Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 7, 1956 Page 2 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Witte Adds A. P. All-America Selection to Grid Honors Sooncrs9 McDonald Only Repeat Choice Rose Bowl Will Boast Both Tackles By BOB IIOOI5ING NEW YORK 1,1V- Oklahoma halfback Tommy McDonald is the lone holdover on the Ktrifi Asso- ciatfd Press All America football team announced today. Center Jerry Tubbs of the na tional champion Sooners is also , Included on the squad chosen on the recommendations of regional j boards blanketing the nation and based on all college games through Dec. 1 Johnny Majors, the 162-pound ' tailback who led Tennessee to an I unbeaten, untied season, rugged ' Jimmy Brown of Syracuse and; Don Bosseler, Miami s wonder man, complete the backficld, Arnrtl Not Con side red In addition to Tubbs, the line Includes Hon Kramer of Michigan and Joe Walton of Pittsburgh at mds, Alex Karras of Iowa and John Witte of Oregon State at tackles with Rill Glass or Baylor and Jim Parker of Ohio State at guards. Certificates will be presented to all members of the first three teams. Great performers like Michigan State's Clarence Peaks and South-' PVcraged 43 yards punting and rrn California's Jon Arnelt were,caC(j signals. withheld from consideration be cause of their limited half-season aervice. Six of the players Kramer, Brown. Parker, Bosseler, Tubbs and Glass were picked In the j first round of' the recent profes sional football draft. Ilornung on Second Notre Dame's Paul Hornting. the bonus choice in the National Lions Can Win Crown Sunday IVlroit HoHtK I'ilt Vliil.' Curds Play C.liirngo Bears 11KTHOIT (IHM The Dctrnil it .. .... . l.ions co.iin wrap up the .National Football League a Western Divl-' aion title Sunday with a helping hand from Ihe Chicago Cardinal.. hut Conch Budy Parjer isn't ex pecting any early Christmas pres ent. The l.ions play host to the Pills- liurgh Steele Sunday while the Cardinals tackle their cross! own rivalh, Ihe Rears. A Delroit viclory coupled wilh a loss by the Hears would give Ihe Lions division hon ors. "Bui we're thinking only of the Pteelers." Parker said. "Tljey're , Ihe team we have to brat this ; oming Sunday. We won't start thinking about the Bears until Text week." A schedule quirk has the Lions ( and Rears, the lop teams in the division, meeting on two of the iast three Sundav of Ihe recular . season. ' , Detroit whipped Ihe Hears in the first encounter at Bnggs Stadium last Sunday by a convincing 4210 M" re. The teams meet again at . Chicago lec. Hi. t Haskplliall Scorrs Oregon Prep Kaskellmll Pv tui: AssodMi.n ntcss filfti 40. NfMmra 4 dasion Yamhill 21 Ltnflfhl Old Grals' Tnurney Culer M. Camas alley 4fl ' lUlsey K. Neslucca JVs 2: Mitchell SO. McMinnville JVs 1R Reaverton JVs 42, Canynmille 31 pko hski;ti.i. New York H.i. itothesler !2 Fort Wayne HH, Syracuse 92 Minne;ipuhs 103, Si. l.oius W riiilndi'lilna 113, BustDii 111 Willi dels More A-A Honors; Says Team Should Get Credit CORVALLIS i.ff - All American tackle John Wille uf Oregon Slate, w inner of more fnnMiall iN than any player in tne hivu-iy ol the college. :.aid he was n ei whelmed by the honors accorded him this season. The senior from Klamath Fal's left for New York Thursday to appear on a trie ismn progt am in connection w ith h s sr led ion on a ma(aine s all slur team Witte said: "Coaches Tommv Trfithro. Clay Stapleton and Bob . JOE TALOOKA I lfmmmm7 'x' s r At iKt 1 PT" I-ui-5 baba i even 1 m.'m.i t i t, o . -n :.. it amgmt -oa ci.cse to cu, -f i. . ir w w 1 1 1 1 vs, CJJON 0 FIRST TRAM I'm. y:..n t-.nd lion Krimrr . . Mtrhln Fnrf In Walton I'Jtliburjth Tirkle John Uilte Oregon hiai Tirkle Alex Kuril Iowa (iuard Mill f;iai Baylor Ciiurrt Jim Parker Ohio State Center- Irrrv 'I'uhhi .... Oklahoma Hark Johnny Majori . Tennrwee Hark Tommy MVDonald .. Oklahoma. Hark llmrnv Hrnwn . Jtymriu . Hark Don Boueler - Miami Football League, Is in the second backficld. Another second team selection was Hill Steiycr of WashinRton State, the nation's lending pass receiver. Slciger is from Olympia, Wash Dick Day, a University of Wash ington guard from Long view, Wash., was a third team selec- lion. In addition, 13 players from the Pacific Northwest received honorable mention. K()r the .second successive year, McDonald has been the chief ex- ec. ul inner of Oklahoma's "bread and butter" plaj the split-T option pilchout wilh Tommy cap italizing on I fie defense to either sweep the end or call on his pin point passing ability. In helping the Sooners run their victory string to 40, McDonald rushed 853 yards in 119 carries, scored 102 points, completed 8 of 12 passes for 183 yards, caught 4 scoring passes and was strong on defense. Motors rnmnleled 36 of 59 nassos for 552 vards. rushed 54!i. Brown Gained 9K6 Brown, the light-fooled 212 pounder who could run over or sidestep opponents with equal ease, rushed 986 yards, scored 10fi points, was a top pass receiver find could throw as well. His 43 points Colgate was a modern record against major op position. Bosseler Is rated- the equal of Hoc Hlanchard by Coarh Andy (itistatsofi, who has worked with hoth and helicves big Don Is the best defensive back he's ever seen. With a game yet to play, Bos- eler Has ground out 677 yards through the middle of defensive lines parked to slop him and has yet to be slopped short of ' the line of scrimmage. licit Michigan Knd Kramer is called Hie "best end in Michigan history." by Coach Heniuo Onslrrbaan. lie caught IB nnsM's inr .1.1.1 villus nun i unu 11 . nE .nr4,H nninl, inrlnrimir . i ,.,. -one of whic h handed iowa- its only Joss. On defense he was even greater. Walton, son of former Pitt tackle Frank (Tiger J Walton, : hauled in six touchdown passes, including the ones which bent Syracuse. Oregon and Duke. Wide vs. Karras Witte had the stamina for 5.V5ti minutes a game and the skill to block and tackle Oregon State to its first Pacific Coasl Conference championship since I!M1. He will , he opposed in Ihe Rose Bowl by Karras u ho is the tower of sttenylh for Ihe Il.iwkryes as the middle man in Ihe defensive line. Glass averaged Ifi tackles per game and hlmked Havlnr backs to an " " ,",M U! i hroughoui a rugged MH.itnves i , . p.ayed ot a possible M0 .Minora Wind t p minutes. tiu, mmors wound up Iheir af- Tubbs was consilently out- fajrs a day earlier than .rxneclrd. standing n. a linebacker, pass de-, They took up 29 proposed amend lender and blocker. Against Iowa mrnts. adopting Hi, rejecting It State he raced 711 yard. to score nnd withdrawing 2. on an inlrri-eplmn. Among those adopted was a The 13 Pacific Northwest play- pi oposal lo trim the major league ers recenmg honorable mention plaver limit lo 28 by opening day. were: j The minors rejected lour pio- Mrltugh Mrnlionrd ' povals to change the bonus rule Fntl Phil McMugh of Oregon: j The minor league bpdy also tackles t.emge Mrugar ol Wash- ington ami Pave Jrsmer of Ore gon Slate: guards Whitey Core of Washington. Jerry Kramer of Ida ho and John Sniffen and .1 i in , Brack ins of Oregon Stale; and 1 backs Knrnel iMnden. Jue Fran- cis ami Tom Berry it O r v g o n j State. I ican IVihy of .ishimjum, Huh Newman o V;ihm'.toti Stale ; ami .Inn Nhanlcy v Oivcim. ilinka all Woikcd otrtiiiie in athinpl to make a kiku! Hoita)l plavci ot im- Willmul their help ami ,il limit Ihe wonderful train .s!:imn bv eerv n;in on the squad, I i on I tin t posMblv won ativ h.mni s In the re the real All mei i miU'v Mm P all nn i iun. i;ir Aa m Irctcd to all si ,t b l.noV. miio'nr, Colliet. v .ir.1 nn Hi oll(l, ,st ins Co lie aKn .is r rnnulMr if ht AP all coast team. II j A TV : 1 -x If . ft .."ULJZ'ilW :: M fZ-3l i h r.i r ft 3 zzx. It a l IB : fk.'- KARKaT i . WAllOH . &&XZi MOWN . tTAn jf-- ' I i0WQ Twtrg Pitfcwon lad fr-W9wfc-? irrmw Back Qfo Si, (,uWl Baseball Clubs Discuss Deals At Convention Indians Pulling Rosen, Garcia, Naragon On Block Bv JDK Ki:i lU.Flt JACKSONVII.LK. Fla. i-D-Tlie Cleveland Indians have offered pitcher Mike Garcia to Detroit and slugger A! Itosen to Boston for a much-needed first-string catcher and Ihe Cincinnati Red legs have made a concrete offer i to Brooklyn for third baseman i Handy Jackson. 1 This information was among a few choice items learned as the minor league convention came to an end today and the baseball folks unpacked their winter clothes (or the major league meetings in Chicago starting Mon day. A Tiger official revealed that Hank dreenberg, general man- ' auer of the Indians, had offered .,;th,.m (inrcia and sPcondslrinc jcnleher Hal Maragon for Frank Pig) House, the left-handed-hit- ting bonus catcher. Could I'se Oarcla "It's an interesting offer and we're considering its possibil ities' said the Detroit ofticial. We could use another starting pitcher and Garcia, if right, could help us." I The same source also said he was aware that Greenherg has j made a man-for-man offer of naspjn'fln nosen. the iiara-nuiing uura to Ihe Ited Sox for catcher Sammy While ! It is helieved Ihe Itedlegs. seek-. ing to sohc their third base prnh- lem. have offered Smokey Bur- grss. their second-string catcher. lo the Dodgers for Jackson after , having been rebuffed by the Chi-, ca(,(, chs in an attempt to land , miieider i.ene liaker ana punier .tiiiii joiies. agreed to drop the name by voting to be knawn in the future solely as "The Na- tionat A: National (llianips I lopinji lo Snare No . SAN FRANCISCO V Nation al champion San Francisco tries In eucnd college basketball's Inn-jest wm streak to :"!! Friday mg tit against shot lei . younger San Kiancisco State It the Dous win they'll trv for Nu tmigli Saturday tuht auinst undeleated Seattle Holh uanir will tie plaved here SK h.i lust nl;iym.iVcr Cvne Hnnn. whu luuke Ins hand and wn tic i-'ii a iiionin HkiI v.nes Art Pax, C fret 9 ti :tii-!er from H mnih.d. Vi . un- inr Cellfge .1 st.irlins Serth at lorward Seattle e Hum Balnr, feet ft. h scored fW points in tie victories ner Pener, Itah Slate and St Mary's. t Hl-0UT. J04Y...T4T..W 5OW.O T INIA TH ' TV. in f'hi raeM' rstss ROOM Associated Press All-America Selections Here Is the All-America football Assoriated Press from recommendations of regional boards and based oa performances through Dec. 1. Halfback Tommy Mc Donald of Oklahoma Is the only holdover. It Includes Oregon Slate tackle John Witte, who was on last year's third team. (AP Wire-photo) Capital Jamboree Postponed by Snow Tentative Dale Dee. 14 for . Afakeup Snow added the Capital Con ference basketball Jamboree to Ihe casualty list today, postpon ing It to a dale tentatively set as Friday, Dec. 14. Harold Hank, South Salem ath letic director, said postponement1 of the eight-team event was de elded at nhout 11 a.m. today. It was to hare been In the South Salem gymnasium at 7:1b. Most of thfi Capital Confer ence opens Its league schedule Dec. 14 but tl was figured that the teams could make those up lalrr on open dales. Jr. Rose lhmi Hilled Saturday PASADKNA. Calif. U) A higk scoring football game seems in-; evitahle when Arlington Slate of Texas and Compton College of Cal-i ifornia meet Saturday in the Hthtftm-d rour times annual Junior Hose Rowl game. The Compton Tartars during the regular season piled up 3fl3 points for an average of 3!H a game as Ihev licked 10 onnonenta with- out a "defeat or tie. ' Arlington's Rebels scored 27fi points for an average of 27.6 in m g nines hut they suffered one nss and had one tie. The loss to Tai lelon. 30-7. in Arlington's last ,,, r,ini- l n time when seven ArmKton firs stringers had been in bed with the llu two days lo fore the game. Jan 3 FCC To Decide To UlrldoT thtr ' Table Hrlfi Bv HKRB WII.MOIT HKVKItl.Y MILLS. I'ttlif. -Sftlli'iiH'nt of II"' 1'ni'ific Coast ! I'unfi'ri'iu'O nintrovi'i'sy over ti liiiinuil uul lo atlilcli's BMiiils an important tni'i'tmi! in San Kran nsm .Ian. It will bo u joint sfssion of liri-Nitk'iits. futility allilclio ivpio M nlaliM'" ond atlili'lio ilim-tms of tho nine TCI' iii-iilutiunn. The lacnliy nilvisor have the authority to take action, hut the wi'iiiht of the pri'siilflils' recent roioinmcmlatinn was heav' enouso ;s i.iwm' uranu, " , ei - inns on it;d issues in the lour-i d.n I'CC meeting ended Thurs- day. New U.irU AJd Plan "We will try to reach final de ciiins at the .Innuary mrrtins." said Pr. Clenn T Seahoig. I'ni erstly of California faculty ath let:c representatixe and spokes man for the meeting The presidents' recommen By Ham Fisher WITH VOU CWiDITION. IM TAKING HO CmAMCCS I'M STAYING VtRY CLOSE TO cu, 7 KN06BY; team for 195C selected by The Members are YYoodhurn. Cas cade, Sllverlon, North Marlon, Serra. Mount Angel, Gervato and Slayton. Friday Tiff Maj Decide Moore's Next Challenger NKW YORK tfl After watch- ing Archie Moore s performance in his futile bid for the heavy-! weicht title, his challencers in the light heavyweight class h-aveby Miami," said Michelosen. taken new heart. Two men who hope to earn a! shot at Archie's 175-pound title1 meet Friday night at Madison Square Garden in a match be tween Tony Anthony of New York and Gordon Wallace1 of Toronto. Anthony's 2H-4 record for 32 fights includps 21 knockout victor ies, lie has been flojqjed four times. Wall are, tta Britidfe B' ro p i r c light heavy champion on tbe strength of a tfrcisufe avr Ron nnrtnn t l.nmin in .hiiv has a ii.n.i PnrH fnr siorp lonn h ha riaiifOmd is mri 1 pO iSQVlOP LlFlGQldQ ;i , ftl-h iAno r" l" !tl"r uru" WACO, Tex. (I P'-Two veteran linemen at Baylor University will mi-ss ,np school's Suear Wowl foot ball game j New Orleans, Jan. 1. against TcRnessttt1 because of grades TackVe Bill Parsley and end James Amyett filod to meet grade requicmcDt iitr Oft fait ( quarter. Meeting i I ti(w vre discus.'flyt this fteok ' 'Speaking (or my 1 say tticiT ctmiiie still another prupo-eil change" anecis ine io:nul robin loothall schedule. The presidents nrotuKe thai eaih school euept Idaho play at le ist f i e conference Sanies carh season, instead of the present seen Opposition to this evidently will be raised at San Francisco be cause Dean Orlando J, Mollis of Oregon told reporters Thursday:, "I am personally opposed to elim-; (nation of the round robin I think that what makes a confer ence is play among the conference members." Ud Issue! H lJylJ .nd boo.Mr or,:,Bi7etU IM 9 f -1(l , ( J j tsH f.l Ti broosht ahrmt stiff 'u , ; . jj I h I lf rjf: ? suinnirr tsain four ckool. ' . f ft, J . Vf V? ;X.'1 ::, ' V 9- " Ll'LA, Southern California Hash- irs ;' t- . I , t ff' i ington and California. V r- f Kj t - f 'tC.-3 J i'LAjl 1 ' Another hot i.e u whether the ' g & M f l0 $Jfy L sstyt. ''.! "if $A .Uwwi Hut lion .asked by a reporter C4? mJiJ-t tT'JX ?V'''"- J- whcther'lhe years el,ilhiv fl Iff, &?; HfJl 4:?S', taken aay Iron, ISC and I CI. A iiJ I $2r$ tj'Utfy.- 'V" & football players might be restod. f f i''M i't T'h '. S s ! 1 ' Seaborg said: T ?t-f A i: ij.-?u 1 -jA tc-V "fl i '' I . ; SURGICAL SUPPORTS Or Ml Kind I rinses. Abdominal Suppoitv ria-tir Hoier I perl liltern Private f illing Rooms "Ask our Doctor Capital Drug Store 4(1J Slilf Slrfft Tornfr nt UlbertT V GrffB Sumpl O Pitt, Miami Set Football Final MIAMI. Fla (ID Pittshureh and Miami foothall teams took on final nolish Fridav under elnwerv skies for their last game of the regular season in me ujange Bowl. The rlash will he nationally tele - vised via NBC. ' sn 5-9, a sophomore transfer Coach Johnny Micheloseo's Pitt 'rom Grays Harbor Junior Col Panthers, who arrived Thursday ; lege . at guards, night bv plane, got a chance to Anderson, the only non-letter-work out Fridav afternoon in the man, is counted on to provide" thE bvl where Miami's Hurricanes drive for a IPam whose Phirf as play all their home contests. Mich- set is not speed. Flanson drives elosen said his 37-man squad was well, too, and was the teagi's as "ready" lor unbeaten Miami, but ond best scorer lest season. hi. sniH hnwer nroriii-tnH for Fri. j DeDf tfiOl (01 tfcoOl day "wouldn't help Pitt's practice' a bit." j Pitt has a post season Gator Row (bite at Jacksonville with Georgia Teen. "We don't intend to go to Jack - sonville with our ears Dinned back Stilt for Wilt Ju 'r;i 't C4 drm. i. m mm mm m r- & . . 1 f" a . TE P lit. self. I would lU.uidt?ifiu.3kkiltt-ir-Vit-.. -I.i. I. 1 1 MII.WACKKK Mike Moron. 6 fuol-5 Inch Marquette center from KuKfne. Ore., figure the only way to match the play of sky scraping. 7-foot Wilt "The Still" Chamberlain Is to fashion him self a pair of stills at the Marquette carpenter shop. Mornn will face Chamberlain Saturday nieht when his team plays Kansas at Lawrence. Chamberlain scored ! in his varsity debut nhile Moran scored 3& in hi opener and Marquette Is concerned about how to stop Chamberlain. IAP Wirephotoi The Beavers May Become PCC Basketball Power Again OSC to Open at Home in Twin Bill Tonight ' By JIM COIR CORVAI.I.IS (iH Oregon State College which fell from a Pacific Coast conierencc oasKemau DacKouarus. championship in 1955 to a sixth) Goble Improving place tie last year, may again be-1 Gary Goblc, 6-8 sophomore from come a power this season. 0 fToutlo Lake, Wash., shows con- Slats Gill, starting his 29th year ; sistenl improvement and Gill feels as hea dcuach here, has a tall, ! he could be a valuable alternate nearly ail-veteran starting lineup r Moss. and what appears to be deep re-1 Most of the other top reserves serve streneth. Gill will not predict where the team will finish but says it will I be much stronger than last season. He feels that in sharpshooting Dave Gambee, a 6-foot 7-inch for ward, he has one of the nation's top players. Gambee, as a sophomore last season, scored 278 points in 16 con ference games. He picked up where he left off last weekend, registering 58 points in three games against Brigham Young, Wyoming and Colorado. ' Gill Satisfied Oregon State defeated Brigham Young and Wyoming and lost to Colorado. Gill was. on the whole, satisfied wilh the team's showing. Gambee has improved on de- fense and as a reboundcr, and Gill savs. "I wouldn't trade him for anyone in the league, In ihe three games Gill teamed Gambee with Boh Allord, 6-4, a ....mi, 6-9, a junior, at center; : son, 6-0. a JllOlor. and Jim Aojler- Much depends on the work of j Moss. Tbs rangy performer from Richland, Wash., an out landing ! high-jumper on the track team, is a tine renoimoer out nas not ue- 1 vcloped fnto a cefisistent scorer, I Allosd is another good rebound- I er and a deadly shot, particularly '-A iw- SHOP & SAVE Green Stamp Way at Salem s Only Exclutiva Men's Stora Giving i'H Grtan Stampt Caoilel Shopnina Cantar with a whirl from the key. If he 'also are from last season's fini continues to show as he did in the freshman team. They includ Colorado fiame. when he scored 18 guard Ted Miller, an all-slat points he will give Oregon State high school guard from Milwau a double fro"-line threat, along kie: forwards Don Stamps and wih Gambi-.-. Leijihton Tuttle and guard Let Don Pino, 6-li sophomore from Harmon. I os Angeles is pressing hard for Holdover leltermen reserves in a starting job at forward. He elude Jerry Crlmlns, who set the ,oH 19 nniniQ aoainst Brieham Oregon high school single game Young and works well oft the Rice Poses To SMU Hoop Reign Owk' 6-10 Stflp Leads Against Minnesota By BEN OLAN The AocuclKJfd PreO Rice's Owls served notice today ouuui - -""nou.M .s.. me aouinwesi uunierence miiu a din "at,onai Mskei - The Owls put together an im - 1 nri..p in.; rorord last season. Four of thpir cfefeats, hootver, came in conference play. S they had to take n back tccst to SMU, which wqji the title. Last night, the OffI took the measure of a good Minnesota teem 79-74. The Big Tea Gophers ; William and Mary pulM into ta fought Rica to, a -69 stafsirtill i ;ffl-3i halftiiPp Iceri tafor War utflil thf final five minutes fPlon shall and Berry Storicft. tto ki3 To PpokkxIo Rjatsiug PORTLAND (UP) Harry sports pro Glickman, Portland moter who brought exhibition pro fessional football games here, last night was granted a license by the Portland Boxing Cooimtseioo to promote fights. The commission said the Hc6&?u will replace the one which auto matically expired ith the death mraifc of Tex SI8JW. Before Mickey Mantle bit bi 3?' American League homers in 108. the last in the circuit to Icod with more than 50 was Hank Gram berg. He hit 88 for tte Ilstroi: Tigers in 1S38. SCORES la iSxe Alleys I'NIVPfeSITP 1.1 BP6 rommrrrlal Nn. l l.tAfiir TmrP results: Johnson' Meats 1, L's t'sed Can 3: Vallrv Oil Co.. in complete, Cap. Citv Glass; Gideon Stol Co. l. Pumihte Blo.-k and Sup. C. 3; Western Paper Conv. Co. 3. Myers Glove Co. 1: Franz Bread i. Anderson's 0: Ha den's Cap. City Printers .1. Portland Rd. Co. 1 HiRh team series: Pumihte Block and Sup. Co.. 2801. High team game: Western Paper Conv. Co.. 996. High individual teries: Lee Morris, 614 High Individual fame: Lee Morris. Other high scores: Dick Gilson M7, Cliff MaiRun 576. Wes Hayden 581, Cam Kyle 564. CHERRY CITY LA NFS Ladlei City League Team results: Portland Road Lhr. Co. (Mary Lou Chanev 475 1 3. Iron rite iChar.otte Po5sehl50li 1; Hol lywood Cleaners i Reva Chamberlain 4fiti 4. The Corral Cafe iH.izel Kelly 45.1 1 0; C9iuck' Steak House (Wilms Clark 51(ii 4. Ladd's Market l Zona Rutherford 40R 0; Boh Law less Masons i Gertie Carr 474 1 4 Karr's i Valerie Whcrly 447lft; Good Hmisekeeping K'asie Jlain 4Wi 2. Mickey's Drive-In sGeo ran 472 2: Kay's i Carol Black G5?i 0. Mr- Lhr. Co.. iigt Injft 9(B. Hito'i Individiol -t&: Qf.!ra Clark of Chuck s & oB borR y& j SUA Individual giina MvrtDunn ctf God QotObQreping. 2tO i Otheo hoili scores: CharlotW Poj- .flfht, 54; Phytln Curry. ojo3. Splits, etc Becky sVhertr pft,'pd P Hie 4110 split. Erma TurnlHill b-id an all .spare gjnie of 1S2. niFflSV Vii v uoivi, Kf tl 4 fli II I, f ((( Tt-ain results: Capitol Gia 4 V S Bjnk 0: Piiuu-tT Ciitb 4 l.itl,i B:n U: Hunneille Power :i Var.'s CamSii Slu-ll 1: At l ane Hefriiff ratur 3 Cru ..Jtlers 1; Hut.i-Htuilers 2. Huney Bee Drive-In 2: I'st-u Mdse. Mart 2 'irt National Bank 2 HiBh team series: Piuneer Club 24H4. Huh tim fame: Honev Bee Drive In, "L'6. HiKh Individual series: J. Roitrii F.'t National. 14. High individual game: J. Rogers. "EBBBBtaiaaiiiBiiE, : OPEN SUNDAYS ak VI a-amaawM 5 1983 M. CAPITOL I STREET 11 I I ' i ' J a I From 9 to 6 P OTHER DAYS 9 TO 9 1983 N. Capital Hollywood District Phont 4-5007 scoring record of 72 points while i; " J TV, , V ; (Gary -ayncs and Ralph Carrol? a 6-8 center, Oregon Stale gets another good test this weekend when it meets j Texas at Corvallis Friday night I and Portland University at Eugeni Saturday night. Threat the Owls piled it on as Gerry Thomas scored fix points. , Temple Tucker, the Owls' 6-10H sharpshooter, hit for 22 points. B.Y.U. Lows Arkansas, which finisRed sec ond to SMU last year, was forced into overtime to beat Tulsa 77-70 in another noliconfcronce encoun ter. Joe Carpenter s two free i throws put the Razorhacks ahead j ior gooo agdm.n me.r .wissuub i aney : in omer games, uasniHsum ajai j l nipped apd Mary 7 . Louisville, last year s MT chump. 1 Hnfoatnt nelrnit Ql.TH- Irnoa Stala dumped Brigham Young 57-4B; Connecticut whipped Vole 7-; end Fordhem p$gcd idarylart & 62. Lea Marshall. 6-5 Penter, scored points for Washington ami Lefl. ;21 pjunts. led a comab:&. LouiSviUc hod rough tirro dB picking up its third victary against fto lossos. The scora ff?a tied ifi-'A when Charley Tyrg put Louisville in front to stay st 6: 17 of Ihe second half. Detroit's Bill F6hben pacoi both clubs with 33 points. Little Gary Thompson led Iowa Stotc to its third triumph. H scorpd 10 points g SIS361 carnn from befiiod in the last tioj) minutes. PORTLAND IIT, - Four Ons giiBqS awe asmed yrday Jt receive annual "Bvr" avtjrrft (or nit.stenfling nrfc n ennssrve tavn for tto past year. Tb evards ro Qte by trie Oog-ia divofiOQi amwl Harristoi ly. Rnrtt Piitnr of lltB SpriffflfieW Wewi 83 tb fisld pf DjtspapBi'; I. Hevid 9. ( oarltitD, rgptleoH, 8 4 privottf citi70n; Ronald Say f the st.itc same cionmission in radio-TV field, and Art Robert the West Coast Lumbermen's &Xi sociation. in the education field. Awards will be made Saturday at ffiisenc. ? W1 U Ifi1 U 'fi K ji GSSfUtNE 3 ' M 8 ii 11 8 1 "i Deraftsfic Brogua Regular $12.95 No ARBUCRtrsf g Side Harking g Onler at lliih St. J S IM JSHXi US tSS IB E JSS 3 i r na m i M. : o