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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1956)
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tues., Dec. 4, 1956 Home Gifts if CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-7BUS ANTIQUESrroundront"chfna closets, marble top tallies, chests, loves fa Is, h a n a i n g lamps, desks, coocoo clockN, odd chairs. Terms? Pay a little "Goose down" and no more "Goose" until next year. LAM- BERT'S, 235 So. Com'l. Unique Gifts Treasured Keepsakes for the nome, o n o p aaiem s early American Store; Trivets, Brass & Copper Novelties. Spoon racks, wall shelves. Spice Cabi nets, if a urns, Milk uiass, Pic tures, lamps galore. Ermel's Cnlonlnl FiirnHnr.. Open Mon. it Frl. Nights til 9 ttm a. commercial. THE GIFT OF GIFTSI i BALDWIN ' Spinet Organ True Organ Tones Standard Conlrolls' Ease of Playing Free Lessons Liberal Terms Come In for your free lesson, demonstration In our store cr In your home. ZOBEL'S 619 Court Ph. 4-8252 OIL PAINTINGS'. Christmas gifts Ph. 3-4248. Religious CiftsffOfl mnLR MnnK imiiNp- 341 FERRY . I'll. 355B. GUIs. Hllilcs. Xnwis Cn-tls. Gihs for Girlsj WHITE roller skating shims. size 8'i, like new $15. Ph. 58B, 3803 Thorndnlc ltd. FOR THE LITTLEGIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only Sll.05. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l . Ph.3'35 1 2 TO PLACE AD IN THIS" GUIDE PH. 4-CM1 300 Personal 316 Personffl TOC MANY BIILS? Don't let vour onis gel von in trouble- If you're benind in payments, we can Help you No security oi co-signers needed One place to pnv all bills Hay only what you can norar inonura ana licensed tot your protection II CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem 2-8844 for Informs: tion. 400 Agriculture 4021 Livestock for Sale FOR SALE: Polled Hereford Dull, 18 mo. old. Not rcg. Imt out of rcg. stock. CALL EVE- N1NCSJ1133. GRAIN ted leHn typo hiTgsTdV Jlvered. Ph. 4-7182. COWS & CO-OP quota"" PH. 4-1U1 6ALEM Meat Co., locker beef, 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping. Hncon alli-cd free Ac trail cr loaned . filJHlJARD squash (orVtock frei $.1 per Ion In field, $7 banked out. Ph. 2-2047. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buver. Claude Fd- wnls,Rl.3. Rox ft!(K. 4-1113. ilORSKS tn stable pasture. Ph. 4-9409. CA1TI.E bn,vcrv4297State E 1. A: ll.Snelhen 2-1345. 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at vour farm. E-CMcCaiidllsli. Rt. 2, 3-8189. CATTLE "buyer. AT F. Sc.mmer. 1J60 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-9067. TOP rash prires at vmir "place Hay Crwrl Ph. 4-3168 Collect. 404 Poultry ond Rabbits T1IHKKYS live 27,-. II, Al ll,r Place, HI. 1. Ph. 2 2;l(ll. LIVE livers 25,-, I'arm suue. Hi. Valley LUH'IOM Hic-s-IIumts ..I llnu I'laiil 3SKI Ccnler I'll. :i.7;ii. l)lllon Jones (!,,. 4.123 Market Vli.l)l)Ui'Ks"i "(1KESE Dressed at Wing's Poultry A, lUltlilts. 39ri3Sli,le I'll 4-'.l!la DA in Chick. hatriirdrvrrf,uiio ane.yrrm stre i-itu ETahY Chicks lot nie'st or eris Send tor (tee lolder Win,,,, , ll.tcherv l.iens Ors I'll Ul.nrk B.253J. 408 Pti " RI'.miONK hound nn' Ph. 2-3125. ,-lienp HOME lor dog until sitting Aus tralian Shenhenl. Ph t 1760 2 NicE""fen,ale IWslon Terrier puppies. 1, Mks. old 1115 li,r, St. 2 blks. W. ol N. C.m'l GUINEA pig t esge. Th. 4-9755. COCKER Spaniel pups for isle. Ph.3-4232. 7?INY Chihuahua puns, pedigree Exc. Christmas Gll. 2-3473. BOSTON Terrier Stud service. Pll4-24B. TOR SALE:"sahle wrilie collie 8 mo. oid, parehred. Children. Ph. 4-5621 fiimrpafndise. birds, troMlsh, 3180 Llvlngslon. 2-1842. illNIATUnic Cnille puppies," Ph. 2 8150. 4 mo. rrir. m.yle neagte. Ph. 4-952.1. VOI'NO parakeets, rages, feeds. Mickey's 3825 S. Com'l. 2-2755. KFITH'S PUPPY FARM" 5460 Center Ph. J-7888 rVipplea all lands. Bur A, sell, wnsntyll aves.eNo 4ua. calls. I mfi mm mm" a m r i u (i . , 1 i r 1 1 qtt &i - huh Mjj fir Gifts for Monti RKPOSSESSED dryer, used Just 45 days. Reliable party to as sume bal. RATDORF'S HOMR . AUTO. 1420 State, Ph. 3-0582. S&H Green Stamps. NEW Zenith vacuum cleaner. Regular $80.95. Now $50.1)5. Used Mdso. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371. Hamilton Beach Mfxetto Does all mixing Jobs. Reg. 110,50 ONLY S12.8H Montgomery Ward Ph. 3-3191 HANDMADE gifts, pillow cases, T.T. sets, dresser scarfs, cro cheted chair sets, dollies & bc quinearrings. Ph. 40420. 870 r airview. New Holpolnt Automatic Regularly SIPO.OS . $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit THF. PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. Ph. 3-313 Trws I Trimmings WHOLhiUALlS DiiuglaH & white fir. Special orders. Ph. 3-7138. FOR SALE: 300 Christmas trees. Ph. 2-5704. HOLLY for decorating it gifts. Basil Zell. Rt. 1, Uox HH2, Or chard Hgts. Rd. Ph. 4-1087. HOLLY te Oregon greens mailed anywhere. Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants, neb's Garden Center, 4004 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7857. STEINERS NURSERY Rose bushes, Dwarf trees, plnnts, Xmas Holly. Slurcll-bullt green houses. 3jMMarkct. 2-1048. FLOWERS - Wrr-alhs Gifts JAR Y FLORIST. Ph. 4-33W, CapHolSlHippinri Center. CHOOSE it Cut Christmas Trres. ElLrcd Caster, Scot Is CIiniSTMAS trees for sale. oiie nr. I'll. 4-1401. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any in i iu u ii i, mi sizes, mis 1'oriianu Rd. Ph. 2-6A88. HOLLY Wrcnths $1.90 up. Spray lots of berries. Open eves, lit 00 N. Summer, 3-0314. WANTED: Christmas trees. N. mill after 5 p.m. Christmas Trees, St, after 3 p.m. 400 Agriculture 410 Seec's and Plants EXHIBITION mums In bloom, ee i Lincriy Ciardcns, Ph., 4-2693 after 5. 412 Fruit, Farm Produce GOOD eating potatoes $2 per nuiiiircri. muciier, mi. t lUtx 287A. Indci). i.j mi. South Y Cnfc. Ph. 2-4379. Ilrlng sacks GOOD quality grass hay $22.50 nt barn. ' can deliver. Ph. Sa lem 2-4437. HAY for sale. III. 1, Ilox 130, Geryals. Ph. Salem4-2137. PASTEURIZED whole milk, 75c fnl. Homogenized. 79c, gal. or 40c. Clcary Dairy 2-3035. WASHED carrots. Ynti can't bent these carrots for oil live stock feed. Good production & healthful. Cheaper by Ion than feeding liny & keeps well. Phil lips Hros., lit. 5, Box 880, Sa lem. Ph. 4-3081. 413 Fertilizer ROTTED sawdust or rotted mt-nure.4-30HI. Hiljlpi Hrmi. POULTRY fertilizer. Extra good. rn. -asu, Lecs Hatchery. PEAT Moss fro mehlcltt rays, 73c sack Valley Farm Store FERTILIZER Aged manure finest quality as always we del. anv amount anywhere. Ph. 24077. 414 Farm Equipment 'St SC. Case Tractor. 3 point. eaKle hitch; Edwards 2 bottom roll over plow; '54 Case heavy duly 7 ft. mower; Single unit UeLavnl milking niarh. com pine, gnoil cond. 3.117 Hamel Ph. 2-9510. 425 Auction Sales CI OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITt. CFNTKR STHEET SALEM 'ir0 iMcn liiiiitlirie 451 Homehold Goods Sacrifice Sale 5-f rhronir dmrtle $.14 50 tlimnd o.,k tubir, fi rhalrs $:t!i 5 K.i '4.vhins machine (MOO Tine ertlicf tnhlr $1? 95 Walnut vtiiitv ,v mlrrnr 1MW Hmt.lwiy drr.vscr is 00 Owner tinning , mutt sell. Ph. 3-8517, LOVK1.Y, lovely floor tamps, new- hlpii,rnl, Isige irlertion. inting at ffisp; table lanui t:tn Wodrv, 1605 N. summer. WKSTlNOIlorSF," elecrange"38 in., deepjrtfli. Ph. NEW 2 pc, niltwelf SfctlonaTs 11.19 50. Termi. tlien Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. I'SFD mtxlrrn lighiflntnli 5 Here hedrm. set with Sealy J..?M'K mall. Ph. 4-i2i. $ u.tu NKW Hox Rtirln-M w 'fnn,rnrlnt; ninttrrs bnth M Woodry, 165 N Summtr. DKI.llK Ule mixtfi uh Iml ton flcctrlr rnnnf s.-ivr llfti filen Wixlrv, lrt.5 N Summer TWIN Hollywood brA ram. plete IIP 50. davi-n.t $ 50. davenpnrt irl 3Mm up, nd chatrs hv the hnnrtrrd f on up. (lien Woodry, 16o J N. Summer. IKES ALL mm mm Sim m. mm m mmrmm m m m m.-.r m mm m m mm m m mi mmmm. mm w w m mm til Litis! Family Gifts jfl Gifts tor Boys Barbecue and Bar Aprons SALEM VINTAGE STORE, sua court at. NEW plate class mirror. 24 x 3fi SIS. 05. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 s. Liberty, i'h. 4-8371. A NEW James Dishwasher may dc purcnasen inr ii.ii per mid. iiu currying tnarfiea, upen eves. 1141 Ph. 4-0353 CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE! All pianos go regardless or price. New spinets from $389. Huge siock, an styles, ez terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1057. Tallman Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION A SUBSCRIPTION to the States man-Journal Newspapers! A gift that really keeps on giv ing. Every day of the year, the person to whom you give the Statesman-Journal Newspapers will thank you all over again. Ph. 4-6811, ask for Circulation Dept. VENTILATING FANS $22.95 Ideal far Kitchen or B nth room. bee our operating displays, 279 N. Com'l. PORTABLE TV RCA VICTOR, 14" alumin- tzed tube, carrying handle, lightweight. $13.50 Down, $6.04 per Month S&H Stamps MARR RADIO and T.V. 2140 So. Com ). Ph. 3-0201 Gifts for Dadr You Won't Slip IF you get dad these new winter unction tires OTOxlS, ONLY $10.05 with exchange plus lax. BATDORF'S HOME AUTO 1420 Stale Ph. 3-95112 201)5 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 Do-H-Yourself Gifls Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter Ac books. Farmers union (Jo-op. 3D 15 suverton Rd. Ph. 4-3768. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods Cotton Shag rugs, washed and nuii-nnca. Any alze. Fast and Thrllty. LAUNDERETTE Pi block E. of Willamette U.l 1255 Ferry St. Ph. 2-4535 NEW 5 pc. Wr. Iron dinettes $38.50: round 5 pc. dinettes; pc. atneites $78.50; large 7 pc. Deluxe dinettes 172 ' tabid $115.0(1. Glon Wood ry, IG05 N. Summer. Cherry Dining SeT $2J5 Like new. Morgantown. uriginal cost 450. Ph.3-B317. $36.88 NEW Blltwell Rockers. Glen woodry, 1605 N. bummer. DE THRirTY-Buj used furni ture oc appliances. THE Til R IF'f Y WAY on Easy Terms at WOODltYS TllllirrY USED f'URN. 515 3. Cum l Ph. 4-3318 LARGE new 2 pc. Sofa Section. an ,,ui,.nu; uuotnan optional $10.30. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1H05 N. Summer. O.E. Wringer washer with pump. iimi-r .in mr. twiners iroin i3. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer NKW modern Rotn-Ilock occas ional cn-iir no, Terms. t.lrn Woodry, 1R05 N. Sum mer. UN KINISirKO fuTniiufr tt.C Sti(f Furniture. 175 M. High. NEW maple bunk brd. complete wmattres-irs f 7fl JO. Glen Woodiy, 1605 N. Summerj IF VOU ned a sinsl item or a complete household of new or uied furniture or appliances. Buy now on our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty Used TurnituM 515 So Com ! St Ph. 4-5319 1 block So of Paper Mill $M7.77 NEW 0 pc. living room group Inc. daveno with matching swing rockrr, 3 table l.imp. 2 end tables, enffoe tahlr, 2 sofa nil ow Trrnn. Glen Woodry, 161-5 N, Summer. laAIIGE new foam rubber club roto-rock chairs rt!t 50 Glen Woodry. IB05 N. Summer, NEW Simmons "(dhlr-. bertl stu dio couches $77 H8 Terms. Girn Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mrr NEW "n"xllni'g""rtnd,$fl 88. Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer NEW maple bar stools wbscks IB 88; new unf hltchrn chairs $:!5; new card tables $193. Glrn Woodry, 1603 N. Summer $1300 per month deliver com-I pine noineiiom ni furniture .ind apnh.inrt" at S.iltin'i l.prl Ovrrhrrt Store i (ilen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer NEARLY new Reautvrest box : A i"'iernnnr -urt - reg $l.OP0, vonr. for 50 I Glen Wtwdry, ir05 N. Summer ! LOVELY new bedroom suites' 510" so to IIS')5n. The.e all have large Mr. Mrs. Ore er. mirror, bookcase bed, foot and rails Terms. Glen Wood ry. 1805 N. Summer. NEW" Tilt-back relaxer" rhslrs $.V 88. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. SAVE $3 00, New Rrau fire screens $IJ 95: overs. red $18 93. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer 5 IV man' Puncan Phvfe din-' trig sel 113 00 ; 7 pc blonde Duncan Phvfe $83 00. Glrn woodry, iwl N. summer 452 Appliances AUTOMATIC flee, wslfr hral rr 90 l U S) I.I 12 13 Jutlson . 279 N Con, I 111 PKKh "apl. rantf 111 ,W ",lfn Woortry, 160S N. Summfr AVTOMAT1C ' Oladlron Irnn. r. iu. uw oilre er rn. iiom. YOUR CHRISTMAS iff. iiii SiKtim ' Save Up to $12 On All Wheel Goods at BATDORF'S. All styles & sizes Boys it Girls. BATDORF'S HOME & AUTO 1420 state st. m. a-it5H2 2099 Fairground! Rd. Ph. 3-7435 GET your hoy with a paper route a tuiCKiv rooinr rjiKe. It's Safe! Scott s. 315 Mission. TRIKES Values to $15 ONLY $7.88 Montgomery Ward. Ph. 3-3191 $5 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5 Toward the nurchase of nr Firestone hlfycle at regular price without trade-in. Onlv one coupon accepted single purchase. $5 $5 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRESTONE STORE 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2491 Gifts for Him : TACKLE BOXES IB" Kennedy, two shelves, 18 compartments, large storage. Were $12.35, now $7.75. GIL WARD 280 Wallace ltd. Ph. 2-2478 FLANNEL sport shirts. Top quality. Good selection. $2.29 ca. 2 for $4.50. Army ft Navy i Surplus. .223 N. Com'l. Ph, 3-4343. A GIFT for the car this xmas. I'.nruic auio sup. 333 n. Lib erty. Spinning Outfits $9.95 CASCADE MERC S nor l Inn Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-5538 Auto Gifts Hollywood Type Mufflers. Be lond, Douglas, Smitty. , EXHAUST Specialties & Parts Ph. 4-0997 450 Merchandise 452 Appliances G. E. CLOTHES DRYER Fully auiomauc, iteg. siaf-ua, iNUW 133. LIPMAN'S A Roberts Bros. Store USED 25 ft. Amana Freezer. i425. used Mdse. Mart. 310 S. Ibcrly. l'h. 4-6371. KIRBY vacuum with all attach. Call 4-C538 after 6:30 p.m. or Wed. p.m. FHIGIDAIRE rcfrig. & Westing house elcc. range. Like new $175. Ph. 4-9327. SELL equity In F.lectrlc range, auto, washer, & dryer. Ph. 144 J Mill uity. DELUXE G.E. range $150. Sun- ucnm Aiixinasier siu. l'h. a-6620. SPARKS Deluxe oil heater & 225 uvai on innK with legs. l'h. 4-5435. llt) Donnn Ave. ATTENTION: Apt. hse. owners. ij. k., Apt, nange, Miuy autoniRtlc. Reg. $2.1!).t)5, NOW I178.U5. LIPMAN'S A Roberts llros, Store FOR SALE by private party inn si.e r riKiunire kick, range, $60. Good condition. Ph. 2 08W4. M A Y T A G ilefrlg. Freeze?, slightly used. Now at drastic reduction. May be purchased for $2,175 per mo. Modern Appliani-e Cntr.. 1141 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-U3M. Open Eves. USED Westlnghouse laun- nromai wasner may ne pur chased $,25 per mo. Modern Appliance Cntr.. 1141 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-H252. Open eves. HEFRIG.. elec. range, oil dr. heater. 2075 N. 5th. 2-2571. NEW Simmons Rnllawavs $12 88; maitrenses. $12.88; new Simmons Studio couches (dble, bedt, $78 88. Glen Voodry, 1605 N. Summer. AUTO, washer, excel, running cond.. $43. Ph. 4-7871. USED refrigerators. $1925 At up, ai L-aue. App., z;30 state St. Eaiy automatic washer deluxe. water saver control, Hcg. $281.45, NOW lltWM. LIPMAN'S A Rnbcrts Pros. Store GUARANTEE D Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges i rtrrlgv $31.50 At Up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375Chemket St USED washers$l5"A up. Mod ern 'Appliance Center, 1141 So Com'l. Ph. 4-9353. COLDSPOT refrlg. 7'i cu ft., tierfect cond. reas. 1149 7th St. USED auto, h wringer Washers, used Ranges. $13 Ik up; used Dryers. $t" 50 At up: used lie frig, ft Freezers si prices thai will surprise ,ou! SAM Green Stamp. F 7. Terms at Master Service Station. -W N. I'nm'l, USED Refrlg $73 ,V up Modern Appliance Center, 1141 South Com! 4-9533 EXPANSION SALE Save as never before! ! New Davenn sets from $119 50: riaeno sets wclub chslri $134 30: Blltwell davenport sets alt reduced! $1M to 92990. New Simmons Hide-a-beds $188; 3 pc. foam rubber sectionals $169 50; lovelv new 8' modern sofas $lf 50 to $l!9 JO Everything reduced, free parkins, deltverv term. Glen Wtmdry, 1605 N. Summer 454 Sewing Machine! SKWINO mACIIINB I.IGHT wrtfM Sinit-r rrlsblf. i r.r. rona . i-n i-a:wa. j Sinsrr Scwins Machine CONSOLE modrl. . nniplrtf with j button-bolf sllsrh S r writ Ifn riarantff. (M, 3 pr ' me. Ph. 4-IIOJ. SHOPPING Gifts for All jgjf) NEW Arvin table model radio. Regular $24.95. Now 119.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty, rn. -i-tHa. ACME cowboy boots for the en ure lamuy. up. Army & Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. FIRST Edition Parker 61 Self filling Pen. The Perfect gift for anyone, anytime. COOKE STATIONERY CO. 370 State St. Ph. 3-4404 XMAS. Cards, Aprons, glftn, Mrs u. o. fHcumuc, iMii marion. Christmas Cards 20 Hallmark Christmas Cards Imprinted with your name iu. fiaiimanc uox cards & Gorgeous Gift Wrappings. Mc- i'muiu btiur in hoi lywood. Near Post Office "HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a halem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches, AiV Carved Diamonds. Kirk, Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember It's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas t-aras. uraer now. commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1841. TRADE In your old radio or recora piayer on a NKW HI-FI phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easy .terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. THE perfect gift for Christmas ramny portrait by KENNELL-ELLIS Open Mon. & Fri. Eves. 520 State St. Ph, 3-7830 FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out oi siaie contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-8872 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Zobel's Christmas gift to you. on on any new isaiawin piano In stock until Christ mas. . 519 Court ZOBEL'S Ph.4-8252 450 Merchandise 454 Sewing Mwhinei MAKE HERS A MERRY XMAS WITH A NEW . . SEWING MACHINE FROM $99.90 RESERVE YOURS NOW FOR XMAS DELIVERY SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512 SEWING MACHINE REPOSSESSED Singer desk model, new cond., new guaran tee. Bal. $91.50. Includes button-hole attach. Take over for $3.00 mo. Salem Morse Sewing Ctr.. 611 N. Capitol Ph. 4-7102 FEATHERWEIGHT TAKE OVER CONTRACT ON BALANCE SEWING CENTER Ph. Woodburn 2-7912 Salem .1-3512 CABINET GOOD SHAPE SEWING CENTER 130 N. Coml. 456 T V. I Ridio P1IILCO Hl-ril Dfluxf Hlfh n Consolf. Hlondf A Mahniany llnnh. Br. m.M, NOW llM. t.H-MANS A Rot.frls llros, Stnrf 7 Consul TV irl. " nirmdf; l.'Jfd Mdf. Marl. J70 S l.llfrlv. Ph. 4-C.1TI. HKPdsSKSSKD fnllh iV' Tls. ttfftiiltful rahinft miylfl. Tsk ovfr pavm l.. Ill M off mo. Modfrn Arpl'anff Cfnlrr. IHI S Com'l. Ph. .. Opfn T.vr. Tiir nrst ' smvicr forlt. Hanson TV. Fa. 4-HU. Christmas CasKl CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'). Ph. 4-8431 E FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 111 8. Libert, CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can be yours quicKiy by calling 4-6811 and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used Items. Pet Gifts M BIRDS, Trop. fish, all supplies, deposit will hold. "Bird Para dise, 31 80 Livingston. 2-1842. BEAUTIFUT. Boxer puppies, 8 wvciu wiu, juta, vunas gill. Terms on approved credit. Call 4-8371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your dog trim med & bathed for the holi days? For app't. call 3-6859, Rlngland Kennels. LOVELY pink apricot canaries. 3 4385 yiemeketa Gifts for Her; CHARIS FOUNDATION Bras, girdles, all sizes. 2-9519. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-'6811 450 Merchandise 458 Mu$icl In$trumant8 LARGE Betsy Ross spinet piano SPINET PIANO BARGAIN. Mranrt new $850 spinet only $474 during Ta) .man's Big Xmas Piano Sale. 395 S. 12th near S.P. Depot. "A . Mile From High Prices." Open Mon., Fri, eves. CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE? at - " " ' .!, Mil JJlttllUS go regardless of price 1 New spinets from $389. Bargains galorel Huge stock, all styles, finishes. E-Z terms, pvmls. be gin Feb. Tallman Piano Stores 3E15 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Frl. eves. PIANO BARGAINS Used Wurlltier Spinet, mahog., uniy fio,), iwesiur, period de sign, wal., save $360. Small refinlshed upright, $345. Ex quisite blond WurllUcr, rent al return, save $100. Rebuilt uprights from $125. Open Mon. & Frl. till 0 p.m. Stone Piano Co., 1280 Slate. ORGANS, new fi used. Lessons. i.emais. muhkells Organ Sales and Service, 363 N. High. Court. ZOBEL'S. Ph. 4-8252. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALE niTuroions. save up 10 nO1 Band Instr. Save up to 80 Pino nIH Inllnai tJ Violins reduced 75 THE MUSIC CENTER 40.1 rantp G( Ph. 2-5371 Fv, ph. 4-4746 PIANO tt ORGAN SALE Closing out four brands New Spinets. $395. New Blondes, Reg. $1013. Now $550. Grands, reduced 80p. Electric orn SDectal. $550. Electric piano. Make an offer. 50 pianos to choose from. Terms. THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St. Ph. 8-5371 Eve. Ph. 4-4748 WE pay top cash price 'or pianos, used ftidie. Mart 370 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. ENJOY YOURSELF YOU can play a Hammond mora urgnn. Mime your own Christmas music. Free home demonstration. Open Men. & Fri. till 9 p.m. Stone Piano Co., 1380 State. USED ORGANS Hammond Spinet $1,050. Sev eral oiner mines spinet ai church models, big savings. Spinet Reed Organ, $350. Oth ers from $45. Open Mon. At Frl. till 9 p m. Stona Piano Co . 1280 State. MAPLE SPINET PIANO. Bar gain for quick sale. Tallman's big Xmas Piano Sale. 39A S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. Drive to Tallman's h save! Open Mon., Frt, eves. 462 YVinrod Hshld Geodt WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Turn. Co., Ph. 1-7471, "CASH FOR CHRISTMAS WE PAY TOP CASH PRICE rOR FURNITURE. APPLIANCES, it MISCELLANEOUS ARTI CLES. USED MDSE. MART. ro S. LIBERTY PH. 4-6371. MISC. fumitur wanted. Cour- leous service. Ph. 3 0098; iTo!wrrcAsn lo spend for High grade tiro furniture A Apnltsnces Ph J-8110 Pay'ng Top Prtcei for Better Grade Uten Woodry 1805 N Summer 468 for trOt MU. FOR RENT or lease Isjr. ware house spar cement flr-or brick bldg., downtown. If ulr H. L. lutftrutffc MU- GA Make Life ACCOUNTINQ SERVICE CRANE WORK ROOFING Leon A. Tlscus 2S-ton Lorain moto crane Sa- PAY-LESS ROOFING Ph. 3-5285. 1509 4th St. lem Sand ic Gravel Co. 2-2461. NEVER Knowingly underbid. ADDING MACHINES FLOOR COVERINGS Hepalrs. Ph. 4-ftH, Buy as you "r?nt. All mikes NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. SAND Si GRAVEL Roen-Typewriters. 451 Court Floor-covering Division Quail- , FM -A5 .. GRAVEL CO Ph. 3-6773. lty installations Linoleum, As- sVltZ, Jh-T..h-ri 4 phalt & Rubber Tile. Wall tile ?'5i,j LnH ,Sm APPLIANCES Free Estimate. 4-2278. ElrJ&ff WVod?y?"?uVeSCo GRADING DOZING WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL .74 r?ml 1 4.1111 BULLDOZING. 5.50 per nr. Ex- 1625 McGllchrlst 474 So. coral. rikf-IUI cavating. trenenrag. 111. lay- Crushed quarry rocks and S & T Gas Conversion Burners. lng, septics, etc. Enoch I. gravel. All size for roads, Repair gas controls. Ph. 4-4665 Maera, Ph. 4-3517 alter .m driveways and parking lots. " .;,. Bulldozing, leveling, land clear- READY. MIXED CONCRETE, bedding fog D(.an Roblnswli 2.BJ97. Garden sand, bull-dozlng. CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re- iintma'ri t rvif riMi- shovel and dragline work. novators New mitlresse. 3-4068 0?ZG L DELING 3-8248. RRIPK nmrK MASON Pl1, 2'W 2 PANTOVICH VALLEY SAND c GRAVEL CO. BRICK a BOCKJMABON BULLDOZING, grading & land Crushed & round gravel sand BRICK and block. Work guar- clearing. Elmo W. Locker, & con. mix. 2-4002. anteed. Ph. 4-6435. owner & operator. Ph. 2-4613. cabinets BULLDOZING clearing roads, -8 SERVICE ponds. D-4 D-6 carryall. V. Hamel's septic tanks cleaned. Kitchen remodeling, cabinets. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146. line service. Guaranteed work. lazy daisies, lormlca top 4-4253 pL)MBWQ Phone 3-7404 or 3-5072. CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR PLUMBING. Remodel 4 new Ucnkded'S ST Home Building Re-modellng. con.lrucllon lie, plumber 2-0596 "P' ''nl" deanCd 3 '""v Will Build, or help you build. PRUNING MIKE 5 Septic service. Tanks Ralph M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-0701. r : -. j r- cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers -..mi TREE pruning, topping, also drains Phone 3-0468. CERAMIC TILE shrub pruning. Free est 4-B352. Valley Art Tlfe Co. Bathrooms, RECORDING STUDIOS TELEVISION dralnboards, fireplaces. Free all tvnes of music or speech u ServlSe. ,.3 M Pr CS" ,"' est, gladly.' Ph. 4-8955. AVelcorded t Colelly l-Tll" nome. No llx, no eng. 2-0817. CORSETTIERE ROTO-VATING TERMITES CHARIS CORSETTIERE Hoto-Vator work wanted. S'T'S JSSf rX'.licS; 2380 Lansing Ph. J-S51 ' Vincent Kroner 2-3180 Iree inspection. Ph. 2 0781. 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials 470 Building Witeriili 480 For Sale Miscellaneous WHOLESALE PRICES ' Is"- 1 1 1 II I II A CEDAR fence post good quality. MULINIJ Tteateor untreated. Poles. NEW 17 jewel . Swiss man's Sash it Door wrlstwatch, $25. Ph. 4-6377. Mahog.-Hem. Jambs & Casing Mahog.-Mahog. Jambs St Casing Birch-Hem. Jambs it Casing -, All sizes 1-6 to 3-0 - 1-3-8 Weiser Hardware 2420 sliding windows Doublt Runs - Picture was. Casing it Mouldings, Ztc. FREE ESTIMATES DALE V0GLER Corrugated plastic panisls. ...... .48c sq. ft, All aluminum screen Misc. size louvers Odd lengths and reject rooting Aluminum nails, roof Hashing, siding corners, .wholesale or less 1515 S. 13TH JSEI: BLDG. SUPPLIES Used Common Brick .... Sc ei. Slate blackboards 25c sq. ft. Sch. Desks $5 ea. Hanging Sch. lltes $1.50 ea. Florescent lltes. 4 ft, ... $10 up Reject Hardboard u $1.75 iht. Used dfmenslon lumber it bridge timbers, all No. 1 it btr. $43 $55 per M Used loost fill Iniul. .$1.2S lack 'fi" smoke damaged Chipboard $4.70 panel (Good for cabinets, firs, partitions.) Galv. 2 compart. Sinks it Drain boards, com'l type... low priced ALSO Many Other Bldg. Bargain! E. S RIHER & CO. 8740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 mi. North of Salem, H ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday 500.000 lEET New fresh -ml lied old & second growth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In i to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem, $30 per thou, minimum Ted Muller 4-0523 WE INSTALL plastic wall tile, Formica counter tops. Fir & Birch cabinets. Let us (tv you a free estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Ward & Co. Ph. 3-3191. USED building materials for sale at 992 Shipping, Sat & Sun. only. Ph. 4-1233 eves. 464 Sports Equipment We are closing out our large fishing tackle and gun de. partments to make room for our expanding boat and motor business. All Items in these departments have been dras tically reduced. Here are Just a few of the many dollar sav ing values. Vfc-Price Items Cronco Ice Cherts, reg. $26.95 $13.80 Plastic Air Mattress, reg. $5.75 . , $2.37 Gun Cases, as low as 1.50 Drift and moching rods from '... $9.95 Ocean City Star Drag Reels No. t22, reg. $13.95 $8 98 Bronson Spin Reel No. 200 $4.98 Hrcnson Spin Reel No. 400 $8.98 Alrex Larchmont Spin Reel 2 spools, line, reg. $26 95. $13.50 GU. WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 22478 12 GA. Browning automatic en fxaved shotgun, site barrel engtb. 12 ga. Winchester auto, hammer less shotgun. Ph. 3-68S8 3'j HP. Mercurv outW.ardr.'W. 2 wheeled utility trailer, $20. 1M GerthAve. NEWK-22 pistol tk 7 MM with scope. Ph. 3-4805. CAMPING trailer $7S. 1940 Mis sion St. 14 FT. McKeniie rt-er drift boat, A-l cond. Ph. 4-6510. 7 SKIIS. aluminum poles, $45. Ski boots, sue 6, $20. Ph. 3-7374 ftr6p m, CASH paTd for used guns. tnmS em and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 16 IN Boy's Bike with he'4fr wheel. $10. Pli. 2-5958- BOY'S Ricvcle $U tricycle. $8. Ph. 1 74 87. GIRL'S itandsri S.hwlnn V jvr 146? auaV. Ph- TWay 0 c. Save time - Save money For the Best Professional Services MEXffitT Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ,.,.1,..L , , , ,, 518 00 (20.00 $20.00 PH. 4-8720 doors. . . .$22.00 each 35c, 75c, $1.25 aluminum cheap jacks, anele SALEM, ORE. 2x4: S4S Random length 2 Btr $70.00 per M 3 50.00 per M 4 15.00 oer M 2x8: TitG 3 8'. 10. 12 at 40.00 per M' 4 $25.00 ner M 2x6: S4S Random length! wi bit '3.uu per M 3 50 00 ner M' 2xB: S4S Random lengths Wi or 9 iij.uu per m 3 50.00 ner M 2x10 and 2x12: Random lengths wo 9 per m 1x8: SL Random lengths w ja.r foa.uu per m 3 55.00 per M sf4 25.00 ner M' 1x10 and 1x12: S1S2E RL 3 Btr $45.00 per M tA CREOLE LUMBER CO, DALLAS, OREGON Ellenuale Ave. MAyfalr 3-2519 ELECTRIC wall beaters, 25 off. 52 gal. elce. water heater. $65. 12-2 wire, 4c ft In rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc bath set $.120. Built-in rtnuM bath set, $120. Built-in ovens it 4 burner units $195. Outlet boxes, 25c. 14-2 wire. 4c ft. in rolls. Apex Electric Ac Plumb- ing, nm taroaoway. yn. a-iaea. STEEL Garage Doors, complete wiin nsroware, au.ou. in stalled, $53.50. Metal aaves trough. l3,bc.L built-in 4 burn er range. $82.70. Toilet. $14.50. 8-ln. vent fan, HP.95. EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 SUverton. Rd. Ph. 4-6123 474 Floor Covering NEW 0 x 12 linoleums, $4-98. men wooary. iw N. summer INLAID linoleum, 11.79 per sq lberty. VINYL floor Ult, 10c each, R. juusirom uo, zoo 5. uoeny 480 For Salt Miscellaneous PIT-RUN gravel Top soil. Exca vating, rn. wnvi. LARGE dog house $10; mahog blnation, $25. Ph. 2-4206. 4215 Monroe. CANADIAN Squirrel cape, brown excei. j-wa aner o p.m. MAN'S top coat size 40, sport i'Bi Biic , line new nign aualitv. reas. Ph. 4-0848. 4 FLEXIBLE aluminum Vene tian oiinas, so x3 , peneci uuiiu. ms 0. uin NEW national hardwood 8 year cno, w n prooi nianress com plete $22.50. Babe tenda stroll. THAYER HI chair, good "cond. Ph. 4-6166 days. W' HAT do you have to trade inT " i-tti n c t r r , maiiresses, baby cribs, etc.; Yes, we will take your trade tn If we can use it. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW .Modern desks $32 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. LAUNDRY tubs witand $10. Glen Woodrr. 1605 N. Summer NEW Brass Firescreens $12 95. G len Woodry, 1605 N .Summer ELEC. not plate with broiler" excel, cond. Ph. 4-0859, LADIES pink knit suit; 2 grev barrel chairs; llv. rm, table; radio-phono comb.; Ph. 4-1515. 1515 State. GARBAGE chute convenient for 1 story apt reas. Ph. 4-9705. OLD coarse mulching "sawrluiT 2 yd. f..jJ. el. 00. 2-3.V17. TYPEWWTFB 1 rung ma- chtnes, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, churs file, sun plies. Roen i. 458 Court. 3-;73. Gravel & Top Soil PHONE M575 USJtn tires, trum andatisienger. vv. Mil. trade. LyUa OK. Pit Run Gravel PH. 4-4747 G, E. upright vacuum cleaner it ail attach. & lzo accordion, uapitoi. USED OFFICE FILE' Pfr 4-7268 DO your Christmas shopping now, during Glen Woodry's great EXPANSION SALE, Yes we wlil hold your purchase till Ainfts, uien wooary, jous a, Summer. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT ping-pong table. Reason able. Ph. 4-3381. HIGHEST prices paid for tin, 01a cars, junK 01 any jcina. we piun up. rn. i-qjiu. WANTED several thousand cords or wooa. an species, v n. 3-7721 Nights 4-5631 484 Miscellaneous Broken Furniture Repaired We can repair anything that's oroKen in ine lurniiure line, LEE 4020 State St. E-A-V-E-S T-R-O-U-G-H-S State Roofing Service Ph. 2-7629 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN' MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg. State & Com'l Sts. SftLtM fH. 3-3311 486 Machinery & Tools Used Welders For Sale 698 ILLINOIS. 3-8566 SEVERAL used welders. Sea at 790 Stewart St. Ph. 4-7544. 488 Wanted Mach. & Tools 8" ATLAS saw complete. 2 ex tensions, motor At stand, used very little $130 ph. 3-8426 Eves. 490 Fuel WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or ncmiocK. n. 3-7721; nights FOR SALE 16" slab wood an screened sawdust. Delivered in 3 unit push out truck, Ger- vals Lumber CO., Ph. 2211 uervais. SOMETHING new for sawdust users, we nave a 01 id mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 uroaaway. ijn. 3-7721. CAPITOL FUEL CO. Dry oak. ash it maole wood. Choice slab it block wood mixed dry or green. Dry mill wooa. 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. 2-6171 Clean Drv Wood Old growth slab it block wood 912 core aiso o&k wooa. cut any length. Prompt delivery. Ph. Salem 2-9444. WEST SALEM FUEL Drv arrtn ii'Anrl Tube or pushout sawdust ,aa cogewaier rn. ;-uji, HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST & -WOOD ANDERSON'S slabwood, 2-unlt 500 Bus. & Finance SI 0 Money to Loon SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or ouier icaionai expenses in one visit to officel Phone Beneficlsl, giva a eW facts, then coma fnl Exclusive! Nstlonwlda Credit tard presented to tvery cus tomergood at over 1,000 of fices! Beneficial likes to sav 'Yes! Phone for a 1-trip loan, write or comt in today LOANS UP TO $1,900 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (P.r-nn.l r. , Ph. I-SI64 10! S.' Hlsn Now A New LOAN SERVICE Money for all worth-whna put- '! 1 CI sunn UJtD9 onsotidatt Bills -New Pur ehasea. Home m.,m . Ore Call l-JIUf free ' Par. COLONIAL Inv' J1AL InvVstmsjit Co. Real HOUSEWORK ny hr or dir. rty Losns -2 Contract.,, . o hsby sitting. 1-8818. l.Tph.lLi-Sl1" lCKlLDc,V.b7"hr . Day. tS. eU PH. M.N. I ju DM. Ph. fuloMi I'roperl Purrh. tauruu 1 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS IS S. Liberty PH. 4-2201 PRIVATE money to loan. t Interest. Ph. 2-mM. LOANS - 150.00 to 1UO0.0O Buy What You Nerd Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S. Church St. Ph. 1-245T H2 Loom Wanted WANTED: $4,000 to expand pout try enterprise. Box 429 Statesman-Journal. 515 Investments PRIVATE money to loan cash for contracts & mtg's. B. M. Mason or W. B. Mlnler, 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 3 8841. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 - Specialists In Office Placements . 494 State St (411 Or. Bldf.l Phone 4-3351 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Sueciallsta fn office Dersonn!. Bide. adi. Presbvterlan Church 354 N. Winter Ph. 2-0631 Your future is our 1ob. APPLICATIONS are now being MKen lor aiaieiman oicycia routes Several routes will b open. Applicants- must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. 606 Help Wonted, Lady ACTIVE widow desires female comp. to snare country home, Exch. Rcf. Statesman. Journal. Box 434. DAY waitress, experienced. Ap- iy in person oniy. 4W state t. Cupboard Cafe STEWARDESSES Overs en Koutes. Write us lor career tn. formation. PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, Seattle Tacorna International Airport. Seattle 88, Washington. 609 Commission Work MULTI-MILLION dollar corpor ation wants a men over witn direct sales experience or who want to learn to sell. Must be neat appearing. Will train to earn over $8,000 yearly (com mission). Do not answer unless you are looking for a perma nent position. Interview from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tues., Dec. 4 at Hotel Marion, Roscoe Shtley, regional manager. 610 Soles Help Wanted CORPORATION . OPENINO OFFICES IN ; ' ' SALEM V EUGENE Will hire and thoroufhly train a men lor me most lucrauv. sales position In the North west area. CAR ESSENTIAL NEAT APPEARANCE RAPID ADVANCEMENT LEADS FURNISHED FREE INSURANCE MONTHLY BONUS PENSION PLAN AVERAGE EARNING $200 PER WEEK SALARY 300 MONTH PERSONAL INTERVIEWS Tuesday Dec. 4 11 a.m. t 1 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Downtown Courtel Unit f. Ask for Mr. Cortner. 49S S. Liberty Salem No Phone Call, Please EXPERIENCED roofing sales man, neat appearing, commis sion. King's Roofing Co., 375 S. 16th. Ph. 4-3722 for appoint ment. SALESMAN, have car. No exp. Klrby Co, Ph. necessary. 2-5364. MAN to move to Newberg at laKe over runer urusn riout., $100 weekly comm. to start. Ph. 3-8357. MAN with car for outsld. sates worx. fjeciroiux corp.. 1079 Broadway. 612 Work Wonted, Men MALE College student want! work eve. alter e. & Sat., also thru Holidays. Ph. 3-6628. CARPENTER work; repair, ir con- new, remodeling, hr. or con. tract, rtichard K as, Ph. 3-47H. CARPENTER, repair or remo- aeunx oy nr. or contract. N Job too small 3-4783. HOUSE Painting In & Charlie Greene. 4.7198. rREE estlmstes on floor cover ings or arainboards. R L. EU Strom Co. 260 S. Liberty ' Painting A Paperhanglng Any size job r ree Kst. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493 Interior & exterior L C. Elofson. 3-7697 or 3-68J7 ev,. LOU'S tree service, topping. prune, cabling. 4-8501. Cement work, prompt service. -iiicsi uraK, i-n. 4-o.My. CARPENTER WORK. day or contract. 3-1842. PAINTING Inter, food brushM. .on or nr. neas. j-3ja. Want Janitor or Yard Work. Ret. Ph. 4-1434. Carpenter It Repair Work Ph. 2-1459 CARPENTER work the way YOU want IL Ph. 4-S28S. 614 Work Wonted, Lady SEWING & MENDING Ph. 4-9636 IRONING. Pick up A deliver. M nr. service. Vicinity 4 Comes, at Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-36M. BABYSITTlNn uwn uansortewon, Ph. 4-7 HOUIWOFUC 4 .sav sittuor wante.. iter. Ph. 4-6U KEUKR Child care. Ph. 2V00g. - PBRSBNULIZEb rVressnMMnK costume., f.rmrgsr. vMrqS Ph. 4-4148. ""I noy sit nlil IRONING, my 1 home. Enewrtijt