Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 3, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Interest Boost Seen Checking Home Building PORTLAND m Frank Evans, president of the Portland Home Builders, thinks the government's decision to increase FHA home loan interest rates from the pres ent 414 per cent to 5 per cent may result in less home construction. The government action, an nounced Saturday, was aimed at increasing home purchases by priming the dwindling flow of mortgage funds available. Evans said thft to qualify for an FHA loan a prospective buyer must earn 15 per cent more a week than his monthly mortgage, tax and insurance payment. An increase in the interest rate will increase the amount a buyer must pay, he said. And this increase might well reduce the number of prospective buyers who cjuld qualify for a loan. But Guy Arrington, director of the Federal Housing Administraa tion here, said the interest in crease should "certainly make more money available and it should help the housing industry," S. A. Christmas Activities Go Into High Gear ( The Salvation Army's Christmas activities are now in high gear, Major West told the advisory board Monday morning at its monthly meeting. Toys, food and other Christmas Items for distribution to needy fam ilies are being collected at 240 South Liberty. The Christmas clear ing bureau, representing all char itable agencies here, is function ing at the United Fund office, 314 Court, second floor, securing names of those in need of aid. The board voted to have its own members man the Salvation Army kettles on the streets here during the noon hour Friday, December 21, a custom in many cities, but sew here. Major West reported that most of the labor and materials for re modeling the property on Marion street into the new Salvation Army hostel for the temporary care of needy transients has been donated, so considerable has been saved. The work is being pushed rapidly. Wesley Stewart will be chairman of the committee to nominate board officers for next year and to fill board vacancies. Serving with him will be Lyle Bartholomew and Willard Marshall. The annual meet ing will be held Wednesday, Feb ruary 13, with Commissioner French of San Francisco as the ipeaker. George Dudey Henderson, board chairman, presided. Clinton School Seeks U. S. Aid On Integration CLINTON, Tenn. Wl The And erson County School Board told the federal government Monday it had reached the end of its rope in trying to enforce racial inte gration at Clinton High School and asked for help. In a letter to U.S. Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell, the board said it might become necessary to close the school within five days unless the government comes in to enforce a federal court inte gration order. All of the 10 Negro pupils still enrolled remained away from classes since last Tuesday after reporting white students had thrown rocks and eggs at them. None showed up for classes Mon day and no disorders were re ported as classes were resumed for the week. And Principal D. J. Brittain said, "1 believe they will stay out this week. Dr. Paul A. Jorgensen, of the University of California, reports that Shakespeare has many cap tains and generals in his plays "but no sergeants." LEGALS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Church counc 1 01 St. MarK's Evan' gelical Lutehran Church, Marion County. Oregon at the office of William I. Williams. Associate Arch itect. 1390 N. CaDitol Street. Salem. Oreogn until December 27, 1956,4:00 C'elocK p. M. tor xne construe- Hnn of At. Mark's Evangelical Lu theran Church and will then and there be opened and publicly resd aloud. Bids received after the time fixd for opening will not be concld- rcrf Plans, specifications and form of contract documents may be exam ined or obtained at the office of William I. Williams. Associate Arch itect, N. r.snltnl Street. S.ilern Oregon, upon a deposit of 150.00 for each set or aocumenis. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (with authorised surety company as surety) made payable to ine at. Mark's evangelical Lutheran Church, Salem. Oresnn In an amount of not less than & of the amount of the bid. Surety bond will be required tn accordance with the terms of the contract documents. The Church Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before award of the con tract, unless said award ts delayed tor a period exceeding 3V aays. REV. J. L. CAUBLE, PASTOB November , nw. D.3. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Trusses, Abdominal Supports. Elistic Hosierr Enpert Fittera Pririte Fitting Rooms Aik lour Doctor" Capital Drug Store 4M State Street Corner of Libert; ' yf Greet) SUnpt Section 1 Page 9 II OPEN MONDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M., j y-J fl fl fl HI fl V TV T IT i T f TT HITI" II T TT TTT1 "IT "N "IT T IT "111 FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. j i 1 1 A K f U A A K A K 1 A A 1 1 f OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. fl ' I - ' J J(W U Uf (I llll II 1 W W 111 II II I II I II FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING H l I ' 1 If I 1 If UU J J ill I 1 II 1 II J Li U J II I ' I FOR OVER 1,000 CARS V JliLlL Jl Vf L 1 II Vf 7 dLd JI SLAM. XX. X. 1 X. 1 KJ M. JJ. M5uMMM.- mS ' fff ...:,;. .M": '. -vpi ' ' LK'P 'f Zephyr light wool In southern colors that sparkle H vjjiJ' J j in the midseason wardrobe. Beige, red, suntan, aqua JjL ' ' 4 ? I I with an overcast of white-soft, flattering. Styled by V- t I M I A J (liRjliA Harrods of California . . . with half-lined skirts for ;.4W - ' l ir - SA &WtS. 1 extra wear and comfort ... with each lining put in I i.' fits tf- , I. . . JN - ipX i fl: Ntj V W vi completely by hand" 0ne from our collcction: i T " ?! riNwS,it w "r ' Dressmaker style with belted back, SQA t, ' "1 ' VM "-i- i. J V scallop detailed ackef; skirt with back O V V J ' lf & IF. 7 V V : wollctnflpleot;10to-l. , .... . yy' " I S Mall and phont ordtn ' ' S ' V '" -r 1 , WOMEN'S SUITS-STRUT flOOR r "N, v lfAvS5? n for Christmas... ...the foremost fcjp fcMV I important blouses news or me aay si w 7.95 lUy X Cloud-soft luxury and a glorious y4V C I 1 flourish of Hattcry make our rabbit . yfe J ' -' jfavL fur hats truly the fashion topping of f'W 1 the season. Wear one and win V I ti the most admiring glances you've ever jSd'' S Known, anow wime on jut uiutn, e , n V,'. JK A f V Ion touched with pearls. White. 7 JO MILLINERY SALON-STREET FLOOR tS Jewels that work magic in your wardrobe . . . make it seem you have so many clothes. Blouses top im portant skirts, complement pretty suifs and are glam orous with after-five pants. A welcomed gift to every fashion-minded woman on your list. Three from a collection by Dcbcraft in sizes 32 to 38. "1 Classic satin crepe shirt with long sleeves JT AO slightly jeweled. White, beige, black. 2 80 orlon, 20 wool jersey blouse with QQ high round neckline, piped in satin. Black. . 0 , 7Q 3. Delicate looking, feminine 15-denier ny- $ Ion touched with pearls. White. Mail and phone orders SPORTS SHOP STREET FLOOR 'Plus shipping; cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery route ,