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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1856 SOT CATtl At ftmSJf At Section 4 Page 3 ' wn,i,ifcr.iii i.i ... f..' . Doubleheader Billed at North Saxons Playing In First Fort Vancouver, Hudson's Bay lo Come The South Salem Saxons held a long workout Wednesday night in trying to iron out the difficulties that resulted in a loss to North Salem Tuesday night. Tomorrow night the Saxons play Fort Van couver in the opening game of a doubleheader at North Salem. Coach Dick Ballantyne probably will start the same five that went most of the way Tuesday. The five are forwards Jerry Brunelle and Dan Moore, center Ron Russell and guards Jack Scott and Larry Thompson. The Trappers defeated the Vik ings, 53-37 last Saturday night at Vancouver, and are rated as one of the top teams in Washington. They are led by all-stater Chuck Chronis, a lcttcrman who has av eraged close to 20 points a game for two years. The Saxons will have a definite height disadvantage as the Trap per starting five will average 6-2 while the starting Saxon quintet averages a little over the six foot mark. . Gordon Upkes and Tim Cambell, both 6-5 lettermen, pro vide most of the height for Les Long's Washington team. North Salem, meanwhile, is fa vored to beat Hudson's Bay high school of Vancouver in the night cap at about 8:30. That is because North beat South, and South beat Hudson's Bay last weekend in the doubleheader at Vancouver. Coach Ward Paldanius' crew looked smooth in beating South Tuesday right, 55-47, as three Vik ings hit 12 or more points each., Two guards, Dennis McKcc and Jim Litchfield,, accounted for 28 together and Dick Scoggins, a 6-3 junior, scored 12 as substitute at center. South Matnien Wrestle Today The South Salpm wrpcilini h.nm opens its season tonight in match against Dallas at the South Salem gym. V'restline fnr S n ti t h Cnlnm coached by Hank Juran, will bo: so niyron Mepper. 103 Larrv Wnitte nr Dan worth. 112-Bob McGuire. 120 Dave Berglund. 133-Floyd Stroh. 138-Frankie Franklin. 145 Richard Davis. 154 Bob Gates. 165 Gary Ballew. 175-Gerry Sticklcy. Heavyweight Jim Woodry. There arp ins pnilponc in ihA tern College Athletic Conference. Greenlee Gets Mention on UP Little All-Coast Linfield, Whitman and L & C Place Men ?' On 1st Team SAN FRANCISCO (UP) The United Press Little All Pacific Coast football team for 1956: Pos Name School E Wixie Robinson Pepperdine E Jim Cox Cal Poly T Floyd Peters S.F. State T Pete Michaelson Whitman .... G Vic Fox Linfield ... G John Kidd Cal Aggies C Don Kloppenburg Fresno Slate B Bill Seymour So. Ore. Coll. B Gene Flippir. Lewis & Clark B Howard Tipton Redlands B Dean Philpott Fresno Stale Second Team Ends: Bill Stemplc, Lewis & Clark; Jack Harmon, Eastern Ore gon. Tackles: Bill Tiedgen, Pacific U.; Cecil Nelson, Arizona (Flagstaff) State. Guards: Ted Hansen, Whitman; Bob Mitchell, College of Pugct Sound. Center: Duane Wickstrom, Cal Polv. Back: Earl Barnum, Humboldt Slate. Back: John Stcinborn, Fresno, Back: Ernie Matlock, Chico State. Back: Ed Lodge, College of Ida. ho. Honorable Mention Ends: Jcrrv Bcier. Linfield, Lap ry Schweinfurt, So. Oregon; Bill Murphy, Fresno; Bernie Hancock, Eastern Washington; Joe Konuski, Central Wash. Tackles: Dale Greenlee, Willam ette: Harry McAdams, Lewis li Clark; Joe Houser, Redlands: Slacie Green, Pepperdine: Bill Harvey, Fresno; Coby Frccby, Whitworth; Les Greer, Eastern Washington. Guards: Jay Gutowski, San Di eco St.: Willie Hudson, Cal Poly: Howard Morris, Linfield; Jack Knudnen, Oregon Collcee. Centers: Caesar Faiamma, Hum boldt State. Backs: John Sochor, San Fran cisco State: Joe Roeien. Pepper dine; Ron Parrish, Linfield; Jerry Duncan, Cal Poly; elven Dagget, Eastern Oregon. Wyman Gem riarth, Oregon Coll.; Hal Jackson, San Diego State; Sut Puailoa, Santa Barbara: Jim Kuhn, Fresno State: Gary Collins, College of Ida ho: John Fromm. Pacific Luther an: Bob Austin. Puget Sound, and Bob Bates, Whitworth. Silver ton Has Football Fete Tonight, 6:30 SILVERTON (Special) Sll verlon's state A-S runncrup foot ball squad will be honored to night at a banquet at the school cafeteria. Starting time Is 6:30. Principal speaker will be Bob Swan, Oregonian sports writer In charge or high school events. Tickets will be available at the high school.. Coach Murl Anderson's Foxes compiled the best record In the school't; history this season, ad vancing' to finals of the A-2 championship before losing to Rccdsport, 7-6" The team won 18 straight games over a two-yean period. Cascade Beats Stayton on Mat CASCADE HIGH SCHOOL (Spe cial) Cascade's strong wrestling team rolled to an easy win over Stayton in a non-league match Wednesday night by a score of 45 15. The Cougars won nine out of 12 matches, including two forfeits in thr low weight classes. Next match for Cascade comes Monday at Albany. Both Cascade and Stayton open their Capital conference wrestling schedule Dec. 12, the Cougars hosting Gervais and Stayton going to Woodburn. Army's 55-46 defeat of Colgate marked the highest number of football points ever scored by two eastern colleges in ' one game. UW Star 9tli in Major ' College Grid Scaring NEW YORK (fl - Dean Derby, the all-Pacific Coast Conference back from the University of Wash ington, was the ninth highest scorer in major college football during the past season. The NCAA Service Bureau, in figures released Wednesday, showed the Walla Walla speedster with 63 points to his credit on seven touchdowns, 18 PATs, and one field goal. Clendon Thomas of Oklahoma was the top scorer with 108 points. SWAPS HAILED MIAMI, Fla. (UP) Swaps was hailed as champion handicap colt and Blue Sparkler as the top hand icap marc today by the selections board of the Thoroughbred Racing Association. Tide Table TIDES FOB TAFT, OREGON (Compiled tT l Coast CoOtlc luiltr, Portland, oteion) Ppc. T 1) II U HIJll Wattra 3:40 a.m. 5 13 p.m. 4 19 am. 2 5S p.m. 4:59 l.m. 3 48 p.m. 3 .Ti a m. 4 SO p m. 21 m. S.1I pm. 7 00 a m. 7:18 p.m. 1 II a m. 8 38 p m. a 23 am. 4 83 4 4 es Low Waters 1:40 a m. 3 1 :24 p m. -0 3 9:33 a m. 3 0 10:03 pm. 0 3 10.32 a m. 2.9 30 41 pro, f fl 11:38 a m. 2 7 11:24 pm 12 p m. 23 12 w a m. mpm. 12 -57 a m. 2 48 p m. 1:48 a m. 3 39 pm. Sk fHm IIP1 PRE-CHRISTMAS ALLSTATE Premiums 24 MONTH Guarantee Regular 25.75 No Trade-in Price, Now Only Size 6.70x15 Plus Fed. Tax and old tire I fiylt-Vnisitoi 4-ply. rciyXM cofd body Wowm stetji beads tjiv MtfXMr itrMgrii Tread h 35 dcoper tfcem mot tires Guaranteed 24 months . . . proof of their dependability. Tough, long-mileage ALLSTATE Premiums feature extro safe zigzag tread that digs in for safe braking. Don't take chances , . . drive in now . . . put a let on your ear at these big trade-in allowances. PREMIUM BLACKWALL TIRES CJ I Hoo. No Trod4. I Sola Trie plat i DOWN I Ma.H.iTci I M. to. t oldtlr. PAVMSNT 7.10x15 I 28.50 I 18.97 jUT"" 7.60x15 31.20 I 20.97 106 PREMIUM WHITE WALL TIRES ' Rcjfar 30.75 No Trode-Ms Price, Now Only Sto. S.70.11 plin F.d lav PREMIUM WHITEWALLS C:, l.f . No Tradv-la Sol prlca plal I DOWN J"C rrit. PI.. To. Pod, hi. t old Ur. I PAYMENT 7.10x15 33.95 I 22.97 2.25 7.60x15 37.25 I 24.97 2.45 . 8.00x15 40.50 2697 i 2JS ALLSTATE Premiums arc Backed by Triple 24-Month Guarantee I h & lit to & & Sharp ebitett BroUn bo Broktn glait Ruh end bumpi Fallen branehei Rilied brick htffcwvy hsiwflf Bed rvtt Sharp rockt Kiilread fee MinKel conn Broken GUtt Sharp win Tin cant Mitel b'eH "Withboero" rottJt YOUR CHOICE! 15 MO. GUARANTEED ALLSTATE First Quality COMPANIONS OR 12 MO. GUARANTEED ALLSTATE Softi Grip METROPOLITANS Designer! (or Winter Drlvinx I.. it Regular No Trade in Price 14.95 Plus Tx fBuy 1st Tire at Regular No-Trade- In Price.. Get 2nd Tire for Only 0 Rogulof Na Trodc- 470x1 S Plus Tax 16.95 Mplropolilan I Companion Get 2ni n0WB Size ,sl T"rr I o ,sJ.lrer Tire for Payment Res. Price Ri. R- Prire F.a. , Pairs Plus Tax Plus Tax Only m oTooTll 1 4.95 14 95 9,98 -3 00 6.70x1 5"" 14.95 1 6.95 9.98; 3T00 7710x15" 15.95 18.95 JBS 3.00 7760x15 T6T95 20 75 11.88 3.00 5J H7IU15 HI 600x16 Plus Tax No Trade-in Required FREE WHEEL BALANCING! GET 25 MORE TIRE MILEAGE Weight!, $1.40 per Wheel, if Needed 'SaZifcempuaMn SEARS 550 N CaPil01 Phone 3"9191 Rams May Sell $20,000 Punter Named Van Brocklm LOS ANGELES OW Norman (Dutch) Van lroiklin, far mmy years one tf the Xatiomi Faat ball League's to. passers, expects to be traded by the Las A.gclcs Rams this winter. The former University of Ore gon quarterback's contract ex pires this month. He is being paid KO.'tO a year raid Coach Sid Gill rnrni uses him only for punting There are several NFL clubs that might jump at the chance to acquire the 30-year-old Van Brock lin, although probably not at his current salary, and the Rams may be able to mako a deal. "What has been happening late ly indicates I'm no Ir.igor their boy," Van Brocklin said Tuesday. "Whether I'd go along with a trade depends on the terms of fered me. I think I can still ploy football. "When I joined the Rams in 1949 I expected o finish up here, but it doesn't look like I'm going to now. I have no idea why Gill man has given up on me, except what I read in the papers that I throw too many interceptions and can't run. Syracuse and Colgate have played !17 football games. Colgate leads 31-21; there were five ties. Penney's SALEM, OREGON TOM DOLLAR BUYS MOKlj THAN IVEII Store Hours: MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. Other Days: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. faf v : . a anu on jTj,)jniztfi$ I , B r Iff Smmmy, j '- A ALL WOOL WCSTO AND FLANNELS I Bank on the lavlngi .v. bank an the Penney quality, tool Choose from quality woolens, specially selected for value and fashion . . . tailored to regular Penney stand ards and styled for the new season! Terrific buys on plain and decorated flannels . . . twists, sharkskins, and other quality worsteds... In smart grays, blues, tans, charcoals.,Slscs 85 to 46 regular.. Also shorti and longs; MAIN FLOOR J - - ONE GROUP MEN'S Dress Shoes Reduced Your Choice... Many pain to pl(k from . . Dress or casual styles . . few pair of men's Mark hlnh lop dress shoes . . . Your chance to buy that extra pair of shuei at big savings . . . Most all sizes. 6 Broken Sixes 6i lo 12 DOWNSTAIRS STORE Hi J:ll f 7Z -aauuim -"nj "'"'fW i.i::V.'..i' Km liANK ON IT, MEN! Torrid topcoat huy! Vxtra xnfrlfil IVnnrv lavlntfsl Trrrific values in richly textur ed wool tweeds, fine coverts, other top fabrics! Choice of wc'1-taitoreri pennev models, In !...:-. tl. II ..I ltUn In. .IIIIIHIK OIL' iim-iiiiKinii . a a tv- day's most popular styling. sixes 36 to 46 .MAIN Fl.OOK a (8 m. 4 S .-Mam. 7 J 1ft Jb IB. 4.7 2 in a IM PJB