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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Page 10 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' STARTING THIS FRIDAY -OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P. M. - SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Mollet to Face Rough Going in Finance Debate French Chief to Stake : : l Government on Vote On Sunr Isouc By GOUFRHY ANDKHSON PAWS m The Suez fiasco and the uncndng Algerian war have brought French Premier Guy Mol let under increasing political at tack, but most political observ ers agree the government is not in danaer yet. The trouble might come when the bills roll in and the budget must be voted in January. By then, if he makes it, Mollet will have been 12 months in office a postwar rarity in France. Until now he has weathered the Suez crisis with far less difficulty than British Prime Minister Sir An thonv Eden. The jab which has hurt Mollet worst came from 17 deputies in his own Socialist party. Declaring themselves in line with Britain's Labor party in condemning the Suez affair, the 17 protested that the government's "pacification" policy in Algeria naa also lauca and should be scrapped. They de manded the immediate calling of a special parly congress to dis cuss the next moves. There has been sniping too from the far left, right and center of the National Assembly. Perhaps because of these Indi cations of dirty parliamentary weather ahead, the Premier to day sought and obtained from the Cabinet permission to stake nis future on a confidence vote when the Assembly debates the treaty returning the Saar to Western Germany next week. But the biggest threat to Mollet will come in January, just a year after he took office. With military expenses outrunning estimates and tax receipts down both largely because of Suez the 1957 budget may be largely outdated even before it. is voted. . By then too the worst may be known about the economic effects of the blocking of the Suez Canal. Gasoline normally gives a big revenue boost to the government, which nets about 48 cents on ev ery gallon sold. The plnnncd 30 per cent cut in its consumption wlii slash lax receipts an esti mated (385,700,000. That is just a beginning. Three quarters of the oil used in France goes to industry in various tonus Tax losses because of reduced production in steel, automobiles, glassware, etc., cannot yet be calculated. Nor can the possible unemployment which may result through cutbacks. Thais when the storm mny really break around Mollet. Nut Men Plan '57 Meet Here McMlNNVlU.E l - The Nut Growers Society of Oregon and Washington closed its 42nd annual meeting here Wednesday by elect ing n. E. Kerr of Eugene as president. Other olficcrs arc: Chct Mulkcy, McMinnvillo, first vice president; Gordon Hull, Snlem, second vice president; and C. O. Hnwllngs, Oregon State College, secretary. Tile society reported that E. 1. Dnolittlc of Eugene wns the first member to quality in the new one ton per acre contest in walnuts. 11. E. Reeve, nlso Eugene, quali fied in filberts. Salem wns suggested ns the site for the 1957 convention. The final decision on the site will be made early next year by the society's executive board. Pctrovs Get Citizenship In Australia SYDNKY, Aiisltaliji MV-Vlmli mlr I'otrov, lornuT third scm- tnry at the lUissinn Embassy who exposed a widespread Soviet spy ring, and his wife nre now nat uralized Australian citizens. The official Commonwealth ta. Jetlc listed their names today nmong those granted naturaliza tion certificates. Petrov fled from his post In the prnbassy at Canberra in April MM and exposed the ;py network When Russian nfUnals tried to lake his wife Kvdokia back to Ittissin under armed siinrd. Ails tralian authorities disarmed the Sunrds. Mrs. I'elrov decided to join her husband in political asy lum. 127 New Keillor Phm Kxaminution The stale Ileal Estate depart ment announced Wednesday that among those Mho passed the re cent examinations for real estate brokers were: Thomas A Hanna. Wixxlburn; Fred K'nncy, Ontario; Anthony .1 Morelrii, Shirwood; Hen F l'earce, Pendleton; James F .Stlllwell. Klamath Falls; l.oyd W. Whitney, JncksMvllle. and Nor man A. Viilliamx Pendieton. There were 127 persons who passed the examinations for real estate salesmen. The next examinations will be given In Medford Jan. 16, Eugene, Jan. 19. Salem Jan. 21, and Port land Jan. 22. MNIIS DANIIKI.IOSH IN HhtlW MEMPHIS. Mich. cUI"- Cecil F.agling, poking around in the snow covering his Iront lawn. I m m m m mm IX X. I mm ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAYS rag. $1.49 Flash Gordon target game, metal target ' TOYIAND-SECOND FIOOR reg. $1.29 plastic tea set, service for two 9 TOYLAND SECOND FIOOR reg. $1.98 loft drink stand, utensils and Kool Aid TOYIAND SECOND FIOOR reg, $6.50 ring and buiz switchboard, with . batteries $5 TOYIAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $1.39 Jackie Gleason bus, ell metal TOYIAND SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.49 junior size sweep end dust set TOYLAND SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.59 Little Scout tom-tom Indian set TOYLAND SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.39 junior golf set for indoors or out TOYIAND-SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.98 Jackie Gleason story stages, acting game TOYLAND-SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.29 plastic tea set, service for four ll TOYLAND SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.39 sturdy all metal dump truck $1 a TOYIAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $1.39 junior size dust pan and broom set reg. $1.39 cake box set metal canisters 22 $KI i 7Jr TOYLAND I TOYLAND V I 2ND FLOOR II CS8" I 2ND FLOOR reg. $1.39 aircraft carriers, 6 plastic planes $1 TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $3.98 Geiger counters, battery operated mm TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $3.98 plastic dessert set, service for 6 $2 TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $2.98 Zim-Com 2 station inter-com set; 50-ft. wire ; m $s TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $5.98 little girl doll, rooted hair 4 TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR reg. $2.49 Bucky Burro, fine action pull toy 2 TOYLAND 2ND FLOOR VISIT Santa Claus TOYLAND-SECOND FLOOR Santa has a wonderful FREE Gift for every boy and girl accompanied by an adultl i - ; . Write a Letter to Santa Address it to him in care of Meier & Frank's - Salem You'll receive a thrilling message from him direct from the North Pole. TOILET AND CLEANSING TISSUES Scot toilet tissue, white, lrt $1 limit 20 11 for I Scot Softweve tissue,white or ft $1 colored, limit 18. W for I Waldorf toilet tissue, limit 30 15 for I Scoltie cleaning tissue, 400's, M $1 limit 8. T for I Scot towels, limit 1 2; reg. size 6 for 1 MD toilet tissue, limit 26.. for I Zee toilet tissue, limit 32. 16 . for I Chiffon cleansing tissue, 400's, f $1 limit 10. for I Chiffon toilet tissue, limit 18 9 for 1 TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR !lJI-y,'IHWIW-l. LV ly.l'-H KM Sale of Soaps Dial soap, bath size, limit 9 ... 9 for 1 Giant size popular type toothpaste 5 for 1 Fragrant bubble bath, 8-oz. M $H bag. .... for I Soap on a rope, for showers, 2 for 1 Lentheric cologne, set of 2. 2 setsl 2 prs. 1 1 Reg. $2.00 Pinaud's lilac or French bouquet $m cologne. ! I Reg. 69c rubber-household gloves. . $2.25 Black Magic cologne Reg. $1.50 plastic travel kit. 'plus 10 federal tax TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR A. T -' 't'-'ifV-; J reg. 33c bubble bath, enough for twenty baths 4 box., $1 plul tax TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $1.00 boxed toilet soap; mild, fragrant 3 boxes 1 TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR "SMC 'i . J- i "HB mm reg. $1.25 shell shaped metal ash trays ' $1 TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR S5 :ltf ; reg. $1.25 heart shaped jeweled perfume bottles TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR Aerosol shaving cream, popular with men TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR ' t IMPORTED CHINA DEMI TASSE CUP AND SAUCER Tall footed demi tasse cups and saucers for after dinner service. Your choice of six delicate designs, finished on translu cent china. Wonderful for gifts ... a single cup and saucer, a half dozen matched or different designs. CHINA-SECON0 FLOOR $ large 8-oz. cakes of bath soap, floral fragrance 9 bars $fl TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR 48-ox. bag perfumed bubble bath; pink, yellow, green SHfi 2 1 TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR We. refret that we must reserve the right to limit ajuantitiet on all items. No sales to dealers. On sale while (uantities available. Mail and phe orders. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes.