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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 3, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section" I Pa's I now here is w you REDEEM' GREEN Grassman here A ROBERTS BROS. STORE m Hans Lculliold, Tillamook dairy farmer, named Pa cific Northwest "Grassmati of the Year" for 1936. Leuthold Is Hie second dairy farmer and Hie third Orcgonian to receive the lop farm award in its six year history. In 1952 dairyman E. F. "Sandy" Robcrls of Sunny side, Washington, won t h e award. , , Tillamook Man Given Regional Grassman Title Dairy Farmer Named Portland Chamber Contest Winner PORTLAND (Special) Hans ,Leuthold, Avho operates a 60 acre. dairy farm at Tillamook, Oregon, found grass to be gold in more ways than one today when he was announced as the 1956 Pacific Northwest "Grassman of the Year" by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. . . The regional winner received a special gold check for $750 and a large gold trophy from Wade Newbegin, president, R. M., Wade & Co., Portland irrigation equip ment manufacturer. Newbcgin's firm has provided the regional award for the Chamber's popular "Grass is Gold" program for the past six years. Leulhold' was selected from a trio of state winners Including Harry Noh, Rogcrson, Idaho cat tleman, and Claude "Cub' ' Bal melli, youthful Chchalis, Washing ton dairy farmer. Announcemenl was made at a Chamber luncheon here at which Wheeler 'McMillcn, Farm Journal executive, was the principal speaker. . E. C. Sammons, president, Uni ted States-National Bank, also pre sented Leuthold with a $300 award for winning first place in the Ore gon contest. Second place .Oregon winner, Alvin Wagenblast, Lexing ton 'cattleman, received a $200 award. Sammons also prseented large plaques to both Oregon "grassmen." The "Grassman of the Year" contest is part of the Portland Chamber Agricultural Committee's popular "Grass is Gold" program which was launched in 1950. Achieving peak grass production on his entire 60 acre farm brought Leuthold the region's top farm award. His irrigating, fertilizing a;.d grazing practices represent ex cellent grassland management Leuthold carries 100 purebred Guernseys, including 50 cows. But- terfat production from Leuthold s Guernseys has been 479 and 490 pounds per cow in the past two years. Coupled with this fine pro duction is an enviable blend of dairy type. His animals arc well known in northwest show rings where they consistently win blue ribbons. Among the impressive features of Lciii hold's grass program which he started in 1940 is his manage ment. He calculates his irrigation on the basis of soil and sou mois ture tests. Cattle pasturing is care fully controlled and liberal amounts of lime, commercial fer tilizer and barnyard manure are applied. His "grass mixtures in clude alta fescue. Akaroa orchard grass, Ladino, Red and New Zea land White clovers. Foreign Students To Tell Native School Customs The Candalaria Mothers' and Dads' club will have its mommy meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. There will he two Christmas carols sung by Ihe school choral group. Three exchange students have been asked to give short Informal talks on the customs of the schools in their countries and how they differ from our school systems. The three featured speakers are Anders Krykhnlm from Sweden. Asaslacia Michaeidcs from Greece, Akimasa Sano from Ja pan. "What the Christmas Seal Sale Means to You and Your Commu nity" will be the topic of a guest student speaker from South Salem High. Refreshments will - be served following the program by the fifth grade room mothers. There will be an all-family pot luck dinner held in the multipur pose room of the school on De cember 14. Dinner will be served between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. JAMAICA TRIP PRIZE LONDON in The mass cir culation Daily Mirror, which has bitterly opposed British military intervention in Egypt. Monday announced an essay contest on the question of what course the na tion should lake on the issue now. The prize: Three. weeks ir Jamai ca, where Prime Minister Eden lew li rating from overstrain. L J , itosM V i ' J ' - . ;;. --V ,. j&TS iHq' Lipman 0 1 J Now ready for your patronage... Lipman's sparkling new S&H Green Stamp " ; i redemption headquarters on the third floor . . . lugger, better than ever before. You'll find name brand, quality items for yourself, your family, your home... beautiful, wanted merchandise you get because we give you S&Il Green Stamps. Smart shoppers everywhere are saving S&H Green Stamps because it's easy, it costs nothing extra... and now because the premiums received are so spectacular. Come see the new redemption center soon, you'll love it! Save as You Christmas Shop With Green Stamps At Lipman's (a Roid, n,, se) Park Free With Validation