Page 4 Section 2 Pa, Pub ' Chu Full I . Press, licatlo: Ihll p. Mori : told Jrrier pperatf 4eroii2- Swei rthatif United Sout 'cation i ce, of aid th varnin But . para "Th( Intents ; the bo; iresuga tive of payme: Are. Field cut its 'servic to f eec Thei "OnO Lis the:, L the suf Js the ) Unit Bend-I Elko i does i tioned Redmi group. The one ct opera! Dm the & that S It ! case M If r small' This i and e. Tit : Lama, incarl i real i India suma noun Th Delhi be b) their ; tivatl ; "fit ! throft he 0 The t is a Tt earn : have inclu adva they. ouw Tl nose Knrin Tl of n ritor prot. for secu Rusi - Si gavt niuc It wi that, Bom Hi tion whi alun r. at t nevl of t gatli the fron C deal not. just lion Ore vesl Ug' E for pril com ing ( to : for daj ant by 1 pre eel' I BPAtoUnhook Interruptible r Power Friday PORTLAND Ufi Electricity .. supplied to industrial users on an interruptible basis will be cut off . at midnight Friday, Bonneville ." Power Administration announced Ai'Monday afternoon. V' A Bonneville spokesman taid falling stream levels in the Colum ns! bia Basin make it necessary to '"cut off completely the power n supplied on an interruptible basis ' Interruptible power is the quan ' titv supplied by the Dower admin' Istration when stream flows por : mit, and is the first to be cut off .. when water supplies decline and c is sold at a low rate. Aluminum plants throughout the 'Northwest are heavy users of that -"category of power. Industrial plants were being contacted by telephone Tuesday by f- :the BPA to determino their wishes - on buying additional power at a ,. higher cost. . They have the alternative of V shutting down parts of their opcr- --ations or purchasing more expen sive steam generated power or 'hydroelectric power brought in from other areas. The cost of so steam generated power runs from 3 to 10 times as much as power r-., contracted from BPA. I Bonneville issued a warning .. last week which said It expected , .-.interruptible supplies to end by Dec. 10 with the curtailment u pected to last for the rest of the winter season. It expected to have a dearer picture ot transmission needs and industrial suspension when all users had been contacted later Monday. Car Upset Kills Ashland Woman ASHLAND (UP) Mrs. Mary Hale, 78, of Ashland was fatally injured last night when the car in which she was riding struck an icy spot on Dead Indian road east of the Ashland airport and crashed over an embankment. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCal- mon of Ashland were taken to a hospital here for treatment. State police said the three were passen gers in a car driven by David E. Baxter of Ashland. PATIENT VISITS SILVEHTON (Special)-Kenneth Kankin, amputee patient at an Oregon Veteran facility, is at the North Silverton home of his mother, Mrs. Cora Rankin for t furlough. A sister and brothcr-in law of Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Dahl, of Alaska, visited Kan kin, at the family home. . ATTENDS CONVENTION MILL CITV (Speclal)-Mrs. M. G. Rambo spent several days in Portland this week attending the 31st annual convention of the League of Oregon Cities which was held at the Multnomah hotel. Mrs. Rambo is city recorder at Mill City. HENRY By Carl Andersen 'T -. I HOPE YOU HAVEN FORGOTTEN (ANYTHING-, HENRY I r Tt DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney 1 V Ji. .. , Tl SPS Tieup to Idle Lumber, Grain Firms PORTLAND W Employes of many lumber and grn firms are among those who will be out of work if the strike against the Spokane, , Portland and Seattle Railroad is prolonged. The general manager of the Santiam Lumber Co. at Sweet Home, Walter Liesy, said his firm is 93 per cent dependent on the SP&S and can last only a few days without it. The company has 260 employes. At Astoria, the Pillsbury com pany's flour mill manager. E. T. Christenson, said enough grain for about a week was on hand. If the strike runs longer than that, the mill will be Idle. J. C. Moore, vice president of the struck railroad, said tne strute had idled 2,000 of his company's employes and the number soon would go to 3,000. Portland airline offices said they were swamped with applications for flights to points served by the railroad, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 4, 1956 RADIO PROGRAMS Fir Sales Lag Behind Output EUGENE WI Fir lumber production was greater than de mand in the last week and con tinued lack of buyer activity was reported Monday by The Lumber man s Buying Service. In its weekly publication, Ran dom Lengths, the buying service said transit buyers are having a "more and more difficult time" selling fir products in transit even at reduced prices. Transit buying forms an important market for green lumber producers. Weather conditions favorable to production and the reluctance of buyers to ' order on an advance basis have increased the import ance of the softening transit busi ness, the publication said. It said the lack of buying interest is largely caused by the Federal Reserve Board's hard money policy. f- 6es a K....yc.e,6Hia BEAUTIFUL ..ANH.. I II I O VKH7 WWUE... 1 1 )l liTAMSi-n:..NO... I 3 l 3 ICjm eoirex eifr-THATsJT I he waiter X IzaakWaltons Meet Friday EUGENE m Laws terminating the Klamath Indian Reservation o and relations between sportsmen and landowners will be among I a, topics scheduled for discussion at the 34th annual convention of the Oregon chapter, Imak Walton League, opening here next Friday. Principal sneakers will be Gov.- Elect Robert D. Holmes and Secretary of State-elect Mark Hat field. Other speakers will be V. Edwin Johnson, mayor of Eugene, and Lowell S. Ollen, principal, Mt. Vernon School, Springfield. 6 1 WCXSATl,I SKJMT VSMIL IMa WO TELL HIW TO fttCHOt ETTW UHH-E tCWM HERS tML$ O 1 - HOTWHlrW M ,rn IW, OAT HW, 0" 0W " '" z g sm mtca.xinm ve him t I cu.cmuo z -Wi oas jok mimI Jt w w tNiNa Jt,. . yT?Zia - " O I ,DtBtfckLLK tKK.Ktitlatl A III W WSSLEW "TMV MflKT V 1 sW U lf?mXf J W . TUESDAY P.M. ; &MM.aTMF Mvp'Bmmgi EItySIr tft t. teaa! i lTssv.f WILDCATS HUPOLB CLOSE'" JittitiM8 INf 50L61 b 1KT NUMPtlt &Jtm&m rf7 fc ' X: SiTiSTi-ST. nWfTSal.-S. S1.N. Sal.-S. Sal.N. Sl.-S. S.J. , FOR A DBQSIVE TiLWimi l3AOt4m lltflSL yMjftt. 5ScS Kiw. Bumpu. Hoom Bumpu .Boom iBumpui Itoom PLAY Oh! THS l&J MS$P?'mi&m& , rT- " jtlAWY' mlmS Q. LwH Bobt" Q. Uwii hyorld Tonlt. News . Analysis la; H OWLS TWO- ijf&Mff. nSW'il' 3aai fSsi" -fBrm .'ill g ' n -J!. BSSS WorldNwi t Umf rimUjr bramiet prn ; ifor- S -MV'nim ' r(W- iPS "I ''- '-W65 ' aAv(iVSWI AKC-'cO Nw?""S- Bumii" Boom"' HumuV Boom'jBu'a Boom bbs, 3 ifflf X&SF& F Jsafe55aGTPJr ' 'J. ' 7!S gfJStl (pCty JOSA OkoiN Tuna Table Tune Table Do You iKnow Do Vol iKnow S ffljgiT y -Ef C?TlZ pfi nt mMUl fli& Vkow X MIdu. One X Mint. O.. panca Time gnJ",n ; ler. U fflp(tw?ty'r ilsW IwS ' fS ftifa fST X fHtft " Adk''sl'w AdklniShow Jimmyridler lEdw.P-Morl an. ier, i?MfllU Tk. j 2tr KT J ASybSZkl ' " 1 PI I T-" J&s??&9Elj4 1 55ro Newi' Bu'mnui Boom Bumpui Boom Bumpus Boom wis, MferV tJrVrYi M. A fttarfflBL. fi ?X?Z-r "01 IsSr rtn.l sSd. Musi? Good Evenlns , ae. iyPSS jj rb TygaSCTT ' UV WmOA I Okk" NCh''WNeW Jeu'MMon """land" DMMlailr "OTfJM SnRfl jT!!!!:rk 3t ' iom Hffif mSc' Mldnlt. Mualn Mldnltt Music Mldnlt. SSaaaaanaaaaf I feSSLSr 1 1 jrWltM JNL 1 .JJWVt nanx l VV- -,r.T'ZMWrmmTim&a . D, Tlra, Dance Tim. . Dance Tim. Dance Tim. SHIIIlllllWlllf EVESVONB lllifANDI 'HI E rWHATS 1 I COOKIE I 1 KBX D.ncel.nd D'ncel.nd . D.ncel.nd ; -0 UlBNOUTTORj MEAN , Lt -V.fHI6?J I wg.TS? I uinunniv isCrv-a l cental j tysi7yoNEi I PlJWrr I 1 I 811570 I j WEDNE5DAT x S-lg16' " qT JTttO' I Jfl W fCnTTVjS yMSts! HOUR 00:00 00:5 00:30 00:4 3 r-:;if l Sf SJBE ffv I V I B tjftlfEtLf! ft 2K -ESLM V.a rarmcaat ,alL rarmcail IVaU. rarmcart Nawa B . Ayy- 9m t WES? ft I I . I iTty-J r I? (WS PJ KGAX IimUnn Mom. Mas. (Mom. Ma. KGAY New. iis tf fflM til Ail WW . I IlvJ I ( " J DkgW rarm Tim. JWorld N.m Listen iys' I a J7 ET w V -CJTjIfIIJSS . ? 1 ft U. ' T ai wm Wwl-K.'p Tm.IK.ap Tim. Keep Tiro. Keep Tim. ( i 3 T r;i'-bSI Ikv KS'FTT TSXntTn I I j( W r" I"o V iaLM Hemlnrwaj Brekt Cans IBrlcfst. Cans iNewj B S llNS.- TSfe fFSCSi Ltt( 5?K5v TfnoCO Newa West Jublle. West Jublle. West. Jublle. i W QrTf I Ir'F'' I Til5; VS&n j 'issa' tKMft- "iL-Srtc -v 1 sail lloni. Mas. (Morn. Mag. IMorn. Mag. IKGAVNewa U I-! y ' (MX 1V i IJrAf I Vt A IEl7 "Vi KOIN KOIN Kloclr JJeadlln. News IFrank Gosa hlarry Babbitt ! S t'X miT " 11 TV ! VH Vl-'JX'V VvJCTl;C J fJH fuSSa V " KGW Listen iLlsten iLltten (Morning Bep'l. TpJ f Ar 1 ff IjllVr fill''' 'A Tt J KSX New. pteep Tim. iKeep Tim. IBob Haien ; S jf- -Jyri H;ti rnwf ttf-l 'I tltlfiinilrtt ' 1 CSLM CUfl Sugla r.mtly Altar Bible Inst iBlblelnst. i iT-L-A t U! fi':'2 C:?wJw 7 rll II I ' J i JTV. sA 7 O' 1 "tw . V- I aSaKOCO News Tunes Si Tim. n?unes St Tim. ITunea Sx Ttm. ! A iLSiXi OT GK.'1" vii-Hl j VCP ir 0IlU -W -s l DkgaY Herb'. Show IHerb's Show IL,. Ross Show KGAY News j , I t1ccL!j rXLJS3 zS?Ljf-3 ' Claajt ' " I "t' w y I MKOIN Cnsumer New. iVall. Newa Bhelley Srnad. Shelley Sernad. j 1 rSiTFr-.' " 'SrSi STLrg I I j jtjLg f yj tSX KeepTlm. feeep"Tlm. Ke'ep". Ke'ep''Tlm. I "rrIUH"l'VE yotOXXWUCHEAP 'N- TJffl THEREiS A HI0OIM POCKET IN THE RIDICULOUS IT'LL I 5LM New. Mew. Ector's C.I Bargain Countri I W1R CI6ARETTE6. JsVatV LEFT -rT .A CI&AR WKE JW.L 5EMD ME T rim STEVE T K0IN Wendy Warran Howard MlllK IHelen Trent Mid Morn New. NOMAD pCrVma S,.. . (y-"a-j SHOOTS WrmWSCInTEJ3 I f JkoW IJiun listen fi.M.MacBrid. Konnl. Worth B y-mfV JCfhT, fAijutxRK iTil 0tim' O i .: p PACK CAMERA 7n TTT-- I 'ff KX BrMkfast Club Breakfast Club preaklast Club Breakfast Club I J-B(?Ha UtLaW , "Y i , trnilp I M Mii KSLM News rTello Test IWlngs ot Song Wlngs of Song , 7 1 JTWnlm ttkiiW Tt h ll TribJI I'M I ITI ml,v.'r 1 KOCO Newa Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Clarina Calling 3a aWA3WS jfl r?U -tfS jMi IlV 5U ; O I VTl A1ll'iL5-'K ILiT1? KGAI Herb1. Show IClary Dyer IHerb'sShow jKGAY Newa 2 4.'J lu BJLZMS&Aii jiPt IT TJF IKS 11. Ill U-') i J ifSjx aaKOIN Norah Drak. Ma Perkins Dr. Malon. Aunt Mary JrVJS !5U VMyS V S iaJLii A I I AyA1 Itfl Qkgw NBC BandatandMBC BandstandlNBC BBndslandlNBC Banostand M in jyiL5areg jnSfj f, JLpn rW?? JlXk Lft SKVJIt7,tS' KEX Coffee Time Bob Garred :Glrl Marries Whispering Its. g y3igM lS " 1 KG AT Dinner Wlsnw Dinner Winner Bolhe's Records'Bollie'a Becord. sWl PBl" M St Iru'l'ff T ""''IN'Bc'B'andst ndlNBCandslan ' 6fcgg'Dj2idCssal ifLrm --Jl J AXjf M.-fcF J 1 j)t 9l!GW Mftcheir"Bp" caf2 Lounge Ca7eMLouni! IWomanflnHsti i . a. aaai aaaa.-aaa f.atu I n ai . jht raaaaaraaaaaaa-j - a . 'sssssssi HEX Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan Geol McGowan 'farm News- I Woodlmrn VFW to Meet Wednesday WOODBURN (Special) Cham poeg Post and auxiliary of the Veterans, of Foreign Wars will meet Wednesday night, Dec. S, in the I.O.O.F. hall. Plans will be completed for the annual Christ inns parly for members and fam ilies. Members of the auxiliary have been mnklng articles for the boxes of Christmas items to send to Camp While at Mcdford. FTTT ii " ' ACBOSS 1. Sound of a hard Impact t. Command t. Observe 12. Relieve 13. Coin of India 14. Road surface 15. Colored 16. Clippers 18. One against 20. Anglo Saxon warrior 21. Soap plant 24. Prophet 28. Uncooked 27. Enclosed , field 29. County la Pa. 13. Group ol birds J 35. Merit IT. Mother of Helen o( Troy 38. Maiden 40. Swamp 41. Of great height 43. Siring 45. In motion 48. Beverage (0. More pow. erful 52, Reflected sound 6(1. Blue grass 67. Melody 68. Close 69. Discover 40. Takes a chair ILClan DOWN I Marry z, Misnaii ipieidhaIhTa UltJlANyR aIId e n a l aIIacridInJess Bit a HFAe nB aTpiS t FAUNS R CSJ3IS i enJnTals pace s CSlslo L y s ARAL BP A NBTn I Lt PEN A L Z. E DP A T & M MJIe; r a s ee; t a Solution .('t Pun I. I Fodder 3. Peer Gynt's mother 4. Award ot excellence 5. Rapid 6. Carve 1 Keel-billed cuckoo I Flavor I. Portico TT Pj TT ; TT " is-""""" M TT if sT 3a " " WJwm 45M 7 M") VY- iO if foT jTTlfVSs t ; I',' -- PV 10. Acquire by labor 11. Gaelic 17. Termagant 19. Orderly 21. Seed cov ering 23. Lion's neck hair tl Was In debted 25. Blunders 28. Quarter pint 30. Spring harvest: India 31. Hard metal 32. Margin 34. Open court M. Italian family IS. Notwith standing 42. Wild butlaloes 44. Small birds 45. Vipers 46. Cease 47. Server 49. Periods of time 51. Horse: giP'V . 63. F.ngUsh letter 64. Chance 65. Scrap 7312 Nrrille Picture. Heirloom beauty a picture In simplest embroidery stitches-Christ. The Good Shep herd. Frame It for the walls of vour own home or make it a Ih'.Mlchtllll ei(t. Pattern "312: Transler of devo tional picture 16 x 19 inches. Di rections, color chart included. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In corns for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern tor lst-class mail ing. Send to capital journal. Household Arts Dent . P O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N Y. Print t -'nlv NAME. ADDRESS. -TONE. AND! PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed , in our ALICE BUOUKS Needle cralt book slunning designs for you, our readers! Do7ens ot other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand-work! Send 25 1 cents for your copy ot tnii won-i derful boot right awayi etmtfimNe & m.t mi was imw- i ban it iu air t tM?mnt j ins javbun, vt peai kgax fAinHMOJimfttolWV'W1i9liWi TOO LOW POS THE PEKTATHLON. J AW Tr! HOT-r- 7 Ikoin ato-ma anp m w I of gumma in th6 six com v Y, -,stf mao thei?5 a my 'IE? ? HO(T NATION, ALLOW ME ) PENTATHLOH. AWT BE Ut2C AMOUNT A r rr- NErTSVENTlllVe1 1 NJ; y L, S fa-Mr HOWPOVOUfKlOTs Jkg x 1 1 rr..., . 1 1 Kx tw st. ssi sssbh wjhw 1 111 r-i ur r i m i in..r t pvjtT ti j u-u hti m m t 11 ry?w2. Who put that ladoei? 1 III I'll eHow them rr I III on vou. never forget it I I I I Wk-r.T f4??1 THERE, WITH A BUCKET 1 I WHO CAN. PUW . JI IV s I JkoIN m 'P'Lfi OP WATER ON TOP OF IT. I I ROUQH- Hflf jlj I T i msssiMS TH' WAV 1 I 2? B '.(Ml I'LL! A TtWP.' nrs I Wxr I I I I SHE BARQEO I I "x 6 '-A: A, ' "WT rr wAstMfJ WnrrJsl iT If I I I throuqh THr I I 5 ? iiiCL JL.V4rfc?l InUaPV'JI II III XnrviP..HMJul- 1. I tKOCO TH'OHLV CRITTERS I f AtSf TWASS THfUOVELV 1 THEV HAIN'T V NO THAJ'B j IJkoCO k ON EARTH WHICH ll 1 MARRIED U PAFCT OF IT, DEARIE 1 . GOT NO RtSMT J REFUNOST? ) BE MHkoIN I4AIR ON T4 GROWS THAT ViAV 1 TOSOMETHN' ALLSCRA3GS B4N A IV TO MARRV A HEfX H3 I 'ir.X I SOLES O1 HIS J IS-sotoER.'.' , " It INl400MIM5frCUREDUAJXIf WNOHOOMIM -SaVpTr 1 "ItSLM" f THREE, ffVE-yARPNALTy; yARDA " Tr iym'tSaUISE .t,m r TTTt ffl I FOUR, J 1 X,-tSki. 7 FOR COACHING FROM (iPENALTy FOR BUT THE KIND BSii - Sf 1 5Sv I 1 ""I I fr,vE A fpR?MEWp QF THE SIDELINES.' I ILLESALCOACHINS OF COACHING ) HgH?lllM IIS" I i-? fs,Mi saw you po IT "lv worth HiQOnH " jp N LL g0 J he tt. V:afSt'r:xOL I I II I .VJ II IJsS "KlTx..T'kr- t I i II I "" IW Vttikt. mrwAmttZDiAtrtur.t . . 1 n.1.', . . - ....... . X-s. f iam A.HDr n t uk 7 1 K3itul s 1 l THt OIL-WILL WHO! I LOOKlOHlM I Irvt AHUNOI HtWOOLDNT HOtltRS 1 I fl I 5rfiC'T x4sCn ilvj1 vJ f sV J) r Matin u MsitinM news luv ouuw Rollle'i Records iRollte'i Becordsl finrtfrnv Tim, 'fiortfrev Time Hilltop Hous (Pepper Younf News-Conrad IRusm Conrad suTa4ln. lUallna. Inolilt'i RecordslKGAY Nevvi luoairey lime tioairey iiina IMCAI1. musio mcah. music 1rub3 Conrad (Russ Conrad Matlnes IMatlnee I News Mfltin" News lEasv Show Easy Show Easy Show Roilie'i RecorditRolite'i RecordslRolfle'a RecordslKGAY Nwi Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time Ruth Ashton JNews-Weather McAn. Music IMcAn. Musio. McAnuL MuiiclMcAnuL Musi News-Conrad Bust Conrad Rusa Conrad iRuas Conrad Matinee Rollle'i RecordJi Backitafe Wlie AicAnuu jauaie Newi-Conrad atlnee ITeUo Tost nurastlnaia. eay snow l"y snow LM?.?'-"W RoHie'i Recordstaollle'i RecordslKGAY Hgm r,, rimi jD'nrisav TVst Thlrtv (Take Thirty McAnuL Hualc McAnuL Muile IMc AnuL Mutt iRuas Conred iRuss Conrad Ruaa Conrad , rulton Lewi Heminffway IHere'i Answer Sam Eiyei News Rumpue Room IRumpua Room jRumptw Room RoUie't RecorflilRollle's RecordstRoUle's Records KGATi Newi Art Klrkham IThe Alexanders Newspaper Newfpaper McAn, Music IMcAn. Music IMcAn. Music IMcAn Mucle Bob Blackb'rn (Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'rn (Bob Blhckburtt Bob & Ray IBob it Ray ' Bob & Hay isporta Scp News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Hollie'f RecordslSlRn Off I I Ed. R, Murrow INews-Weath. rpom Harmon IFrank Gobs McAn. Music Olympic G'mesTom McCall (Sports-Weath. ' Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'rn Bob BJackb'm IBob Blackburn Dinner Newt fBmBrundage (News Sam Hayes News (Songs at Sund.f Songs at Sund.Songs at Sund. Sports-News (Lowell Thomas lAmos 'n Andy Amos n Andy Elmer Peterson IMusic (Music Olympic Gamei Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Gabriel Heater'lSilver Seren'deHl Forum (Show Tunej News IRumpus Boom Bumpus Room Rumpus Room Melody Melody Bing Crosby 'Almanac Robt. McCorm. IMusic Music (Music Fights Fights Tights Day Dream Day Dreams IWhistlin' Tun. IWhlstlln' Tun. News IRumpus Room IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Robt O. Lewll IRobt Q. Lewis I World Tonlte News World Newa ll Man's FamilylPeople FunnyPeople Funny Adklns Show Adkins Show LAdkins Show Adkini Show News News Tune Table Groucho Marx Adklns Show Fulton Lewis IRumpus Room Tune Table Croucho Marx Adkins Show Sweet St 5w. Rumpus Room Up Date iDance Time Jimmy Fidler ISweet it Sw. IRumpus Room Up Date iDance Time tEdw. P. Morgan Gabriel Heater News 5 Star Final Richfield News News IMusic IRumpus Room Sports Week Donee Time Jess Mason News Rumpus Room Mr. Jaycee Dance Time Danceland (Music IRumpus Room (Good Evening Dance Time (Danceland Gangbuiteri iGangbuster Musle Ptfusle, Newa Mus. Tonlte Dance Time IDance Time Danceland Danceland Mus. Tonlte iVfus. Tonlte Dance Time IDance Tim (Danceland (Danceland THURSDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 ViL Farmcast Val Farmcas. Farm News Morn. Map. News America IKOIN Klock Farm Time -World News News Keep Time Val Farmcast Morn. Mag. IKOIN Klock Listen Keep Time News (KG AY News IKOIN KlOCk (Listen Keep Tim Hemingway Break. Gang Break, Gang News Tunes & Time ITunei & Tim (Tunes it Tim (Tunes sV Tun Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. !intn. Mag. JKGAY News KOIN Klock Headlines Frank Gosa Harry Babbitt Listen Listen Listen Morning Rept. News Keep Tim Keep Tim Bob Haien Cliff Engl Family Altar Haven ot Rest Haven of Rest 1 Welly's Sport Tunes it Tim ITunes Tim rTunes ix Tun Herb's Show iHerb's Show (Herb's Show (KG AY News Consumer N'wsiDave VaLUe Shelley Ser'nd Shelley tier. Listen iLlsten Listen Listen News IKeep Tim Keep Time Keep Tim News News (Pastor's Call (Bargain Center1 News-Sporta 1490 Tuna St 11490 Tune St 1490 Tune It Herbs Show Hrb"s Show IHerb's Show KGAY News Wendy Warren Howard Miller Helen Trent IMiamorn Newt Listen Listen M.M.McBrld IKonnla Worth Brkfst Club brkfit. Club Brkfst Club Brkfat Club News pellotest JWings of Sonf IWlngs of Song News-Sport 14M Tuna St 1400 Tune St UK Tun St Herbs Snow JClarey Dyer (Herb's Show iKGAY News ir? Ji' frrKins iur. Riaione Aunt Marv NBC Band st Coffee-K west NBC Bandst'ndlNnC Bandit'nd'NBC Bsndit'nd Bob Garred Girl Marries Whispering Sts. News IQueen a Day lOueen or Da Oueen for Dav Newi-Sporta uw run St 140 Tune St 1490 Tun St. Dinner Winner Dinner Winner .Rolh' Rccrds Rollle's Recrd Il.iDDiness (Mrs. Burlnn t;trtl. it ntr-v tt n.iiirnm NBC BandsfndlNBC Bandstnd(NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandifnd True Story True Story (Paul Harvey IJack Parr WISHING WELL. U. S. P.l.nt Office. S2TSS274tBI L8PFVWEINEOEI T, 4 8 9 2 1 6 8 3 '" 7 4 8 "' i" R E 3 CRNYEVEWRP 1 5 I T 3 S 5 4 8 Tl 1 5" EEHNERE SACIWIa 8 5 7 4 6 83 ?' 4 " 5' C P P T H T P T P Y A H Y iJ i ti J 8 4 7 S 8 "l'"if Yli 8 PR RB OQ8 i n Is t 1 S 7 3 I i i 7 4 fi 8 7 IVRXtAOZEIiTCLA 1 4 8 6 3 7 5 8 6 4 5 8 I 1. E RO KXBA8 8 N M HERE lt a pi.isint llttlt itm that will five you a mtssait tv.ry dir. It is a num. rkal puulc desitntd to spell tut your fortunt. Count th letters in your first nam. II Iht number o( letters Is I or mors, subtract i. If the number Is leu than t, add 1. The result IS your key number. Start at th upper left-hand tomer of th n tanile and cH)vr on of your key numbers, left to riht. Then read tr rwfffiHrrmf thVahtcktd flfurtt you. eaV