Page 14 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 California Men Really Serious About Seceding North Counties 20 Pel. Of Amu Only 1.7 Pel. of Voters By El) CAI'I'S United Press Staff Correspondent REDDING, Calif. (UP)-Moun-lain men in this remote area laid plans today for cif,'ht Northern California counties to secede and cet up a 4!llh state, featuring leg alized gambling and freedom from income or sales taxes. A small group met this week and wired Hep. Clair Knglc (D Califl to advise them how to pro ceed to form a new state of "Shasta." A severe snowstorm prevented attendance of all eoun. tics involved. The dream of a new slate re flects long-smoldering problems of thinly populated, undeveloped area. It was triggered by an ex pected battle in the 1!I57 session of the California legislature over water development. The cighl counties, Siskiyou. Modoc, Del Norte, Humboldt, Shasta, Trinity, Lassen and Plum as, comprise about one-fifth of the slate's area. The bulk of Califor nia's undeveloped water origin ates within borders of Ihe pro posed state and the hills and val leys about with wildlife and trout. Small Population However, the counties have but 1.7 per cent of the state's regis lercd voters. They are represented in the 120-seat stale Legislature by only two assemblymen and four senators. In contrast, Ihe city of Los Angeles alone has 31 as semblymen. Patrick Hanratly, 35-year-old de partment store operator at Mt. Shasta, and a co-signer on the telegram to Englc, said the group is dead serious. "We don't plan to set up any armed roadblocks or send our mil itia to march on Los Angeles," Hanratty said. "We'll have to go to the county governments and set up a plebiscite election." Hanratty said the group also has asked State Attorney General Ed mund G. Brown for advice, "As a separate state, we would bo masters of our own destiny," Hanratty said. "Wc would have two senators in Ihe U.S. Congress lo represent us." Water Dispute Arid Southern California, des perately in need of water, has Ihe majority of the stale's population and taxpayers. It will have to bear a large share of the cost of de veloping Northern California wat er resources. Legislators from the South have shown n marked re luctance to vote any money for dams until they gel firm water ngnts. Hanratty said the area's chief dilflculty is that It lacks the nonu- lation or funds lo carry on ils fight or bring about development. "For inslance, (lie annual bud- get of the Ml. Shasta Chamber of Commerce is aboul $1,200, he said. "You can't hire research men to provide statistics with thai. And you can't attract new Industry." Woozley Eyes Reforestation - VICTORIA, B.C. UJPI-A con templated annual million dollar reforestation program in III 0 & C counties in western Oregon which have two million acres of 0 k C lands, was envisioned here yester day by Kdward Woozley, director ol the Bureau of Land Manage ment. Woozley made the forecast before the Western Forestry and Conservation Association meeting here. tlnal ol I lie program, Woozley said, would he financed (rum the counties' share of t) fc C receipts, and would he aimed at hrin-iii Into forest production by all presently nonproductive and par tially productive 0 C areas. Clicmckctans Hunt Mistletoe The annual mistletoe ouling ol the Salem Cheincketans will take place Sunday. Dec. lii, Kenneth Jennings, chairman ol the commit tee in charge, reports. Mistletoe in considerable quan tity has been located near Drunk's Corner. Members of the mountain, eer organization who desire In inke pari in Ihe cxiiedilion are re quested In register at dnvn baton's store. The Clicmckctans ill Imhl thru Christinas party at the American Legion hall in West Salem at li :ui p.m. Dec, 13 anil on Dec. o uitl make a trip to the coast lor climb of Onion peak in the vicinity ot Neahkahnic. Driver Triiiniu" Uracil in Kvrrv Ore. llili School POHTLANI) .CPi-Thc Oregon Highway Llfcsavers, slate - wide citiacus committee, "strongly N'coxwicn'ra' here yesterday thai fttudit eVicr traiiwy; courses be WHrtto evnikdwe every OregM sua WMM. ft Ikw Mm eririu, a sluoV nrafki KiituMnvi4'tf thai Hie je tfoi 8 Ur a learner's CMimi (Winn irW r.'' Hie fee tai ti low eSmwr's Hccm to VKai ti (ft iahW.J I hike at tlM v.,.V tat tar A Viper's Hern. Tkvrnmmmi estimaled that this tt'imH raijt' a fund of I o (SOOsOOO annual!?. 1 STARTING THIS FRIDAY OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS I4 Pi GIVING Queen size trays, tallies and sets (trays 18J1" x 13K" x 24' high) .each 6. "Country Auction" in brown tones; black legs. . , 2. "Nassau" on black ground With pink and blue, black legs. Set of 4 trays with storage rack ....$12.95 Single trays, each $ 2.95 3, "Golden Leaves," green with brass legs 4. "Carriage," black 'with red; brass legs - Hail and phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR SMAJlil (brlFTS fOl HOIIBAY 1 1 Z' $245 y , ' jS. '' " ' Set of four with rack . $9.95 handy king-size j hostess carts . x -vKu "'xi 9... Removable trays in A ' Srtjfc fiyA i . patterns 5, 6; black $Q O C ( J.k 'if ' frame folds for easy Tf.Tf J f ' VUftV mV , ' t s,orase- y , r Wvwy 10. Removable trays . " - ' i " ' in patterns 7, 8; brass U C eB ' ' 3SS0Qi ' frame folds for easy I JL. jlj , JaFjst ' .. ,1 storage. .. W ' - X ; , Mail and phone orders' aEIFSJX ,' jW mvT ' j PS WM fH fTJ imm famous Cal-Dak TV Trays - Tables - Carts King size trays and tables 205!" x 6" x 25' high single trays, .each 3.95 Set of 4 trays with storage rack .$16.93 5. "Laced Flowers"; black with pink, black legs. 1. "Collector's Items"; red with black, black legs. Single tray, each $ 5.00 Set of 4 trays with storage rack -$22.50 7. "Black Marble"; black and gold, brass legs. 8. "Golden Fruit," black and gold, brass legs. j 321 sensational new electric Char Lighter 4 98 The perfect gift for the home barbecue chef . . . quick, clean and safe (U.L. approved) Char-Lighter! Lights charcoal in seconds . . . just plug it in and you are ready to cook in minutes . . . without kindling, odor, smoke, lighter fluid, flames or matches. 14" handle protects hands. Ari7 and. phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR new fireplace Barbecue Braiier Gay Aprons for barbecue or kit:hen Reg. $19.95 13.88 We have a complete line of aprons for your Christmas giving! Made of heavy bleached white canvas, printed or hand-painted . . . barbecue style, crazy aprons, bar aprons or the clever "Mr." and "Mrs." sets, See our many barbecue accesso ries . . . single aprons, chef hats, barbecue mittens, etc, "Mr." and "Mrs." barbecue aprons new "Crazy aprons barbecue apparel Adjustable 24" Brazier chrome grill . . . large easy rolling wheels, detachable chrome legs for easy storage. Also available with hood, motor and spit. Reg. $39.95 . . . . , $29.95 Mail ami plwnr orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR 4.98 A C, t my host and l'0?'ss would iiOy! Perma nently pleated tollon, Santorijeclv, color-fist. A sure ccner-f tioivpiece at any gathering. ami ii(f (irirrj HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR II 1 t - , m i $3.98 ' . Wrmmr "Call Me Snorty" "Man of Distinction" "Play Boy" "Chuck Wagon Charlie ' Fun to give and fun to getl Heavy duty pre-shrunk bleached canvas; gayly decorated. 'I'lns xhippine rn.l to arras outside our regular truck deliiery routes. Mail and jii