Salem, Oregon, Thursday, rTp- hum.,,. 1 h-maim iimnmxm m mx 3 d Y o ) I L a D ) infants' k liuonos Cute flannels, knits in color prints, sol- 1 i d s; bound edges, ribbon ties. Infants, waterproof bibs Painted nursery pic tures on terry cloth. Large size, colors! Squeaks when pressed. Infants, 2nd plump toys wash Foam rubber-stuffed animals, dolls of so washable terry cloth to please mom, baby. 3 Infnntx 9n7 ' ' mmmsmmsimm. towel 'n cloth set Floral print binds a 20x30 towel, 10x10 wash cloth of white terry. Baby-gentle! Infants, 2nd receiving blankets Soft flannelette in pastels, white; 36x 36. Cotton bound edges to prevent I - fraying. Infants, 2nd cle ver ra tiles Animals, doll styles with suction bases hold firmly to table, high chair tray., a Infants, 2nd waterproof panty Klienert's silk "Sof tex"; without rub berl Machine wash able; asst. colors. S XL. Infants, 2n n cotton cardigans 6 mos., 3 yr. sizes in pastels, white are machine w a shable; have N o - B i n d sleeves too. $2 Infants, 2nd Nylon panties White only; ruffle trim around legs. Sizes 8-14. Wash and dry in almost no time. Girls, 2nd 1 baby sacques 1 Cotton knit, soft pas tels. Snap closing. Sizes 6 months only. Infants, 2nd all wool gloves Beads trim these white, navy or dark green' gloves dain tily. Sizes 3-6x, ideal gifts. Infants, 2n n soft silk scarves mmtmmA 1 1 33"; rolled hems. Copies of original designs In soft floral or monotone p a t terns. Xcckwcar, ht n December 6, 1956 pearl collars Satin-lined and lus trous in many styles, natural color. Buy for luxurious gifting. Nccktvear, 1st Buriiiel hankies Many patterns; pas tels, street tones. All fast color prints. 2 for a Handkerchiefs, 1st initialed hankies L a d i e s' favorites: rice cord, sheer lawn white with pir;k, tur- P K quoise or blue in-' I ilials. i Handkerchiefs, 1U leather billfolds For men and women by Rolf, Buxton, Princess G a r d ner. Genuine-leather and boxed, of couise. plus tax k Leathcrgoods. Is! furred slippers 1 Reg. 2.45 children's p moccasin toe style in red, light blue, pink. H Sizes 9-3; fur-trim- I med. ' i Shoes, 1st 1 casual shoes I Reg. 4.95 women s moccasin toe style I in red, beige, black I ,. . . versatile style i good savings. I Shoes, 1st 38 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfvr famous prints Req. 59c yd. real percales to sew, easy - care fashions; 36" wide. 3 vds. Yardage, 2nd r v "! ' 79c-1.49 fabrics Rayons, better cot tons. Some wash able and crease re sistant; 36-45" wide. 2 vds. Yardage, 2nd r;v-iiv i"'Sii "f terry lea lowcls Jiffy drying action, gay print styles for smart kitchens, gifts. 2 for Linens, 2nd large flour sacks Bleached and un- hemmed for many f purposes and now at big savinos. I 4 for Lm:ns, 2nd variety of pictures Choose from color f u I floral subjects , . nicely framed assortment to do decorating wonders. Pictures, downtairs 27x54 throw rugs Req. 10.951 Discon 12 tinued patterns, col-' ors by famous Al- don Mills. Come ear 1 ly, save lots. bed headboards Reg. 39.95! Each, twin or full size only S19! Limed 19 oak, modern de- sign; limited quan tity. Furniture, downstairs i 16.95 nite stands Odds 'n ends in wal nut and limed oak with deep drawer, gold finish handles. $ 9 Save! Furniture, downstairs numb 4.95 lamp shades Provincial patterned fabric covers these . . . making this an e s p e c I a lly smart buy! 1 Lamps, doivnstairs pair cafe curtains . jiii a I I iiuiiicsfjun fabric in green, tur- It quoise or pumpkin, tj 2 , 54 and 63 lengths I $2 a pair! I ' Draperies, 2nd floor print bedspreads Washable cotton in twin or full sizes. Buy matching shams for just $1 each. $6 Draperies, 2nd floor drapery fabrics Choose from sheers 'n semi-sheers . . . all fblaih and in many colors ... all only Ipl a yard! Draperies, chintz yardage Values up to 1.98 yd. Your chance to buy this popular and smart fabric at great savings. Draperies. 1 panties! briefs Reg. 89c nylonized rayon; pink, white. S-M-L briefs; 6-10 pantiej. 59c ea. 2 for 1 1 l ' Lingerie, hi while Nylon slips Values to 5.95,- lace and ribbon trimmed. Sizes 32 to 40 . . . buy to give and to keep. $3 Lingerie, 1st ''bonus" Nylons Reg. 1.65 pr. 60 gauge, 1 5 denier; 8-'j-l 1 M length. Get 1 pr. free. 3 3 for llimrry, hi I stretch slippers Reg. 1.69 Helenca ft Nylon in pastels.N One size fits all . . . t 1 luxury at little cost. Hosiery, 1st cotton bras Reg. 1.50-2.50 fam $1 ous brands in all siz es, popular white only. A great saving. 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 8 JJ A ROBERI5 BKQ5. IIOKt Some Quantities Limited Sorry, no mail or phone orders Parking free with validation Disneyland games Much wanted by n. children: F a n t a sy land, Tomorrowland, Adventure Land and Frontier Land. Toys, downstairs aluminum lea set Kiddy Kook service for two at' a little price to bring big pleasure to little girls. 1 Toys, downstairs tom-tom set M o m b o set of 2 drums for children from 2 to 9 years. Lots of fun, inexpen sively. Toys, downstairs $3 punching bag set Large inflated type bag witfTsteel stand that's heavy, sturdy. A sure-success gift. $4 foys, ronjii.v(rtir,5 gay push-pull toy "Dairy D e I i v e ry" Be 1 1 -tone wood toy to delight small fry imitating reel life. 'toys, downstairs $2 Lincoln logs This 91 -p i e c e set gives enjoyment children from 5 10 years ... it h for yearsl Toys, downstairs phonograpn Full size with full to n e reproduction and lifetime guaran tee! A fabulous gift; save. Toys, doumlnirs '7 7.96 dump truck Little boys will val ue this remote con $6 trol truck I Battery motor. 2 for Toys, downstairs dial telephone All mfl toy has itvnd action just like a rwl pfcorn . , . far rn;fy playtirrw. !1 p building blocks 60 pieces . of free f o r m shapes 1 0 shapes, all sanded $2 and polished; for hours of fun. Tois, downstairs boys' western belt Reg. 1 .50 genuine leather authentic In dian rl e s i g n s in beads from tip to tip; sizes 22-26. Boys, 1st $1 boys' stretch sox Reg. 69c pr. 100 Helenca Nylon. One size fits sizes 7-1 1. 1 i jf 3 for B Boys, 1st boys' argyle sox Reg. 69c pr. cotton with Nylon rein forcements. Sizes 7 IO'j. 3 for Boys. 1st 1 fwrr pf x jets' y I 79c cotton briefs 3 Boys' comfortable (S cotton, Nylon rein- i forced seams; elastic I waist; 6-16. I 2 for $1 s Boys, 1st boys' sport shirts Values to 2.98 in knit, woven solids and patterns; sizes 4 to 18 . . . lots of wear, slylel Roys, 1st '1 mmmmmmmmmmmmtps ' : i..,, men s jewe Values to 2.50; cuff tinkt. tii. nins bv fa mous maker. Shop fl early. i) 1 Z lor f plu tax Mens 'rni.vinf.'Y, 1st men's boxer shorts I Clirislnias candles f filled cosmelic Values to 1:95: Da cron, Nylon solids, patterns. Full cut; sizes 30-40. 3 for Mens Wear, Lit 2 men's line T-hirt8 book marks Keg. 1.25.' Collar. Nylon reinforced, rubfasr kwrsW; S, M, L, XL . . . 41 w, 3 f at , .Ven't Wmr, lit s2 men's neckties Values to 2.50; ray ons, fully lined. Rea n son's latest colors, , patterns, shapes. 2 for Men's Furnishings, 1st handkerchief F u 1 1 1 8"-square of white, corded edge. A great buyl 6 for n Men's Furnishings, 1st stretch sox Men's solid ribs, pat terns; 1 size fits 9 13; 1 yr. guar. 59c each. 2 for , .Men's Wear, 1st men's 14.95 jacket Nylon, poplin shell. fleece lining for or :;$4 light w e i g h warmth; washable. 38-46; limited quan tity. Men's Wear, 1st canvas cloves Sturdy 8-ounce can vas with safety cuff for many chores; savel . ' 5 for $1 ' Work Clothing, 1st worK oan rk bandana Reg. 15c each . . . full 18-inch squares in red or blue; wash fast. ( for . '1 Work Clothing, 1st penci Set of 24 . . . have the lucky recipient's name on each in "gold" free. Child ren like these! IS 1 Stationery. 1st imported napkins Many smart designs; some Christmas pal terns. For smart hos tessing. 2 boxes $1 Stationery, 1st desk reminder Clever dog Rover holds letters, memos for home or office. A smart gill at savings. 1 Stationery, 1st Christmas cards Hallmark thrifty pack means good designs; a variety sure to please you. Save. Stationery, hi Novelty shapes in clude C h r i s I m as trees . , . red and green for lovely house decorating; save now. $1 Stationery, 1st "G old" trimmed and so handsome . . here is a smart and welcome "little gift." iuy several. greeting card pak 18 cards, all differ ent, for all o c c a sions. Designs by fa mous Norcross . . a good buy. $ Sfflioiicn,- 1st salt 'n pepper set Clear crystal with s h i ny chrome tops that won't rust or corrode . . . Luy, several sets for gifts. 1 Silverware, 1st baby fork 'n spoon Stainless steel . that IT never needs polish ing. A gleaming pair that look costly; cost little. Siloi.jarc, 1st cups and saucers Bone china collect ors' Items Include English ware; many beautiful patterns to choose from. China, 1st 1 novelty napkins For your holiday parties, for s m-a r t and gay table set tings that cost little: buy many packages, ' r i. . China,-1st set of 8 Hi-Jacks Popular lerry-k n 1 1 socks for cold drinks keep your hands dry, warm. Buy tor gifts; save. China, 1st novelty Kan-cups To serve drinks in the can . . . proven popular with mom and children. Get in on this buy. China, 1st '1 Tap-icer i talcum powder I Cracks ice in a jiffy; welcome gift for ba- c h e I o r s and homemakers; good stocking gift, China, 1st floral salad plates Yardlcy soap trio Here's p r e 1 1 i ness that's useful: china with hand painted floral patterns. Buy now to save. China, hi costly jewel copies Coro, Karu metals, stone sets, pearl bra celets, earrings, necklaces, pins in satin-lined boxes. plus tax Jewelry, hi 1 Charles of the Rilz lotions, lipstick and powder in a brown or red case; luxurious! $5 ! 'plus tax ! Cosmetics, 1st Coty jx'rf time gifts Emeraude, L'Origan, L'A Imanl, Paris scents boxed with s2 : reindeer on snow to ! Christmas give. Section 6 Page 3 , Faberge soap French milled in 3 famous scents: Woodhue, Aphrodis ia. Act IV. Luxury gifts at savings. $2 Cosmetics, 1st fragrance Frances Denney's de lightfuls: Hope, Gay Mood, Whirlwind, Wild Rose for all moods. plus tax $5 r Cosmetics, 1st stick cologne S h u 1 1 o n favorites such as Old Spice in a lovely case and gift bbxed.'Real sav ings. plus tax 1 Cosmetics, 1st bubble bath Shulton Friendship Garden, Old Spies scents. 8 tubes In an open face box; good gift, 'plus tax. Cosmetics, 1st gift hand lotion Desert Flower; bot tled soothing pink lotion, gold and white gift box. Buy soma to keep, plus tax 1 ; i Cosmetics, 1st Coty perfumes Famous scents, gift boxed: Emeraude, L'Origan, L'Aimant, Paris scents. Delight full plus tax !1 Cosmetics, 1st a 'r i l l ussy mum tuiion Midnight fragrance in its brand new Christmas dress . . buy now for proud giving. plus tax Cosmetics, 1st Beautiful containers, two favorite Shulton scents: Desert Flow er or Escapade. plus tax C'lMiiirdcs, 1st Three generous bars of famous English lavender scent to de light men and women. Cosmetics, 1st fall millinery Reg. 2.98-4.98 at tractive hats at sav ings. Felts, velvets, I buy now for proud giving. V I I two favorite Shulton Tg I T I i scen,S: Desert Flow- I 1 I I er or Escapade. I I i2 1 novelties. W a n t ed colors. Millinery, 1st kit 15" tall baby doll She sleeps and coos ... of soft plastic and fully-dressed; a big gift, little price. $4 Toys, downstairs child's xylophone Deluxe toy has 8 color keys to delight children from 21 months to 8 yearsl Toys, downstairs $3 1 I a 1 j plu tx flue', downstairs Fmmdalions, 2nd Toyt'dim nvfflir Stationery, 1st ('osmetics, ht i 0