Page 10 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Friends Expect Dulles to Stay In Job 4 Years Confidence Supported By Report of Full Recovery By LYLE C. WILSON United Prcii Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON UP)-Secrctary of State John Foster Dulles' close and responsible associates confi dently expect him to continue in oWioc through President Kiscnhow cr's second term. Their confidence was undrrwrit- k-n Wednesday by the State Dc parliiont itself. Press Officer Lin coln White distributed a physician ami surgeon's report on Dulles, asserting his full recovery and competence "for full resumption of his normal duties." White agreed with questioners that the department issued the statement to cool hot rumors Dulles shortly would resign. Dulles has been under hot fire in the aftermath of the Hungarian and Middle East crises compar able to the barrage of adverse criticism against Agriculture Sec retary bzra raft Benson when farm prices skidded. Supports Subordinates Mr Eisenhower believes in sup. Y-ung his subordinates, however, and evidently intends tn keep JJullcs in the cabinet, rerhaps that must be viewed on an as-of- now basis, because the dispute over administration foreign policy has just begun. Foreign policy was a top Issue In the president! campaign. It evidently is the Democratic pur pose to press it hard after Con gress convenes. The word in Wash ington is there will be prolonged congressional inquiry into the for eign policies of the Eisenhower ad ministration. Sen. Fstcs Kcfouvcr (D-Tenn) probably had that partly in mind when he announced he would seek membership on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Membership on the Senate committee would give Kcfauvcr a front row seat at the expected Inquiry and a good sounding board for further na tionally publicized comment. Cites Age Prediction of another four cabi net years for Dulles might he challenged on grounds of age. The fecretary will he (III years old next Feb. 25 and would he within weeks of his 73rd birthday when Mr. Ei senhower's second term ends in January Mil. Modern transportation has enabled Dulles to indulge a liking lor travel and exhausting personal diplomacy. He will leave Saturday lor a critical North Atlantic Treaty Council meeting which con voiles in Paris Dec. 11. The North Atlantic Trenly Organization (Nnlu) has been falling apart. That, at least, is the judgment of omc U.S. oflicials who arc in position to know. Dulles Is represented now, how ever, as being confident that the NAIO situation will be greatly int. proved by the time he roaches Paris. Chou Supports U.S. Stand on Egypt Conflict MADRAS, India in Premier Chou Kn-Lal of Communist China today endorsed the position taken ny inc uniieo Mines In the U.N debate on the Egyptian conflict He described il as "correct," but then said he was "more con cerned" about I wo oilier questions of American policy in the Middle Kasl. "Is the United States trying In lane over liiinsii and French positions in F.gypl and does I hp I'niled Stales still support t h c liritish and French idea of inter national control of the Suez Canal?" Chou asked. He added thai he supported the policy of the African-Asian na tions on Egypt "tor an imme diate withdrawal ol liritish. French lorees, with the United Nations supervising their with drawal and helping clean up the canal." The smiling Chinese leader, ob viously enjoying his trip through India as part of his seven-nation tour of Asia, expressed his views at his first press conference since e arrived in India Nov. 28. 3 Vanish as Nilro Blows tAST ALTON. Ill H'l'i- , ttflosion shattered a truck and ait explosives shed at the tilin Malhirsnn Chemical Corp. pta: Hrc today and set firo to other MfcU'hy sheds, A company spokesman said tttltt men. loading the triHk Milh Bflroglyceritv l II Inne. wtie rnwnn. folK fhirl Haloid ffimj md Uwtrr vr rw rrportt el Mhr Ctmtuic. rnntUW llvm IK.vbv Mmrnjni. itH nunv lfc wrf o. tt eUnt iui ogwm jad cjuuiur brought Ifttj 9iay oft nwirfcj (uiklinfv an. INlflt tiki UUc ttwS, Ihf $m !. Ul wflfb ffhfCA .lit MO t4. fe1 K V his dter Mre ftrni vrv. IH-wiIwm barged h An Ins scaMI vgM. w-yeab old mtuile loftier at 40 STARTING THIS FRIDAY OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS MfflNC REG. ui. v.; - r - . . .... . . : TIV in IL1 o 1 . .;.v-.-.A ITALIAN MODERN mm WAIN mm -L JCj D o ' - nn wonderful gifts . . specially priced EACH 1. commode with drawer 2. step table 3. oblong cocktail table Authentic Italian modern style in quality tables, created to fit your decor f j . . and your budget. These new lovelies add distinctive beauty to your rooms ... truly the "costume jewelry of your home." Beautiful walnut in gleaming finish, accented with brass bands and drawer pulls. Hail and phone orders' Charming French Provincial Tables choice of 3 styles specially priced each 4. commode with drawer 5. oblong cocktail table 6. step table These exciting new French Provincial style tables are made with cherry veneer tops in a mellow fruitwood finish. Select them singly, in pairs, or all three, styles to complement your room. Mail rnd phone orders' FURNITURE - SECOND FLOOR TABLE tVhat a gift bonanza! You can have a pair of these gorgeous lamps for less than you would expect to pay for a single! And yon mav choose them in matching pairs, or one of each style. Designed to enhance vow home with beauty, with soft, glowing light; with utility ... all have convenient three way lighting. Impressive in beauty, impressive in size . . . and impressive in low, low cost. 1 Le1lianTUbaS,er, P",el h"ey pink nd white. .h.d.s .f acetate taffeta. Three-way lighting. ' 2 Imported opal lamps in white or pink, with hand decoration In gold. Actta taffe fa shades. Three-way lighting. a " Mail and phone orfct LAMP - &KONP A.OOR Wrt wnS am to 0rcc outsid o.r rcgulfir truck deliver, ' 0 - - n TABLES Mil fli otu os $5 o month NO DOWN PAYMENT as low as $5 a month NO DOWN PAYMENT LAMPS I5 0 S n a ' o o o