Salem, Ore., Thurs., Dec. 6, 1956 CAPITAL JOURNAL Page 23 MEIER & FRANK'S - SALEM OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. . ....... .it, v r I 7.dU M.Tl. I V notes and letter papers by American artists FAITH FOR TODAY Twelve different messages, designed lor personal signature and note. $1.50 -sss52r &fe r -3?, IVRyi iWiM fiF wf"- p7 x LJq WISDOM FOR DAILY IIVING-Tweive Individual pieces designed as messages of good cheer. $1.50 GOLDEN MESSAGES A collection of 12 inspiring prayers and Psalms which have given faith, hope, courage and consolation to millions; published for the first time as notes or greetings cards; inside pages for personal note. $1.50 AESOP'S FOIBLES A collection of 1o humorous notes by the well-known caricaturist, Oscar Berger. Delightfully whimsical . . . sure to please your friends. $1.00 GREEN FOR THE PATIO-By Lorraine Fox. The rich colorings of these notes will delight every one who enjoys the sight of growing things. 12 nuies, o oi eacn oesign, wnn envelopes. $1.00 STATIONERY STREET FLOOR Mail and phone orders - Coupon on page 31 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS 6. FLOWER PRINTS By Sheilah Beckett. 12 notes, 4 each of 3 designs, with envelopes. QQ 7. THE AMERICAN SCENE - By John Rogers. 12 notes, 2 each ol 6 different watercolou, with envelopes. $1.00 8. GOLDEN GABLES - By Eli Zappert. Decorative, formalized design of warm friendfiness implicit in the rooftree theme, with gold embellishments. 24 sheets with envelopes. 'J 9. WITH A ROSE-COLORED PEN-By Douglas Gors line. An idefil gift to serve as a memory prompter to the forrjeiful writers. 12 notes, 6 each of 2 designs, with envelopes. 50 10. YOUR FLORAL INITIAL By Sheilah Beckett. A lady's own initial, gracefully designed in a nose gay of colorful flowers, makes her writing paper elegant end personal, yet not too formal. Three sizes for a complete stationery wardrobe for every initial except X. lOA. 36 letter sheets, 12 plain, size 6"x9'4", 24 envelopes $1.7S 10B. 24 Slim-fold sheets, 3'2"x7!2", with envelopes SI -SO IOC. 20 informal 3Vs" square notes, with envelopes $1,00 4k o o