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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December fi, 1956 New Weld. QrA T?l aw v 111 r 1 1 , - ;, , 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 6 Page 5 , j, ltr S 1 k Victoria Snow Stalls Traffic VICTORIA, B.C. Taxi com panies were booked solid three hours ahead Tuesday night and bus patrons were advised to start (or work an hour earlier than usual Wednesday following a pa ralyzing snowstorm here. Winds gusting up to 50 miles an hour swept heavy snow into 2 and 3 foot drifts in this Pacific Coast city which prides itself on its moderate winters. . Large areas of the city and suburbs were left without power for periodsup to two hours. Visibility was cut to a quarter State highway structure, now complete except for finishing touches and paint, replaces a horse ?"i buggy, one-way struc ture built In 1914 across the Yamhill river at Dayton. The new structure with a total length of 629 feet lias a center reinforced concrete and welded girder center span 385 feet in length nnd a 30 foot roadway. Cost of the structure built by Hamilton and Thorns of Eugene was $295,150. (Capital Journal Photo) of a mile and less but no major accidents were reported. Many cars were abandoned. The temperature dropped as low as 20 above. The snowstorm also covered the Vancouver area and extended up the Frascr Valley on the mam land, where highway traffic was reported almost at a standstill. S'y' J COMPLST11T NiW FROM sSccS3SSS J rowi to rmsoNAUTri (JT computklt mw from rowt to rmsoNAUTri NEARLY EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW' Pontiac's Got a Hit a If vouVe seen the others, driven the others and stacked them against this -v" husky honey-you know the score! Pontiaa pictures the styling future (or them all j with its bold, wind-slicing lines. It tops them In riding luxury with new, cloud toft Level-Line Ride! And there is nothing on the road like , - f jj r; 11 mid. this areat car packs more than six dom"hrsts", jf ( it -'",0fR (V very one polished to watch-work perfection through V g fjUf yj ify , w ( rnnA (tt! Trv this '57 PonHac! - iCRlnQ V -P- J 'wwu um.. AM .n(jfv One mile and you'll know what all the excitement Is aboul! .COM! IM AND TH tURPRISI PACKAOl fOn "87- TAGGESELL PONTIAC CO. No Break in SP&S Strike PORTLAND I - The strike of engineers against the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad con tinued Wednesday with little change other than in increase in the economic impact. At Bend 400 workers were laid off by closure of the big Brooks- Scanlon lumber mill, which Is served by the struck railroad. The day before, mill closures were reported in the Willamette Valley and threatened elsewhere. At Spokane, Northern Pacific switchmen and mechanical de partment workers who had been observing the picket line, went back to work Wednesday, but yard department clerks and ' yard switchmen were observing a new picket line set up in the morning, Vice Jury in Action Again PORTLAND (fl The Mult nomah County grand jury invest!' gation of vice and corruption is under way again but details of the probe were not disclosed. Among witnesses reported wait' ing to testify at Tuesday's open ing session of the December grand jury was city patrolman Jack F. Olson, a witness at' last summer's probe. The earlier grand jury Indicted some 30 persons including Port land police Chief Jim Purcell, on a charge of not enforcing the law, and Dist. Atty. William Langley, on a charge of conspiring to per mit gambling. EVANSVILLE, Ind. (UP) The owner of a grain elevator which caught fire was looking today for someone to tako 70.000 bushels of charred popcorn off his hands. Pawn Ticket for Ring All Left of Marriage SPOKANE HI Mrs. ' EsQer Buchanan told the judge Tuesday that her husband has been drink ing and that a pawn ticket on her diamond wedding ring is the only thing left of their marriage. Superior Judge Louis F, Bunge granted her a divorce from Bab ert Buchanan and awarded her tie pawn ticket. She said it was the only community property they had Just a Few Days Left! ... of KAY'S np 1 win n pi SHOP NOW AT KAY'S-.-. . SHARE IN THE BIGGEST VALUES OF THE YEAR! COATS DRESSES i j hi Choose a coat that Is fashion right from our excellent selection of fine quality coats . . . and priced very, very low! GROUP 1 Regular )0OO to 49.95 Q GROUP 2 Regular OQ00 to 59.95 GROUP 3 Regular A QQO to 79.95 HQ Spatial Croup Joan Marie-All Wool E3 SWEATERS StIPOHS Reg. 3.98 2" Special Group Joan Marie-All Wool SWEATERS CARDIGANS Isg. 5.95 Buy your dresses now during our 24th pi MIIMivnr.aijr i riwill uui miv viafcnwii of famous advertised brands, GROUP 1 Regular "f 99 to 16.95 GROUP 2 Regular 99 to 24.95 I, GROUP 3 Regular f A 99 to 34.95 0 f,JU&& 4fiiktoX4JJA MiWrttoMirfffl SUITS St; Nylon Tricot Slips rc(.3.m 2fors.oo 2.59 All Wool Jersey Blouses Reg, to 6.95 2.99 Nylon Tricot Gowns . Pajamas Vs 2.99 Playtex Girdles Rtg. 495 3.99 Nylon Tricot Slip RPX. 4.9 to t.u 3.99 Sport Blouses she,gr.t.0or6,5fl5n,!.er: 1.88 Taffeta Slips Assorted Shades. Reg. 2.98 2.59 CL.4 Famous Make. Sites 8 to 20, Q OO JHinS 10.95 to 16.95 0.77 Sun Valley Ski Clothes OFF Reg. lo 22.95 Suit yourself with suit from Kiy's Where you are sure to find a suit that will pleas your fast at a very modest price. GROUP 1 Regular to 55.00 GROUP 2 Regular 79.95 KNIT SUITS Regular 00 to 39.95 COCKTAIL DRESSES AND FORMALS 1299 B 1999 Furlanas Reg. to 7.95 99 FUR BLEND SWEATERS Caledonia Reg. to 12.95 . TT99 Italian Imports Reg. to 22.95 12 99 CHARGE TODAY - TAKE TIME TO PAY! Charges Mad Now ... Not Due Until Next Year OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Til 9 DISTINCTIVE APPAREL FOR WOMEN ( WHITE STAG SALE All Wool . . . Fall Separates H Calfskinnert T-Shlrts P if Flannel hrt Slacks All I Plaid Slacks I Bermudas NOW 11 o 731 460 STATE STREET ,660 North liberty m