Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 ii ii Page 6 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Turncoats Home From China French Women Have Maids, Few Appliances, Mrs. America Finds EDITORS NOTE: Mm. CIm Maletls, of Portland, Ore., moth er of three young sons and "Mm. America f I9SS," has beea (our int; Europe swapping homemakinf hint! with housewives abroad. In this dispatch written for t'nlted Press she rercrds her Impres sions In Frre, ' By MRS. AMERICA Written For United Press Turncoat Tells Of 'Disillusion' In China Stay By WARD T. SIMS SEATTLE tfV-An Illinois farm boy who refused repatriation after his capture by the Kcds during the Korean War said last night he was disillusioned in his 3'i year search or "peace" in Com munist China. But Arley Pale, 26, of Carbon dale, III., declined to give his dc-; finition of "peace." He said there was as much "peace" in the United States as there was in China. The talkative Pate, dressed fn ', a shabby, blue, Chinese-tailored . suit, arrived here from Tokyo . with Aaron Wilson of Uranin, I.n., , another Korean War POW who ; cast his lot with China when pris- oners were exchanged in l!(a3. Pate and Wilson, a shy. quiet . lad of 25, crossed over the Chi ; nese border at Hone Kong Sun ; day after telling the Communists they wanted to return home. Their applications for repntrin- linn, filed Oct. 2t, were acted Upon speedily by the Kcds, Pate said. ; Wilson declined to answer ques- tinns, j Pale said he decided to return J because of the illness of his I father, the recent death of his I brother Ronald in a swimming accident and "other reasons." J Pale's parents are Mr. and Mrs. I Daniel H. Pate of Carbondale. I Pate stud alt be wanted to do ; was to return tn Carbondale and work on his father's farm. Asked if he considered himself - a traitor, Pate replied: ' "No, ir, I never have thought ; of myself as a traitor." ; In China, Pate worked in the ;. machine repair shop of a Tsinan i paper mill. He said he was paid ) the equivalent of $w a month. Wilson said he studied Chinese lanuuaue at a Tsinan school. (H the 21 Americans who de ' cided In go to Red China alter the Korean War. only 14 remain Knur others returned ahead of Pale and Wilson and one died in Red China. Two Granges 1 Prepare to Seat Officers MOI.AI.I.A iSiH'dnli The ri'S (liar monthly businos mrrtinit nl Jllnlalla (iranso No, 310 is slalpd lor Friday fvoninc. in the (Jiarnir hall, wilh the mam liusincss In lie Jninl installation nf the nowly rlrTt f. n(l:ccrs n( Mnlall liian'p sand of Mnltnn liransr Mrs. Ida Davidson Mill lie in Hallfd as Molnlla (Irmisi- inastrr with her staff nllirrrs. This br hrr fourth w;ir as Ma'ailn's hrad officrr. Tin is the hrst tun In Ihi" h'Mnry nf Mnlalla r.ranti lint a (iransc master has bren rr fkftrtl fnnr ruiiMTiitiw turn's Medulla's (iramT was insiitutni In Kfliniary, IWJ and Mum will eili. rre its S.Mh flnnivi'i'Miry. Mrs. X'orn Pcmllrlnn iil.n will w Installed nsain ns Mulinn's Ciiansr tnaOrr. tnyrthrr vitli hrr s;af n( oflicrrs. Wnllnrn nf Mnlidla tirnncp will he installing nffcrr. A nn-hnsl dinner will be .mril n' fi .In pm. (.nd the inert tie w't start at 8 p m. P'ans 'er tin (iris'.inas party In he held Mm' day. Deer-inher 17, mil be made at the inretur vat ctt'tti MOI.AI.I.A iSpwial) - (!ry K'ausncr in Ita Nm-j, ( Mrs ne Aruo. h ben station!', in the Mrditcmtran .'ml has Jus' returned. He will bt Irnvinc asain niter 2 iffiv. taw. Mn a mnrons i . SEATTLE Arlejr Pale, 25. Carbondale, III., Is questioned by new-fmen while his companion, Aaron Wilson, 24, Urania, La., In dark overcoat, stands in background, declining (o talk. The (wo were among 21 U.S. soldiers, captured by Chinese Communists early In Ihe Korean war, who refused repatriation In 1953. They arrived at Sealtle-Tacoma Airport last nlcht from Hong Kong, after changing their minds, and were en route to (heir homes today. IAP Wlrepho(o) and, of course, French pastries always makes her own vccelable are famous. I .soup, although sonic working 1 noticed that nearly everything ; women use powdered or packaged here is cooked in butter. Each ' dry soup. Breakfast is small. The individual food is se'rved separate- bi meal comes at noon. Dinner Iv to preserve its own special starts about 7:30 or 8 p.m. flavor. The staple drink with i French people entertain rarely every meal is wine. A quart bottle because dinner with guests is p of ordinary red wine costs only such a formal affair, with as jjj 22 cents. many as eight courses. Coup, hors $ French food is so rich, the d'oeuv-cs. rs1' o- -nwi. me.r and sauces in particular, that some vegetables, salad, cheese, dessert PARIS (IT) French house- P00?'0 drink mineral water in-, am. coffee follow each other one k irln-lA nl uma TU.ii J. nn. n nl n llm. C'ir.1, . (4lnnn I.L-ne 3 1- wives are handicapped by a lack ! for miIk. ..Mlik is ,or children." full day or more to prepare. ; of modern appliances but many of j they say. Water "rusts your in- There is very little installment 'I them have at least a part-time 1 sides." i buving. The French are . very mai(j I Too Many Cans thrifty and very proud, taking Ihe . ' ,.,. ,..1,1, p,.i, . I The -French use 'llttie canned a titude. "If we can't afford it. ' In my talks with French worn- . .... , o . . .. . ., ,,. . fc.. ,h i en, I found (hat most of them i ,,.. , ; . , 1 do wlSiout refrigerators, which much " A Fre"ch homemaker cash ,5 cost twice as much as American refrigerators. They use screened cabinets hung outside the kitchen window. However maids are paid about 42 cents an hour part-time and as little as $10 a week when they work full-time and live in. Many French women employ German, Swiss and Austrian girls wi" come to France for a year disolav In Salem Friday and Sat ana work as maids lor very little urjay 11 i-Aiiidne lur room, ooaru ana MVS New $50,000 Driver Testing Unit Due in Salem in Two Davs i r PORTABLE TV (OVERALL DIAGONAL MEASUREMENT) a chance to perfect their French. Many Slops Since the supermarket has yot to make much of an inroad in Europe, the French housewife goes to one shop for her baked goods, another for her meat, an other for her milk, butler and eggs and still another for her fruit and vegetables. A new $50,000 driver testing unit Capitol shopping center on Satur on tour of the western states in be-; aa-v- I half of traffic safely will be on I e"e5,' T".! PV'K" , .J I 1113 UlAUIdJ Will uc fail, ui 111L- "Back the Attack" program on traffic accidents planned for the The unit, property of the Inter- month of December, and is one state Indemnity company, is being more effort to alert the public to brought to the Salem area through , safe driving during the holiday 1 the efforts of the Marion county season. ONLY chapter of the Oregon Highway Lifesavers. Unit 'Locations Listed Bailey Barrett of the Allstate In .Many new testing devices are available in the unit to test visual acuity, side vision, distance judg ment, night vision, and normal re- rance company and Rex Gibson! ac;ion' n ad,itio,n f complex ro of the Ladd & Bush branch of the : actomeler will test reactions in I! S Nulinnnl himW rn.chairm.rn : normal iramc situations anu She usually does her shopping ni ih. nmiv i.ir9vr. min ; measure reaction time. 1 on foot. Very few French women stated that arrangements had been NASSER SEIZES SCHOOLS scr's government and will be driv,' ,and ,cvcr-v neighborhood has 1 madc for the testing unit to be on LAIKO, l-Jgypl m Fifty lintish operated under Egyptian head-1 115 ciusier 01 mantels, and French schools in Egypt have 1 masters, the Education Ministry French bread has a thick crust, been taken over by President Nas-1 announced Thursday. I a rough texture and a good flavor, display all day Friday at Liberty and Slate streets in down-town Sa lem, and in the parking lot of the GRONCHI VISITS BONN' BONV IM Italy's President Gronchi arrived here Thursday for a three-day state visit. SPECIAL SALE AT MILLER'S DOLLAR DAYS DOWNSTAIRS 77272 r 1 s j k n v rrr ji tr.rijjmmKai LVti IA " .,.i tit Luy With Powerful Hill Climbing Q Wheel Locomotive Use Our Convenient Layaway ! See 1 milHti S I YOU SAVE $40.60 Iff Sg ;liFg-aKij - w " ",M "T'ljL AiTHtiitR -M-inr ,rr3 .caiau rry'rif f rw-t t; Trtit ti4t$ $tt tat k4r 7rttl-tt t iaekts if Mak lomi boy or girl happy with th NEW 67 piic ttciting Amtricon Flyar camplttt train l puffs ral Md-g learn ing tmakt and makti rtal tt.oo-choo. It rvni evtr and undtr on an d Irtitlt. Ho th NIW oxtra pewtrful 6 WHEEL DRIVE - PULl-MOR locomo fivo pulU up to 40 cart It c!mbt. Horrt, Hoptt rrio by rtmol eon trl. Can coupla and uncouplt euto- mattcally. II cemn com pltlt Engin, Ttndr, BoMOf, Hoppor ear, Tank car, Cobooio, powtrful rovtrtiblt Troniformor, Itctrlc Uncouplcr, .26 of itraight and Track; 26 pitcoi Trtitl and 4 pttco Choo-Cho Sot, 3 manual. gg S WwtoBM... COM! IM-TEIIPHONE TOnANO COWNSTAIRS 2-2431 MA II ORDER Id15 TO $15995 tlSILT CARRIED 1NTWHERE SUMMER v" , comsE n v HOSPITAL PATIO 'flM mk "DElu fORTAIir FEATURES (ii M lrn irnai knUhr, ,, F., e, TRAV.LER 17' PORTAILI TH.SVISION-;',ri;iHe"?i:nVM With 10 Down Payment You Can Buy One Of These As Low As $26.10 Per Month NO CARRYING CHARGE Or Use a Regular Contract ONLY $878 PER MONTH IT'S A TERRIFIC PORTABLE! IT'S A TERRIFIC PRICE! GIV6 YOURftu a REAL CHRISTMAS TREAT Wild I. Mai, ftni ptt. Ocllk T'A'I. ! Mtf rw Mi, vt t fSlNl Nm . rS'NT Addrdl c .... ?. Ji .. Sm. ?l9 9 He - e THE BEST PUCE TO SHOP . . . AFTER ALL Tin' r;am K OKMWNM V on the crwv. 1M a wl ".' siraMs if D'W H Mt ubik . I' he m4Aw 48ft 9 0b THE lST ACE SHOI. .. AFTER All