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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1956)
.f p. 1 Tpge 8-Section 2 I Honor for Seoul SHERIDAN (Specials Many wards were presented at the Boy Scout Court of Honor last week, by Scoutmaster Bob Wells. They Included: Van Keck, first class, and merit badge ; Wesley Bunn, second class; and Harold Levy, Ray Miller, Itonnic Wells, Bill Krauthoefer, David Jackson, merit badges. Receiving Tenderfoot rank were Jim Dclker, Kenneth Bunn, Douglas Stewart, Clare Wren and Richard Huntley. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 3, 1956 PI I I TIT! Watching Your Weight? Chew refreshing, delicious Wrigley'l Spearmint Gum. Satisfies you-yet it's 44 never rich or filling. Rebekahs to Seat Officers HUBBARD (Special)-New offi cers for Thalia Rebekah lodge will be Installed Jan. 8 when Mrs. Ethel Gibbs, president of the Rebekah assembly will make her official visit. The following officers were elect ed at the Tuesday meeting: Mrs. A. 0. Sodcrholm, noble grand suc ceeding Mrs. John Bothaum; Mrs. Clarence Vredenbdrg, vice-grand; Mrs. John Morrison, recording sec retary; Mrs. Harry Moore, re elected financial secretary, and Mrs. George Leffler, re-elected treasurer. Plans also were made at the Tuesday meeting for the annual Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 21. There will be a no-host supper at 6 p.m. followed by a program and gift exchange around the Christmas tree. A new thoroughbred race course Is being built in Florence, Ky. Yule Decoration Contest Planned WILLAMINA (Special) The fifth annual Christmas decoration contest will be sponsored again this year by the Kiwanis club, with cash prizes of 130 to be awarded. The prizes will be awarded to home owners with the most beauti ful and unique decorations In the Willamina area, with first prize winner receiving (IS; second, 110, and third, $S. The judges will be members of the Willamina Garden club. uc ceucn A I irn e l (JEmOWTWeoUSMTHS PKTUBE! I RECKON HE HAP COMETWN n OH MIS AMNP r COLONEL canyon; M30 WERE ID CALL THE LCtt ANGELES CPEKATttt! WOULD tCO LIKE ME TD ST WECCKTHK gTNo.peosABLV jusr SOME TELEPHONE PKANK5TCR FBIENPi OF MINE CM A PACT I'M eoiMa to urr tub 4AK-I' EXPECT- 1 1 1 1 1 im DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney sr.; Efe I ; J?' ristWATTHeaMALUEsr) 1,1 j JrA. I 6 you HAvef.PALVrv ' 1 J. W U? fi 4 1 m&m &km tjj! HENRY By Carl Anderson :." w i. ii i ' ii ' : 1 Mat1 1 ' 1 11 1 1 Id Q :ji I II l ; 1 i 1 S h-f-r-n - r 1 . I I TUIC (1AUU UAC TUP I t 1 ' t i Longest Tiu rS ',; I EL I 1 1 IN TUB W3W.D j ; . BMBMBsildBJtasWsM gMLMFJtR3d ; across si.Biuiud E3(k Sl&b. BPif R- HE3 !J . i.Typ stick cjaii mTejbj si glalAjiE ; , meASures J4. Things L A nEHC SM E ISBR R ' I i" ' I iTiT." occurring g r gBtr ufe El mU N 13. Order o( 40.Ruiniei CIaI I usBLjutNlACJ S Q -Lt BL A TlfJR A Nl a t Tsmi n Tfli 'r GlAlSUTlolDlAKUAlRlfZl ACROSS l-Typ , meisures ! 4. Two-footed t. Exdsmi. Hon 12. Kindled 13. Order of frogs 14. Snug room lh. Wing 16. Bitterness 11. Philippine negrito 10. female chicken 11. Part of a church 8. Woodland deities 14. Liquid measure U. Unreason able 9. Organ of slght Id. Dart 31. Billiard stick 94. Things occurring every 3 yeri 96. Steps 39. Alone 40. Russian sea 41. Winnow 44. Nothing 45. Inflicted a penalty 48. Gentle stroke 50. Finish 51. Obliterate 62. Greek letter 53. Beam 54. Tight 65. Conger DOWN 1. Old musical note 2. Like millet seeds Solution of Saturday's Putslt 3. Height 4. Bleat 5. Measure of length 0. Unadul. terated 1. Ireland 8. Father t F.xpert 10. German province l i 14 . ma If"1 ir i?r tt ti f0m$ ;4 " i?"IyFF "WW m"" v.i.i.i JL St 37 39 &?CTs1i 3' ?h.y.nt'. lFFj-H 4J Hi 7 P so X sT SsT 11. Genus of geese 17. Metal fas tener 19. Literary scraps 22. Exclama tion of disgust 23. Heavenly bodies 24. Ctrassv plots 26. Biblical character 27. Native metal 28 Negative prefix 31. Turtle dell cacy 32. Howl 33. F.nglish let ter 34. Tissue 35. Electrified particle 36. News sheet 37. Boxtnj ring 38. Confection 41. Combustion 42. Mohamme dan call to prayer 43. Cape 46. Allow 47. English river 49. Hindu cymbals M. nm as. Eagle to Visit SHERIDAN (Special) Clem Roskoskl, president of the Oregon State Aerie, FOE, will make an official visit to the Sheridan lodge on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. Phil Sheridan Aeria president, Russ Hutchinson, made the announcement this week. JOHN ORIt STRICKEN AMITY (Special) John Orr, principal of Amity Union hlch school, is in Veterans hospilnl in Portland, where he was taken early In the week for examination and treatment for an intestinal disorder. 7016 Ardle Edwards Heads Grange ALBANY (Special) Ardle Ed wards was elected master of Morning Star grange in the Mil- lersburg area at its recent meet ing. Other officers chosen are: Overseer, Ardcn Goin; lecturer, Mrs. Ardle Edwards; steward, Bob White; assistant steward, Kobert Richardson; chaplain, Mrs. Earl Mason; treasurer, Mrs. How ard Snodgrass; secretary, Mrs. L. W. Drager; gatekeeper, Wayne Richardson; Ceres, Mrs. Leighton Rohner; Pomona, Mrs. George Grenz; Flora, Mrs. Ben Silveira; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Rob ert Richardson; juvenile grand matron, Mrs. Wayne Richardson. On the executive committee are Howard Snodgrass, Lester Liles and Robert Groshong. Mrs. Rus sell Gott is musician and Robert Schmidt, captain of the degree team. Installation of officers will be held at the Crowfoot grange, Dec. PTA Council Sets Meeting MONMOUTH (Spccial)-Officcrs and members of Polk county P.-T.A. units havcbeen invited to attend a meeting of the Polk County P.-T.A. Council Thursday, Dec. 13 at 10 a.m. following a 9:30 coffee hour at the faculty lounge of the Oregon College of iLducition library in Monmouth. Unit presidents and County Council officers are to gather at 9 a.m. for a preliminary execu tive board meeting. Mrs. J. W. Slangs of Portland, president of the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., will be present at the meetings and ! sneak before the group. Mrs. Honert labors of Dallas, i president of the Council, will pre side at the business session. Build New Bridge BUTTRVILLE (Special) Resi dents nffected by the building of a new bridge on the Butteville-New-herg road have been assured by the highway department that fhe bridge will be completed by the last of December. SBDHmnn" Sri. "S n n w til A n" ran ftnit mitlcnc a U'intpr.wnrm set children will love! Easy, fun to knit in 3 colors; trim with se quins, buttons. Just 4 ounces of knitting worsted for hat and mittens jiffy knitl raitern 7016: directions lor sizes 4 to 14 years included. Send TWKNTY.FIVK CENTS In coins lor this pattern adr a cents foi each pattern ir tst-class mail inc. Send to CaDital Journal Miiiiseimm ,ris uepi , f u. mix 1S8. Old Chelsea Station, New York II. ! Y Trlnt 'nly NAME. ADDRESS. ZONE, AND jj rAUr.H.H MMBHt. Two FREE patierns printed In our ALICE IWOUKS Needle- craft book stunning designs for von. our readers' Doiens of other designs to order all easy, fascinating handwork' Send 75 cents tor your copy of thii.won derful book right awayl ji dgEAT gLOEVH rANP A FOU MR. ..Pit) Jl UZ MEAsHJ A LITTLES m fJ"J"Wff BE, VES.MRS. Jr UUHTlfiV fMEFHELP J COLONEL I NEW TWBU5M THS E LTwnu,FtiTEErfTr tck J if i lookeo -WSa,ItWEAt CANYON picruK.1 1 RECKOM 1 A Tnnmi euvw 1SU I Ifc Ml CiVAMUALJ tucpe HIT icu'T AtfiA UAVK I HE MAD COMETHIN Wl IN S At THE'CABLer r7 eW I WOULDN'T I ONE WHO ACTS LI!: 1 FUN? J f7 OW MS AAINC' 7 I 1 VV I YOU UKfi AA6 TO J 2 " - -- 1 1 A1 1 v 1 I I I M I 6ET MEK ON TM p . iij nail him mmr1 vvn I mrjfA'ti -r v innu lisT 111 If rfrCjjVl:',, I I r 14 l S 1 Uii T-TRl 1 kgw BEETLE! XWHCTDO XI IT ZlLS" ! ! V DAY TO Dial ANt 6TILL ) NO 1 ( STANDlNsl j &r HOUR : bpcbB 9 1 v is I SHOW THE MAJOR 1 I miSB MND.'- 'Jinn- m to re fnnwtiifesMike S!3ps A Sfafre.&n9t 5cffie Rffi fife ffl&f&t G!ff8 USSiy CONFOUND IT, ROPER ( HOW YOU SHAIcE HANDS WHAT'S THE IDEA JA MESSEMSER l-THE TIRE.'-YUU J S f WMAU' DON'T PUT THOSE I KGW WHAT KIND OF LUNACY JV BOY OF - Wr BOY FOR MIKE HASHED IT.'-lT yEAHttsi CISAJtETTES AWAY J KEX I4THIS?k XTXIS riK-swBA NOMAJSIR.yL-- ! -T JUST YET I KSLM i'vui ax T" n rmtj air rr -it n fr mmm mi kex YjMMffiastiHtidlUslMHsmBaiiiiW V I m. ' sT) M lilllNNUHIulIIIIillmffffuf I mW Bfe WX ( f aajjajMl KOCO wigarVi r . r y... isv K mWi ( Wg,PLr6,COsni!lTH6K f Wi YC) 7LVU MKC, I I V fKICNlT; irw 1 lioiv ItCOweHVOUPeiOPT Vt3UA!&U6W6lS5j V H5T6H AT yDU.'- I VOUPUplN' ItHBUiH, 'kex I A'rv4'Z12 4 V rA,7 V -Affl CTL "7 ns o koin B T 'mlZSj - "Ni A V -isn I " 1 I Ty T VJ V 7'",V - I HZ I I w' I aWlfrlV s T7'raT0FSF; u Zrr r sihrnrwyiv yvyj -six- 0 jC " -J . I I IT- l 'II I I k II y l rV. V I k'HAY .. rri rm4 RWiLi4i umi ra . 1 KSI.M 1 I U 1 ' 1 1 '1 P -I I OS?" u i I she savs -well;, 5StWL r-: AiMy , ' . o' here I soul I Ks,,M P ( I'LL TRY JU9T IMf f -u!,5 VLV'.a X- 17 efllP I I KOCO wrMflSiJiJU Mil1 II HOwKINHEBEA-soERj'- f BE I NOT- ? ITCI.7 R SOUES'O THAT - kslm SCRAGG9-HE.GOTTH' CMAHHSsTD- V J T yT"i PROVES ) I BOSS. HES REALLV EVER HAVE ANV I WAS HIT By V WHAT SI K-T.M0 Y HE MADE A f VEH, I DIDN'T 91 . y CyOVVJV? LKT Jrs,r OH L W f ,U..?ilfr'.ir RirTTHPNHFlUASpiCl-a)?Vj' x I v 1 5 J?! I 10tE K4THER EVASIVE, ACE X0 1 1 WHAT YptRM4rs 1 SNOW-P'M mHE?' -C-( TllV ' ? NOT, rTKA ? I W'LL ttrr PKE5S YeON6, A YOU THAT , ) Ti&yW'&? TV 1 KOCO YOJ VYEE ON IMDTO O'E OfY Y THE FONT, HOEVER.' y.JJI I MTucg f I lOllSSTVYN. MARTHA ' fjK-t f - TjJ- K(!AY THE PWSE, I WYFIIENP. A -r -rT- I I -nr- -l, -Jf lES1,? 5 uraKTHWi ssn i ("lit deism mmmtr iini fcBiat"! avw I mm K-ratai wswisseiiai( ' fclTt YtsTV urcr 7r THt" BETTER SAVE tM. L. 1 AND GIVING M A J I A -7 I WRTa" ?,AD0 PROGRAMS KBLM UN. KOCO M9t. OAT KOIN rii HOW tM. KEX U MONDAY P.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Bob & tUj News KliAl IveWB Ed Murrow McAnuJty Mut Newi-HiacKDn Bob tt Rbv Bob & Ray Sports Scope Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Sign Off News-Weather Tom Harmon Frank Gosa ,McAnulty Mua Olympics Tom McCall Bob HlacKburn Bob Blackburni Bob BIscKDum Bill Brundidfi.i News 'Sam Hay ISongs-Sund'n Songs-Sund'n Sonia-Sund'ti ILowell ThomaslAmos 'n' Andy Amos 'o' Andy MUSIC raUWK A'lUBIV News News Sports-Newt I Newa-Blackb'n Bob BlacKburnlBob Blackburn Olympics Gabriel Heater News Melody R. McCormlck Mel Allen Day Dreams News Robt. Q. Lewis Wsrld News Adktns Show Serenade Radio Rosary Concert iRumpua Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room IMelody iBlng Crosby Almanac iMuftc Mustc Mustc ILlfting ShadowlAdklns Show Adkins Show Rep. Rcundup Rep. Roundup News News Tune Table Telephone Hr. Adkins Show Dav Drtflml iRumnua Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room iRobt. Q. Lewis Robt. Q. Lewis Robt. Q. Lewis 1 Man's Tam, Henry Taylor People f Prbtmi lAdklns Show Vce. Firestone Vce. Firestone Ore. Resources Sweet & Swing IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Cap. Cloakrm. Cap. Cloakrm. iDance Time Dance Time IJlmroy Fidltr Ed. P. Monan (Music Rumpus Room (Tune Table Telephone Hr. -Adkins Show Fulton Lewis Newt 5-Star Final Richfield Hep. News (Music IRumpus Room jSports Desk Dance rime 'jess Mason Vews Music Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Chamb'r ForumChamber Forum Dance Time IDance Ttma Danceland IDanceland True Detective True Detective Mfilodies Melodies I Mus Midnlfht Mua MtdnlfM Dance Tim Dance Tim Danceland 1 'DanceUno News-Music nance Tim Danceland iMus. Midnight ' luance Tim IDanceland TUESDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Vail. Farmcast Farm News News America Farm Time News-Kp Time iVall. Tarmcaat Morn. Mag, KOIN Klock News R'dup Keep Time Hemingway News Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News IVall. rarmcast Morn. Mag. I KOIN Klock Listen Keep Tim Break. Gang West Jubilee Morn. Mae. Headline News Listen Keep Time rifff EnoU IFamilv Altar News Tunes & Tim Herb's Show Herbs .Show Consumer N'wslVaile News Listen JLlsten News-Kp Tfa.lfKt:ep Tim IBrAk. Gang West. Jubile (Morn. Mag. Goss News Listen Keep Time (Haven of Rest (Tunes & Tim ,nerD s anow Shelley Serend. Listen Keep Time News KGAY News KOIN Klock Listen IKeep Tim News News Herb's Show Wendy Warren Listen Breakfast Club (Kraft News (Clarlne Calling Herb's Show (Howard Miller Listen (Breakfast Club News News Herb's Show Nora Drake NBC B'ndst'nd Kay West (Tello-Test (Clarlne Calling Herb's Show )Ma Perkins INBC B'ndst'nd 'Bob Garrcd ;Newi West. Jubile KGAY News Babbit Show Fisher RdL Bob Hazen Haven of Rest Tunes ic Tim IKGAY New I Shelley Ser. Listen IKeep Tim Pastor's Call Clanne Calling Ross Show Helen Trent M.M.McBrlde Breakfast Club Bargain Clarlne Calling KGAY News Midmorn Newt Konnie Worth Breakfast Club Wings of Song Clarine caning iHerb'a Show Dr. Malone NBC B'ndst'nd 'Girl Marries Wings of Song IClarme Calling IKGAY News Aunt Mary NBC B'ndst'nd IWhispering Sts. IQueen a Day Queen for Day (Queen for Day lujarine uaiung jujanne uaiung luiarine waning Mrs Burton Strike It Rich Pi't Buttram INBC B'ndst'nd INBC B'ndst'nd NBC B'ndst'nd My True Story Paul Harvey Uack Paar I Chron. of Air 'News Top Trades IVall. Farmcart News Ifcasy snow iisasy snow itasy -snow Rollie'i RecordslRollie's RecordsiTown Crier IKGAY News News-Weather Com Get It (House Party I House Party Bob Franklin ICafe Lounge (Cafe Lounge (Women in Hs. Geo, McGowan igco. Mcuowan iceo.Mcuowan irarm nws News News Dinner Winnerl Happiness NBC B'ndst'nd My True Story Willatn. Mat iWUlam. Mat. (Wlllam. Mat. IWiUam. Mat. News (Easy Show Easv Show (Easy Show Rollle's RecordslRollie's RecordslRollie's RecordslKGAY Newt Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Tim Hilltop House Pepper Young (McAnulty Mus McAnulty Mul. News-Conrad ,Russ Conrad I Russ Conrad Russ Conrad ""Willam. Mat, Newt .WillamTMat. IWilIain. Mat News F.asv Show lEasy Show Easy Show Rollle's RecordslRollie's RecordslRollie's RecordslKGAY Newt Godfrey Time jGodfrey Time iRuih Ashton Weather-Newt McAnulty Mus.McAnut Musie (McAnul. Music McAnul. Muslt News-Conrad IRuss Conrad iRuss Conrad 'Russ Conrad Willam. Mat. IWlllam. Mat. I Wlllam. Mat, ITello Teat News (Easy Show Easy Show (Easy Show Koine s Records Rome s Records Route's necorosKGAY Newt Backstage WlfeOur Gal S'ndayiTake Thirty (Take Thirty McAnul. Music (McAnul. Music (McAnul. Music (McAnul. Muslt Russ Conrad Russ Conrad 'Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Fulton Lewis News Rollle's Records Art Kirkham News-McAnultyJMcAn Bob Blackburn IHemingwiy (Here's Answer (Sam Hayes Hum pus ttoom iitumpus Koom iKumpus Koom Rollle's Records Rollle's RecordslKGAY Newt Bddle Fisher (Newspaper 'Newspaper McAnulty Mus. McAnul. Music (McAnul. Musfe (Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn (Bob St Ray tSob St Ray Bob & RaT News IRumpus Room Rollle's Record ISign Off Ed. R. Murrow (News-Weather Olympic Games McAnul. Mustc News (Tom McCall Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn iBob Blackburn i Sports Final Rumpus Rj.n (Rumpus Room ITom McCall (Weath.-Sportt iBob Blackburn News News Spider's Hits Sports-News Elmer Peterson Bob Blackburn Bill Brundlge iSongs Sundown spider s Hits Lowell l nomas Music Bob Blackburn Gabe Heater News Melody Robt. McC'rmlc Mel Allen N. Sal.-S: Sal, News Robt. Q. Lewis World News Adkins Show N. Sal.-S. News Tune Table X Minus On Adkins Show INewareel ISongs Sundown Sign Off. lAmos 'n' Andy MUSIC (Bob Blackburn Sam Hayes songs sundown Amos 'n' Andy Olympic Games Bob uiacKDurn Sal, Eddie Fisher Rumpus Room Melody Music Arg. in Oregon N. Sal.-S. Sal. IRumpus Room Robt. Q. Lewis 1 Man's Family Adkins Show "(N. 5al.-SSal Hum pus Koom ITune Table X Minus On Adkins Show Gabe. Heater News 5 Star Final Rlchf'ld Newt News Big City News-Sport News-Music Dance Time Danceland Music Rumpus Room Blng Crosby Music jArg, In Oregon N. Sal.-S. Sal, Rumpus Room IWorld Tonite 'Dragnet lAdklns Show JN7Sal.-S.' Sal, , Rum pus Room IDo You Know IDance Time iJlmmy Fidler IMuslc Rumpus Room Sports Desk Dance Tim Jess Mason Big City Silent Music Midnit Dance Time Danceland IMuslc IRumpus Room Almanac Music Arg, in Oregon N. Sal.-S. SaL i Rumpus Room News Analysis Dragnet Adkins Show .N7Sal.-S. SaL HumpuB Koom uo You Know IDance Time Edw. P. Morgan News IRumpus Room Music IDance Time IDanceland Dance Party Hum pus Koom Good Evening IDance Tim IDanceland iDance Party IDance Party IMuslc Midnlte IDance Tim IDanceland Music Midnit Dance Time Danceland WEDNESDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Vail Farmcast Vali Farm cast .Vail Farmcait News Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KGAY New News America KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Farm Tim World News Listen (Listen Nevvi-Ke'p Tm.,Keep Time huvp Tim Keeii Time Hemingway News Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News Brckf. Gsng West. Jubilee (Morn. Mag. Headline News Listen (Keep Time Cliff Engl News Herb's Show C rummer News Listen Keep Time Family Altar Tunes A- Time IHerb'a Show V4iie iNewa l.uten iKccp Time .Brkfst Gang West. Jubilee IMorn. Mag. (Frank Goss Listen 'Keep Time Bible Init. Tunea & Tim L Ross Show Shelley Srnad Listen Keep -Time News West. Jubile KGAY News Harry Babbitt 'Morning Rep't. Bob Hazen "Bible Inst. iTunes it Tim KGAY News Shelley Sernad Listen Keep Time News Pastor's Call Bargain Countri ., ? c Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Clanne Calling Herbs Show (Herbs Show (Herb's Show iKGAV News Wendy Warren Howard Miller .Helen Trent Mid Morn Newt 5ten. . F!ten M M MacBride Konnie Worth Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club News Tctlo Test Wing's of Song iWints oi Snnt Clarlne Calling Clanne Calling Clarlne Calling Tlnrv Hvar ilL.rK'. ct,,.. i,r- a v v-.... mSS'b Ur?ke -kln IDr. Malone lAunt Mary NBC Bamistand.NHC Bandstand NBC in. ..;nd-f.' ' h- t. t.-rt Collet Time Bob Garrcd Girl Marries Whispering 1U. News Oucen a bay Queen Day bi;err i " ewa Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Clarlne Tailing Dinner Winner Dinner Winnei Route's Rccordi Rollte Recorde HaomnCSI Mm. Fturlnn tt m.k m.. a. .... NBL Randst'nd'NBC Randsfnd NHL Banon nrt NBC Handstand True Story True Story Paul Harvev Jrk Paar News WISHING WELL RfKiit.ftd U. S. P.lenl OSe. B 3 7 8 2 6 6 J 7 5 4 O Y S O NBHO t A E E O 3 2 8 t i 1 g 8 2 7 4 5 8 3 5 5 8 1 4 5 j 1 f RBNTJTtOAELH N S 8 i 4 6 S 2 I 3 4 g 5" AEH8NRH8E8 T t W 5 1 4 6 5 S 2 1 3" 4 ASH8URTUBB n E O J J, ?S & ; 3 4 e i 5 r CRMPOCLAWAOR O 2 2 S 4 5 5 i 1 5 g 8 V R D N 8 OB EYS TT8 TJKRE Is lilil. tame that will ttvt you a messagt evtry dsy. It Is a numtrlcsl puult dtslm.d to sptll out your fortunt, CounMhe letters In your first nmt. If tht numbtr of lett.ri Is t or mort, subtract 4. If tht numbtr Is less than t, add . Tht result U your key number. Start at tht upper left-hand corner of the rte. Untie and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. This rtad tht mtssagt the letters under tht checked figures jivt you. C ISM. l Wlit J. Hlim. BUIM(4 .1 KM r.... tiMM, tar. 12-J)