1 rrr-r?ir.T:t'"rf Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Secl-'m '.Page 11 Allies Ignore Supercouncil PlaninNATO STARTING THIS FRIDAY-OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M.-SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P. M. r ii - " ' ' Dulles Proposal Being Abandoned by U. S. For Present By WARUEN ROGERS JR. WASHINGTON ifl -Diplomals disclosed today a U.S. plan to strengthen Atlantic Alliance unity by crcatins an NATO supercouncil Has been brushed aside by Amcr ica's European allies. As a consequence, they said, the Idea first proposed by Secre tary of Stale Dulles at Paris last May is being abasdoned by the unuca states, at least for the lime beine. Dulles' suggestion was ignored by a three-member committee which has just completed a report recommending ciianges in the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion. Its report, which is unner stood to contain no recommenda tions for radical departures from tlie present NATO setup, will be studied at the NATO foreign min isters' session in Paris early next weoK. That meeting, for which Dulles leaves Saturday, also has two oth er major points on its agenda. The first is a general discussion of military plans for Ihe next 12 months. In keeping with the atom ic age trend of placing more re liance on modern weapons than on manpower, some troop trimming might be recommended. The other point will be a round- robin discussion of world events, including the British - French Israeli action in Egypt, Russia's Use of force in Hungary, and the ever-present issue of German reunification. Possible, reorganization of NATO into something more than a military alliance has been under study since last Hay by the com mittee. Its three members, dubbed the "Three Wise Men," are For eign Ministers Lester B. IMike) Pearson of Canada, Gaetano liar tino of Italy and Halvard Langc of Norway. Oil Transport Disrupted for About a Year MIAMI BEACH. Fla. Wl A gov ernment oil official said today it may take a full year lo restore normal oil transportation chan nels disrupted because of the Suez Canal crisis. H. A, Stewart, director of the Interior Department's Office of Oil and- Gas, told the Interstate Oil Compact Commission that al though the Suez Canal may he cleared in six months, it may take a year to restore damaged pipe lines to normal capacity. Meantime, the United States is stepping up its domestic produc tion both to meet its own needs and to help relieve a serious shortage in Europe. "It would appear then," Stew art said in prepared remarks, "that we are looking at a foreign petroleum shortage which mieht be reduced greatly by the middle of next year and perhaps entirely corrected a year from now. "Meanwhile, however, stocks of crude oil and products both here and abroad will be seriously de pleted. "Consequently, abnormal efforts must be made lo rebuild these to a reasonable level and at the same time make maximum con tributions to current demands at home and abroad." Stewart told the stale oil offi cials the federal government does not plan to suggest to any state hnw it should handle its controls of production. "Without any curtailment in the supply of petroleum products in the nation's domestic market." he said, "this country will be able to contribute materially to the supply so critically essential in Europe." Seed Growers Name Leaders EUGENE i.fi The Oregon Reed Growers Lrasuc ended its three-day convention here Wed nesday with the election of of ficers and passage of a series of resolutions. One of the resolutions author izes the board cf directors to urge Gnv.-elect Robert D. Holmes to reappoint .lames F. Short state di rector of agriculture. Another railed for a study of wild hees bv Orecon State College with the idea of rrrating more favorable conditions for Ihe pollin ation of seed crops, particularly In Raker and Malheur counties. The league elected Phil Farrrll of Gateway to succeed Hubert Willoushhy, Harrisburg. as presi dent. Ernest Jernstedt. Carlton, was named vice-president and Rex Warren. Corvallis. was re-elected secretary-treasurer. District representatives will be .loe Steele. Klamath Falls: Alton Zindcl. Astoria: Don Peters. Sub limity: and R. W. Shaad, La Grande. JOOo IN MEN I.N EGYPT Capodichino Staging Area, Italy l More than 3.000 of the 4.500 soldiers earmarked for the U. N. Emergency Force are in Egypt Thursday, three weeks after a his-Wiry-making airlift started from th' Italian base. A total of S.3.14 soldiers have been down tn the Abu Sitweir air s'rin m the Sue. Canal Zmr from Italy Ahoul ann Yiiclar rrached itgi. directly by air and tea. 4 $1.65 val. sheer seam less nylon stockings Holiery Street Floor reg. $1.95 jumbo size hamburger press Mouiewarti Second Floor , reg. $1.39 yard casual rayon fabrics reg. $1.59 gift boxed assorted stationery Stationery Street Floor reg. 79c open stock pound paper, assorted 2 lbs. Stationery Street Floor- reg. $1.75 personalized book matches, 50 books H Stationery Street Floor' reg. $2.98-$3.98 boys' long sleeve sport shirts, 6-16 Boyi' Shop Street Floor reg. $1.00-$2.95 women's costume jewelry, many styles 4 5' reg. 29c ea. foiled chocolate Christmas tree decorations Candy Strc.l floor reg. $1.25 men's knit stocking cap; re-' ''te, navy reg. 59e metal waste basket, with floral print Neiiont Street fleer reg. 89c 45 RPM records rag. $1.19 extension cord, 12 ft. plastic; 3-way tap tleciflceli S.cnd Fl.Ot lill Yds' Fabric Center I Second Floor El T Street Fleor h&i "' jkL'-t' Handk.rchl.fa V Headqiiirlen .. . ,, I SI...I Floor I I St'aatflo.r S.cmd flo.r reg. $1.50 sheer stretch lockings, full farh'oned 'II Hosiery Strut Floor reg. $1.69 eoffA . warmer, lile trivet, frame Hout.war Sonnet Floor reg. $1.95 yard Cohama's printed Tonkin fabric yd. Fabric Center Second Floor reg. $2.00 men's, women's leather bil'folds Stationery Street Floor reg. 39c tissue-lined envelopes for pound Stationery , Street Fleer reg. $1.25 playing card holder, fan hand shape $1I Stationary Street Floor reg. $1.00 boys' leather belts, dress and western reg. $1.95-$4.95 imported bead jewelry, nrw styles reg. $1.25 foiled chocolate giant he?by horse - Candy Street Floer reg. 50c65c women's print cotton handkerchiefs reg. 89c set of 3 satin covered hangers, rolors reg. $1.69 brass record rack; holds 60 In records lecordi Second Fleer reg. $1.19 yd. pre-shrunk Sanforized ill Csnaburg, 50" y8rd D'tpe.lei Second Floor paper -Kjf Boy' Shop ' Street Floor TSjS Jewelry Street Fleor Wi1 (ly'fr Notioni 1 Street Floor 1 ON .- - reg. $1.95 full-fashioned sheer sandalfoot hose reg. 9c alt metal lap reg. $2.25 colored reg. $1.95 yard Belding's printed Finesse fabric Fabric Center Second Fleer reg. 75c typing ribbons for standard machines reg. 39c retractable ball point pens, asst. colors reg. $1 .50 book matches with foil to personalize reg. $1.00 pr. boys' stretch sox, size 10-14 Boyi' Shop Street Floor reg. $1.39 laura Lee cocosnul patties box Candy Street Fleer reg. 29c milk chocolate Santa Claus figures reg. 50c-$1.00 men's cotton, linen handkerchiefs reg. $1.59 quilted shoe bag, 12 pockets; 3 rolort $1 Netiont Street Floer reg. 59c children's records in hard covers reg. $2.98-$7.98 yd. sample drapery squares iOy Houiewarei ' Socoad Floor v-! Stra.t Floor f " Street Floor mi sn ajKEtSL-i Stationery SUmZj Street Floor iw 1 Street Fleor m 1 $fl yS Handkerchief! I Street Floor I 1 Second Fl.ar SALE FRIDAY $1.35, if perfect, full fashioned dress sheer hose waste basket, cat decoration Houtowarei Second Floor reg. $1.3? to $1.95 fabrics for formal wear reg. $2.00 desk style , metal waste basket Stationery Slr..t Floor reg. $1.00 pocket size flashlight, many styles reg. 50c Christmas gift wrap, assorted designs reg. $12.95 boys' rayon sport coats, 8 to 12 Boyi' Shop Street Floor reg. 69c Laura Lee cocoanut patties reg. $1.50 men's wool blend stretch socks 1 Men't Furnithingi Street Floor reg. $1.95-$3.95 women's fashion M, leather Leather Coodi Street Floor rcfl. $t.49-$2 manicure sets, several styles Netioni Street Floer reg. $1.25 flashlight, 2 cell; with barteries l.ctrtcali S.c.nd Fl.r reg. $1.98 side hemmed nylon panel curtains, 42"x8l" Oreneriei S.cond Fl..r Hosiery X,JJ Heifery StrMt Floor t-ajKJ Street floor TW ijZr Fabric Center - wiw M J Second Fleor XS for U gr5?0 Stationery --tum 1 1 Street Fleor VyWHli Patio Shop 111 ' I Second Floer Candy Street Floor reg. $1.95 wooden bowl 8", with serving handle Houteweroi Socond Fl.or reg, $1.50 plastic foam mat for bath or kitchen 1 Heuiawarei Second Floor reg. $1.49-$1.98 quilted accessory cases Trlmminga Second Fleor reg. $1.59 retractable ball point pens reg. $1.50 men's 'nylon travel kit, not fitted Stationery Street Floor reg, $1.98 assorted i . Christmas cards, boxed reg. $1.50-$1.95 women's double woven m"" gloves Glovei Street Floor reg. 39c Mayfair butter mints, peppermints, I'me, wintergreen reg. $1.50 men's boxer shorts, sizes 30 to 42 Men't Furnithingi Street Floor reg. $1.95-$2.95 men's A women's leather billfolds 1 Plul Tea L.ather Goodi Street Floor reg. 79c hamburger press, pol'shnd beechwood reg. 75c 3-way lamp bulbs, 100-200-300 W. Mogul base rag. $1.98 colorful pillows Kat h 1 reg. $1.59-51.98 yd. ehintr, a.slrl. natterni I $1 jartl. Drapt'l'l S.c.nd Fl..r flP Stationary ' Slr..t Fl.or iS Patio Shop " Second Floor s Cand, i I Street Floor 3 1 $1 Netiont .SCJ Street Floor llaclrkati ' J Sec.nd Fl..r AND SATURDAY T u reg, $1.95 salt and pepper shakers on barbecue (tick Heuiewerei Second Floor reg. 49c to 89c yard printed .',, cotton fabrici reg. 79c yd. rayon chiffon; pastel tones , on'y reg. $1.50 pocket stapler, in case, with staples. Stationery Street Floor reg. $1.00 pencil pouch personalized with Stationery reg, 49c Christmas cards, cello packs, many styles reg. $1.98-$3.98 woman's sample neckwear Neckwear Street Floor reg. 59c lb. hrd candies, cinnamon or fruit balls reg. 75c men's athletic undershirts, 38 td 46 Italian leather cases for glasses, comb, cigarettes, etc. 1 Ptui Tai Leather Oeodt Street Floor reg. $1.69 jumbo garment bag, clear plastic 1 Netioni Street Fleer m3 TkU$br F.bri C.nl.r r I Sacond Fl.or 'm Ydt- u Hfya Trimmlngl '-a I Second Floor KSi-vU for ' II ejKkpV I Patio Shop Nwr I S.cond Floor TSrwJ Candy I Stra.t Fl.or m: 2 n fe) M.n, AeP Fwrniihlnoe Sir. at Flaor Mail and phone orciert. Plut shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. We regret that w mult reserve lh right te limit qvantilies en ail Items. No eile to dealer. reg. $1.95 salt & pepper shakers, meow like a cat Houtowarei Second Floor reg. 79c yd. Gilbrae printed dimity m1 fabric C.nl.r S.cond Floor reg. 39c card plain and fancy buttons; 3 to 12 reg. $3.95 ball point pen and pencil set Stationery Street Fleor reg. 1 5c white scratch ' pads, 4"x6", gummed edges St.llen.ry Str..t Floor reg. 85c magic color dip candles, 3 in box reg. $1.00.$1.98 women's cotton, nylon neckwear reg. 59c lb. Melody Mix, filled and hard candy reg. 75c men's knit briefs, combed cotton Popular clutch bags for teen-agers; doubfo zippers Leather Coodi Street floor reg. $1.00 harmonica, fine for beginner M3 N H5 cards j&r Trimmlngl 1 S.cond Floor 1 $B Patio Shop h. ril ka. Tilr I S.cond Floor Neckwear J Street Floor HI I "I . Niatttf" Street Floor ?vl v Men'i Bw l v Furnithingi VAj1 Street Floor 15 12 $,i p Mullcal - Initrumenll Second floer reg. $1.95 giant salt shaker, large pepper mill Houtowarei Second Floor reg. $1.95. yard imported gold prints yd. Fabric Canler Second Floor reg, $1.25 address books, purse or pocket 'size n , Stationary Street Floor reg. $1.98 leather . Identification holder S1I Stationery Street Floor reg. $1.49 ream typing bond paper, 14-lb, weight Stationery Street Floor reg. $1,00 Christmas gift wrappings, asstd. 3 for Patio Shop Second Floer reg. $1.95-$2.50 women's nylon tricot briefs, panties 'II lingerie Slr..l Floor reg. $1.50 lb. all nut and chocolate party mix reg. $2.00 men's silk ties, bold and neat patterns I reg. $1.39-$1.50 tie racks, metal and plastic Nollonl Street floer reg. $2.00 harmonica, excellent tone Mu.it. I Intlrumenti Setend Fleer I Slr.d Floor rxi $fl $xw Men's yjtJ Furniihingt ' I Street Fleor reg. $2 6-pc. place set ting, stainless steel 1: Houeawlrct. ' ir. reg. $1.39 yd. plaid : . A stripe cotton tweedi reg. $1.00 gift notes and boxed stationery .. ii.uenorf ,j Strait flxr reg. 69c doz. pencils with ham or school nam reg. $1.98 party games for adul's and children 1 ttatlonary - Slr.il FUar reg. 29c Christmas solid packs, assorted designs Pa lie Shop Second Fleor reg. $2.98 women' lastex mesh knit girdles Lrngorl. StrMI Fl.or reg. 59c lb. fancy French crames, and crystalized jellie m ' S.CMld ftMT LjUkffi Stra.t flaw rivfor if i l'ii Candy Slreal Flo.r . v reg, $1.75 Daisy fly box, revolving styl Sperti Headquirterl Street Flow reg .69c-98c assortment of gifts tn brass Netiont Street Floer reg. $4.95 to $9.95 television antennas rv Headquarter! Second Floor S ! i i I ; ; i i i ; i