THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Ike Will Hear Harsh Talk in Drought Zone AM Too Little and Too 'Lille, View; Driest In 700 Years EVERY NITE EXCEPT SATURDAY NITE 'TIL 9 P.M. OPEN By ROBERT E. FORD JMl-Aa rresiuuni ' hnwer plans to visit the Soulliwi: In January and he'll sec farm ranch drought scars no president ' ever witnessed. . ... . -..!. lia ijPajre Section 2 sts i zs tvi " r v yv i.r w w t i i v&. nas 11 necn so ury in sialic iiidtt-o. ' He also may, when he stops to i talk to larm leaders, una Diner- -i ness aimed at the government, j Some form experts claim feder-jj Bi UriJUyilL IUIH-1 IIHJ 111:1:11 luu iky tie and loo laic. And these ex perls say President Eisenhower isJ I coming too lale he should hnve;it to see how brown the iclds were . then when Ihcy should have beeil t? 1 r nn-nnnlnH TUIccniif olaln J commissioner of sericulture, one of the hitter ones. He said the President will not learn much fly. ins over Missouri. "Of course, he might see1 green gnlt course and he inter esled In Hint," said Carpenter. Carpenter is anfiry because re- quests for federal aid for Missouri , have not brought the results he thinks arc needed.. A survey of drought slates The Associated Press today brought other such reports these: Colorado: Situation worse in some areas than the famous Dust Bowl days of the 1930s. "Ths - ,1 lit, n nnnnnR r uiuukiii nd njii i-tiu iikc iiunui, Stale Agriculture Department official says. Utah: Worst drought In 20 years In soulhern half; snmc ranges de scribed by Stale Agriculture De partment officials as being "bare as, a hardwood floor," .'Arizona: University of Arizona scientists, inspecting tree rings, find it one of the worst droughts in 700 years; what grass can be found is bleached white. Kansas: Many fields too dry to ow to wheat, and in many other fields seed did not sprout. New Mexico; Only a light sprinkling of snow on the moun tains, and ' reservoirs at all-time low; plains brown and bare. Oklahoma: High winds sapping iurtace moisture and land so dry It faces possible wind erosion dust storms. Mnny trees dying. Texas: Cold, dry winds sapping what, little moisture fell in early tall; all Texas' 254 counties ex cept- five have been designated drought disaster areas by the fed eral government. .' The cost of the drought has been staggering. Take these ex- ' Ray Frcelnnd, secretary of the Kansas Hoard of Agriculture, re ports this year's corn crop is M, J,000 bushels, compared-with a 10-year average of fil.1128.000. The wheat crop Is 114,000,000 bushels compared with a 10-year average O1 202.B09.000. The grain sorj harvest dropped fiom a 10- average of . 30,32.1,000 bushels to ' if 21,M,000. lyf .The Colorado Aprir-nlhn-n Tin. pnrtnienl says Hie drought Is the principal reason for a decline In the stale's 'farm income from 003 ,:iiin fi.inn.. I.. iii-.i i.. ife lion this year. Texas Agriculture Secretary .limn White estimates a loss to the y slate's farmers bv di-iin-jlii :ii y. billion In the last h million Ibis year alone in iniisi sillies l ie -n a -o some local areas which have hud a for-; lunate amount o( rainfall. Rut the experts say it will lake ' 4T lengthy rains possibly for years lo restore subsoil moisture lo )fl murh of the land. . fcf - U'h.M 1. Il, .1..:.... ' m t'l mill'lll llllllli; to help? It has extended credit, est an- V .1.. . : I I. . ... IV nsm-u me sou 11,-tnK, pioviiii'ti in- v ennin tnv ...l..-iHi-....i HTn piircnnsrs noil allowed mil- js roads to lower freiulit rales on )'i feed. ij The Kxpnrl-lmpiirt Hank also h,s sought lo help will! a live- JJ million-dollar loan in Mexico to if nnrrliasn ,liclh,...-.,.l I.. ... .... J ' v viinii- in inc nrouchl oi'ini. but Mm m,,,,,,,.,. has had no erferl yet, l, In addition. President I'isenhow- : er signed into low last August a i ' bill which will allow ilio mein- J meol to contiihiiie up to an per yfr cent ol the cosl lor limners sellin-i r up new land prm-iiees and i-nii v? systems. It was such l.-uul pi-actiies 111 which whipped the Dust lm. ' What do formers v;mr vj In various meetings willi ,V;ii- 1 culture l)el,U lllient lllllluils llleV ' ! have indicated i.,- warn nmiv V, long-term creilil, t-reaier leed unit hay subsidies Willi a siniplilicd system ol uu-r;iliins, anil ii pussi. j ble subsidy on Iced Ireijilil costs. l ' Rut ill Missouri, I'aipenler savs W If federal drought aid lo Ibal Male 111 l delayed until January, tune of Lj the President s planned visit, it w Will he too late lo help. He said 1? most farmers in southwest Mis- J soiirl are out i:l leed now ami buv- A Ins grain. They'll have to buy hay if and roughage by Jan. I. ' 3 OS It'i Christmas at Weisfield'f. Get in the Holiday spirit! See our complete stock, of Na- j tp n m i,. m Av c 7r;aj .. I tinnniiu anterticnri tnmnui namo merenanflise . . . akiiUJ. surMHEAivi. buluva. luivi it 1 M U y 'x Ml IWITY IIMIVPPCAI lONfSINE.WITTNAUER. TPIFAPI CORO. PARKER. KODAK. GENERAL 41' m v ni imm - , . w ' I mitt Am " ELECTRIC' and many therl" ,n addition yu will,find hundreds of SPECIAL CHRISTMAS, g m K IE I II WkZ ' h ' VALUES at Weisfield'4, Come in shp.- Save 0PEN A CHRISTMAS ACCOUNT. Vk BOYS' AND GIRLS' 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH 17-J MAN'S AUTOMATIC JK STURDY WRIST WATCHES FOR LADIES AND MEN SELF WINDING WATCH iV ' wS& Variety of styles, Q QC Shock and water 1Q ' resis,ant; steel l f' , .yOK. Man's leather band. Jr.arJ - resistant watches. 1 7 79 Iback. ' jj . MrA "yL -SvJ NO MONEY DOWN 25e WEEK NO MONEY DOWN 50c WEEK NO MONEY DOWN 75c WEEK M year JU I t0 II ?ss-- I IT flPPqWWWvWRS! I "'HfVrTH. rBi 11 " II 5iU5 I W ' -T. " - ' mAdjim: - " " -. '.. a ft T- tAUIIi. 1IAK Or LOVB" IMC JtlMAlUK MAN S 6a JEjmS'' wumliii wjusurani mumHi runuis buau ncv v-Mrm j-irctu !W DIAMOND SET EARRINGS DIAMOND, ONYX RING RHINESTONE JEWELRY PLAY CHOICE OF TUNES , PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH IT L , , . TCDI1C CHIT . , . i , . n. - a. mm il set in IU-N gold rn rri IU-K goia mount y n Cfl .itwm Jn rsiecmaces, earrings, nc "J rj C JJ QK cieciric poriooiB J D BJ if, 1 ' for oierced ears: jU to suit male taste. Ijr.3w bracelets, cins. Spec. I3r W.Tril to 0r with carrvina case. I Tr 73 W I - YOUR BUDGET it U , NO MONEY DOWN . 1.25 WCEK NO MONEY DOWN 1.25 WEEK . NO MONEY DOWN 25c WEEK NO MONEY DOWN 25c WEEK , NO MONEY DOWN 50e WEEK J Wif fe" Ss" 5 1 ii : n .jiEifl r ssktv i wSfr tavi i wmwsi 1 1 in wvig& - r i Haw 11 1 w r 1 I H .5WBBJ t IS 'ti1DTI I V5.3Sl. f MMI II I iu J I I 1W r"" .' I I BtbJirl II Jl I I 'fk .'"f- I) live years 750 W aiom-. . ;yj 2-SUCE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTER 67-PC. "CATHY ROSE" DINNERWARE AUTOMATIC, ELECTRIC FRY PAN WITH COVER BIG IMPORTED 8-DAY SUNBURST WALL CLOCK KEYSTONE CAPRI 8MM ROLLFILM MOVIE CAMERA 3-PC. SET AIRPLANE PLASTIC LUGGAGE light, dark control, rtiinov'ble a uniblray. NO MONEY DOWN 25e WEEK 9.95 Service for 12 gold border. NO MONEY DOWN 19.95 50c WEEK Fries, bakes, slews, casseroles, grills. NO MONEY DOWN 25c WEEK 9.95 Brass rods radiate around artistic face. NO MONEY DOWN 50c WEEK 14.88 Easy to operate, fast F2.5 lens. NO MONEY DOWN 1.25 WEEK 49.95 95 Pullman case, vanity case, overnight case. NO MONEY DOWN 75c WEEK 24 .Wound Turkey ' jlValurcs Ivxhihil ."MrMIN.NVIU.l-: it The Vug- i Ht lurkpy at Ihj ISth nnniml Pn- t tilic Coast Turkey c.vhikil hire Is y a o-i-iiiuiui luni uwiu'u u,v mr- lo P. Johnson of Oregon City. JMi Wednesday Brand championj In mr iir-w 1 (II K (iit-s.srti uivi.-Hmi U'erp n ntl-pnund hronre torn en tered hy D. R. Cnorr, Pork dale nd a 29-pounrf hrnw fcon c- kl (...J l.. r a..-... ... ,.,,, q .- fiso 5isT BROWNIE MAWKSYB RASH CAMERA OVTPIt "COLIBRI" AUTOMATIC IIONTIR BY KREISLER COMBINATION GRILL AND WAFFLE IRON CERAMIC TABLE LAMP COMPLETE WITH SHADE S2-PIECE STAINLESS STEEL DINNERWARE SET Cami, fUshgun, flash bulbs, film, 13.95 HO MONEY DOWN fy lo fill, with fin silver finish, 6.95 up NO MONEY DOWN Interchangeable grids removable grease cup. NO MONEY DOWN 8 95 Modern ceramic base with brass contrast. 5.88 NO MONEY DOWN Service (or 8 with 2 patterns offered NO MONEY DOWN 29.95 F. B. ROGERS SILVER PLATED HOLLOWARE Coffee pot, sugar, creamer, well 4. tree, gravy boat, g QC waiei fjucher, etc. ea .7 NO MONEY DOWN I WEISFI ELD'S . . . the Wests Largest Credit Jewelers 8 ! a i F'lJo" fl0' bW- JjM ftmo-x ! aiwr iw-i ja-Cfl 305 N. Likertv Cnlon. o i