3-9201 Gifts for Dadf You Won't Slin IF vou Ret dan these new winter traction tires A7oxIb. ONLY S16.H5 with exchange plus tax BATOORF'S HOME AUTO 14?H State Ph. .1dUn2 2095 Fairgrounds Pd. Til. 3-7435 430 MrrrliMiuliKP 461 fljfflXffltfM QtffrD YOUR best bet for used furni ture is Glen Woodrv' on N. Summer used Dav&noa 91!). 50 to 9-W 30: apt. RaiTgrs 9-1 50 lo $46: Davenports $15 to 175 ior sets; uinene fteis io s.3. cnairs si up. mattresses, springs, beds or what do vou need? Gl. Woiry, ojfios N. Summer. n USED 7 piece mahognny di'iilrj Miie my. huuu dkij.". ajy .State St. 8LECTROH1X 'var. rleaner" 92H.85. 1321 N. Capitol, J 77. Dir. ). " USED "dresser with mlrrorVin'O HOGG BROS. flt Stated 452 Ap JiKnc ELEC. hot patewith broiler, exceLcond. Ph. 4-t59. USED stove, refng., l&ndix washer. Cheap. 7103 S. Church COMPACT Kiv rlrn anr, (TJlr.J. 1321 N. Capitol, 34' REPOSSESSED Heavy Duty dryer. Afjime low balance for only 5 down. Nrwguarantee. "Your Downtown" Firestone Store. lUS N. Llheity. I, LLVVYT vac. cleaner, $2fl TlS. 1.121 N, Capitol, .1-7067, llllr.). COMPLETE line of uxed appli ances nU bargain prices Y'u save plfiltv when vou bnv at Glen Wofij-y, 1,N. Summer USED auto, it wringer' Washers, ued Ranges. 115 it up: unert Driers. $47 50 It up: u-sed Re frig, it Freezers at prices that will surprise vou! SAH Green Stamps, E-Z Tejn at Master Service Station. .165 N. Com'l. FREE 950 In trade on anything in the tore with anv purchase nf a Firestone Appliance over 9200. -Your Dm. n Town" Fire Hone S'nre. .1H5 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-W.H. G U A R A NT K E I) ti 9 ReronrttMonert ai'omaMe wait ers drvers rangei & reL'tgi, i au v up YKATKK APPLIANTR CO 175 ChemeWfta St FASY Spin DRYFR $15; nPifr I ith maiti from Glen Wooflry. 1605 N. .Summer. ' USED "wiMtrrs 9)5 it up "Mod ern Appliance ( r.ter. 114) So Com'l Ph. 49353 USED Re frig $25 fc'u'p M(T?Cern Appllanre ("enter, 1141 South Cmn'l 4-935.1 OPKV TONITK - MON. Gtn Woodry, IfiOS N. Summer G. E. (T.OTHFS DRYFR fullv - automatic. Reg. $15995, NOW LIPMAN'S A Roberts Bros. Store FRIGIDAinrrefrig "i" Westinif houti elec. range. LKe new 174.Ph. 4-9327. ATT ENTION : Apt. he owners. G, t 24" Apt. Ranie, fullv automatic, Rtg. 92.19 13, NOW 9179 95. LIPMAN'S I A Roberts Rrov. Store MAYTAG Refrlg' Freezer I shghllv used Now ai rtratie reduction .Mav h pur' hased for ft I 75 per mo Modern i Anplun-e Cntr . 1HI S Corn 'J. 1 Pn. 4-'i;:.i.1. Open Ever. I L'?I".D 1 '52 We-tinghoue " laun droioal va'her mav he o'ir rhaed 911 21 per mo Modern Anpli. oi ( nlr 1141 S Corn l Pn, 4 ''2'2. Open eves REFRIG.. etec range. Vn rir heater. 2075 N. 3th 2 2571. USED refrigerators. IT 9 ?S it up. A I L1U, App . S'Slt Bt. lift Sill S Gifts for Boysigg 1 COMPLETE Lionet elec. Freight Train in ong, boxes, new cond. Call 2 8027. BICYCLES NEW & USED Trades Terms. Ph. 2-142J SHHOCK'S, 1375 Highland GOLD color Trombone, fn use one yr. Ph. Independence 192R. QUICKLY Motor Bike. EasTto start 200 m.p.g. Miike it a happy. Christmas. SCO'lT'S 315 Mission. Ph. 4-493.1. Save Up to $12 On All Wheel Goods at BATDORF'S. All styles & sizes Boys & Girls. BATDORF'S HOME Ac AUTO 1420 Statt St. Ph. 3-95S2 2005 Fairgrounds ltd. Ph. 3-7453 St6i HJUUfctN STAMPS GET your boy with a paper route a Qulcklv Motor Hike. It's Safet Scott's. 313 Mission. $5 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5 Toward ths purchase of any riresione nicvcie at regular price without trade-In. Onlv one coupon accepted on a !"ngio purennse. $5 $5 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2491 Gifts for All Zohel's Christmas gift to vnu. on on any new Baldwin piano in stock until Christ mas. 319 Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 ALMOST new Item. 12 ga. pump, coil pad. shell vest, decoys, duck call. 2 womans coals & suei;te jacket, size 16. Ph. 4-11241 after 4. SLEEPING BAGS. Largesftiec Uon at lowest prices. $fi.!l5 up. Army & Navy Surplus, 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. TRADE In your old radio or recora piayer on a NF.w Hi-Fi phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easv terms. Salem Record Shop, 42B Court St. 450 Merchaiulise 452 Appliance AUTOMATIC elec. water heat era .10 gal. 95X85. 52 gal $62.75. Judson's, 27!l N. Conri. USED refrlgeratorPerfectcon" ditlon. IK) day guarantee. $5 down. E-Z terms. At "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 3U5L Libcrtv. Ph. 2.2491. I AIR-FLOW clothes dryer, port- aoie, uses i iu nouse outlet. holds washer load, perfect for smaii nomes, am. in. i-i.s. DELUXE pusl button G.E. Elec trie Range, late model $149 51); Philro Refrigerator With fro. ren food storage $1.1050. other ranges anrl refrigerators as low as $fl) 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. automatic washer deluxe, SPliter 2B.45. saver control. Jtcg, NOW $IU!05. LIPMAN'S Jk Roberts Bros. Store jj I. A DC. K aire Kenmoriv oil rir heater, rel. cond. Mi. 3-:l(!9 USED wringer washer, $40. Ph. 4-5.120. US$n DRYR. .in day "uarnn- ice.1-' r,-. lermn. .t nnwn, "Your Dn'in Town" Firestone Stor 395 N. Llberly. Ph. 2-2i:iL $$ T T. & LATE model Radio ' 3 spefl i0; small TV record niaver sat so 945. Other rndins cheap. Glen wonory, i wt.i in, Miimrner. fi" PACKARD-BELL TV $T'. 1 - - HKPU.SSESSEn 21" TV. Assume low balnng' for 910 flown New guarantee, "Your Dnwn Tft'ii" Firestone Slore. 395 N. Liberty Ph. 2-2491. USED 21 cond. Console TV Excellent flay guarantee. J!i Down Town" Firestone lore. 395 N. Liberty Ph 2-2491. $1 1 NEW "portable A fi tn i r a I TV, with carrying case for $R5. Ph. 2-7566 PHILCO Hi-Fi: Deluxe High Fi Console. Blonde it Mahnganv finish. Reg. $240.95. NOW 0$129.M. q n LIPMAN'S w A Rnberts Bros, Store REPOSSESSED Zenith 21"TV. beautiful cabinet model. Take ncr iiavm'l'. 114 3 5 per mo. Mot-tern A()ptiance Center. Ml S r-.m'l. Ph, 4 9353. Open Eve-O 458 Musical Instruments 1 GALA NT! accordion like new. Ph. 4-796. 5Jr 1 N ET PIANO. BARGAIN" I'-rand new Sr'."! spinet onlv $474 during Tallrnan's Big Xmas Piano S;de .195 S. l:?in near S P Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." Open Men . En. even liikim.ia.i iiau SAl,r. Talln iian't)' H u i ry, all pianos go regardless of price' New spinett from $.Wt. Bargains galore! Huge stuck, all styev finishes. E-Z terms, pvmti be gin Feb. Tallman Piano stores 3')3 S. 12th, near S P. Depot. Open Mon., Fn. eves. MUStCAirTNSTRUMT5NT "SALE XnTS. s,". Z S Zt Mn old violins. Hand mad.. V"'T'r'cTT.n 413 Center SL Ph. 2-5371 r.m. Ph. 4-474R PIANO A OflGAN SALE flowing out four brands New Sinnrt. $ni Nf' IHondes. Rg. $1015. Now .)50, r.rar.d. rrdued 50'.. Fl' trie o- itn met it, 9 5 ".A Fetrte piano Vs'te an offer 50 pianos to c hoone from Terms THE MUSIC CFVTFR 93 Center St Ph. 3-3371 Eve. Ph. -47t Gifts for All jgg Practical Gifti SI Jt nn SALEM VINTAGE STORE 399 Court St. THE perfect gift for Christmas a Family Portrait by KENNELL-KLLIS Open Mon. it Fri. Eves. 520 Slate St. Ph. 3-7B30 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fast service, reas. prices on Im printing Christmas cards, book plates, bo-jk matches, stationery. Hallmark cards & gift wrapping. View Masters, $2. Reel packets, $1. Flash camera sets, siJ.LTS up. Ml'KWAN PHOTO SHOP Hollywood Near Tost Office ACME boy boots for the en- lire family. $3.95 up. Armv At Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. XMAS. Cards. Aprons, giftn. Mrs. l.. a. lYicmnuc, 1349 Marlon. HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers," a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches. Art Carved Diamonds, Kirk, Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember It's Jackson'a 223 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas t ards. order now. Commercial Rook Store, 141 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3153. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N.Commercial pn. 2-1R41. FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out or state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Pn. 2-9872 Pet Gifts A.K.C. KEG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, $35. 4-0092 HI HUH. Tron. fintft all supPlieK. deposit will hold. Bird Para dise. aiBO Llvinnston. 2-1842. BOXER PUPS Call 4-8.171 eves, or weekends. WHY not hnve your-dng' trim'- men at nutnca lor me non days? For npp't. call 3-6859, ntnglnml Kennels. LO VELYpl nkVrlcof'canarte's, exc. singers, 1340 Chemeketa 3-43A9. 450 Alercliandise 458 Musical Instruments KNARE GRAND PIANO. Terrif ic reduction at Tollman's Tre mendous Xmas Piano Sale. .195 S. izrti. near b F. Depot. Open every eve. MAHOGASJY CONSOLE PIANO onlv $2i9 at Tallman s hig Xmas Pmnn Sale! .195 S. 12th. near S.I. Depot. Open every eve. WE pay top rash prfci for. pianos. Used Mdse. Mart 270 1 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-G.17L PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS! Largest selecllon Lowest nnres on new A, used uianns. variety of styles A finishes. , Ir.-...., .... . f.v.v, Pudgw plan designed for you. wny wan i 519 Court ZOBEL'S ph. 4 -H2S2 SACRIFin for 'i, Mah. Bald win Spinet piano. 4-D217. KIMBAW,"piano7504rWIU Ave. E. of Keier Sch. SPINET- PIANOrneVutiful"" ma" hognnv cane. Save over $350 oif nationally advertised price. Tnllman'a big Xmas Piano Ji.ilc. 395 S. 12lh. near IP. P. de pot. Open every eve. MiJST sell profes3ona1mnde1 Hccordlnn, make offer. 2955 Argyle Ir. STOREY At Clark spinel piano. Mahogany Like new Pd. $990, sell Tri0. Ph. 2-0443. FRENCH PROVlNCftU, SPINET Famous make. Save $.'l0 nn this fine piano. Tallman' Giant Xmas Plnf Sale. 395 S. 12lh, near S.P. Depot. Open ever eve. PIANOS Everett spinel like new. Two Steinw.'V (.rands. One lovely Kii'D" one Hammond SolovrW. Several good unrights. free tuning and delivery. MOKHKl.L OltdAN Sal os tt Service 3R3 N. HIGH UPRIGHT Wieler piano, $75, Ph. 2-1570. ORGANS, new A- used. Lessom Rentals. M OR R ELLS Orgffh Sates and Service, .163 N. Hitfr.. USED ACROSONIC SPINET. On sale fur onlv 9465 at Tallman's Rig Xmas Piano Sale. 395 S 2th. ne.-,r S.p. Depot. Open ever eve. rsi:i ORGANS Hammond Home model wlih tone en in n (?) Wurliter spin et. F '( . (iii.pleic witn lieitLii. MORRKIJ. ()Rt i AN S;ilcs k Sfrvicc ?, N, HK.ll SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT' T..llnifln's w ill be open every weekd;,v ee. starting Dec 10. Sliop now it save at Tallman's Gigrfnlic Xipas I'l.inn Sale ,195 S I2lh. near S P. Depot. " GlltSON rXKC. GUITAR " Ph. 2-IH7.1 HAVE vmi henrrt the new Wur li'cr 4110 Organ1 So easy to pla v. so easy to own Aik about oitr lenson loan plan. MORRKI.L (JrtfiAN Sales Si Service m N. HIGH 462 Wanted Hshld Goods ! CASH FOR Ft'nNITt'RE 'VAI.LFY FURN.'O. Ph. 2-HJ2 I ""CASH " FOR CHRISTMAS WF PAY TOP CASH PRirE Ff 'R FIinNITI'RE. APP1.1ANCFS. i A MISCELLANEOUS ARTI- . CLFS I SKfi MUSK. MART. 2T0 S I UIF.R'IY PH 4-A37I Mt' " furniture wan"H Cour teous rvKC Ph. 3 60:ia linoon CASH lo spend tor High rrnne Used j Fureiture At AppltaneL Ph ! , S-Sllft Paving Top PrleM fori I Better Grade 1 Glen Woodry, 103 N. lummti CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-8431 FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Financt 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASH txtra Christmas Cash can b yours quickly bv calling 4-Mll and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used Items. Gifts for Him JIG SAW $25. Ph. inornaaie Hd. NEW 17 iewef man'sSwiij watch Reg. $3U. now $23. Ph. 4-6377. ANTIQUE Guns, accessories. nice selection. 4-3B30 for ap pointmcnl only. TACKLE BOXES-IS" Kennedy two shelves. 18 compartments, large storage. Were l2.:t5, now $7.75. GIL WAnD 280 WalSce Od. pn. J-247f A GIFT for the car this Chrlnl mas. Pacific Auto. Sup. 355 N, Liberty, Spinning Outfits $.i.95 CASCADE MERC Sporting Goods 12.10 Broadway Ph. 3-&5U 1 I 1 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 450 Merchandise 464 Sports Equipment We are closing out our large fishing tackle and gun de partments to make room or our expanding boat and motor hii5ine. All items In thes department have been dras tically rertucrd. Here are just a few (0 the many dollar isv Big values. -Price Items Crnnco Ice Ckests, Plastic Air Matlress. "" L "' J:" l."","- ? 2 S1".1. V,S?J". m .lnw " " 50 ' "nil ana mocning roni from 1099 Ocean City Star Drag Reels Rronson Spin Reel No. JOfl 94 9 uronspn .spin Heel No. vm SB 91 Atrexu Larch mont Snm Reel 2 spools, line. rrg. IJB.9J, $13 50 GIL WAHI) 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. J-247S NEW K 22 pistol A 7 MM with scope. Ph. 3-4605. CASH paid (or used guns, mod ern and antique. Casradt Merc. 1230 Broadway. 465 Photography FEDERAL Knlarger 35 m.m. to 2'x3U model 269, F8.3 lens, Perl. cond. $22.50. Th. 2-9597, 466 Bicycles 24" BOY'S Sen wlnn Bicycle $15, it sidewalk hH vcle. belt drive, $:. 240 E. Washington 3-3ft82. BOY'S 26" Sch wlnn bicyclerph" 3-6001. GIRL'S 26" blcvrlef good condT $16 00. Ph. 2-0465. 468 For Rtnt, Misc. FOR RENT or lease lge. vara house space cement floor brick hlrig., downtown. In quire H. L. Stiff Furn. 3-113. 470 Building Materials ELFCTRIC wall neaiors 25 off 92 gal elec watei heater, $ri5. 12-2 wire. 4'fcc ft m rolle. Light fixtures reduced $ PC hath set. $13n Built-in ranges, bath set. $120 Built-in u"f'H it 4 humer units $195 Outlet boxes, i'ic lt-2 wire. 4c ft m rolls. Aiif-X Elrrtric it Plu' h m. W0 Broadway Ph. 21m, 7 FT." Cedar Posts. While thr last 30 each. Inquire at Su per Market. Detroit. Ore. USED building materials for isle nt !'2 Shipping. Sat Is Sun. onlv. Ph. 4-1233 eves. 'AH materials for sale in our Salem yd.' Old fashioned aUte blackboard 25c ft Steel sch. seats with wide arm iets 12 50 tM. iA used V G, flooring $45 per M 3x10, .1x12 No. 1 dry Joists $53 per M ft. Fluoresrent lights $20 ea. A! -SO Many other hlcif bargains E. S. RITTER & CO. 9710 Portland Rd Ph 4 -Mil 4 ml. .North of fislem. t ml. North nt Totem Fl Open all day Saturday (-H59I. 3IIK o