Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 07, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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    Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956
SecHort 2 Page 5
5:00 p.m., Red Dunning Show-Guest
S:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre -
6:30 p.m., My Friend Flicka
maddened horse.
7:u p.m., Person to Person Screen star Anita Ekberg and author
ar:t Ijidwig Bemelmans greet Edward R. Murrow. Anita and hus
band, actor Anthony Steel, live in ultra-modern white house amidst
gorges in Bel Air, Calif. Mr. Bemelmans lives on the top floor of
Manhattan apartment house. ' "
8:00 p.m., West Point Cadet Bob Matson, given to practical jokes
attempts to prove there is a flaw in West Point water main, in "Man
of Action."
8:30 p.m.. Zane Grey Theatre A notorious outlaw returns home
after many years to find his wife remarried to the marshal when
Stephen Mc.N'ally, John Ireland and Audrey Totter star in "Return to
:00 p.m., Crusader Fiesta eck in Cuba is background as Matt
makes grim attempt to rescue an ex-politician and his beautiful daugh
ter from the "protective" custody of an American mob.
9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Mark Stevens plays Abraham Lin
eoln in "Washington Incident." an historical drama tkat shows ram
pant misunderstanding directed at the Great Emancipation.
10:00 p.m., The Lineup A local boy returns to San Francisco of
his youth with a loaded revolver to impress his old friends in "The
Rancho Cordovan Case "
10:30 p.m., Portland . Wrestling Bob McAnulty reports from ring
side. 11:30 p.m., Showtime on Six "The Hoodlum," staffing Lawrcnjc
Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marjorie Riordon. .
4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45 "Big Timber," starring Roddy Mc
Dowell. 6:30 p.m.. Best 30 Minutes in Football Most exciting playg, from
each of National Football League games this week.
7:00 p.m., Cavalcade of Sports Tony Anthony of Nelf York City
vs. Gordon Wallace of Toronto, Canada in 10-rouijfl lisliUeevyweight
bout in Madison Square Garden.
8:00 p.m., Crunch and Dos Des fall into snurafflit by a cbjsignmg
female, in "Fresh Water Mermaid."
8:3S p.m., Walter WinrhtD. ow Frank Sinatra sVcJ tfiest star.
:00 p.m.. On Trial "The Person and Prawity of Jrgery Hay,"
starring Walter Abel and Kim Hunter. A lawyer, ta' banB account
is low because he repeatedly takes underdos estSM, i rcOtarded for
kindness and honesty.
10:69 p.m., Surrtock Hukoes A frietttl of Watn9' infjcts a jar
ring note into Holmes' and Watson's much-wsatoi vacation, in "The
CoB of the Laughing Mummy." "
10: SO p.m., Mystery Turatro Frightened, suspicious, hauntol by
ctedh, wealthy old Amelia Ware slumps to the that dd White sitting
foj a portrait. "The Case of the Heiress."
1: p.m., Sscrat Ftte U.S.A. The Dutch Relic reqast BJW
SJdrgan to come to Amsterdam. Holland to invastwscto maaaf aBUl
bsbmging to well-known subversive group, in "'Missooi
11:30 p.m, TaJCDTMJ Fun With Save Alina an Kn, ifflSftJB
fiJEa gwrata.
SO t p
ST4TDSS OS Jf U: (12)
6:ig p.m, BUJflojy KWEKb Ck-Jufl artesl w sS.
6 p.m., Anwto OaklBy Ffiwtftiw."
ftSO D.m.. nBajdlB-"Medfcal Kxamtor" SWOB
stdpy whjm a reader complains injustice, af 6ijii.taa HBattJ aj
her tasband as suicide. . . , ., '
7:o p.m., Bin n h "ThB Flaming Fawist." Buy KBkttBB Brctty
and Kinty across a chasm, sots farosf afire wlom aflH)0liHB to SWH
p.m.. Advoama. dj Xm T8r"0BH Hiittoa.'' to
tons a fortune in trado goods to river pirates .Soatt JM as dta.
8:30 p.m.. CroraroaBs-'"Bm Lamp of tfatfto Cet?&. A otasn
friendship grows between a priest and a BoM prosjjiBW to 0W
danger. Starring Brian Aherne. Edgar Buchanan.
ts p.m.. Traanao Tjhoo-PttKieirlln V0--.,,
! p.m.. Mtotoy BfflDW 6r"Waaws Gftt." MteM
10- Vm ; Bay --5- Gr-B 1 O,
. niviTnrf portion of tto program. Efto "OliWjJets
W' 1 UrB i"-1:...:
11:15 p.m., btokudwo uon-
t-a virAuf rinniinp. Marv AndersDR. A
fell .m. UFD-Palflw TortKwri.
PimoP care w aunwuntuw --"r t.f.
cD. Mia)iinh-o fly toSW-wptMci jijcmifs Wns
patteut fw enurgMty apBration.
"' s'f"- San Frcotpi r8 t to. to
TS J.tS'Em.eelsrvisS tr. tarn fB'
DW,i. Little Miss Rita Faye, the Du8 of rlcoh, aall tto Qarna
t'togarrs. . rJ , . n-, uxbi nasa3iB33' edtt-
n.m., M w wr - -
. him nntr.nt Inva charm,
p.-. . r ..
Icb-in a doughnut shoo eKH in iro wuuim i
ia:ffl P.m. GoiOTMJia-Merrtol Mlm efl Cfaistoo snt w teW i
Co"?atrirSS 0sa-
&?FiSU-Ki. m
14a. Iftw interssetiowd dpah to-ws? togatto two of Bit, nafows W
Crowl.y bjinfl sports fere comprehonav fcsAtVall Iowdujbdui
.C0Un,1. . .. fSo Bl.rffi at KB7-A full too ftsBiea i "for.
th Sota is Coro as commntator. noiiooy . " -
wrving from lounging clothes, erai fcrmel . u" l;cmr
ft. cloth.,. Among signers.) '
r Ben ZucKerman. Paulfte Tripcr? L.lp KoeQa. Wrflgffi,
fide e Simpson ana lcu v-naHino". .:,-, r,,iaa nf
6-0U P l., CiobS of iftt' CrWB- l"l Cint vStn ruiatf of
fithen! ?J5i Greek glide. Zoa. is mur-fc e PffiB
KU!SW. Utl yoaa uJ0 fittifcQBS to ild-
hood symbol of wiVe happy mornori Whswothe'r.
Charles Sirwr i tte Loui ! DTProDicB Mitchell yr tf his
SdieSf ana announcer Fran Gal sial gut Sars Pearl
Bailey. Guy Lombardo. Spike Jones and his band and the Look Ma a
zine All-American Football Team, including O S C. tackle John Witte
llioo pm Cinema Classics-".Martfiia Calling." starring Lloyd
Nolan and Carole Landis. ( . o . .
SATURDAY ON KLOR: 112) O t,,a pMir
3:30 p.m., See How They I.earn-Fcaturt is Portland Public
school's program for the deaf child.
4:00 p.m , Spotlight Theater-' Modcls. Inc.." starring Howard Duff
and Coleen Gray, with John Howard and Marjorie Reynolds. Ex
convict and girl start racketering business, using girls from a model
ing agency. Featuring 50 leading West Coast mode s
5:30 p.m.. Life Is Worth LlrlrJ-Bishop Sheen tells of Alcoholics
and Drunks Worth Knowing."
6:00 p.m., Joe Palooka-"Clyde' Mistake." Joe must entertain a
rich socialite for dinner, asks Clyde to hire a maid; Clyde goes to
matrimonial agency by mistake. ,.T,:,.
6:30 p.m., Slan of Tomorrow-Un.Q Na!e introduces Triple
Trio" from Molalla. .... ... r-
-fin nm Ar.iifrmv Theater
dette Colbert' and .lack Hawkins. Anthony Steel and Ram Gopal. JiOdate of thi rotiee
marriage of a rubber planter and his wife at breaking point the,, aJ'd1,'1 ubl"hd N,tra-
faced with fierce bandit attack. ... ?' ES S.HA.5TER.' ,k. . . ,.
:00 p.m.. Lawrence "''-Features novelty Christmas tunes
10:30 p.m., Championship Bowliag New contender for the bowling J0ST?. AND ALLen
title is Buddy Bomar. named "the Chicago Bomber" because of the wiouvesiey Building
explosive ball he throws. The stylish bowler has held all three national ;'f AdmlrJstr.tor
mateh title and 85 perfect "J00" game In 73 yean of bowling. 1
is Jack Marks, Portland Zoo.
' 'Note ol Fear" starring Jan Ster-
-Ken and Flicka endangered by a
CM." tOi4 Pfflll
-7? -
- ima,
in "TRD ttc HWiop.
r.t. u. iwi
"Outrwst in .Maiaa. siiirnnK v.iu:
IIdenms the menace
11:30 p.m., New Orleans Police DepartmPnt "The Wicked Ne
phew." A young bandit lures his uncle to his death to rob him.
12:00 N., Lamp Unto My Feet Turns its cameras on an Italian
family's Thanksgiving dinner that changed from disunion to reunion.
12:45 p.m., Olympic Highlights Special Remainder of track and
field finals. Swimming preliminaries. Boxing, wrestling, and basketball
finals. Fencing, Gymnastics. Both Mathias and Tom Harmon are
1:15 p.m., Bobby Grayson previews the day's pro football contest.
LSI0 p.m.. Pro Football Baltimore Colts, following an upset last
week at the hands of San Francisco 49'ers, against the Los Angeles
Rams, from the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles. With ailing
George Shaw riding the bench, Johnny Unitas will be signal calling
for Colts. Billy Wade will quarterback Rams. w
4:30 p.m., The Pointing "The Hands" Js tepic today.
5:00 p.m.. City Detective A policewoman brings in a frightened,
foreign war bride who speaks no English and has no identification. A
eian arrives who claims to be her husband; mistakes the policewoman
for the war bride. This sets off the "Girl From Nowhere" case.
5:30 p.m., TclepliKfjo? TI(me John Nesbitt tells how a young French
man found tig; fortune in orchards,
tlx cnfirrh fnr onlri In "fTnetiinqtiic "
6: .m.. fat lBwr "The Battle of Britain" relived wifii narra.
tbO) by Sir Winston 'Churchill and p.m., LaXHb-Jelf takes a
7: p.aj., I'rlvajoj Secostary
assortment of misdemeanorsto obtain from Susie a copy of important
coBiraci in tier Best tnemy.
8: p.nj., Bd Kratjvnn fflOSV-Kate Smith, Sam Levenson, British
comedienne Joyce Grenfell, the Little Gaelic Singers from Ireland.
Ten womon gymnasts from Finloiffl rai the United PQ fnnihall
8: p.m., fl)MJia-Rj'tty FieU is '"Ho Broach," a diwrmtiej story
of a ctjimustic crisis in the life of yund (mn.
:4ft p.m., AflKfl CWiasrj-WolB a bis tim tojjstir discovers
his- young wife is in love with another man ho. hires nnninnni
iltur in "The Better Bargain." Robert MidBtotcm plays tloa racketeer.
n;w p.m., eirsp mn ntfaj.ov-ruTtlaasi totppisom tfremfcre of en
dl-titm. gangstor film classic, "Litttb Ca$" Objxii Edfird G.
BdlBDSBi ami Douglas BalfbejJto, Jr."
SL'SflAY OS KP9V: (27)
10:63 a.m., PrtDOtoS of BaBil "35j" by Joypff Hindel, the story
a a pour porter in a Contral EuMjffine country 4'haXbjiiBiesty is
suHugur inea nis neea lor money.
13:3D p.m., Td Is ttfb
Stontiing husbaioi fight the threat
secret oi ner youmiui misiBBe roturns to plagua thorn, in "As We
3 1: $.m.. lib PtsJn-''Th One
ing onder the strain of real and
iwi Has mauo us strong crmugn
1: B-m.. PniUi bar
With a burning desira fcB a a mSsseim, m uRBfflfnS to) paje
iu uMipiuyw uDuttuei renuuBX may mrtot re&tTacaui m Aw dreams.
emit 94).. Kirw0ti un-Piit PeStaram f St. I . ram Ei
& BrtnsJuB, ?esias. Guiwt is Bj fiato, CSaweJaHj IoJijfl jjtcBiqg
p;,ilb. tPWo, Wlflb Vt(lH-Osa
"9ltD Antwiean Cttmssas." At Yai
awtf Einig;" ths Inrmvy sttosji ot Ougaa 6SaS; arapjnyapSa artnsii
eft tto University. tf "Seaflingtali; a vieft t Hayii!l Cft io ie3,
&ovaAe eiot tus University of Havana.
faC nto., lyitbUli GsabuIP-Bep&usn oT Bis KniinRviVb HP rfimii
Jbffolry, Cufty. hi)lp etaw arm
' SJliRmg Sands."
, n.ffl., Kny BogwtMffySWrtnajp SiJStltjp at awhaufif Jurioa
cettlp drivo.
7. p.m.. Vales oj tfci (4 VaigQ ttniceJjB-'tc CEalleoa. at
CSlUHdra Sinah."
7:88 P-nj.. Chxaa Eiro Klip BaagDS. tfm eireurf Slasftei ft?are!.
CQptii;' by his brother Earl.
8: p.m., Ktooa Alilffl fihJW-filiclie Eotimid. Ant JoFTMOa SnS.
aft Sterling, and the Hi-Lo's. MirtrJleWuiftla. Ctlatim uear llao obia-
&on &mi Bud Wilkinssn, OSlnhoma
8: b.oj., otPOB nam-Gary WappiU, Vim LimlfcW, BtSffl-t
Blawyng. and Geoffrey Trsoo in "totvoJata in D5aJHBB)J9," BMBt-on-fect
drama of a World War II plan to feast industrial diaxtrimlo
rViOn feJIina iiSo Wzi hRd.
io:HP p.m., hriBUn Yolotgi S8W-W asa Ru ha nasty mSh
in meaaiia "SomcDoay tie s
10:J0 p.rj).. NoJtmjsd Blniflha
the annual All-Star Bowling TournamBHt from thai Chicago Colisaioa.
1I:0 p.pj., Srootay Star ?injo-"I Woubta't R 1 Vale Sbob."
terring Don Castle, Elys Knr
(SfUSDA'? ers si-crw: (w
12:9) p.m., Auunrbxrji BoIbJtWiB 1W HmS clfjjeiCcrjp "CiSil RiaBta"
i3 subject for today's inter-denominational mt.
I CS) p.m., frBHSfiica) "Stiojtr; SJosB." A magician isirforms aovoral
wondrrs, than becomes (jic audience to Watch ondr forked ith
1:15 b.o)-, Brw Cbrtwboi SsrjMffe ttBmW'FrtfdoM Brum Allar-
by The First Cdiurch of Christ. Scimitiat, ia Boston.
1:SD p.m., bnltirimj Awjotctlm "Sbolter," Benrtpeme ef etftttejnprj
rary homcboilding. "Patterns of Progress," histojry of tsrajpiaces
anu uafKrounu maiKnais usea.
2:3d p.m.,' T!m Ctjjafju)Q0Ti(iiegiar-HllBB af ths Butura."
3: p.m., Cirofts Tlmo-Pul finctoll ami Jsrry Mgtaaoij" intro
duce Rlv'thm Josters, rocl n' roll groap; Stilt fflgaa, "miaifltupe
Elvis Presley" and the Great DjJ Lag.
4:30 p.ffl., SJxJlNa BlBlatinp-Tours jKb0oI tU cojutry'fj oldjt
Sod long-famous hospitals for thft trBtJH)5S. tutot-cuVsis, t)0 N(
tional Jewish hospital, Denver.
6:00 p.m., PI(BJJ- PIayhpuOj-"Ariionai
7:00 p.m., You Asked For It Art Baker visits the famous St
Bernard hospice in Switzerland to film the activ.!es of rjie dogs
and their monk masters.
9:00 p.m.. Omnibus 'The Art of Murder." Three of the master
detectives of fiction will 6Yin forces to attack a baffling rsHirder case
10:30 p.m.. Coronet Theatej; "Boy From diana." starrirffl Lon
McAllister, Billie Burke and Lois Butler. A young man becomes a
jockey and rides a rat-tailed stallion to profitable victories througut
the Southwest.
GLEN SHAFFER his. by order ot
the Circuit Court ot tho State of
Oreron, for Marlon County, been ap
pointed as adrr.inntrator of the Es
tate of Frank Shaffer. Deceased,
Clerk's ReeiMry No. 17et0.
All persons havinir claims araln!t
said es:a:e are required to present
tnem. duly verified, with proper
vouchers, to said administrator at
K10 Lively P.uildir.e. Salem. Ore-
By Ketcham
even though he came to America
Michael Redgrave.
job as a goat herder.
Cagey attempts psychology and an
, o
IiTO-KHtUuriirB Hsvdss nH hor nfoor.
to tboir happy marriage when the
- Step;" Debbie Tbompftm collate
imaginary responsibilities, leerns
to Dear anyTning.
Vdcari, an Italian immigrant boy
GtwnvgKf ewfi tiewar to
mararsfro. atHUMD. im "Bbiftai.
ffMOoSy Ceo2Bl t jBajxteP, i:
Dream," imn Br9 Jtotwrt.
Ommninuo - Tft Wwnak'a ftialc f
atal Kegie Tfay.
Territory," starris Whip
Sealed bids Will he receive s.
the Marlon County Court. Room 110,
Court House. Salem, Oregon, until
10 00 A.M. Thursday. December 27th.
1SS6, on the purchase of two new
Automobiles with trade-Ins t',r Mar
lon County Health Dept. and then
publicly opened and read.
Speriflratlons for the new cars ar.d
Inspection of the trade-ins may he
retained by arranp.-nient with Mar
lon Cuunty Health Dept.. 2155 Fran
Zen St , Salem
IJids mu.t he accompanied by a
certified check In the amount of
10 of the hid pn-e
The County reserves the rlrht to
reject any and all bids, or accept that
bid In th best Interest cf Marion
AVD. December , 7, 10,
Opto Dectmbar 37 a
On Television
UHF KPTV (271 .
VHF KOIN-TV (6), KLOR (12), KYAl (13)
Schedule stibltrt to last minute
chance by stations.
4:30 p.m. KPTV-WhitHe
KOIN Mr. Moon
KLOR Superman
KVAL It's a Fact
4:45 p.m. KPTV Movie
KOIN Cartoon Time
KLOK Noah's Ark
8:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunninf
KLOR Mickey Mouse
KVAL Big Roundup
5:30 p.m. KOIN Movie
5:45 p.m. KVAL News, Wet, Spt.
8:00 p.m. KOIN Wea.. News. Sptl.
KLOR Annie Oakley
KVAL Olympics
6:13 p.m. KPTV Ivan Smith Newt
KOIN Edwards News
6:30 pjn. KPTV Pro Hall Hilites
KOIN My Friend Flicka
. K1. OR Headline
KVAL Snorts Club "'
6:45 p.m. KVAL Fishing News
7:00 p.m. KPTV Boxing
KOIN Newscene
KLOR Sen. Morse
KVAL Boxing
7:30 p-m. KOIN Person-Person
KLOR Rin Tin Tin
7:45 p.m. KPTV World News
KVAL Sports Album
8:00 p.m. KPTV Crunch & De
KOINWcst Point
KLOR Jim Bowie
KVAL Crunch & Dm
8:30 p.m. KPTV Walter Winchell
KOIN Zane Grey
KLOR Crossroads
KVAL Highway Patrol
9:00 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shore
KOIN Crusader
KLOR Treasure Hunt
KVAL Dinah Shore
8:30 p.m. KPTV Big Story
KOIN Playhouse
KLOR Mickey Rooney
KVAL Crossroads
10:00 p.m. KPTV Sherlock Holmei
jvuim iine-up
KLOR Ray Anthony
KVAL Walter Winchell
10:30 p.m. KPTV Mystery Thea.
KUiN wrestling
KVAL Zane Grey
11:00 p.m. KPTV Secret File USA
kluk news
KVAL Let's Set
11:15 p.m. KLOR Movie
11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonight
JUJin movie
B:15 a.m. KOIN RFD t
8:45 a.m. KOIN Capt. Kangaroo
9:00 a.m. KPTV Fury
9:30 a.m. KPTV Howdy Doody
10:00 ajn. KPTV Howdy Doody
KuiN Mighty Mouse
10:30 a.m. KPTV Married Joan
11:00 a.m. KPTV Football Prevue
KVAL Football Prevue
11:15 a.m. KPTV Pittsburgh-Miami
KVAL Pit tsburch-Miami
11:30 a.m. KOIN Sky King
12:00 noon KOIN Lo iO: Ranger
12:30 p.m. KOIN Two-Gun
i:ou p.m. tvuin uiympics
1:30 p.m. KOIN Pro Football
1:45 p.m. KVAL Tom Harmon
2:00 p-m. KPTV Breadbasket
KVAL Movies
1:30 p.m. KPTV New Figures, '57
KLOR Big Pix
8:00 p.m. KLOK Laurel-Hardy
3:30 p.m. KPTV Man to Man
KLOR Learning
4:01 p.m. KPTV Mr. Wizard
KLOR Movie
KVAL Mr. Wizard .
4:15 p.m. KOIN Concert Hall
4:30 p.m. KPTV Live and Liftrn
KOIN Mom's Showtime
KVAL Finder
8:00 pjn. KPTV Monte Crista
KOIN Tex. Rangers
5:30 pJn. KPTV-Scorcboard
KOIN Finder 0
KLOR Bishop Sheea
KVAL Disneyland
8:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
KPTV Troubled Youth
KOfN Soidtcrs of fortune
KLOR Joe Palooka
6-15 ojm. K17TV Industry
640 pjn. KPTV Playhouse
KOIN Buccaneers
KLOR Tomorrow's Stars
KVAL R i n-Tin-Ti n
7:00 p-m. KPTV Talent Search
KOIN Ole Opry
KLOR Movie
KVAL Lawrence Welk
f.SlPp.n.. KPTV People R Funny
KOIft High Finance
8:00 p.m,
1:90 p.m.
9:0V p.m.
KPTV Perry Como
KOIN Jackie Gleason
KVAL Guy Lombardo
KVAIo-Grand Ole Opry
KPTV Sid Caesar
KOIN Oh. Susanna
KLOK Lawrence Welk
KVAL Sid Cacsai
6S6p r. KOIN Hey. Jeainlel
10:Q p.m. 8PTV Georgo Gobei
R.OI N G unemoke
M I n H Mnsn u r.Ofa TXYTQ
P-m IIPTV Hit JL'enatb
BLOTt S)i Wing
AVAL Hit Par-gfto
KPTV 3ovi
BOH-flBvi o
8VAJ ttoviai -JJLOlj-WOl'O
ii 4 vm-
it Mi
lt t.
ftPTV Christno0o6t
R VAL WrflStlo
16:4b ace.
HPTV fdith firafcttea
11:00 p.(9. KPTV Building AuttrOSi
RVftL BowllnjB
11.36 s. KPTV American Fbroi
:69 BOTH KPTV News SouitfO
KV&L-OdbU flHUXJtfe
IS'&P-N. 6PTV-Th Li(0
ttl.Uati inn jiau
KVAL-Uffhted larw
UOIN Olympics
KPTV Pastor
KLOR Transition
KVAL Oral If,ber0D
RPTV One Person
KOIN Bobby Gri?0Jl5
KLOR fOir 1st lan V
BTTV Paith Today
HOIN Pro football
1: M
id va
. RLOB Ouildiroo Aatf1fti3a
B VftL ChriOiffli migbto
lvfl??. 8V6L-Ptv,tor
-QD t m- 8PTV ChuclilsSbani
RLOR LiRhft ftio)Tr
ftVAl-Miivieo c
t41 9M- RPTV-UowllirjO
LOfl Chrlst0lt39TP
Z &t m- flLOR AV&i 8eviaJ
nvAii i op i unni
KPTV Zoo ParaQ0
KLOR Circus Tim
RPTV Wide World
KVAL Wide World
KOIN Concert Hfjl
KOIN The Painttnif
KI.QR Medical Horizoni
KPTV Topper
KOIN City Det.
KIX Reporters J'n4up
KPTV C'ljCt. Gallant
KOIN Teleione Tlmt
4 00 B.
415 p.m.
4 ft p ro
4 00 p sa.
6 0 p..
kluk urai iionern
9k:00 p.&. KPTV Meet the PreO
KOIN Air Power
KI.OR PirOeer Playhft.
KVAI Meet the Prei
. ft & p.B.? KPTV Roy Rogers
KOIN lassie
KVAL Roy Rojfers
T:0ipa KPTV Bengal Lanrers
KOIN Pvt. Secy.
KLOR You Asked for It
KVAL Bengal I-anctrs
7:30 p.m. KPTV Circus Br
KOIN What's My Line?
KLOR Amateur Hour
KVM, Waterfront
8 00 pm. KPTV Sieve Allen
KOIN Ed Sullivan
KVAL Steve AlJon
130 p m. KI.OR Press Conference
8:00 p.m. KPTV Aluminum Hr.
KOIN Theater
K LOR Omnibus
KVAL 3 Lives
8 30 p.m, KOIN HltchcoOt
KVAL Wyatt fcarp
10:00 P-m. KPTV l-oretta Youn
KOIN 164,000 Challenge
1195 I.KSI.IK
Tuei. and Sit.
9 a m. 5 p.m.
Phona 2-1830
Synopsis: The princess and I
made a powerful wish to be In
Santa Land., But, just as we
were wishing, the king's horses
returned and found us standing
in the road.
"Whoa!" shouted the captain
of the king's soldiers. He pulled
his horse to a stand still just an
inch from my nose.
The other horses halted behind
him. The soldiers held their
lanterns high and peered down
at- the princess and me shivering
there in the road.
"Who are you?" asked the cap
tain. What are you doing here?
"I I am Alexander," I said
in a very small voice. "And this is
my sister. We we're just stand
ing here making a wish. Honest,
that's all!"
'What nonsense! What kind of
a wish pray tell me?"
I hated to tell him. I knew it
would make him mad. But I had
to do it. I said, "We were wishing
we could go to Santa Land."
He Watl No Fool
The captain jumped down from
his horse. "You're taking me for
a fool. Now I'll tell you something.
This girl looks very much like the
Princess Anne!"
He ran his hands over the
princess yellow curls and bent
down to look into her eyes. Arc
you?" he asked. "Are you the
Princess Anne?"
I felt like I might faint dead
away but I squceied the princess'
nana tight in mine and I cried,
"Sir, she's dumb! She can't talk
at all!"
The captain straichtened and
scratched his head. Then he said.
"Well, the whole thing's funny
somehow and I'm tnking you both
to the p.-lace for the king to see.
My Horse Is Biggest
He turned to his soldiers. "Will
one of you take these two up on
your horse?" Before the nearest
man could move, a white cloaked
soldier at the very end of the line
came up on a great white horse.
I II take them, sir, he said.
"My horse is the biggest of all."
Without waiting for the captain to
answer, he leaned down and
plucked the princess and me right
off our feet and planted us in
front of him on the big white
We struggled and cried but he
held us there and wrapped us
arouna with his cloak.
The captain said. "I don't re
member you, soldier. What's
your name?
Broadway (healer goers: If Bur-
Res Meredith reads his Shavian
lines in "Major Ifiirbara" with
Japanese accent, excuse it, please.
the contusion will h natural.
For this Veuft Heredith is am
Kaa"?-a)Drgia that might ov
thro stg.4 a craftamnit m ha.
HV die tstasfab ft- tta
raft: Cat Biaafrr im Hm in ms
ton. klaljt tTith la rWarsts af
".gAsfeiaf af ar." a fi.
tflfort as a stag arnAaa. Suaffif
nijfjtit lot fl. to New Yta$.
he caught aa eTatttitht pim 10
Mianiv ajl 9tasAt S .
Siihfeiag dialog)! for "Jo Buttta--fly."
a film fax mntt Iat mrflfroff
is Jtpaa asst ia fhii'Js he alays a
stivp tdarK martoatoo. P!o?n he
Ks9 Back to New York, arriving
in tints for tier Vodb3day mati
nse of "Major Barbara." After the
vening performance, he hod the
rest of tlo ok off to whip his
own pttnfiictioji ioto shope In
ol sorpdboff managod to catch up
Willi aim out bura IfotQeoa record
ing PSSi(Si at Univia-ffii-lgttr-tiBil.oIte
9 xffibls. if 3irra
9ht fraratsl. "JM Butta-fly;' at
bis first Alia It six yar. tai I
!G3o5U him idsiat kys alone.
A lit) af thiajtc ton Inter-
'utStaaL" lo oxplaiiaX. "I tlsaight
I should go hmk to tR tloutcai
and re-establish myself as a stage
performer. 1 would get myself
involved in shows and couldfi't
accept film roles. For instance, I
was touring two years In 'Tea
house of the August Moon.'
"Also, I worked for a year for
the Ford Foundation In 'Excur
sion' on TV. Mefliwhile, I was
raising a family: I have two chil
dren now."
But when "Joe Butterfly" came
along, he couldn't resist the
chance to see Japan.
10:30 p.m. KPTV BoWiln
KLOR Movln
KVA! Mnvla
Ot :00p.m. KPTV Movl.
ftom- Movie
HH Thfe."GreenSmpWayat
ip mm 1 k Vs s ma
KftB WwlMl ifa Salam i Only Exclusive Men's Slora i
W$ iiGivin8r.p:.,... J i? .
Lights beneath us shone through the snow.
'Calhoun McGitlicuddy," replied
the soldier. "1 joined your troop at
the last turn in the road."
The captain scratched his head
again. Finally he said, "Oh, very
well. Carry on!" Then he mounted
his horse and the whole troop
galloped away with the while
horse at the end of the line.
It was snowing hard and we
could not see beyond the horse's
head. After a while we couldn't
even hear the horses in front. We
went faster and faster until it
seemed that we were not gallop
ing but flying through a g f e a t
white space.
We're Almost There
On and on for hours and hours
we went until at last the horse
man spoke. "Look now! We're al
most there!"
This was too much for the prin
cess. She burst into tears.
What's this?" growled the
horseman, peeking under the
$500,000 Gems
Where Else But in Hollywood
United Press Hollywood Writer
else but in Hollywood can one
find a Christmas tree covered
with $500,000 worth of jewels...
trees made of roses, chicken
feathers and ballet skirts?
Filmtown Is getting ready for
Christmas, and, since there is no
snow and Santa Claus could ar
rive in a bathing suit, the citizens
figure its open season for yule-
tide trees.
The grand prize for the most
unusual tree so far goes to Joan
Castle Joseff, who has the unique
business of renting $.1 million
mrth of jewajry to movie studios
far stars to wear in pictures.
TiijiKlst ids tomes her annual
Chrisim na-ty, and the decor
ftamstj; a priasi tree sprinkled
fills tasMaw from het collection.
Tjjflfly ArtfttJi free
8"a branches glitter with an
alaluO'ate nacklace Bctte Davis
Bor, in "The Virgin Queen," to
ut for Linda Darnell in "For
eva Amber" and Ethel Merman's
bracelets from "Call Me Madam."
The tree also boasts Marilyn
Monroe's drippy earrings that
glittered in "Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes" and a round brooch used
at the censors' request to cover
Lana Turner's cleavage in "Di
ane." JC other Christmas tree can
make that statement.
"I've used this tree for five
yaars as fonversation piece,
says Mrs. Joseff. "I have armed
guards and Insurance. I've only
host n pieSe'nf jewelry.
I'D-at Slfoji Responsible
This tree, as most unusual Hoi
lylfaod Chrtplmas trees, was put
together at Stanley Mcdciros flor
al shop in Beverly .Hills, f lorist
Mcdciros is used to such orders
Last year he trimmed one wilh
(27.000 worth of white mink skins.
cloak. "Why tears when you're
getling your wish?"
"Oh, sir," I said, "it isn't our
wish to see the king."
"The king!" exclaimed Calhoun
McGillicuddy. "You're not going
to sec the king. You re going to
see Santa Onus!"
"Oh, mercy me!" cried the
princess. She threw her arms
around my neck and wept for
"You mean," I stammered, "you
mean you came in answer to our
wish to get to Santa Land and
you're not a soldier at all?"
"Of course, I'm not a soldier,"
said McGillicuddy. "Could a sol
dier fly?"
"Are we flying?"
"Look down and see."
I did and there, sure enough,
were lights beneath us, shining
through the snow.
"There!" said McGillicudy.
"That's Santa Land below."
Tomorrow: In Santa Land
on Yule Tree;
That was one husband's way of I
presenting his wife with a coat.
This year the florist Is creating
other unusual trees for his cele
brated customers such as Loretta.
Young, Cary Grant, Dan Dailcy
and Ann Sothern. One tree will
be sprayed white and hung with
rca roses, dark green velvet rib
bon and white lights.
"I really don't approve 'of all
this, Mcdciros confessed. "One
of the joys of life is dolnc
Christmas tree yourself." j
At Great Savings to Christmas Shoppers
A Motorola 2 1 -in.
All Channel TV Set
for only ...
WW 5
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Model 21732 Charcoal
All Channel Tuning
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Advanced 4-Star Power Chassis
Only $2.20 per week
Motorola Gift Wrap Special
Reg. $2.25 Value--Only 89c
365 N.
Open Every Night Til
Scottish kilts have usefulness
other than clothinfi. When the belt
is removed, the swirling plaid can
be used as a blanket for sleeping.
Martin Petersen, administrator of
the estate of Soren Petersen, De
ceased, will it 310 Plonser Trust
Building. Salem. Oreeon. on and aft
er 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of
the 26th dav of December. 1956. lell
at private sale for cash the Interest
of Soren Petersen In and to the fol-
Jnwins described real nremlsea. to
An undivided one-hair Interest in
and to the following described
real premises, to-wlt:
Lot 7 and the Southerly one-half
of Lot 6. Block 1, North Limit!
Addition to Salem, Marion Coun
ty, Oregon (see Volume 13. page
37. record of Town Plats for said
county and state).
Also, an undivided one-half Inter
est In the premises beginning at
the northwesterly corner of Lot 7,
Block 2, North Limits Ad1it'-t tp
the City of Salem, Marfon . .y,
Oregon; thence Westerly a) a the
northerly line of said Lot 7, if ex
tended. 40 feet: thence Southerly
parallel to the Westerly line ot
said Lot 7, 50 feet: thence Easterly
along the Southerly line of said
Lot 7, If extended Westerly 40 feet
to the Southwesterly corner of
said Lot 7; thence Northerly aloof
the Westerly line of said Lot 7,
50 feet to the place of beginning;
And also, an undivided one-half
interest In the Southerly one-half
of the premises beginning, at the
Northwesterly corner of Lot ,
Block 2, North Limits Addition to
the City of Salem, Marion County,
Oregon: thence Westerly along th
Northerly Une of said Lot 6. if ex
tended, 40 feet; thence Southerly
parallel to the Westerly line of
said Lot 6, SO feet: thence Easterly
along the Southerly Una of said
Lot . If extended Westerly. 40
feet to the Southwesterly corner
of said Lot 6; thence Northerly
along the Westerly line of said
Lot SO feet to the place of be
ginning. Said sale Is to be made In mirsu-
ance of an order of the Honorable
Val D. SloDer. Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Marion county, in proceedings pend
ing therein entitled "In the Matter
of the Estate of Soren Petersen, De
ceased," Clerk's registry No. 18,903.
Dated and first tmbllshed this 23rd
day of November, ISM.
Administrator of the Estate ol
Soren Petersen. Deceased.
310 Pioneer Trust Building, '
Salem, Oregon J;
Attorneys ior Administrator.
by order of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Marion, In Probate, duly made and
entered on the 7th day of Novem
ber. 19S6, E. D. CRABTREE has been
dulv aDnolnted as Administrator of
the Estate of NORA C. TAYLOR, de
ceased, and has duly qualified as
such administrator. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate here
by are required to present them, witn
proper vouchers, to said administra
tor at 211 Pioneer Tust Building, 10
in. commercial street, saiem, uregon,
within six months after dat of first
publication of this notice.
ualea ana first puoiisnea n itra
day of November, 1056.
Administrator aforesaid
PEERY T. BUREN, Attorney for
211 Pioneer Trust Building
Salem, Oregon Nov.l6,23,30,Dec.f
11 Noon 1 P.M.
S:30- P.M.
Phone 3-9201
2140 S. Commercial
Christmas 'til 9 P. M,