Salem, Ore., Thurs., Dee. 6, 1956 CAPITAL JOURNAL Page 31 MEIER & FRANK'S - SALEM OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. 5 sipecDcaD vypewiriivei!? fiircacDe-Dira-saaDe! Smith-Corona "Sterling" portable typewriter $110.95 Sturdy all-steel typing table 6.98 r i Five typing lessons at Northwestern School of Commerce 12.00 now only Your old typewriter have four rows of keys; left hand carriage bar; ail parts m working order; unbroken frame; be American make. If portable, a carrying case. total value $129.93 and your old typewriter TYPEWRITER is a full-size portable with stand ard keyboard,, quick-set margins, tabulator key, paper holder, many other wanted features. Lug gage style case. TYPING TABLE has two drop leaves; will hold standard typewriter or adding machine. FIVE TYPING LESSONS, each a full hour, are available to beginners or advanced students. STATIONERY-STREET FLOOR Meier & Frank's-Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following items: Item Style Color Size Quan. Style No. Total PLEASE PRINT BELOW THE NAMES OR INITIALS FOR PERSONALIZED ITEMS Name - Char0 Street CO.D. City - Zone State Remit. Enc. 'Plus shipping cost to arras outside our regular truck delivery nmtrs. rlcase allow 7 days for delivery of personalized items. Sorry, no plionc or CO.D. orders on personalized items. CJ- 12 6 56 Mail and phone orders - Coupon above FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS its thp I oral