Tffff Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Firm Disputes Cha rge Fuses Sent Illegally N. Y. Fire Chief Claims 7-Ton Shipment Not Tagged Explosive NEW YORK wi-A Cor.r.eclicut firm says almost seven tons ot detonating' fuses which some officials contend may have caused the terrific blast during a Brook lyn pier fire were shipped "in strict conformity with all regula tory requirements." The blaze and explosion last Monday killed 10 persons, injured 2 and caused damage estimated by city officials at 15 million dol lars. A probe of the disaster con tinues including the cause of the fire. The Ensign Bickford Co. of Simsbury, Conn., said last night it shipped 1.950 cases of "Prima cord" fuses to its West Coast dis tributor. 1 Stoughton S. Ellsworth, a com pany vice president, said "Prima cord" is designated by the Inter state Commerce Commission as a Class C or minimum-hazard ex plosive. He said the fuse also has been approved by the Federal Bureau of Aeronautics for ship ment via air freight. City Fire Commissioner Edward F. Cavanagh Jr., however, said yesterday that shipment of such a quantity of this material was of a hazardous character." Cavanagh also said the bill of lading was not marked ""explo sive" and carried only the warn ing sign, "Store away from heat." He added that no more than 1,000 pounds of explosive material may be stored here without notification to the Fire Department. Robert W. Withers, a lop Fire Department official, says such fuses constitute a high explosive of a type banned from shipment here eight years ago. Cavanagh declined to say def initely that the fuses caused the blast on" the Luckenbach Steam ship Line pier. But he said experts had told him the amount on the pier could have caused it. Ellsworth said the fuses would be explosive only when set off by an 'outside force," adding: "If acrlylenc gas blew, it could be set off." Seven drums of carbide were found in the middle of (lie 1,700 foot pier, biggest in New York Harbor, the night of the fire. Car bide mixed with water creates acetylene gas which explodes un der contained conditions. Tolerance of the "Primacord" fuse, used in commercial demoli tion work, was said to be 260 de grees centigrade (500 degrees Fahrenheit). The fuses had been consigned to the Coast Manufacturing Co. of Traverno, Calif. The bill of lading on the ship ment was found yesterday among blackened debris on the wrecked pier. DemoAdvisery Unit Includes Adlai, Truman WASHINGTON (UP)- Twenty top Democrats, including former President Truman and Adlai E. Stevenson, were named today to fln advisory committee to help chart the Democratic program during the next four years. The committee was appointed by Chairman Paul Butler of the Democratic National Committee under terms of a resolution adopt ed last month by the committee's executive group. The 2(1 include Democratic lead ers of the House and Senate, five "at large" members, and five members to represent Democratic governors and mayors. In addition to Mr. Truman and Stevenson, the defeated 1952 and 11156 presidential nominee who an nounced Tuesday he would not run again, ' the at-large members in elude Sen. Esles Kefauver of Tennessee, this year's vice prcsi donlial candidate: Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, widow of the late President, and former Gov. John S. Battle of Virginia. Congressional members of the committee include Speaker Sam Ray burn: Senate Democratic Leader Lvndon B. Johnson: House Democratic Leader John W. Mc Cormaek; and Rep. Edith Green of Oregon. Other members appointed by Ruller included Gov. Averell liar riman of New York. Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan, and Gov. Ernest V. McFarland of Arizona. Stevenson removed himsrlf from future presidential consideration in a one-page statement issued Tuesday night. OSC (iivrn (Irani To Train Teachers CORVALL1S ifi - Oregon Stale College has a $253,000 grant under which it is to conduct a 10-month training course next year for 50 high school science and mathe matics teachers. The grant li one of Ifi the Na tional Science Foundation has made tncnllegcs in (he country in a program which the Founda tion is launching in the hope of increasing he number of "top quaity scientists and engineers'," mffep breUifrs convene CORVALI.1S f - The Oregon Purehred Sheep Breeders ssn. opens its annual mer'ing here M nday. During the session. S.S nr will be innouneed in the 195 heep production contett. 8 f I 85W STARTING THIS FRIDAY OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS $ 27.50 Meier & Frank s -Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following rugs, spreads Quantity Si?e Color Name .... Address ... City . Zone State Charge ...C.O.D. Remit End, Vrt sii';i;m'iic rovf lo arrni mir rttzular trtitk dilii:ery tmitrs NEW CALLAWAY MILLS PRESEMS VALTWEEB" SCATTER RUGS "lir HALL J LIVING ROOM Au-rn QUILTED II W''rU'-''P. 'j? 'rfiS o'7xSl '''X ? ? JrV ,J"s,m"s ravnn ,ai,,l bedspreads, quilted in small diamond pattern, . l'W$LMffi 1 ,i,vis,,,' fl,UIH!t"1 1,1 sitl" 1,llfl lK,'- y"r Mw for l,w' ' 1 WS'Sd&!&(:K&nA 1 holidays ... or consider this as a sneci.-d ifl for vour favorite home-' " 1 J HifYA mW j "''. '"'. I'HRe, gray, wine, full or twin sizes. ' ; ) V 'WWk Afm'l mul phone orders' :::::::::: 1 " MBki .. - l ii Vifi.'.iatAig-ita; ...A.t-a m L-jiupntpf ft ? i ft mim ,mij-i . m' i , m B . .!V t mmmmmt J. . . .. "!-"T"--'""'iI " ' t THE CAPITAL JOIIRNAT; e.i.. TAFFETA FLOOR '.7?JW'''X sPecid purchase savin9s oecuon o ish hit in Callaway's popular "Ovation" series in ValhveerJ, tweedy woven nigs of viscose rayon with latex back . . . easy to clean and washable! Use them in any room in the , bedroom, halls, den, living room, etc. there's a size Green, sandalwood, rose, gold, blue, brown, gray. 27"x48" $5.50 $10.95 .u..j-.n5.95-: Lid covers $1.95 Also available In ,x, $34'5 ,.99M 0xl, .....$6995 12.xl5. 109so ,xi,.$89's, 12w..$12550 9 Mail and phone orders COVERINGS SECOND FLOOR SPREADS Page II