Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December '4, 1956 Par Page 10 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Publ Chu , run l , Press. ', llcatlor this pi Mori le told f carrier. toperatt I Aerona Swet that if United; Sout cation i ltee, of ' I'said th varnin, But: fRcp. W A para "Thl ments j, ' the bo ".vestiga ;tive of " payme Are Field i ' 'cut its ' servicj to fee( The. "On M the; the su Is the ,C Unif Beni! Elko does i tionec Redm group TW one c opera DuJ the c thatS It 1 case v If r small' This I .' and e Tib Lama, incari real i, India suma noun , Th Delhf be b) their tivatl Tt can?' have inch; adva they; outn! Tl ncse secu: T of T ritoi prot for fiCCU Rus gavi muc It w H a ssi' that Bon' ' H tion whi alur T at t nev, of t gatl the fror C dca not just Hot Ort ves tag J for prii con ins I to for da; am eel ha' gel iw ( Malaria No ' longer Bar to Giving Blood BIoodmol)ile Unit to Visit Armory Here On Thursday The American Red Cross has announced that blood donors who have had malaria or hepatitis but who have not had a recurrence of the disease within the last two years, may now contribute blood. Reason ior this is, according to Gene Huntley, Marion County Red Cross blood chairman, a request from Civil Defense for more plas- IHuntley explained that when such blood is fractionated and de rivatives extracted there is no danger to patients. Blood plasma from former malaria or hepatitis patients will, he said, be so marked. , The December drawing for the Marion County chapter of the Red Cross willbe held Thursday. Dec 6, at the Salem National Guard Armory on Ferry street. The blood mobile will be there from noon to TheAlpha Epsilon chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority is spon soring this month's drawing. Mem bers are recruiting and report they hope to ' exceed the stepped-uu quota of 130 pint.. Those with limited time wishing to register for a designated 15 minute period to donate blood Thursday may call the Red Cross Salem office. Norris to Go To California Robert W. Norris, Jr., presidenl of the Norris-Walkcr Paint Man ufacturing Co., will move his family to California sometime Dc- , fore April 1, for reasons of health. , , He is now seeking to locale a home on Capistrano Beach, south of Los Angeles. Norris said his contemplated move will not affect operations of the local industry. As .the major stockholder, Norris plans to retain his position as president and chairman of the board of directors. Health of members of his family. Norris said forced the move. Mrs. unPPi. anA four Nnrrls children all suffer from asthma brought on by allergy to wild grasses In the Wiliomelto valley, inc cnnorcn in .1,,ria IhrnA nrnis. Don. 15. Ned 13, Jan, 0 and a daughter Bess Anne, m years oia. . MnrlD nnH hl nnrlnpr. D: ft WalL-nr XnnnnH Mm nnlnt firm .in Salem 'in June, 1946, and last spring the company celebrated lis 10th anlversary nere. . State Patient Gifts Sought Mrs. William Pfau, Brooks, chairman of a county-wldo com mittee to gather gifts for patients In the stale hospitals, Tuesday issued an appeal to all Marlon county citizens, churches and clubs to assist in the project. Mrs. Pfou's committee mem bers are from two local organiza tions co-sponsoring the undertak ing, the Salem Council of Churches and the Marion County mental Health advisory committee. Gifts for children at Falrvlcw Home, Mrs. Pfau said, ore to he taken to Mrs. Setron In the administration building at the In stitution between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. Gifts for patients at the State hos pital may be delivered to the su pervisor on duly in the administra tion building nt any lime. Catlct of Monti Picked at W Tom l.ovell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dow l.ovcll, 755 Norway St., has been designated cadet-of-thc-nwnlh at Willamette university, It was announced Monday. Lovell was selected by the senior cadet rating board for his com mand ability, proficiency at drill end military appearance. The cndotot-tlie-monlh award was established by the HOTC unit last year to give recognition to men enrolled in air science I and II, who show outstanding qual ities on the drill field and who have above average grades in their classes. The Salem student Is a sopho more majoring ill pre-engineenng, Ollum on Slaff of Commercial Hank V. Ollnni has lolnrd th staff of the Commercial Bank of Salcin as assistant rnshier, Don Peterson, president of the bank, announced today, nitnni mmes from St. Maries Ida., where he was. assistant cash ier of a hank there. Ho is a l!H.i graduate n( Willamette university and has also attended the Har vard graduate school of business administration. He and his family, consisting o! hunvile, a daughter Adelle, and r son, Phillip, have acquired a lifn at 3275 Alberta St. in the Ho land addition. GLOVE LEATHER n U 1 N M n Gift Certificates from $1 up. Good any time-any de partmentcustomer service, mezzan ine, Information Desk, street floor. 3 CASE OK Tlir HUNGRY T' TAMPA, Fla. (UP) Police r ported Monday the case of th hungry burglar. They said I! thief entered the home of Dav Perry, helped himself In I .i-n eggs' and coffee and left wlthoui taklnr anything else. II . FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING 1 FOR OVER 1,000 CARS , 1 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO ' j J 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FOAM CUSHIONED 'SOFTIE' SLIPPER , ''J' l .., ; ;..-;. v ' ' " Wf'pIq H r - k '' i ' ' ' - ' ' : comfortable ' . washable "'-'ir 111 lailJ W ; 1 I - -JTS S v 1 . !m!KZW.ZJBr;&''S i " ri i i 4 WfW ' ... : ' V paekttMe Nr . -, . ' ,h ft aa ni ' v 3 fctMlm a. ' M" TU. Iiul.'.l: . I XI !tl -II."' w afjpv; jF hi u'icai nine aiifjpai orounu iiexiote, eiK g rM-Jlmu y . ' ' cushioned Innersole that keeps a spring In your g idnf.Jim j g . tanned glove leather that molds to your foot. Foam Jr . ijfjFv. w m ( tma. ShIH with hinh nointnH !ntin. irnni nttAm M r 1 t F seems, learner sole ana puii-on tod. iaKe a iook ar JfpMJdss JJ jf your Christmas list . . . here's a gift to delight VY 4 4 ,w v ' ' w 'f f several of your favorite people (and don't neglect 1 ' if AY " ' v A .'V,x' O -4' f vourself .itherll v0"u In troi r..n ifMrS MV,xt v NWt H&BrrT V - 1 -cream or black in sizes 4 to 10. Narrow and medium M :i n v v X ' . wid,H5. ... ;; , fffl -C s V 0 xt ' Mail and phone orders' ' '. fvO ";V; : . , WOMEN'S SHOES-STREET FLOOR llj ' - v. . ' T I Meier & Frank's Salem Salem, Oregon. . I I A " ' T" r ' I I Plcaso send me the following slippers: I 11 ! "IV? (, l I Item Site Width Color Quantity ToUl 1 I I Name '1 I 1 ...ZZZZIZIZl m I .-........fcUIIC OWIB...'......, I I C 0,D-' D Ch"s n Kemit Encl-D I I PJ. xhi llllinfr tn nrnnv r..fij. ' I I j our regular truck delivery routes I V 1 ; ; J- 1 V f(nA