Salem, Or,egon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section F- -I-V'e 7 Fishstick :.'.,s Variations WHOLE or HALF interesting n Thcrp are manv Inleraittinff WAV" LOIN END CUT RIB END CUT to serve those handy and delicioua'1"''! irozen fishsticks. M.' rt. PlstnUcki Indlenne -i. '- (Makes up to 4. servings) i .').'. if llfflll JLIN Was 59c Now Only Stack up your freezer new at this lew, lew price. lb: Cut end wrapped for your freezer, 3c i lb. extra. Was 49c NOW ONLY lb. Was 45c NOW ONLY Poik 'Shops Center loin or rib cuts Was 79c, Now 59 Prices In this advertisement are In effect through Sunday, December 9, at Safeway In Salem. We reserve the right to limit. Every Item Guaranteed Every Item Safeway sells is guaranteed 100 or your motf ey will be refunded wlihoul fuss or quibble. rem.- Facial Tissue Toilet Tissue Toilet Tissue White Napkins Waxed Paper Box 400s Rolls for Rolls i for Pkg. 80s 100-ft. Roll Pork Steaks Frozen Crabs Fish n Chips Shoulder Cuts. A real valuel Fresh Whole Dungenes lb. Sun D's! brand 4 l-OI. pkgs. 49' 29' $J00 i package nsnsticks ..rn.;f 1 5-oz. package pro-cooked ' " ' rice ' Optional: jhutney, flaked , '' -' coconut, peanuts, raisins ' Heat llshsMrk arrnrriinir In HI.: rcctions on package. Prepare rice'' '' separately as directed on package. ,: Arransc (ishstlcks on rice. Served -' with curry'sauce. Accompany with"1 ' chutney, etc.. it desired. ' Bomber Sauce 2 tablespoons butter U cup (incly diced onion f li teaspoon curry powder '' 1 lo-oz. can condensed cream '''"-' celery soup ' '' 1-3 cup milk :('. Melt butter over low hen! in ,"e saucepan. Add onion and cook'1' '" about 3 minutes, stirring frequent-' I.v. Stir in curry powder. Add con- ' ' tents of can of soup. Add milk graauauy, stirring until smooth. ": Cook over low heat for 10 min-',v'i!;' ules, stirring, occasionally. Serve ,:i hot over rice and fishsticks. wir Tld Bits New Yorker ''' 1 package fishsticks ' l-oi. can tomato sauce, Ii cup "'' '-r' 2 teaspoons horseradish ' M cup chili sauce ' ": Heat fishsticks accordine to"" package directions. Meanwhile, combine and heat remaining in-,;.;. . gredlcnts. Place in a small bowl In the center of a tray. Cut fish- V" sticks in quarters with a sharp knife. Arrange on toothpicks v- " around the bowl of hot dunking sauce. Makes 40 tid bits. .-: SCIENTIFICALLY "AGED" FOR FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS, TRIMMD BEFORE WEIGHING Pot Roast "tZStlS- . 49c Boiling Beef 'SZ"L. ib 15c RnnH t.nk 79c Rib Roast "'SLt. ,. 79c W Mr I ei vivNIt WT II 1 1 ( uvua ill im " . - - - - - w PICNICS I OYSTERS 1.98 X, 39 69c PORK ROAST Shoulder Cenier-cul Ib. 45 c ivg. 3 lb. canned each mam Keep Plenty on Hand Lunch Bags 2.23 Garbage Bags 29 Strong md Durable Pkg. Pkg. Giant Towels 33 More Absorbent 1 (eel Valuel Pink or Yellow Zee Towels . 20 Reg. 58' 5-lb. Bag of PURE CANE SUGAR n rf.rrr r mm 7 II CANDI CANE All you do is purchase 8 10O-watt Famous Make Light Globes at the regular price. Here's a value you can't afford to pass up! Both For $1.76 l You'll want a complete set of these COFFEE MUGS Your Choice of 2 Attractive Colors-White, Green 6 for 49c 12 for 95c for YouHl En joy "Mild, Mellow" AIRWAY COFFEE lb. 95c 2,b.A89 $1.02 NOB HILL EDWARDS Mb. Rnr V,b, $2.03 Si $2.13 Reg . 3 for 29c Here's Real Safeway Value! IVORY SOAP 10 89' Solve Your Gift Problem tti &y Way Witn Safeway Gift Orders Give FOOD . . the one gift that i IY ,u,. 1 7.V.? .Her. handsomely printed oif. f ""'c $3 to $10 redeemable lor ANY of Ihe fin. food, at ANY Safeway store ANYWHERE. 0 Available at All oSafeway Stores, There's no place like Safeway, GRANGES Medium Size Sunkist-Fancy Seedless Safeway's the place to shop for the lar gest selection of wonderful tree ripened oranges. Every one Is fully guaranteed! fl3)1,1t b. ' 36 it $3.59 : V 'I Large Sunkisl Seedless Ib. 17 Sweet Juicy 5-lb. Bag 49 Grown in Sunny Florida Ib. 10 Arizona Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 8-lb. bag ii lbs. $4.89 Carrots vuM vawmwi Potatoes w- ' 9m Pototcss 2 m,i um' j o Rome Apples Papayas 3. 19c 10 n 49c 25 m 79c . 25c Fncy Red Rtmei 24:.$1.98 Pineapple Fresh Dates Hawaiian Guarantee1 Sweet Meated Beauties each 29 Swecl twilid, Hawaiian grown Ib. 29c Stop, Spiced Raisin Dainties Good XT 'SnlpH Raisin ronferHonR' mr-'J niilplr anH aav In mnlri. anil a.' little out of the ordinary. A spicy, ' creamy candy covers a generous;; measure of raisins. They're nice to ' tuck in corners of boxes of home- made cookies for the neighborly .; Kina of gut you line to give irom ; your kitchen. !''" Spiced Raisin Confections ,'. i cups light or dark raisins . 1 cup sugar . - : 1 teaspoon cinnamon Va teaspoon salt : Vi cup milk u if Rinse raisins, drain and drvi thoroughly. Combine sugar, cinna-;- mon and salt in small saucepan. i Add milk and cook slowly, stirring . : until sugar is dissolved. Boil rap- , ully to soft ball stage (234 degrees.. . F.). Remove from heat, add rai-,,;. sins and stir until mixture loses its gloss. Drop by teaspoonfuls . , onto waxed paper. Allow to cool thoroughly. Makes about .1 poumUinf This Puddina Quick ' And Easy to Make '"v; "Baked Almond Pudding" bakes v in 15 minutes. And it has its own ! I . hakrd.nn tannine nf pffir whlla ' '' sugar and honey, so you won't have, , to he bothered with frosting. Cut ' ' wedces of the nice warm, nut crunchy pudding, and pass the Cm"'. -J coffee. -i Baked Almond Pudding Vit-i 1 cup roasted unblanched ., -; , almonds f i,, ,, W cup shortening c - i cup sugar ' 1 egg yolk ' .' Vi teaspoon almond extract V cup milk ; , 1 cup silted all-purpose flour " ' ' 2 teaspoons baking powder 'i teaspoon salt . 1 egg white ' 3 tablespoons honey ' 1 tablespoon soft butter or mar- ' ' ' garlne "' ' A cup sugar -m..' cream v. " rhnn almnnds fine. Cream ahnrt- 'f I ': nnlnv and sncar tntfnther. Rral in m egg yolk and flavoring. Stir In . -., milk and almonds, hilt flour with . . , baking powder and salt, and stir ',, into creamed mixture. Spread in bottom of greased, floured baking ;, pan (about 10x10x1 '.i inches). Com- ,., ,' bine egg white, honey and butler, , and beat well. Pour over batter , and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in ,, , hot oven (400 degrees F.I about 15, . ', minutes. Serve warm or cold with ' .. ,' ', cream. May be reheated. Serves 9 or more. , z9' KQ iSlAr,YIW ii - ie w la w a ish i a i i i i, Peach-Mincemeat Tarts Delicious 'Poach Mincemeat Tarls" are scrumptious whether you serve them hot or cold. Thanks to Ihe j peaches, they're not too rich, and you'll like the added golden color. Prath Mincemeat Tarts 1'i cup canned peach slices cup mincemeat . Paslry (basis 1 oup (lour) Whipped cream Drain peachw and dice 1 cup. Mix witli mincemeat and fill ft poatry lined 3-inch tart pans. Top iwt with 3 peaeh aliees. Bnke in hoi men (1 degrees F.I 2.i 10 3S miautrs, ar untd pnstry II browsed. Serve worm tr 1 ua- . nishrd with a HuH of wblppec? cream. MnkM tarts. Snappy Cieese Dip For Holiday Tirwe Diaj at aH sorts wil be In de mand far the caning holiday!. Here Is a snappy cheese one. Mnr ttpne lp I eap panscunzea paoarssca ehcese snaead II v.. rolls vone cheese, 111' (M 1 con cranStftH eheddar ( lae.-a WrtVWUfiH i)rtasry , ftfinrfll tltrraWtt Jiresn. wlna . Iifflff Jtfi rjf cheese over wa aar irs mug noner wnen fovX, cool slightly, and ttr BV flfcwy. Servo as a dip Jr watcae,