Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Dec. i i m m m t l t s " i i Hobby Gills Nnvcltlps and Gna ii. SALEM VINTAGE STORE 599 Court St. Gifts for Her COSMETICS (Non Allergic) Money Back guarantee. Ph. 3-6216. Home Gifts CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-7806 ANTIQUES, round front china closets, marble tap tahlra, chests, lovesoals, h a n g I n g lamps, desks, coo-coo clocks, odd chairs. Terms? Pay a little "Goose down" and no more "Goose" unit! next year. LAMBERT'S, 235 So. ConVJ. Unique Gifts Treasured Keepsakes for llie nome. an op isaienvs cany American Store; Trivets, Brans St Copper Novelties. Spoon racks, wall shelves. Spire Cabi nets, Radios, Milk Glass, Plc ' lures, lamps galore. Ermcl's Colonial Furniture Open Mon. St Frl. Nights til S 2746 S. Commercial. OIL PAINTING? Christmas Rifts Ph, .1-4210. Religious Gifts BIBLE BOOK HOUSK mi ferry ph. 3-4559. Gifts. Bibles. Xnins Cards. Gifts for Girls 0 WHITE roller skating slmcs, mim o'j. ukb new am. rn, 4. US 08. 3805 Thorndalc Rd, FOtt THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just liko Mother's, only Ili.ii.V SINGER SEWING CENTER 1.10 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-3512 Auto Gifts Hollywood Type Mufflers.' De lond, Douglas, Smltty, EXHAUST Specialties St Parts IMS State St. Ph. 4-091,7 450 McrcliftiidiHc 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 4 FLEXIBLE aluminum Vene- J?EW national linrdwnod 6 year crib, wet proof mattress com plete $22.50. Babe tcmla stroll er $J0-Black boards $L 4-5328. ELEC. hot nlate"wlth broiler i EADIES plhk"knU"suil; 2 grey uarrei cnairs; uv, nil. uidic; top coat. Ph. 4-1515. 1515 State. OLD coarse mulching sawdust. 2 yd. load. dcl. $5.00. t 2-3.137. TYPEWRITERS adding'' ma chines, rash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, Mip" pltes. Rocn'a. 450 Court, 3-0773. USKD tirrs, trucK and passenger. Buy, sell, trade Lytic i OK NEW full size or twin Box Spring and inner spring : it tress sets. Yes, only $46 i. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. HEW "troiiV)leiltos7"G jr'nv oo(l' ry, 1605 N. Summer . $30 DN. DELIVERS complete hnuneholrl of furniture and appliances nt Salem's lowest ovrrhrnii Mure. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mer. E XPANSION tin etTec i nVr"on new belroom suites, InrKe 0 drawer Mr. ft Mm. tilting mir ror, hooki-acp, lienttbonrd fmit and rails, $115. Terms, ves. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mer. 115 A MfjNfflMTl'Vrrenn,n1et household of furniture and ap pliances dvirlnr GIpii w,i'i freAt EXPANSION SALE. lfiOS ii. aummer. NEW king sie Sininions box innj ann innrrsprlng niat tress, hoih $fl!) 50. Glen Wood r-, 1R05 N. Summer. for Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! JJCCOllNTINtl HKHVU'K Lend A. Fiscus Ph. .raws. iNiii 4tn si. AIHMNCI MACIIINKS . Su.v ss yrm renl. Alf'nmkr'i Hoen-T.vprwrllrrs. 46 Covin Ph. J-6773. AJTI.IANC'Kll WKSTINRHnllSF. '"" " Woodry Furniture Co 474 So. Com'I. Ph. 4-lllt 8 A; T tlss Convetston llurti.r. Repair gns controls. Ph. 4-4KIW tlKllllINU CAPITOL BedclliiB Mattrrsl liovstors New tnattrcfcles ,t-4mi!l Bhll K A HUM K MASON BRl'rk'and block. Work ,ur nttrd. Ph. 4-6435. kitchen rpinodrllna'. cshlnels Uzy dlsxs, tormica top 4-425.1 CABPENIKR-CONTRAt'TOR Home RiilMlns; A- Re morlellnir Will Build, or help you lui t you initio Ph. 3 07OI. Ksipn m. M-rieioei. CORSETTtKRK CHAHIS COnSKTTIKIlK 83o l.nsln Ph. a-DSlfl TO TLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 teal liif fir iilitist 1ft iirai ligpstiiis Gilts far Momiilfnmily Gilts ) KITCHEN it fancy aprons fl to $2. 0.'i0 D St. NEW G.E. Steam Irons. $14.95. Used Mdse. Marl. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-&T71. REPOSSESSED dryer, used just 45 days. Reliable party to as sume bal. BATDOItF'S HOME AUTO, 1420 State. Ph. 3-0582. S&H Green Stamps, HANDMADE Rifts, pillow cases, T.T. sets, dresser scarfs, cro cheted chair sets, doilies Ac he- quincarrings. Ph. 49420. 670 r airvicw. New Holpolnt Automatic Regularly $199.95 $149.95 Nothing down nn approved credit THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. Ph. 3-313P Trtts t Trimmings WHOLESALE DnuRlns & white 1 1 i! 1 ?L -1 era. Ph. aisit, FOR SALE: 300 Christmas trees. Ph. 2-5704. HOLLY for decorating it gifts. Bum I ,'!!. Rt. 1, Box 8112, Or chard He Is. Rd. Ph. 4-10117. HOLLY it Oregon greens mailed anywhere, Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants. Rcb's Garden Center, 4094 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7857. STEIN Bn8 NURSERY Rose bushes, Dwarf trees, plants, Xmas Holly. Sturdi-built green houses, 3160 Market. 2-1046. FLOWERS Wreaths Gifts JARY FLORIST, Ph. 4-3301. Ca pi tol Shopp I ng Center. CHOOSE St Cut Christmas Trees. Eldred Caster, Scotts Mills. . CHRISTMAS trees for sale. Noble fir. Ph. 4-1461. CHRISTMAS trees for snle any amount, all slos, 2073 Portland ltd. Ph. 2-flOflH. HOLLY Wrcnths $I.MI up. Sprays lots of lierrleH. Open uves, I860 N. Summer, 3-9314, W"NTia)ClirlVlinaTTr Nimi1 -?.f!.cr....a p.'"' WANTED: 1445 "B" Christmas Trees, St, altar 3 p.m. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous MAN'S top coat nlza 40, sport coin a io ;iu; i mo new nigu quality, reas. Ph. 4-HII46: ELEC. stove ft rcfrlg. good con (I., other Items. Ph. 4-0UI12. SELL: Baby Rathlnrite, alumi num inme top iyne wnn pan. Ph. 3-7205. FOR SALE or trade. Ment block 30"X35"X16" $55; it Bov'S 24" bicycle. Ph. -1-5639 aflcr4. NEW It x 12 Rug "Pads WM. iiien wooury, kki.i n. aummer. F6lt'SALEr"Bunkbeiis,goo(i coll spgs. tt matt. $30. 2111164. REAL nice Walnut bdrm. suite: Chrome dinette sel; Tappan elec. rnnge, (Nearly new): Frlgidnlri! refiig-; Kenmore nuto. washer it dryer; 2 laun dry tubs; Misc. tools; Hand scythe; post auger; pick; po tato fork; Hand broadcast seeder; 1 gal. glass chum. 20115 N. Church, Ph. 2-8725. SOLID maple hunk set with mat- ircKHca rviu cicani tiiii.nn; others from $16.50. Glen Wood ry, HH)5 N. Summer, 2-4 DRAWER files; Sehwtnn rime, cash register. Ph. 3-7092. NEW folding slair $30, or trade lor nrmicMK nave n o, equal value, Call after 4 p. in, 2-!iifl!. VAC. cleaners, all makes, $12.60. t.ui n. uapuoi, .i-hiiiit. (uir.l. NEW Ox 12 'Linoleum $4.!in. i.,icn woonry.iwis n. summer. EIIHKKA vac. rleaiier. $2!1.05, 1321 N. Capitol, 3-7067. Dir. 6,50-16 A- 6 00-16 ujted lire?, Dav enpoil ft chair, $15. 1070 Elec tric. CEDAR tence pimt giMd qunlltv Treated or untreated. Poles Ph.4-30R1. NEW 17 jcwelsVisimn'a wrlstwnleh. $25. Ph, 4-6377. EXPANSION Sale' SperJals.-new 5 pc, wr. Iron dinettes $!) SO; 7 pc. Wr. Iron Dinettes $70.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer, Save time - Save money the Professional Services n rv n r i r r k CWD. fnlUXJ ILIA TO Pl.ACK AI) IN THIS (iHII)K I'll 4(1811 CRANK WultK " " '-tun l.oiain Kill Inn Ssnd A C.mvrl Co, 2-24111 HOOK t-llVKKINtl NOIIHIS WAI.KFH P,lntCo. rioor-cnvrriiiK livisinn Qunll nv liistsll.tini,. l,lnoep.T,, a.. I'"H A HuW.rr Tile. Wall til, ifr Kftiuiaic, t.m illRADIMI A Im.INH m'l.i.noziNirw m per n'r"i:; cnv.tiMK, trpnrhinit tile lav int. wplli.v elc (niK-n 'l MaiTI 1'h 4 JSI1 altet II a n Hii!l(1rniE. leveling," uiiilclear mit. l)e.,n Hot,ns,,n, 2 H71I7. " DOZING & LEVKMNfi "" Ph. MUSI I). PANTIU'ICH BUIXnOZINC! cl.arln, mart, pond, D-4 tl- carrvall. V. Hunkey, Ph. J-3U,, Pl.tMlllNCl " m.iiMniNorraM,,--. fnlnictin lie. plumber l n I'ltl'NINO TURK prunlliE VnoinT' ii. ihtuh prunliii free .,1 i-y.iM itrcoiiiMNfi Vilnius ALL types of mulr nr speech reenrorn oy i onnruy I-TB21, ROTO.VATINO Roto-Vator work M anted. Vincent Kroner ljui$s 5, 1956 MAKES ALL ItCA Victor TV Console, Mahog. 21 In. New picture lime, Hen sunable. Ph. 4-7962. ADD A WELCOME NOTE Famous Riltenhnuse door chimes as low as $4.93. hasily installed. JUDSON'S 270 N. Com'I. A NEW James Dishwasher may tie purcnascn lor ii per inn. tarrying cnargcs. Open eves. Modern Appliance Centr. 1141 S. Com'f Ph.4-0353 CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE I All n anoa ko regardless of or cc. New apinets from $389, Huge biock, an eiyies, rr, terms. Pa vmcnts. bcain Feb.. 1057. Tailman Plnno Stores, 305 S. lztn, near a. P. Depot. GIVE A STTRSHRIPTTON A SUBSCRIPTION to the States- innn-journoi newspapers) a ftft that really keeps on giv rig. Every day of the year, the person to vhom you give the Statesman-Journal Newtipapers will thank ynu all over again. Ph. 4-68)1. ask for Circulation "portable W" RCA VICTOR. 14" alumln- ized tune, carrying handle, lightweight. 13.50 Down, 9f-04 per Month S&H Stamps MARR RADIO and T.V. 2H0 So. Com'I. Ph. 3-0201 Pet Gifts A.K.C. REG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, $35. 40032 BIRDS, Trop. fish, ail supplies. deposit win noiu, niru r.irn dlKe,31fU)LlvinKBton. 2-llM2. BOXER PUPS Call 4-8.'l71 eves, or weekends. med & bathed for the holi days? For npp't. cnll 3-01509, iwnginnu K.cnncis. LOVELY pink apricot canaries, exc. singers, 1340 Chcmeketa 3-43R5. 450 Merchanilise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous Pit Run Gravel PH. 4-4747 463 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED used loys for a girl. ane8-10. Ph. 2-ni Stayton. WAN TED several thousann cordi or wood, all species ih 3-nai Nights 4-5633. 484 Miscellaneous Furniture Refinished By Experts We take all the finish off it re flnhh your furniture like new. CALL LAWRENCE LEE BROS.' 4020 State St. Ph, 2-7001 E A V E S t-K-6-U (i ll-S , State Roofing Service Ph 2-762SJ DFNTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SKRVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Hldg. State A- Com'I Sts. hrti.r.M j'li, 3-31111 486 Machinery & Tools 1!IM SIIOPSMITH, tlflO Ph. 4-riHlO Used Welders For Snle C!)8 ILLINOIS, 3-P5U6 SEVERAL used welders. Sea at 700 Stewart St, Ph. 4-7544. 490 Fuel WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-dee wood, fir or hemlock. Ph. 3-7721; nights 4-5633. r , ItmtFINO PAV-LKSS HOOKINC1 NI'.VKU KnuuinKtv underbid, Repairs. 1'h, A Mli. SAM) Jt tlR.WKL SAt.KM SAND A. OR A VK,l.VtS" Heady mix i-tmcrete, crustird ami round (travel, -.and suit top soli. M05 N. Front St. 2-24fll. WAl.t.ING SAND AND GRAVKI, M2S Mctillchrtat Crushed quarry rocki and ttravel. All nte ft-r roHits. i dnvrways hiu parkin lots. ! HKADY MIXKD t't'Nt'RKTE, i (I a r d e n and. bull-dru-lim. shovel and dranllne work. 349. VAI I.FY SAND GRAVFt. CO Crushed .V round Riaxel sand Ac con. mix. 2-400:1. SKPTtC SHRVK'K iHatiiel't set-th- tanks rleaned, Ime servlrf Gtiaranteed work. Phone .1-7404 or 3-507J. HOWARDS Roto-RoxMer sewers,; I septic tanks cleaned S-sai'J, ! MIKF'S Sentfc rrvl.'e, Tank. ) rlesiied. D ronter clean lewert rsim. Phonr aqina. i TKLLVISION I'V " Service, $3 50 ner t all si home No ttx, no rhg aoan TLRMITfa ' Salem's olrtest home owned Cv Hundred of local references, nBJ&$&' 10711. YOUR CHRISTMAS Bilts (or QUICKLY Motor Bike. Easy to biiiFL m.p.g. ftiaKe ii a hapoy Christmas. SCOTT'S 315 Mission, rn. 4-iim.i. Save Up to $12 . On All Wheel Goods at DATDORF'S. All styles k sizes Boys & Girls. BATDORF'S HOME i AUTO 1420 Slate SI. , Ph. 3-05A2 2095 Fnlrsroundu Hd. Ph. 3-7455 S &HGili!EN STAMPS GET your r.iy with a paper route n Quickly Motor Bike. It's Safe I Scott's, 315 Mission. 15 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5 Toward the purchase of any r iresione mcycie ai rcguiHr pnen wit nom irane-in. univ one coupon accepted on a ingie purcnase. $5 .: $5 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2491 Do-H-Yourself GiftsJ Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter & bonks. Farmers union Lo-np. allverton Rd. Ph. 4-3766. Gifts for Dodr You Won't Slip IF you get dad these new winter unction tires 070x15. ONLY $lfi.5 with exchange plus tax. BATDORF'S HOME A AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-0582 2095 Fail-grounds Rd. Ph. 3-74.ri5 Gifts for All TRADE in your old radio or record player on a NEW Hi-Fi phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. 450 Merchandise 490 Fuel DRV slab wood for aale. Wood man, Just lost home hy fire. Pli. 01 J Independence. FOR SALE I6'rslab wood"ani screened sawdust. Delivered In 3 unit pushout truck". Ger- ucrvais. SOMETHING new for sawdust users, we nave a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Furl Co. 1420 nnumvviiy, rn. CAl'ITOL FUUL CO. Drv oak. ash Ac manle wood. Choice slnh it hlock wood mixed, urv or ilreen. Drv mil wood. 1421) lirondway Pu 3-7721 SHAVINOS: WE DELIVER" I'll. 2-8171 CMcnn Dry Wood Old growth slnb At block wood ,12 cord. Also oak wood. Cut any length Prompt delivery. Ph. Salem 2-9444. -WKS'I SALEM FUEL - Dry green wood Tube or pushout sitwdllst isaa Kdptcwnter Ph 2-4n:il- IIUillWAV FUEL CO SAWDUST At WOOD V44 ANDEltSON'S slnbwood, 21,-unlt load ,29. Ph. 2-7731. 500 Bus. & Finunrc 510 Money to Loon SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get rash for shopping needs Or oilier seasonal expenses in one visit to office! Phone Beneficial, jtivt a tew facts, then come tut Exclusive I Nationwide Credit Card presented to every cus tomer Kood at over 1,000 of flcest Beneficial likes to say "Yes I" Phone tor a I -I rip loan write or mine in today LOANS UP TO 11,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co.l Ph. :-24 105 S. Hljtn Now A New Monv tor all worth-while pur no if, for Personal ,ns Cnni iidate Rills - New Pur- Ct)S!IM. Home owned home operated WW FairBrounds Road. Salem, ure. call i-7o.ia. rree rarn Injt Lot. COI.ONlALTlnvestn.tnl ; Co. Real Property Loans Contract Purchased. 7 Court. 4-32M. Intrrest. Ph. a-07H4. $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS lift S. Liberty Ph. 4-303 PR1VATF money to loan, ee interest. Ph. 2-07tM. LOANS ' $WO0 in l,.WiY What You Need Consolidate your bills. Kln-iitf through wUXAMrTTr cnvniT COMPANY 1M S. Church St. Ph. 1-34M SI 2 Loani- anted WANTED? $1,000 t xpnr rvu1 trv entenitt. Rj,vi mi &M(t i ttt n uKvi r tukt SHOPPING Gifts for All Zobel's Christmas gift to you. 25 off on any new Baldwin piano in stock until Christ mas. 510 Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 THE perfect gift for Christmas a Family Portrait by KENNELL-ELLIS .Open Mon, it Fri. Eves. 520tateSt. Ph. 3-7830 ClSTiS GIFTS Fast service, reas. prices on Im- E riming Christmas cards, ook plates, book matches, stationerv. Hallmark cards it gift wrap ping. View Masters. $2. Reel Rackets 91. Flash camera sets, lU-EWAN PHOTO SHOP Hollywood Near Post Office ACME cowboy hoots for the en ure lamiiy. ;i,y.i up. Army Be Nnvy Surplus. 223 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-4343. Christmas Cards 20 Hallmark Christmas Cards imprinted with your name S1. Hallmark Box Cards it Gorgeous Gift Wrappings. Mc EWAN PHOTO SHOP In Hol lywood. Near Post Office 'HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable jewelry. World renown Omega- watches, Art Carved Diamonds. Kirk, Wallace it In ternational Silver. Remenrber it's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards. Order now. Commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com'I Ph. 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. CnmmcreialPh. 2-1R4L FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-9872 105OPACK ARD BELL-TV "Vet". Table Model. $01). 1)5. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S.. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investments PRIVATE money to loan cash for contracts & mtg's. B. M. jviason or w. . ftiinier, ail Chcmeketa. Ph. 3-8841. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted PAGENSTECHERS COMMKRCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists in Office Placements F-Secretary J5-45 personality $105 F-Dental assistant, exp open F-Secretary, considerable exp.. 25-45 $.125 F-Sccrctary, 10-25 . .. $250 F-X-Ray A Lab. tech. exp. open F-likpr., exp., tax, temp open F-PostliiK machine, ac rec. S225 F-Typist 60 per m. accurate .$210 M-Insurancc, college 25-50...,open M-Jr. accountant 25-40 open M-Credit MRr.traince, type 40 words, out $250 M-Hkpr. trainee 20-.15, prac. exp $1,55 hr. M-Mfir. trainee 18-40, colleKe, out $70 wk. M -Office MKr.acctnp, out. .open M-Insurnnce. casualty U writer 25-40 open M-Cert. accountant, perm ...$350 Rest Way to the Best Jobs 4!M State St. 411 Oregon Bldg. 4-3:151 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists tn office personnel.' Blrtft. adl. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter Ph. 2-0636 Your future Is our tob. AMPLICATIONS are now retn taken for Statesman 01 cycle routes Several route will be open Applicants musl be ac companied br thtlr parents or have their written oermt iton Aoplf at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal 606 Help Wonted, Loav LADY, (jeneral housework, live In. Call mornlWS N.Llberly. ACTIVF. widow desires female comp. to share country home. Ref, Statesman-Journal, Rox 434. STKWAHDKSSKS Oversea? Routes. Wrile us lor career In formation. PAN AM KlllCAN WORLD AIRWAYS, Seattle Taconi:i International Airport Seattle Bfl. WashiiiRton. 610 Sales Help Won rid F.XPFRIF.NCF.n rooftnit sales man, neat appealing. conimt,i slon. King's Roofing Co., 35 S. IBlh. Ph, 43732 lor appoint ment. SAI.KSMAN7 have ear. No exp. necessary. Ktrby Co. Ph. 3-43IM. MAN to move to Newberg A: take over Fuller Brush Route, $1150 weekly comm. to ttait. PU. 3-8J57. MAN wltn car for outride sale work. Flectrolux Corp . 107S. Broadway. 612 Work Wonted, Men MALK College student want work eve. after A. It Sat, also thru Holiday. Ph. SM, CARPENTER workf " repair new, remodeltng. hr. or con tract. Richard Ras. Ph- JM71 CARPF.NTKR. renaii or remo deling by hr. or contract. No job tin) small 3-4. W. liotiSK Painting in A "out Charlie Oreene. 7IW. THF.t estimate on floor eover lns or drainboaro R 1. tlf strom Co . J0 .S Liberty Painting V Paperhanrinj Anv sue tob Free Ft. , Christmas CasK CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2460 S. Com'I. Ph. 4-8431 FOR pHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASn Extra Christmas Cash can be yours quickly by calling 4-6811 and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used items. Gifts for HimO RCA record changer $5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. TACKLE BOXES 18" Kennedy, iwo sncives, J a compartments, large storage. Were .$12.35, now ' $7.75. GIL WARD 280 Wallace Bd. Ph. 2-2476 FLANNEL sport shirts. Top quality. Good selection. $2.20 ea. 2 for $4.50. Army it Navy Surplus. ,223 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-4343, A GIFT for the cor this xmas. P.iclfic Auto Sup. 355 -N. Lib erty. Spinning Outfits $9.95 CASCADE MERC Sporting Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-5538 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 , 600 Employment 612 Work Wanted, Men Interior Ai exterior L. C Elofsoh.-3-7697 or 3-6857 eve. LOU'S tree servfep. topping, prune, i-iiuiing. i-aaui Cement work, prompt service. Ernest Drake. Ph. 4-fmU- CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-1H4Z Want Janitor or Yard Work. Ref. Ph. 4-1434. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. 2-1459 CARPENTER work the way YOU want II. Ph. 4-8285. 614 Work Wonted, Lady WILL care for elderly person in ! my nome, iteas. :. h. bmnn, i 468 Young. Woodburn, Ore I CAPABLE teen-age girl wants housework Sats. 4-2665. Kef. BUSINESS establishments Want your Christmas circu culars, cards or letters ad dressed efficiently, expertly it quicklv? Written or typewrit ten. Write or Ph. Mrs. Arthur Slarks. 602 S. 10th, Corvallis, Ore. PLaza ,1-7.r.Ki. HIGH School girl wants Saturday worn. i'n. 1-uhh!) niieri p.rn. BABY sitting near N. Salem HL Ltve In. CallJ-500.1. SEWING& MENDING Ph. 4-90.16 IRONING. Pick Up Ac deliver. 24 nr. service, vicinnv 4 uorners St Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-363L BABYSITTING after p.m. Own transportation. Ph4-745U. HOUSEWORK St baby sitting wanted. Ret. Ph. 4-64l. Kl-ilZKH Child care. Ph. 2-0048. PERSONALIZED dressmaking, costumes, formnls, weddings. Ph. 4-4162. IRONING, my home. Englewood dist. Ph. 3-8580. HOUSEWORK" by nr. or day, also babysttting. 2-661B. WILL care for elderly person (my home) Ph. 3-506fl: CHILD care mv home while you work or shop. 1540 Nebraska. Ph. 48841. CHILD care. 1st $1 day. rest 7.V.. hr. 200. 4 Corners. 2-0572. CHILD care by week or month. Ph. 3-5677. DRFSSMAKING A,- alteration"., .ill types. Airs, uay t'n, 4-tim, RKLiAHLE babv sltt'er'my home day or b'RhLRef Ph.jMW.'ifi. CHILD care, mv home, West Salern Ptv 3-5677. tritlLD care, mv home, week or month, reas. price. Ph. 4-0682. Ml M FOtiK APlfl NG "lyplng Mr Pe. 865 N 16th Ph 1-3H43 CHILD care while you shop nr work, mv warm home bv hr or day. 440 MILU 2:74PO. WILL bnbv sit eves, vour home W Salem dist Ph. 4-0540 CHILD CAre mv home 4 Corners Ph. J-S349 25c hr. di. or mgtiL olTSituofion Wanted"" ATTENTION. Roof leak. Reroot now ft save $ repair work, gutter j cleaned. Also will beat all competition. KINGS ROOF CO Ph. 4-3722 HEMSTITCHING PONE AT 1S5I MAHKET FAIRYLAND Kmnergarten cV N u r e r v, now rehearsing Chrutiv s PToetsti; tb-ie in I tercMed Ph. 3-7H5 or 2-81 17. j Chip o( all ?5e hr. 7 to i II pm. (lM Mission SCHARFF BTtOTHKRS " Ktallation Repair Sewer?. Jptie Tanks. Dram Field, Power DltrMnl BacXllll. Th. m i-io;jv i 600 Employment 615 Situations Wonted Very VET Carpenter new or old reasonable. Ph. 4-7704. SMALL carpenter jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling. grading. 3-7UM. l.. nurtn. 618 Education HIGH SCHOOL at Home Finish your Hi Sch'l. In your spare , time.' No classes. Books furn, Low tuition. Free booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL. BU S..7660 6543 N. Interstate, Portland 17 Ore. 620 Pay and Contract Vi, Vj, 3t yd. shovel, crane, hoe drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4, D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N. Front St. Ph. 2-2461 700 Renlals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board NEWLY dec. light hskp. rm. very comfortable, lady. 2 blks. m&f, $25. Ph. 2-mao. WARM sleeping rm., shower Pam. prlv. em. 74a s. um l LIGHT-hskni. rms., all" utll. furn. S24 4tt28 mo. Ill Cne meketo. CLOSE in 1st. fir. Sleeping rm. 658 Center St. NICE lg. rm. at the Chalet with Doara, jwj n. uapuoi. i-ihj. PLEASANT rm. adjoining bath tor gentleman. z-iai7. WANTED - Man to room and board. 1880 Center. TV. clean, nicely furn. sleeping rm., men a wk. rn. t-totv. BOARD & ROOM 850 E. SI. Ph. 3-8706 MAN slpg. rm., TV, priv. enL 1505 N. Capitol. 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. T.V., close in 215 S W.ntei 2-l72i NICELY furn. room, also bsmt. apt, close In. 539 N. Winter. HOME away from home. Men. iv. jfacK .uncnes. iuuo n. oiu. 70S Apartments for Rent FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT REASONABLE rates, close In jocaiion. waier & ejeciricity furnished. See Mrs. Griffin, 770 S, Commercial Apt. No. 1. PULLMAN apt. newly dec. nice ly lurn. gr a. nr. ironi. ah util, except gas, 2 blks. M&F, $35. Ph. 2-7830. ATTRAC. newly dec. 2 rm. furn. apt. iwin Den. nice app i. ah util. excent eas. cr'p. fl., 2 blks. M&F. $45. Ph. 2-7830. LADY only 2 mis. priv. ent. & bath, utilities & elec. heat furn. W. Salem. Ph. 2-6547 or 2-2466. FURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Near bus & store. $40 mo. 3560 Port land Ri. 1 & 3 rm. furn. apt, front. All utn. turn, but in. Lioeriy a-.eua. ATTRACT. Pbdrm. ct. apt. un furn. stove St rcfrlg, fine view Dallas Rd. Phone 2-2008. HEAL nice 4 rm. lower flat, firepl., bsmt., garage. No chil dren or pets. You'll like this. Only $65. 1B73 Court. BASEMENT apt., firepl., in, gentleman, 3-4791. 2 BDRM. bsmt. apt. 1 mile out on Wallace Rd. $42.50 mo. Ph. 4-7110. 2 RM. furn. apt. Erriplbycd par ty or suitable for studio, 208 E. Bush. Ph. 4-0000. VERY nice, but very small furn. apt. ideal for one, rent with in reason. Near General Hos pital. 2251 Breyman. SPARKLING clean 1 bdrm. du- plcx apt. nicely turn, off street parking. 745 S. Commercial. 3 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. rn. a-ati.u or z-ama. RM. furn. apt. heat furn. TV ant. St irpl. I'll. 4-4614. FURN. 2 rms, priv. ent. St bath st. nr. ifiJ5 in. unurcn apt. e. ONE it 2 bdrm. Apta., range St rctrig . runi rn mi;Mi 3-ROOM mod. apt. Nicely furn. rn. 3-7H6. 330 S. 14th, furn. 3 rms. St bath. quiet.adults. Ph. 4-7149. NICE 3 rm furn apt. inc. util- Hies, i oik Aitvr diu union. 740 FERRY lrg. 3 bedroom re- ncc. uniurn., cin. in. neni ct water. Adults. Ph. 4-0015. COURT apt., extra nice. furn. 3 rms,, o.un, tv, laundry, parK ing avail. Inq. 1348 So. 12th. FURN. suburban flat, 3 bdrms. 3205 Moody. Ph. 2-3061. Walk ing dist. to hospital. CLEAN 1 bdrm. Bpt Refrig. it stoves turn., also util. in. 3-7145." 2 RM. bsm't. apt., prtv. bath, $35, 1115 N. ISth. 3-7641. pai 189. FURN. 3 rms.. washing facil ities, pnonc. strn ru 4-MU6I FURN. 4" rm. apt. utU. 3655 S. Com'I. Ph. 2-5355. .IANSSEN COURT Apt., clean, good loc. E. Rural at S. 13th St., near shop, cent. At bus. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., heated. 1411 Court St. Apts. THE CENTURY. 1061 CENTER. New lrg. dlx, 2 bdrm. Apts. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. turn. pv't. ent., bath. Utn. pd.jH9 S. J9. 3niRM lrg, modem, range A refrig. ground fir . also 1 bdrn. apt. Upper, close to Dow town, hast ridge Apts. 1053 bdgewaicr. CLEAN pleasa"ntfurn heated apts. all uttl. 450 S. CapltoL LE MAR COURTS 1 bdrm. unfurn.. range, refrig, some utll. Adults. 14:i5 Trade. MODERN Furnished" CourL" 1 bedroom. Wrst Salem. Call 4-6H75 evenings call 3-8743. FURN. court. Liv, rm. bedrm. kitchenette it bath $45. 2455 Trade. PhL4-7472. FRONT rm" furn ap't , unit "kit chen. Ladv. 692 S. Capitol 2-W49, 3 RM parth furn Apt natural gas heat At cooking $25. Near hospital. 1725 Center 2 BDRM. apt. 2 blk. of "Hospital. 989 Oak. Ph. 3-8138. BACHELOR apt., warm, com fortably furn., priv. bath, all ulil tnc'L in reas. rent. J blk. M&F k State Bldg. 46a N. Winter, 3 RM. furn. fr, fir. 3 rm furn, 2nd, fir. Redec. reas. 2S0 N. Ifith Ph. S 7R7 FURN. 3 tr., priv. bath, ""close date htfif j, 3 310 morninfs & eve. CLEAN furn. i rm. aptsT Close in. KWFerry CLOSK tn mod. furn 3 rm. apt. Ph. 34W except Sat, VERY cioct u 1 bdrm. Apt. Vfu I-40U. 700 Rentals 705 Apartment For Rent FURN. 1 bdrm. apt. 2136 Fair grounds Rd. $55 mo. Pb. 2-0580 after 5 p.m. CLOSE In nice furn. apti. utll 28-$35. 765 Marion. 2-5223. WELL furn. 3 rm. apt., ground fir., good bed, washer St dryer, rent reas. Ph. 2-66!i7. FURN. 1 bdrm. apt. clean, large close In, also 2 bdrm. unfurn. both avail, now. 1055 Edge wa ter, W. Salem. FURN. 3 rms. utilities pd. $40 mo. after 6 p. m. 365 S. 16th. FURN. COURT APT. Living room, bdrm., kitchen, dinette. Completely furnish ed. Utility room with auto, washer & dryer. Close to state offices, telephone office, Memorial hospital. Attractive. $57.50 per mo. THE ROBERTA APTS., 1138 Leslie St. To in spect ph. Ralph Eyre 3-6124. 706 Duplexes DUPLEX & HOME Hi BDRMS., fireplaces, hard wood noors, basements, small furnished house at rear of property. $149.50 income. All or $13,250. HURRY I HIMMEL & FERRIS. REALTORS, J34 south .'Jberty, Ph. 4-4478. CLEAN furn. duplex, all elec. gar., garbage at water lurn, near State & Gen. hosp; cou pie. 1002 Park Ave. - LARGE 1 bdrm. Forced air heat. nice kitch. & bath, utility rm. nu. i.Hu uaviQson, rn. z-iuaj. 3 RMS, nicely furn. Gar. Adults. 1H&3 in. capital. 3 FURN. rooms. Adults. 2441 Mate at. rn. 4-4351. 2 RMS.. AUTO. WASHER & DRYER. $55. PH. 3-8997. NICELY furn. mod. duplex, So. Couple only. Ph. 3-5765. 2-BDRM. furn.. carport, W, Sa lem. Water 9c garbage paid. $52.50. Ph. 4-4930. 4-9335. FURN. 1-bdrrnV duplex, 2 blocks from State House. 462 N. Winter. RANCH type, corner lot. 2 bdrm. hdwd. firs., Venetians, util. rm., elec. range it refrig., TV nnt., garage, wired for dryer, $70. 355 Tryon. Ph. 2-7805., 707 Houses For Rent 1 bedroom furnished homt 11. 2 bedroom furnished home..$60 2 spacious bdrm. home uniurn. S65 ALLEN C. JONES, REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 3-5B38 Kve. n. 4-16B9 or z-ihb FOR LEASE 2 bdrm. So. in city. $75 per mo. iurn inciuaing tv ana auto, wash. $60 unfurn. Ph. 4-8692. BDRM. cottage nr. Liberty, stove, refrig., water furn. Ph. 2-2285. LATE 2 bdrm., unfurn., 4 Cor- ners Uist. $65. Ph. 2-9293. . $50 SMALL mod. home, gar., to responsible coupie. rn. a-ama. 1RN. Coast cottage, reliable "couple, low rent, ref. Ph. 2 BDRM. suburban house. 'a acre. Near Swegle Sch. $55. 4-usriO. NEW 1 bdrm. unfurn. hse. Near ticn. iiosp,, Adults, rent within reas. 2251 Breinnn. Nelson's Rentals WANTED: 3 bedroom furnished or unfurn. nouse lor legis lator. NEW 2 BDRM. COURT APTS. Water & Karbaae lnc S65 2 Bdrm. duplex. New. 4 Corners. Adults, only $50 Lgc5 bdrm. unfurn. hse. 3 baths $57.50 Dec. 153 bdrms, dble. plumb ing ..$75 2 bdrm. unfurn., nice W. Salem, all appliances, will lease at $85 2 bdrm. unfurn. court. South $75 nice targe uniurn; apart ment 4. ,.-...i..J. i.. SfiO. 3 bdrms. walk to town $70 i norm. iurn., very clean. Close to State bldg $45 2 bdrm. firepl., unfurn. Keizer $70 2 bdrm. hse., unfurn. South $52.50 Call Dorothy Deal, Eves. 4-8332 Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3669 SMALL 2 bdrm. house 570 Gaines St. Stove, refrig. $40. Ph. -3371.ExL67. 4 BDRM. modern home, garnge, barn St pasture. Deep well St elec. pump, school bus bv door. 13 nil. No. of Salem $50 mo. Call Gervais 2194. CLEAN 2 bdrm. home. Close In, $65,Rawlins Realty, 4-6875. 3 RM. home, redec, elec. range, oil heater, bus bv door. 11B3 N. Church. Ph. 2-2257. 4 BDRM., hse. N.E. dist. Avail" at once. Ph. 2-6847 eves. SMALL 2 bdrmThdwdrnrs. At tach. garage, $55. 2535 Silverton Rd. 2 BDRM. furn. house, garnge, nr. store $65 nio.Ph:3Bil41. 1-bdrm. bouses furn & unfurn. City and suburban... $30 to $50 3-hrirm. Hnnlev t-lS tn (Sfl ! 2-bdrm., near state bldgs $50 2-bdim. north $55 4-bdrm. cast, suburban.- ...560 2-bdrm. south, furn.... ..$65 2-bdrm. east, range, refrig $65 .i-onrm. soutn ..$iuio5H5 1-bdrm. furn., apts $40 to $55 CENTER STRKET REALTY 1748CenterJ4-663LEve. 2-7812 FOR Rent: Nearly new house, partly furn, 4 rm. A- bath, near bus stop. Evergreen St. pi!2fl65 riL7965 LEASE. Nice 2 bdrm. $70. 3381 Duncan Ave. Avail. Dec. 15th. Inq. at 3385 Duncan Ave. or Ph. 3-5716. NICE 1 bdrm.. 2 blks M&F. automatic washer, range & re frig, if desired. Ph. 4-4659 or 3 -37 17. 5 RM. House So. 12th located near Morningside School & Community Church, 2 bdrm., wall-wall carpet living rm. & dn. rm.. basem't, garage, lovely yard potentials. Could be had furn. or unfurn. Call 3-73U7 evenings or week end. FAlRMOUNT Late hulll 3 rm rge. St rerrig. $32.50. 3-9968 3 BDRM.. full bsmt., oil furnace, firepl., gar. Close to schools & Hollywood Center. Ph. 3-3161. SMALL 2 hdrnv hseTElec heaL completely redecorated. 3-73flL 3 BDRM. house, Havefvllle Dist. $W) perjno. Ph. 3-3136. 7 HM.houe 5!0N. 17th St. Inq. -1 595 N. 5th St. Ph. 3-9574. CLEAN 2 bdrm. hse., bsm't., elect, stove, near schools. Water Pd1$.V jh. 4-9943. 1 BDRM. unfurn.. fenced" yd., garage. Ph. 2-3543. I BR. unfurn. eceot stove St re frtg. lnq 1615 Lee after i p.m 1 HHRV n-use "ar-ee, uster fi- $45 947 Mill Ph. 4-4QW 3 BEDROOM' house E. Sub" Avail. Dec. 1. Ph. 4-5077. 3 Rm. houseA bath" $30. Ph. 3-7304. NEW small 3 rm. hst. 4 Comers dist. Th. 2-4213. 2 BDRM. hse , Keiier Dist . frnl . hdwri. firs. $65 mo. Ph. 36209 or4-624l. VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. except for trfriC & stove ?4J5 Market Ph. 2-195? LOVFI Y view nice snall clean 3 bdrm, home Inside utilMv. elro. heat, stlrrrd fa rare, water fuTtusbed $2 50 mo. Ii mure f00 Cascade Dr. Ph. J-4M4. FOR Renf: 1 bdrm. newly dee- c-Atrrt. ent neat, south. tir i tf aMt.4S'a fiW 9Jr 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 3 BDRM. hse. lull bsm't.. near school & bus. Ph. 2-2189 after 5:30 p.m. NICE 2 bdrm. hse., unfurn., aoutn. Alien, garage, w, en. eve. 2 BDRM. cottage, part furn.. ga rage. ju. no pcio. wo- mwh. Ph. 2-2707. ' 707-a Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. furn. fcse. 5-5568 Sat. It bun., aner o p.m. wk. udja. CLOSE in 5 rm. hse. with bsm't. Mostly furn. Inq. 585 S. Com mercial. SMALL 2 rm. cottage. Gentle- man prei. iiaruKt; ex um. nun $40. 3215 Portland Rd. 4-3573 FURN. 2 bdrm. house, oil iurn- ace, elec. range, reing. rn. 3-5833 after 7 p.m. COZY 1 bdrm. house completely lurn.. 1 DiK. lo ous. tan eves. 3-5420, sau. l norm, an cieciric, uu stop, niice for steadily em- inq. ii. a pui at. CLOSE in furn. 3 rm. house, car port, $40, 1 cr 2 adults, Furn. 3 rm. bath, bsmt. apt. car port. $35. Adults. Ph. 2-7600. CLEAN, 1 bdrm.. all furn. dwell ing at 1031 7th St., $40 mo. Ph. 3-3136. 1 BDRM. house iurn. South, Ph. 2-6758 eves. 1 BDRM. partly turn, all elec. Adults. Inq. 3845 Portland Rd, 2 BDRM, cottage, water, gar bage no. gar. Adults pfd. $55, 1415 Jefferson. Ph. 3-8397. CLEAN 2 rm. cottage. Inq. 2860 Brooka St. Ph. 3-7943. 1 BDRM. cottage, antenna, washer St dryer. 147 N. 18th. 710 Wanted to Rent Hses UNFURN. hse. by middle aged coupie, no cnuaren, ciose in, North or W. Salem. Ph. MAy fair 3-4448 Dallas. SCHOOL teacher A family need .1 norm. nsc. ay Dec, mm. Will furn, references. 4-5365. 714 Business Rentals STUCCO building 40"x60', con crete if oar, large aoors, ii ceiling for Warehouse storage or shop. Inq. 15H6 S. 13th. OFFICE space. 2nd floor, Gray oiag. laa w.iiiDcrty, in. a-nza. WORK shop 24x38, wired for 110, z.:u, 4iu. aunauie ior any lype shop. Has been vacated by cabinet maker $50 mo, Ph. 3-3031. or 2-6862. DOWNTOWN office space, store rms. sc warenouse 3-4 1 n 780 Moving & Storoge Larmer Transfer & Storage Complete moving service. Also agents for bkiuns Nation wide Movers. Ph. 3-3131. LOW COST storage. H. L. Stiff rurnuure uo., j-aiea. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. MAJOR .oil Co. service station ior saie. rn. z-owz. AN opportunity to go in business sb.LHJu required, man or wom an. Silent or active; Bookkeep ing background preferred. Age no barrier. Statesman-Journal Box 435. FOR SALE: Rooming house wiw i.nuu lurnjsnings for 10 rentals, $1,000 cash, bal. In monthly payments. In come $269.89 at 6 pet. In ex penses $145.80 bal. left over $123.70. Good loc. Close in. Call 2-0296 between 6 & 8 tve. or in a.m. SELF OPERATING APTS. Well planned like new bldg, No vacancy loss, low oper. exp, Nice laundry and garages, Rm. to expand, $40,000. 3-8347. OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparison if you can quamy. rn. 4-hihi for appi. 803 Suburban WK'5 BEST BUyS NEED A BIG HOUSE? All brick over 1600 sq. ft.. 3 narms., Datn, fireplace, ga rage, needs some fixing and painting, on 1.61 acres in Shaw. Onlv $6250 with $1250 down. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-5O20. AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS 806 Houses For Sale INVESTORS GOOD POSSIBILITY. This old er home, for sale for only $5500, is located tn a C-3 rone on N. Commercial. The inter ior Is in very good condition, and the house is rented for $f3 a month. The lot is 65 x 122. We feel this is a safe purchase which will pay for itself until such time the pro perty could be sold for bus iness purposes. Call 4-6766, or Eve.: Dick Olson 4-4183, . Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. 4-6766 VALUE PLUS In this charming 3-bdrm. home nestled between several fruit trees. A delightful kitchen with Formica tops St lots of cabinet space. Cheerful liv ing room ft dining area, also you'll enjoy the nice & warm forced air oil heat. Ask about this one today for just $11,250. Terms arranged. HAMILTON. BLDR. PHONE 3-6062 New Ranch-Type $700 down. Large lot, atl. ga mpe. Picture windows. $11, 500. $70 mo. Includes every thing. A Cheapie ON Park Ave. $4,000. $W0 dn. $55 mo. Lot 55x176. Call . Mike. Art Madsen Realty 1326Slate. 3-5580. J-88I2, 3-M12 $7.V) DOWN 3 bdrms., fireplace, paneling, attach, garage. large lot with lawn & shrubs, close to school, all new home dist., $10,700 bil. at $70 mo. No finance charge for loan. See at 444 S. 45tN or call 4-5928. POSSIBLE $500 DOWN THIS 7 yr. old 3 bdrm. ft plav room: liv. rm. 13i x 31 ft.; oil furnace, located on N. 25lh St.; asking $11,050. Call Mr. Ander on, eve, Ph. 4-2714 days 4-4494. ELDERLY OWNERS WANT house to $6,000: close tn. nice trade their 2 acres. "Fast jurburban cloje in." with X larue bdrm . liv. rm., bath and Uree kitchen, big urage and u-iirk sr-.o. mar! on 2 sHes. askmr $7 500. Call Mr. Ander sen, eve. Ph, 4-2TH. - , 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole THE KELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. 4 BDRMS. CLOSE IN. Solid comfort in this spacious, neat and clean older home. Living room, dining room, full bsmU . Sawdust heat. Wanting -n0-tance to downtown. Only $7,950. Call Martha Thiesen eve. 3-5497. PLENTY OF ROOM. Older, larger, clean; close In. Full bsmt. Good buy. Terms, Call Lloyd Rice eve. 3-4869, LOOK 30 acres, aluvial sajidy soil. Excellent 4-bdrm, hon..:; 2 fireplaces: bsmt. Small barn, shed, henhouse: Irriga tion well: pump, pipe, sprin kler. Best soil In Ore. for rhubarb, potatoes, strawber ries, etc., one mile off 99B ; north. Price $34,900. Trade for Salem property. Call Al Bender, eve. 2-7646. FOR QUICK SALE; nice 2 bdrm., living room; large kit chen; bkfst. nook: close to school and bus. Terms. Call Lloyd Rice eve, 3-4869. -A VIEW 3-bdrm. West. Salem hill location; perfect ' condition; , only 3 years old. Level lot. Price $13,000 with terms. Call McCargar 4-4441, 702 No. High St. Ph. 4-4441 $10,000 NEW 3 bdrm. attach, dbl. I gar. birch kit. Terms. 875 Tierra Dn. Ph. 4-3459. RANCH type 2 bdrm. home, wall to wall carpet in lg. liv. rm., din, rm., beautiful large lot. gar. Fruit trees. Keizer Dist. 1130 DietzAve. Ph. 4-3127. QUALITY Homes Built To riease. we win Duua 10 lit your family A your budget. At low as 2 pet. an. plus closing costs (G.I.J HAMILTON BLDR PH. 3-6062. "Member of Salem Home Bldrs. Assn." FOR SALE by owner, new 1 norm, nouse. aii large rms., firepl., birch kitchen with dish washer, 2 car gar. Call eves, 3-5420. TO LEASE or sell, 2 bdrm., full us mi., sawuusi iurnace, TV antenna. 1180 Hood. $500 DN. on 6 rm house partly furn. on V3 acre, $45 mo. 4-3709 TRADE your late model car on this 3 bdrm.. full basement home In Englewood dist, Price $10,500. Payments $70 per mo. See Mrs. Wells eves. Ph. 2-3738. COLBATH LAND CO. $600 DOWN to qualified G.I. or less it payment can ne ar ranged. New 3 bedrooms with fireplace, plastered garage, paved St., 1074 Shamrock St. only one block South of Morn ingside School, Open housa every day. Ph. builder 4-6533 for information. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your home neetia To Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 2710 So. Comm'l Salem Heights Dist. 3 harms.. 2 fireplaces, dble, gar. rn. i-tiMJU. uiu ov L. W. SCHRUNK SPORTING GOODS store in cen tral Oregon Est. 15 yrs. $90,000 ann, sales $40,000 ' cash poss. Dec. 31st. Box 433 Statesman Journal. OWNER transferred $10,900 , 4 Ddrm.. am, piummng, lire place, patio $1800 down, $75 per mo. 375 N. 18th. Ph. 4-0068. MIDDLEGROVE 4 BDRM. home on approjc, A. uniy j yrs. oia, i moot io chool. Attached garage. Own er will carry contract with small dn. payment. Salem Properties JOHN .1. DANN, REALTOR 367 N. High Ph. 2-1533, 4-3482 Eves. .Braulick 4-3220, Klanf 3-3292. Mason 2-9581, Raschko 2-7401. IF YOU are looking for a nleo new nome BDoui a yr. old wim lawn, rockgarden. and shrubi all developed then this is it, 3 bdrms., living rm, with fire-. Elace. Lg. picture window, inlng rm., with glass door that opens on patio, kitchen with breakfast nook, birch, finish. Dishwasher, utility rm. Dbl. plumb. Dbl, garage. Can da la ria Dist,, on secluded street. Price $17,950. For par ticulars ask for Ed Schreder Ph. 3-9236. Evenings: 3-7825. NEAT 2 bdrm. home located South. Fenced back yard. On creek. Car port. Extra build ing for fruit, and tool storage. Price $8,500. Terms. Ask for Phil Murrav. Ph. 3-9236. Eve nings Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) SIS N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 3 Bedrooms Yes, 3 bedrooms on one floor, house about 8 years old, thht home is very livable, has at tached garage, large living & dining area, generous cabinet space in kitchen. You will find that this house needs soma work, but for the terms t price this is an opportunity to get your start. Located South near stores, bus St school. Eves, Ph. 3-3528 or 3-3573. PHONE 4-4454 Ron Jones, Realtor 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. FRUIT FARM ONE of the best small farms in me vaney. iu a., very close in. young orchard, apples, pears, cherries, & nome cant berries. Very nice 3 hrirm., fireplace, outside patio. NrH about 4,000 yearly. Owner health makes sale necessary, will finance. Price $16,800. Salem Properties .TORN .1. DAW RiVATTno 367 N Hijrh Ph. 2-1533. 4-.14B2. jSi' M,on ,"9MI- ""'hi Bulldlnf Contractor Ph. 1-71M rJJ-Y,R0OM' S-Mrm. wlth S4- clostt ipaot. ii, baths, J linen cloieti. dble garage with overhead storage, level wod.d corner lot. lawn In. J14.5O0. 3S3S Tulare Ave. .1 bloc, w of Doer'r M . N. oil Charles Ave.l DAYI.IOHT BSMT. 3-hdrm . 1 tiir.-iare. PMvroO-n. i w.-1ed lot, $14. ?ort 22fl H'!l side Ln. n bloc E. of So. , "--.mmerdal. N. off of RatchH I Or I .evrrat nice clean trade-tns: - w aua au e a Cos