.Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Dec. 6, 1956 4 'MAKES ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Save tine -Save money ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED... ' Too Late to Classify For the Beit Pt CALL AH For the Beit Professional Services Lbira u IRONING, MY HOME. 1173 2nd, W. Salem 1053 TD6 crawler, low hrs., nice shape, blade St canopy. Price Vtjw. rn. xvi ay i air j-zbi. l45 Ford Fatrlane clb. sdn. Ford- . omatic, tu-tone. 12,400 miles. L.1KC new. NICE warm 2 bdrm. house, nu St fruit trees, garden spot. 2410 uiossom ijr.ijn. iju. CLEAN 3 rm. bsmt. apt., prlv, pain, a piks. xvifltr. in. MEED $500 to D.000 to finance patent on new aluminum shin gles, wnic wax ja, siaieic man -journal. WAN'S diamond ring. Will sac rifice. Ph. 3-7264 days, 4-1B50 eves. .MOVING: misc. hsehfd. furnish- jngs at wai. am. set. tables dishes, linens, misc. antiques, rn. at ai. iu-i. Saginaw, UPRIGHT Wieler piano. 75. Ph, USED wringer washer, $40. Ph, LA HUE size Kenmore oil rlr heater, excel, cond. Ph. 3-3809 GOOD clover hay, no Sat. calls. n. i-iiuj. 36 nice ewes, 1 buck, good sheep $200. Ph. Mayfalr 3-2784. m. f. Box S3, Monmouth, Cooper QUARTER HORSE, care for ieea, would ceil. 4-R35H nil it p. ueo uowan, zio w. Rural, ALMOST new Rem. 12 gaTVump", mil nnrl ).i11 uil Hnnnm duck call. 2 womons' coats St suci-ie jacket, size 18. Ph. i-y.ni ancr 4. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole SELL or trade: 2 mntrhid Kht. lands. 3 & 5 yrs. Black St while ftia rony, mack mare, would let right party use or feed in. jj.o suverion ltd. FOR SALE; Pa fieri HrrnpH Bull, 18 mo. old. Not rcg. but "Ui VI rcg. BIOCK. LALL ,Yfc- N1NG3 2-7133. GRAIN fed lean type hogs, dtf live rod. Ph. 4-7182. COWS & COOPQUOTA PH. 41111 403 Livestock Wonted- UVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed wards. Jlt,3, BoxJOOE. 4-1113. HORSES to stable tposture. Ph. 4-0409. CATTLE buyers2l)TSt7te7lE. i. at n. bnctnen 2-1343. z-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm" E. C. McCandllsh.nt. 2, 3-6189. CATTLE buyer. A. F-Sommer. r 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-9067. TOP cash prices at your" place. Ray Coze) Ph. 4-3168 Collect. Poultry ond Robbiti TURKEYS live 27c. Ih. At the Place, m. LPh.2-2.161. ttm ryiri jjc. Ib. Valley Farm Store. CUSTOM Dress-Buyers of Hens -uuh Miu v.cmcr. tn. 0-7.1(10. DIUon Jones Co. 4323 Market. WILD DUCKS it GEESE Dressed at Wing's Poultry A nanoiis. JUH5 State. Ph. 4-3gi8. BABY Chicks hatched vr round Valley Farm Store. 4-4TJ4 BABY Chicks for meat nr Send for tree folder Wtlsnn'i Hatchery Lyons. Ort. PH 408 Peti Retriever Spaniel Pupa PH.jM329 CANARY SINGERS Ph 2-5154 MOO HE PETS Chihuahuas. Toy Fox Terrier niipnle. MniiKcys Parrt. Birds hoarded Open eves. 4005 State St. Ph. 4-8038. BEAUTIFUL Pomeranian pup pies. Will hold lor Christmas. Ph. 3-7731. BKDBONK hound pupschcap. Ph. 2-312A. 1 HOME for dog until spring' Atuv lrallanShepherd. Pli.4-l7fW. S NICE female Boston Terrier puppies, wks, olrl. ins River St. 2 blks. W.jf NCom'l. TINY Chihuahua pups, pedigreed Exc. Christmas Gift. 2..1473. BlRt) Paradise, birds'!" tropVllsh. 31B0 Livingston. 2-1842. 4 mo. reg. male Bcagte! Ph. 4-M23. VOUNG parakeets. 'raResTfep'ds". Mlckey's 3825 S. Com'l. 2-27M. KEITH'S "PUPPY FAR M 5460 Center Ph 2-7lfl0 Puppies all kinds. Buv At sell A ft' noon & eves. No Sun. calls. Try Scous ond Plants EXHIBITION mums In bloom. ser ai i.meriy liaracns, 4-2603 after 5. C12 FruiF& Form Produce PASTEURIZKI) whole mtlk, 75c gal. HomottnlTed, 79c. b gal lav 40c. Cleary Dairy S-30.15 lOO Disploy Classified FISTULA - PROLAPSE SNO HOSPITAL OPERATION Momai-n At Colon Trouhla I CONVENIENT CREDIT R. Reynolds, N.D. E. R. Reynolds, N.D. I rCall In person or Ph. 3-B4M Want AMssisf Presentations fo British Royalty To bt (resentrij it ihe Driilsk royal cowt dehv l Me aiatt be spensered h emeone who hat slreactr ftn latroduced, Reciute tt this towe members ef the ao fcih'ry ate duatrt CUssified Ait to offer tfcnf serificei s apoasm - for t twt irlersiion. tMf ltd M f t tM in. mi, p,m 6PEI.Rt.SS mU lilt n tfX dybwuftt tot tfir tnd4 Make Life ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A. Fiacus Ph. 3-5285. 1900 41h I ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Roen-Typcwrlten. 498 Court rn. io77o. APPLIANCES " W ESTI N GIIOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. Com'l. Ph. 4-2111 SAT Gas Conversion Burners. Repair gas controls. Ph. 4-4685 BF.DDINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-4060 BRICK & BLOCK MASON BRICK and block. Work guar antced. Ph. 4-6435. Kitchen remodel in ff. cahinetn: lazy daisies, formica top 4-4253 CA RPKNTER-CONTK ACTOR Home Building St Re-modeling. Will Build, or help you build. Ralph M. Scheidcl. Ph. 2-0701. CEMKNTONTIt ACTOR Contractor 10 yra. exp. Prompt Service. E. Drake 4-0330. CORSF.TTIERE CHARIsTdnSETTIKRE ' 2380 Lansing Ph. 2-9519 CRANK WORK 25-ton Lorain moio crane Sa lem San (J At Gravel Co. 2-2461. 400 Agriculture (12 Fruit & Form Product EXTRA Large Franquette wai- nuis. we. in. rn. i-Uata. GOOD quality grass hay $22. 50 ai oarn. can aeuver. rn. aa I em 2-4437. HAY for sale. Rt. 1, Box 136. Cicrvals. Ph. Salem 4-2437. GOOD eating potatoes 2 per nunorcu. r.u mueuer, m. i Bo:: 287A. Indep. ml. South Y Cafe. Ph. 2-4379. Bring sacks WASHED carrots. You can't heal , tln,.L. nnnM Hn.inn m. I healthful. Cheaper by ton than feeding hay & keeps well. Phil' lips Bros., Rt. fi, Box 860, Sn lem. Ph. 4-3081. 413 Fertilizer ROTTED sawdust or rotted ma' nure. 43081. Philips Bros. POULTRY fertilizer. Extra good. rn. Lee a itatcnery. PEAT Moss from chick trays, 73c sacK, vaney rarm stiora 424 Farm Equipment 'M AI.LIS Chalmers W D tractor ulth bprlng shnnk. very little. Ph. Monmouth7-l347, "54 s!cCase Tractor. 3 point, eagle hitch; Edwards 2 bottom roll over plow; '54 Case heavy duty 7 ft. mower; Single unit DeLaval milking mach. com- ?lete, good cond. 3317 Hornet h. 2-9510. ISO Merchandise 451 Household Good DAVENO, Chair, Swing; Bocker. Ph. 3-6.012. BROS. 248 State USED 8 piece dinette set. Like pew. $4:1.05. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. USED 4 niece bedroom set $69. HOOKED rug 7 x 12. good condi tion, iteas, itwi n. r roni oi. USED fnnerspring mattress $0.05 huuu juitus. z-iB&taie ai. PIF.CE bedroom set. Walnut. U:ed Mdse. Mnrt. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6.171. BE BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 dn. will buy a complete! hmi.srhnUI nf In nut u re In chidinK npplinnces. Limed onk step end table $6.9r Club rcrlining chair used very little $49.50 3 piece sectional foam rubber 79.")0 Chest nf drawers walnut finish - $12.U5 6 piece dinette set blonde $12.9:. Dnveno & chih chair mndorn style $.!i!.!i0 4 piece walnut vanity suite. Includes vanity with mir ror, vanity bench, chest, k bed $i9.ri0 See our selection of recondi tioned ti guaranteed appli ances. 515 S. COM'L. PH. .1-IW19 VV rr i-'.r "i mii im oOR6ER, TEXAS i v eil Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! EXCAVATING EXCAVATING & Grading, Ditch ing, Earth Moving a specialty. Ben Otjen St Son. operated by Mrs. Ben Otjen Ac Kmll Otjen. 818 E. Ilural Ave. Ph. 3-3080. FLOOR COVKHIiCS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering Division Quall lty installations Linoleum. As phalt St Rubber Tile. Wall tile Free Estimates 42279. (HADING it IK)ING BULLDOZING, grading & land clearing. Elmo, W. Locker, owner St operator. Ph. 2-4613. BULLDOZING 15 50 per nr Ex cavating, trencning. tile lay ing, septic, etc fc-noch 1. Maerz. Ph 4-4517 after V a.-n Bulldozing, leveling, land clear ing. Dean Robinson. 2-8797. DOZING V LEVELING Ph. 2-0932 D. PANTO VICH BULLDOZING" clearing roads, ponds. D-4 D-6 carryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146. PLUMBING PLUMBING. Remodel & new construction lie, plumber 2-0500 THEE pruning, topping, alio sjirulpruiiing. free est. 4-0352 RECORDING STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech recorded by Connelly. 2-7821. R OTO - V ATI N G Roto-Vator work wanted. Vincent Krcmcr 2-3180 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods $147.77 NEW 8-pc. Living Room group Incl. daveno fr matching rocker, 2 new end tables, 2 table tailing. crHite titbit.. 2 sofa pillows. Yes, we have terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. summer. USED Zlogler oil heater $39. HUCJG UHOS. 2-18 Slate St. NEW Daveno Sets $119.50$129.50 uien vvDoury, iouo n. Bumnicr FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL. Pct- off all floor lamps, table lninDH. Dlclurea. OL-cisinnal la Pies. hHsadL-k A a flunro Open til 8, Bradley Furniture 1978 N. CapltoJ, BEAUTIFUL plale glass mirror. 38x60 regular price $59.50, now i;i9.M. Open Frl. eve til 8. Bradley Furniture, 1078 N. Capitol. USED 7 piece mahogany dining fuiie I4U, JlUUli 11 It US. 24U StateSt. 15 a month delivers complete household of furniture nnrl ap pliances nl the si arc with (lie hnnains. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED mnhogany brcakfront china cabinet $140. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. WESTINGHOUSE elec. range 38 'm ) wen. i-n. x-nmi. CLOSEOUT SALE: Harmon dl- neue laoies nnrt chairs $99.50 per act. Bradley Furniture, 1078 N. Capitol. DUO-THERM oil circulator with tnn$:io.50.Ph. 4-6903. FOR SALE: SlegW oil healer, "ltetl. 2 Winters. Ph. 2-4376. Y ES, your best buy Is at 'Glen Woodrv's. New Solid Maple 1 Bunk Beds, complete with mat tresses $70.50. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1003 N. Summer. USED"" m ode rn I igh I " f I nl s"h 5 Efece bedrm. set with Sealy ox spg. & matt. Ph. 4-6021. USED davenport good condition HOOVER vac. cleaner. $10.95. 1321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. iDlr.l. DINETTE SETS YESI I New wr. iron 5 pi, sets $30.50; Rnund 5 pc. sets $4.30; 7 p?. dinettes $79.50 and several In the lined secllon $24.50 up. I Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Slimmer Cotton Sling rugs, washed .nnri iiim-nried. Any alc. Fast i and Thrlftv. i l-Ai'iVOisllKlTE ', block E. of Willamette Ul 12SS Ferry St. Ph. 2-4555 iLilt-JISHEU furniture. H L Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High USED hunk beds with springs fait, imuu mtuft. ifin ainie ai. USED llnnver tank vacuum cleaner $49. HOGG I1ROS. 21H Slate St. KLECTROLUX vac. cleaner. f2H.Ha. 1321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. (Dir.). USED dresser with mirror $10.50 HOGG DROS. 248 State St. NOW the lowest price ever. New Min ninns Micie-nhr-ds lB8.8fl. New Simmons Sludlo Cnu-lies l twin heiM 577.88. Terms. Giro Woodry, 160S N. Summer FOR SALE: Davenport: separ ate cushions, slip cover. Ph. 2-8877. HUNK Beds, nielal. with spring maltrrss. 513 00. Call 2-7034 after 5 30 p.m. ANTiyUE VnirUhlr'.""lovrsent". picture frames, mine, antuiue dislirs, 1007 S. Liberty .1-6953. Sacrifice Sale 5-pc. chrome dinette ...$3150 Hound oak table, 8 chairs :m 50 Easy washing machine $10 00 I Pine coffee t:-ble i.i Walnut vanity .V mirror... SIS no Highboy dresser $500 Owner moving, must sell. Ph, 3-8517. USED daveno bed $29. HOGG ItKUK. Jits Mnie M. 452 Appliancci USED washers $15 At up Mod em Appliance IVnler. tMt So ComJ P14-9353 USKD neftlg $25 Tip Modern Appttanre Crnler, 1141 South ConiJ 4-p;i5.1 gT r ci.oTHEsnnYrn "ruin- automatic. Hf(. t5l 95. NOW 11.13. I.IPMAN'S A Roberts Hros. Store F RIG IDAIRE refrig. A;'Wetl n g""- house elec. range. Like new $175. Ph. 4-9327. DELUXE G E. rane $150. Mlsc'l. articles Ph 3-ti(l:0. ATTENTION: Apt. hsr. owners. (i. V.. 24" Apt. Range. Kullv automsltc, Reg. $.',() !5, NOW $179 !I5. I.IPMAN'S A Huberts Uros. Store M A V T A a llsWrlr " rroaiae .lightly used Nim at drastic reduction. May be purchased lor 12.1 per inn. Mdern Appliance Cntr . 1HI S Com l I'll 4-UM Oiifti K.vo USF.O 1052 Wetiighouse laiuv droinat w aher inav he our chafed $8 25 per mo. Mcxterti Appliance Cntr , 1141 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-0252. Open eves, RKKRIG., erec r,itge. oil clr. he.-iter. N 5th il'SED rrfrieer.ton. JI02 A up. ai i.aue, app. stale ?t. , Ky autotuMti,- (.v-er drlur. I ater sarr control, Hrg I t2H.45. NOW tWVS. 1 1 1' MAN S A Roberta Bros, Store USED Modem Push Button elec tric ranges, visual mrnv (i E , Gihsnn. Kenmore, Save $140 to $lon All late model. Terms. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer ROOFING PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowingly underbid. Repairs. Ph. 4-2615. SAND Si GRAVEL SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soll.1405 N. Front St. 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGllchrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways' and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE, Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work. 3-9249. V ALLEY'S A ND St GRAVELC6 Crushed Ac round gravel sand Ac con. mix, 2-4002. SEPTIC J3ERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3', 404 or 3-5072. HOWARDS Rotii-Rooter sewers, septic tanks cleaned 3-5327. MIKE'S Septic service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers drains. Phone 3-0468. TELEVISION TV Service, S3 50 per call at home. No tlx, no chg. 2-0817 Salem's oldest home owned Co Hundreds of local references free Inspection. Ph. 2 0781. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 d50 Merchandise 452 Appliance USED DRYER. 30 day guaran tee. E-Z terms. $5 down. "Your Down Town'' Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. NEW modern wood circulators $79.50; others used from $15. Yes, we take trades. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. USED stove, refrig., Bendix washer. Cheap. 795 S. Church. COMPACT vac. cleaner, $69.95. 1321 N, CapltoJ, 3-8067. (Dir.). DELUXE Kenmore Auto. Wash. machine sua: others from sis, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer REPOSSESSED Heavy Duty dryer. Assume low balance for only $3 down. New guarantee. "Your Downtown" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. LEWYT Vac. cleaner. $20.95. 1321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. (Dir.). AUTOMATIC elec. water heat ers 30 gal $55.85. 52 gal $62.75 Judson's. 270 N. Com'). APT!SlieTaiiael$34"5042!50, 5''; .so; Ari. size refrigerator $55. Olen Woodry, 1605 N. nu miner. USED refrigerator. Perfect con dition. 00 day guarantee. $5 down. E-Z terms. At "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. USED auto. & wringer Washers, used Ranges, $15 it up; used Dryers, $47.50 8c up; used Re frig. St Freezers at brices that will surprise you! S&H Green Stamps, E-Z Term at Master Service Station, 365 N. Com'l. FREE $50 In trade"on anyTlng in the store with any purchase of a Firestone Appliance over $200. "Your Down Town" Fire stone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers ranges St reVigt $31 50 St up Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemakets- St. 454 Sewing Machines MUTT Rotary Console $29.50 COMPl.KTE with tiulton holer. r.asy lenus. itnerm trade-in SALEM MOUSE SEWING CENTKR U N. Canllol Next to Cipltol Siiui.itie Ccntrr Sinscr Sowing Machine CONSOLE niriilrl. .'nintilrlr Willi hnlton-h.ilp allnrl. . s vr writ- IS Bh'TtflM- " P" Demonstrator Reduced ONE ONLY SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-r.l2 SKW1NG MACHINK t It. H i grr him table. Kc. t-ond $.:.V Ph. 2-Km. NEW SPECIAL XMAS PRICK 1139.95 HU. 10P81K R K V K R S K STITCH. 01. A I. TKNSU1N. ALL NKWKST KQl'IP- MKNT. LIMITED QUANTI TY. RESERVE VOl'RS NOW! SEWING CENTER 13j N. Com'l. Ph 305 SKVIN(i MACHINK REPOSSESSED Sinter drk model, new iniiiL new tuaran- I l-.'rr Vllp VtinT tee P--I. "1 5 Inchidr. b.-l. ; 1 '" .''AMI-t.A-hole fltach. Take over for -; S I.IIU'RTV PH. 4-M71 f-fO mo. Salem Morse Srair. !tlSC. furniturt wanted Cour CO . Ill N. lapitol. rn. 4-1101 1 teoui itnict. Ftt. "094. ial Trtts t Trimmings T1iP,a',"r(jSilae,,hWhr',Sltii S tail. 249 N. 18th or 1445 B St. CHRISTMAS trees, all size: at No. Capitol Be Norway. Jgle. heart & MltcheJ FOR SALE: 900 lbs. excellent berried Holly "Evergreen Nur ecrv" Falls City, Ore. SUnset 7-3545. WHOLESALE Douglas It while Ut. Special orders. Ph. 3.7158. FOR SALE: 300 Christmas trees. Ph. 3-5704. HOLLY for decorating U gifts. Basil Zell. Rt. 1, box 882. Ur cnard Hats. Rd. Ph. 4-1087. HOLLY & Oregon greens mailed anywncre. uuios, snruos, nse plants. Rcb's Garden Center, 4004 Porlland ltd. Ph. 4-7857" STEIN ERS NURSERY Rose nusnes. uwari trees. Dianis. Xmns Holly. Sturrii-built grcen houses. 3160 Market. 2-1946. FLOWERS - Wreaths Gifts JARY FLORIST. Ph. 4-3391. Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE A: Cut Christmas Trees, Eldrcd Caster. Scotts Mills. I CHRISTMAS trees tot sale. Noble fir. Ph. 4-1461. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, all sires, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. HOLLY Wreaths $1.50 up. Spraya lots of berries. Open eves. 1860 N. Summer. 3-9314. Gifts for Her? ADMIRAT. radio-combinatlon $35 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371. LADIES Sunbeam Shavemaster, like new. Ph. Independence 192R. COSMETICS (Non Allergic) Money Back guarantee. Ph. 3-6216. DOOR mirrors $5.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371 Auto Gifts Hollywood Type" Mufflers. Be- iona, uougras, smiuy. Spechltles A: Parts I 1395 State St. Ph. 4 -Or 97 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 450 MerchaiuliHe 456 TV. S. Radio REPOSSESSED 31" TV. Assume low balance for $10 down. New fuarantee. "Your Down Town" 'Irestone Store. 395 N. Liberty Ph. 2-2ial. USED 21" Console TV Excellent cond. 60 day guarantee. J5 down. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N.' Liberty Ph. 2-2491. ll NEW porlahlV" A d rn I ral TV, with carrying case for 185. Ph. 2-750S PIUI.CO IK-F1: Deluxe High FI Console. Hlomlr A Mahogany finish. Reg. 1249.95, NOW $129.95. I.IPMAN'S A Roberts Hros. Store REPOSSESSED Zenllh 21" TV. beautiful cabinet model. Take over pnym'ts. $14.35 per mo. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 S. Com'l. Ph. 41353. Open Eves. THE BESTSERVICEforlesl, Hanson TV. Ph. 4-9044. 458 Musical Instruments LARGE Retsv Ross spinet piano for sale. Ph. 3-3H13. SPINET PIANO BARGAIN. Hr.iiid new $050 spinet pivv $474 during Tallman'a Big Xmas iMiinu Sale. 305 S. lm near S.P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." Open .Muti., r ri. eves. CHIIISTMAS riANOSALK at Tall man';.! Hurry, all i pianos go regardless in price! New spinels from $330. Bargains fainret Huge stock, all styles, liiumcs. F.-7. terms. pVmls. he gin Feb. Tallman Piano Stores 305 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Fri, eves. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT'S ALE Accordions. Save up to f-0 Bund Nislr. Snve up to SOT. Fine old violins. Hand made. Violins reduced 75rn THE MUSIC CENTER Ph. 2.531"3 c'nV"ph. 4.114. PIANO & ORGAN SALE Closing nut four brands New Spinets. $.105. New Blondes, Reg. $1015. Now $.W). Grands, reduced SO",-. Electric organ special. $550. Electric piano. Make an offer. 50 pianos to choose from. Terms. THE MUSIC CFNTER 403 Center St Ph. 2-5371 Eve. Ph. 4-4746 WE pay top cash price far pianos. l'(.cd Mde Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. MAPLE SPINET PIANO.- Bar R.iin (or quick sale. Tallmnn's big Xmas P 1.1 no S.tle. 305 S. 12th. near S P Depot. Drive to Tallman' & savel Open Mon.. Frl. ees. pi a Nos rr I A NOSTTl A0S ! Largest selection Lowest prices on new A- used pianos. Varirlv 01 stvlrs A finishes., Budfet plan designed for vou. : Whv want 5U Court ZORELS Ph. 4-M5J SACRIFICE (or li, Mnh."Bald-j Spinet ?in.i. 4 i2l7. KIMUAU.' pipno 5041 WHlAvV. I E. of Keuer Sch. MUST sell professional model TAG accorttion. make offer. 29M 3-8'. 10'. t2 at 40 00 per M' ArgMe Dr. 1 4 - $25 00 per M STOREY A- Clark spinet piano. lx6. S4S Random lengths Mahogany Like new Pd. l Btr - $75 00 per M' $y). sell IfVO. Ph. 2-0443. 50 00 per M oiJf-iwc .. i.... Jx: MS Random lengths ORt.ANS, new used Lesson Btr STO 00 nr f Rentals MORREI.LS Organ , WOO per M' Sales and Serv.ee. 363 N. IH!..xio and 2M2 Rir-dom lengths 462 Wanred H$hld Goodi :1 H' i.-l.l) r-:pvn hi. Valle Turn Co.. Ph M471. "i-.ASI Kim CHRISTMAS T rMY '(If CASH PRICF F(tW rllRNITl'HF. ArrtlANCFS .. M1SCEI l.ANElll'S ART1- I I S 1$ lily is1 Gifts for Momim - IK1TCHEN & Pron 1 to 12. 1030 D St. NEW G.E. Steam Irons. $14.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib. erly. Ph. 4-CI71. REPOSSESSED dryer, used just 45 days. Reliable party to as sume' bal. BATDORF'S HOME AUTO. 1420 State. Ph. 3'0582. S&H Green Stamps. HANDMADE gifts, pillow cases, T.T. sets, dresser scarfs, cro cheted chair sets, dollies & se quinearrings. Ph. 4-9420. 870 Fairy lew. New Hotpolnt Automatic . Regularly $199.95 $149.95 THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. Ph. 3-313" Home Gifts if Wed se wood Tvoe Porcelain The unusual git, 8c ceramic gifts. DcSarts Ceramics. 2-7140 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 27898 ANTIQUES, round front china closets, marble top tables, chests, loveseats, hanging lamps, desks, coo-coo clocks, odd chairs. Terms? Pay a littie rorcc dovvr" rnd more "Goose" untll-ncxt year. LAMBERT'S. 235 Sc. Com'l. . Unique Gifts r Treasured Keepsakes for the home. Shop Salem's Early American Store; Trivets, Brass At Copper Novelties, Spoon racks, wall shelves, Spice Cabi nets, Radios. Milk Glass, Pic tures, lamps galore. ErmV Coiriffal Furniture Open Mon. & Frl. Nights til S ,'jpen a 43 r. LOiiiiiicr-iai. OIL PAINTING? Christmas gifts Ph. 3-4248. Religious Gifts BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY PH. 3-4559. Gifts,'- Bibles, Xmas Cards. 450 Merchandise 462 Wanted Hshld Goods $10,000 CASH to spend 'for High grade Uiea Furniture St Appliances. Ph 3-5110 Paying Top Prices Cot Detter Grade Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer 464 Sport Equipment WINCHESTER model 12 Mag num shotgun, like new. Ph. 4-5620. We are closing out our large fishing tackle and gun de. partmonls to make room for our expanding boat and motor business. All items in these deoartiiirnt" nnvi hren rtr.i. llcally rt dutct . Urn tc insti a icw oi me many dollar sav ing values. V2-Price Items Cronco Ice Chests, rcg. $26.BS $13.50 Plastic Air Mattress, rcg. $5.75 $2.37 Gun Cases, as low as $1.50 Drift and moching rods . from $0.05 Ocean City Star Drag Reels No. 022, rcg. $13.95 56.08 , Bronson Spin Reel No. 200 $4.08 Bronson Spin Reel No. 400 S8.08 Atrex Larchmont Snin Reel 2 spools, line, reg.t26.95. $13.50 GIL WARD ; 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 22476 12 GA. Browning automatic en- f raved shotgun, site barrel ength. 12 ga. Winchester auto, hammerless shotgun. Ph. 3-6068 3i H P. Mercurv outboard, $35. 2 wheeled utility trailer. $20. 166 Gerth Ave. NEW K-22 pistol 7 MM with scope. Ph. 3-4605. CAMPING" trailer $75lfM0Mis aion St. CASH paid" for used guns, mod ern and ' antique. Can-nde Merc. 1230 Broadway. Photography FEDERAL F.nlarger 35 m.m. to 2'n3, model 260. F6.3 lens. Perf, cond. $22.50. Ph. 2 0597. 466 Bicycle GIRL'S 2" Mcvrle. good cond. $16 50. Ph. 2-0465 16 IN. Box 's Bike wlthT helper wheel, $10. Ph. 2-5050. BOY'S Bicvcle 20" $t2. Large tricycle. $8. Ph. 2-7467. 468 For Kent. Mite. FOR RENT or lease tge. ware house soace cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In quire H. L. Stiff Furn. 3-9185. 470 Building Materials 24 2 Btr - $70 oo pt-r f :i 50 00 per ,f st.'B.ind.-m lenrth, j uir - 5 w pet i Woo nrr 4 - ?SO0 Prr M 1MO and 1'2 StS?F RL 2 Btr - 4 on dt M' LA CREOLE LUMBER CO. DALLAS. ORKC.ON ISIlenuale Ave. MAyfaix JM519 1 "P ' iau4.." ti.l. " ih..: I ' .'A' v '. V - iai ,v racn. inquire i au-I jpr Market, Dttrott, Or. I tli Litis! lift FamitV Gifts &?V -al'7-'; "ANTIQUES" CUT GLASS, colored Klass. plates, Xmas Items; special on ,wy i iiewooc guts, u' on. Badeau's Agate St Antique anop. Jiua foriiana na rn, 2-2635. NEW Maple arm daveno & chair Only $109.05. Used Mdse. Mart a. iioerty. rn, i-twi. RCA Victor TV Console. Mahog. 71 in. New picture tube, Rea sonable. Ph. 4-7062. A NEW James Dishwasher may oe purcnasea ror 12.1 per mo. No carrying charges. upen eves. 1141 S. Com'l Ph. 4-9353 CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE! AI nianos no recardlcss of once. New spinets from $389. Huge siock. an siyies. terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957. Tatlman Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. STEEL MEDICINE CABINETS Many models on display As low as $9.85 'S GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION A SUBSCRIPTION to the Statesman-Journal Newspapers! A gift that really keeps on giv ing. Every day of the year, the person to whom you give the Statesman-Journal Newspapers will thank you all over again. Ph. 4-6311, ask for Circulation PORTABLE TV RCA VICTOR. 14" alumin- Ized tube, carrying handle, lightweight. $13.50 Down, $6.04 per Month S&H Stamps MARR RADIO and T.V. 2140 Sn. Com'l. Ph. 3-9201 .--Tr Gifts far DniJ You Won't Slip IF you get dad these new winter traction tires 670x15. ONLY $16.05 with exchange plus tax. BATDORF'S HOME & AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-0502 2095 Fairgrounds Rd, Ph. 3-7455 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials ELECTRIC wall heaters. 25Tt off 52 gal elee watei neMer $65. 12-2 wire, 4'fac rt in rolls Light fixtures reduced 3 pc bath set. $120 Built-in ranges bath set, $120. Built-in ovens V 4 burner units $105 Outlet boxes, 25c. 14-2 wire, 4c ft in rolls. Apex Electric A- Plumb ing. 1410 Broadway Ph. 2-1K66. STEEL Garage Doors, comolete with hardware, $43.50 In stalled. $53 50 Metal eaves trough. I3lse , built-in 4 burn er range. $82 70 Toilet, $24.50 8-in vent .'afi. $10 05 EPP1NG LUMBER CO 37-10 Sllverton Rd Ph 4-6123 Used Common Brick slate blackboards Sen. Desks Hanging Sch litcs Florcscent litcs 4 i"t. Reject Hardboard $1.50 ca. $10 up $173 sht. Used dimension lumber A- bridge timbers, all No. 2 Si Mr. $45-$a5 per M Used loose fill Insul. $1.25 sack V smok damaged Chipboard ... $4 70 panel (Good for cabinets, firs, partitions.) Accoustlcal ceiling tile 10c sq. ft. ALSO Many Other Bldg. Bargains EMITTER SCO. 6740 Porlland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 ml. North of Salem, 'j ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday 500.000 rr.ET New fresh-milled old St second growth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 in 4 to 24-foot lengths Delivered prires Salem. $30 per thou minimum Ted Muller 4-0523 CHRISTMAS HERE? 'NO-Rl'T WE'VE GOT THE SPIR'T!!) MATERIALS GALORE! Big Job. here 'somewhere' ". 3x6 birch plvwood $3 15, Ma nos. $1 89 and '., 4x8 birch ONLY 18c FOOT. PINO FONfi tops Iklnd vou win on!l 17. na. , tftoa, i, im. Table less JI.29 ea. ... MODERN Tanered wooden lee j "" to Iron le,s $3.75 set. Rej door, (or table. U Ji PLYWOOD (panel or 1000 uscsl 48 lot and ext. Cut to i;e i no cnarjei "Littler" ones at "Littler" prices' Tremendous selection. Imported wood pan ehnss. 20 different woods. 67 designs 1 1 (quality at Its best. I DOORS and doors. P-rch 175 up Mahog oot Oak. pecan, and even birch fig . all at real saving;! 2!ic ca 25c so. ft . . ..... LADIFS pirk knit suit: 2 grev SMIS S!0?S krg. Paint S2 50 rrrt ri-vr "v rn- fh cjl -GOSH-rome ce-vi;t-. top e wit. Ph 4-1515. 1515 State spend Mrr- -Our plejsure Re. trodcling' 3 irr.. Nol-ing V ' . ";n7. . nnwn-AND a gooci Irh donr" 2 'd loj!- rttl- -s 00 2-3537. Try u won't vou' We're as near as your phone. Open Alt Day Saturday rORTLVD ROAD - wmiDin vanrt , 'uvuiiu.n iniu- 4J PorUand Road Phon 4-4433 Cifts for Boys w- GOLD color Trombone. In use one yr. Ph. Independence 19214. QUICKLY Motor Bike. Easy to start 200 m.p.g. Make it a happy Christmas. SCOTT'S 315 Save 'Up to $12 , On All Wheel Goods at BATDORF'S. All styles & sizes Boys & Girls. BATDORF'S HOME &c AUTO 1420 State St. Ph. 3-9582 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 5 & H UHEEN STAMPS GET your boy with a paper route a wuicKiy moior Bine. It's Safe! Scott's, 313 Mission. $5 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON ' IS WORTH $5 Toward the purchase of any Firestone bicycle at regular price without trade-in. Onlv one counon accented on a single purcnase. $5 $5 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2491 Gifts for Girls; a WHITE roller skating shoes. size 6'i. like new $15. Ph. 4-9598, 3305 Thornd a le Rd. FOR THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only $9.95. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l, Ph. 3-3512 Do-H-Yourself Gifts? Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wii'ks. glitter k bonks. Farmers Union Co-op. 3515 Silvcrton Kd. Ph. 4-:i;c6. r.:u. f- ah Bi Will IUI HII -Tl I Zobel's Christmas gift to you. 25 off on any new Baldwin piano In stock until Christ mas. 510 Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials WHOLESALE Mulino Sash & Door Prchung door, wood windows. Dale Vogler, 4-8720 USED building materials (or . safe at 902 Shipping, Sat St Sun. only. Ph. 4-1233 eves. 474 Floor Covering INLAID linoleum 11.79 per sq yd R U Elfstrom Co. 260 S Liberty VINYL floor tile. 10c each R L Elfstrom Co 260 S Liberty 480 For Sale Miscellaneous FUR coat. Northern seal, fine condition. Ph. J1-!)G72. PIT-RUN gravel top soil. Exca vating. Ph. 4-2463. 1040 FORD pickup. Shopmaster jig-saw. rn. z-na. CARLOAD SALE! I New Roto Chair3 $28.88; new Roto-Rock-crs $39.!5; tilt-hack recliners $59.5.1: foam rubber roto-rock-crs $69.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Pit Run Gravel PH. 4-4747 MAN'S top coat size 40, sport coat size 39; like new high quality, rcas. Ph. 4-9846. ELEC. stove St refrig. good cond,. other items. Ph.4-9662. NF,W91 K 12Rug Pads $8.88" GlenVoodry. 1605 N. Summer SELL: Baby Bathinctte. alumi num table top type with pad. Ph. 3-7205. FOR SALE or trade. Meat block 30"x35"xl6" $55; St Boy's 24" bicycle. Ph4-5639aftcr 4. FOR" SALE: Bunk beds, good coil spgs. & Jiia.j(;i0. 2-86B4. 2-4 " DRAWER flics;" Schwinn bike, cash register. Ph. 3-7092. CARLOAD SALE. New twin of full size box spring and Inner spring mattress sets $46,66. Save NOW1 I Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. BABYTtrollerrtecter babe. Ph. 4-6224. LOVELY new Bedroom Suites larce 9 drawer Mr. A Mrs tiltine mirror. Rokcan hed. 1 foot k rails $115. Glen Woodry, 1 1605 N. Summer. -tor sn: w?. 'JK'Vl P value. Call after 4 p.m. VAC. cleaners, all makes, $12.50. U21 N. Capitol. 3-S067. iDlr.l. NEW 9 12 Linoleums 14 M. C.len Woodr; 1605 N. Summer EUREKA vac. cleaner? 1295. lJ2lN.CpltoL 3-;M7.pirL S 50-18 ft 00."ued"tlre.. Dav enoort ft chair. 111. 100 Elec. trie. iL'hMAK lence post nod aualttv , Treated or untreated Poles i Ph 4-.H'HI lSMALL ,. . heavy duty ovalt 534 50: Oil circui.itors $15 uo; davenn- $19.50 to $.19 50; davenports $15 to $75; .bunk beds $19 50 to $fi9 50: used floor lamp $1 up: chairs $1 up. Yes. you should find what you want In our u--ed furniture department. Glen WoodrylfiOi N. Summer 4 FLEXIBLE aluminum Vene tian blinds. 45 "x45 ', perfect cond M4 N. 15th. TYPEWRITERS aridlrg ma- chine, tash rceuterj. durli caton. desks, chairs, files, sun piie. Roen s. 456 Court. 3-6771. I'PFD tires truck and passenger Buy, tell trade LTtte'i OK NEW Brass FiffHcreens $12 wT Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer liwiil Suggestions ,-. Gifts for All 5$ TRADE In your old radio or record player on a NEW Hi-Fi phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or weocor. cmy icmia. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. THE perfect gift for Christmas a tamuy ronrau ny KENNELL-ELLIS rWn Mon. At Fri. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7830 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fast service, teas, prices on lm- E riming unrtstmas caras, nok nlates. bouk matches. stationery. Hallmark cards Ac gift wrapping. View Masters, $2. Reel packets, $1. Flash Camera sets, $9.25 up. McEWAN PHOTO SHOP Hollywood Near Post Office ACME cowbov boots for the en ure lamiiy. ShJ.h.i up. Army Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. n. XMAS. Cards, Aprons, gifts, Mrs. Li, a. Mciunuc, 1349 Marion. 'HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oDer ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches, Art Carved uiamonas. Kirk. Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember us Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards. Order now. Commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1841, FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-9872 Pet Gifts A.K.C. REG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, S3S. 4-9992 BIRDS Trop. fish, all supplies' deposit will hold. Bird Para dise, 3180 Livingston. 2-1812. BOXER PUPS Call 4-8371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your dog trim- mea ac oamco ior ine non days? For app't. call 3-6859, Ringl and Kennels. LOVELY pink apricot canaries. exc. singers law cnemeketa 3-4385. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 3 INLAID Marble fireplaces. also complete furnace, like new ac lanit. une complete fur nace, sawdust or wood. Plumb ing. Floorine. Side Window. Door;. All kinds light fixtures. 111a 4-uuri. i-n. .wzto. SNOW tires 6.00x16, used 2 mo.. CANADIAN Squirrel cape, brown cxcei. o-aoua a ner t p.m. LARGE dog house $10: mahog any Zenith radio console com bination, $25. Ph. 2-4206. 4215 monroe. Replacements, backs St linings Valley Furniture Co. 210 N. Commercial 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Bod With Mattress Valley Furniture Co. 219 N, Com'l, 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED u-ed toys for a girt, age 6-10. Ph. 2-1971 Stay ton . WAN'lED several thousana corai of wood, all species Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-5633 484 Miscellaneous E-A V-E-S T-R-O U-G-H-S State Roofing Service Pn 2-7629 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg. State St Com'l Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 Cigarette Burns Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on any wooden surfaces in yrur home or office. LEE 4020 State St. Phone 2-7001 486 Machinery &Toolt 1954 SIIOPSMITH, $180 Ph. 4-Sol0 Used Welders For Sale 698 ILLINOIS. 3-8566 SEVERAL used welders. See it !u siew.ri at. rn. 4-7544. 490 Fuel farm or we del. cord lots. .-JUBI. WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or DRY slab wood for sale. Wood man, just lost home by fire phj91 -Independence. FOR SALE 16,rs!nowoodan screened sawdust. Delivered in 3 unit nu shout truck. Grr vats Lumbef Co , Ph. 2211 Gcrvals. SOMETHING new for" sawdust users. We have a Chip Mn fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 Broadway. Ph. 3-7721. CAPITFUElCU Dry oak. asb St maple wood Choice slab At block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill wood. 120 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER TH. 2-6171 Clean Dtt Wfod Old growth slah At blck wood $. cord Also oak wnod Cut any Irncth nrfi-iipt delivery Ph. P.ilem 2-&144. t WI.S1 SAI.r M UEl" Dr green nod iut or pushovt s..dut -7.. 'sa fcdgewaler Ph HIGHWAY Ft'FL CO 9AWDVST ( WOOD 14441 ANDERSON'S sllbwood. I'i.unlt klad lit. fh. niiC , ,un" Christmas CashQjl CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-I4M FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 , Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can b yours quickly by calling 4-6811 and placing ar fast action want ad on those 00 longer used Items. Gifts for Him Ml ANTIQUE" Guns, accessories, nice selection, q-ayju ior ap pointment only. German-Beer Steins SALEM VINTAGE STORE 599 Court St. RCA record changer $5. Used muse, iviari, ii(u a. jjiDeriy. Ph. 4-6371. TACKLE BOXES 18" Kennedy, iwu Biicives, jo comparimenis, large storage. Were $12.35, now $7.75. GIL WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-247 FLANNEL sport shirts. Top quality. Good selection. $2.29 ea. 2 for $4.50. Army & Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. A GIFT for the car this Christ mas, facmc AUlo. Sup. 355 tit Liberty. Spinning Outfits $9.95 CASCADE MERC Soortlnff Rnorl. 1230 Broadway Ph, 3-553t 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or other seasonal expenses in one visit to office! Phon Beneficial, give a sew facts, then come in I Exclusive! Nationwide Credit Card presented to every cus tomergood at over 1.000 of fices! Beneficial likes to say 'Yesl" Phone for a l-tnp loan, write or come in today. LOANS UP TO $1,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co. I Ph. Z-2464 105 S. Hlgq Now A New Money tor all worth-while pur. poses for Personal Loan. Cons-ildata Bills - New Pur chase,. ,lml Bwned home ooerated IBM Fairgrounds Road. Salem. Ore Call 2-7032. Tree Park ing Lot COLONIAL Investment CoReal ..iuy i,ojni contracts Purchased. 687 Court. 42283. jntercst. Ph. 2-0794. $25 to S2500 f,CJFu ,N.DUSTHIAI. LOANS 111 S. Liberty ph ..220i PRIVATE money to loan. v.",. .i. -UI4. LOANS 150.00 to Jl.500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance 'hroush WJLLAMETlE CREDIT rniipiw 1B2 S. Church St. Ph. 2.245T SIS I nvestmenn p7,!f.VAJ!:. ,nrnei' lo ,o" cash for contracts & mte's. B. M Mason or W. B, Minier, 341 Cnemeketa. Ph. 3-8841. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Men AUTO mechanic, tune-up & eiec. guar. A finest working cond. Sunytornfne T'' vroltj 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BtK"".!i,1J i" Jflce Prsonnel. fu Presbyterian Church 354 N. V, inter pn. 2-06M our future ti our iob. ER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Aeency fl". 19,1 - spci.!i,u in 'iffic-p Plaopnients 4M State St km or. Bid.) Phont 4-J3J1 TO ?LCE AD PHONE 4-68H