Salem, Ore., Thurs., Dec. C, 1956 CAPITAL JOURNAL Page 25 MEIER & FRANK'S -SALEM OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. 11 1. SHOWCASE VISIBLE FILES Acorn easy-to-find storage for small articles. Transparent plastic drawers in gray, green, red or brown gleaming Hammerloid finish that resists scratching. Movable draw er dividers and labels. ' 12-drawer unit, 12'a" x 534" $5.98 24-drawer unit, 1 2Vi" x 6" x lOlV .$8.9'8 36-drawer unit, 12" x 6" x 15" : $0.98 2. THREE-IN-ONE FILE Acorn large capacity steel file with double compartment, also secret compartment in lid that locks separately, in dexed folders, large document envelopes Imprinted for bonds, policies, other papers. 10" x 12Vi" x ll's". S6.98 3. VTAGNA-FILE Acorn steel file with' top filing spaca; two-shelf storage compartment in bottom. Indexed file folders. Gray ham mertone finish; 12'2" x 31" x 15". S15.98 4. DELUXE TYPING TABLE Acorn cabinet style that doubles as TV stand, desk or kitchen appliance table. Drawer, shelf, drop-leaves; easy rolling casters. Gray or green; 16" x'20" x 26V4". . $11.98 (not shown) Acorn king-size, two-compartment steel file, 10" x 12'2" x 11" $4.98 Acorn steel personal file, indexed folders, 12VY' x 5Vi" x 10" $3.98 STATIONERY STREET FLOOR 1. ROSE PARTY A new, smooth finish parchment paper with soft rose design. 24 decorated sheets, 6 plain sheets, 24 deco rated envelopes. White, pink, blue. 2!v ' pV. ifM stationery V 4 &7.:w $1-50 LV Vl7! $2.50 1 ".Su. 1 Atii pas 3 mZ'. 1 Slrw . 1 LV multi-vision photo album Handsome gift by Horn. Snapshots slip into clear-vision plastic sleeves, let you title sleeve, keep negative handy direct ly under print. Gold-tooled Florentine leather cover in brown, red, green, blue. With simulated leather cover, sime colors $3.45 Extra fillers, 20 pages $2.25 STATtONIiY - IT1IIT FLOOR ,si;f! '" """"" 'print V"ls 120-620 60 1 16-660 6 Post Card 40 3!V x 3Vi" 48 4" X 5" 40 Polaroid" 40 5" x 7" 4 Moil and ph 'In V- 'l allium only. one ofdbf8::-Coupon on 2. IAP LETTERS Now your favorite lap Letters complete in one attractive gift box. Regency white; 50-sheet tablet, 40 deckled edge envelopes. 3. MAftPf WORLD Smooth finish paper in the new sand color; large 5W by lO'a" man-sizs sheets, envelopes in new, lonj ship. tO cWckled sheets, 40 lined envelopes. TKar-TRtT n.009 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS ei diw. yv m at m m w j w - o o