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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
r f Page 8-rSection 6 THURSDAY ON KOIN-TV: (G) S p.m.. Ited Dunning Show Ron Dcpar -.ent, Rod's guest. (j. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Top Kick," starring Clancy Cooper. ',. 7 p.m.. Highway Patrol Broderick Crawford races against time ; to capture motel bandits before I i.w 7i JO p.m., I .Search (or Adventure Randall Franklin, young - American who, every 50 years, fected invention of transportation f. 'pioneer. I p.m., Boh Cumniings stumped !,'. 8:30 p.m., CIlpi-x Solid fare for ''of Destruction." A icbcllious young ... vengeance; his mother must murder. . 9:S0 p.111., 1'1'jj house 90 Starring in the Hagar Wilde comcdys ,. .Made in Heaven, ' arc lmogenc Coca. Robert Preston, Phyllis Kirk J Eddie V.'aycholf, Jacques Bergcrac, Sheila Bond, and Benay Vcnuta. v.; Marriage on the rocks. -. Hi 10 p.m., Showtime on Six "In old Missouri" starring Frank. Elviry and June Weaver, June Story, Alan Ladd. a-, ' . ' V THURSDAY ON KPTV: "i ' p.m., dm iiuy fori" rins Eustr Cra! I.-..' Tlme- p.m., V" iio.,je "Below the Deadline," starring Warren Doug- .las and Jan Y.ilc.'. ':' 6:30 p.m., Loir! Jclm Silver Young Jim Hawkins 'and Elizabeth Strong save the life of Mamoo, the "Voodoo" woman. '' 7 p.m., Liberucc plays one of own compositions; "Camptown ftaccs;" , aings "Someone to Watch Over Mc." 8:30 p.m., Dragnet Sgt. Friday and Officer Smith arrest a suspect. J, ' In the kidnaping of a young girl when a shopkeeper overhears his V ., telephone coil for a ransom. " ' 9 p.m., Hall of Stars Do i Taylor stars in "Spin a Tangled Web." . as an American i nParis who pays for a night of innocent pleasure 7 with n day of fesr and blackmail. .. 'J" Trnr-s-co ;-ti'e Ford Shew with voices of Walter Schu t" ;ni nn.' ll 10 p.m., Project 20 The Uc Fred Allen narrates "The Jazz. Ago." a filmed authentic reconstruction of the extraordinary 1920s, one ol ' most profound and exhilarating changes in morals and manners in American history. J II p.m., Playhouse 27 A safecracker resolves "Never Trust a Lady," when he rccoives a double cross from very smooth 'cutie pie.' 11:30 p.m., Tonight Starring Steve Allen with Edyie Gorme, Steve .'.'.-.Lawrence, Pat Klrby, Andy Williams, Skitch Henderson and announ v'r Gene Rayburn. . - - '."'.. - . '.-THURSDAY O.N KLOR: (12) ' !5 IM.. CatC Cine Circus Candy nnd Santa entertain with K' circus specially ct..;; Peanuts the Elephant, Roly Poly the Bear and '.FIuff and Muff frolic about the ring. ... ,3 p.m., Mickey. Mouse Club Danish foreign correspondent. p.m., Jungle Jim "Sacred Scarab." Two gangsters persuade .7- Jim to guide them to plane which disappeared in the jungle. :30 p.m., Buffalo Dill. Jr. "Secret of the Silverado." An exciting' t; battle underground when Bill nnd Calamity trapped by desperados. . 7 p.m., Rosemary Clooney Show Guest Gene Nelson sings, dances and even keeps a yo-yo busy during "I've Got the World on a Siring." 1:39 f-m- The l0 Rnnger "The Twisted Track." Two con .federate, brothers attempt to sabotage a Union malm's railroad train. ., -.ii p.m., M- i -Mril X Amerrtm in'clll'Wc n.'icnt Ken 'i'lims ."ton 'Barry S 'l'-.r. -). u-imi ':- Red ajihlnr, prerches ami ,','C;!i;m vA rdvc.i nw 0 nanr.-.'isttnt luilf-million dollars. ; 1,9 p.m., Wire Service "The Avengers," starring Dane Clark. A ' reporter unravels the mystery surrounding the apparent homicide of .an Amcican soldier In 11 Korean P.O.W. camp. 1-10:15 p.m., Father Mac's Album "The Norm of Morality." , 10:30 p.m., All Star Theater "Touch of Spring," starring Irene Dunne and,Frank Wilcox, with Gene Barry. ,.' 11:15 p.m., Hometown Theater "Too-Young to Know," stars Joan , Leslie, Robert Hutton. . ' 1 ' - '".FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) . 12:30 p.m., Rob Crosby Show mu nisi sing i-risciiia; i,nroi tion: "i lie Modernaires, "II IlnppeneoViiF Sun''Vlley(i' Bob' Crosby viuat.-A njiii rii.11 ourn in inis color snow. 2:00 p.m., Kitchen Concludes preparing Frozen Banana Treats. 5:00 p.m., Red Dunning Show Guest is Jack Marks, Portland Zoo. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Thontre "Note ol Fear" starring Jan Ster ling. ;q , 8:30 p.m., My Friend Fllcka Ken and Fllcka endangered by a i maddened horse. '. , 730 p.m.. Person to Person Screen star Anita Kkbcrg nnd author artist Ludwig Bemclmans greet Edward R. -Murrow. Aniln nnd hus band, 'actor Anthony Sleel, live in ultrn-modern white house amidst gorges in Bel Air, Calif. Mr. Bemclmans lives on the lop floor ol Manhattan apartment house. 8:00 p.m., West Point Cadet Bob Matson, given to practical jokes attempts to prove there is n flaw in West Point water main, in "Man of Action." 1:30 p.m.. Zone Grey Theatre A notorious outlaw returns home after many years to find his wile remarried to the marshal when Stephen McNally, John Ireland and Audrey Totter star in "Return to Nowhere." ' 9:00 p.m., Crusader Fiesta week in Cuba is background ns Malt makes grim attempt to rescue an cx-pnliticinn nnd his beautiful daugh ter from the "protective" custody of nn American mob. 9:30 p.m., Playhouse of Stars Mark Stevens plays Abraham Lin coln In "Washington Incident,'" an historical drama that shows ram pant misunderstanding directed at the Great Emancipation. 10:00 p.m., The l.lnrup A local boy returns to San Francisco of his youth with a loaded revolver to impress his old friends in "The Raneho Cordovan Case." 10:30 p.m., Portland Wrestling Hob McAnully reports from ring side. 11:30 p.m.. Showtime on Six "The Hoodlum," sinning Lawrence Tierney, Allene Roberts, Mnijoric Riordon. 4 FIIID AY ON KPTV (27) r- 10:30 a.m., Homp Shows special film by correspondent Helen Hall . of Russia's innjor cities. Thomas Coopm speaks of. the mnrkcri con- it trasl oclwecn Hussinn anil American method 12:00 m NHC Mnllnre Theatre "Jenny Kissed Me," story of rnthcr Moynihnn, ilUuiy Vallee' older in ways than in years, face tu face with younger Reiteration when orphan comes to rectory, i 2:00 p.m., Comedy Time The hairdresser "loses his head" in f. ' ''Jonn's Haircut." V 3:30 p.m., Northwest Home Karhnrn Anell discussing new chil : dren's dictionary. Dr. Albert A. Sutton. Ctissrll Institute ol Child t'.ye 1 ' Care In Puehlo, Colo., will demonstrate rehabilitation techniques for . children s eyes. p.m., I'lH.vhousr i-.ih 'l)owcll. ' 0:30 p.m., Best 30 Minutes In cacn oi National rooumu League 7:00 p.m., (avalcaile ol Sports vs. Gordon Wallace of Toronto. Dotn in iuanisnn nquare tiaroen ' B:00 p.m., Crunch Hntl )cs Des (alls into snare set by n designing ''female, in "Frc-h Watir Mermaid."' 8:30 p.m., Waller Wim-hrll Show l-'rank Sinj.tra special gtut slur. ;' ' 1:00 p.m., On Trial "The IVimiii and Property ol Margery Hay." tlarrinn Unllnr Aim) ami klm llimtor A '..I,.,' I, ,!.. n vi...t - Is low because he repeatedly takes underdog cases, is rewarded for kindness and honesty. 10:00 p.m., Sherlock Holmes-A friend of Watson's injects a jar- j - ring note into Holmes' and Watson's much-needed vacation, in "The! r Case of the Laughing Mummy." 10:30 p.m., Mvftrry Thrmrr death, wealthy old Amelia Ware " for a portrait. The ot the Heiress t 1:00 p.m.. Serrrl Kile I'.S.A. The Dutch police rniursl Major '.' Morgan to come to Ainstiriliim. Holland to imestigair enemy av;int ' belonging to well-keown subversive group, in "Mission "M'.'" ! '.; 11:30 p.m., Tonl(hi Kun with Steve Allen and plus unsclicd " uled yuests. I Y-'MIIDAY ON Kl.OR: (II!) 1 y.; li:J0 p.m., Midday Matinee "Algiers.'' slnrrting Charles Hover, vllcdy Lamnrr and tienc Uxkhart. I'eiw l.e Moko, a lamoiu jewel thief,' hiding in C'asbah. Is lured out by beautiful Parisian girl ys.' t:00 p.m., Life with Klltahrlh "I'honc Conversation,'' "tlirl : Seoul." "Dog Survey." 8:30 p.m., Lady of the House Ann Dawson shows inexpensive dec " orations for children's parlies, holiday dinners and I'hnstmns wrap i pings. 1:00 p.m., Allrrnoon Film Kesllval-"Top of Ihe Form." A horse ?kracing lipslrr Mips away anil becomes a sihoolmasler. HI0 p.m., Mlekey Mouse Cub Judo school in Japan. :00 p.m., Annie Oakley "Western Privateer." "- , 6:30 p.m., lleadllne-' Medical Kxamincr" Steve Wilson on bis lory when a render complains injustice ol describing the death of ) her husband as. tuicidc. o c 'fl lHIIIII HJV. Shay, from Slate Fish and Game Ihcy strike again. pioneers an important American per- around the world, in "Whirlybird at stopping elopement lovers of strong drama in "Circle man escapes from prison to take determine whether he shall commit Pnrt Two Of "Overland Riders," Hollywood Bncklcnco; Boll Crosby mcnaras, "Candlelight Conversa "IliK Timber," starring Hoddv M Kooltinll Most exciting plays from games tnts neck. lony Anthony of New York Cilv Canada in 10-round licht heavyueighl KriKhlened, suspk'ious. hnuntrri hv slumps to the lloor dead while siliini; 7:00 p.m., Shccna, Queen of Kindlv old trader refuses to sell 7:30 p.m., Rln Tin Tin "The and Rinty across a chasm, sets signal. 8:00 p.m., Adventures of Jim loses a fortune in trade goods to 8:30 p.m., Crossroads "The Lamp of Father Cotaldo." A close friendship grows between a priest and a gold prospector in mutual dunger. Starring Brian Anerne, tagar micn3nan. 9:00 o.m.. Treasure Hunt Participation quiz. 9:30 D.m.. Mickey Rooney Show money for an ohicc wedding gift, loses the loot. 10:00 o.m.. Rav Anlhonv Show Mardi Gras Parade in New Or leans featured in Ihc Dixieland portion of the program. Solo numbers are "Hi-en Purnle" and "Tenderly." 11:15 p.m., Hometown Theater Lukas, Helmut Dantine, Mary Anderson. A "journey into lear. On Television UHF KP1V (27) VKF KOIH-IV (6), KlOf (12), Ml (13) Programs' tubject to la&t minute change. THURSDAY 5:00 p.m. KOIN Rrd Dunning KLOR Mickey Mouse KVAjV Big Itoundup 5:30 p.m. KOIN Armchair .1-45 nm. KVALNcws. Wei.. fii.I:. 8;00 p.m. KOIN Vea., News. Spls. KLOR Jungle Jim KVAL Annie Oakley it'll nm. KPTV-Nrwn Ivan Smith KOIN Kfwa 13. Edwards 6:30 p.m. KPTV Long John KOIN Name That Tune KI.OK Buffalo Bill KVAL Adventure Road B:45 p.m. KVAL To Bo Announced 7:00 p.m. KPTV Libt-race KOIN Highway Patrol KLOR Ito6emflry Clooney KVALrStcve Donovan 7:30 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shore KOIN I Search Adventure KLOR Lone Ranger KVAI, Frontier 7:45 p.m. KPTV Huntley. Brinklcy 8:00 p.m. KPTV GrnU"iio Marx KOIN B0I1 Cum ml tigs KLTiR studio West KVAI-';roUL'ho Marx 8:30 p.m. KPTV Dragncl KOIN Shower ot Stars KLOR Climax ' KVAL Dragnet fl:00 p.m. KPTV Hall of Stars KLOR Wire Service . KVAL Man Called X 9:30 p.m. KPTV Ernie- Ford KOIN Playhouse 00 KVAL Ernte Ford 10:00 p.m. KPTV Project 23 , KLOR Sports Roundup I KVAL Project 20 10:15 p,m. KLOR Fr. Mac 10::tu p.m. KLOR All Star Thca. 11:00 p.m. KPTV Playhouse 27 KLOR News 1 KVALNcws 11:15 p.m. KLOR Movie KVAL Movie 11:30 p.m. KPTV Tontte FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific 8:45 a.m. KOIN Fun to Reduce . 0:00 a.m. KPTV Tic Tac Dough . KOIN Valiant Lady 9:15 a.m. KOIN Love of Life 0:30 a.m. KPTV Could De You KOIN Scorch Tomorrow 0:40 n.m. KOIN- Cuirlinc Liahl ll;o a.m. KPTV Din: Dong KOIN Stnml Up ' 0:;;o P.m. KPVV -Ilomr UO!NAs World Turns 1:00 a. m. KOIN MiKS lirooks ll::i0 a.m. . KPTV Tcnn. Ernie KOIN House Parly 12:00 noon KPTV Matinee KOIN nig raynn It-Mi p.m. KLOR Public Interest lZ'.au p.m. MJiiN iioo roaoy - 1:00 p.m. KPTV Queen for Day KOIN Brighter Day . KVAL Queen for Day 1:11! p.m. -KOIN Secret Storm . 1:.10 n.m. KOIN EdKe ot Night 1:49 p.m. KPTV Modern Romances KVAL Modern Romances 2:00 p.m. KPTV Married Joan 1 KOIN Kitchen ' KLOH Elisabeth 2:30 p.m. 'KPTV Bandstand KOIN Strike It Rich KLOR Lady of House 3:00 p.m. KPTV Telccoursc KOIN Garry Moore KLOR Film Festival 3:30 p.m. KPTV NW Home 4:00 p.m. KPTV-YWCA KOIN Mr. Moon 4:30 p.m. KPTVWMttle 4:30 p.m. KOIN Mr. Moon KLOR Superman KVAL It's a Fact 4:49 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Thna KLOR Noah's Ark 3:00 p.m. KOIN Rod Dunning KLOR Mickey Mouse KVAL Pig Roundup 9:30 p.m. KOIN Movie 5:49 p.m. KVAL News, Wea., Spls, 6:0(1 p.m. KOIN-Wen.. News, Spts KLOR Annie Oakley KVAL Olympic HlHtes a is n.m. KPTV Ivan Smith News KOIN D. Edwards News 8:30 p.m. KPTV Pro Hall Hllitcs KOIN My Friend Fllcka KtrmHmrillne KVAI Snortsman'ft Club (1:43 p.m. KVAL Fishing News 7:00 p.m. KPTV Hoxlng KOIN Newscene KLOR Shreno KVAL noxlng 7:30 p.m. KOIN Person - Person KLOR Rln Tin Tin 7:45 p.m. KPTV Huntley, Brlnkley KVAL Sports Album 8:00 p,m, KPTV Crunch Dei KOIN West Point . KLOR Jim Bowie KVAI Crunch A.- Drs 8 30 p.m. KPTV-Walter Winchell KOIN Znne Grey K I. OH Crossroads KVAIHighway Patrol 9:00 pm. KPTV-On Trial KOIN Crusader KLOR Treasure Hunt KVAL Susie 9:30 p.m. KPTV Big Story KOIN PlH.vhouse KLOR MlcUry Hooney KVAL Crossroads 10 00 p.m. KPTV Sherlock Holmes KOIN Llne-Up Kl.OR Hay Anthony KVAL Waller Winchell 10 30 p.m. KPTV Mystery Thea. KOIN Wrestling KVA!, Zane Grey 11:00 p.m. KPTV-Secret File USA Kl.OR News KVAL Let's Sea 11:19 pm. Kl.OR Movie 11 30 p.m. KPTV Tonight KOtN Movie Deer Captured at Children's Home 1.0U1SVU.1.K. Ky. m Two deer who wandered into town will l,rox dinner for the children at Kusair Crippled Children Hospital and the Children's Hospital today. ti.. j- - ur., nnH a rW j, ntLi hv n1ie nnd doc i pound agents. However, both died shortly alter they were caugni in nets and taken to the city dog pound. It was thought the deer died of exhaustion alter being chased by dogs before being captured. COLOR TV SCHEDULE IHUtSDAV. DIC. -KPtV- NIC MAtlNII THIMtK 11 NOON - 1 t M, SEE AT MARR'S Phone S HU) I 3140 S. Coninrrll the Jungle "Trade of the Killers, trading post to a thug. Flaming Forest." Boy Isolates Rusty forest afire when attempting to send Bowie "Outlaw Kingdom." Jim river pirates. Scott Forbes as Jim "Wedding Gift." Mickey collects "Whispering City," starring Paul Army Missiles Boss Calls for 'Crash' Effort NEW YORK (UP) The Army's ballistic missile chief called today for "crash programs' to perlect atom-armed missiles capable of traveling thousands of miles in minutes to smash enemy targets. Obviously referring to reported Soviet progress in this field. Maj. Gen. John B. Mcdaris, said "the exceedingly rapid advance of sci encc and technology" in weapons is "not confined to the United States." Mcdaris. commanding general of the Army's Ballistic Misssile Agen cy, addressed the American Ord nance Association. Mo'-aris said Iho armaments race has hit a pace that "requires that today's concepts be translated into deployed weapons in an abso lute minimum of time." The alternative, he said, "is the undesirable situation of having no current weapons, only those which are obsolescent and those which arc on the drawing boards." He reported that the Army is'" i with channel 8! TO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL lit ' f , T , . , fir $ J ' ! , kviJs Lm. '"" HiV tfitvi "well advanced" in development of an intermediate range ballistic missile, called the Jupiter, that will go 1,500 miles. Starting December 15 KGW-TV mm Has Faith She'll Sec HUNTINGTON, W. Va. Edith Maynard, I, old a newsman: "Please print my picture In the paper because I want to see it." ' Edith was accidentally shot by her younger sister, the bullet from the side , hilling both eyes. Doctors say there is little chance she will see again. (AP Wlrcpholo) . . Again O Salem, Oregon,' Thursday, December 6, 1956 Santas Shave; Kids Protest PHILADELPHIA ifi Some of .-.'. nuijvmnr helners are Duma win... ..--i - going back to beards after trying clean shaves, inc mas gnpeu. rri.a ini,mtnirc nf . America. which employ the helpers, said it abandoned lis oearas uccbusc Ihcy were wearing out. It went I IUA nnan chnua nftor trvinS masks, which frightened small children. ni iha rlAan chave hrnusht an uproar from older children. The volunteers neciaea 10 Duy oeuer beards. Chinook Tally Down at Dams PORTLAND (UP) Army engi neers have completed fish count ing for the year at Bonneville ana McMary dams. Biologisst at the two dams report a better tahn average run of blueback salmon but a poor year for Chinook salm on. Steelhead runs also were be low average in the Columbia. The total number of blueback reported at Bonneville was 156, 418, far short of the 1955 all-time record but in excess of the 18- year average. The blueback total was the sixth largest since count ing began. A total of 300,917 Chinook trav eled upstream during the counting year. The spring run of 63,449 fish counted in March, April and May was far below last year but the summer run of 111,483 beat Ihc record 1952 year. The fall run also. was. an improvement over Only S2.50 Per Week Master Amazing m" 'is pjiy 261 square inches m jljof viewable area H $29995 Portable TV Ha 9 1 Yr. Guarantee on all parts tnd tubes NO MONEY DOWN Z?K GREEN STAMPS 365 N. COMMERCIAL OPEN MON. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. Hope Revives For Safety of B47 Crewman FORT WILLIAM, Ont'. UP) A glimmer of hope that one of three missing U. S. airmen may be alive following the crash of their B47 jet s-ombe-. spurred searchers today in Ontario's rugged lakchead area. Air and ground crews Tuesday searched without success for the bodies of two of the airmen after discovery of two unopened par chutes in the crash area -52 miles northeast of Fort William. The absence of a third parachute prompted Air Force search and rescue officials to hope the third man may be alive, He would have been subjected to near-zero tem peratures and snowstorms that have enveloped the area since Ihe $1.9 million plane crashes Fri day. Recovery of the two unused parachutes near the crash .scene led the Air Firce to believe two of the our-man crew did not have time to bail out and died when the - plane crashed and exploded. All that was left of the six-jet S' itegic Air Command bomber was a huge crater, one intact wheel and tiny fragments. The plane's commander, Maj. Robert Slane, 33, Trinidad, Colo., parachuted and was rescued by a helicopter Saturday. last year but lower than the. 18 year average. Ctnnlhnarl .in. "HIR tnialfH 131 . 116, down from 1955 when there were 198,411 and below the 18 year average. .-.'. '" FsmonilC-E Ultra-Vision clear and sharp as a movie screen ... Aluminized pie- ture tube . Up-frontpush-button Power Tuning Dark-tinted safety r glass tilted lor glare 1 ejection ' , ; Set -and-Forced Volume Control Push-pull power Lighted. nnmberiiitB (window over tuninff dial e Powerful G-B chassis e Dynspower speaker e New Remote Con trol Channel Selector (optional) In mahogany. white oak or cherry veneerg 1 Yr. Guaranlti en all parti & tubas Has the , New G-E 40 square Inches of viewable area Model Wool. weighs less than 13 pounds! 9 Works anywhere a console will work! Full-performance chasms for ejrtra-sharp nictnrel Take It with yon any- i Choice of two beantifnl finishes 1 Ont) Hfl VHF n