Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 3, 1956 Page iff section 2 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Polk County's Progress Has Been Steady Since 1851 By BEN MAXWELL Capital Journal Writer Polk county's federal postal sys tem, now nearly 107 years old, ha.-. a:?ht .ictivt )o.u ce- unci - a station or two of lesser distinc tion. A first post office was establish ed at O'Neal's Mill, four miles west of Dallas; January 8, 1850, The office was discontinued in Hi,'' . Polk count'-V oldct post office, now existing only as a structure. Is Nathaniel Ford's home, a decrepit Inndmark disap pearing in the brush just west .)f Rickreall on Salem-Dallas road. An office was officially establish ed here June 30, 1051. Establish Early System Actually Oregon's provisional government, in response to a loud but meager population undertook to establish a postal system of its own. As early as IMC, at two week intervals, a hardened and experienced rider covering a route through Willamette valley wilder ness left parcels of mail at Ford's place on the nickrcall. This as sociation would make Ford's house the first and oWcst nostof flce In Polk county. Biif. in 1848 this postal station had as yet re ceived no official blessing from the federal department. Today's post offices In Polk county are located at Dallas, In dependence, Monmouth, Falls City, Rickreall, Grand Ronde, Val sclz and McCoy. Perrydalc, West Salem and perhaps Balston have station ratings. Dallas Largest Post Office Largest ot these is Dallas, a first class office located in a new structure particularly designed for postal usac.o. Ori Blacl:. who started as a carrier here in 1040 is postmaster. The Dallas office has 15 employes including three city rural carriers. Black's of fice serves an area with a popula tion of $10,000 and postal receipts in 1955 were above $00,000. Last year cancellations on letter size mall exceeded 1,227,000. Carl Black Is one of those post masters whose hobby is slnmp collecting. He specializes on three-cent commemorative.'. But even he occasionally misses an issue. Dallas post office was establish ed Oct. 22, 1852 with John Lylc as postmaster. It has been in continuous operation for 104 years. McCoy, a fourth class office, is located In the country store oper ated by L. H. Nahouse. He has been postmaster for the past 10 years. Now ho is on vacation and the operation Is conducted by Mrs. Violet Merrick. McCoy post office was . established Dec. 19, 1879. Delivered by Hypo Mall is delivered fo McCoy by Hypo. Now Hypo in post office parlance is neither a shot in the arms with a hypodermic needle nor a chemical solution used by photographers. Hypo is an ab-r-roviatlr-n or M"'wvi"- rnil"!. flee, a truck operation that dellv crs mall to McCoy and many other stations on a west side route from Portland to Corvallis and re turns ear'' day. . Falls City office rates Ihird class with Richard M. Bowman as postmaster and with Joyce Mur phy for his assistant. This office has a general delivery service and 184 box patrons. Some ninil reaches Falls City by star route from Salem. Other mail from Falls City is distributed by Keith Purdy, a slnr route carrier; to Vnlscli and KinRs Vnllcy. Winn Fulls Civ poslnffico was established hack In 1885 the place was called Syracuse. The office was established as Falls City on Oct. 28. I8'.l. Monmouth Seeks Building Monmouth postoffice. I o e a t e d In the same building for the pnst 20 years and now seeking n new location, has had E. K. Gentle as postmaster for the past six years. Two rural roules and a city car rier service operated from this second class office. E. II. Van Loon is assist nftt postmaster, Monmouth, like other Polk county offices, anticipate a brisk Christ, mas business. But Clirislmns postal business at Monmouth is different. Much of the office's outgoing seasonal mail consists of gill boxes ot hollv shipped hy nearby Falracre Holly orchards owned by Jack Stump. A postnffirp -vns established n Monmouth on Feb. 15. mrii wih J. B. V. Iluller as postmaster. Economy Iteilures WMrn until nhoiit three vcars I'errynalp was a fourth class of fice with Mrs. tllnilys Benson .is postmistress. Then a stroke of (cc. ernl economy reduced the office In si ill ion Willi Mrs. Mi'iison tained ns clerk. Now the station has 36 patrons and a general de livery service. Perrydale si alum Is housed in decrepit building with a sagging roof and peeling ochre painl newly applied years ago when Ihe structure was Perry dale's passenv'- deout. Tvii'e each day Mrs. Kcison drives two miles lo McCoy to pick up her mail delivered there hy Hypo. Perrydale postoffirr was estab lished August 12. 1870: in 1880 Alex Patterson, an early settler, was postmaster. Today Rickreall Is a third class office wilh Mrs. Slolla Iwe as postmistress and Mrs. Anne An derson, clerk. Rickreall receives four deliveries nf mail daily by Hypo and star route from Salem and distrihules mall by rural car rier, Henry L. Slralev who serves 122 boxes on a 50-mile route. Be sides Ihe ofliee conducts a general delivery business and supplies mail lo 59 postoffice boxes. West Salem Rranrh Klngwood station In West Salerno Sr. IK l '-Map ft vl la mm a i t m ,mt t -i i ';?f . t yv Hypo, pnr.tofffce parlance for highway post office. Is shown here delivering mall to Mrs. Violet Merrick, acting postmistress at McCoy, a fourth class office. Hypo on its daily round trip between Nntlinnlnl Ford's old home, a decrepit landmark near Itlckrcnll, housed a pontofHce In 1851. Actually , a mail service established In ,1848 by rJi "fX. tart- wjt I tct if in - i I usiiiitawsnd r "is inamaiBraM ttr?f' i -Sb flT 115 Dallas postoffice, housed In a new and modern- an area with a population of 10.000 and In 1955 Istlc building designed, for postal usnge was opened did W0, 000 In postal business. It Is the largest In AiirunI of 1955. This first class office serves of Polk County eight offices. Fire Eater Applies for Gas Ration By 1IAI, U. COOPER LONDON -The Ministry of Fuel and Power was presented today with a burning problem, name ol Miss Priscilla Birt, 18. She only wants a gasoiine ration hook, but her need is gastronomic not vehicular. Because of that unpleasantness is a branch of the Snlem office with liwlon ttirod as clerk. In dependence wilh (lien Smith as not;v,p.sler is a second class office nuolwith n rural mule, city delivery and general delivery ns pari of lis operation. An ofliee was established here April ,1. Mf2 with Leonard Williams as postmaster. Mrs. House is postmistress nt i (irnnd Itorale ofliee established reb. 16. 18i',l Valsetz. a third class ollice wilh Doris II. Weaver ns postmistress, is a Johnny come Intelv among Polk county post. olticrs. II was established Nov. 0. I'.iJO, DlintlL' Ihn n;ivl In7 v.v. i-u t'ouivy Ims Kd M 'twslolfio's. i Knter'and I am billed with Duf. town, in a dark" 'alley. Stevens! Could Wf offstage lnushlcr be ; of St. Paul: Curtis C. Cramer, New Sincr won rural free delivery ami ! fy's Circus as Ihe youngest fire said he shot In self defense when'comlnS ,rom Ml!ls B,rl s P'ss bers, and Byron E. Hardenbrook. kood roads fur milnmnliv.. 'lr...,B i eater in II1.1 lniiin.uc i Unvn. wnnl fnp Ihn revolver hp ' BRent . i Jefferson. imitation have greatly reduced I the nuniher r'vnn Ihn nM...i nM J: timer did not get his mail at Plum Valley inovv Belhell closed in 18S3 or Spring Valley discontinued in IMS. Hut there are a lew old :imers still about who received mail at Zona and Kola hefore those offices closed in IP111. INSTRUMENT SALE Accerdient-Sava vp te J0 Band Imrfwmenli Save up te h0 lint Old Vialini-Savt up te 73 THE MUSIC CENTER 4IJ Si. System MB t: along the Suez Canal, which has cut off oil supplies from the Mid dle East, Britain is about to start doling out motor fuel in small squirts, commencing Dec. 17, Pretty Miss Birt tripped into the Chelsea post office last week to file her request for a book of cou pons which would enable her to get a share. The clerk asked her what kind of molor driven vehicle she owns, and whether it is operated for business or pleasure. Miss Bill replied that she does not own a vehicle, motor-driven or olherwisc. "Why, then, do you require a petrol ration? demanded ' clerk "I want to eat tt," replied Miss Birt. Pulling herself together, the ...7...J " . . : ... . .. .ui m ,P ,,. cure to ampmy ner explanation. U ..II " .h. c .ul "I .... L...! nmr.iGcir.nntK. n. 7t.r. II,.. L.. "The raw material lor the act WHY LIVE IN FEAR? Whan You Can Hav Modern Haaf Equal to What tha Caitlai In Scotland Enjoy For Only $15 to $20 Per Mo. BE SAFE NOT SORRY Wilh Vp to Dale Glass Radiant Heating Panels Tree Kstlnotrs Vf ry Special Price for December Phona 2 1300 1035 Broadway of Postoff ices Now Portland and Corvallis makes mail County postoffices. the provisional government left mall at Ford'a house. In this respect It was the first post office In Polk County. is about a tumblerful of petrol for each performance. Without Petrol my whole career will, so to speak, go up in smoke. "1 only need the cheaper com mercial grade," she added reas- Ex-GI Slays Fleeing Thief CUAlil.KSTON, W. Vo. IAV- A holdup mnn fleeing from n pawn shop wilh $227 in cash was shot holdup man fleeing from a pawn shop wilh $227 in cash was shot thtfito death by n man who learned , . . how during voria war u. ; A. R. (AD Stevens. 45-yenr-old! cx-Cl who clerks in the Pawn shop ..,i,i ii.. h u. n ni.r nrf l, hmi- In hnnt In Ihn .. "" O fll.,J Ihn I,.,,.!,! M il. P.rnn 11..-M n( Pharlpl.! had taken from the pawn shop. , .. :L : deliveries to a number of Polk Mrs. Stella Lowe, postmistress at Rickreall, a she has been furnished with a new typewriter, third class office housed in a structure designed adding machine, safe, filing cabinet and an elec tor postal usage, likes postal service. Lately trie fan. ' Three years ago Pcrrydale was reduced from a fourth class office to a station with Mrs. Gladys ltenson (at window) as clerk. The station has suringly. "The high tost stuff tastes too- much of lead. About three gallons a month would do." The post office clerk went Into a huddle wilh her superiors but it was plain that the Ministry of Fuel and Power had goofed. No where in the petrol rationing plan was there any specific provision for (ire caters. The post ofliee people passed the buck to Ihe district fuel office with the observation, off the record, that while Miss Birt was well en dowed in the chassis department it did not appear that she could - lalir- as a vehicle within the meaning oi inc reguiauons. ,o engine mstrict fuel officer got out m. und(,r by having Miss Birt " application with "car- ! r m veniCW CrossCfl out nnd "fire calor" written in. Th(. hP mailed 11 i0 the Ministry ' " " 11'" " iMiniSirjT ""U "All Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" V(r US IN OUR 121 No. HIGH - ,''4 Falls Citv poslofficc claims third M. Bowman, shown here with a postmaster. Fails City postoffice 18 Enlisted In Air Foree Eighteen enlistments were made through the air force recruiting of fice in Salem during November with nine of the persons being Sa lem residents, according to re cruiters. Pamela J. Baker, 310 Bellcvue, was the only woman to enlist dur ing the month. Re-enlisting were Lloyd F. F. Iluiras. (jury G. Morlan and Jack Roberts, all of .Salem, and Evert E. Seward, McMianville. Bruce P. Pntton. McMinnfille, enlisted as an aviation cadet to become a navigator. First enlistments were made by Jcrc J. Graudon, Ray El Lewis, Dale R. Sandwick, Donald A. Thompson and Alan R. Whitaker. all of Salem; Darrell E. Gohl and Gerald F. Strong, both of Stoyton; Theodore E. Frith, Kenneth H. Philpott and Clyde F. Wickham. all J NfW QUARTERS Zliomo) PH. 4-3333 107 Years Old class distinction with Richard mall bag on his shoulder; ai started out as Syracuse In 1885. 36 box patrons. Perrydale station Is housed In a sagging structure that once served as the town's passenger depot. Turner Group Plans For Country Store TURNER (Special)-Members of the WSCS of Methodist church will hold "country store" and dinner Saturday, Dec. 8. Dinner, smorgas bord style, starts at 5:30 p.m. and chicken, tamale and ham are on the menu. Country store starts at 2 p.m. and coffee and doughnuts will be served. Mrs. Arthur Robertson is baiaar chairman; Mrs. Richard Gwilliam, country store chairman; Mrs. Clarence Rosenau, dinner chair man, and Mrs. E. S. Prather. publicity. Those having articles for the country store are asked lo see the chairman. FURNACES Complete Installations Tree Survey & Estimate 3S Months to Pay Call Today 3-8555 Eve. 4-8790 or 4-882 OIL OR GAS Comfort Clean Thrilly Salem Heating & Sheet Melal Co. 10M Broadoay i ' if"' Dallas postmaster, Carl Black, Is shown here operating the can celling machine. He started with the Dallas office In 1940 as a carrier and has been postmas ter since 1947. He, too, is a stamp collector. E. K, Gentle has been post master at Monmouth, a second class office; for six years. Monmouth office does a brisk Christmas business with holly shipments ' from nearby Fair acres Holly orchard. 4-H Leaders Class Given New 4H leaders in the Hoover school district completed an orien tation class last week conducted by ijane Irving, Marion county ex tension agent. The leaders and their assign ments were: Mrs. S. H. Eskleman, Mrs. Lowell Holte and Mrs. Don ald De Ltsle. Cooking; Mrs. M. H. Drake. Sewing; Mrs. John Kolb and Mrs. Walter Crane, Knitting; Mrs. Lylc E. Showers, Forestry ana Mr. and Mrs. Harley Carlson, Woodworking. LEGALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Weston Biscuit Company Inc.. a Del aware corporation of Passaic, New Jersey, has filed its "Red Arrow" trade-mark for crackers, fljf bars, and cookies, with the Secretary of State. State of Oregon. D.3.10,17. ! CUT ENGLISH HOLLY ! A perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. Select holly branches filled with berries; hormona treated for lasting holiday cheer. Shipped prepaid anywhere In the U.S. Attractive gift card Included. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order now. No. I box 10x14x5 Inch $2.00 propeid No. 2 box 12xl8x Inch (plcturad) 3.S0 praptdd No. 3 box 12x18x12 Inch , 8.S0 prapcrid No. 4 box Erargraoni and holly . 4.30 prepaid Jj Mill and Phone Orders Gladly Accepted 8 1 F. A. Doerf ler & Sons 1 8 Nt RSKRY - LANDSCAPING - GARDEN SUPPLIES I J Open A.M. 5:30 P.M. Monday thru Saturday ! 2 2S0 Lancaster Drire phone 2-JS49 8 fiowffiKiTOvararaparawfaiiaiKHsnfajg,,,,,,, LEGALS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY A WATCH MAIN NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the Cltv of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its Intention to construct, install. and lay a water main e incnej in diameter In and along HAMMEL STREET from Lansina Avenue to the east city limits and MARCIA DRIVE irom Hammel Street to the north end of Marcla Drive, in accordance with the plans, spec ifications, and estimates for such water main approved by the Com mon Council November 13, 1958, which are now on file and may be examined in the office of the city recorder at the city hall and which shall be deemed a part of1 this no tice. That inct nf lavlnff itch uintap main In front of the property here inafter described will be assessed against such property, the council deeming the same benefited by the laying of such water main, to-wit: A Darcel of land described as be ginning at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hammel Street and Lansing Avenue and running east along Hammel Street 320.82 feet; thence north 100 feet; thence west 320.82 feet to Lansing Avenue; thence south along Lansing Avenue 100 feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of that tract de scribed in Vol. 314, Page 432. Deed Record of Marlon County, Oregon. A Darcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the north lin of Hammel Street 320.82 feet east ot Lansing Avenue and running thence east 122.49 feet; thence north 100 feet: thence west 122.49 feet: thence south 100 feet to the point of begin ning. being a portion of that tract described In Vol. 201. Page 27, Deed Records of Marlon County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at the southwest corner of the Intersection of Hammel Street and Marcla Drive and running north 3S5.6 feet; thence west 100 feet; thence south 335.6 feet to Hammel Street: thence east 160 feet to the point of beginning, and being a por tion of that tract described In VoL 462, Page 561, Deed Records ot Mar ion County, Oregon. A Darcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the west line of Marcia Drive 355.6 feet north of Hammel Street and running thence north 130.49 feet; thence west 10 leet; mence norm 10 leet; trance west 100 feet; thence south 140.4 feet: thence east 100 feet to th point of beginning and being a por tion nf thnt tract rioj:pHhiri in Vnl. 224, Page 39, Deed Becords bf Mar ion' County, Oregon. Lots 1 through 8. Almon Addition. Marlon County, Oregon. A oarcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street at the -east city limits and running west 418.9 feet; thence south 100 feet; thence east 418.9 feet; thence north 100 feet to tne point oi oeginning ana oeing a portion of that tract described in Vol. ?90, Page 50, Deed Records of Marlon County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the north line of Hammel Street at the east city limits, and running west along Ham mel Street 224.2 feet; thence north 100 feet; thence east 2Z4.Z leei; thence south 100 'feef to the point of beginning, and being a portion of that tract recorded in Vol. 479, Page 622, Deed Records of Marlon County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at the south east corner of the intersection of Lansing Ave nue and Hammel Street and run ning east Mlong Hammel Street 160 feet: thence south 51 feet; thence west 160 feet; thence north 51 feet to the point of beginning, and be ing that tract described in Vol. 253, page 434, Deed Records of Marion County, Oregon. A parcel' of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street 160 feet east of Lansing Avenue and running thence east 74 feet; thence .south 81 feet; thence west 74 feet; thence north 81 feet to the point of beginning and being' that tract of land described In Vol. 433, Page 64D, Deed Records of Marlon County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street '234 feet east of Lansing Avemle and running thence east along. Hammel Street 76 feet; thence south 100 feet; thence west 68 feet; thence north 49 feet; thence west 8 feet; thence north 51 feet to point of beginning and being a por tion oi mat iraci aescnoeu in voi. 253, Page 343, Deed Records of Mar ion County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street 310 feet east of Lansing Avenue; and running thence east along Hammel Street 66 feet; thence south 80.92 feet; thence west 66 feet; thence north 80.92 feet to the point of beginning and being that tract described in Vol. ' 443, Page 790. Deed .Records of Marion County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street 376 feet east of Lansing Avenue and running thence east 66 feet; thence south 100 feet; thence west 66 feet; thence north 100 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of that tract de scribed in Vol. 403, Page 448, Deed Records of Marion County, Oregon. A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street 442 feet east of Lansing Avenue and running thence east 66 feet; thence south 100 feet; thence West 66 feet; thence north 100 feet lo the point of beginning, and being a portion of that tract described in Vol. 420. Page 178, Deed Records of Marlon County, Oregon, . A parcel of land described as be ginning at a point on the south line of Hammel Street 508 feet east of Lansing Avenue and running thence east 66 feet; thence south 100 feet; thnce west 66 feet; thence north 100 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of that tract de scribed in Vol. 420. Page 178. Deed Records of Marion County, Oregon. The Common Council will, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., December 10, 1956. in the council chambers of the city hall, hear and consider objections, if any there be, to the proposed im provement, the size of the proposed water main, or to the inclusion of any of said property in the bene fited district. By Order of the Common Coun cil, November 13. 1956. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. DJ.4.8.