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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday,' December 3, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 1 Page 7 J Holiday Glamor Starts at the Top This Year While Christmas White ermine bonnet veiled in black Cliantllly lace, designed for gala wear by Sally Victor. Once upon a time, in the very recent past, you couldn't be sure whether a woman was wearing a hat or not, especially alter five. A band, a flower and a scrap of veil could double for a hat at al most any function. This season there is no doubt about it hats are hats, and the more spectacular the better. Mil liner Sally Victor creates a fan tasia of holiday headgear ranging from fur bonnets to flower wigs, saying: Flower Wig Made entirely of multi-color flower petals, this head' liner fits head snugly, covering the hair. Idea "The whole Idea is to make women look prettier and this year's hats can do the job." Mamie Eisenhower's favorite milliner, the small, energetic and sparkling Mrs. Victor covers the full range of glamorous toppers, using all varieties of luxury furs, jewels, flowers, velvets, satins and feathers for the greater glorifica tion of. her customers. The hats are high, wide and handsome and there's a silhouette for every type. (AP Newsfeatures) Miss Brown Wed Nov. 24 TALBOT (Special)-Miss Ardis Bell Brown, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wied, was wed to Robert M. Blanchard, of Waldport, at Talbot Community church Saturday, November 24, at 3 p.m The Rev. Wayne Carr. officiated at the double ring service. Pink and white chrysanthe mums, palms and smilax decor ated the church. Mrs. Gordon Turnidge sang, and Miss Peggy Carr was organist. Miss Nancy Knight and Leslie Edward lighted the candles. They wore pink or ganza waltz length dresses. The bride wore a waltz length dress of Chantilly lace over white satin, with stand-up collar of lace, tiny buttons up the front, and long tapered sleeves. The bouffant skirt of satin was fashioned with an overskirt of nylon tulle with accor dion pleats in front. The bride's fingertip length veil of illusion was attached to a headpiece trimmed with sequins and rhinestones and pearls. The bride's only jewelry was a strand of pearls belonging 1o her mother. The bride carried ' a white lace-covered Bible topped with white stephanotis and pink roses, and streamers. Lynn M Brown gave his daughter in mar riage. Miss Claudia Attig, Astoria, was the bride's only attendant. She wore an aqua velvet dress with waltz length skirt and low neck line. Her bouquet of pink carna tions was in the form of a basket with satin covered handle. Jack Boydston of Waldport was best man. Ushers were Willard Thompson, Les Oliver and Burton Blanchard, all of Waldport. For the wedding, Mrs. Wied chose a pink brocade dress and corsage of pink frill roses. A reception in the church rooms followed the ceremony. The three tiered wedding cake was deco rated with pink roses and topped with a bride and groom ornament and orange blossoms, and sur rounded with a wreath of smilax. Cutting thecake were Mrs. Wil liam Knight, aunt of the bride and Mrs. Lynn M. Brown, sister-in-law of the bride. Pouring were Mrs. Henry E. Albert of Portland, Mrs. John Finlay, Mrs. Lawrence Fin lay and Mrs. J. R. Wied. Assist ing were Mrs. Lee Cameron, Miss -Janet Vedder, Miss Shirley Brown of Portland, Miss Pricilla Carr, Miss Carol Finlay. Miss Karen Turnidge, Miss Jeannie Super. Miss Pat Terry, Oregon City and Mrs. Ernest Freeman. For going away, the bride chose a brown box suit with pink ac cesories. The couple left for a trip down the coast to San Fran cisco, and will be at home near Waldport. SHERIDAN (Special)-Plans for the December 8 greens sale to be sponsored by the Sheridan Gar den club, were completed at the meeting this week. The sale will begin at 10 a.m. on that date. Christmas aprons, homemade candy, homemade cake, Christ mas swags, snow babies and candles will be offered for sale. Mrs. Wayne Sparks is general chairman. LEBANON (Special) Mrs. Pearl Logan will head a dinner committee for Hamblen club's Christmas party Friday, Decem ber 7, at 12:30 p.m. in the Veteran of Foreign Wars hall. Miss O'Dell Bride At Lafayette Rites . LAFAYETTE (Special) In the setting of autumn gold and white colors, Miss Jo O'Dell was wed to Norman Finnicum Saturday evening, November 24 at the Pol ing Memorial Evangelical United Brethren church in Lafayette. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Alva O'Dell of Rural Lafayette, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finicum of Grand Island. Officiating' clergymen for the service were the Rev. George Hayes, pastor of the Lafayette church, and the Rev. R. H. Tus ant, Jr., a former pastor of the church, now of Salem. Mrs. R. H. Tusant, Jr., sang. -Providing organ music was Mrs. Bob Mon roe of Salem. Miss Beverly Aebis- cher and Miss Valetta Dixon, long time friejid of the bride, lighted the candles. Decorations for the ceremony consisted of bronze and gold chrysanthemums, candela brum and window candles. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Howard Bixler of McMinnville. She was very pretty in a white floor length dress and fingertip veil. The wedding dress was made by her mother and Mrs. George Hayes. The bridal bou quet was of Talisman roses and stephanotis. The attendants wore ballerina length frocks of bronze taffeta. Matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Dean Schmitz of Rose burg, and bridesmaids were Miss Shirley- Crane of Portland, and Mrs. Bill Weivell, of Coos Bay, sister of the bridegroom. The at tendants' bouquets were colonial bouquets of miniature gold and bronze chrysanthemums. Mr. Finnicum chose his brother, Ronald Finnicum of Grand Island, as best man. Attendants and ushers were Keith Hanna and Freeman Finnicum. The bride's mother wore a dress of beige, witii rose bodice and a deep red rose corsage and match ing accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore navy blue with rose accessories and red corsage. Mrs. Alta Simonson of Rose burg, cut the cake for her niece, assisted by Mrs. Fred Finnicum. The cake was made and decorated by Mrs. Dale Schmitz, of Dayton. Mrs. Howard Bixler and Mrs. Mel vin Bixler, aunts of the bride, served the punch and coffee. Mrs. Marvin Bixler was in charge of the guest book. Misses Shirley Pennington and Betty Youngblood, were in charge of the gifts. The ladies of the EUB church took care of the kitchen for the reception. Refreshments were served to about 250 guests. For her going away, the bride wore a suit with black accessor ies and orchid corsage, ine wca ding trip was to Coos Bay and Roseburg. The couple will be at home on Grand Island, where Mr. Finnicum is engaged in the dairy business with his father. The enthusiastic way ... in which Salem has taken THE NEW 1957 0LDSM0BILE to it's heart., is most gratifying! COME Sit AT FMT HAND fOR YOimtlf WHAT 0LD5M0BILI HA! DONt FOR YOU IH 19571 Yes! The Accent's on Olds for '57 Open Fridays & Mondays 'til 9 LocOec Biros 461 N. High OLDSMOBIIE Ph. 2-7973 Miss Heisler Given Honors by Rainbow WOODBURN (Special) - Miss Mary Heisler of The Dalles, grand worthy adviser . of the Order of Rainbow for Girls for the state of Oregon, and Mrs. Ann Metsker of McMinnville, supreme deputy, were honored guests of Evergreen assembly No. 12, at the Masonic temple in Woodburn last week. Both were introduced and escorted to the east. Degrees were conferred upon six girls including Misses Barbara Schnee, Irene Livesay, Judy Corn-, well, Carol Ramage, Sharon Fulps, Harriet VanArsdale and Nancy Sanford. Miss Carol Ann Livesay, worthy advisor, presided. Under good of the order there were talks by the honored guests, and a special degree was put on for Miss Heisler. Other numbers on the program included a skit by the drill team, two selections by the girls' double sextette of the high school, Misses Barbara Paul son, Tamara Majors, Juanita Mof fett, Beverly Bubak, Lorrayne Heide, Jean Mack, Diana Rittgarn, Rosalee Forsyth, Carole Lea Fos ter, Nancy Rittgarn, Clara Cha pclle, and Carol Ann Livesay, accompanied and directed by Miss Poann Myers, and three number by the high school boys quartet, Glen Livesay, Monte Palmer, Bill Hull and Bobby Balrd. Refreshments were served by a committee with Miss Joyce Jef fery as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Fern Foster, mother adviser, and Mrs. Frank Doerfler. A family no-host supper will be served preceding the next meeting, December 12. - MILL CITY (Special)-Mr. and Mrs. John P. Smith celebrated their. 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2 until 5 p.m. Sunday, at their home west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were married November 29. 1906, and have lived here most of their mar ried life. Members of their family were hosts for the affair, includ ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Orvan Miller, Sheri dan, Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy and their daughter, Miss Alice Smith, all of Mill City. m m MILL CITY (Special)-An "alo ha" party was given last week for Harry White, before heleft for a 10-day vacation trip to" Ha waii. Mr. and Mrs. Lenthal Rags dale were hosts for the party, and a gift was presented to the honored guest from the group. Present were Mr. White, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ragsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kanoff, Ronald Ragsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brunner and the hosts. v r," 's..l (mm jr 'vjl 'i'Uiy1'' rw CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stat St. Cerntr of liberty Wl GIVE Wf GREEN STAMPS 50th Anniversary For Mr., Mrs. Babb LEBANON (Special) - All four of their children, 11 of their grand children and five of their six great grandchildren were present for the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. George Babb's 50th wedding anniversary recently. 1 A reception was given in the First Baptist church during the anernoon, wun aaugnters Mrs, Marvin Smith and Mrs. George Mc- Clellaa pouring. Mrs. Don Barnard. also a daughter, cut the golden wedding cake. , . Kenneth Wilkinson arranged program, Including musical num bers, with accompaniments by Mrs. Joe McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Babb were married in Macomb, Missouri, and lived In South Dakota before coming to Lebanon 13 years ago. They operat ed a store in Sweet Home for the past eight years. WOODBURN (Special) Hand made aprons and novelties will be offered for sale at the annual Christmas sale Wednesday, De cember 5, sponsored by St. Mary's guild. Mrs. Ivan DeArmond is chairman. The sale will be in St. Mary's Episcopal hall on East Lin coln street, beginning at 10 a.m. Members of the guild will serve cookies and coffee. Others on the committee are Mrs. Howard Palm er, Mrs. Edward Coman, and Mrs. Kenneth M.cGrath. ft i ! 111 II V . . -1 Goldenwedi Mr. and Mrs. George Babb, above, recently ob served their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception at Lebanon. (Dalton picture, Lebanon) Stanton-Little ? MONMOUTH (Special) - The marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth Little. Monmouth, to Harvey Stanton, Sa lem, was performed by Dr. Burton Bastuscheck at the First Metho dist church in Salem on Thanks giving day at S p.m. The wedding was attended by a small group oi close irionds of the couple. The -wedding party was entertained at a dinner at the Marion hotel following the cere mony. AURORA (Special) - Members of the Aurora Woman's club will meet for dessert Wednesday, at 1 p.m. In the Canby Christian church dining room. A program Is planned for 3 p.m. The Rev, John J. Stone, church pastor, will be the speaker. and music will be furnished by Canby eighth grade girls, directed by Mrs. Ada Harris. Hostesses for the luncheon will be Mrs. Fred Dentel, Mrs. N. E. Mannock, Mrs, Albert Ehlen, Mrs. Richard Pence and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson. A Christmas gift ex change will. follow the luncheon. . WOODBURN (Special) Wood burn members of Nydin court, Daughters of the Nile, will be host esses at the noon luncheon during the all-day meeting of Nydia court, Tuesday, In the Woodburn Masonic temple. A Christmas party with the exchange of 90 to 75 cent gifts will be conducted during the social hour in the afternoon. ciaP i Mr Betrothal Told 'BUEiVA VISTA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fickel an an nouncing the engagement c-B their daughter, Miss Maxine FicSel, to Barry Fuller of Monmouth, .son of William FOller. No date hap been set for the wedding. Mr. Fuller is a graduate of, Ridgefield-, High school in Washington and fj now attending Oregon College of Edu cation in Monmouth. Miss Fickel is a graduate of Independence High school and is now working in the First National Banak In Monmouth. Odd Fellows Elect MONMOUTH (Special) Eugene Lane was elected noble grand of Normal lodge, IOOF, Monday. Other officers are W. F. Johnson, vice-grand; Art Graffenberger, fi nancial secretary; E. J. Swenson, recording secretary, and Clifford Hosslcr, treasurer. The oHicers will be installed Jan. 11, ' LEAVE FOR N.Y. "T BUENA VISTA (Special)-Clif-ford Wells left via plane Tuesday with his two grandsons, Stanley and Greg Urban,, taking them home to their parents in ,New York. They had been here the past two months coming with'their parents while on a business trip. They now have a new brother to meet when they arrive home, born two weeks ago. TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO TOYLAND 3rd FLOOR 'OLD SMOKEY'! PENNEY'S ELECTRIC TRAIN SET! j Actually puffs rings of smoke m as it speeds along its 52x24 inch f track. Die cast locomotive, oth- i cr cars plus a gamut of R. R. accessories plus a SO-watt trans- former. A 3RD FLOOR 19 .88 34 Pieces Spec. Purchase! Hydraulic Dump Truck 5 .00 Penncy's solid slccl, hydrau- lically operated dump truck! Almost 21 inches long! Ten rubber wheels! Great colorsl 3RD FLOOR w. .igyy. m hii i i f j inj , V f . " Ninon dressed, bonnet to bootsl 21" VINYL DOLL The besl-dressed doll In toy land! And she stands up all by herself , . ". sits while Missy , eats ... Is so huggablc-snft she sleeps in Missy's arms without disturbing her a bit! , , 3RD FLOOR vt'l 4 I Safe'n Sturdy Electric Irons 2.39 . . . Wiring checked by a rig id set of standards! Steel base. Bakelite handle, chrome pla ted hood I 3RD FLOOR ill Teach-n-Fuii Tool Chest 1.79 Contains 10 pieces Including hand saw, hammer, pliers, crew driver, carpenter's man ual. 3RD FLOOR Sturdy Steel Ironing Boards 2.49 Sturdy steel-constructed board adjusts to three heights , , so she may Iron with easel 3RD FLOOR Save! 12-Inch Velocipedes 8.88 Sturdy steel frame, 12-Inch big tire, 8-Inch rear wheels. Adjustable saddle. Red and white.' 3RD FLOOR Feature! Jolly Clown Dolls .98c Jolly clown doll of colorful rayon taffeta stuffed with cot ton! Net ruffle, ribbon bow trim, jingle bell on hat, 3RD FLOOR .HI L ..I Target Pistol Range 2.98 A wholfc ihooling range In onel Steel target pistol range with moving scoro devices, self feeding pistol, transparent plastic cover. 3RD FLOOR Doll-E Nursctle Set 98c Penncy's Doll E Nursctto for her "baby." 4 plastic formula bottles, nipples, funnel, brush, soap! 3RD FLOOR Cowboy Gun And Holster Set 3.00 Hip ridin' top grain cowhide double holster with two break action repeating cap, pistols, 8V long. ' 3RD FLOOR .ii )i "1,1,1 w.M.tpruvv .'rlf in ' ' i 7? Sturdy Metal Refrigerator 1.98 A v:ell-slncked refrigerator with convcnient-to-rcach plas tic Ice-cube tray! Roomy free zer compartment! 3RD FLOOR ' ' m. . "I i .iincii Burp Gun 2.98 Fires 1 SO cap shots it tTigg'er touch! And are they loud! Penncy's cap firing repeating suh-marhlnr gunl 13 incbei long, Plastic. . (, . 3RD FLOOR . .. J