Salem, Ore., Thurs., Dec. 6, 1956 CAPITAL JOURNAL Page 7 MEIER & FRANK'S - SALEM OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. 1 I 12" 3-0 REPLOGLE GLOBE All-metal world globe for students of all ages. All land areas in 3-D relief with national and natural boundaries plainly marked, important cities show popula tion, transportation lanes traced, many other geographical facts. $7.98 Combination Punching Bag Use as floor, wall or ceiling bag simply by reversing the frame. Metal frame, reg ulation size bag; quickly adjustable to any height. Excellent way to muscle co ordination. By B & M Sportoy. $4.98 TOYS - SECOND FLOOR CHRISTENING BABY DOLL Effanbet 14" all-vinyl doll in long pima organdy dress, frothy with lace, cap to match. Long lace-trimmed taffeta slip, flannel diaper, socks with ribbon bows. $6.95 20" Christening baby' .$9.95 LIL' DARLIN' Effanbee's lovable 14" all-vinyl baby doll with jointed arms, moving eyes, molded hair washable from head to toe. Dress ed in white flannel robe, diaper, socks, zipper bunting with hood. $6.95 DY-DEE DOLLL The original drinking and wetting doll by Effanbee. Drinks from bottle, spoon, straw. Natural rubber, 15" tall, realistic baby tousle wig. In shirt-diaper and blanket. $14.95 11" Dy-Dee doll, dressed as above $9.95 TOYS SECOND HUUK $4.98 SS? B- NT rj-i trr $2 v0 1, 5Ud MELODE' BELLS Children and grown-ups alike can play and enjoy Melode' bells as featured by Swiss bell ringers. Full diatonic scale of eight precision-tuned 3" bells. Music book with colored notes to maicn uwi By Knickerbocker DRAGNET TARGET GAME The famous Dragnet theme in an exciting new skill game. Two guns with corks and darts. Plastic whistle and gold-colored Dragnet badge. By Knickerbocker Plas tic Co. $2.98 HEN TARGET GAME Knickerbocker's new metal mother hen target, 17"xl4", realistically colored. 8 plastic eggs go Into funnel inside the tar get. Every lime the aim is true an egg drops in the basket. With plastic gun, 4 darts. $2.98 TOYS - SECOND FLOOR "CONFUCIUS SAY" GAME A magnetic quiz game, perfect for fam ily or party fun. Twelve different quiz cards, each on a popular topic such as sports or music. Heavy index board. By Pressman. PARADE OF 58 GAMES Pressman's game assortment of 58 excit ing games including Bingo, Chineso Checkers. Lithographed metal boards. Largest treasure chest of games ever of fered in one package. $2.98 ELECTRIC BINGO An improved Bingo. Spin the colorful dial and it automatically lights up the let ter and points to the number. Liberal as sortment of bingo cards. By Pressman. 98 TOYS - SECOND FLOOR Mail and phone orders-Coupon on page 31 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS