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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1956)
BStblion" 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 gckwl ActMtkA News, Views of Salem Students Magazine Drive Ends i rr" : i South Judy Baker i I , a Through snow and ice, with frozen ears and nosea and mit tened hands, the students of South Salem hish plodded to school this week. Exclamations of "How deep do you think the snow will he hy tomorrow morning?" "Gee, may be we will set to slay home from achool," and "If the rtow'a deep enousn let s jo sledding on Su ning the Rowdy Dowds organiza tion for basketball reason. A new idea this year ia the prompting cards which were introduced at the North-South game and are used for short yells. Each boy be longing to the boys' pep club will be given an enrollment card. All boys interested in joining thi group met this week to decide on rules, 'uniforms and yells. New rules to be applied during! basketball season were discussed at the Girls Pep club meeting Fri day. Some suggestions were made for various stunts which could be performed as half-time activities, i f , Girls League Week Set 1 1 C. Apple polishing, a lacuiiy tea, i r . : ard a square dance demonstration K v'--3 ( perior hill this weekend" were onvvill he featured during Girl their lips. And to some it seemed l eague week which begins next impossible to dodge all the flying ! Monday. On apple polish day snowballs which were tossed dur ing noon hour and after school. Keeeh Wins Mug Drive Climaxing the magazine sub icription drive which ended Mon day, was the awards assembly Wednesday at which Sue Kcech, who sold $128 57 worth of sub scriptions, received first nrize. portable radio. Iris Hunt was sec ond with a total of fnl. lowed by Margaret Statler, Vona Hnnerts, Vivian Locker, J e a n Klingler, Carol Smith, Sally Osko, and Diane Meola respectively. Thirty-three girls sold over $10 worth of subscriptions and will ach receive a ball point pen. Girls League was the sponsor of the drive which grossed $1350. Profits from this amount will be presented to worthy senior girls in the form of $100 scholarships. Viv Grieder was chairman of the proj ect assisted hy Sue fiasmussen. Homemaklng Test Given To test their knowledge and at titude in homemnking in a search for America's "Homemaker of To morrow," all senior girls took a Betty Crocker test on December i. The tests have been sent to the Science Research Associates in Chicago to be scored. The School Homemakers will be the girls receiving the highest I a c o r c I in each participating school, and will he eligible for state competition. The highest ranking girl In the stale will win an expense paid trip with her ad viser In Washington, DC, Wil liamsbiirg. Va and New York, N Y. She will also be the recip ient of a $1800 scholarship to any educational institution approved by the National Association of Sec ondary School Principals. State winners will take part in the na tional finals to compete for first prize ot a jsono scholarship. Drama Cluh to Present Piny "Curtain going uo!" Tentatively acheduled for December 11 nnd 12, the Drama club one act comedy .sparxm will Be presented hy a different cast each day, admission being free. The Stagecraft and Drama club members are making the backdrops for the play. ine nrst rast includes Judy! Tuesday, girls will bring apples iit ineir tnvoriie icacnera anu these will la'cr be collected and sent to an old peoples home. The faculty will be honored by the girls at a lea on Wednesday. Neil ffrown, vice principal, will he the caller for a square dance demonstration to be given by eight faculty members at the noon dance Thursday. Students will be encouraged to bring old toys in good condition to school Friday as one of the i week's projects. The toys will be donaled to the handicapped chil dren at the Shrincrs hospital in Portland. rNortb W 1 Hi ! V3' Campbell aA93- if ;' Ki' L-$r '!' - I ' r ' Va. B mm Mr. '. :m 1 ii " f i 1(1 IS : 1 VWflM, 131 A A I! ASIIf I i 3 , 1 II I '.' ';. 1 v !'-. 1 If I ' J II - f Beverly v" 7 Bal)h Alita Olsen, Molalla, Dies MOLA1.LA (Special I Mrs. Alita II. Olsen. 71, wife of Charles V. Ol sen, of lit. 1, Colton. died in Sil- Can she bake a cherry pie? Yes vorlon , hosP,la' dnesday after she can! Yes they both can! The , n0"n af',r a short illness, supposedly last of a series of four , '"' '"n wa? born l" ?c,d,e"' contests which was to determine f"1 6; 1. nd came to the I'm who was to be the Salem Academy s,alel '9105el'1,!, ,'" Jowa: cherry champion was held Novem-! She came to Portland in 1915 and ber 29. However since the contest ! llved lhere un"' 19M Mnen ,ne which included six girls which: mwcA t0 CoUo" where '" have were lelecieH frntm ih r.. : since lived. ..... ...uua MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND m Butterfat t t.t;... ...Kinf, In immediate rhance Premium nuality, deliv- Fire Chief Resigns DAYTON ( Special )-Fire Chief Don Cornett resigned as head of the Davton fire department at the last meeting of the city council. The resignation is effective Jan. Members of tnc acpanmcni Ragweed Plan Given Okay A plan to give the state Agricul. ered in Portland. 64-67 cents per (h and U,: firs, quality, 61-64; second Tor approval quality, 56-39. 3 Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk; . cubes to wholesalers-Grade AA, ChlcajTO UillOllS 93 score, 63; A grade, 92 score. By united" Press 62: B grade, 90 score, 60'j; C c,.iniis moderate; demand grade, 89 score, 58'i. I slow; market lor Spanish firm, will select a new chief and sub-1 ure Department authority t0 cnn. contests ended in a tie between She was married to Charles V. Margie Morton and Vi Ruby, one 0lsen in Pc'1'"'0' April 17, 1917. more contest will be held between Surviving; inMin-s' me hushano these two girls to break the tie are one da"hter, Mrs. Arvid The Champion is to represent ' IMav' Shoberg of Colton; one our school at the annual cherry brother. Ernst Hermanson in Sw? pie baking contest in Kucene In ' den. and three grandchildren. I order to give the girls some time' Services will be at 10:30 Satur l to practice, the contest will not da-v Molalla Chapel of Everhart i be held until December 13. i and Kent. The Rev. Earl H. Wall, Honor Students Listed PasIor 01 '-"'neran f.vangencai Honor roll for the first nine cnurcn of Co,lon' Wl11 "'""ate. In- weeks has been completed In lcrme,nt Wl" follow 'he Lutheran order to be on the honor roll a ecmctery at Colton. grade point average of 3.5 must be obtained. Topping the honor roll . was Darlene Berg with 3.932 aver- tlnn.ln D'L...! age. Complete honor list reads as! TT ttlllld IIUIJC1 IS toiiows: uarlene Berg. Larry Merk, Evadean Rupp, Stan Olson, Verda Wall. Elise Steingrube. Jackie Kight. Evelvn Lowen. Amv flnierson, Adele Welly. Carol; Mrs. Wanda Roberts. 66. for Ratzlaff. Marilyn Colle . Jeanie . ,i.i ... ' . e,J ik- i ,, ., 71 ,he s,a,! and tuberculosis hospital. 'nrf i h' n "7 W'e""' Vl Rubyi'ei of a heart attack Thursday . and Judy Brooks. S!llm sh rclHJ Talent Show Planned ai 1796 Chemeketa street. Senior class plav cast for the Rnrn in imn.cni3 inn 49 moo play "Here Comes Charlie" has Mrs. Roberts came to Salem seven ",,r'"S naro as well as nave , vers ago. Before her marriaee she trol and destroy ragweed on nri. vate and public lands was ap proved Friday by the ragweed subcommittee of the stale Natural Resources Committee. The subcommittee is preparing a bill for the Legislature, and it asking $25,000 a year to operate the program. The program would control 3,501) acres of Western Oregon land where ragweed now is not com- pletcly out of control. Succumbs Here rhpesoTo wholesalers Oregon r. Yellow Globe mediums dull. sinnles. 41-48 lb: Oregon 5-Ib loaf, i Track sales '50 Ibsl U. S. li 43'i-53'i. Unless staled: Michigan Yellow I Eggs To retailers Grade AA, Globes 65 per cent 2 - men ana lorno 51- A Urn. 4.1-19: AA : Inreer MM-pnt: MllMMS0l Yellow ; medium. 46-49: A medium, 45-47: 1 Globes 60 per cent 2-inch and larg- J. F. Short, state agriculture A sma!!, 37-38. Cartons i-3 rents 'er 1.15 ; director and chairman of the suo- additional I Street sales. Colorado Spanish committee, said ragweed is in. Eggs-To wholeaalersA large, 3-jnch and larger 2.50-2.60, few creasing rapidly in Western Ore. 46-47'i; A medium, 43.45'j; A 2.4(1; While Spanish 2 to 3-inch , gon. and that action must be taken small. 33-36'j. 1 2.75; Idaho Oregon Spanish 3- quickly. Live p'.ultry No. 1 quality, i inch and larger 2.60-2.6.i; tine f o b. Portland Fryers, 2'i-4 lbs, .Spanish 3-inch and larger 2.50, 2 17: light hens. 10-11 at farm: i .i.inrh 2 75: I'tah Spanish 3- heavy hens. 12-14 at farm; old jncn and larger 2.50-2 60; Midwest I roosters. 7-9. 1 Rcd Globes 2 to 3-inch 2.15-2.25, Turkeys To producers-Live yellow Globe mediums 1.25-1.40, weight fryers. 27-28: young turkey ?ome jrrcsular size 1.00-1.15. !o 24 lbs, 33-34, 1-2 premium for heavier, Rahbils Average to growers- Live white, 31i-4'i lbs, 20-23; col-! Street NEW YORK The stock market moved Generally higher orea pens 4 cents less; on docs, late Friday afternoon after a pe-10-12, few higher. Fresh killed i rinrf nf irrAonlnritv. fr-ers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, Volume for the dav was esti- W'63- mated at around 2,300.000 shares (.oumry-aressed Mean, compared with 2.470,000 Thursday .South Salem ' magazine lubscrlptlon drive ended this week with $1350 rnifird to provide irholarshlpi. Sue Keerh (right) rot $128.37 of the total herxrlf, and won the lelling content ' flmt prize, a port able radio. Other wlnnrm, with their prizes, Included (lop) Vona Rnhrrta. 4lh; Margaret Staller, 3rd; (bottom) Vivian Locker, 5th, and Irfu Hunt, 2nd. (Capital Journal Photo) It was hard to find unhappy faces at North Salem last Wednes day even though it was report card day. The reason? The Vik ings were in high spirits after win ning hoth the junior varsity and varsity basketball games played ngainst the Saxons Tticsdiiy night. The Vikings played host to their southern neighbors at their first home game of the season. Two i newly formed cheering sections, tht Speareltes and the Hoys White Shirts, added extra enthusiasm to the cheering section. Half time was supplied by the Vikette pom pom girls, a drill team. Club Sings Yule Bongs The Girls Glee club, one of the choral groups under the direction ol Howard F. Miller, provided en tertainment for the Salem Womens Cluh Monday. In keeping with the Christmas season, they sang "Jesus is Born," "Dream of Mary," "Wo Sing By Praise," and Star of the hast. The group was accompanied by Joan richa and Nancy Otto. Betty Crocker Homemaking tests were given Tuesday to all interest- 1 ; 1 Serra 0 SH Jern, , Kaihy ' Marsh VT-X Fischer the different committees. The set has heen completed and everyone is looking forward to the perform ances December 6 and 8. Junior class talent show will be held December 12 during the regu lar chapel time. All kinds of talent from musical groups to comedy stunts will be presented. Price nf admission is $.20 wilh the pro-'M ceeds going to the junior class for tne junior-senior banquet was Wanda Lee. Mrs. Roberts was active in Daughters of Nile, Lincoln Court No. 24, Order of Amaranth; White Clover Chapter No. 31, Ord- of Kastern Star, all of Tacoma, Wash., and Rebekah lodge No. 1, of Salem. She is survived by a daughter, Nathan (Beulah W.I Stein- Old man winter was up to its old tricks again this week, as the flakes were f I vine thick. With a sudden whiz of a snowball flying ny, you could see many heads ducking. Soon alter, they popped up again. I hat was the scene at .Serra prior to the school bell, as I he valley received its first snow fall. Booster Awards Given Last Wednesday Serro's Boost ers cluh held a special meeling. The main business was presenting awards, letters and certificates to the deserving football players. Coach Leo GrosJacqucs and Father .Inhn, athletic director, pre sented the awards to the boys. A scheduled talk by the coach of Portland university was cancelled because of the icy weather. J. V. awards went to Jack Ditter, Rob fireinrr, Robert Rigler, Maurice Doerfler, Hill Lang, Max l.ucere. lerry Karls. Don Upjohn, Richard Wllllch as Losmo; Danny Quinn as e? s(,,lor lrl''' Pr'f''rihy I Hex, Jim Madden, Bill Gentzke. Orry Sparks; Jean Dillev as Gran- IP11"1""1 lp nltend college. h e j Mlk(, l u 1 a y, Jim MacDonnld, ny; and Lee foffev as Susan. On 1 P11""", ' lh! l"'rt ls m seek out i )0U(.a, Thompson, Ken Rupp, the second dav, Lessic will be," B,rl wh" bcst nunlifies ns :1nd Jim Kckerman. Awards were played by Lee Coffey; Orry hy Danny Quinn: Granny by Marilyn Carr; and Susan hy Vivian i,ocser. Sophs Plrk Mnvie Committee members Dnvo Here lund, Suzette Taylor, Dave Stein bock, and Molly Allen chose Though the Olympic games are being held in far off Australia, a little of that Olympic almospherc was felt at S.H.A. Puck Van Duync Brouwen of Hollnnd, Ihe famous runner and title-holder from the Olympics in Helsinki, spoke to the students Tuesday. Combining a sparkling personality mu winning smile, t'uck told the student body how she first became interested in sports and what it's like to compete wilh the top stars from other countries. TbHIhu Presented Leslie Jr. High Staff members of the Leslie Broadcaster featured in Ihe school paper this week stories on tubercu losis, participating in the 20ih an nual school press nroiect. snnn. sored by the national tuberculosis association and the Columbia Scholastic Press. This contest ot ters student staffed publications an opportunity to conduct an editori al campaign on tuberculosis. The T.B. issue was distributed to students this afternoon, and in cluded an interview of an ex-TB patient, a story on the career of Dr. Willard .1. Stone, head of the Marion County Health Depart ment and a personality sketch on ur. Konerl Joseph, superintendent bock, Salem; son, Robert Rarker, Tacoma, Wash., sisters, Mrs. Be nnra Knutsen, Canada; Mrs. Ruth Stegan. Canada; Mrs. Thea Mc Gec, Tacoma; four brothers, How ard Lee and James Lee, both of Tacoma and Ben Lee and Palmer Lee, both of Canada. There are four grandchildren. Services for .Mrs. Roberts will be Monday, December JO at 2 o'clock at V. T. Rigdon Co. The Rev. Jo seph Harding of Ihe Four Corners Methodist church will conduct the services. Beef Young cows, utility. 20-22 lb: canners and cutters, 15-16. Veal Top quality lightweight, 30-32; rough heavies. 15-22. Hogs Best light blockers, 21-23; lean light sows, 19-20. Lambs Top grade, 34-36. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12: rough heavies, 5-8. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellows, 50 lb sks, jumbos, 2.35-50; mcJiums, 1.25-50: while, 3.00-50; Ore. Dan vcrs, med, 1.65-75 ; 3 in, 2.00-10. Potatoes Local Russets, No. I, 100 lb, 2.75-3 00; Central Ore. Rus sets, 3.00-50: Ige 5-14 02, 3.75; No. Portland Livestock PORTLAND W1(-USDA)-Caltle salable for week 4.450; market uneven: fed steers weak with weights ove 1.100 lbs weak-50 lower; fed heifers in increased supply mosljy 50sbigher; cows very active, steady, instances 50 higher; 12 head choice 981 lb steers 22.50; three loads choice 22.00: olhers mostly choice to 1250 ins 20.50-21.50: good steers 18 50- 20.00; standard 16.00-18.00: iitilitv down to 10.00: few choice heifers 19.25-19.50; many lots and loads good heifers 17.00-19.00; standard 3. 50 lb, 1.15-25: Idaho bales 5-10 "V , ' "an?a" IK linn- u-,ch n.c. tnn ik I ' . Utility down to 9.00 lb, 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100 lb, 3.00-25. Hay New crop. No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, 32.00-35.00 ton. Apples Unchanged. Celery Loca, 2 doz., 2.50-3.00, few 3.50: CaW. 2'4 doz., 4.O0-4.50; hearts, doz., 2(S)-2.50. Apples Box loose Oregon-Wash- canner and cutter cows 6.50-8.75. beef type tp 9.0C shells down to 5.00; utility cows 9.50-11.50; com mercial 12.00-12.50; utility tulls 13.50-14.50, few 15.00-16.00; cutters dows to 9.50. Calves salable for week 425; trade active; gocfl and choice vealcrs strong to T.00 higricr ington Delicious. 3.74-4; Rcd "Jvcs slrong-50 higher A beautiful and imnresiive Mrt ' ot Wednesday', schedule was . ( pita, l" " JU"';U'0S1S tableau on "Our Lady of Gunda- T,. ., , r. . . ... lupe." The scenes and readings' 3."' Ch;,sla.5 i-muui (ixt-u in uie cuiioriai, ana other features were an item on chest x-rays and a cartoon. Certificates of honor are award ed to school publications approved 'Homemaker of Tomorrow." The) .,s0 received by the' varsity squad. .Ski Club Formed Recently the ski enthusiastics formed a ski club. They held their first meeling last Wednesday wilh mound 15 students turning nut. They expect many more though. Due to the conflicting meeting that day. not all of the ski minded sludents coiikl attend the meeting. Father Christian nnd Father Jo seph will be Ihe advisers to the winning girl at North will hr j awarded a homemaker pin and will he eligible to compete In the slate contest. The winner of Ihe slate contest will receive a $1500 scholarship and trip to Washing Inn. D.C. to compete with oilier 'Baltic Cry" as the sophomore i 'M "T';, e Vnn" " T movie, a project planned for .Inn-1 cnn'"1 in "nsninglon will he uary. The movie stars Tab llunl- named "Homemaker of Tomor er. Van llcllin. and Ann Francis lrow" nml wU1 hc 'r'1"1 r"llin Proceeds from the juniors' j whnlarship. movie. "Mr. Itnberls " totaled F.srhangf Assembly Held 225 75 which will be deno.iieH .n ! A m"M txicnl exchange as- the class nf '. ii.u.,,rv i,.., I semhly was held Wednesday, at class nllinn vni.H i I which time Uiree summer 1S to the audio visual aids de- cnnW students and one foreign : Hie ski members. A specinl meel partment, h e a d e d bv Mavnard r11"'0"1 R"v0 " lrv,'lnlillp of lhr m w:ls iwM Friday to elect of Nelson. Each class which has a lrip" nhrnnd- ,r- 'orrn Mori, j licers and lo name a patron saint class film will donate n pari of V"" I-"'" J1"1'- bish. : 'or the club, their profits to the department to i 'lrsl Me ' bo"' 'I ! , p7 , . be used for new stage equipment I American field service and its I'ns the latter part of this Report Cards Issued i'"k "b exrhnnge studenls Fol- aflrrnnnn. Ihe sophomore class Manv unrtf.. ,,.. 'lowing Ihe talk. Rob Trelslacl, a sponsored a movie which was ws seen In ih. rrr. ' South high senior, introduced snmn " student body. The dav. orobahlv ei,.d k. ..! Dotty Jones, who was the only war picture was tasteful events hannenine in i'n ! student Irnm North high to win were composed and presenled hv members of the Spanish classes. Cast as characters were Donna Iluhbs, Dolores Lindquist, Jeannic Dickinson, Sheila Curran. Sally Schunke and Kathy MaCarty. Jean AtarlineX WAS nniavla annn,,nAn. and Luella Sites. Karen S m i t h' i '? "" commiee for judging. In Joni Slimak. Klaine Schaffers 1 p yrm Lcs1"' s P" Kathleen Schlieski and Kllen I.amJ P." nas received an award cor bert served as narrators. Stage! a,c and 8 ,25 prize ,or its msniiDor N-'finia L'... UJ n ' entry. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Ml Hogs continued their sharp advance Friday, butch er hogs jumping 25 to 50 cents in an active market. Most lno to 230 pound butchers brought $16.75 to $17.25 wilh sev eral lots as high as $17.35. Sows sold Irom $13.50 to $1735. Steers and heifers were called nominally steady with a few good steers selling from $17.50 to $20.00. Cows sold steady to strong with , jngs. canners ann ciniors in nest de mand. Top on commercial was $11.50. Delicious 5.50-6.00- trav n a e k . ? ana .c"cc vealcrs 18 00- extra fancy 6 00-50; Golden De lixious 2.50-3.00; Jonathans 2.50- 3.00; Spitzenbergs, loose, 2.00-50; larg? 3.00-50; Red Romft. large, 4 00-25; Wincsaps. loose. 3.74-4.00: Newtowns, loose, 2.2C-.V. Celery Local 2 dozen, 2.75-3.0J, row 3.50; California, 1'4-2'i doz., 3.75-4.00; hearts, dozen, 2.00-50. Oiicage Cenin 50; fv high hoice 23.00-24.00, one 25.00; standard 12.50-17.00; good and choice slaughter calves 14.00-15.50, few 16.00-16.50; ana utility 5.O0-12.00. Hogs salable for week 4.750: market active, butchers mostly 75 higher, instances lSo higbjr; sows strong-50 higher: U.S. No. 1-2 butchers 17.75-18.00, feUr 18 25; mixed grade lots 180-235 lb 17.50 17.75; few No. 3, 17.00-17.25; hea vier ana lighter weights 16.00- Cummins Gets Probe Cases Atty-Gen. Robt. Y. Thornton to. day apopinted K. B. Cummins, dis trict attorney of Yamhill county, as special assistant attorney gen eral to handle prosecution of two of the Portland vice probe cases. Thornton said Cummins will re place Assistant Attorney General Leonard I. Lindas who was re cently hospitalized. Cummins, who was a member of the Oregon Legislature in the 1951 session, will handle the case of state versus William M. Lang ley, Thomas E. Maloney and Jo seph P. McLaughlin and the cast of stale versus William M. Lang-ley. Weather Table By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Friday Max. Min. Prep. Baker 11-4 Bend t 2J -5 d2ugcnc 34 28 .03 Klamath Fal . 26 -8 .in Lakeview 24 -3 .09 Medford 37 19 .10 Newport 35 28 .14 North Bend 49 32 .06 Pendleton 15 7 T Portland Airp't . 41 27 T Roscburg 41 27 T - Death Bertha Ann PlvmsJ In Calif.. Derpmh-r .1 real. dent of Riverside. Calif. Survived by daughter. Mi Eldena L. Marshal, Riverside Tali! cietep Mr- EHn, cull i Stalcup. Salem: brothers. William and Albert McFarlane, Salem. Serv ices will be held Saturday, Decem ber 8. at lo-.-'g a m in the chapel the Clnugh-Ramck Funeral Home. Intermetn, Pionnr Cemetary. lem. O CHICAGO UY Modest demand lifted most grain prices on the ! 16-5"; sows .lflO-500 lbs 12.50-lfi on Board ol TradeoFridav after the Sheep salable for wix-lr lint. market had sold off in early dl-1 slaughter lambs 50 higher: other classes sfpaay; string choice 103 Demand first appeared in new lb Wash- ram 'aftbs late 19.25; crop wheat futures. It was based! arage out at 17.00; other Wanda gnberts itf3. IViS) In this city rfl-eemoTir 5. at Olr residence of 2023 rgnre; Ave.. Cm. O at the age of 73 years. Ousband dj Anna Foclkl. Salem. Father of ttttftj Fittlkl. Portland. Joe F.ielkl. Saleoj. Six grandchildren and tnreo freat Krandchlldren also survive. f unerfj) services will be held Saturday. Dec. 8 at 10:30 a.m. In theCXhapef of the W. T. Rirdnn Co. I.iterment, Kelt Lawn Memory Gardens. By a national committee. This week's Broadcaster will be sent ! W,"1 naianie receipts were 9,000 hoes, 500 cattle, 100 calves aid 500 sheep. Marie Fischer. Norma Rnnn tin. herta Thrush, Barbara Bisrhoff, Joan Myer and Margaret Wilson working as stage hands. Journalistic talents are being put to work, as student writers vie for cash prizes. Extension magazine s annual teendom" con- Achievements Tests Given Monday through Thursday Leslie studenls were given Stanford Achievement tests daily in their math and English classes. The tests show how studenls rale ac cording to grade level and are used hy teachers for supervisory, during the Christmas holidays for tst has heen announced at Sacred i'n5,r"clional hnA S"ilan P"f Mean. Janet Larson is S.H.A.' ' Z .u j , , teen-hoard representative and Thc sevenln "" f'Shth graders so'ii viu.r Rviuuns oi ine the ninth graders com- entire examination. pencils will he given a real work-i a C" Paragraph and out. r" word meaning, spelling, grammar. anu iiiiiiiil'matics. 9lh Parly Committees Annnunrrd Christmas will be thc theme of ski cluh. Pail ol the group will go! nrlJnl 'nines must he handed j , , skiing this Saturday, while plans!'0 .". by Janllary ' S 'or the ',',, ,7 '' call for a ski trip to All. Hood I n .. ..T' ,n05e n1 Testing covi " ' " real wor"-lwflrd meanir Special Prayer. Said ih1 JlnllT The feast nf St. Nicholas, ves- V.. lerday. was known as Sodality h:'" rT' "e ,,ne !nle 1 Dav With Ihe f k ' "inln Rrade pary whlch ' Hungarian : P"? !4' Good to prime wooled fcmbs ' "SL'ii"' Asrlculture ! g" h??7, i "horn I mJS,""?, "iTPJ,-.f.? ent at $17 75 to $20 00 ; I-partment crop report w o u 1 d lam"' A".5","1':' ,ulh fe) lots at:. Mother of Mrs. Nathan iBeuiah v. saiKi- ...... w u 'how a poor outlook for 1957 enft a"-"-!'-! dun wcek: gtod and steinhocki of Sfaiem and BotfMt Portland Grain PORTLAND Wl Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, hulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 53.00. Rarley No. 2. 45 Ih B. W. 50 00., Corn No. 2. E. Y. shipment 62.00. Wheat (bid i to arrive market, basis No. 1 hulk, delivered coast: Soft While 2 42: Soft White 'ex cluding Rexi 2.42; White Club 2.42. Car receipts: Wheat 64; barley 26; flour 4; mill feed IS. winter wheat. .choice 75-85 lb 15.fH-l.5ifij Sr,"ed byC"Z',r v&Zurtt, Buying spread lo other pits. Iit-; JI"lwWhl down to 11.00; od'Memb of openers of ih. A,in ing most pr88bove tffc prev-i cullod Wheat closed H-Pi h$Q De cember 2.3ilVi; corn - hick. cr, December 1.34ai,; oats loo Monda?. tO-c. 10 at 11 .m. 10 H) i-rwroi or m w. i. fljP'1" Co. M.'. Joioph QoMuoc will officiate o.av onPa,nKk . L-ei.i .i. . er to ',, higlVr, DecenOlK- 76: ry' Chit vrv Win6mner the resltOyice.ol: Vlsla Ave . , i to 1 cent higher, Decerlr d he is in Dutch with his trilift Sd" m E,Jwi,n"3Go,od "a3!$ 1.1.1; soybeans unchanged to 4 because he lost rod leather. ts Brother. Michael Buibne Good. -' higher. January 2.4M.484 nd containing 4M0 in ojribal fuods? bLT' rndmother. Mrs. Ellen cooa.. !,r,V"r"ISiT.,n ; rM,s sw' h"P lpfiMr rurn it." Mr'. HlKfs "s'ervic'o f""'"" imi'. uwswmiw: sain t.ujiet v innemucca. Toov 11 WMl De nela innay. nee. in at IS W. Isralnm." ", nm. In the Virail T.r.nlden Chafel. Salem Markets CompUfd from rporti of tjir) urairiB nrr inn UW.inrt n ( flpiUI Journal Rfaderi. (Rerittd dally) rrfdi: Riibbil PH1tu 13.53 (80-lb. bai).l Mr Ad in is 'Ret real ( r o i was 25 cents ' 14 41 an llKl-lr. bar 'riwrKUT ro"r, .RmTh?:rn 'T?" ""b' pared a shrine lo Our Blessed '.m N,w'".v'ce president, .i,rr. Mother and the girls formed a ' "f D., ""'""T"', .,5 K procession lo say a decade of the " " .. . , "'" ,"'Z rns.-irv i .k .krin. puaiiiv . i.nne Hamnierstad. re day.. First to overshadow studenls' ! AKS scholarship. , "'' '"f sophomore ; " n ,.. : Ireshments: Charles Hudkins. dec usual cheer was the Saxon,' lo. 'f ); On December ,h ,w U to ine vikings luesdny in Ihe lirsl " "i..u, wn .... . ..., ...,,. ' Civil War came nf ih. summer she spent in Sweden, and . , " Pr"r" parkin . a one sea on seconT was the diMnh, ' her Swedish "Mama and Papa." ai'' P . Krnghts ol Colum- "ei!wn4, m Wedne " C.ary Zwicker. one of the t w n h" ' ' ;. The caM consists i f P0" n WMln"-bovs from South to win Ihe schol- "' '!",r '"""hers other class Wilh the beginning nf basketball "rshlp' avr lnlk "bo"1 nl'' ,la' leason came Ihe official clnsing of m '"""""V football and cross country seasons ; A.n'il'l", v rykhilm. an exchange at tne lrsl snnrls award. a . I """ """ . "i-uvu un is ni members will produce sound ef- iccis. lighting, eic. They also plan lo present it lo the student body at the Christmas Assembly. .Speerh ( tiniest t... , .. ' ... . : l.,, V,.rli- it... . ' i' my oi tne year Wednesday. Let- ""'" Next Krid.iv and Snitirdav Sor ters and eertlficsle, were award- !.'' "' lhp l"5h,,'!h" 0 hl ra will h v represented iii the I llllll' ...h rn,,l...l L i . selected from each sclinl that participates, and school winners go Into further competition with a college scholarship one of the prizes at stake. Iteeltal Annnunrrd Making ils first public appear ance at the recital Sunday alter- .a i. . ,. L . o America and aUn tiink. a ill e , . ' ",r "iniinn .-.rxteiie. I lie c ach s '"nr about Sweden. Rob T el.. ad con- , n cr ,f , 1 7 tt?' S I i M',,M,r- h" vunLiirn. . n ,i nil 111 t)t' I Ol MlHli IKS II lllp , nlS C lOial Crotin flrp- Tnn.I I nr. Steve Berglund. student h n d y ! 1 , lm'Sram 'V ''" M'vch ami oralnrv dub. Knter Z ''on. Din hf I up Sal'lv lose.l president, accepled on behalf ol of h,s ,r,p , . ,, ,.ac,f m ' Bu, p SM Joseph the students the district s co-,NorBfl - , . , !raw.v - Killer. James Kloise Corcv AI.o to be seen for championship trophy ami the, ,. ""IvaUiu, Thursday and Kred Dasher; extemp- i the first hine Sunday are th?nI Mayor's Trophy won hv Ihe varsl-1 Kxe temenl ha, been mounting Kre.l Dosher: serious-.lim Fb7- Cenltan umfor. , Wh, e ' adored ty football team and presented hv s,Mrill'. 'V k ,h' r! i " ' " and l h"rk humorous-i blouses. Ze Tored sk'rt a n d eo-c.pla.ns. Larry Thompson and rara.v.l I. he held Thursday ev en- Xordone. Fred Dosher, anl , blue boleroes will be worn hv the Jim Roh.nson. Cry Melhnger was ; ' 1 he Vmh rll Father Christian w,ll be their i group The recital bT scheduled for named the winner ol Ihe "Line," d"e.Nun, ' ( omlc strips m,,,,,,,,,, , 2 to at the Bbnd School man of the Year " award, and h, ' . 'rm h' k,,s ' T V"" ' ' heard this name w ,,, ne tne nrst tn be en- " "' ; ' ; "" ' ; "" ' ' " '',"""'' " "" "-" week. By a vote taken at the stir Hiavrn on a new plaque. This, "'" "- V . award will become an annual tra . . hul,lr' Teachers of America and dltion at South. j ( rescenrio club will present "Klon- ,. t, , , . die and Dagwood." Coinmeri'ial r,SlJ"' f , and lladl" Klectronics clubs arc Expressing appreciation for the ' romhining r((rl!t t no "l.i'l Ah-S-nerous support given Ihe United ... -snuffy sil," , the sW.i "T. "V ""r,""Krr orations: Kim Clark, oublicilv: AI- . neny i r n c K e r ! ii-nrt..,.. ,., i.... s wve oiven lo i c- i j...' T. .. ' ' n'"r" the seniors Tuesday. A winner is I " """" ,or ,ne even1' toninrro homemnlonj! test Parrievh Jr. Hi;h leshnrn fowl, lie. rttt Biivlns prires AA. 44c: laree A. 47c: nictlluW A. Sr; small A, 24r. Wholesale prices: A jumbo, Sic: extra tarie AA. SSc: large AA. S.V: large A. 9!lr: medium AA. 47c: A small. SSc. On carlenis. 3c additional. Butterfat: Buying prires Premium, SSc; first grade, SP-S3c: grade 2. 5fle. Riitler: Retail AA grade. 7V: ters. 73c. quar- TPghliKhling evrYu at i'jrriri: Junior high this past week was the football awards presentation : in. and Rill I.entsch. Team man assembly held on Wednesday. ager Doug Nohlgren also received Forty six members of the iwo a Ifitor. Certificate awards went teams. Ihe (irevs and the Cardin- lo Kit) in Anderson. Pat Lev. als. and Ihe team managers were Dean Mederk. and Pete Han'ev." pri'senl) wilh certificates and lei-! Wednesday ening Ihe annual ters by the coaches. I ice cream feed was held for the Fund campaign by the South slu- of Ihe Home Kconomics and Spaii- I nor to Ihe presentation. Coach varsity and junior varsilv nlavers Robert Don.-nan of the Greys and who received letters or certificates Conch Henry Decker of thc Card-1 at the morning assembly. Men of mats gave a brief summary of the faculty also were invited A ineir team s perlormnnce during movie of Iho IMS Oregon Stale u.r .i.-i.n. omn irgtns urn lor i aiitornia tootbail game was secenn place in the city s junior shown at Ihe gathering high league Yule Spirit Not Lacslng l-ellers Awarded The Yitl.ttHe snirit not ln man m; i nnna Nelly, r utiire dent body meeting, plans are now l,rc-v ,-'',m "'embers receiving ging at Parrish for on Monday Ihe '" ""en. a: i am lias- underway to purchase a hi-fi set "' Hocye. Dennis homerooms will hesio decorating geii. V Teens. Do, is Hein. S for the s. hnni ,-.w ,j, t . . Burr, slu. Jim Simmons r.rv n- kirh num mil k. i. u,. IMtyo Jones. Latin: Beth dances and other rla 'ani.iti.. borne. Ned Darling. Doug Douch- a Christmas tree and d,vrA cience; Mary Wood. Future : will he placed ,n a special fund ,r"' Jinl Bron. I'ftig Brown. Bill also on the bulletin boards and sol America: l.erna l.avil- lo pay for the set . Stckrl. Scott Oordon. Frank Rart-! windows. On December 21 the rulf, Harry Smilh. Jim Mount,! last school dav before Christmas p m. In the Virgil T. Golden ChafH. O Interment, Ig'lcrest tonorial Partly o Hub Horn, Scirnc Farmer le, Hume Kconomics; Kathy Kvnns. I'nic; Linda Johnson. French, TSrv Mocihee. Spanish: Jackie La Due. ii iris Letter; Trislia remit. Crescendo; and ours DrvotioiiK John Palmer. David Olson. Norm- vacation, all class periods will he an wary iiiiPerLson, and shortened so that parties may be ,11'iu s, icaiii managers two nem ,n tne nomerooms. There will Hon princesses j Forty Hours Devotion .c S M meVd"m "Z I L .""..M.H-.hee.. Spanish: t(, U South exceeded ils goal by a w,de Sn!k.,oh ArKmllU 5,M.irlv ,rt ,,. .,., 11, ,nc un.r. Science r un are nresentin? "Terry r.roi s:iu Guy Arrive, a Fullbrlght scholar nnd the Pirates," Civics and the 1 Presentation of tiie sneaker ; .7 ,i7 French Ho Z "x. M M ? m:'?r an ,s,fmhl-v Cathnhe Church wiil be- PrHH.. letter winners. Tom Kd- and over . .. j . " iiiniiiiis imitsii.iv morning an fiiet Monday night at Ihe Senator , It rrlnres.ei Named ,'rlrclion will he held tn determine hotel. About 30 members attended. Nineteen ol Ihe clubs have the queen. She II be announced Marlls DeGroote, president, was selected princesses to represent that rtrning ni Ihe program, in charge of the affair. Ithem during the carnival. Girls, A doubleheader basketball game Rody Dowds to he Organlied representing Ihe various clubs are is in line at the Norih H'th gsm Rowdy Dowds council consisting ' Kalhie Archer, Snikpoh; Linda , tonitht as Ihe Viks met the Hud nl Larry Ynnng. Jim Robinson, Cushman. Radio Flectronirs. Jack- son s Bv team and South ptavs Dale Bunse, Bill Gile, Ted Larsen, le Fisher. .Stagecraft; Sue Jenkins, j Vancouver. Roth visiting teams are and the three yell kings are plan-1 National Honor society; Margaret J from Vancouver, Washington. , .UlltVSJ III Ml. A ncr I Phillips. Mike Johnson and Clark be no oft exchanees MOUNT ANGF.l. 'Special' The r:nS,p "'"i received letters. Cer- Sales for the yearbook, the Si, iinc.iies were presenird to two Pioneer, got underway Monday ,M.I subscriptions had gin at an evening mass at 7 30 warns .ma h.ivhi hehrv been sold hy Wednesday. Sales will o'clock Friday evening and con-1 Cardinal squad members re- continue Ihrnu.h next Mondsv and elude at a Solemn High Mass it criving Idlers were Gary llig.ishi. tae first homeroom to subscribe 10 10 o'clock Sunday morning Ron Alsman. Richard Smart. Doug ion per rent for the publication i..s,rs on .-.aturnay. tne feast rerr:s. r.mery Minings, loin wy- will be awarded a box of candv ni me immaculate lonception. a tarry I'enrocl. .Steve Gleckler. Holy Pay of Obligation will follow Steve Bonowiti. Bob Hawley, Tom the Sundav schedule. There will jl'jiWn. Gary Cunningham. Km be an additional evening mass al mett Johnson, Deivms Cone. Larrv 7 30 e dock Saturday evening. iGnmes, Jun Davu, Wayne Chap- for their Christmas party. Fditor of the ycarhok. Janice Tahl. re cently announced that Mtrkye Rressler and Parwin Smith have been added to her ataff. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR C . WANTED FOR MARION COUNTY Tfie Aluminum-Lock Shingle Corporation, manufacturers of a pat ented new low-cost 4-way interlocking aluminum shingle is expanding its salesdivision and is seeking a relialile, financially responsible man for an exclusive protected distributorship for Salem and including all of Marion county for Aluminum-Lock Lifetime Guaranteed o Shingles claimed hy experts to he the greatest improvement in roofing of all time. Beautifully embossed with a cedar-like grain design, locking rffl all 4 sides . . . FIREPROOF, LEAKPROOF, WIND PROOF . . . Aluminum-Lock Shingles provide a lifetime roof plus many other protective and insulating features. Easily applied over old roofs or new. Every home roof is a prospect as well as many commercial and industrial Innings. To aprly f this distributor ship, experience in roofing is not nessary as a Factory proven sales and training program is given with the distributorship. If you have the faith in yourself to want to own your own business, insuring your future on an opportunity whichomes along only once in a lifetime, o PHONE, WRITE or WIRE I. J. Korter, President, NOW A ftfatfJag SHINGLE CORP. OF AMERICA 725 $. i. powiu ivd.potland j, osiooNPhone BElitont 6-1191 o