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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
.-(' 1 Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL! Secon 1 Page 1, Earth Satellite see Lipman's new toy collection for a wonderland of Vehicle Rocket 1st Test Nears Director Says Project Going Along Nicely, Despite Hitches By JOSEPH L. MYLER United PrrH Klnff rnrrni WASHINGTON (UP)- A prog ress report on the Earth satellite project: One of these days at the Air Force missile test center on Flor ida s tape Canaveral, a powerful rocket will take off into the thin air miles above the open sea. " It will be the first flight test of the first stage of the three- stage rocket "vehicle" which, some time in the next two years, will hurl the first artificial moon around the Earth at 18,000 miles -an hour. The satellite itsplf win be a 20-inch magnesium sphere crammea witn instruments. It has been a little more than 16 months since the White House announced the decision to at tempt a small conquest at the edge of space. The goal: To put at least one satellite more if possible into the sky dur ing the International Geophysical Year (IGY). 1GY is a many-nation scientific project to amass new information about the Earth. It will last 18 months from next July 1 to Dec. 31, 1958. ' The satellite undertaking calls for rocketry perfection never be fore achieved. How is it going? Some Hitches Dr. John P. Hagen of the Naval Research Laboratory, director of the project, concedes that some hitches developed as the testing stage approached. But they were the kind that can be worked out. "We are still confident," he laid, "that we will get the first one up in the time allotted us." All of the armed services and many private concerns are work ing on the project. In all, six satel lite vehicles will be fired more if the first attempts are successful and Congress puts up the money for launching additional moons. The Florida launching site has been all but completed and staffed. One of 10 stations to track the satellite by radio has already been established at Blossom Point, Md. The satellite assignment, Hagen ays, was "really a rough one," and not everything to date has been "peaches and cream." But the project is "going along quite well." No specific deadline, other than "some time in IGY", has ever been officially set for the first launching attempt. . The idea is to get the satellite on a flight of reasonably long dur ation above the atmosphere. Many radiations from the sun and stars, and much else that goes on in space, can be observed only by sending instruments above the at mosphere. Orbit Important How long the first satellite will continue to circle the Earth de pends on its orbit. The scientists would like to have it move in per fect circles around the planet at a height of about 300 miles. Space at that altitude is a vacuum by Earth standards. Still, it contains enough air to slow the satellite and eventually bring it plunging to fiery destruction by friction in the dense lower atmosphere. But a perlect-circlc orbit would require too much precision of con trol to hope for, and the satel lite's path in all likelihood will be an ellipse. Scientists will be hap py if it approaches no closer than 200 miles, in which case the farth est point on its flight would be about 1,500 miles above the Earth. Hagen calculates that at 300 miles the satellite would "live" for almost a year. At 200 miles it would have a lifetime of about 15 days. If it orbited at only 100 miles, friction would bring it down in less than one hour. LEGALS NOTICE TO DEALERS Sealed bids will be Accepted at the office of the Department of Finance. City Hall. Salem, Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock A.M . December 111, 1956, lor furnishing petroleum products to the city from January 1, 1357 to Decem ber 31, 195-,. Ail deliveries shall be made F.O.B. Salem, Oregon at city installation or project slts within or adjacent to the city limits in such quantities and at such times as may be required. Bids to be exclusive of Federal Tax and tabulated bv number and In the order listed below. The right is reserved by the City to reject any or nil bids, and to award all or any part of the City's requirement to any bidder or bid ders, as the best Interests nf the City may require. All envelopes containing proposals shall be plalny marked "Petroleum Bid" and addressed to the under ignea. City Hall, Salem, Oregon. 1. G.SOLINE: 13.VO00 gallons more or less, Pre mium & Regular grades. H5.000 by TntcK and Trailer. 40.000 In bu:y. lank wagon or barrels. I KEROSENE: 13.000 gallons more or less, bulk delivery. I. DIESEL MOTOR FUEL: ga.lons more cr less. 40 C-Taine, shall not contain more than one-half of one percent sulphur. Bulk Deliveries. A, AUTOMOTIVE , LUBRICATING OIL: 30 Barrels more or less, must m r e t military specifications MIL-L-2101A, Amendment 1. Series 1. Base of to be at least B5VI. Barrel delivery. 4. AUTOMOTIVE LUBRICATING OIL: 20 Barrels more or less. 83 VI. Heavy Duty, detergent. 100 faraffln base. Must meet mill a r y specifications M1L-L-2104A, Amendment 1. I. ALL PURPOSE CHASSIS LUBE: Suitable for chassis, wheel bear ing, universal Joints, etc. 1. CHASSIS LUBRICANT GREASE: Chillis only, t ALL PURPOSE GEAR LURE: SAE 90. Mu!tl-g-aror all purpose, t GEAR LUBE: SAE HO. E I' lfl WHEEL BEARING GREASE: Wheel Bearing only. 11. TRACTOR ROLLER , LUBRICANT: All purpose. Tractor and Power " SbHOWAnn DoBRANDV0U5 fiMBce Officer TOYLAND VALUE See Santa and the 16.95 I " i Cinnamon Bear ie in. size, punchireproof, ir pneumatic I doll carriage 1 red scooter child's rocker i electric phono These two favorites will be wander- h, tires," chrome handle bar and padded vinyl n fto 1 ' M I' ' ' ing through the store passing out Sfc ' 1 1 9.98 ' I 5.98 1 8.95 '1 '9.98' ' I those good Cinnamon . Bear cookies. C saddle scat. Two inch tubular frame with " I . I s jAfifm- ' w.. t r j n.n v 'r.s Fully collapsible doll car- 1 Large size red scooter with 1 Sturdy, large - size child's I Portable electric phonograph f ' . .-...'. ' gljj Line fenders. Hall-bearing tront I riage with lift-out body. 1 wide tires, brake and park- rocker of Eastern hard wood I with 6 records. Plays 78 f j0WKlJ .,,1,0.1. ul j j ,v,ito Mm I Padded rail with chrome I ing stand, Heavy . guage. maple or wax finish. Com- I RPM up to 12". Two-tone t , -. Jy JT wneel, DiacK, rea ana wnite trim. pusher,- steel. ,1 forUbl. , 1 blue cover. I W glze2 98 -12-in. size, 14 98 jtmtts y S-bell tower I pogo stick ' : 1 jr. jig saw ' to : I r' tj ' Aw i 1 Precision - tuned bells ' that 1 Hi-n-lo pogo stick of light 1 Three-blade Jig saw with I ) P 1 f I vRssjSi x. m . . ,. . . g sturdy aluminum that holds i safety-sealed rotary motor, 6 I I I I SrlS&S-ZZSffl S I swlng nd ring when key5 I up to 200 lbs. No-skid foot patterns. Cuts up to -lnch 1 f "SaaS! ""'i ' J1 just 25 inches in width! Westinghouse SPACE M ATES do laundry double quick, saves space! f Electric Dryer 169.95 Laundromat 229.95 Both for only 399.90 Or buy one now . . . add the mate later Complete full size laundry doubled up for first time ever! Wash below, dry r above-two 8-pound loads nt same timel Mero 25" wide. Just 69" high. Will fit anywhere, even a closet, bath or dressing room built-in or set on the floor. , t Vcrsntilo Space-Mntcs go sidc-by-sido too-take a thrifty 50"-casily Installed under a counter or in the wnll-or set them on the floor in the kitchen, laun dry or any room. . ' Save 4 ways with Space-Mates. Low-priced to start, they use less soup,, less water, less electricity. Quiet. No vibration. Easily vented. ; Famous New Way to Wash, tool Gives clothes complete agitation 50 times -a minute. Ends old fashioned center-post agitator nuisance. In Confection Colors: Nougat gray, Lemon yellow, Mint aqua, Frosting pink, Sugar white. And remember, you can bo sure ... if it's Westinghouse. Lipman's Appliances, third floor ''MHvjrwwxto I sniiHMHSsKSSsMnaJ Sidc-by-sido set up u favorite with you? You can do it with Spate-Mates. Takes only a 50" width. Build in un der counter, too. Ice Slice Tray Reg. 3.50, special 1.18 At your dealer's nowl Dur able copper anodized alu minum finish, treated to prevent sticking. Handle lifts up to pop 38 thin sliced cubes. mm