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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
Ulem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 5 Page 11' Avocados Salad Favorites By CECILY BROWN'STONE (AP Newsfeafures) Avocados. ' we find, are alwavs succoslul on a party menu. As an elegant first course for a com pany meal, we like to serve them in the shell. To do this, we cut the unpeelcd avocados in half, twist them apart and remove the seeds. Then we fill the cavities with a dressing made of olive oil, wine vinegar, salt, freshly-ground pepper and mustard with or with out the addition of a little catchup or chili sauce. Some' mcj, Ino, we fill the cav Hies with seafood or chicken salad and use them as a main course for a ladies' lunch. Or for a buffet party when we want an interesting accompaniment for baked ham, we may fill the cavi ties with a mixture of chopped fresh raw vegetables that have been tossed with French dressing. Another parly success is a mold of which the main ingredients arc avocado. unflavored gelatine, mayonnaise, lemon or lime juice and other seasonings. This mold made by the following recipe, lands up well, cuts beautifully and has an enchanting pale green color. The citrus Juice and mavon- naise in this recipe are added in jusi me right amounts for good flavor and to keep the mold from turning dark even if it la held overnight.- For a ladies' lunch, the mold may be made in ring form and the center filled with seafood or chicken salad. Or it may be put into a large fancy fluted moid and turned out on a large round platter; It may then be surrounded with thin slices of smoked tongue or baked ham and a ring 01 watercress. You misht keep this green and ud- combi nation in mind for use around Christmas time. Avocado Combination Salad Ingredients: 8 avocados, lime or lemon juice, 3 cups diced mixed fresh .raw vegetables, French dressing', v Method: Cut avocados In half lengthwise, but do not peel; twist apart and remove seed. Brush cut surface with lemon or lime juice to prevent discoloration. Spoon 'i cup mixed vegetables into each avocado cavity. Just rV V YSoftnS) Pit Mapled Walnuts Good Confection Candled nuts are popular aweet meats during the holidays. Some how they don't seem quite so riali as many of tho usual confections. "Maple Candled Walnuts" are dif ferent enough to create a stir of interest; easy to make, although Salad I tiled Avocados festive accompaniment for baked ham. 6 servings. iNote: For the fresh raw vege table mixture, tomato, cucumber, before serving, pour French dress-1 celery and green pepper make aisomme or bouillon (fat -free , 1-3 ing over vegetable mixture. Makes delicious combination. I cup lime or lemon juice, V tea- the above recipe. Molded Avocado Salad Ingredients: 2 envelopes unfla vored gelatine, IVt cups cold con- spoon sntt. Tabasco sauce, 1 tea spoon minced onion, 3 cups sieved avocado, ;m cup commercially-pro-pared mayonnaise. t Method: Sprinkle gelatine on cold consomme to soften. Place over boiling water and Mir until gelatine is dissolved. Hemove from heat; stir in lime or lemon juice, salt, Tabasco sauce totaste and onion. Chill until mixture is the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Mix avocado and mayon naise; stir Into gelotine mixture. Turn into a S - cup mold: cover tightly with plastic see - through wrapping: chill until firm. Un- mold before serving and serve as; desired. Makes 12 servings. Note: A lO'i-ouiice can of fnt free bouillon (beef broth I .may be diluted according to, the directions on the can and part of this soup you don't have to tell folks I The full flavored golden walnut is ideal for adding to 'he many candies we take pride in making for gifts and holiday good eating. Maple Candled Walnuli 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon light corn syrup 1-3 cup water h teaspoon salt " -, Few drops maple flavoring 1 tablespoon butter o margarine 2 cups walnut halves .Combine sugar, syrup, water and salt,- and stir over luw -jicat until sugar is dissolved. Boll to 238 de grees F., or until a few drops form soft. ball when dropped in cold water. Remove - from heat and blend in flavoring and butler. Add walnuts and stir gently until mixture becomes creamy. Turn out onto waxed paper and Separate nuts. Makes about 1 pound. , - used as the liquid called for in Brofccoli Appetizers Fresh raw broccoli can be served as an hors-d'oeuvre with a cocktail dip, or . broken into small pieces and added to a tossed green salad. Try broccoli on toast with a cheese sauce for a nutri tious, tasty luncheon dish. Luncheon Fare A stewed chicken boned .and broken Into pieces and combined, with ripe olives and mushrooms in a wine and Swiss cheese sauce is wonderful -luncheon fare. Put the mixture in a shallow dish, cover with halved blanched almonds and bako half an hour in moderately hot oven. Easy Petits Fours , . Petitt foura are easy to make in quantity for a tea party with packaged angel food cake mix. Bake the batter In a shallow loaf. Cut into squares and dip top and sides into frosting, Sprinkle with chopped walnuts and finely chop ped maraschino cherries while frosting Is still soft. f a V ' '' ' " t " .' it 'Nicest thing that ever Happened to a salad' children lev salad with 1S90 the children go for their healthful saladi when topped with Milanl's 16901 1890 tocuril k 1 lU .1 ummmatmmiJzMt KATH BLACKHAWK 1 Luncheon Meat 29 Each ,iJ..-i GIANT ECONOMY SIZI SPECIAL 3 TIN PACKAGE H IPC SNOWS Clam Chowder 2;: 55' SNOWS OVERLOOK PEAS AUERS Full Green tudi of Spring Flavor. 2r27' "Don't buy beans in the blind jusi make sure the can bears the new Helm Campslde lleans label," George Itiach, Heinz representative tells fellow duck hunter Bob Burton, manager of the Salem Plggly-Wiggly store. George continues "When your ducking into camp for a snack or re sponding to the feeding call at home, these tangy smoky outdoor-flavored beans always hit the hunger target!" Minced Clams 2 r 59' FLAPJACK FLOUR SUNNY JIM SYRUP OTTIRBROOK GREEN BEANS Eur to Make and i Jy It Est 4-1B. PKO. Rich, Nearly Flavor Delicious on Pancakei, Walllei, Fronch Toail 24 01. BOTllt Tender, Criip Rich, Delicalt Flavor VJ No. 303 HALEYS BEEF STEW POMPEIAN SPAGHETTI MIX Home-nude Flavor 22 01. TIM (eg. 29c Each Italian Style 2 PKGS. PER CARTON 2 Cartons Orn, Stamps UAH Max & Jack's Mkt. PORK ROAST i. LET'S HIVE IEANS 4 HAM KNUCKLES FRESH OYSTERS FRESH RED SNAPPER Green Orn. Slimpi w .15 .59 .39' LUXURY large loal IS' i 29 For Fresher, Crisper Vegetables and Finest Quality Fruits, Shop PIG6LY WIGGLY'S Produce Dept. CELLO Crisp and Crunchf . . . Serve Hot CARROTS 2, ,19 TURNIPS parsnips ir CABBAGE rir POTATOES u. s. No. 2 BON AMI JET SPRAY ' 69' tin SPRY SHORTENING ? 99 PAROWAX FREE with Each Pkg. ' Cindle Making lb. pkg, Inilrucllom, 21 DIAL SOAP COMPLEXION SIZE 227c BATH SIZE 237c PENNANT 26-oi. Jori Mince Meat 45c SUNSHINE POTATO BREAD SLIMLINE BREAD Z SUNSHINE f f Krispy Crackers I SUMHINi fj gj CHOCOUTE COVERED CHERRIES ...9 soap r. 4 ,.30 m 4,42r Cookies ?- ..Si 49c 1 1240 N Capitol STORE HOURSi S:30 A.M.Id f.M. Jundpr 9 Prlcv irfanlv Crl.-'-iih Smu Out;. ' (amationL corner JAN!I0N HOMI tcnvicc ontccroa) When It comes to preprn mf,tt family (or tht long, ictivoi wlntef V (head, I rely on pltnty of Carnavi tion Nu Rlch Homogenlied Milfc" Creamy-tasting, fresh-from-coij! tented cows Carnation is the moi delicious way I know to give the? youngsters (and us grown-ups". too) the extra energy they neec) Proteln-rlch Carnation Nu-Rlch " p Homogenized Milk is a wonderfuljjt j source of nourishment all by itself. 3 And, It supplements the nourish 3 ment of other foods as wall, It'a , J an Important part of every meajij jj at our house, and a wholesome ( 2 betweiii ffleal treat, too. I servA 5 Carnation Nu-Rlch Milk to thtc A children after school along with , S tnacks like these tempting: 3 (Mako about 4 larvlnsi) . . &, t cup well'd'ralned canned tuna m. IHTHVVIK nf,v -T-l I 2 tablespoons sliced ripe olives 1 tablespoon diced cheese A Pepper to taste ' 2 cup Carnation Sour Cream ; ji Blend all Ingredients thoroughly.;, 'i Spread on buttered bread or toast" S slices. Serve with tall glasses o- $ Carnation Nu Rich Milk. 1 ' S 6f course, everybody knows whyW fresh Carnation Nu-Rich MilK.j.; tastes so good. It's that wonderful cream-ln every drop flavor. But.'I; 'did you know that It supplies usjjj; 'With more than 274 dietary IngreSS diants? No wonder It's called "NajS ture's most nearly perfect tood.1! o Don't let furniture casters make ugly-black streaks on your beautiful hardwood floors. Apply 1 strip of cel lophane tape to the caster wheels. It wears indefi nitely and lets wheels roll smoothly without leaving marks on floors. fc5 3 s.' I nation 2240 Simfrwn it. 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