Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 3, 1956 Local Paragraphs Boy Bitten - A do", said ' by bin, 1427 Fairmount St., bit Edward dines, , oi 255 west Wilson St., on the arm Saturday. The owner was advised to keep the animal tied up. Commissioner Travels Nor man Nielsen, Oregon labor com missionor, attended the Interna tional Association of Government Labor Officials convention held at Miami Beach, Fla., last week. The group of delegates discussed many topics concerning labor, in cluding safety and health, migrant labor and minimum wage. Lions Seek Members The East Salem Lions club has initiated a membership campaign which will extend through December. The regular weekly luncheon of the club will be held at The Chalet Tuesday. At that time plans will be discussed for the annual Christ mas party, Dec. 14, of the Lions auxiliary. Quartet Sings A Salvation Army quartet consisting of Mrs. Earl West, Dick West, Mrs. Norma Valdez and Miss Joyce Johnson, sang Christmas carols at various locations in downtown Salem Sat urday. The Army is engaged in seeking contributions to its Christ mas cheer fund. Cage Prospects Athletic Direc tor John Lewis of Willamette Uni versity, will discuss Bearcat bas ketball prospects before the Sa lem Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night at the Marion. Husband Arrested James Mose, 248 Marion - St., pleaded inno cent in municipal court Monday to a charge of disorderly conduct. He was arrested Saturday on the complaint of a member of the family. Trial is set for Decem ber 14. Bail is set at $35. Roast Overdone A smoking roas; in a hot oven at the u. E. Green residence, 450 Roosevelt St., resulted in firemen being called to the scene Saturday atternoon. Damage was confined to the rcasc. Condition Good Mrs. Dorothy R. West, Rt. 5, was reported in good condition Monday at Salem Memorial hospital. She suffered a hip injury when her car skidded on icy pavement and overturned near Cottage Farm Saturday. Building Pep.nits 0. W. Klang, lo wreck a two-story dwelling at 1179 Court. A. M. Baker, to alter a one-story dwelling at 880 Elec tric, $650. Bert W. Pcyrec, to build a storage shed at 220 Alice, $200. Mildred Wilson, to wreck a one-story dwelling at 1025 Sixth, Lost Youth Returns As Hunt Starts FALLS CITY Francis Hurst, Dallas high school "sophomore, turned up unhurt Sunday after noon, 27 hours after he started alone on a hunting trip armed with a 22 rifle. Hurst is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hurst who had become alarmed at his long absence. Search was just in process of be ing organized when he returned. The family resides in Fall City. Derrick Hearing Set for Dec. 7 Preliminary hearing has' been set for December 7 on a Molalla man chargc-d with obtaining money by false pretenses. Ailic Melvm Derrick is charged with passing a bad check at a service station, Marion county sheriff's deputies said. He was ar rested Sunday on a district court warrant. He is being held on $500 bail. Mid-Valley Births SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL SQUIER To Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Squier, Rt. 2, Box 857 Salem, . a daughter, Dec. 2. KOOP -To Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold E. Koop, Roseburg, a son, Dec. 2. FRIESEN To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Friesen, 1480 Sixth St., ,a son, Dec. 2. ' ALLISON-To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Allison, 2087 Vaughn St., a so. . Dec. 2. SHARP To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sharp, 4535 State St., a son, Dec. 1. WOLVEK To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolvck, Portland, a son, Dec. l. WRIGHT - To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright, 1048 Howard St., a daughter. Dec. 1. SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL GILSTRAP - To Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilstrap, 260 Strand Ave., a snn. Dec. 2. 8 K UMUi. ts t ladies' Purses, Billfolds, g 8 Brief Cases B Fin-tit Quality Sine 1f0 SHAFER'S Leather Goods 115 N... Commercial Z' Green Stamps I (LEATHER, i H f"M Billfold! n m Hand Bast I S Rotary Luncheon Mrs. Gladys Workman, Scottsburg, Ore., will speak to the Salem Rotary club Wednesday noon at the Marion. Hu- tooic will be "Living For Fun.' Spark Starts Fire A roof fire, bdieved tn hnvn hpftn c!nrri h a spark from a chimney, burned a small hole in the R. L. Brand home at ins R Mill, ct afternoon. The South Salem fire aepartment responded. Shoolinff Rennrtpri CMv nnli.i Sunday morning investigated a reDorL nf snmpnnn chnntina fire arms in the area around Mulberry rive ana Hanson avenue. They were unable to locate anyone at the time, they said. Hubcap Missing A hubcap val ued at $20 was taken from an auto mobile owned by Raymond Motor, Gervais, Saturday night, according to police reports. The machine was parked on State street. Gus Frederick, 2165 South Cottage St. reported a tire and wheel, valued at $12 was taken from the trunk of his vehicle.' Air Rifles Active Two automo biles parked in the vicinity of the Myers Glove Co.. 1490 South 12th St. were damaged Saturday ap parently by pellets from air rifles, police have been informed. Two holes were found in the glass of a machine owned by Elwood Myers while the windshield of a car be longing to Harry Myers was punc tured. Capitol Toaitmasters The Capi tol Toastmasters club will meet at Nohlgren's Thursday night with Jack McLean in the role of mas ter of ceremonies. Listed speakers include Ralph Denslow, Bill Mans field, Bill Taw and Les Hampion. Members are being urged to bring guests. - . Binoculars Missing A pair of binoculars is missing from his car, it was reported to city police Sunday by Harold C. Keller, Sno- nualmie. Wash. Keller s car was recovered here several days ago by police after it had been stolen from Snoqualmie. The binoculars were taken from the glove com partment after the theft of the car, Keller said. Driver Pleads Innocent John Charles Watson. 305 South View place, pleaded innocent in district court Monday to a charge of driv ing while intoxicated. He was ar rested about 3:30 a.m. Monday at Highway 99E and Talbot road by state police. Trial Is to be aet. Bail is $200. Car Bump A car driven by Judith Annette Maltland, Hines, and a parked car belonging to Jack A. Church, 880 North Winter St., were damaged in a collision about 5:30 p.m. Saturday, city po lice reported. Norma - Peterson, 1133 Chcmeketa St., seated in the parked car, suffered a non-serious head injury, police said. Good rummage over Greenbaum's Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 9 to 5. (adv.) WEY RITE have moved to 161 South High, lobby Salem hotel. (adv.) Short of workers? Let us aid you to write an applicant-producing Classified Ad. Dial 4-6811. Capital Variety open every night until 9. 1262 State. (adv.) For Outstanding Wallpapers With Fabrics & Harmonizing Paints plus Expert Decorating Assistance, visit Clarke's, 220 N. Commercial, (adv) Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-3663. Perma nents $5 up. Ruth Ford, manager. (adv.) 3-rm. modern apt. nished. Ph. 3-7146. nicely fur (adv.) Why go cold? Sawdust is plen DON'T MISS OUT on good gift ideas, many of them offered no where else. Read The Gift Spot ter in Classified daily. Art Holscher State Farm Ins. Agency moved to 805 N. Capitol St. across from Parrish Jr. Hi. (adv.) Apt. for rent, 2 rms. furn. or unfurn. Court Apts. Ph. 3-7440. (adv.) KODAK CAMERA OUTFIT Round-the-clock outfit lor color-slide making For solon-worthy color slides, crisp black-and-white picfurts, the new Kodak Pony Camtra, Model C, with tine 173.5 Itnt, shutter synchronised for flash indoars and at night, speeds to 1300 for action. PIUS flash elder with guard and lost-action field cose to protect the camera. What a gift it mokesi 49 65 All for CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S Stilt Si. Corner of liberty We Give Wf Green Stamps Ll::--,.i..: 'r, , "--eS ...t,., Neuberger (Continued from Fane 1) said the Stanford Research Insti tute found that the Pacific North west had benefited by 85,000 new jobs as a result of aluminum plants, with all these plants using low-cost water power for fuel. "But there are no more abundant supplies of this power 'available," he continued. "Between the years 1952 and 1954, according to the Treasury department, Oregon had the biggest drop in federal tax col lections of any state except Wyom ing. No businessmen or mer chants can afford to dismiss such reports." Neuberger closed his address with a promise to continue to give President Eisenhower strong backing on foreign policy when ever he thinks the president's de cisions are in the interest of world peace. He said he had consistent ly supported the President on reci procal trade, in spite of appeals from the Oregon legislature of 1955 to oppose the Eisenhower foreign trade program. The senator was introduced by Jason Lee, who was the Demo cratic candidate for congress in this district. The Marion county legislative delegation members were seated at the head table. Invocation was by the Rev. H. R. Morehcad nf the Church of God. President Elmer Berg presided. Elgin Service . Set Tuesday Floyd Gene Elgin, who died ear ly Sunday as a result of a gunshot wound, was born in Faribault, Minn., Jan. 25, 1941 and came to Salem seven years ago with his family. He was a student at Leslie Junior High school. Survivors include the parents: sisters Annabelle, Katherine and Darlcnc Elgin and Mrs. Helen Apaido of Salem, Mrs. Lucille Cou sins, Portland, and Mrs. Mildred Foelkcr, Faribault, Minn.; and brothers Donald, of Salem, George, in tne air force, and Raymond and Frederick, Portland. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at the Howell-Edwards funeral chapel. GRACE ROBRINS ILL AMITY (Special )-Mrs. Grace Robbins is convalescing - at her home after a weeks slay in the McMinnville hospital. Mrs. Rob bins is the mother of Mrs. Marvel Smith. News off Record CIRCUIT COURT State vs. Russell Barnett: Order granting bench parole for the bal ance of his sentence, or 35 days. Raymond Louis Wiley vs. War den Clarence T. Gladden: Motion for new hearing filed by plaintiff. PROBATE COURT Clyde R. Suit estate: Order ap pointing Loretta Vivian Suit ad ministratrix. Fred B. Sllckney estate: Closing order. Edna Nichols estate: Decree of final settlement. y uu SINOLI UNIT! Cryfial elftr wtf (rip bottle. Trice per nh, 1.00 pltrtUt. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stota St. Corner of Liberty WE GIVE H-M? GREEN STAMPS Architect Pictures New Church Building Envisioned In the architect's sketch above Is the new half million 4 dollar St. Mark's Lutheran church which Is to be constructed at the southwest corner of Marion and Winter streets. Members of the congregation approved building plans Stinday and completion Is scheduled next fall. . , St. Mark's Church Building to Start Work Expected To Begin in January Following three years ' of plan ning and fund raising the member ship of St. Mark's Lutheran church Sunday night gave the go ahead sign for the construction of a half million dollar structure to be built on the southwest corner of Winter and Marion streets. Decision to proceed with con struction was reached during a Ontario Man 1st In Corn Judging ONTARIO, Ore. m Winner of the corn judging contest for adults at the Oregon State Corn Show here is Ncal Goodcll, Ontario. Homer Anderson, New Ply mouth, Idaho, was second In the competition Saturday. Clifford Harris, Ontario, was third. Bill Looney, Adrian, Oregon, topped the 4-H contestants with Dennis Weisenbach, Hillsboro, second, and Ed Anicker, Hills boro, third. Portland Names New Art Museum Director PORTLAND UTi Max W. Sulli van of Providence, R.I., will take over Jan. 1 as director of the Portland Art Museum. Sullivan, 47, is president of the Rhode Island School of Design. He will succeed Thomas C. Colt, who resigned late in August. Rotarian Charles Ilammerstad, was elected student Rotarian of the month of December from South Salem high last week. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ilammerstad, 710 Winding Way. .' ' ' 'I ' A iparkling crtatten in fine mfvi' toiletriet. Diitineti vcly tyled, peciilly deoigned for matv culine ItMe. Mannih)y packaged in junglc-rrd, alligator-pattern gift bi. Afier Shave lytiion with choice of Cologne or Balanced Talcum. Price, a. 00 pfitt THE CAPITAL JOURNAE congregational fellowship dinner held at the Marion hotel. - The congregation is presently housed in a frame building near Chemeketa and Church streets which was purchased several months ago by the Commercial Bank of Salem and Russell Bone steele. . The Rev. John ' Cauble. St. Mark's pastor, said that bids will be asked for new construction im mediately and that work should start in January.' The site was cleared several months ago. . The building as designed by Har old E. Wagoner, Philadelphia church architect and assisted by wiuiam i. Williams of Salem, calls for a main structure, 70 by 156 feet. Exterior finish will he of Col orado pink stone. A smaller wing win Dc used lor Christian educa tion purposes.. Sanctuary Seats 700 The sanctuary will have a seat ing capacity of 700, while a small chapel will accommodate 120 per sons. Other interior arrangements call for an administration wing for conterence rooms and office, and a glassed-in children's room in the nave balcony. Located in the basement wilt be Sunday school rooms, dining facili ties ana a si-ioot stage. A 120-foot tower, topped by a cross will be a feature of the ex terior design. Two Tons of Used Clothing Donated Here for Overseas Two tons, an even 4,000 pounds, of used clothing was packaged for shipment m the two Salem Catho lic parishes last week. It was part of the tenth annual Thanksgiving collection of used clothing for war ravaged countries of the world conducted in C a t h o 1 i c parishes thouehout the United States by the NationnJ Catholic Welfare council. UislrikaJtion oi ciotning is mano solely on basis of need without re gard to race or creed. Local rep resentatives were n o t i f i c d last week that two planeloads of cloth ing had been immediately forward ed to Vienna for use rg the Hun garian need tnd an even large shipment by ship was made at the same time. HQ! A dreadful tiling has happened. While attempting to help a king, a princess and a little hoy from the clutches of a wirked sorcerer, Santa Clans has heen turned inlo stone. All this takes place in a secret room of the king's palace jut before Christmas. The hoy escapes. Now it's up to him to solve the mystery of the secret room, then rescue Santa and the other. And there are only a few days till ChrisU mas! Will Santa he saved in time? Or will the sorcerer win out? r m Don't mi lues, Dec. 4 SANTA and The StCM ROOM ' The Chrilma Story by lueree Hudgini Beole Capital A Journal Funeral Set For Kapphahn Funeral services for James Kapp- hahn, 71, who died Sunday at his home at 4215 Portland ltd., will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Virgil. T. Golden funeral chapel. Entombment will be in Mt. Crest mausoleum. Kapphahn was born in 1885 in Wadena; Minn., and came to Salem in 1900. He was a retired former and at one time a contractor. He was a life member of the Salem Elks lodge. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Sena Kapphahn; a stepson, Paul L. Bilyeu, Salem; a nephew. Willard Kapphahn, Portland, and a niece, Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Spo kane, Wash. Harris Rites Due in Eugene Funeral services are expected to be held in Eugene for Emerson Lyndon Harris, Jr., who died un der the wheels of a Southern Pa cific train here Sunday. The North Salem High school student was born in Eugene Nov. 8, 1839 and came to Salem this fall to live with a sister, Miss Dor othy Harris. He Is survived by the parents, sister, Nancy, and brother, Rich ard, at home in Eugene; lister, Mrs. Marilyn Robinson, Eugene, and sister, Mrs. Sharon Male, with her husband in the service. Several aunts and uncles Jive in Salem, Since the collection Is nationwide and distribution worldwide, cloth ing collected on the west coast is sent to Korea, China or other Pa cific coast points as needed. Representatives from each par ish organization sorted and packed Ihe clothing in St. Joseph's parish gym, and in a garage on Myrtle street for St. Vincent de Paul parish. Thanks of Ihe two pastor, Rev. Joseph E. Vandcrbcck, St. 'Jo seph's, Rev. John J. Reedy, St. Vincent dc Paul, were given to Larmcr Transfer which furnished the pickup and Consolidated Freight for furnishing carriage to Seattle port. What Is the Secret? OSEA Plans Campaign to Get Members Group to Seek Salary Increases From., Legislature A goal of 9,000 new members for the Oregon State Employes asso ciation was set at the first meet ing of the new executive board, which met in Salem Saturday. J. Lloyd LeVaster. Corvallis. recently elected president, who presided over the gathering of about 20 top association officials, said the new membership, drive must be completed by Feb. 28 "if we are going to give adequate voice to our legislative proposals." Want Salary Increases 'Basically we are after salary increases," he said. "Wo conferred with heads of state departments. requesting recommendations based upon the cost of adequately staffing a department.." Ron Shay. Portland, new nublic relations chairman, told the group he was' planning a stec-ned-un publicity campaign. He said as soon as he has selected his committee members, a program would be worked out for a "broader dis semination of association activi ties." Advisory Committee Members President LeMastcr announced new advisory committees includ ing the following: Retirement, Wakefield Walker, Carl Hobson and Gertrude Chamberlin, all of Salem, and Dr. Waldo Schumaker, Eugene; law and legislation, P. M. Brandt and Harry Allan, Corval lis, and Jay Blair of Salem; fi nance, Al Kelly, Portland, Clar ence Ekloff. Eugene, and Irene schaefer and William Hughes, Sa lem. SERVICE MAN VISITS LACOMB (Spccial)-Merle Stick ler, S.N., who has been on fur lough from his base at San Diego, returned there Thursday. He is at tached to the USS Noble. While in Lacomb he stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Powers with whom he made his home for the past six years. CHRIS' 21 tt and Mirktt WE T BONE STEAK . 69c LEAN GROUND BEEF 29c CHUCK ROAST n. 39c SHORT RIBS OF CELERY HEARTS Dunch 15c CARROTS, 2 Cello packs 19c CABBAGE ,. 3c TOMATO HOT SAUCE Dutch Maid Ma TOMATO JUICE 4tS Pennant Mince S&W GLAZED WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT Prices Effective Tuesday and Wednesday, Doc. 4-5 Creator of A-"r A 9 (W?W r m staVH . - .Hm. vrr-? MLVCAi tut Mi Wright Selected as Assistant Newsman Named To Head Press Relations Thomas G. Wright, Jr., 36, mem ber of the Oregon Statesman news staff the past eight years, has been named administrative assistant in charge of press relations for Gov ernor-elect Robert D. Holmes, the latter announced Sunday. Wright's appointment is tho sec ond announced by Holmes. The first was designation of Harry R. Swanson, Jr., Astoria public rela tions man, also as an administra tive assistant. Oregon Graduate ' A native of Oregon, Wright was born in Sams Valley, Nov. 22, 1920. Ho was graduated from the Uni versity of Oregon in 194S with a journalism degree and had been employed as a writer-photographer for the Statesman since his gradua tion. . -v. WrlghO Is a member of Sigma Delta Chi. national journalism hon orary and Theta Chi social frater nity. He also belongs to the Na tional Press Photographers asso ciation. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, who reside at 3035 Hulsey. are active mem bers oi the Mornlngside scnooi f i a and the First Presbyterian cnurcn, Mrs. Wright is the former Mar guerite Wittwer of Eugene. They have three aaugmers, Suzanne, y, Patricia 5, and Sarah 3. World War II vet Wrlcht was a member of the U. S. Army from 1941 to 1940 and received the purple heart and the croix de guerre for wounds re ceived while on patrol and fighting with free French forces. Ho has been active in army reserve units In the Salem area as a cap tain. He is a member of the board of directors of Marion-Polk Democra tic club and was four years a De mocratic precinct committeeman in Ihe Salem Heights area. . , . Dick Alolse, junior and from Rensselaer. N. Y.. also is a menv ber of the Syracuse University basketball team. MARKET DELIVER rhonu 2-4140 . BEEF . Ib 12c 5c 19c 99c 39C 43c Meat . 28-01. FRUIT Cieltlea Heart laitlaf-laMlBg-lastlBg Pcrlasae Eaieaeea Five Va Golden Heart contain Fragrances - by EVYAN, creator of "White Shoulders"-for daytime evening-any mood every occasion . . .... 7.5 uiseiihefi? a ouiiiSTfm coiNit eae X901 tt CfNUt IJMNCH mm mm nv Section 1 Page 5 to Holmes Holmes Aide Thomas G. Wright, M, Tettraa Salem newsman, whs Suda was appointed administrative as sistant for press relations tor Governor-elect Robert D. - Hol mes. Bill Dede, now scouting for the Brooklyn Dodgers, was the Brook- lyn bat boy in 1916. Dr. Coif on Gel Rid of Those BAD TEETH Enjoy Better Health! Bad Teeth May Cause Rheumatism, Neuritis, Heart Conditions, etc. Consult M Personally DENTAL PLATES Artistic and adentlflcallT structed dental plate can re store that natural expression ny removing premature wrin kles and build ud droonlm and sagging muscles. Loo ounger and feel better. Come n tomorrow. CREDIT GLADLY Your Terms Are My Terms . . . on Approved Credit Make Your Own Terms Within Reason Dr J.J.Colton Credit Dentistry ' , Liberty and Court Sts. . Phone 7-0337 PLATES REPAIRED.. WHILE YOU WAIT Premier Ofxrit m mt - '!::, -) V-. - Z3'f ' i v, v. a - ,rj asl affl I in in anai 1 S'Vil '. tn'i o JlNS r!T ;sin9 -:;v.b. , K .:'. V'01-7 i OftJ HI) woli l(3l!l !f OI nil i' ?,: ll 5.5" , :iK.r.3 T trJI'C rs"st M '-CO 3-.:ia ;.- '.iir' 'at .crlr , (Ait 'A i; o' fllii? TirtS if i)i i!m .VIl.'v i lo rv'i li ;; U tr .mil !.!', w I! - 1,1 ' 11 - v-vi