4 -. , Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL EPA Moves to Reduce Short Power Layoffs pnirn.AMn nrpi nnnn..;u- frowcr Administration today took Steps to try to halt a layoff ol fvoiivuii uevauau 01 a culDacK in iiterruptible power supplies. BPA announ'.'ed an nnfn ftirogram for re .t:a... ia river reservoirs plus proeurc- Inrnt ol power :rom other sources semen ii sain migni allow inuna- tint power users such as alumi num firms to maintain full opera tion. Earlier it had been announced lliat 500,000 kilowatts of intrrrupl- ule nnwcr writiM hn rnt rr in 11 l;eetro-proces industries at mid light Friday. Aluminum Company of America Vancouver Wash cairt t.ii. Kay it would lay off 100 workers .icn ai ns Vancouver ana Wenat iieo plants because of the cut 1'atk. Alcoa indicated the HPA announcement may result in a nanje in the layoff plans. An official of Kaiser Aluminum nd Chemical romm-ation -n f:ane said the supplemental power rauld allow its plants at Mead tna iremwooa to continue without unfls. TIlP WevnnlHe UmI t'ompany with plants at Troutdslc, t(ie., cinu lohrvicw, wasn., lanned to maintain production. Jack Jolliffe, BPA power re iiurccs manager, said the plan ailed (or drawing down storage ater behind Grand Coulee lu tccp generators there on the pow r nrndllflimi linn flllim-uMcn llm,, would be idle this inonlh. The wa- iti ittdwii uuwii uieiu wnu n ne placed in January or later by rlrnwiulnu'n hohinn" U 11 n dpi. worse dam in Montana. Hl'A also said it would get tO 11(1(1 kilnw.lIU from rstirnrm. XHeqon Power Company and Eu- ;cnes nater & fciectric Board. Section 3 Paire 13 ienate Probe Of Teamsters Said Upcoming i'UHTLA.D I UP) The Ore onian reported today that it had urncd over to a Senate investi gating committee information an documents it hail collected for use 11 what the newspaper said was n upcoming probe of Teamster nion leaders in Portland and I her cities. The files have been turned over o Robert Kennedy, chief counsel if the Senate permanent subcom nillee on investigations, the news paper said. The public hearings to le netcl in connection with the in vestigation will star' shortly after I he first of the year according to present plans, the story said, with Portland a possible location for some of the taking of testimony. The Oregonian reported that suhpenas have been served on the newspaper for all the records of its vice investigation which were turned into a copyrighted series of reports earlier this year. Brownies Adopt Fairview Cirls For Christmas Two six-year-old girls flt Fairview Home who have never had anyone piny Santa Claus for them, have been "adopted" as a Christmas project by the Mnrningsidc Sehonl Krownie Trnnp 22.1. The third-graders Mill make puppets and hean bass as gifts for these Fairview rhildren. The same Rrnwnie troop also collected hrokin toys and look them to the fire slalion where firt'.nrn will mend them for giving In Christmas baskets. Leader of this troop is Mrs. Christine Senfirld, Mrs. Patricia Rrnndinver is nssislant leader, and Mrs. Elsie Peterson is neighborhood chairman. Security Steps Taken to Slop Polk Co. Esea es DAU.AS (Special) Allr-ations Ire' beine made in the Polk coun ty jail following .suggestions made by the grand jury to prevent further escape by prisoners. A secure visiting room is being built in' the west end of the sheriff's nlfice: lockers are be ing provided for prisoners' cloth in; and belongings and coverall Jnifnrms are being purchased for prisoners. The words. "Polk County Jail" i!l he stitched across the backs of the uniforms Sheriff Tonv N'cillelrtl al" is rrsrjno for remodeling of the jail to provide a security cell block. Df.Pl.ORF.S DEARTH OF WITNESSES HALIFAX i IT1- Police Chief Verdun Mitchell says he believes per rent o! the citv's resident' are both blind and dca'. He said Wednesday that during the past 10 months there were I .MO acci dents in the citv, hut that in "ail but a h.indlul of these there were ni witnesses." He urged the pub lie to discard the "let George do If attitude." 2 DIB Or CHOI EA NEW PVI.HI -Thf Indian Cuernment announced today that persons hv official rin! drd ! a cholera ouibreak during the la-' -seek of Novrmner in the .... .... i-.it... t'r. snirn iMiian stale m ,v.'m drsh The government said the f pi . nemic appeared to be unacr tun Ual ij STARTING THIS FRIDAY OPEN AIL I WANT FOR Q11IMAL moiim -sweaters by (sum 9 0 I w Mm I : t il l Ml IV a aWB I ma Right at the top of the litt of every girl from lit to grandmother ... a downy toft, luxurious feoling tweater by Glatgo in that wondrout 'Angolura' (blend of 75 lambtwool, 25 angora). The ttylet are continental with full fashioned tleevet, dyed-to-match pearl buttoht. . The colors are vivid-Pompeii, chianti red, gulf blue, capri green, tand, sherbet, butterscotch, taffy, sapphire, thrimp, It. blue, emerald, medium blue; sizes 36 40 . . . And by the way Santa, Meier & Frank's have skirts dyed to match thete vonderout tweaters. Skirt 10 to 18. 1. Roll rib neck pullover .. M3.98 Malchlng Even-Picone skirt . M9.98 - 2.' Mock turtle cardigan ... $13.98 Matching Rosewood skirl -. I A W W 3. Embossed trimmed cardigan Matching Custom Craft skirt . 4. Turtle neck slipover .... '13.98 5. Collared cardigan '17.98 6. Plunge neckline pullover .. M3.98 Ai mul htme unlm. Plus shipping cost to mens autsidr our rrgtilnr truck delivery routes. SPORTS SHOP-STREET FLOOR weier u rranK s-aaiem, saiem, uregon : Please send tne the following: Color Size Quan. Total Mamc jtreet City ... Zone Slate C.O.D Charge Remit. Encl 'Plus .vii';i'iic cost to nrcus outside rrculttr truck iflivrrii roiur. ..,,......................... .! 'ft ii Q m