Page 16 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 2 Scientists Try to Solve Cat Mystery Happy to Get Litters Containing 1 Male Tortoiseshell By DEI.OS SMITH I'nlird Press Science Editor NEW YORK (UP)-Two scien lists would be happy to receive litters of kittens from whatever source, by whatever means of transport provided the litters con tain one or more tortoiscshell males. It is the scientific ambition of I.ucian M. Sprague and Clyde Stor monl ol the University of Califor nia s school of veterinary medi cine at Davis, Calif., to solve at long last a prime mystery of cats For that reason they appealed inrough the American Genetic As sociation for male tortoiscshells and their litter mates. But they oon i expect to get many, if any. The mystery is why tortoiscshell loins are so exceedingly rare when nature seems to have no trouble producing tortoiscshell females in sizable numbers, Intensifying this mystery is the tact mat male tortoiscshells are almost always sterile but not al ways, while sterility is not a not able feature of tortoiscshell fe males. Difficult Problem Now, if there was no such anl mal as a tortoiscshell torn, the explanation wouldn't be too diffi cult, as the scientists pointed out. A pair of genes in the chromo somes of inheritance in cat germ cells, stand for color in the case of tortoiscshells, one stands (or black, the other for orange. In the combining of chromo lomcs in the fertilized egg, two oranges would result in an orange cat, two blacks in a black cat, : and one orange and one black in a j tortoiscshell cat. If the combining ! of black and orange were "sex- j linked," they could combine only I if the sex genes were in the fc male combination. But nature crosses that up with an occasional male tortoiscshell, which Is one part of the mystery. Sprague and Stormont examined a theory that male tortoiscshells are gcnct'colly female which in the embryonic stale were influenced toward structural masculinity. Un fortunately for that theory, a few male tortoiscshells have been min utely dissected. There were no ves tiges of female structure: struc turally they were 100 per cent male. Own theory ine scicmisir i constructed a I theory of their own. They sugRost- I A u u ..i.i i ir ,t. . I u it mi i-uuiu uuhui ii miu mem branes enclosing two cat, embryos got tneir veins Joined by accident, which would result In an Inter change by way of flowing blood, Though womb mates, Ihe divisions ot their genes could have come out differently and their heredity would no dlr(t. : y But tho'lnt)irchango"vould -modify this difference. If one of the Joined embryos was femalo and destined to be a tortoiscshell and the other was a male destined to be cither orange or black, It could make the male tortoiscshell in steadand at the same time im pose a chemical set-up that would prevent male chemistry from pro-, ducing male germ cells and so bring about sterility. If Sprague and Stormont can only get their hands on the right kinds of cats, they may be able to provo that this theory is a fact, ' or otherwise end the mystery of ' how the tortoiscshell torn got that way. SALEM, OREGON run ilium m mini lma i iinaniiai Y0U2 DOLLAR BUYS MORE THAN EVER! Christmas STORE HOURS: Mondays and Fridays 9:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. For Your Convenience! WSSSm ce! W U1 "ill I 4 A y Sq i Wedding Ring Overlay On Corduroy Chenille 7 A smart Santa'll choose It es pecially at I'cnney's tiny price! Hraw i-lncnlv.liiftnH r.,,,l rounded corners, banded edge row. Machine washable in luke warm water. - full or twin VV1I1TK, GOLD, PINK, Mil), COCOA, OTHFRS MKZZAN1NR cial Purchase! 80 uare Percale Prints Inspired new prints for all the family! Color range from bril liants to new muted tones . . . all in high count percale that' machine washes to perfection! New! Sec the decorator pat- IMPORTED COTTON BRAS CIRCULAR STITCHED TO ROUND AND ACCENTUATE, SANFORIZED FOR LASTING FIT Cupi A to C. Slits 32 to 42 Two for tha moneyl Ponney's Imported broadcloth bras . . . expensively detailed to round 'n accentuate ; separation. Sanforized I- SECOND FLOOR wmrwm t Eft it? wmmmmmmammmmm Solons Close Red Hearing In Honolulu HONOLULU (UP)-Tho Senate Internal Security Subcommittee 1 hoped to wind up lis hearings on Communism in Hawaii today and then leave lor Washington to pre pare Its annua! report. Hobort Morris, committee coun sel, said in view of the Jan. 3 deadline (or Ihe report, It was highly unlikely Hint the subcom mittee will hold hearings on the West Coast. Committee Chairman Sen. James O. Kaslland il)-Miss has already returned to the mainland. The only witness announced for today was William Stephenson, chairman of the Territorial Com mission on Subversion. He was ex pected to be a friend ly witness. At Wednesday's hearing, two at torneys who defended the ' Hawaii seven" against Smith Act charges in 1852 were Identified as bring former Communists. The attor neys Invoked the Fifth Amend ment when questioned about their affiliations. In bolh canes, lh testimony about their activities came from witnesses who testified previously before the committee. Tho attorneys, Meyer C. Sym onds and Hariet Bousing, said they invoked the Fifth Amend ment because of "fear" or what use might be made of their testi mony. Earlier, territorial Son. Ben Dillingham said "There isn't a delator anywhere in the world who has any more power" than longshore leader Hurry Bridges has In Hawaii. Dillingham said the islands' economy Is "completely depend ent on the whim" of Bridges and the policies he dictates to his In ternational Longsohrcmrn's and Warehousemen's Union. B I "IB ' : bras . . . expensively detailed . . . eirele-stitched a. ror j! Si--,3- fc I terns too. 1 fap-i ii IMI?77ANINI? I I-' , k ; - r ' l I . i,r i, ir 1 ! r"- A . U ' - -I , I ' aSCO . m,.' m:. wmt. wm r.w'i.: b, ii..m j'j. i.:, .a. i;. ' 'tm . 1 ' -j im-" .)- m c . .. .zl m m ::, a AV'mmmmmxi. tit & sir i. j. Special Feature! ! All Wool Coats 18 Smart new coats designed for the smart new trend in living . . . comfortable, re laxed, yet full of roomy pock ets; belt-in-the-back! Neat convertible collars . . . sleeve tabs! . . . and their length is perfect for driving, tool Come in . . . see them to- iday. Sizes 10 to 18. SECOND FLOOR China Cup And Saucers 1.00 Pcnney's cup and saucer sets uriiiiontly decorated, colored! All in . fooled style. ' From Japan... . i DOWNSTAlIiS' STORE .. Solid IJrass Angel Chimes 1.00 Solid brass angel chimes 13 inches high. Light the randies . . . watch the angels spin . . I tinkle the bolls! Includes 8 candles! DOWNSTAlIiS STORE Floral and Plain Sofa Pillows 1.00 Florals and new modern de signs in engaging colors. Cot-! Ion filled. DOWNSTAIRS STORE ! Men's Col Ion Flannel Shirts 2.00 JSl Pcnney's new coll-on flannel shirts . . . Sanitized to stay fresher. Tailored in a practi cal utility sport style. San forizedf. MAIN FLOOR 4-Lb. Hard Candy Mix I rkrw Cello l.UU Packed Christmas Stockln' Stuffin' Peppermints in stripes ' spir als. Squares', fruit-flavored by the score! MAIN FLOOR Save! Simulated Jewel Case 3.00 Pennoy's simulated jewel case to gift every gal on your list! Completely velvet - lined,, glid ing earring trays. Ivory lose, blue. MAIN FLOOR Women's Nylon Tricot Panties 1.00 Pcnney's whiffs of nylon tri cot . . . flared and elasti cized panties . . . Better be cause they machine wash, are forever run-proof! MAIN FLOOR H K W Arnel Tricot Knit Slips ,2.00 Sizes 32 to U Better because they're lustrous-sleek, and easy to care for. Whip through suds, need little or no ironing! 32 to 44. MAIN FLOOR , 300 ONLY Boy and Girl Pajama Dolls Onlvl.OO' Soft rubber , . .cello packed. " ',. THIRD FLOOR 32 ONLY 3-Speed Electric Phonographs Only 18.00 U. L. approved. Excellent sound. DOWNSTAIRS STORK 124 itr - r L b.j 1 Now - nuiiiKn b urees nenucen only . Only 21 Only tl! Only $2 onf, Girl's 100 Nylon Slips 27"x48" Viscose Cut Pile Rugs $3 36"x60" Viscose Cut Pile Rugs $6 48 Only Siie 4 to 14 ;' $1 Women's Cotton Striped Sport Tops $1 Only Girl's Elas. Waist Denim Jeans $1 32 ONLY Crescent T. V Planter Lamp Only .5.00 Assorted ' colors. U. L. ap proved. " . ' DOWNSTAIRS STORK 36 ONLY Women's Cotton Chenille Dusters Only 3.00 Assorted colors. Sizes 10 to 1R DOWNSTAIRS STORK o'ni, 48"x72" Viscose Cut Pile Rugs $9 Pa" Girl's Rayon-Nylon Panties No 4 for $1 p.7i. Rayon Gab. Slacks she ,y $3 ;',;, Boy's Nylon Quilt Cossack Jacket $6 o"y Boy's Rayon-Nylon Cossack Jacket $6 100 ONLY Single Control Electric Blankets Only 15 2 -yr. replacement guar antee. MEZZANINE 36 ONLY Men's Washable Orion Sweaters On,y 400 Assorted colors. Sizes S, M, L. MAIN FLOOR 40 PAIR Children's Shoes Now Repriced o 2.00 Urn's and girl's slvlrs , , ft'j to .1. DOWNSTAIRS STORK 8 Only 23 Only Boy's Buffalo Kill Jackets 5.;,- $3 Boy's Rayon Oiuilt Surcoats Lo : ' $5 vlw Women's Corduroy Short Slacks $2 o,uy Sub-Teen Girl's Wool Coats nw..$16 10 to '18 $1 1 $5 Only "UlllCH S JIUTUUil VUMUn DIUS 4) I only Tapestry Tweed Raincoats S3 111. . D.11.- I only "uineii Deiier vres Now only J 64 11; . r. I... . r .11 D 2500 YARDS Better Cotton Yardage Repriced 2 Yards $-1 for 1 Regulateds, ginghams, oth ers ,. . 36" wide. MEZZANINE 121 ONLY Dacron Fiber Fill Pillows Onlv 4.00 Gold flake, nylon cover. MEZZANINE , 1.10 PAIRS Women's Better Shoes Reduced 2.00 , 4.00 Heels, flats, wedgies. Save now! DOWNSTAlIiS STORK onf, Boy's Better Suits , 10, u, u $4 to $13 r"r Toddler Girl's Corduroy Short Slacks $1 Boy's Stretcfwble Nylon Socks 3 for $1 r" Toddler's Plastic Pants S 2 for $1 2 for $3 only Gold Border Bath Towels 0m,- onf Gold Border Hand Towels ,,. 4 for $3 Jl'ST PLAIN SKNSK ALIU.QDKRQCK, N,M. I -The police radio dispatcher gave this bit of excellent advice to all cars last night: "If you see a man carrying a cash register, arrcsl lum." 60 ONLY Women's Rayon Slips Repriced , On.vl.00 White only. Sizes 32 to 40 MAIN FLOOR M)0 ONLY Women's Cotton Handkerchiefs Onlv 1 0". riU.l, Assorted prints. Wonderful value. MAIN FLOOR 2)0 Only Only 3600 Only 36 Gold Border Wash Cloths Cotton Knit Dish Cloths Only 8 for $3 omy 8 for $1 r"r Toddler's Denim Jeans Si.e,i.ito6 $1 p'l'r Toddler's Corduroy Smart Alls 10 $1 4.1 Only 100 Toddler's Cotton Flannel Shirts $1 148 ONLY Speed Glo-Sheen Crochet Thread Only 4 frS1.00 Assorted colors. Larger spool. MEZZANINE 82 ONLY Dacron Fiber Fill Comforters Only 10.00 Gold flake nylon cover. MEZZANINE i Heavy Gauze Diapers N i'ow Only Doi. $2 I. 12"xl2" Cannon Wash Cloths 6 for $1 Wo's. Better Blouses Reduced 2 for $3 I n.A ll.l.l A. 23 T Lit - Tweeds. Fleeces. pkSs. magnetic roi ngiaers pk. of 4 ?l m loaaiet s vwnts checks ?0 o"r Girl's Plastic Jackets mnhmtl $3 .V 36"x5Q" Cotton Crib Blankets $2 200 ONLY Girl's Cotton Plaid Dresses Only 2.00 Assorted colors. Sizes 7 to 14. SECOND FLOOR 2S0 ONLY Men's Cotton Underwear Only 2 fnr 1.50 Rrlefs or undrrshlrls , , , most sizes. MAIN FLOOR SO OM.Y Men's Wool Flannel Jackets 7.00 Onlv Aevt$ eotuw rnosi all turn. oo paiii : Boy's Cotton ' Sport Socks ' AssorU-d colors. Siies to 10'j. i MAIN FLOOR m PAIR Boy's Cetton Knit Briefs ') SI Only for - Durcne 'knit. Sires 6 to 12. MAIN FLOOR 32 ONLY Girl's Corduroy Raincoats Onlv 7.00 Assrtei enlors. Sizes 7 to 14. SECOND FLOOR 300 ONLY Infants' Cotton Knit Sleepers Only 100 Assorted colors. Sires to 4. SECOND FLOOR 40 ONLY Toddlers Nylon Snow Suits Only 7.00 Washable, too! Boy's and girl's. SECOND FLOOR SO PAIR Women's 10-ox. Denim Jeans 9 SQ Only A for O Blue, black, red. Sires 10 to 18. . SKCONDFLOOR 0 RACK , Women' Better Pafl Dress Only 5.00 Assorted' siyles. Most all sues. SECOND FLOOR STOKE I10UKS: MONDAYS AND F1UDAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M.-OTIIER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 E M.