THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 5 Page B - Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Mince Pie In Chiffon Style Good You may Drefer this chiffon variety to the traditional mince I pie for. Christmas. Mince Chiffon Pie Crust: 22 ginger snaps, finely rolled . Vi cup sugar 3 tablespoons butter or margarine . Blend together ginger snaps crumbs, sugar and butter or mar garine. Pour crumb mixture into 9 inch pie plate; press firmly into even layer against bottom andi sides of plate with an 8 inch pie piate. i Chiffon filling: , 1 box (9 ois.) condensed mincemeat 1 envelopes plain gelatine ( M cup cold water Vt cup, heavy cream, whipped 3 egg whites - 6 tablespoons sugar Prepare mincemeat according to directions on package: Put gela tine in custard cup, add cold water and let soak a few minutes. Set cup in pan of hot water and heat until gelatine is dissolved. Blend into mincemeat. Chill until partially set. Fold in whipped cream. Beat egg. whites stiff but not dry; add sugar gradually. Fold meringue into mincemeat. Spoon into pie shell. Cover with alumi num foil; store in refrigerator. Just before serving, garnish with whipped cream, and a few cookie crumbs. This Baker Almond Pudding Delicious As a Warm Snack A tasty dessert to top off a dinner and one made in a short time is this one: Qulcky Chocolate Pudding . 1 package of chocolate pudding Vk cups milk Vi lb. cream cottage cheese or ricotta cheese 1 tablespoon rum , 2 tablespoons chopped almonds . 2 egg whites, beaten stiff Cook pudding according to direc tions on package using Hi- cups milk.- Blend in cheese and rum. Fold in chopped almonds. Chill well. Fold in two stiffly boate' egg whites. Pile into sherbc ' glasses and top with a macarooi. Pepper-Spaghetti Dish Colorful One ,' Italian Christmas Peppers pro vide a dish with color as well as; nutrition 'ana wouiu De une ior a maroscourse during some of ' the holiday meals. Italian Christmas Peppers 4 ounces elbow spaghetti . 2 green peppers M pound sausage meat Yt cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons enriched flour i teaspoon salt 114 cups tomato juice Va cup enriched bread crumbs Ya cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons melted nutter or margarine Add 2 teaspoons salt and spa ghetti to 3 cups boiling water. Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Wash peppers, cut in halves and remove seeds. Parboil in boiling salted water 10 minutes. . Rinse sp'aghetti with warm water and drain well. While peppers arc cooking, brown sausage meat in heavy skillet. Drain off excess fat. Add onion and brown lightly. Stir in flour and salt. Add tomato juice and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Fold in spaghetti. Fill pepper halves with spaghetti mix ture. Pour remaining spaghetti mixture into 1-quart casserole. Ar range pepper halves on top. Com bine bread crumbs, cheese a n d butter or margarine and mix lightly. Sprinkle over peppers. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees r. aDoui au minuiu:. ; Makes 4 servings. U(r MARKET 1120 S. 12th Street Prices Effective Ed's Mkt. Only FREE COFFEE AND SANDWICHES When We Say Coffee, We Mean Folger's Sandwiches by Franz Bread Co. ALL DAY SATURDAY Your Choice Centennial BEANS or POPCORN O lbs. Pure, Fresh GROUND BEEF V lbs. Multi-Colored Salad For Holiday Meals A pretty salad for the holiday lime is this one, a molded variety featuring canned sliced peaches and cranberries. Both lemon and raspberry fla vored gelatine help provide pretty color contrast in this holiday salad. Cranberry Peach Mold (10-12 servings) 1 No. 2'i can sliced peaches, drained 1 package lemon flavored gelatine 1 cup hot water M cup peach syrup 1 cup cottage cheese 1 package raspberry flavored gelatine 1H cups hot water j cup canned whole cranberry sauce U cud ocach svrup Arrange peach slices In bottom of oiled l'j quart ring mold. Dis enlvp lemon eelatine in 1 cup hot water. Add peach syrup and chill until slishtly thickened. Fold in fnttase "cheese. Pour over peach Klires! chill until almost set. Dis solve raspberry gelatine in I cups hot water. Add cranberry sauce and peach syrup. Chill until Ifchtlv thickened. Pour over lemon" layer; chill until firm. Fnr Sweet Potatoes You can doil up canned sweet f potatoes in no time at all by glar ing them in a skillet with brown sugar and butler and sprinkling with canned butter diced roasted almonds. Use the proportions of h cup each almonds and butter and '4 cup sugar for 4 servings. CAKE NOTE When a cake has sticky top crust, the defect may be due to too .much sugar or insufficient bakix.g. BEEF POT ROAST SHOP YOUR "SCOTTY" . . . MORE SPRY C Dutch Maid , Margarine 4Mb. Pkgs. II Farm Fresh AA Med. ESSS DOZ. MAZOLA OIL . . . . - 69' KAR0 SYRUP LBb? . Vi Pints 27 PREAM a,29 SYRUP Maid 24-oz. Jar 59 BEGMORE DOG FOOD . , 15' FRYERS 34 to Mb. 18-oz. Each Of. IP (SDK EH 19c & 31c o. 55 Rib or Sirloin STEAK Crisp y Hearts Pkg. Williams Potato 'hips 59c Pkg. i . Blue White AjP . . , h QQl FLAKES Pkg 25 C-20 4fc, OV n I1' New Dutch A"J DOTCnC Large WJ CLEANSER 2 Kor A I ; ; Borene r.imt Soap Powder,.... 245 Sargent 2z59 Trend P J5( Trend Liquid F Soap Powder r,i.nt 33 Detergent 3Q U.S. No. 2 (5)(0) 50 Lb. Bug 11 M a A the week! ... - - - -? Pillsbury CAKE mixes 3 Pkgs. WHITE YELLOW CHOCOLATE SflCE SPRECKLES Brown or Powdered Bumble Bee Chunk TODGDSI 4 Tins Hudson House hml Cocktail Niblets 3m torn 3 Tin Pkgs. Jp9 ... ' ' U7i - m Stewing Hens Each 3 2 DMDK. Fresh Oysters Pint 591 SWIFTS PREMIUM FRANKS Lb. CASCADE SLICED BACON Lb. Crisp CABBAGE Lb. Golden CARROTS 2tl9 GIANT ECONOMY SIZE 3' IBT2 We Reiry the Right to Limit Prlcei Effective Thuri.-Frl.-Sat. JM jf sranEs Jonesway Market 1 Phone 2 3375 Del-Mar-Ket fiSiSS Chris' Market STSSS Super M.rkel S160 Portland Road - wl cj', Ai.uf ,2,h Frcys Do,,ar Saver CO S MQrKer Phon 2 8401 OWA .h a 4 s