Page 4 Section 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem,. Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Witte, Brodie, Steiger On Look All-America Team to Appear OnComoTV Show : NEW YORK Special)-Lcd by 1 Stanford's ate quarterback John ' Brodie, the Pacific Coast Confer ence landed three men on the 10.16 Look Magazine. All American Football Team, it was announced today. Tackle John Witte of Oregon State's Rose Howl-hound Reavers and end Bill Sleigor of Washing ton Stale were also selected to the team, which will he announced in the issue of Look out Tuesday Brodie was cited for his deadly passing accuracy by tho 780 mem ber Football Writers Association. which makes the Look selections, and was compared to the Indians' All America ace of three years ago, hoijov uarrctt. An overwhelming choice for the tackle slot, Witte was singled out by his coach, Tommy Prothro, as having "more to do than any other player" in keying the drive of tho Beavers to Incir first Rose Bowl appearance since III42. Washington States' Bill Steiger was named to the Look All Amer ica Team together with such other outstanding ends as Ron Kramer of Michigan, Joe Walton of Pitt and Tennessee's Buddy Cruzc. Itcgrctfully, Look said in an nouncing the awards, the select ors were forced to eliminate "per haps the two outstanding players on the Pacific Const" halfback Jon Arnelt of Southern California! and fullback Don Shinnlck of UCLA because Pacific Coast Con ference penalties levelled against their schools allowed them to par ticipate in only live games. For the first time in recent years the Midwest did not dominate the All American selections, but big Alex Karras of Iowa - Oregon State's Pasadena opponent on New Year's Day was named to a key tackle post. Michigan's superb end, Ron Kramer, was rated as one of the strongest and toughest ever to play the game. Continuing the tradition begun by the late Grantland Rice, dean of American sportswritcrs, the Football Writers again chose 22-man squad with each player holding equal first-team rating. The 1956 All America Team will be flown by Look to New York aboard a chartered American Air lines DC-7 Flagship !o receive their awards on the Perry Como television show. While in New York, the squad will be honored at a banquet on December 7 at Leone's Restaurant and on several radio and TV shows. Following is the line-up of the 1956 Look All America: Ends: Ron Kramer, Michigan: Joe Walton, Pittsburgh; Buddy Cruze, Tennessee; Bill Steiger, Washington Stale. Tackles: Alex Karras, Iowa; John Witte, Oregon State; Norman Hamilton, Texas Christian; Bob Hohcrt, Minnesota. (lunrds: Jim Parker, Ohio State; Kill Glass, Baylor; ham Valentine. Penn State; John Harrow, Florida. Centers: Jerry Tubbs. Okla homa; Don Stephenson, Georgia Teen. Quarterbacks: John Brodie, Stan ford; Paul Hornung, Notre Dame, Fullbacks: Bill Barnes, Wake Forest; Jack Pardee, Texas A Ic M. Halfbacks: Tommy McDonald. Oklahoma; Johnny Majors, Ten nessee; Jim Brown, Syracuse; Jim Crawford, Wyoming. Casaresf Matson One Yard Apart in NFL Rushing Race PHILADELPHIA, Dm. C - By the narrowest of margins, a single yard, Rick Casares, of the Chicago Bears, retained first place in the race lor the individual ball carry ing championship of the National Football League over his town ri val Ollie Matson, of the Chicago Cardinals, with two games remain ing for all teams except Baltimore and Washington which have three to play. , Casares gained 45 yards in his latest game to bring his total to 819 yards on 192 attempts for a 4.3 average. Matson, who gained 70 yards last week has 818 yards on 161 attempts and a 5.1 average. frank biflord. New Yorks bri ant veteran, with 108 yards in his latest endeavor, moved from fourth to third place with 722 yards on u( carries lor a 5.3 average Hugh McElhennv. San Franrtsrn dropped to fourth with an even 700 yards on 150 attempts for a 4.7 average. Alan Amcche, Baltimore, held onto fifth place with 678 yards on 131 attempts and a 5.2 aver age. Brown Leads Passers Eddie Brown, the Bears' stellar passer, in the best passer In the league as he has been most of the season. His average gain in yards dropped from 11.29 to 10.65 but he still has a better than two yard advantage over the number two man, Bill Wade, of Los Angeles, who has an 8.54 average. Brown has thrown 139 passes, completed 85 fo 1481 yards for a 61.2 percentage and has pitched ten touchdowns. Wade has tossed 166, completed 88 for 1418 yads and ten touchdowns. Bobby Layne, of Detroit, advanced from seventb position to third with a 7.95 mark ' fourth to third with 43. Harlon Hill, on 223 attempts, 116 completions and eight touchdowns. John Uni tas, Baltimore, and Lamar McHan, of the Chicago Cardinals, are tied for fourth position each with a X7.90 average. Wilson Best Catcher Billy Wilson, San Francisco, In creased his lead as the best pass receiver by snaring five last week to give him 47 for 765 yards and three touchdowns. Billy Howton. Green Bay. lumped from third to second with 44 and Frank Gil ford, New York, moved from Bears, is fourth with 42. Dave Middleton, Detroit, and Bobby Wal ston, Philadelphia, are tied for fifth with 33. Bobby Layne, of Detroit, again leads the scorers with 90 points, followed by Casares with 78, George Blanda, Bears, 69, How ton, 66 and Hill, 60. Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles, for the third week in a row, is the top punter with a 42.7 mark. Sam Baker, Washington, leaped from fifth to second with 42.62 with Dick Deschaine, Green Bay, third 42.58. Huihlm Atl YG LG At Casaret, Chi. Beara 192 S19 50 Matson, Chi. Cardi 161 SIS n 5.: Gilford. New York ..... 137 122 89 5.. McElhennv. San Fran. ISO 100 86 4. Ameche. Baltimore . 131 678 43 S : Carpcnler. Cleveland l.M 644 30 41 Waller. Los Angeles S3 54 3 46 6 1 Webster. New York 144 S16 34 3.1 Moore. Baltimore 64 412 78 1.' Olszewski, Chi. Cards. 124 468 34 31 Passing AttCmpYGPCl Brown, Chi. Bean 13 83 1481 61 : Wade, L. A. 166 88 1418 Sn I Layne. Detroit 223 116 1772 2.( Unitas, Baltimore u 135 75 lOtili n; : McHan. Chi. Cards . 117 56 024 50 1 Tittle. San Fran. 172 98 131)1 57.1 Rote, Green Bay ..... 262 125 1882 47 : Conerly. New York 15(1 80 1040 53 J Thomason. Phil. 146 12 992 49 ! Van Brocklin. L. A. .. 92 44 580 471 Witte, Durden Rate UP All-Coast Team Stanford Places 3, USC 2;.l From COP "SAN FRANCISCO (UP)-Tacklc John Wide of, Oregon Stale, who gained a first team berth on the United Press All-America team last week, breezed Into tho same spot on the U.P. All-Pacific Coast eleven which was announced to day. Joining his teammates on the first string was half hack Earnel Durden. All told, Coach Tommy Prothro's Rose Bowl-bound team won a total of eight spots on the man AIl-Loast sqund. Stanford dominated the first learn by takrng three positions, Paul Wiggin joined Wille as the otner naif of Ihe tackle comblna tlon, quarterback John Brodie won Ihe signal calling job and end Carl Isaacs became Ihe third jnnian to Join Hie siartmg lineup. Wiggin and Brodie also made the U P. AIIAmcrican second team tnis year. Arnelt Gains Post Soulhcrn California posted two men in me eleven, halfback Jon Arnett and fullback C, n. Roberts, Arnett was named to the UP s All Amrrican third learn this year although restrict rd lo five games as the result of Inst sum mer's conference probe. Bill Steiger, Washington Stale's grent pass-grabber, was named lo the other end spot on the All Coast first team. A fellow plaver from the Northwest, Dick Day' of Washington, took over one guard spot and Galen Lanck of College of the Pacific won Ihe other. Day uHiiiianien tnckle. Beavers making the third team included end Bob De Grant, tackle Dave Jcsmor and guard John Snif fer). Jim Shanley, fleet Oregon back, also was on the third team. The honorable mention list In cluded ends Noro Thiel and Du ane Fournier of Oregon State; tackle Chuck Austin of Oregon; guards Jim Brnckins of Oregon Stale and Harry Mondnle and Jack Pocock of Oregon; center Nick Mnrkulis of Oregon and backs Tom Crabtree and Jack Morris of Oregon and Tom Berry of Ore gon Stale. Tho third team was comoosed of Bob De Grant of Oregon State and Corky Lewis of Washington at ends, Dick Foster of Idnho and Dave Jesmer of Oregon State at .tackles, Jotm. Sniffen .of Oregon state ana lion uiikey or Califor nia at guards, Frank Mattarocci of California at center, Don SHin nick of UCLA at quarterback, and Kirk Wilson of UCLA, Jim Shan ley of Oregon and Lou Vnlli of Stanford as backs. Beavers 13th In UP Voting NEW YORK (UP)-The final 1956 United Press college football ratings (first-place votes and won- lost-lied records in parentheses Jim Mnthcny ol 1C,A was named first string center. The Northwest prevailed on llie second team with seven pliivers from the stales of Oregon 'and nashington gelling the call. Three spots went to Ihe Ilenvers center Dick Corrick and hnlfharks Joe Francis and Paul Lowe. Krnnris and Lowe are tailbacks In Prnlh ro's single wing, functioning as a one-two punch. new Alan Al Qunrlerlinek 2 each. I ne line was manned by such stalwarts from Ihe loll timber as "..ic. ni Washington while Phil Mclltigh, Oregon's voter, end. took over one wing and Cali fornia's Ron Wheatrrolt Ihe nlher Rob Newman, Washington Slates dangerous passer, was named sec ond learn quarterback In continue the Northwest landslide. Robhy Mulgado of Ariicmn (Tempe) Slate moved inlo a harkflcld post, while tackle John NM,v n cop , guard Ksker of t'CI.A rounded nut the second eleven Oregon Stale also predominated n. the third team, taking three posls. UCLA and Cahtornia each captured two apiece. Team 1. Oklahoma (261 (10-0) 2. Tennessee 5I (10-0) Iowa Ml (8-1) Georgia Tech (9-1) 5. Texas AAM (9-0-1 1 Miami iKIa.) (1) (B-O-l) Michigan (7-21 Syracuse (7-11 Minnesota (6-1-2) 10. Michigan Stale (7-2) Second 1(1 teams: II, Rnylnr, 46; 12. Pittsburgh. 36; 13, Oregon .-iine, zi; h, Texas Christian. 18; 15, South California, 15; 16, Wyo ming, 13: 17, Yale, 10; 18. Colo rado. 9; 19. Navy, 8 ;20, Duke, 6. Others: Texas Western, 5; Penn Slate, 4: Ohio State. 3; Houston, Army anil Arizona (Tempe) Stale, Points 337 301 247 211 202 1.14 115 63 60 55 LEGALS t'Al.l. for ntna Sealed hills will h, received hv tile Mat ion Coutitv Court, Hooni 110 Court Hme, .Salem, Oregon, until 10 otl A M. Thursday. December 27th. 1056, on Die purchase of two new Aulnittnolles with traile-tos for Mir. Ion i rmmtv Health Dept. and then publicly opened and read. Specifications for the new- cars and Inspection of the trade-Ins mav he "blamed by arrangement with Mst t'.ninlv Health Dept., SIM rran--en si . Salem Hiils must be accompanied hv a oeinfiert check In Ihe amount of I"1, of Ihe till inn Ihe tnuniv retrives Ihe HbM lo rctcit anv and all bids, or accepl that bul in the best Interest of Marlnn (. nunlv MAIIIDN rrtt'NTY COt'ltr AV11 December a 7, 10 l'iu December 27 SHOP & SAVE iplll The i'Green Stomp Woyot lilflt iSIwIK 5"'m Only tucluilv. Man'i Slot loiSP ' ripllk Giving IW Green Stamp. S C.p.,.1 Sh.ppln, C.n,., y-Fmk:,, ; A 'I 'll f S7f 9:30 A M. WdJP3 i w I RsfUU II e i I . tr j j UJJ L SJ&S ii 31 UK! JJ&' I SJK Free with Wards Standard Hawthorne Bikes... Pay litSBll ar(s 'ow Pre and get special equipment that (MnioSsra si everyne wnts 01 no ex,ra cos yu WMillrM CW ,i 117) (5)E I IT !rTeKWAlUtf xiM!ilfHllEI n e . ") - with ?4.mch i , .. . ?, DOU9n, .ingiy wou.o CO.. . VV 7vT WflU If fU v 1 tiW1UEf 1 4 $ 0.ihot Doiiy Air Rifle, Mulli- am m - 9 I N mCr . IT,CisS5 ::. I VI thA 1-Mll1itt IX.Tt i 1 ti ho.Ai,i,ioi.Toro....BB'.. u uk i , ,t vMtvmkM m i vra i3&8&wtt:mwM m, i i'i "l ''' 24" tNGUSH IIGHTWIIGHT " '.s wWyT flf Speedy racer with ,hif! 42.95' , iVjgffl ' 'f -" " Indoor and Outdoor Games vfe $ (liifstmidin o f?ivc AT MONEY-SAVINO PRICES ! f j 1 HMlflfl mtlaSS JKm UOuMn Hit - laminate mmm jfflJ 'J ogP? fffl y' i-mml wrt""' ffieio1 ""' w"flM' r Vlfy SSniP ' - lsfeSirSeL' IrW loAMball, Goal anINfS.t-Hub. r fg Dart loard Sat compl.K wlifi 6 broil dorti 3.S yj&'rtffl J?J:i$& TUJtn My loyna Pe4W1 - h bem, Cmplf.ldmlnfonltforIU.u.l14 9i) 14.45 UTTr fSK' fj jffl NfcSlV I bbl. arain ttwhld. cav. 40 00 Outdoor Croau.r Sat for 6 ploy.r. 9.7S L-JK Tp ,U?CA',i C'" ibeH Giov. . . . aCaTO Complata Tabla Tannl. Sat 7.93 S.79 iTVY?2r stf 1 J'W k Hollar Sketai wlih boll bearing wh.tli 3.39 (f , T f J J 54 xV QGCK? CUD Qg7 (3D (33iinM!P aJBD fel