Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 5, 1956 f Page Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Party Planned By Gates Unit GATES (Special) The Sanliam Canyon Home Extension unit met In an all day session in the Gates Community house recently. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Mrs. Bernard Bum garner, at 10:30 a.m. It was agreed tor members to sell candy r Chewing Aids Digestion For real chewing -enjoyment, treat yourself to tasty Wrigley' Spearmint, to raise funds (or one of their proj ects. It was decided to meet with the Gates Woman's club on the date selected by them for a Christ mas party, the place of meeting to be announced later. Mrs. Stanley Vail, chairman of the AWW, spoke on Holland. A potluck luncheon was served at noon. Following the dinner hour Mrs. Walter Brisbin, project leader, demonstrated the art of pressing. A doll, donated to the unit by Mrs. Walter Brisbin, as a prize, was won by Mrs. Glen Henncss. Mrs. Harold Wilson has been selling Christmas cards for the unit, the profit to be used to purchase drapes for the Community house by the unit and the Gates Woman's club. Members present were Mes- damcs Bumfinrner, Clyde Oliver, Stanley Vail, Itichard Parker, Grace Meyers, Harry Harmon, El mer Stewart, Winnifred Brown, Clara Morris, Glen Henncss, Wal ter Brisbin and Ruth Hess, Cincinnati set a new attendance nark in 1956 when the Redlcgs drew 1,125,1)28 fans. . CM tome r''C. HENRY By Carl Anderson j , 'T . VETERINARIAN l " I r il . , rAH IT DONALD DUCK By Walt Diiney l HAVE (SURE...SOIN3 -ASS .7 KlSHT HOMB ) Jf H , V ei I I " J SURE.Y PmaV r Nr-O- ' AAl Ly J A (31 'j 32. Drills CSSaAJNlfTl f IhIaInIe 33. Brazilian ApffiEMSiERiSSa capital R AWBlGE 'RBElRMlf. 34. Lair llEplti I HRE:W1AlRb 35. Fresh- Ll2jWL4sHSOj& water por- GKSRTlAi!jLMTlw!!lE pone AJSIIIURhIbEiE'RBBB 36. Endows SIt'r'o NiG,e're,iCHiP 3R. Metal PjO aCJaTrIi UBgNjE A R 39. Hang down IS P vMi'lV? M SjfPT 40. Choose by vote Solution of Yeaterday'a Puiile 44. rmodiral 47. Winglike 48. Fret from KPtms 49. H.ucball Ir-mn 60. Dinner course 81. Portal Claim Envoy From Hungary Soviet Citizen VIENNA (UP) -A former offi cial of the Hungarian foreign Ministry i said today that Peter K05, the Hungarian minister to Washington, is a Hussion-born So viet citizen. The charge was made by Laszlo Helmeczy, a political expert in the England-America section of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry until he fled to freedom in Austria last week. Kos, In addition to being minis. tcr to Washington, has been Hun gary's chief delegate to the United Nations since May 30, 11156. When the Hungarian rebellion installed Titoist Imre Nagy as pre mier, one of Nagy s first actions was to dismiss Kos from the for eign ministry. Kos won back his job when Janos Kadar took over the premiership from Nagy with Soviet backing. Horn in Russia Helmeczy said it was a well- known fact in the Hungarian min istry that Kos was born in Rus sia and .still is a Soviet citizen. He said Kos' Russian name is Lew Konduktorow. Helmeczy said Kos replaced Karoly Szarka as minister in Washington because Szarka failed miserably to win Hungarian immi grants to the United Slates over to Communist activities. Szarka was recalled to Budapest and Is now deputy foreign minister in the Kadar government. Helmeczy said that while Szarka was minister in Washington the Budapest government pressed him constantly to "produce results" among the Hungarian immigrants. Eventually, criticism of his failure on this score became so strong he was recalled, Helmeczy said. Hedges On Questions Helmeczy said Kos was believed to be the main agent and contact man of the Soviet Politburo (rul ing circle of the Communist Par ty i in the Hungarian Foreign Ministry. Scotts Mills Unit - Studies Pressing SCOTTS MILLS (Special) The Home extension unit met at the homo of Mrs. Ida Egglcr Monday. Project leaders were Mrs. Eve lyn Nicholson, and Mrs. Margaret Shepherd, 'I ho lesson was on "The Art of Pressing". Present were Mrs. Nnrn Brown, Mrs. Mnrgareth Fry, Mi's. Alma Hengslnd, Mrs. Ethel Ilengstad, Mrs. Sara Ilcrigstad, Mrs. Tessle McPhcarson, and Mrs. Maude Rice of Marqunm, Mrs. Agnes Roiling of Salem, Mrs. Helene Otter of Mt. Angel, Mrs. Marie Newell, Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson, Mrs. Margaret Olson, Mrs. Syllnda Schmidt, Mrs. Margaret Shepherd, Mrs. Sylvia' Shilts, Mrs. Pauline Swartout, Mrs. Anna Marie Till. , FUTNAMS RETURN SCOTTS MILLS (Special) - The Putnam family who moved lo Im perial Valley, Calif., this fall have returned to their former residence in Scotts Mills. ACROSS 1. Cavil 6. Abandon 11. Scent J 2. First letter J4. Pedestal part 35. Burlesqued 17. Correct 3(1. Chess piecci JO. Untruth 11, Verdant . 23. Attitude 14. Kind of meat 17. Not well 18. Sweet solution : 50. Marbles II. Unit of electricity nnwN 1. Svstrtn of signals 2. Kirst m;in 3. Was carried 4. Tine . Immerse 6. Glossy paint i T" T" s ( 7 is it 1 1 o I .... 14 "" If IS . IT i !il Jgf 40 Lk ?1 30 sijj si i m 36 M lg 10 11 Hie- 7. Kind nt svhist !r R. Jacket It. Free 1. Well-fitted U. Spare time 16 Lower the bottom 18. Bcrnmn less moist 22. Klevatrd railways 23. Spot on a domino 24. Custom 2.V Tormr-nU 26. Soak in oil 28. .Struck hard .10. Supper Jl.SUtSs 33. TrM rovallv ! X'wsa sn gad 3T. .Uripvn 31V Variety 41.CWles Lsunto 42 4V.! nut tax S. Coittef 4o. Jap. eo?n 4 Ameriean 'W)t Ut tUU MIN. SMART IS REAL HUSKY NOW SEATTLE, Wash. Ml - Doug Smarl, who mode a practice of smashing all of Bruno Boin's bas ketball scoring records in high school and then as a Univcrsily of Washington freshman, has added 25 pounds to his 6 foot 7 frame since last season. He now goes 240. f V a A 1 tar 72 IU 1 dull he's a mornuifi. (lie Mama Dull. Ill's .'.lama Mag' Conn1 children pop Iheir T. .!.'. into Ihe slit in (re t Runny snoozes on their beds 'till night-time. Use up scraps! Two flat pieces plus round, stuffed head easy: Pattern 7248: pattern, transfers, directions. .Vmf T KNT -FIVK CENTS In emus (or this piiltern adr1 b cents foi ech mtteri -ir 1st class mail IT4). Srnd to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept . P O. Hon li OK Chelsea Station, Virk II. f V Print NAME. ADDRESS. JM.NB. PATTERN ifl'MSF.1. Tao FBEF atifrns printed oi our AUCt BROOKS Needle craft book alunmti: designs for von. our readers! Doiens of oter designs lo order all easy, fascinating hand work' Send M ernls for voir ctfv af ta isjen- I I PdFtT H WAN "8 KfDTEET, PIP VOU YNo! U-il V "V WHAT If ITS X V-"f';jE toil. KEUI.ER ji P0e66T TO leu. I AIU IT WAS 4 TO tS JEALOW.BIir ACin tOMETHIIMIF ITi ttE II PIP AIi PCJTSST sTs WE ASOUT A PHONE J PROPARLY ONE YOU WOULD HAVE TOLO jftCT f- Jt$felT&-2& sjre jT J TH'WlLOCATs"? THERE GOES I tf LOOKHE RAN 50 WHAT? WE I f Vt "rjyUL AReONTH' V OZARK TRVIN' & INTO A STONE DIDN'T HAVE I..J . ' II I y SHORT END f? TO PUSH TH' JL WALL J TH' BALL '..SEE, U H OZARK. 1,-1 m SOBXY. I I IF I CAN FINO SOMEONE 1 GUESS .' , . f "" 1 I 1 . (P n in f ALL THE. ' WHO 16 REAOylO tEWC, 1 V SO J JI . JSS , 1 HW 8EW f f ' V HE'S NOT 1 'ATA SET TIME, fU TAKE 'JMP -HE SUPS THE fLM IM) THt jUtltM 7 tuf cab inT M Tuirg ui; .inn ' ITU NEVER WORK STEVeAMIKE'J DOS, FOR A RUN IN THE fMKWHEE COLLAR- CAU THE 006-AHO OWNER WILL PAY OFF WcurV BUDDY' ..TO IF MIKE SHOWS UP WITH ) MAJOR- MKE MIL H'ATVH FORA CHAMZ BACK -COMES OUR EmScEfOR .-BUI FVDUt (NEW (MY IS iA DUD') WATCH A. ANB mmrow with Vans tuu shot f em ( vxx, comtz, sou wao V nonmf oh Yiue i ) -rwe o&cwAW -mi mm it? i j -- vtxie&eiP with what you j u mm? git gsw ) i MOT. r vtcrfi CAN'T 6VgN r-S. CAN MSSY M0iVs V TO STffEAK OUT J. nT-rvi( Linn. m HANpte Mr V wsw sSAq &r OpJs ST- VWT fWM ' M IXil M4Tf . t M 1 j THAT OUGHT " f YEAHfA WHflTS 'fcsj MW wW T'DO IT I WHEM THAT Wg DUMP ALL 5uflT? JMM. Wi 171 FtI BL Vj-M mWH DOOR OPeNS, IT PULLS THI& STUFF IMH , &::, 'U M aO r. J 5 BZ THIS CLOSET DOOR FROM OUTSIDE, IMS TIME ILL- I f a 1 '.yyy. ffia SSA7s. HALF OPEN -SEE? WITHASTICK, f I PLEASE. MAMMV VOKUM CHILE.'.'-AH HAIN'T GOT TH'P ciiufc W .hryxTSK'' NATCHERLWJ7 Si ORDER TIMV VLET GO,',' J POWER T TELL HIM WHICH J I uSJSS,, AM' DEODED ) WHUT . TH' SUN'S NO' GOT THE POWER.'.'' r-' V HE LOVES MORE-VO',OR ) I AJ5J3yIN5 HE T IKl "T I5)4-,1 SBTTtH'f ) K ir 3 HISBACHELORHOOO.r J I 0OWN.7Jj ' ,DDM'T) RHSsrtr ) V'AR-I TIME FO' JEST VA A HE GOTTA DECIDE THET ) k M jJ0VER" LET MAV OLD B ANOTHER PENALTV A6AINST I K WHATTH'- HES GIVING rLrV.THIRTEEN ." I ( WELL, MUTT AMD MV TEAM? JEFF. AS A OTHERJIV?.. (.F0URTEeM. L ffitifih NOW HOW DO I FOOTBALL REFEREE you pSTB'L rVT -J- I Fifteen.' PHifli SMELL FROM j A g Ba! .'sT'"i-"''""ali I i WtTS WtONd WITH N I V IT'S CUT PSOLY, T THERE'S NOTHIN& V 1 ftp MTV 0". MTHES f . I SOW HWP, MASTKA f V .VURTHAf I'LL CALL A POCTOe CAN OO I tcust vhi w ill TP. i ( twTs mrrENwa f Cir r A DOCToe J foe IT HEKE ILL I neve Uikt it li V 10 foi U ,t I , ---- f rrs 1 hwepiAtely; ft c-o pcw-n to hs ' u f CZ-----1 XaL, rm I YOU'RE NOT EVEN 10OKIN4 I I I I'Oj ?L9Si,I?A.TZnTl Wt-WVER .-SlTOOWN.1 P Mill ito -LIAI ATTHESW&TCMeOAO. WASTt MY EYESIGHT ON A ME55 1 I THINK WE 5MOUL0 HAVE Ml J iOOlP It IN COCOA IEW.M4. j THAT REAL WE 1 3 1 M0UND' CA" ,t0i V -, iom.wiTHnA,D0NTOE k -ameo' rZ-kl ? 1 -V' ,V;-V - RSLSl 1390.- KOCO '4W. OAI IO0. Q'N W. KOW , HEX ll HOUR WEDNESDAY 00:00 00:15 P.M. 00:30 5KSL.M KOCO KGAY KOIN KI'.W KF.X KSLM KOCO KOIN KC.tV KEX 7KSI.M KOCO KOIN KC.tV KEX 8KS1 .M KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Bob S'Bay igob & Ray Rome's RucordsSIgn OH Ed. R. Murrow New-Wealh. McAn. Music Olympic G Imei nnh Hlnckb'rn iBob Blackbrn " '"i.t....- innrnninil.H New, Songs al Sund Sporli-Newi ILowell Thomai Elmer Peterson IMuiic' nnh Hlarkburn Bob Blackburn CabrfePHeater Silver Seren'de News Ku" Melody Melody Robt. McCorm. Music Kighli Fiji;s . "bay Dreami IDay Dreams nhi o Lewis iKolit. Q. Lewis World News 1 Adklns Show I Man's FamilV Adklns snow 9 KSLM KOCO KOl.N KGW KEX News Fulton Lewis flewi IRumpLis Room Tune Table Tune Table Croucho Marx Groiicho Marx Adklns Show Adkins Show 00:45 Bob tV Ray Bporta Scoot-"" Rumpus Room Jiumpus htom jTom Harmon iFrank Uoip I Tom McCall fSports-Weath Bob Biackb'rn iBob BlacKburn Mewi Ham Hav- " Songs at Sund.Soncs al Sund. Amos 'n Anay Amos n IMusic Olympic C ei Bob Blackburn Bob Blac' IHi" Forum IShow Tunei " Rumpus Room Rumpus ooum Music Music Fights Fitjhts Iw'histUn' Tun. iWhlitlln' TutT iWnrlri Tonttt News IPeople FunnylPeopie Funny Adkina &now Aamnn Show Sweet & Sw. Sweet St Sw. ' Kuinpua Room iRumpus Huom Up Date Up Date Uance Time Dance Time Jimmy Tidier Edw. P. Morgan KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW K?X Gabriel Heater IMusic flews iRumpus Room S Star Final Sports Week Richfield News Dance Time Sews Jess Mason (News IMusic IRumpus Room IRumpus flnom Mr. Jaycee (Good Evening Dance Timt 'Dance Tlm iDanceJand (Danceland 1KSLM KOCO KOIN 1KGW KFX Gangbusten Gangbuitera (Music IMusic News Dance Tim Danceland Mus. Tonlte IDance Timi Danceland Mui, Tonlte Mus, Tonlts IDance Tim IDance Tim iTJanceland Danceland THURSDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM KGA1 KOIN KGW KEX Val Farmcast Farm News News America Farm Tim News Vnl Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock I World News IKeep Time Val Farmcast Morn, Mas IKOIN Klock Listen Keep Tim News KGAY News IKOIN Klock (Listen IKeep Tim -KSLM J KOCO ' KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Tunes A: Tim Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News Break. Gang (Tunes & Tim Morn. Mag. Headlines Listen Keep Tim Break. Gang 1 Tunes & Tim IMurn. Mag. Frank Goss Listen Keep Tim News (Tunes tc Tim IKGAY News Harry Babbitt Morning Rept. .Bob Hiztn 8 KSLM Cliff Enfle ramllv Altar Haven of Rait Haven of Rest KOCO Wally'i SporU Tunei A Tlma iTunes & Tlm ,Tunei At Tlm KGAY Herb's Show iHerb's Show iHcrb'a Show IKGAY News KOIN Consumer N'waiUave Vallla Shelley Ser nd Shelley Sert. KGW Listen Listen S's,en. KEX News IKeepTlme Keep Time Keep Tlma 9 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KKX News News-Sports Herb's Show Wendy warren Listen Urkfst Club (News MOD Tun St, Herb's Show Howard Miller Listen HlKfst. Club IPastor's Call 11490 Tune SL Herb's Show Helen Trent M.M.McBrid Hrrtfst CiuD IBargain Center H90 Tune St. IKGAY News IMidmorn News ilinnie Worth Brkfit. Club KSLM News Tcllotest Wings of Song IWings of Song iOt'O News-Sports H90 Tun St H90 Tune St 1490 Tun St KGAY Herbs Show ICIarey Dyer IHerb's Show KGAY News KOIN Nora Drake Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Aunt Marv KGW NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndtNBC Bandst'n KEX i.'ufiee-K west Bob Garred Girl Marries IWhispenng Sts. KSLMNews Queen a Day IQueen or Day Queen foi Day KOCO Newi-Sporta n9U lune St Mfl" Tunr St 1490 Tune Si KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Recrds Rollie's Recrda aOIN Happiness Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich Pat Buttram kgw NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandit 'nd KEX True Story iTrue Story jPaul Harvey 'Jack Parr , . KSLM News News Top Trades 1 KOCO World News Showtime Showtim KGAY KGAY News Rollie's Recrds iTown Crier 2 KOIN Noon News Come Get It (House Party KGW Bob Franklin Cafe Loung Caf Lounga KEX Geo. McGowan 'Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan VaJl'y Farmcast iShowtime IKGAY News (House Party (Woman in Hst Farm Nwi I KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KFX it a LA KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KFX KSI.M KOCO KUAV KOIN KGW KKX Matinee News-Sports Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Hilltop House News. Conran Matinee News-Sports nu!li? fi Hrrrds Godfrey Tim Ntws-McAnul. News-Conrad Matinee Matinee Matine Ladies' Lane IClarine Call'ngiClarine Call'ng Rollie's Recrds Rs.lie's Recrds 'KGAY News IGodfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Tim iPeppcr Young 'Mus. McAnultyiMus McAnulty Russ Lonrad . Buss Conrao Ruas Conrao Matinee News Matinee Clariiid Calling Cianne Calling Ctarine Calling Rollie's Rrcrds Rollie's Bern's ''GAY N"i: IGodfrey Time Ruth Ashton WeatherN'wi MuAiuil. Music Standard Hr. iStandard Hr. Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Matinee Matinee Matinee Tello Test News-Sport Clarins Call'nglClarlne Call'nglClartne Call'ng Rollie's Recrds Rollie's Recrds 'Rollie's Recrds 'KGAY News B'ckstnge WifeGal Sunday Take Thirty JTake Thirty McAnui. Music McAnul. Music iMcAntil. Music McAnul. Musi News-Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway Here's Answer Sam Hayes KOCO News-Sports West Rhythm .West. Rhythm IWest. Rhythm KGAY Rollie's Recrds Rollie's Recrds IRollie's Recrds KGAY News KOIN Art Kirkham Eddie Fisher iNewspaper Newspaper KGW McAnul. MusiclMcAnul. Mus!cMcAnul. Musle McAnul. Musle KFX flews-Blckbrn Bob Blackburn iBob Blackburn IBob Blackburn 5 KSLM KOCO KG A V KOIN KOW KFX Bob & Ray News-Sports Rollie's Recrds Ed. R. Murrow McAnul. Music News-Blckbrn Bob & Ray Songs Sund'n Sign Off News-Weather McAnul. Music Bob Blackburn Bob & Ray iSongs Bun'n Sports Scope Songs Sund'n Tom Harmon Frank Goss Olvmpic GamestOlvmpIc Games Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn 6 7 8 KSLM Dinner News Bill Brundage Newsreel iSan Hayes oco News-Snorts Songs at Sund.iSones at Sund Sones at Suns. KOIN Siiorts, News Lowell Thomas Amos n Andy Amos 'n Andy KGW Elmer PetersonlMusic iMusic Music KEX Bob Biackb'rn Bob Biackb'rn jBob Biackb'rn lOlymp. Games KSLM Gabriel Heater Eddie Fisher Show Tunes Show Tunes KOCO News-SporU Rhyth. ti BluestRhvth r Blues'Rhvth & Blues KOIN Melody ,Melody IBing Crosby Almanac KGW Rbt. McC'm'ck IMusic IMusic IMusic KEX Mel Allen Books & Voices lAdklns Show Adkins Show KSLM Day Dreams Day Dreams Whistlin' Tunes Whistlin' Tunes KO :0 News-Sports Rhyth.-Blues Rhvth Blues Rhvth.-Blue KOIN Robt. Q. Lewis iRobt. Q. Lewis World Tonit (World Tonit KGW World News il Man's Family Gildersleeve Gildersleeve KEX Adkins Show lAdkins Show lAdkins Show Adkins Show 9 KSLM News (Music Sweet & Swing Sweet & Swing KOCO News-iport IRhythm Blues Rhvthm Blues Rhythm Blues KOIN tune Table ITune Table I Lead. Question ILead. Question KGW Leon Pierson (Leon Pierson IDance Time iDance Time KEX i.uu Adkins tioD Adkins Jimmy Fidler Ed P Morgan KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KF.X Gabriel Heater News-Sports 5 Star Final Richfield Pepbi News IMusic Rhythm Blues Sports Desk Dance Time Jess Mason I News Rhythm-Blues iHunt & Fish Dance Tim Danceland Music Rhythm-Blues Good Evening Dance Tim Danceland KSLM KOCO KOIN I KGW I KKX Detective News-Snnrts News-Music Dance Time Danceland Dctective Silent IMusic IDance Tim IDnnceland jMfd-nlte Mel. IMusic IDance Tim iDanceland IMid-nlte Mel. I IMusic (Dance Timt IDanceland FRIDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15' 00:30 00:45 (II.M KG A V KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW hEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Vail Farmcast Vall. rarmcast IVall. rarmcait INewl rarm Newi Mom. Msg. Morn. Maj. KGAY Newa News America IKOIN Klock iKOIN KIocK KOIN Klock Farm Time IWorld News ILIsten ILIsten News-Kp rimelKecp Time iKeep Timt. .Keep Timt Hemingway ifreakf Gang 'Breakf Gang News tt Wthr News Western JuhileelWestern JublleelWestern Jubtlea Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. iMorn. Mag. KGAY News KOl.N Klock .News Goss News (Babbitt Show Listen IListen ILIsten , IMorning Rept, News IKrep Time 'Keep rime ' IBob Hmen Cliff Engle News Herb's Show Consum r Newil Listen Keep Time 9 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX News News Herb's Show wenav warren Listen Breakf!tt Club 'Familv Altar Bible Institute 'Bible Institute (Tunes it Tim Tunes & Tim Tunes & Tim Herbs Show .Herb's Show iHerb's Show IVaille News Snelley Ser. .Shelley Ser. iweii 'mien (Ltsien IKeep T)me iKeep Time IKeep Tun INews Clarine Calling (Herb's Show Howard Miliar )L.iiien iBreakfst. Club Pastor's Call :Clarine Callin iHerb's Show Helen Trent M. M. McBrld IBreakfst Club Pastor's Call IClarine C all ml IKGAY News Midmorn New iKonnie Worth Breakfil Club m KSLM I KOCO 1 KGAY OKOIN KGW KEX 1KSLM KOCO KGAY IKOIN KGW KFX News News Herb s Show Nora Drake NBC Bandstnd Coffce-K West News News Dinner Winner Happiness NBC Bandstnd True Story TelloTest Clarine Calling Clarev Dyer Ma Perkins NBC Bandstnd Boh Garred IQueen a Dav Clarine Calling Dinner Winner Mrs. Burton NBC Bandstnd 'True Storv Wings of Song IClarine Calling iHerb s Show Dr. Malone NBC Bandstnd Girl Marries Queen a Dav IClarine Calling: Rollie's Recrds Strike It Rich NRC Randstnd Paul Harvey Wings of Song Clarine Calling KGAY News Aunt .Mary NBC Bandstand Whispering Sts Queen a Day Clarine Calling Rollie's Recrd Pat. Buttram NBC Bandstand Jack Paar WISHING WELL- Registered U. S. Patent Omee. 4 L 7 T" T T" 8 n 8 5 4 M Via 7 r W H S T TJBRE It a pltaunt little game that will fivi yeu I mtssaft very (. It li a numerical putilt dtiifntd to spell out your lortun. Ctmtt th letter In your Ant name. If tht numbar of letters is t of me. subtract 4. if the number is less than , add . Tht result it yoar leey number. Start at the upper left-hand eomer of the ret i8s and cheek every one of your key numbers, left to rlst. TWn atAd trie messite the letters under the checked nafiires acvt- . H. tr Wllliim I. K.lle,, Btr)t9 v, KlM ,,m ilf